How do artifacts and writings reveal social class structure? Use the byzantine empire to support it.


Answer 1

Answer: Artifacts and writings can provide important insights into the social class structure of a society, including the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire was a complex society that had a hierarchical social structure, with different classes of people occupying different positions in society.

Artifacts, such as art, architecture, and objects of everyday life, can reveal the social class structure of the Byzantine Empire. For example, the grandeur of the imperial palace, the opulence of the churches, and the elaborate clothing and jewelry worn by the aristocracy, all reveal the wealth and status of the upper classes. Conversely, the simplicity of peasant dwellings and the lack of ornamentation in their clothing and tools suggest their lower social status.

Writings can also reveal the social class structure of a society, as they often reflect the perspectives, experiences, and values of different classes of people. In the Byzantine Empire, literary works such as poetry, religious texts, and histories, often reflected the perspectives of the educated elite, who were mainly drawn from the aristocratic class. These writings often portrayed the values and beliefs of the upper classes, which emphasized education, refinement, and religious devotion.

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analyze the foreign and domestic factors that led many americans to feel this uneasiness with life in the 1970s


The American economy in the 1970s suffered from high inflation, high unemployment, an energy crisis, a declining dollar, high government spending, and jobs leaving the country as a result of deindustrialization that had been accelerating since World War II.

Examine the domestic factors ways in which these events and trends diminished the country's economic power and international influence and challenged Americans.

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Correct Question:

Explain and analyze the foreign and domestic factors that led many Americans to feel this uneasiness with life in the 1970's?

Bolshevism was just one of many responses to dysfunction and deprivation of Russia; describe non-Bolshevik groups


During the early 20th century, Russia faced a great deal of dysfunction and deprivation, and as a result, a number of non-Bolshevik groups emerged.

These groups were often focused on different methods of addressing the issues facing the country, and some of the most prominent included the Socialist Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks, and the Constitutional Democrats. The Socialist Revolutionaries were a populist group that believed in the power of the people to bring about change. They advocated for a socialist society that was more democratic and equitable, and they were particularly popular among the peasantry. The Mensheviks, on the other hand, were more moderate socialists who believed in working within the existing political system to achieve reform. They favored a more gradual approach to change and were often critical of the Bolsheviks' more radical tactics. Finally, the Constitutional Democrats, also known as the Cadets, were a liberal party that advocated for a constitutional monarchy and greater political freedoms.

Overall, these non-Bolshevik groups were united in their desire for change in Russia, but they differed in their methods and ideologies. While the Bolsheviks ultimately emerged as the dominant force in the country, these other groups played an important role in shaping the political landscape of Russia during this tumultuous time.

To learn more about Bolsheviks, click here:


the greatest concerns of slave trader thomas phillips seem to be


The greatest concerns of slave trader Thomas Phillips seemed to be maintaining profitability, ensuring the health and survival of slaves during transport, and managing the various risks associated with the slave trade.

The greatest concerns of slave trader Thomas Phillips were likely profit and maintaining a steady supply of enslaved people to sell. As a slave trader, his business depended on the buying and selling of human beings, and his primary goal was likely to maximize his profits. However, it is important to note that the immoral and inhumane nature of his business may have been a concern for some, both within and outside of the slave trade industry.

Learn more about slave here:


Create an acrostic poem that describes the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe. Use your student text, Reading Notes, and Handout D to complete your poem. Your poem must meet the following requirements.

• It must have nine short stanzas, or lines.
• The first letter of the poem’s stanzas must spell out the words THE CHURCH. So, the first word of Stanza 1 must begin with the letter T, the first word of Stanza 2 with the letter H, and so on.
• The poem must contain at least five of the Social Studies Vocabulary words from this lesson.
• The poem must contain correct spelling and grammar.




A poem is a form of literary expression that uses language, imagery, and rhythm to convey emotions, ideas, or experiences. It is a type of artistic writing that often employs the use of metaphor, symbolism, and other literary devices to create meaning and evoke feelings in the reader or listener

The power of the church was supreme,

Heralding in a new age it seemed.

Every aspect of life, they would control,

Charging for forgiveness, saving each soul.

