In what way can an employee demonstrate commitment?


Answer 1


Come to work on time ready to work. Always work above and beyond. ... Come to work on time, follow all rules, do not talk about people, and be positive get along with coworkers.


Answer 2

An employee can demonstrate commitment to their job and organization in several ways.

First and foremost, they show dedication and enthusiasm by consistently meeting deadlines, going above and beyond to achieve goals, and taking ownership of their responsibilities.

Being punctual and reliable also reflects commitment. Employees who actively participate in team efforts, support colleagues, and offer innovative ideas exhibit their dedication to the company's success.

Demonstrating a willingness to learn and grow by seeking additional training or taking on new challenges further showcases commitment.

Ultimately, a committed employee is driven by a genuine passion for their work, a strong work ethic, and a sense of loyalty to their organization's mission and values.

Know more about employee commitment:


Related Questions

Consider the following statement, which is intended to create an ArrayList named a to store only elements of type Thing. Assume that the Thing class has been properly defined and includes a no-parameter constructor.
ArrayList a = /* missing code */;
Which of the following can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that the statement works as intended?
A: new Thing()
B: new ArrayList()
C: new ArrayList(Thing)
D: new ArrayList()
E: new ArrayList<>(Thing)
Consider the following statement, which is intended to create an ArrayList named numbers that can be used to store Integer values.
ArrayList numbers = /* missing code */;
Which of the following can be used to replace /* missing code */ so that the statement works as intended?
new ArrayList()
new ArrayList
new ArrayList()
A: III only
B: I and II only
C: I and III only
D:II and III only
E: I, II, and III



B: new ArrayList()


When dealing with Java syntax you always need to initialize an ArrayList object with its constructor. From the options listed the only correct option would be B: new ArrayList(). This would correctly initialize the ArrayList object but is not necessarily the recommended way of doing this. The truly recommended way would be the following

ArrayList<Thing> a = new ArrayList<Thing>()

ArrayLists are simply resizable array.

The statement that can replace the missing code is (b) new ArrayList();The statements that can replace the missing code is (c) I and III only

The syntax to create an ArrayList is:

ArrayList<Type> str = new ArrayList<Type>();

Another possible syntax is:

ArrayList var_name= new ArrayList();

The above declarations mean that: the statement that can replace the missing code is (b) new ArrayList();

While the statements that can replace the missing code is (c) I and III only

Read more about ArrayLists at:

Output values below an amount
Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value.
Ex: If the input is:
5 50 60 140 200 75 100
the output is:
50 60 75
The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75.
For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a space, including the last one. Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results.




The following code is written in Python and it is a function called filter, which takes in the requested inputs. It then places the threshold in its own variable and pops it out of the array of inputs. Then it loops through the array comparing each element with the threshold and printing out all of the ones that are less than or equal to the threshold.

def filter():

   num_of_elements = input("Enter a number: ")

   count = 0

   arr_of_nums = []

   while count <= int(num_of_elements):

       arr_of_nums.append(input("Enter a number: "))

       count += 1

   threshold = arr_of_nums[-1]



   for element in arr_of_nums:

       if int(element) < int(threshold):




In Cloud9, create a new file called function.cpp. If you aren't sure how to create a new .cpp file in the Cloud9 environment, refer Slide 24 of the Cloud9SetUpSlides (Links to an external site.). In this new file write a function called swapInts that swaps (interchanges) the values of two integers that it is given access to via pointer parameters. Write a main function that asks the user for two integer values, stores them in variables num1 and num2, calls the swap function to swap the values of num1



#include <iostream>  

using namespace std;  

void swapInts(int* x, int* y) {

*x = *x + *y;

*y= *x - *y;

*x = *x - *y;  


int main(){    

int num1, num2;

cout << "Before swap:";

cin>>num1;  cin>>num2;

swapInts(&num1, &num2);  

cout<<"After swap:"<<num1<<" "<<num2;



The function begins here:

This line defines the function

void swapInts(int* x, int* y) {

The next three line swap the integer values

*x = *x + *y;

*y= *x - *y;

*x = *x - *y;  


The main begins here:

int main(){  

This line declares two integer variables

int num1, num2;

This line prompts the user for inputs before swap

cout << "Before swap:";

This line gets user inputs for both integers

cin>>num1;  cin>>num2;

