why is ethinc studies important​


Answer 1

Students who study ethnicities learn to value their own cultural identities as well as those of others.

Ethnic research ethnicity promotes intercultural understanding between white students and pupils of color.

It challenges us to discuss themes like racism, colonialism, the state of the world's political and economic systems, ecological destruction, health problems, cultural vitality, and our geographical areas of distinction and discrimination. Ethnic studies essentially invite us to act and think.

Our children can learn about their differences and similarities through ethnic studies. Civics can help kids learn how to work through their differences and find constructive compromises.

Let's learn more about Ethnic groups


Related Questions

explain why the Tswana people failed to archive any political unity during the 18th century​


This was once frequently due to questions of succession (kingship), drought and inter- and intra-tribal wars -that is, wars between and amongst Tswana social gadgets themselves.

It led to the disintegration of the team spirit of the Tswana human beings and the formation of many related tribes and communities.

What are Tswana human beings known for?

Tswana companies are mentioned for their potential to soak up foreign peoples, to flip strangers into 'their' people, and to do so barring compromising the integrity of their personal institutions.

Learn more about Tswana people here:


In Gibbons v. Ogden the Supreme Court

1. recognized workers' rights to organize by declaring that strikes are legal actions.

2. expanded Congress's power by ruling that trade on the nation's waterways fell under the commerce clause of
the Constitution.

3. recognized that workers have the right to organize if their intent is to improve their working conditions.

4. protected the sanctity of contracts against state interference.


In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court did option 2.) “expanded Congress’s power by ruling that trade on the nation’s waterways fell under the commerce clause of the Constitution.”

The Gibbons v. Ogden ruling was a court case decision resolved in New York that Congress had the ability to regulate interstate commerce. This meant states and smaller groups of people had less authority over their decisions and nothing passed without the permission of Congress or a higher group of officials.

4. According to Henry, what are the "means"
the colonies have to defeat the British?
(Paragraph 5)
A. knowledge of the land
B. plentiful natural resources
C. proof that the British have mistreated
D. people willing to fight, allies, and a just


The colonies have the human beings willing to fight, as nicely as allies, and a simply cause on their side.

Patrick Henry is urging the colonists to increase a militia to defeat the British and earn their freedom. According to Henry, there exist applicable "means" (Paragraph 4) that the colonies may additionally have to use defeat the British ie The colonies have the people willing to fight, as properly as allies, and a just cause on their side.

What is the major thinking of Patrick Henry's speech?

The central thinking of the text is that it is time for the Colonists to take motion against the tyranny of the British. This is explicitly noted in the textual content and can be implied through the many examples and counterarguments that Patrick Henry cites in his speech.

Learn more about Patrick Henry here:


Why did Queen Elizabeth sponsor Drake


Drake was hired by Queen Elizabeth I in 1572 to sail to the Americas as a privateer (a pirate who works for the head of a country), demonstrating her apparent confidence in him.


Despite not being a fan of Drake's wicked actions, her minister, Lord Burghley, did admit that he was a useful tool against the Spanish.

King Elizabeth made Sir Francis Drake what?

Drake was given a knighthood by Elizabeth I in 1581, which he was presented with in Deptford aboard the Golden Hind. He was elected mayor of Plymouth that same year. He participated in the successful engagement with the Spanish Armada in 1588 as the second-in-command of the English fleet as a vice admiral.

How did Sir Francis Drake and Queen Elizabeth get along?

One of Queen Elizabeth's most well-known sailors was Sir Francis Drake, who gained notoriety as a Spanish opponent and brought the Queen a lot of riches.

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10. How was the 14th amendment (equal protection of the laws) restricted by the
Supreme Court?
11. How did Ollie's respond to the new civil rights legislation?
12. How did the Supreme Court use the commerce clause to implement civil rights?
13. How did Ollie's owner feel about the decision now? What point was he trying to
14. Why do you think we use the power of money to regulate the equity of rights?
15. How did this case shift the government's role in regulation?
16. How does the commerce clause relate to the Violence Against Women Act?
17. What is the commerce clause's status now?
18. Concluding Question - do you think the commerce clause should be used to regulate


The Court serves as both a protector and an interpreter of the Constitution since it is the ultimate arbitrator of law and is responsible for assuring that the American people get the promise of equal justice under the law.

