Its about the twelve days of Christmas by Colin Nissan but, it won't allow me to paste the writing.

1. By the end of the 12 days, how many animals (non-human) has True Love given the King?
2. In total, how many birds did the King receive from True Love?
3. How many people showed up to live with the King in his studio apartment?
4. Considering that the average animal “goes” an average of five times per day, how many piles of poop has the King had to clean up at the end of Day 12?
5. If the average egg-laying bird lays 2 eggs per day, how many eggs does the King have by the end of the week?
6. Bonus: What would you call this type of essay?


Answer 1

My dear love handed me a partridge on a pear tree for Christmas Day. She is aware of how much I adore fruit, so what a lovely gift.

What is Christmas?

The bird confused me a little because she is aware of how strict my building is concerning pets. He is a cute little guy, though.

My dear love brought me two turtle doves on the second day of Christmas. She is so into the avian theme this year, wow. Okay, thank you. The partridge in the pear tree, which now seems much larger than it did yesterday, will likely join them in the kitchen.

She gave me three French chickens and four calling birds for the third and fourth days of Christmas. Funny enough, I don't recall ever telling her that I hoped to one day create an Audubon Society chapter.

Therefore, My dear love handed me a partridge on a pear tree for Christmas Day. She is aware of how much I adore fruit, so what a lovely gift.

To learn more about christmas, refer to the link:


Related Questions

If you meet all five value dimensions, that is considered an order winner.TrueFalse


If you meet all five value dimensions, that is not considered an order winner. So, the statement is false.

What is an ordered winner?

A quality that will win the bid or the customer's purchase is known as an order winner. Therefore, in order to enter or remain in a market, businesses must offer the criteria. Consider a company that creates a high-quality product as an example (where high quality is the order-winning criterion).

Order winners are those competitive traits, or traits in combination, that influence customers to select a company's goods or services. They give the business a competitive advantage. Order winners can differ for various markets and can change over time. Fast delivery, for instance, might be essential in one market but not in another. Because the competitors will try to imitate successful traits and because customer wants will change, attributes that are order winners today are likely to no longer be so.

If you meet all five value dimensions, that is not considered an order winner. So, the statement is false.

To know more about order winners, click here:


completar write the appropriate form of estar in the first blank of each sentence, and an appropriate adjective in the second.


The appropriate adjectives are: está limpia, están descontentos, eres bajo y rubio, and son fáciles.

Translation 1: My room is neat, while my sister’s room is constantly messy.

Translation 2: My parents are unhappy because they have to go to work, but I am glad because we are on vacation.

Translation: You’re short and blond, while your cousin is tall and black.

Translation: My friend Fernando claims that arithmetic is hard, but I disagree.

Adjectives are adjectives that define the characteristics or emotional states of nouns, such as big, humorous, yellow, enjoyable, or quick. They can also be used to describe how many nouns there are: many, few, millions, and eleven. Adjectives are typically taught to pupils as words that alter or characterize nouns. Adjectives do not alter other adjectives, verbs, or adverbs.

To learn more about adjectives, refer:-


Many people argue that online communities enable
people to form and maintain relationships and to stave off
loneliness. Others argue that the digital realm
encourages false relationships and contributes to social
isolation. Write a thesis statement in which you take a
position on the ability to form stable communities online.


A possible thesis statement about the ability to form stable communities online is: "Although online communities can provide social support and connection for some individuals, the impersonal and often superficial nature of these interactions can ultimately contribute to feelings of loneliness and social isolation."

This thesis statement takes a position on the topic by acknowledging that online communities can provide some benefits, but also highlighting the potential drawbacks of relying on digital interactions for social connection. It also presents the main argument that online communities may not be as stable or fulfilling as real-life relationships. The specific wording and details of the thesis statement can be adjusted based on the specific focus and perspective of the writer.

this is a long, dramatic narrative that recounts the celebrated deeds of an historic or a legendary hero, often sung or recited in poetic language.


Epic is a long, dramatic narrative that recounts the celebrated deeds of an historic or a legendary hero, It is often sung or recited in poetic language.

What is an Epic?

The Ancient Greek word epos, which simply means "word, narrative, or song," is where the English word "epic" originates. The first "epics" were poetry that were read aloud and narrated a story. Of course, the earliest epics, like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, have survived to the present day because they were recorded, but before being copied, they were orally performed poetry that might date back hundreds of years.