Heirs of Rome, the church was their guise,

Under their authority, all would rise.

Religion was the glue that held Europe tight,

Crusades and holy wars were their might.

Hierarchy was key to the church's hold,

Upheld by bishops and priests, all bold.

Rituals and sacraments, they'd bestow,

Casting out sin, with each holy glow.

Church architecture, grand and tall,

Held the weight of faith, it would enthrall.

Each painting, sculpture, and stained-glass,

Recounted biblical stories, visions en masse.

Inquisition and heresy, were their command,

Smiting out error, with an iron hand.

Tyranny, corruption, a reality so grim,

Yet through the church, Europe did win.

To know more about CHURCH here


The presence of brachiopod, nautiloid, and coral fossils in the surface bedrock of a certain area indicated the area was once covered by _________ __________.


The presence of brachiopod, nautiloid, and coral fossils in the surface bedrock of a certain area indicates that the area was once covered by a shallow marine environment. These organisms thrived in such environments, and their preserved fossils provide evidence of the area's past conditions.

What do you mean by marine environment?

Aquatic environments containing high levels of saline solution make up marine ecosystems. They comprise the deep ocean, the open ocean, and the coastal marine ecosystems, all of which have unique biological and physical properties. Marine habitats are places where marine life can live.

The saltwater in the sea is necessary for marine life in some form. An environmental or ecological space that is home to one or even more living species is known as a habitat. Many types of these habitats can be found in the marine environment.

To know more about marine environment visit:


The presence of brachiopod, nautiloid, and coral fossils in the surface bedrock of a certain area indicates that the area was once covered by a shallow marine environment.

These organisms thrived in such environments, and their preserved fossils provide evidence of the area's past conditions.Aquatic environments containing high levels of saline solution make up marine ecosystems. They comprise the deep ocean, the open ocean, and the coastal marine ecosystems, all of which have unique biological and physical properties. Marine habitats are places where marine life can live.The saltwater in the sea is necessary for marine life in some form. An environmental or ecological space that is home to one or even more living species is known as a habitat. Many types of these habitats can be found in the marine environment.

Learn more about biological here:


what a u.s. minority that was forced into concentration camps during world war ii


The minority group that was forced into concentration camps during World War II in the United States were Japanese Americans.

What was the American minority that was interned in camps in World War II?

This was due to the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which authorized the forced relocation and internment of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. The internment camps were officially called "War Relocation Centers" and were in operation from 1942 to 1946.

It was a violation of civil liberties and remains a dark chapter in American history. This internment was carried out under Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin  Roosevelt on February 19, 1942.

To know more about Franklin  Roosevelt  visit:


The minority group that was forced into concentration camps during World War II in the United States were Japanese Americans.

This was due to the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which authorized the forced relocation and internment of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. The internment camps were officially called "War Relocation Centers" and were in operation from 1942 to 1946.It was a violation of civil liberties and remains a dark chapter in American history. This internment was carried out under Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin  Roosevelt on February 19, 1942.

Learn more about Japanese  here:


If this road we chart leads to the rights and reforms we demand, if it leads to just wages, humane working conditions, protection from the misuse of pesticides . . . if it changes the social order that relegates us to the bottom reaches of society, then in our wake will follow thousands of American farm workers. Our example will make them free.
–Proclamation of the Delano grape workers
for International Boycott Day,
Why did the United Farm Workers release this document? Check all that apply.
to convince Americans to quit buying grapes
to explain why farm workers were at the bottom of American society
to bring attention to the challenges faced by farm workers
to list the demands the union was seeking in exchange for lifting the boycott
to explain why pesticides are dangerous to farm workers


The United Farm Workers released the document "Proclamation of the Delano grape workers for International Boycott Day, 1969" to:

Convince Americans to quit buying grapesBring attention to the challenges faced by farm workersList the demands the union was seeking in exchange for lifting the boycott

Why did the United Farm Workers release this document to achieve their goals?

The document was released to convince Americans to support the boycott by abstaining from buying grapes, which was a key strategy in pressuring grape growers to improve working conditions and wages for farm workers.