This line calls the function

swapInts(&num1, &num2);  

This prints the numbers after swap

cout<<"After swap:"<<num1<<" "<<num2;


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Asking for review material for a test






B is the answer


Sophisticated modeling software is helping international researchers



A. increase the pace of research in finding and producing vaccines.


These are the options for the question;

A. increase the pace of research in finding and producing vaccines.

B. analyze computer systems to gather potential legal evidence.

C. market new types of products to a wider audience.

D. create more intricate screenplays and movie scripts.

Modeling software can be regarded as computer program developed in order to build simulations as well as other models. modelling software is device by international researchers to make research about different vaccines and other drugs and stimulants to combat different diseases. It helps the researcher to devoid of details that are not necessary and to deal with any complexity so that solution can be developed. It should be noted that Sophisticated modeling software is helping international researchers to increase the pace of research in finding and producing vaccines.

We have looked at several basic design tools, such as hierarchy charts, flowcharts, and pseudocode. Each of these tools provide a different view of the design as they work together to define the program. Explain the unique role that each design tool provides (concepts and/or information) to the design of the program.



Answered below


Pseudocode is a language that program designers use to write the logic of the program or algorithms, which can later be implemented using any programming language of choice. It helps programmers focus on the logic of the program and not syntax.

Flowcharts are used to represent the flow of an algorithm, diagrammatically. It shows the sequence and steps an algorithm takes.

Hierarchy charts give a bird-eye view of the components of a program, from its modules, to classes to methods etc.

5. All sites are required to have the following reference materials available for use at VITA/TCE sites in paper or electronic format: Publication 17, Publication 4012, Volunteer Tax Alerts (VTA), and Quality Site Requirement Alerts (QSRA). AARP Foundation Tax Aide uses CyberTax Alerts in lieu of VTAs and QSRAs. What other publication must be available at each site and contains information about the new security requirements at sites



Publication 5140.


The acronym VITA stands for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and TCE stands for Tax Counseling for the Elderly. VITA/TCE is a certification gotten from the Internal Revenue Service in which the holders of such certification are trained on how to help people that have disabilities or that their incomes earners that are low. These volunteers help these set of people to prepare for their tax return.

In order to make the volunteers to be able to perform their work with high accuracy, the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service gave out some aids for Quality Site. One of the aids which is the one contains information about the new security requirements at sites is given in the Publication 5140.

A year with 366 days is called a leap year. Leap years are necessary to keep the calendar in sync with the sun, because the earth revolves around the sun once very 365.25 days. As a result, years that are divisible by 4, like 1996, are leap years. However, years that are divisible by 100, like 1900, are not leap years. But years that are divisible by 400, like 2000, are leap years. Write a program named that asks the user for a year and computes whether that year is a leap year.



Follows are the code to this question:

y = int(input("Enter a year: "))#input year value  

if((y%4==0) and (y%100==0) or y%400==0):#defining if block for check leap year condition

   print("Given year {0}, is a leap year".format(y))#print value  

else:#else block

   print("Given year {0}, is not a leap year".format(y))#print value  


Enter a year: 1989

Given year 1989, is not a leap year


In the python code, the y variable uses the input method for input the value from the user-end. In the next step, if a conditional block is used, that's checks the leap-year condition. if the condition is true it will print leap year value with the message, otherwise, it will go to else block that prints not a leap year message.

PHP is based on C rather than ______.

Select one:







The answer is "option b and option d"


In this question, both choice "b and c" is correct because Java is compiled and run on a JVM  and it uses the byte code. On the other hand, PHP has interpreted language, that compiled into the bytecode after that the output engine interpreted. Similarly, the COBOL is used for enterprise, finance, and administrative systems, and PHP is used in web creation.

Plz go sub 2 "Shyy096" he is a 11 y/o boy and makes music fortnite vids, it would rly help him if u subscribe cuz he only has 8. tysm:)





Write a program that accepts two numbers R and H, from Command Argument List (feed to the main method). R is the radius of the well casing in inches and H is the depth of the well in feet (assume water will fill this entire depth). The program should output the number of gallons stored in the well casing. For your reference: The volume of a cylinder is pi;r2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. 1 cubic foot



Answered below.