Today, we use the term "epic" to describe a variety of lengthy literary works, frequently old ones that capture our perception of a certain society's ideals. Epics include works like the Latin Aeneid, Gilgamesh's Epic from Sumeria, the Mahabharata and Ramayana from Sanskrit, as well as the Old English Beowulf. Sometimes even Milton's Paradise Lost is categorized as an epic. These days, a long story about a hero that serves as a focal point for a particular culture or social grouping qualifies as an epic.

It can be used to characterize any artistic endeavor that has a vast audience, talks generally about the human condition, is lengthy or expansive, and aspires to high artistic standards.

Epic is a long, dramatic narrative that recounts the celebrated deeds of an historic or a legendary hero, It is often sung or recited in poetic language.

To read more about Epics, cick here:



Using Emotional Appeals to Reach Customers

Parents fret about their teenager driving the car for the first time alone. Subaru of America taps into this emotional moment in a television commercial called “Baby Driver.” The commercial shows a father leaning into the passenger side window to give driving instructions to what appears to be his 6-year-old daughter, who is sitting behind the wheel. After giving his safety talk, the father hands the car keys to his daughter, who now appears to be 16 years old. To add to the realism, Subaru chose a real father and his two daughters as the actors in the commercial. As is the case with many fathers, this one still sees his older daughter as his “little girl.” “We knew this day was coming, that’s why we bought a Subaru,” says the father.

The advertisement highlights two of the top reasons why people buy Subarus-high safety and reliability ratings. Safety is one of Subaru’s core brand values, but the company chose not to drill viewers with a list of its top ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Instead, Subaru created an ad that tugs at the heartstrings of parents. Many parents can identify with this commercial because they someday will be handing over the car keys to their son or daughter for the first time. In the ad, Subaru also emphasizes that many owners pass down their Subarus to their children because they are so highly dependable. The Subaru commercial is based upon the theme that Subaru owners have “Like-Minded” values.”

The Commercial also addresses teen and distracted driving issues, which are frequent topics in the news. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among 15 to 20 years old, and 16 years old have higher crash rates than drivers of any age. Parents have a real reason to be concerned. The Subaru advertisement attempts to get parents thinking about the importance of selecting vehicle that can increase teens’ safety while driving.

Subaru’s message seems to be working. Its sales increased 30 percent compared to previous year’s sales. If an advertiser can appeal to the consumers’ emotions, it may make a connection that leads to sales.



One advantage of using emotional appeals to reach customers, as exemplified in the Subaru commercial "Baby Driver," is that it can create a strong connection with the audience. By tapping into the emotional moment of a parent handing over the car keys to their teenager for the first time, the commercial is able to speak to the fears and concerns of many parents and create an emotional bond with them. This can make the commercial more memorable and effective at persuading viewers to consider purchasing a Subaru.

Another advantage of using emotional appeals is that they can help to differentiate a brand from its competitors. By connecting with consumers on an emotional level, the commercial is able to create a unique and memorable brand identity that sets Subaru apart from other car manufacturers.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to using emotional appeals in advertising. One disadvantage is that it can be difficult to predict how audiences will respond to emotional appeals. Some people may find the commercial moving and effective, while others may find it manipulative or overly sentimental. This can make it harder to predict the success of an emotional appeal-based campaign.

Another disadvantage is that emotional appeals may not be as effective at persuading some audiences. Some people may be more swayed by logical arguments or facts and figures, and may be less responsive to emotional appeals.

Additionally, relying too heavily on emotional appeals can make a brand appear superficial or insincere. If the emotional appeal doesn't feel genuine or authentic, it can backfire and turn off potential customers.

Finally, using emotional appeals can also be more expensive and time-consuming than

B t w i’ve chosen A and i need the paragraph please for something to help me



you can make up or use a real murder case and fake news or real new to make it.

which words in the excerpt have negative connotations? choose three answer options. prevent population purpose obstructing


The words in the passage that have negative Connotations include prevent and obstruct.

A connotation is the feeling a word invokes. A connotation is constantly described as either positive or negative, with regard to its pleasing or unpleasing emotional connection.

Take happiness as the neutral for illustration the negative connotation of happiness could be mania and the positive connotation could be sprightliness. The negative connotation is the bad feeling or emotion that's connected to a word.

Positive connotation is the good feeling or emotion that's connected to a word. Neutral connotation occurs when a word doesn't have positive or negative passions connected to the word. To block a commodity so that nothing can go along it, or to help a commodity from passing rightly by putting difficulties in its way.