How is equal protection protected by the 14th Amendment?

In addition, no state may take away someone's life, liberty, or property without providing them with a fair trial or deny them the equal protection of the law if they are a resident of its territory.  No State shall pass or enforce any legislation that restricts the rights or privileges of US citizens.

What kind of reaction did Ollie's have to the new civil rights laws?

Ollie McClung argued that because Congress lacked authority to create this rule under the Commerce Clause, his restaurant could not be banned from discriminating against African-Americans in this early challenge to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How did the Supreme Court implement civil rights using the commerce clause?

The landmark United States Supreme Court ruling United States, 379 U.S. 241 (1964), established that the Commerce Clause gave the U.S. Congress the authority to compel private businesses to abide by Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or national origin.

What was Ollie's owner's current opinion on the choice? What argument was he making?

Restaurants in Birmingham banded together to support Ollie's in an effort to uphold its anti-black customer policy known as Jim Crow. On December 14, 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a significant ruling as a result of it.

Why do you think we govern the equity of rights using the power of money?

Money is the ultimate power in an economic sense because, as Clowder (2) eloquently put it, "money buys things. If you are willing to pay the price and have the money, you can obtain anything in a market economy. You must request credit if you lack ultimate liquidity, or the required sum of money (means of payment).

How did this case change the way the government regulates?

By encouraging competition, the rule aimed to prevent monopolies. It also forbade the setting of discriminatory rates. Its most effective measures prohibited railways from setting up special rates among themselves and required that they submit annual reports to the ICC.

How does the Violence Against Women Act relate to the commerce clause?

1. Whether the Abuse Against Women Act's section 42 U.S.C. 13981, which grants victims of gender-based violence a private right of action, is a legitimate use of Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

What is the current state of the commerce clause?

Amendment 10: The Constitution reserves all other authorities to the individual States or to the people; neither the United States nor the States are given those rights by the Constitution.

Do you believe that discrimination should be prohibited by the commerce clause?

The U.S. Constitution's Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 is referred to as the "Commerce Clause" and grants Congress the authority "to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.

To Know more about Constitution



The year 1828 was an ominous one for Native Americans because of the election of ____ as president.

a. James Monroe

b. James Madison

c. John Quincy Adams

d. Andrew Jackson


d. Andrew Jackson

The year 1828 was an ominous one for Native Americans because of the election of Andrew Jackson as president.

How was the theory of nullification a
response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?


Nullification is a controversial constitutional idea that has existed since the beginning of American history. It holds that individual states have the right to declare federal legislation or court rulings unlawful.

Which justification did many Americans use to oppose the Sedition and Alien Acts?

They were criticized for being essentially an effort to silence voters who disagreed with the Federalist party and its ideologies and for violating the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech.

Why were the Sedition and Alien Acts revoked?

Future presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison penned the resolutions in private. They condemned the Alien and Sedition Acts as unconstitutional and contended that they were unlawful because they went beyond what the federal government was allowed to do by the Constitution.

What constitutional provisions of the Alien and Sedition Act were broken?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which safeguards freedom of expression and the press, was allegedly infringed by sedition legislation, according to the Republican minority in Congress. The Federalists responded by narrowly defining these liberties in the manner of the English.

Learn more about the Alien and Sedition Acts: https://brainly.com/question/15420094


The war with France had been expensive and was
not yet paid for. How was the proclamation a tool to
help pay for the war?



The colonies were a vital part of Great Britain's economy. The British system of mercantilism depended upon their continued prosperity. One goal of the Proclamation of 1763 was to keep colonists from leaving settlements along the coast.


Experts help me i will mark the brainliest

If you were inside a "time machine" and went back to ancient times, what civilization in Mesopotamia, , India or China would you want to visit and return to? why?​


Sumer was the first civilization to appear. Other civilizations began to emerge around 2,400 BCE, adopting and expanding on parts of Sumerian culture.