#Answer is written in Python programming language

#Get inputs

radius = float(input("Enter radius in inches: "))

height = float(input("Enter height in feet: "))

#Convert height in feet to height in inches

height_in_inches = height * 12

#calculate volume in cubic inches

volume = 3.14 * (radius**2) * height_to_inches

#convert volume in cubic inches to volume in gallons

volume_in_gallons = volume * 0.00433

#output result

print (volume_in_gallons)

g n this program, you will prompt the user for three numbers. You need to check and make sure that all numbers are equal to or greater than 0 (can use an if or if/else statement for this). You will then multiply the last two digits together, and add the result to the first number. The program should then start over, once again asking for another three numbers. This program should loop indefinitely in this way. If the user enters a number lower than 0, remind the user that they need to enter a number greater than or equal to 0 and loop the program again.



In Python:

loop = True


   nm1 = float(input("Number 1: "))

   nm2 = float(input("Number 2: "))

   nm3 = float(input("Number 3: "))

   if (nm1 >= 0 and nm2 >= 0 and nm3 >= 0):

       result = nm2 * nm3 + nm1

       print("Result: "+str(result))

       loop = True


       print("All inputs must be greater than or equal to 0")

       loop = True


First, we set the loop to True (a boolean variable)

loop = True

This while loop iterates, indefinitely


The next three lines prompt user for three numbers

   nm1 = float(input("Number 1: "))

   nm2 = float(input("Number 2: "))

   nm3 = float(input("Number 3: "))

The following if condition checks if all of the numbers are greater than or equal to 0

   if (nm1 >= 0 and nm2 >= 0 and nm3 >= 0):

If yes, the result is calculated

       result = nm2 * nm3 + nm1

... and printed

       print("Result: "+str(result))

The loop is then set to true

       loop = True


If otherwise, the user is prompted to enter valid inputs

       print("All inputs must be greater than or equal to 0")

The loop is then set to true

       loop = True

Write a program named that reads a 4-bit binary number from the keyboard as a string and then converts it into decimal. For example, if the input is 1100, the output should be 12. (Hint: break the string into substrings and then convert each substring to a value for a single bit. If the bits are b0, b1, b2, b3, then decimal equivalent is 8b0 4b1 2b2 b3)



import java.util.*;

public class BinaryToDecimal


public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    String binaryNumber;

    int decimalNumber = 0;


 System.out.print("Enter the binary number: ");

 binaryNumber = input.nextLine();


 for(int i=0; i<binaryNumber.length(); i++){

     char c = binaryNumber.charAt(binaryNumber.length()-1-i);

     int digit = Character.getNumericValue(c);

     decimalNumber += (digit * Math.pow(2, i));






Create a Scanner object to be able to get input from the user

Declare the variables

Ask the user to enter the binaryNumber as a String

Create a for loop that iterates through the binaryNumber. Get each character using charAt() method. Convert that character to an integer value using Character.getNumericValue(). Add the multiplication of integer value and 2 to the power of i to the decimalNumber variable (cumulative sum)

When the loop is done, print the decimalNumber variable

what is a computer modem?​



A modem modulates and demodulates electrical signals sent through phone lines, coaxial cables, or other types of wiring.

Edhesive 1.7 code practice question 2



num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

print ("Answer= "+ str(num * 12))


Write a function species_count that returns the number of unique Pokemon species (determined by the name attribute) found in the dataset. You may assume that the data is well formatted in the sense that you don't have to transform any values in the name column. For example, assuming we have parsed pokemon_test.csv and stored it in a variable called data:



Escribe una función species_count que devuelva el número de especies de Pokémon únicas (determinadas por el atributo de nombre) que se encuentran en el conjunto de datos. Puede suponer que los datos están bien formateados en el sentido de que no tiene que transformar ningún valor en la columna de nombre. Por ejemplo, suponiendo que analizamos pokemon_test.csv y lo almacenamos en una variable llamada datos:


company gives the following discount if you purchase a large amount of supply. Units Bought Discount 10 - 19 20% 20 - 49 30% 50 - 99 35% 100 40% If each item is $4.10. Create a program that asks the user how many items they want to buy, then calculates the pre-discount price, the amount of discount and the after discount price. So for example if order 101 items, I should see something similar to the following: With your order of 101 items, the total value will be $414.10 with a discount of $165.64 for a final price of $248.46. Your output should be very well organized, and use the correct formatting. (Including precision)