To know more about Connotations.


in paragraph 9, why doesn't swift end the sentence after the word food? explain the purpose and effect of the modifiers included there.


He took this action to avoid confusing the readers. He explained how absurd the thought of eating babies is before using rhetorical devices to lessen the shock by offering helpful instructions on how to make this new "meal".

What is the issue that Swift has pointed out and is attempting to solve in his essay?

Swift used a satirical tone in his essay "A Modest Proposal" to mock the public for failing to take action or even develop viable solutions to issues like foetal removal, population growth, and poverty.

What primary point does Swift hope to convey through the various satirical devices he employs?

Swift uses a number of rhetorical devices to satirically offer a remedy to Ireland's issues.

To know more about Swift's work, visit:

3. (a) In "Money," which details suggest the nature of the children's lives?
(b) How do these details contrast with those that describe the people at
the door? (c) Is the speaker simply describing a situation or is the speaker
criticizing something? Explain.


After reading Gibbon's poem "Money," we can answer the questions concerning its details about the children and the people at the door as follows:

(a) The details that suggest the nature of the children's lives are "dreamy" and "comfortable".(b) Those details contrast with those describing the people at the door as such people are "needy" or "old" or even "tattered". They do not live with the same comfort as the children. They need or lack something.(c) The speaker clearly criticizes something. The children's parents understand the importance of money, but only for themselves. They are not willing to help others.

What happens in "Money"?

By Riginald Gibbons, the poem "Money" is about a family who is constantly bothered at dinner by people who ring the doorbell to ask for help. The young children watch it again and again as their parents refuse to help little girls, young boys, old men in need of work and money.

The irony behind the parents' actions lies in the fact that they understand the importance of having money. They teach their children to donate to church and to save. They even open savings accounts for the kids. They do not hire anyone to do the yard work, but pay their own two boys. The mother makes the girls dresses rather than buying them at the story.

Clearly, the parents value money and do their best to save it. Not only that, but they're also passing down those values to their children. However, they are not compassionate. They do not care about people who have less money or no money at all.

Learn more about "Money" here:


Select the correct text in the passage.
In this excerpt from Mark Twain's "How to Tell a Story." which sentence most clearly states the overall claim?
I do not claim that I can tell story as it ought to be told. iI only claim to know how a story ought to be told, for I have been almost daily in the
company of the most expert story-tellers for many years.:
There are several kinds of stories, but only one difficult kindthe humorous. I will talk mainly about that one. The humorous story is American, the
comic story s English, the witty story is French. The humorous story depends for its effect upon the manner of the telling; the comic story and the
witty story upon the matter.
The humorous story may be spun out ti great length, and may wander around as much as it pleases, and arrive nowhere in particular; but the comi
and witty stories must be brief and end with a point. The humorous story bubbles gently along, the others burst.
The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and delicate art-and only an artist can tell it; but no art is necessary in telling the comic and the
witty story; anybody can do it. The art of telling : humorous story-understand, I mean by word of mouth, not print-was created in America, and
has remained at home.


The sentence that most clearly states the overall claim is this:

"There are several kinds of stories, but only one difficult kind—the humorous."

What is the overall claim of the story?

The overall claim of the story is that there are different kinds of stories but only one type which is the humorous can be described as the most difficult to tell.

The author went ahead to explain the other forms of stories and to show why the humorous story can be regarded as the most difficult of them all. So, the main point is wrapped up in the sentence above for it shows the topic of discussion in a summarized form.

Learn more about story claims here:


Yung Wing use of the word wolf in the passage is an example of what figurative language device?

O Allusion
O Hyperbole
O Metaphor


Without any additional context, it is impossible for me to accurately determine which figurative language device, if any, is being used in the passage. Figurative language is a type of language that uses words or phrases in a non-literal way in order to create a more vivid or memorable image in the reader's mind. Examples of figurative language include allusion, hyperbole, metaphor, and oxymoron. In order to determine which specific figurative language device is being used in the passage, it would be necessary to provide more information about the context in which the word "wolf" is used.

Which best describes the purpose of the “thumb-nail” imagery?





It emphasizes Thoreau's belief that people should carefully choose their commitments.