Why is Mesopotamia important?

Nevertheless, Mesopotamia is regarded as the "cradle of civilization" chiefly because of two events that took place there in the 4th millennium BCE in the province of Sumer: the creation of the modern city.

The Tigris and Euphrates frequently flood, making the area around them particularly fertile and perfect for raising food crops. It was therefore a perfect location for the Neolithic Revolution, often known as the Agricultural Revolution, which got underway some 12,000 years ago.

Learn more about Mesopotamia here:



The Dust Bowl (1930 - 1936)

4. How did some residents protect themselves from breathing in the dust and dirt during storms?


People hung wet sheets/towels in front of all doorways and windows

What are 2 ways that the House of Representatives and the Senate are
similar and 2 ways that they are different?

1. _____





1. Both the House of Representatives and the House of Senators are elected by the public

2. Both Houses are involved with the process of making laws/impeaching office officials


1. The requirements to become a Senator and a Representative are different (for representative, you only need to be 25 years old with 7 years as a citizen. To be a senator, you need to be 30 years old and a citizen for 9 years.)

2. Senators represent the entire state, and representatives represent seperate districts.

Explain some of the factors caused people to move west.



People began moving west because of the ease of land acquisition and the railroads that attract companies to that region.


In the midst of the war, the representatives of the North, led by then-President Abraham Lincoln, fostered the so-called "March to the West", which was largely responsible for the migration of people to the West. The "March to the West" was a way of moving the population to regions of the country not yet occupied and, under the small property model, dismantling the "large property" project, promoted by the South.

The Westward March became an intense phenomenon between the 1860s and 1890s. The facilitation of property acquisition in the West, provided by the Land Law, or Homestead Act, 1862, contributed to this intensity of people seeking adventure of a new life in untapped lands.

The fact is that the "far west" became closer to US citizens in the second half of the nineteenth century. Westward migration also populated people's minds. The bloody wars with the Indians that occupied some of the regions, as well as the universe that revolved around the railway line, where the stagecoaches were and where the trains passed, produced the figures of the cowboys, the sheriff, the bandits and kidnappers, the brothels and many others. Not to mention the desert landscapes, typical of the American West

Which of the following were introduced to the Americas by the Columbian Exchange? Select all that apply.













Horses, sugar plants, chocolate, potatoes, sugar, tobacco


Correct me if I'm wrong

What is meant by the Columbian Exchange? Who was affected the most by the exchange?

I need at least 300 words or more please and thank you.


The Columbian exchange, which took place during the Age of Exploration, was a transfer of goods and people between the Old and New Worlds.

What was and why is the Columbian Exchange significant?

The exchange of illnesses, concepts, and food is referred to as the Columbian Exchange. After Christopher Columbus' 1492 voyage to the Americas, there were differences in demographics, agriculture, and climate between the New World and the Old World.

During the Age of Exploration, there was a flow of products and people between the Old World and the New World. It is significant because it promoted increased trade and food production on a global scale. However, it also had a bad effect on enslavement and sickness.

The term "Columbian Exchange" refers to a period of cultural and biological contact between inhabitants of the New and Old Worlds. Trade in plants, animals, diseases, and technological advancements changed the way of life of Europeans and Native Americans. It has Christopher Columbus' name and is linked to the colonization of Europe and the growth of trade following his trip in 1492. While some of the interactions were planned and intentional, others weren't.

Who was the Columbian Exchange most likely to affect?

Native American populations on most Caribbean islands decreased by more than 99 percent by 1600, making the region's suffering particularly severe. By 1650, populations had fallen by 50% to 95% over the Americas. The disease component of the Columbian Exchange was significantly prejudiced.

The Columbian Exchange was most advantageous to Europeans. At the same time when food imports from Africa and the Americas helped Europeans live longer, the Americas' gold and silver were transported to the treasuries of Europe. Native American farms were far more productive thanks to Old World domesticated animals. Numerous Native Americans perished as a result of Old World diseases like smallpox

Winners include Britain, which received the goods produced by the slaves who were sent to the colonies, and the plantation owners, who received the slaves and British money. The Africans are losers.