In Python:

order = int(input("Order: "))

discount = 0

if(order >= 10 and order <20):

    discount = 0.20

elif(order >= 20 and order <50):

    discount = 0.30

elif(order >= 50 and order <100):

    discount = 0.35

elif(order >= 100):

    discount = 0.40

price = order * 4.1

discount = discount * price

print("With your order of "+str(order)+" items, the total value will be $"+str(round(price,2))+" with a discount of $"+str(round(discount,2))+" for a final price of $"+str(round((price-discount),2)))


This prompts the user for number of orders

order = int(input("Order: "))

This initializes the discount to 0

discount = 0

For orders between 10 and 19 (inclusive)

if(order >= 10 and order <20):

-----------discount is 20%

    discount = 0.20

For orders between 20 and 49 (inclusive)

elif(order >= 20 and order <50):

-----------discount is 30%

    discount = 0.30

For orders between 50 and 99 (inclusive)

elif(order >= 50 and order <100):

-----------discount is 35%

    discount = 0.35

For orders greater than 99

elif(order >= 100):

-----------discount is 40%

    discount = 0.40

This calculates the total price

price = order * 4.1

This calculates the pre discount

discount = discount * price

This prints the report

print("With your order of "+str(order)+" items, the total value will be $"+str(round(price,2))+" with a discount of $"+str(round(discount,2))+" for a final price of $"+str(round((price-discount),2)))

Energy Drink Consumption A soft drink company recently surveyed 16,500 of its customers and found that approximately 15 percent of those surveyed purchase one or more energy drinks per week. Of those customers who purchase energy drinks, approximately 58 percent of them prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks. Write a program that displays the following: The approximate number of customers in the survey who purchase one or more energy drinks per week The approximate number of customers in the survey who prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks.



Follows are the code to this question:

#include <iostream>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//defining a main method


int customer= 16508;//defining an integer variable

int E_drink, C_drink;//defining an integer variable

double buy_Energy_drink,buy_cold_drink;//defining a double variable

buy_Energy_drink= 0.15;//use double variable to assign value

buy_cold_drink= buy_Energy_drink *0.58;//use double variable to calculate value

E_drink = customer*buy_Energy_drink;//calculating value of E_drink

C_drink= customer*buy_cold_drink;//calculating value of E_drink

cout<<"\t\t\t -:Energy Drink Consumption:-"<<endl;//print message

cout<<"According to A soft drink company surveyed 16,500 of its customers."<<endl;//print message

cout<<E_drink <<" customer purchase one or more energy drinks per week."<<endl;//print message with value

cout<<C_drink <<" customer who prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks."<<endl;//print message with value

return 0;



Please find the attached file.


In this code, three integer variable "customer, E_drink, and C_drink" is defined, in which the first variable is used to hold a value, and the next two variables are used for calculating the value.

In the next step, two double variables "buy_Energy_drink, buy_cold_drink" is defined that calculate the given percentage value and passed into the integer variable to calculate the value and print the value with the given message.

write a program that display yor name



For python:


Name = input("What is your name? ")

print("Hello " + Name + "!")

Consider the following code segment.

int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Which of the following code segments would correctly set the first two elements of array arr to 10 so that the new value of array arr will be {10, 10, 3, 4, 5} ?

a. arr[0] = 10;
arr[1] = 10;

b. arr[1] = 10;
arr[2] = 10;

c. arr[0, 1] = 10;

d. arr[1, 2] = 10;
e. arr = 10, 10, 3, 4, 5;




arr[0] = 10;

arr[1] = 10;


Given the array:

arr = {1,2,3,4,5}

To set the first two elements of array arr to 10.

Kindly note that ; index numbering if array elements starts from 0

First element of the array has an index of 0

2nd element of the array has an index of 1 and so on.

Array elements can be called one at a time using the array name followed by the index number of the array enclosed in square brackets.

arr[0] = 10 (this assigns a value of 10 to the index value, which replace 1

arr[1] = 10 (assigns a value of 10 to the 2nd value in arr, which replaces 2

Imagine that you are designing an application where you need to perform the operations Insert, DeleteMaximum, and Delete Minimum. For this application, the cost of inserting is not important, because itcan be done off-line prior to startup of the time-critical section, but the performance of the two deletionoperations are critical. Repeated deletions of either kind must work as fast as possible. Suggest a datastructure that can support this application, and justify your suggestion. What is the time complexity foreach of the three key operation



A stack data structure should be used. The time complexity of the insert, delete minimum and maximum operation is O(1).