It aimed to raise awareness about the challenges faced by farm workers, such as low wages, poor working conditions, and exposure to dangerous pesticides. The document likely listed the specific demands that the union was seeking from grape growers in order to lift the boycott, which could have included better wages, improved working conditions, and increased protections against pesticides.

Read more about Proclamation of the Delano


How do you think the Iran-Contra scandal affect Americans' opinion of the administration ?


The Iran-Contra scandal, which involved the Reagan administration secretly selling weapons to Iran and using the proceeds to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, damaged the public's trust in the government and raised concerns about illegal and unethical behavior among government officials. The scandal contributed to a sense of disillusionment and cynicism about politics and government, and led to increased scrutiny of government actions and increased demands for transparency and accountability.

What statement does this 1960 poster justify about the Great Leap Forward?


The 1960 poster justifies the claim that the Great Leap Forward was a successful campaign that mobilized the Chinese people to rapidly industrialize and modernize the country.

The Great Leap Forward, a drive the Communist Party of China initiated in 1958 to quickly industrialise and modernise the nation, is praised in the 1960 poster as having been successful. The motto "People's Commune, Great Leap Forward" is inscribed in large letters over a group of smiling, animated individuals working together in a field.

The picture conveys the idea that the campaign inspired the Chinese people to put in extra effort and advance their nation. However, the Great Leap Forward ultimately resulted in widespread famine and economic suffering, and historians have disagreed over whether or not it was a success.

Learn more about industrialisation:


The belief that illness is caused by sin is especially evident in the history of...



The belief that illness is caused by sin is especially evident in the history of leprosy

Did Dr. Omalu take the job in Washington after the procedings?





The two signers of the U.S. Constitution from Georgia were William Few and


The two signers of the U.S. Constitution from Georgia were William Few and Abraham Baldwin.

Baldwin participated in the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in 1787 as a delegate. Abraham Baldwin and William Few were the only delegates that stuck around for the entire discussion and signed the constitution, despite Georgia sending additional delegates. Few fought in the Battle of Burke County Jail and supported the patriot cause during the American Revolution as a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Richmond County Militia.

Abraham Baldwin was a founding father and American pastor who also served as a patriot and politician. He was born and raised in Connecticut and graduated from Yale College in 1772. Baldwin started practicing law following the Revolutionary War. Abraham Baldwin, who drafted the university's charter, presided over the institution as its first president from 1786 to 1801. He was selected as one of Georgia's four representatives to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

To learn more about William Few, click here:


Which explains why the Oklahoma City bombing is an act of domestic terrorism?

A. It was a protest against the American government’s policies in the Middle East.
B. It was funded by al-Qaeda as a way to protest American involvement in the Middle East.
C. It was the work of foreign governments that believed the US government was too powerful.
D. It was carried out by Americans who thought the government was too powerful within the United States.



The Oklahoma City bombing was an act of domestic terrorism because it was carried out by Americans who thought the government was too powerful within the United States. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

The bombing was perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, both of whom were American citizens with anti-government beliefs. The attack was motivated by a desire to retaliate against what they saw as government overreach, including the confrontation between federal agents and the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas in 1993 and the siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992.

The bombing killed 168 people and injured more than 600 others, making it the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in US history at the time. The attack was widely condemned by political leaders and the public, and McVeigh was executed for his role in the bombing in 2001.




Louis XIV once said "Letat cest moi", meaning "I am the State." Choose the best explanation of that statement


Answer: Hey!

King Louis is saying that he is France. Nothing happens without his authorization.

Let me know if I answered your question incorrectly! <3

What event changed everything for George W. Bush’s presidency?





After 9/11, Bush had his hands pretty full. He started the war on terrorism and had the duty of keeping American citizens safe, calm, and collected.  

during the classical period, concerto cadenzas were usually improvised by the soloists, although they were frequently based on themes included in the movement. (True or False)



True is the correct answer.


how is democracy proven to be the best form of government




Democracy can be simply described as a form of government that is, of the people, for the people, and by the people.

Democracy is a system of government where the citizens of any given country get to decide its policies through elected representatives. It gives every citizen irrespective of their caste, creed, and color to have some role in the working of their country.