Essay on why you want to become a midwife




I want to pursue a career in midwifery. I want to be a midwife because I believe that I would enjoy helping people, specifically women, as they progress from pregnancy to child birth and then finally the post-natal stage.  The qualities that I bring to the midwifery profession include being able to work well under pressure and the ability to work with different types of people; for example, working in a Rest Home (Alexander House)  with their residents, fellow workers and Nurses.

In addition, my life experiences that are relevant to a career in women’s health include: experiences in elder care and providing personal care and support for elderly people;  being a mother and coping as a single parent; having a full drivers licence;  and knowing how to use a computer, e.g. the Internet, Word and Email.  Also, I completed a Certificate in Business Administration and Computing Level 2 some years ago.

Furthermore, the demands, as I understand them, of being a midwifery student and a practising midwife include being able to manage motherhood as a single parent and the responsibilities of completing a midwifery degree. In addition, demands of the course could include stress and unexpected situations that may crop up along the way. I have a support network already in place (my parents), who are extremely flexible babysitters.

Also, the role and relevance of the Treaty of Waitangi in Aotearoa New

A vocation rooted in my love for women's health, empowerment, and compassionate care has led me to choose to become a midwife rather than just pursuing it as a job. The opportunity to significantly impact women's lives and those of their families at one of life's most important and vulnerable occasions is what drew me to the profession of a midwife. Positive delivery experiences can be achieved via holistic care, empowerment,

An important portion of a midwife's education and training is devoted to caring for women at all stages of life; this includes being an opportunity  expert in what is normal and spotting abnormalities that require further investigation.

midwife are considered as highly qualified medical professionals in the majority of nations.

Learn more about midwife , from :


the narrative approach first found its way into psychotherapy in the hermeneutic traditions in which of the following?


The hermeneutic traditions of psychoanalysis are where the narrative approach initially emerged in psychotherapy. The narrative hypothesis holds that

A type of counselling called narrative therapy separates people from their issues and harmful habits. This enables clients to gain some perspective on the challenge they are facing and enables them to recognise how it might be more likely to be protecting or assisting them than harming them. This therapeutic theory, which was first developed by David Epston and Michael White, is based on the notion that people have multiple interconnected narratives that contribute to their sense of who they are, and that the problems they bring to therapy are not only limited to (or located) within the clients themselves but also Around 1980

To learn more about psychotherapy please click on below link


Order these events chronologically as they occur in the narrative:

= Parris tells Danforth he fears for his life.

= Proctor tears up the document he signed.

= Danforth summons Elizabeth and asks if she will speak with Proctor.

= Proctor announces that he will confess.

= Elizabeth states that she will not take John's goodness away from him.


We can see here that ordering the events of Act 4 of The Crucible chronologically as they occur in the narrative, we have:

Parris tells Danforth he fears for his life.Danforth summons Elizabeth and asks if she will speak with Proctor.Proctor announces that he will confess.Proctor tears up the document he signed.Elizabeth states that she will not take John's goodness away from him.

What is The Crucible?

The Crucible is actually known to be a paly that was written by Arthur Miller, an American playwright in 1953. The play reveals the story of the Salem witch trials that happened in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during 1692–93.

The above events took place in Act 4 of The Crucible. Parris has been given a death threat when he saw a dagger on his doorway. Danforth had to tell Elizabeth to tell Proctor to confess. Proctor later confessed and as he did that, he tore the document where he had signed before.

Learn more about The Crucible on


P. Choose one topic from the following 'How to ....' list. Work in pairs and take turns to talk about the topic. Use the structures in the box below as a prompt. a. b. C. d. e. How to pass an exam? How to earn money? How to persuade others? How to win the football match? How to be a good student? You have to You must. You should. You don't have to . You mustn't ...... You shouldn't ....


The topic that is choose is option How to persuade others.

There are a lot  of strategies that you can use to persuade others:

You must use logic and reason: Present a clear and well-reasoned argument, using evidence and examples to support your case.You should appeal to emotions: Use emotional appeals to connect with the audience and make your case more compelling.You have to use credibility and expertise: Establish yourself as an expert on the topic, using your experience and knowledge to make your case more convincing.You must never succumb to pressure.You should not appear weak.

​How to persuade others?

The process of persuasion involves one person or entity attempting to change the views or behaviors of another individual or group of people.

Some other ways to persuade are:

Use storytelling: Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make them more memorable.Use social proof: Show that others, particularly those who are similar to your audience, support your position.Use scarcity and urgency: Create a sense of urgency by highlighting the limited availability or short window of opportunity for the audience to act.

