Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
La cabeza
La cara
La pierna
El brazo
La boca
La mano


Answer 1


La cara


Cara = Face

Answer 2

"La cara" means "the face".

Just review the vocabulary of the "human body."


La cabeza: The headLa cara: The face La pierna: The leg El brazo: The armLa boca: The mouthLa mano: The hand


Related Questions

Se tiene una fuerza hacia la derecha de 7f/18, con otra fuerza hacia la derecha de 19f/18, luego en sentido opuesto tenemos las fuerzas de f y 600n. hallar el equilibrio en el cuerpo.


The uno does Trevor Quattro cinco seis siege Ochoa nowve dies is the answer

Se requiere un valor de F de 1350 newtons para que la partícula se encuentre en equilibrio.

¿Cómo determinar la magnitud de una fuerza para una partícula en equilibrio?

De acuerdo con el enunciado, tenemos a un partícula en estado de equilibrio sometida a cuatro fuerzas sobre una línea de acción. Por las leyes de Newton tenemos que el equilibrio tiene la siguiente expresión:

∑ F = 7F/18 + 19F/18 - F - 600 = 0

8F/18 - 600 = 0

8F/18 = 600

F = 1350 N

Se requiere un valor de F de 1350 newtons para que la partícula se encuentre en equilibrio.

Para aprender más sobre las leyes de Newton:


Un _______ defiende a las personas en un corte. contador banquero abogado ingeniero


Un abogado defiende a las personas en un corte.

⇒ Traslation

A lawyer defends people in court.

To complete the sentence, you must go (Abogado).We can say that it is option "C".

What is a lawyer?

A lawyer is a doctor or law graduate who is responsible for the defense and direction of the parties involved in judicial or administrative proceedings.

See also in this similar task:

Un abogado defiende a las personas en un corte.

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{Explanation}}[/tex]

A lawyer defends a client who has hired him in court.

An engineer does not perform that function, nor does an accountant, much less a banker.

"Abogado" it means "lawyer".


Write the rough draft of your short persuasive essay. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Your rough draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements:

What to include in your rough draft Hint
Start with a hook:

☐ Write one question in Spanish to ask the reader if he/she knows an interesting fact about a natural disaster. Remember:

Use saber in the imperfect tense.

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to describe something that was being done because of the natural disaster. Remember:

Use one progressive tense verb in the preterite tense, or imperfect tense.
First fact:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember:

Use one persuasive phrase.

Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.
Second fact:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish that provides a call for action that you would like your reader to take. Remember:

Use one persuasive phrase.

Use one progressive tense verb in the present tense, preterite tense, or imperfect tense.


¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuantos huracanes acechan en el mundo? Este año hay 21 huracanes activos, ¡con sus propios nombres! Los huracanes destruyen gran parte de un país, con daños irreparables. Donar a la gente que ha perdido todo lo que tenía, es un buen acto. Con cosas pequeñas puedes hacer grandes actos. Ayuda a los afectados de los huracanes. ¡Te necesitamos!

This is a text that contains a rhetorical question, as well as some persuasive phrases for the reader to empathize and help the people affected by a "huracán" (hurricane).

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{What \: is \: a \: \: persuasive \: phrase?}}[/tex]

A persuasive sentence is one that tries to convince the reader to do an action or know some information.


¿Qué____ tarea? Fill in the blank
B. Repite
C. Se llama
D. Habla
Which one is correct. I need help


The answer is (A) because the rest don't make sense
Que SIGNIFICA tarea.

Select the correct answer
Which of these statements is true of a home mortgage?
Para comprar una casa grande, no se necesita dinero.
Después de terminar de pagar una hipoteca, se puede ser el dueño de la casa.
Se necesita pagar dinero a tu mamá todos los meses.
No se puede vivir en la casa por muchos meses.


All the sentences are odd for the question asked, the letter B is the most suitable.
B, because is talking about how you need money for a house

El pastel de cumpleaños me trajo mi abuela es delicioso. Más le gusta a mi abuela es celebrar los cumpleaños de sus nietos. Las fiestas organiza mi abuela son muy divertidas. Nos encanta de sus fiestas es que nos reímos mucho.