It is the best and the most liberal form of the government which prevents the rule of autocrats and dictators.

which elemen of the compromise of 1850 was most supported in the north
A: The fugitive Slave Act became a federal law.
B: The wilmot proviso was not adopted.
C: Territories in the southwest could vote to allow slavery
D: california joined the union as a free state


D. The north was free and against slavery. They wouldn’t want another slave state.

The history of ______ in areas as diverse as energy policy, economic stimulus measures, health-care reform, and taxes and spending reflects the inability of policy makers to resolve some of these deep conflict.


The history of policymaking in areas as diverse as energy policy, economic stimulus measures, healthcare reform, and taxes and spending reflects the inability of policymakers to resolve some of these deep conflicts.

Despite the best efforts of policymakers, these areas of public policy are often highly contentious, with different interest groups advocating for competing priorities and values.

In energy policy, for example, there is often tension between those who support the development of renewable energy sources and those who prioritize the continued use of fossil fuels. Similarly, in economic stimulus measures, there may be disagreements over whether to focus on increasing government spending or reducing taxes, depending on differing views about the role of government in the economy.

Healthcare reform is another area that has been highly contentious in recent years, with different stakeholders advocating for different approaches to expanding access to healthcare and controlling costs. Finally, taxes and spending have long been a source of conflict, with debates over how to balance the need for government revenue with the desire to minimize the tax burden on individuals and businesses.

Despite the challenges posed by these deep conflicts, policymakers continue to grapple with these issues and seek to find solutions that balance competing priorities and values.

Learn more about stakeholders   here:


in eighteenth-century france enlightenment ideas were discussed in... a. movie theaters b. cabarets c. coffee houses d. bars


In eighteenth-century France, Enlightenment ideas were primarily discussed in coffee houses. These coffee houses were known as "cafés philosophiques" and were popular meeting places for intellectuals, writers, artists, and politicians.

The emergence of coffee houses as centers of intellectual discussion in France during the Enlightenment was a significant development. Prior to this time, discussions about ideas were typically held in private salons hosted by aristocratic women. However, with the rise of the middle class and the spread of literacy, a new culture of intellectual exchange began to emerge.

One of the most famous cafes in Paris during this time was the Café Procope, which opened in 1686 and quickly became a popular meeting place for Enlightenment thinkers. The cafe was known for its lively debates and discussions, and was frequented by luminaries such as Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau.

To know more about France visit :


Which American president and Soviet leader negotiated a solution to the Cuban missile crisis?


John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev

1. What is government? a) a monarchy b) an oligarchy c) a dictatorship d) all of the above​



d) all of the above​

Laws passed in the 1970s make it more difficult for banks to engage in redlining, which is the practice of


Aiming to stop banks from engaging in the discriminatory practise of "redlining," laws like the Fair Housing Act and the Community Reinvestment Act were established in the 1970s.

Laws passed in the 1970s, such as the Fair Housing Act and the Community Reinvestment Act, aimed to combat the discriminatory practice of redlining by banks. Redlining involves denying loans or other financial services to individuals or communities based on their race or ethnicity. These laws require banks to serve all neighborhoods in their service area and prohibit discriminatory lending practices. While redlining still occurs today, these laws have helped to decrease its prevalence and hold banks accountable for fair lending practices.

Learn more about Community Reinvestment Act here


why did laws concerning marriage of asians and indians exist more in western states in the 1960s?


Laws concerning marriage of Asians and Indians existed more in Western states in the 1960s due to a combination of factors, including racism, xenophobia, and a desire to protect white supremacy.

What is brief history?

The passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and subsequent laws limiting Asian immigration, such as the Immigration Act of 1924, had created a climate of discrimination against Asians in the US.

The rise of anti-Asian sentiment during World War II and the fear of Japanese espionage and sabotage further fueled this discrimination. Laws that prohibited Asians and Indians from marrying whites were seen as a way to prevent "racial mixing" and preserve the racial hierarchy.

These laws were eventually struck down as unconstitutional in the 1960s, but their legacy continues to be felt in the discrimination and prejudice experienced by Asian and Indian Americans today.