Therefore, one must remember that the most effective persuasion strategies will vary depending on the specific situation and the audience you are trying to persuade. It's important to tailor your approach to the specific context and needs of the people you are trying to influence.

Learn more about Persuasion from


Write a letter to the Director of Health Services in your district discussing at least three ways in which
the quality of health care in your community can be improved.




Dear Director of Health Services,

I am writing to you today to discuss ways in which the quality of health care in our community can be improved.

First, I believe that increasing access to health care services is essential for improving the quality of care in our community. This could be achieved by expanding the number of health clinics and hospitals in the area, as well as increasing the availability of telemedicine services. This would ensure that more people have access to the care they need, regardless of their location or ability to travel.

Second, I think that investing in the training and education of health care providers is crucial for improving the quality of care. This could involve offering continuing education opportunities and training programs to help health care providers stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and treatments. It could also involve providing support and resources for providers to improve their knowledge and skills in areas such as cultural competency and patient communication.

Third, I believe that increasing collaboration and coordination among health care providers is essential for improving the quality of care. This could involve creating networks and partnerships between hospitals, clinics, and other providers to share information and resources, as well as to coordinate care for patients. This would ensure that patients receive comprehensive and seamless care, and that providers can work together to provide the best possible treatment.

Thank you for considering these suggestions. I believe that by implementing these and other strategies, we can make significant progress in improving the quality of health care in our community.


[Your Name]




bec the dun shine is called equator

Read the excerpt from "How the Whale Got His Throat.”

In the sea, once upon a time, O my Best Beloved, there was a Whale, and he ate fishes. He ate the starfish and the garfish, and the crab and the dab, and the plaice and the dace, and the skate and his mate, and the mackereel and the pickereel, and the really truly twirly-whirly eel. All the fishes he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth—so! Till at last there was only one small fish left in all the sea, and he was a small 'Stute Fish, and he swam a little behind the Whale’s right ear, so as to be out of harm’s way. Then the Whale stood up on his tail and said, "I’m hungry.” And the small 'Stute Fish said in a small 'stute voice, "Noble and generous Cetacean, have you ever tasted Man?”

‘No,’ said the Whale. ‘What is it like?’

‘Nice,’ said the small 'Stute Fish. ‘Nice but nubbly.’

‘Then fetch me some,’ said the Whale, and he made the sea froth up with his tail.

‘One at a time is enough,’ said the 'Stute Fish. ‘If you swim to latitude Fifty North, longitude Forty West (that is magic), you will find, sitting on a raft, in the middle of the sea, with nothing on but a pair of blue canvas breeches, a pair of suspenders (you must not forget the suspenders, Best Beloved), and a jack-knife, one ship-wrecked Mariner, who, it is only fair to tell you, is a man of infinite-resource-and-sagacity.’

Which part of the excerpt best demonstrates that the author’s purpose is to entertain children with a humorous story?

"In the sea, once upon a time, O my Best Beloved, there was a Whale, and he ate fishes. He ate the starfish and the garfish, and the crab and the dab, and the plaice and the dace, and the skate and his mate, and the mackereel and the pickereel, and the really truly twirly-whirly eel. All the fishes he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth—so!"
"Till at last there was only one small fish left in all the sea, and he was a small ‘Stute Fish, and he swam a little behind the Whale’s right ear, so as to be out of harm’s way. Then the Whale stood up on his tail and said, ‘I’m hungry.’"
"And the small 'Stute Fish said in a small 'stute voice, ‘Noble and generous Cetacean, have you ever tasted Man?’
‘No,’ said the Whale. ‘What is it like?’
‘Nice,’ said the small 'Stute Fish. ‘Nice but nubbly.’
‘Then fetch me some,’ said the Whale, and he made the sea froth up with his tail.
‘One at a time is enough,’ said the 'Stute Fish."
“If you swim to latitude Fifty North, longitude Forty West (that is magic), you will find, sitting on a raft, in the middle of the sea, with nothing on but a pair of blue canvas breeches, a pair of suspenders (you must not forget the suspenders, Best Beloved), and a jack-knife, one ship-wrecked Mariner, who, it is only fair to tell you, is a man of infinite-resource-and-sagacity.”
Unmark this question


The statement "He ate the starfish and the garfish, and the crab and the dab, and the plaice and the dace, and the skate and his mate, and the Mackereel and the Pickereel, and the really truly twirly-whirly eel. All the fishes he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth so!" The correct option is A.