El pastel de cumpleaños _que_ me trajo la abuela _estaba_ delicioso. _Lo que_ más le gusta a la abuela es celebrar los cumpleaños de sus nietos Las fiesta _que__ organiza,mi abuela.

sin muy divertidas. _Lo que más_ nos encanta de sus fiestas es que nos reímos mucho.

El pastel de cumpleaños que me trajo mi abuela es delicioso. Lo que más le gusta a mi abuela es celebrar los cumpleaños de sus nietos. Las fiestas que organiza mi abuela son muy divertidas. Lo que más nos encanta de sus fiestas es que nos reímos mucho.

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{Explanation}}[/tex]

"Que" in this case is a relative pronoun, which functions as the subject.


what is imperfect tense


Answer:The imperfect (imperfecto) is one of the two simple past tenses in Spanish. It is used for ongoing or recurrent actions in the past. It is also used for descriptions, states of being, and for providing background information about the past.


he has them (feminine)



el las tiene

hope this helps

El las tiene :is the answer

Lazarillo de Tormes fue escrito en España durante el siglo XVI por un escritor anónimo. El libro describe las aventuras de un niño llamado Lazarillo. El siguiente es un pasaje del capítulo uno de este libro.

*NOTE* Grammar and spelling of this excerpt have been left intact to reflect the true work of the author.

Capítulo 1

Cuenta Lázaro su vida, y cuyo hijo fue.

Pues sepa vuestra merced⁰, ante todas cosas, que a mí me llaman Lázaro de Tormes, hijo de Tomé González y de Antonia Pérez, naturales de Tejares, aldea¹ de Salamanca. Mi nacimiento fue dentro del río Tormes, por la cual causa tomé el sobrenombre, y fue desta manera. Mi padre, que Dios perdone, tenía cargo de proveer una molienda de una aceña² desta ribera³ de aquel río, en la cual fue molinero más de quince años. Y estando mi madre una noche en la aceña, preñada⁴ de mí, se puso de parto y parióme⁵ allí. De manera que con verdad me puedo decir nascido en el río.

⁰ your grace: archaic formal greeting
¹ village; town
² hydraulic grain mill
³ riverbank
⁴ pregnant with
⁵ gave birth

Según la corta introducción que has leído, ¿por qué se llama Lázaro de Tormes?

Your response must be detailed and complete in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) message delivery/comprehension, (b) control of target grammar structures, (c) pronunciation, (d) control of target vocabulary, and (e) task completion per the World Languages Speaking Rubric.

The answer must be in Spanish Btw. Thank you for your help.


Se llama "Lázaro de Tormez" porque en el texto nos explica que su padre trabajaba en un molino harinero de agua. Entonces, un día, la madre tuvo que parir en la aceña, casi al lado del río. Por eso él se nombra "Lázaro de Tormes".

I translate the text in English for you to understand:

His name is "Lázaro de Tormez" because in the text he explains that his father worked in a water flour mill. Then, one day, her mother had to give birth in the mill, almost next to the river. That is why he is named "Lázaro de Tormes".



Se llama "Lázaro de Tormez" porque en el texto nos explica que su padre trabajaba en un molino harinero de agua. Entonces, un día, la madre tuvo que parir en la aceña, casi al lado del río. Por eso él se nombra "Lázaro de Tormes".


Part B
Update your Grammar Guide here:
Grammar Guide
When to Use
When Not to Use
ir a (verb) going to to describe actions that will take place in the future when describing actions in the present or the past


Some examples of Spanish words that can be used in the box are: fui, casar, gato hidráulico, tranquilizante.

When can you use some words in Spanish?

Some words in Spanish must have a very well defined context, because they can have a specific use, as shown below:

1. Word: fui

Meaning: I wasWhen to Use: When talking about what that same person was in the past.When Not to Use: Refer to going somewhere in the past tense.