Learn more about Columbian Exchange: https://brainly.com/question/2206977


During the French and Indian War, Benjamin Franklin proposed the Plan of Union in 1754,
represented in this image, which would____
JOIN, or
or DIE.
Select one:
O a Establish a national law for runway away slaves
O b. Unify the colonies against the British
Oc. Create a standing colonial army
O d. Create a colonial governing body that oversees issues together.


A establish a national law for runaway slaves

How is the pledge of allegiance an example of nationalism?


The  pledge of allegiance an example of nationalism because it also focus on the unity as well as respecting the nation under any circumstances.

What is nationalism?

Ntionalism can be described as the term that ios been used to explain how a citizen is been elated to be identified as well as give support and interest to his or own nation.

It should be noted that this is the same thing with the pledge of allegiance  because they all focus on the unity of the country and in any form the interest of their country usually comes first before the interest of another country.

In conclusion nationalism is the act of having the interest of your country in the heart and have the ability to support the interest of your country in any under circumstances, which is the same thing as the pledge of allegiance because they both focus on the unity of the nation in all cases.

Read more about nationalism at:



The establishment clause would prevent



the establishment clause prohibits the government from a religeon the precise definition of establishment is unclear historically it means prohibiting state sponsored churches such as the church of england



Josie wants to develop genetically altered plants to help increase plants’ growth and resilience. Which level of education would best prepare Josie for work in this scientific field?


A master's degree would prepare Josie for work in this scientific field.

A Master's degree in Biology, Botany or Biochemistry can helpful for Josie to understand the life and structure of plants.

Botany studies the structure, resilience, DNA, habitat, and ecology of plants. Biology studies living matters and includes Botany in it as well.

Biochemistry studies the chemical process involved in the functioning and environment of living matter. These courses can help establish knowledge in the study of plants.

DNA and genetics study of plants is widely popular in Botany and biochemistry due to increasing demand of genetically altered crops and vegetation. It will further enable Josie to research and experiment on the genetics of plants.

Learn more about science here https://brainly.com/question/28178921


The economy of the southern colonies relied heavily on:
O A. the work of indentured servants.
B. hunting and fishing.
O C. the labor of enslaved people.
D. factories and manufacturing equipment.


The right responses are an option (a) and option (c). The labor of indentured servants and the labor of slaves played a significant role in the economy of the southern colonies.

What provided the economic foundation for the southern colonies?

The Southern Colonies' economy was based on agriculture. The majority of colonists maintained modest family farms, but others were the owners of sizable plantations that raised cash crops like rice and tobacco. Plantations employed a lot of slaves.

Slaves or indentured servants were there in the southern colonies?

The population of the colonies: Single, young, white men who were employed as indentured servants made up the majority of both the Chesapeake and the Southern colonies. The Chesapeake and Southern colonies began to rely more on imported slave labor after Bacon's Rebellion.

Learn more about southern colonies: https://brainly.com/question/18055613


Answer:the labor of enslaved people.

Explanation: just took it

Should the Declaration of Independence be interpreted as a promise that the government will protect the natural rights of all citizens, regardless of their race or gender?



yes because it states the independence is that we are own country

All people are given certain unalienable rights by their creator, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, according to the Declaration of Independence.

The fundamental ideas of democracy and individual rights are laid out in the Declaration of Independence. The protection of fundamental rights is stated to be the primary responsibility of the government in the Declaration of Independence.

Although race and gender are not mentioned expressly in the Declaration of Independence, it has been said to pledge that the government will uphold the natural rights of all citizens, regardless of their racial or gender identity.

As a result, the Declaration of Independence be interpreted as a promise that the government will protect the natural rights are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Declaration of Independence, here:









Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentence.
The roots of the radical progressive movement can be traced to the


The roots of the radical progressive movement can be traced to the Labor Movement.

Where did radical progressivism start?