What is "How the Whale Got His Throat” about?

A small fish is scared he may be eaten after meeting a large, voracious whale. However, he quickly discovers a cunning strategy to divert the powerful whale in order to save his life. The little fish may be little, but his intelligence is certainly not.

He began devouring the starfish, garfish, crab, dab, plaice, dace, skater and his companion, mackerel, pickerel, and the eel that actually whirled around.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding "How the Whale Got His Throat”, visit:


Explain how setting (especially urban versus rural) functions as a symbol for Romantic writers.


Romantic poets preferred to live simply, which was often reflected in their praise of rural life and the natural world.

Why romantic poets choose rural areas?The solution, according to the romantics, was "back to nature," since nature was seen as pure and a spiritual source of renewal. It was also a way for the new industrial rich to get away from the fumes of the expanding industrial centers.The beauty of nature inspired many Romantic poets (as well as other artists).Subjectivity as well as an emphasis on individualism; spontaneity; freedom from rules; solitary life rather than social life; beliefs that imagination is superior to reason and devotion to beauty; love of and worship of nature are all characteristics of Romantic literature.The city, according to Romantics, is a place of shifting morals, corruption, and death.

To learn more about romantic poets refer to :


How are Higgins’s motivations different from Pygmalion’s motivations?

Rather than being motivated by fun, Higgins is motivated by money.
Rather than being motivated by a desire to help, Higgins is motivated by selfishness.
Rather than being motivated by love, Higgins is motivated by ambition.
Rather than being motivated by greed, Higgins is motivated by his friends.


The forty-year-old Henry Higgins is a conundrum in a package. Despite his outstanding intellectual accomplishments, he typically behaves like the worst kind of whiny, petulant child.

Who is Higgins's Motivation?

He combines endearing idiosyncrasies with outstanding accomplishments and a passionate commitment to advancing humanity.

However, he is extremely socially awkward; his mother forbids him from entering her home when she has guests and refuses to attend the same church as him because of his insulting manners.

Since comedies have dealt with etiquette since Aristophanes' time, Higgins' notion of manners and his own behavior are very different. Using phonetics, he created a flower girl.

Therefore, The forty-year-old Henry Higgins is a conundrum in a package. Despite his outstanding intellectual accomplishments, he typically behaves like the worst kind of whiny, petulant child.

To learn more about Pygmalion's motivation, refer to the link:


on bridge between childhood and adulthood, do you know want you want


Answer: i dont really understand what u mean but heres what i can find:/


What is the bridge between childhood and adulthood?

Most researchers agree that adolescence is a transitional period that serves as the bridge between childhood and adulthood

A procedure is: A) Stored outside the database. B) Given a reserved SQL name. C) Called by name. D) Unable to be modified.


Option c: A procedure is called by name. A procedure describes a series of steps and indicates what must be done at each step.

It often indicates when and by whom the procedure should be performed.

In computer science, a database is an organized collection of data that is stored and accessed electronically. Small databases can be stored on file systems, and large databases are hosted on computer clusters or cloud storage.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a computer language used to interact with relational databases.

To learn more about database here:


The faculty at Newtown Elementary School invites you to attend our annual Honors Dinner on Thursday, June 17, 2005, in the school cafeteria.
A meal will be served at 7:00 P.M. The cost of the meal is $7.50 per person. Please respond by June 5th with the number of family members attending. We look forward to seeing you there.

Which of the following is the best summary of the invitation?
The dinner costs $7.50 a person. You need to let the teachers know by June 5 how many people you are bringing to the dinner.
The teachers at school are having a dinner to which you are invited. It will be at 7 P.M. on June 17 and will cost $7.50 a person.
Newtown Elementary School is going to have an Honors Dinner. The teachers hold this dinner once a year for all of the honors students.
Students need to decide if they want to go to the Honors Dinner with their teachers and family at Newtown Elementary School.


B. The teachers at school are having a dinner to which you are invited. It will be at 7 P.M. on June 17 and will cost $7.50 a person.

This is the best summary of the invitation because it includes the most important details from the original message, such as the date, time, location, and cost of the dinner, as well as the fact that it is being hosted by the teachers at Newtown Elementary School. It also mentions that you need to let the teachers know by a certain date if you plan to attend, which is an important part of the invitation. Option A is too brief and only mentions the cost and the need to respond by a certain date, while options C and D are not accurate summaries of the invitation.