2. Word: casar

Meaning: To marryWhen to Use: When two people unite their lives through marriage.When Not to Use: Mention animal hunting.

3. Word: Gato hidráulico

Meaning: hydraulic jackWhen to Use: When referring to the tool to change the tires.When Not to Use: refer to the pet.

4. Word: Tranquilizante

Meaning: tranquilizerWhen to Use: Medication to make a person or animal calm.When Not to Use: Mention the person who reassures another.

By using these words together with those uses, you will be able to get a more specific idea about the proper use of Spanish.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link:


Research and write a short biography in Spanish of a famous poet from Spain or a poet who writes primarily in Spanish. Include some descriptive details and examples of the poet’s work.


Name: Antonio Machado Ruiz

Antonio Machado Ruiz es un poeta español que revolucionó de la generación del 98. Antonio Machado nació en Sevilla en la fecha del 26 de julio de 1875. Más tarde empezaría en su infancia con sus primeros poemas. Después, se casaría con su mujer llamada Leonor Izquierdo. Después de haber triunfado en la literatura; se fue a Francia a vivir durante sus últimos años hasta descansar en paz. Finalmente, murió el 22 de febrero de 1939, con solo 63 años.

This is a short biography of the Sevillian poet Antonio Machado.

I have written the biography in English for you to understand better:

Antonio Machado Ruiz is a Spanish poet who revolutionized the generation of 98. Antonio Machado was born in Seville on the date of July 26, 1875. Later he would start in his childhood with his first poems. Later, he would marry his wife named Leonor Izquierdo. After having triumphed in literature; he went to France to live during his last years until he rested in peace. Finally, he died on February 22, 1939, only 63 years old.


teniendo en cuenta las caracteristicas de la literatura de terror ¿que rasgos se encuentran en la obra "otra vuelta de tuerca"?


si la respusta es en la mente

how much/how many? (When asking about a SINGULAR thing)

how much/how many? (When asking about PLURAL things)

Please translate


The correct form to use the question words how much and how many is: how much is used when is a singular thing and how many when it is a plural thing.

How to use the How Much and How Many in Spanish?

These forms of questions have the next translations into Spanish:

How much: Cuánto / CuántaHow many: Cuántos / Cuántas

The how much is used to mention nouns that are usually mentioned in the singular, such as liquids or those that require mentioning their measure first, such as rice or sugar.

For its part, how many is used to mention those nouns that can be easily counted with cardinal numbers, so its applicability is usually focused on plurals.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link:


Use the internet to research travel planning and booking websites to organize a trip to the Spanish-speaking city of your choice. Then, record yourself talking about a sample day in the life of your travels.

Use the future tense in Spanish (Yo volaré a Buenos Aires, Argentina) as well as the present tense ir + a + infinitive structure to tell what you are going to do during your travels (Yo voy a aprender el tango).

Track how much money it will cost for travel and accommodation. Traveling is worth it, so start saving!

(1) Search travel costs round trip (by car, plane, or bus) to a Spanish-speaking city of your choice on the dates of your choice using an online travel booking site.

(2) Find a place to stay in the accommodation of your choice (hotel, hostel, bed & breakfast) for a minimum of 1 night. Record the cost per night.

(3) Research travel sites to find a local restaurant serving authentic dishes and view the menu. Choose a minimum of 1 meal.

(4) Find the top visited tourist destinations in the Spanish-speaking city of your choice and find one that appeals to you. Choose a minimum of 1 activity.

Then, talk about your travel plans.

Record a description of your travel and expense plan. Include the name of the place where you will stay, how much your plane ticket will cost, the restaurant where you will eat, what you will eat, and what activity you will do.

Your response must contain a minimum of 10 complete and detailed Spanish sentences.

Tip: Use the verb costar to talk about how much something costs.
The verb volar means to fly. A flight is un vuelo, and a round trip is una ida y vuelta.
When talking about where you stay, as in a hotel or hostel, use the reflexive verb phrase quedarse en.