To know more about World War related question visit:


Document C & D are written after Great Britain granted India independence. Therefore, the argument (so far) over whether India should be split is occurring after the fight for Indian independence.
POV: How might this context have affected what Moutbatten and Wolpert are saying in these documents?

please answer quick



The context of India gaining independence from British rule would have affected how Mountbatten and Wolpert viewed the partition of India. Their understanding of the situation in India and their opinions on the division of the country would have been shaped by this historical event.


The context of India's independence would have a significant impact on the perspectives of Mountbatten and Wolpert in Documents C and D. The fact that India had just gained independence after a long struggle against British rule would have shaped their understanding of the situation in India and influenced their views on the partition of the country.

Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of India, and his role in overseeing the transfer of power to Indian leaders would have made him acutely aware of the political, social, and economic issues that India was facing at the time. In Document C, he appears to be advocating for the partition of India, arguing that it is necessary to prevent further violence and bloodshed between Hindus and Muslims. However, his tone is cautious, and he acknowledges that the partition will have serious consequences, both for India and for the relationship between India and Pakistan.

Wolpert, on the other hand, is a historian who wrote about the events leading up to Indian independence. In Document D, he provides a historical perspective on the causes of the partition, arguing that it was the result of a complex set of factors, including religious differences, political divisions, and British policies. He also notes that the partition was not inevitable and that it was the product of human choices and actions..

Overall, the context of India's independence would have shaped the views of both Mountbatten and Wolpert on the partition of India, influencing their understanding of the political and social dynamics at play and the consequences of the partition for India and the region as a whole

What are the similarities and differences between the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal levels of Government?




All three levels of government are responsible for providing services to citizens such as healthcare, education, and transportation.

Each level of government has the power to create laws and regulations within their jurisdiction.

They all have the power to collect taxes to fund their programs and services.


The federal government is responsible for national issues such as immigration, defense, and international trade, while the provincial government deals with issues that affect their province, such as healthcare and education.

The municipal government deals with issues that are specific to their municipality, such as garbage collection and local bylaws.

The federal government has more power than the provincial and municipal governments because it can override their decisions on certain issues.

The provincial and municipal governments have their own elected officials, while the federal government is led by a prime minister and cabinet appointed by the prime minister.


What year did Adams marry Abigail Smith? How long were they married?


John Adams married Abigail Smith on October 25, 17641 and they were married for 54 years.

Abigail was an Israelite woman who wed Nabal in the Hebrew Bible. She married the future king David after Nabal's passing (1 Samuel 25). Abigail was David's second wife after Michal, the daughter of Saul and Ahinoam, whom Saul eventually married to Palti, the son of Laish, when David hid out.

Abigail reared one of David's sons, who is known as Daniel in the Book of Chronicles, Chilean in the Books of Samuel's Masoretic Text, and o, Daloia in the Septuagint translation of 2 Samuel 3:3. Her name is spelt incorrectly as Abigal in 2 Samuel 17:25 in the American Standard Version.

Learn more about Abigail here:


After decades of religious turmoil, Protestantism finally gained permanent dominance in England after the succession to the throne of


Queen Elizabeth l

I hope it helped!

What was Japan`s plan following the bombing of Pearl Harbor?



The Japanese strategy was to destroy the invader's landing vessels before they hit the beaches. For this purpose, Japan had reserved about 5,000 conventional aircraft and a variety of s u i c i d e vehicles, including about 5,500 kamikaze planes, 1,300 s u i c i d e submarines, and several hundred piloted bombs.

Have a Nice Best Day : )

Cardinal Richelieu and later Cardinal Mazarin both worked to lessen royal power?


Cardinal Richelieu contributed significantly to the building of the French monarchy by diminishing those who may oppose the king & strengthening those who might support him.

The Huguenots and aristocrats were seen as the greatest dangers to the monarchy's power by Richelieu and Louis XIII. Richelieu intended to limit the authority of the feudal nobles in order to further solidify power in France.

In 1626, he abolished the title of Captain of France and ordered the destruction of all fortified castles, except those required to protect against invaders.

Both ministers were cardinals (though, unlike Richelieu, Mazarin has never ordained a priest); they both rose to political prominence from unlikely social backgrounds, particularly Mazarin, who was born and raised in Italy; and they openly used their political clout to enrich themselves and their families.

Learn more about Cardinal Richelieu here:


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