In one well-developed paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details, compare and contrast the experience of reading "The Highwayman" with listening to it. Explain, using examples from the text, how hearing the poem read aloud changes or increases your understanding of a poem.



This is just like comparing a book to a movie, with the exception that sound only stimulates the sense of hearing.

What is The Highwayman?

The way you interpret a scene when reading silently is always impacted by listening to sound reading, mostly because you are stimulated as to how you are Supposed to feel at this very moment.

Your imagination is stimulated by the narrator's voice's intensity and by every sound they make. After reading a text, a sound may cause you to reassess a particular passage.

Sometimes, pronouncing the words may make them sound even better. Although reading can assist you improve your writing because you'll know.

Therefore, This is just like comparing a book to a movie, with the exception that sound only stimulates the sense of hearing.

To learn more about Highwayman, refer to the link:


do people have the ability to avoid cultural collision, or must they navigate between or among them?


Individuals can avoid inter conflicts by having to learn about civilizations that they come into contact with. One way to deal with conflict management is to understand your own cultural values.

What effect may indeed culture have had on people?

In the right kind of culture, people feel appreciated and fostered. Everything is united by the fact that they share a common past and set of beliefs with other members of their community. They feel that they are genuinely living a meaningful reality because it makes them feel connected to their forefathers and provides them with a sense of longevity.

Why does culture matter? It is what?

Culture is where symbols representing things like significant life changes, connections, status and authority, achievement, group membership, and other ideas come from.

To know more about culture Visit:


The ------- swimmer clung with the last of her strength to the ------- driftwood, hoping to stay above the surface.




enervated , buoyant

1. Which sentence does Not Bleong in the selection?
A. sentence 4
B. Sentence 6
C. Sentence 13
D. Sentence 15​


C - sentence 13

It does not match with the rest of the paragraph, and Christa McAuliffe is not mentioned in the rest of the excerpt.

What is one characteristic of a mock-heroic poem (sometimes called mock-epic)?
O1.. Its tells a tale in a comical way.
O2.. It is usually about sports.
3. It has repeating refrains.
O4.. It sings a song.


1. Its tells a tale in a comical way.

Common Classical tropes of heroes and heroic literature are frequently parodied or satirized in works referred to as mock-heroic, mock-epic, or heroic-comic. Typically, in mock-heroic works, the hero is either a fool or the heroic attributes are exaggerated to the point of absurdity.

Poetry that combines irony, exaggeration, and sarcasm to parody its original subject, usually in an ungraceful and grandiose style, is known as a mock-epic (also known as a mock-heroic).

Mock-heroic poetry is a type that imitates the heroic, or epic, form by telling a commonplace tale in heightened language. Learn more about the mock-heroic genre, including the typical motifs and illustrative works like "Mac Flecknoe" and "The Assault of the Lock."

To know more about mock-heroic poem, click on the link below:


Find the one word that is used INCORRECTLY in the paragraph below
Few filing systems are, or should be, set up to accumulate materials indefinitely. Somewhere you have to draw the line between current, active records, and those that represent insignificant past history.
Obsolete and useful records should be destroyed. Searching for unnecessary files increases labor.


The one word that is used incorrectly in the paragraph is the "increases labor". The last word was the incorrect.

What is word?

The term words refer to the combination of the letters. The words are the always in to define the meaning. The letters are the arranged in proper manner of the spellings are the correct format. The words are the arranged in proper manner in the creation of the sentence. The words are the noun and the pronoun.

According to the paragraph, was the based on the files and the record basis. The word was the mention in the paragraph "increases labor". The "increases in labor" are not to the used in the paragraph.

As a result, the one word that is used incorrectly in the paragraph is the "increases labor".

Learn more about on word, here:


English 9
,discuss in detail 2 specific topics/skills from this specific course section that may be useful to you. These items can be topics in the course you
ound interesting, challenging, new to you, useful, or helpful for your schooling or job.
Look below for specific items needed for your reflection on this course:
English: At least 2 summaries of works you read and why they were important.
Use the following format:
Topic #1
I would be excited to teach someone about....
This information is useful because...
Topic #2:
I would be excited to teach someone about....
This information is useful because?



Knowing what you want, of course, is only part of the challenge. You need to have, or to gain, the knowledge and skills necessary for your work choices


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