Radical progressivism was a movement that could trace its origins to the labor movement of the Gilded Age which was the late 1800s.

The Radical Progressive Movement believed that the inequality of the country at the time was hampering the growth of the nation both economically, and socially.

They believed that the bad working conditions that people were subjected to as well as the increasing monopolization of industries, needed to be stamped out.

The first ones to call for this was the labor movement which led to the birth of Labor Unions such as the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL). The Radical Progressives could therefore trace their origins there.

In conclusion, the radical progressive movement originated from the labor movement.

Find out more on Progressivism at https://brainly.com/question/20114583



labor movement

Eugene Debs

Explanation: Radical Progressivism was rooted in the labor movement. Leaders of the radicals were Eugene Debs and Bill Haywood. Both Debs and Haywood were active labor leaders.

A series of Roman wars that took place


the answer to this question is Punic Wars

For each label, determine whether it describes the independence movement in Ghana, in Kenya, or both.
led by Kwame
led by Jomo
peaceful transition
of power
after 1945
violent Mau Mau
rebellion led to
former British


Kenya Independence movements:

led by Jomo Kenyattaviolent Mau Mau rebellion led to independence

Ghana Independence movement:

led by Kwame Nkrumahpeaceful transition of power

Both Ghana & Kenya Independence movements:

former British colonies and became independent after 1945.Ghana became independent in 1957 and Kenya in 1963.

What were Independence movement?

Basically, an independence means the state of freedom or self governance free of interference or control from an external party while a movement refers to a group of individuals who have united and combined efforts in order to advance shared ideas whether political, social or economic.

In a social sphere, the independence movement means an organized movement that is trying to gain political independence for some area that it thinks should be its own country. An example is the Indian independence movement, which was series of historic events with the ultimate aim of ending British rule in India that lasted from 1857 to 1947.

Read more about Independence movement



Question 5 of 10
Which colony agreed to be governed by the Massachusetts Bay colony after
previously leaving due to religious differences?
O A. Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
OB. Plymouth colony
C. Connecticut colony
OD. Province of New Hampshire


Answer: B


Province of New Hampshire

What was the name of the 20% tax the
Spanish crown imposed?
The Liberty Tax
The Royal 20
The Royal Fifth



The Royal Fifth


What impact did the events in the list below have on colonial Georgia?


The events in the list below have began an independent-minded movement on colonial Georgia. The colonists rebelled against these taxes and laws because they were unpopular with them.

How the colony of Georgia established?Georgia Province was one of British America's Southern colonies. It was the thirteenth and final colony to be founded in what would eventually become the United States by Great Britain. A small portion of the province's initial grant reached the Pacific Ocean.On December 22, 1696, in Yorkshire, England, James Edward Oglethorpe was born. He later founded the colony of Georgia. Oglethorpe started his military career in 1717, fighting for Prince Eugene of Savoy against the Turks after earning degrees from Eton and Corpus Christi College in Oxford.

Learn more about British America here:



The complete question is:

What impact did the events in the list below have on colonial Georgia?

• Proclamation of 1763

• Stamp Act

• Intolerable Acts

A) The caused rebellions by Native Americans.

B)They encouraged Loyalists to move to the colony.

C)They started a movement toward independence from Britain.

D)They caused increased settlement on the Atlantic coast.

Is the Missouri compromise was fair





The war with France had been expensive and was
not yet paid for. How was the proclamation a tool to
help pay for the war?


Why did the Native Americans in the American colonies help the French They wanted to help the French because they didn’t want to take the natives land and they were close for fur trade

When did Benjamin Franklin taxation without representation


Benjamin Franklin wrote the letter that had to do with the taxation without representation on 1754 to Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts.

What is meant by taxation without representation?

This was the term that was used to refer to the fact that the people on the American colonies were being taxed too much in a government that they were not a part of. They felt that it was unfair that they would be made to pay so much but in the British parliament they had no one that was representing them there.

Hence we would say that the taxation without representation was something that was written in the year 1754.

Read more on Benjamin Franklin here: https://brainly.com/question/509859


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