La travel era data espana y despise Mexico the money cost is $20

This is a text about doing a trip to a country where Spanish is spoken:

Visitaré Playa del Carmen, México en julio. El pasaje de avión me costará aproximadamente 500 dólares y me quedaré en un hotel all-inclusive. Son hoteles muy grandes que incluyen todas las comidas del día y tienen la playa en el mismo lugar.

En esa área de México, visitaré Chichen Itza, un lugar muy importante para la historia y cultura del país. Estaré muy emocionada por conocer cómo vivían allí. También disfrutaré de los cenotes. ¡Será increíble!

La comida de México será picante pero me emociona probar tacos originales y nachos con guacamole. Además de beber cerveza mexicana. ¡Ya quiero que llegue julio!

How do you use the future tense?

In this exercise, you have to write a text using the future tense and describing your trip to a Spanish speaking country. In this case, I chose to write about Playa del Carmen, in Mexico.

The Spanish future tense (futuro simple in Spanish) is used when you want to talk about what will happen or shall happen.

Chekc more information about the future tense here


Marta____________baja. *


Marta es baja.

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{Explanation}}[/tex]

When we want to describe something or someone physically, we use the verb "ser" (to be). In this case the verb is in the present indicative.

Present indicative of the verb "ser" (to be):

Yo soyTú eresUsted esÉl esElla es Nosotros/as somosVosotros/as sois Ustedes sonEllos/as son





Marta es baja.


Cometario crítico sobre la noche boca arriba



el tema de la historia es que los sueños realmente se hacen realidad... y los sueños pueden convertirse en tu realidad. eso es exactamente lo que sucedió en esta historia. el protagonista está tratando de huir de la fea verdad y su "sueño" es en realidad su "realidad". y su "realidad" es en realidad su "sueño

El papá de Juanito exige que su hijo ________(hacer) sus tareas con excelencia?


El papá de juanito exige que su hijo HAGA sus tareas con excelencia
I wish it help you :)


El papá de juanito exige que su hijo HAGA sus tareas con excelencia


Hope it helps :)

Final Draft Essay help


To write the requested story and with the parameters given by the images, a dragon will be chosen as the main character.

How to elaborate a story based on established parameters?

To develop a story, you must first look at all the parameters that are requested, such as the main character, which in this case will be a dragon. Taking into account the requested descriptions, the story could be:

"Érase una vez, un gigantesco y amistoso dragón naranja que surcaba los cielos, el cual vivía en unas ruinas antiquísimas. Su mejor amiga era una doncella bellísima, cuyo padre fue el guerrero más fuerte de ese reino, un héroe que un día tuvo que dar su vida por su nación.

Al dragón le encantaba escuchar la voz melodiosa de su amiga y, aunque un poco apartados de la civilización, los dos amigos vivieron felices por siempre."

As you can see in the text, the different regular or superlative adjectives are fulfilled, as well as the conjugation of verbs in imperfect tense.

If you want to learn more about Imperfect Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:


Los españoles peninsulares que llegaron a Sudamérica para conquistarla se llamaban ___________________.



Los españoles peninsulares que llegaron a Sudamérica para conquistarla se llamaban conquistadores.

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{Explanation}}[/tex]

They are called "conquistadores" because they conquer a territory that is not theirs. In addition to:

Conquistador ⇝ Conquistar


Los españoles peninsulares que llegaron a Sudamérica para conquistarla se llamaban conquistadores .

The correct option is "C" (Conquistadores)

The conquerors, were groups of soldiers, or other organizations, who took territory from foreigners, through war. That is why they are called "Conquerors."

In some cases of conquest, it occurred when a king gave the order to attack the other kingdom, for it to take control of it.