The stack data structure is an indexed structure that holds data in an easily retrievable way. Data is held in a first-in last-out method as elements in the structure are popped out from the end of the stack when retrieved sequentially.

The worst-case time complexity of getting the minimum and maximum elements in a stack and deleting it is O(1), this is also true for inserting elements in the stack data structure.

A mom is planning a theme park trip for her husband, herself, and their three children. The family has a budget of $500. Adult tickets cost $25 each, and child tickets cost $25 each. Which Excel formula should be entered in cell B5


Complete question :

Sue is planning a theme park trip for her husband, herself, and her three children. She has a budget of $500. Adult tickets cost $55 each, and child tickets cost $25 each. Which formula should go in cell B4?




Cost of adult ticket = $55

Child ticket = $25

Number of adult = 2

Number of children = 3

Assume :

Cost of adult ticket = $55 = E1

Child ticket = $25 = E2

Number of adult = 2 = B1

Number of children = 3 = B2

The formula that should go into cell B5 in other to calculate total amount :

Total should be :

($55*2) + ($25*3)


Consider the following class definition.
public class Tester
privtae int num1;
private int num2;
/missing constructor /
The following statement appears in a method in a class other than Tester. It is intended t o create a new Tester object t with its attributes set to 10 and 20.
Tester t = new Tester(10,20);

Which can be used to replace / missing constructor / so that the object t is correctly created?




The following constructor needs to be added to the code so that the object called t can be created correctly...

public Tester(int arg1, int arg2) {

    num1 = arg1;

    num2 = arg2;


This basic constructor will allow the object to be created correctly and will take the two arguments passed to the object and apply them to the private int variables in the class. The question does not state what exactly the Tester constructor is supposed to accomplish so this is the basic format of what it needs to do for the object to be created correctly.

Assume that you are able to do an exhaustive search for the key to an encrypted message at the rate of 100 Million trials per second. (a) (7 Points) How long in (days or years) would it take for you to find the key on the average to a code that used 112-bit key on average



8.22 × 10²⁰ years


Given that:

Total frequency = 100 million per record

The length of the key used for the encryption = 112 bit key

To calculate the number of seconds in  a year, we have:

= 365 × 24 × 60 × 60

= 3.1536 × 10⁷ seconds

Thus, on average, the number of possible keys that is required to check for the decryption should be at least  2¹¹¹ keys.

[tex]\mathbf{ = \dfrac{2^{111} \times 10^6}{3.1536 \times 10^7} = 8.22 \times 10^{20} \ years}[/tex]

Thus, it will take a total time of about 8.22 × 10²⁰ years on average.

Julie I'm here so help me I'm red



hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey


hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

Computer science pls awnser


Answer: Secure shell (SSH)


describe a sub routine​



A routine or subroutine, also referred to as a function procedure and sub program is code called and executed anywhere in a program. FOr example a routine may be used to save a file or display the time.

What direction would a sprite go if you constantly increased its x property? Your answer What direction would a sprite go if you constantly decreased its y property?* Your answer Do you feel you understand sprite movement and how to create the counter? Your answer​



decrease x property,It would go left

decrease y property, it would go down



Suppose Alice and Bob are sending packets to each other over a computer network. SupposeTrudy positions herself in the network so that she can capture all the packets sent by Alice and sendwhatever she wants to Bob; she can also capture all the packets sent by Bob and send whatever she wantsto Alice. List one active and one passive malicious thing that Trudy can do from this position.



can observe the contents of all the packets sent and even modify the content.can prevent packets sent by both parties from reaching each other.

From a network security standpoint, since we are told that Trudy "positions herself in the network so that she can capture all the packets sent", it, therefore implies that the communication between Alice and Bob is vulnerable to modification and deletion.

U6L1 - Algorithms Solve Problems
I'm just really stuck on this and have no clue what to do.



1. Left hand picks up card on position 1

2. Assume position 2 as the "working position"

3. Free hand picks up card on working position.

4. Compare two cards, put back the largest card on working position.

5. Increase working position by 1.

6. Go to step 3 if there is a card at the new working position.

7. Smallest card is in your hand.

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