See more about the conquest in:

{ Pisces04 }

Llena el espacio la respuesta correcta.
Santo Tomás es una iglesia famosa de
y tiene dieciocho escalones.



la iglesia en Asturias, España, véase Iglesia de Santo Tomás (Coro). Para otra iglesia en Asturias, España, véase Iglesia de Santo Tomás de Cantorbery (Avilés).Iglesia vista en 2009.La Iglesia de Santo Tomás es una iglesia católica romana en Chichicastenango, Guatemala. Está ubicado en la plaza de mercado del pueblo que es conocida por su cerámica y contiene el Museo Regional de Chichicastenango. Fue construido alrededor de 1545 sobre la plataforma de un templo precolombino, y los escalones que originalmente conducían a un templo de la civilización maya prehispánica siguen siendo venerados.


espero que esto ayude

Marissa and her friends are saying good-bye after a party. Can you think
of five different expressions they might use? The first one has been done
for you.
1. Marissa: Tengo que irme.
2. Carlos:
3. Alexis:
4. Reba:
5. Zula:



Carlos: Vale, ¡nos vemos pronto!

Alexis: ¡Nos vemos más tarde!

Reba: Adiós!

Zula: ¡Nos vemos en otro momento!


cus yo hablo espanol

The person above is correct

Write a short story in Spanish about someone, real or imaginary, who offers a public or commercial service in your hometown. In your story, include information about the following:

who the main character is and what he or she does
how the main character relates with others in your town
a plot about this character having difficulties related to his or her job, and how he or she solves the problem (for example, a shop owner is being forced out of business because of difficulties competing with online services and starts advertising more to generate business)


This is how to write a short story in Spanish:

When you need to write a story in Spanish, the first step is to order the main information you want to include. In this case, you can write down your main character, the public or commercial service they offer, the main problem of the story in relation to their business and, finally, how they solve it.

Once you have your list with your key words in Spanish, you can start writing your short story, paying attention to grammar, punctuation and coherence.

How do you complete a Spanish writing exercise?

Spanish writing activities are necessary to improve your language skills. It helps you add vocabulary to your everyday life and it allows you to be also better at reading comprehension exercises.

In this case, you have to use Spanish vocabulary related to offering a public or commerical service. For example, some words that can be helpful in Spanish are: servicio (service), comercio (business), vender (sell), pagar (pay).

Check more information about Spanish grammar here


Fill in the blank with the correct form of "ser" or "estar".

Mi amiga y yo _____ en la casa.





The correct answer is 'estamos'
'ser' or 'estar' doesn't make any sense in that sentence

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of
the verb in parentheses. Remember you
will need a pronoun AND a verb in the


Answer: levantan, visten, maquillan


my two years of middle school spanish let's go


Los estudiantes se levantan muy temprano para llegar a la escuela a tiempo.

Las chicas se visten y se maquillan antes de salir por la noche.


Choose the correct demonstrative word or phrase.
_____ es nuestro.


Ese es nuestro.

Hope this will help


О Ese.


Ese es nuestro.


No me gusta correr con
rojos Son incómodos. Para competir prefiero los zapatos cómodos.


I don't like running in reds. They're uncomfortable. To compete I prefer comfortable shoes


I don't like running in reds. They're uncomfortable. To compete I prefer comfortable shoes

Complete the sentences with the correct definite article.

1. Son
2. Son
3. Son
4. Es
5. Es
6. Son
papas fritas



Son los helados.Son los refrescos.Son las pizzas.Es el jugo.Es la fruta.Son las papas fritas.



1. los

2. los

3. las

4. el

5. la

6. las


To do this, you need to pay attention to both gender and number. Feminine words end in a, while masculine words end in o, and plural words have an s on the end.

La - feminine singular, El - masculine singular, Las - feminine plural, Los - masculine plural

Brainliest, please :)

Read the folowing dialogue carefully. Then answer the following question.

Pablo: Hola, me llamo Pablo.

Luisa: Me llamo Luisa. Mucho gusto. ¿Cómo estás?

Pablo: Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?

Luisa: Muy bien, gracias. Hasta luego.

Pablo: Adiós.

Decide if the following statement is True or False.

Luisa and Pablo are glad to meet each other.



True ⇝ Luisa and Pablo are glad to meet each other.

[tex] \boxed{ \bold{Explanation}}[/tex]

In the dialogue we can see that there are many compliments between people. For example:

Mucho gusto Gracias MissSpanish
true. both pablo and luisa use appropriate language, such as mucho gusto which means “nice to meet you” and they suggest to one another they’ll meet again by saying “hasta luego”

Señores, por favor . (reciclar) sus botellas de vidrio
A. reciclen
B. reciclan
C. reciclamos
D. recicla


The answer to the question is A
A) Reciclen

Trust me :)

Escoge la respuesta correcta. ¿Qué se celebra en Ecuador el 12 de febrero? El día de la sierra. El día de la independencia. El día de la amazonía ecuatoriana. El día de las madres.


Answer: el dia del este for u people who english the question was Choose the correct answer. What is celebrated in Ecuador on February 12? The day of the mountains. Independence Day. The day of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Mother's Day. the answer is the day of the east


Other Questions
A high school senior applies for admission to college A and to college B. He estimates that the probability of his being admitted to A is .7, that his application will be rejected at B with probability .5, and that the probability of at least one of his applications being rejected is .6. What is the probability that he will be rejected to at least one of the colleges Are isotopes similar to ions, yes or no? ________________ analyzes how we choose to use our resources on an aggregate (national)level and includes measures of performance such as inflation, unemployment, and federal government expenditures. ________________ analyzes how we choose to use our resources on an aggregate (national)level and includes measures of performance such as inflation, unemployment, and federal government expenditures. Monica is an agent focused on serving seniors eligible for Medicare. As she reviews her records, she is trying to determine which of the following items are considered compensation. What do you tell her? Public policy ________. Select one: a. requires multiple actors and branches to carry out b. is typically made by one branch of government acting alone c. focuses on only a few special individuals d. is more of a theory than a reality An icicle with a diameter of 15.5 centimeters at the top, tapers down in the shape of a cone with a length of350 centimeters.a. Ice has a density of 0.93 grams per cubic centimeter. Find the mass of the icicle to the nearest gram.b. On a warm day, the icicle begins to melt. In the first hour, its diameter decreases about 0.7 centimeter in the first hourand its length decreases by 15 centimeters. How many cubic centimeters of ice melt in the first hour?c. The icicle's dimensions continue to decrease at a constant rate. A bucket with a diameter of 25 centimeters and aheight of 30 centimeters is placed to catch the water as it drips from the melting icicle. Will the bucket overflow afterthe icicle has been melting for 5 hours? Explain. HELP PLEASE How do nutrition experts come to a consensus in order to formulate health promoting guidelines to the public Read this excerpt from Poor Harold.A room in Washington Square South. By the light of a candle, a young man in tousled hair and dressing gown is writing furiously at a little table. A clock within strikes seven.A door at the back opens, and a young woman looks in, sleepily. She frowns. The young man looks up guiltily.SHE. What are you doing?HE. (innocently) Writing.SHE. So I see. (She comes in, and sits down. It may be remarked that a woman's morning appearance, in dishabille, is a severe test of both looks and character; she passes that test triumphantly. She looks at the young man, and asks) Poetry?HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .SHE. (continues to look inquiry).HE. (finally) A letter. . . .SHE. (inflexibly) To whom?HE. (defiantly) To my wife!SHE. Oh! That's all right. I thought perhaps you were writing to your father.HE. (bitterly) My father! Why should I write to my father? Isn't it enough that I have broken his heart and brought disgrace upon him in his old age SHE. Disgrace? Nonsense! Anybody might be named as a co-respondent in a divorce case.HE. Not in Evanston, Illinois. Not when you are the local feature of a notorious Chicago scandal. Not when your letters to the lady are published in the newspapers. Oh, those letters!SHE. Were they such incriminating letters, Harold?HAROLD. Incriminating? How can you ask that, Isabel? They were perfectly innocent letters, such as any gentleman poet might write to any lady poetess. How was I to know that a rather plain-featured woman I sat next to at a Poetry Dinner in Chicago was conducting a dozen love-affairs? How was I to know that my expressions of literary regard would look like love-letters to her long-suffering husband? That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless.Which excerpt uses direct characterization?The young man looks up guiltily_.HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .HE. 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