How did The Shot heard around the world cause the American revolution?


Answer 1
The phrase indicates that the shots fired at British troops during the Battle of Concord marked America's first victory against the powerful British army, which in turn sparked the Revolutionary War and lead to America's independence.

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Put these in Order
the enlightenment
proclamation of 1763
stamp acts
navigation acts
French and Indian war
Boston tea party
Boston massacre
declaratory acts
intolerable acts
Townshend acts
shots around the world
first continental congress


the oldest

stamp act

declaratory acts

townshend acts

Boston massacre

Townshend acts

tea act

Boston tea party

French and Indian war Boston tea party Boston massacre

(Corroboration)What part of document A and B Does this speech corroborate



CONFIRM, CORROBORATE, SUBSTANTIATE, VERIFY, AUTHENTICATE, VALIDATE mean to attest to the truth or validity of something. CONFIRM implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact. confirmed the reports CORROBORATE suggests the strengthening of what is already partly established. witnesses corroborated his story SUBSTANTIATE implies the offering of evidence that sustains the contention. the claims have yet to be substantiated VERIFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at. all statements of fact in the article have been verified AUTHENTICATE implies establishing genuineness by adducing legal or official documents or expert opinion. handwriting experts authenticated the diaries VALIDATE implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof. validated the hypothesis by experiments

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The english, in 1619, brought them into Jamestown, Virginia as slaves.

Please help! Very easy!



The first question is plow and the second one is fresh water.

I just learned about this lol. Hope this helps though! :D

it shows the anwsers on the pic

Why did the deflection of the beam by a magnet suggest that the cathode ray contained charged particles?



only streams of charged particles can be bent by a magnet

They would be streams of tiny, charged particles,because . Only streams of charged particles can be bent by a magnet. Light rays can not

How did Increased British military and abuse of colonial rights effect cause the American Revaluation?




The British Empire established colonies in the Americas.

Britain and France engaged in the French and Indian War, battling over land in North America. After the British won the war, they gained possession of France’s North American territories east of the Mississippi River. Up until this point the British had left the American colonies mostly on their own, but under the rule of King George III, Great Britain began to exert more control over the colonies.

Stamp Act warning

Stamp Act warning

“An Emblem of the Effects of the STAMP,” a warning against the Stamp Act published in the Pennsylvania Journal, October 1765; in the New York Public Library.

Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations

The French and Indian War put the British crown in debt. In order to increase revenues for the costs of defending the expanding British Empire, Britain taxed the colonies. It imposed the Sugar Act in 1764, and, one year later, it added the Stamp Act. Colonists protested the added taxes. The Stamp Act was repealed.

In another effort to raise money and exert its authority over the colonies, Britain established the Townshend Acts in 1767. This series of acts placed taxes on tea, lead, paint, paper, and glass imported to the colonies. The acts were resisted through violence, deliberate refusal to pay, and hostility toward British agents.

Colonial opposition to the British grew, and the British sent troops to Boston, Massachusetts. As punishment for the colonists’ resistance, the British Parliament enacted four measures known as the Intolerable Acts. Meant to divide the colonies, the act united the colonies and provided justification for organizing the First Continental Congress in 1774.

After representatives for the colonists called on Britain to cancel the Intolerable Acts, Britain responded by sending more troops. Fighting ensued, and the colonies officially declared independence on July 4, 1776.


The Peace of Paris, a collection of treaties signed by both sides, ended the war. Britain recognized the United States of America as an independent country and ceded territory to the new United States.

A new plan of government, the Articles of Confederation, were written in 1776–77 and adopted by Congress on November 15, 1777. The articles were not fully ratified by the states until March 1, 1781. This new government organization served as a bridge between the initial government by the Continental Congress and the federal government provided under the Constitution of the United States.

signing the U.S. Constitution

signing the U.S. Constitution

The signing of the U.S. Constitution by 39 members of the Constitutional Congress on September 17, 1787, is depicted in a painting by Howard Chandler Christy. George Washington is standing to the right.

Architect of the Capitol

The Constitution was written in 1787 to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution organized the country’s basic political institutions and formed the three branches of government: judicial, executive, and legislative.


sana makatulong

One act that was passed was the stamps act where everyone from the poor to the rich had to use paper and get taxed. And since the colonists were angry they tried to abuse the soldiers which led the British to send in more troops so that the colonist obey The British more “honorably”. Then the final straw was the Boston massacre when the soldiers were shooting at a mob and killed 5 people which is portrayed as a “massacre” from the colonists view. As a result of this people in the colonies wanted freedom from the king and England.

Put these in order of what happened fist to last.

Fighting at Lexington and Concord
Olive Branch Petition
Second Continental congress of Declaration of Independence
The Siege of Boston
Shot heard around the world



Olive Branch Petition

Fighting at Lexington and Concord

Second Continental congress

Declaration of Independence


Olive branch
Second continental

How did the Boston Tea party cause the American revolution?


They said they were not going to pay the high taxes put on the tea from England. They dressed as Indians and threw the tea overboard. The English were MAD
Protesters, some disguised as American Indians, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. The demonstrators boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. The British government responded harshly, and the episode escalated into the American Revolution.

Does somebody have all the answers for 2106010 M/J CIVICS - T1 Unit 2 The constitution of the United States Test (for 7th grade) because if so I need it asp there are 24 questions :(


I don’t know how to help you with that




help me giving brainliest helppppppp





Did this quiz

its D!!! i did this quiz before and its pretty easy ngl!! have a great one~

If you were a colonist alive at the time, would you sign the Declaration of Independence? Why or why not?




It's easy to say "yeah sure. It's a good thing to do."

But remember to sigh it, was to commit treason and the law was enforced towards the end. I don't have that kind of courage or commitment. I don't think I'd like to face my neighbors either, who would most likely be "pro-waking George up" to the price of tyranny. I'd likely do what many loyalists did and that would be to flee to British held Canada.

Yes, because would you want to be under rule of someone across the sea?

How did Fighting at Lexington and Concord cause the American revaluation?


The Battles of Lexington and Concord on 19 April 1775, the famous 'shot heard 'round the world', marked the start of the American War of Independence (1775-83). Politically disastrous for the British, it persuaded many Americans to take up arms and support the cause of independence.

How did fighting at Lexington and Concord cause the American revaluation?



It was one of the first signs of war.


and well one thing always less to another

How did fighting at Lexington and Concord cause the American revaluation?

Adoniram Judson always asked which question about everything?

Group of answer choices

Do I have to do this?

Where will this get me in life?

Is it pleasing to God?

Is is pleasing to my parents?


Ok kx,md,kllxlclcm,ccdlllz
“Is it pleasing to God?” Is the correct answer

What percent of states must approve of a proposed amendment before it becomes part of the Constitution?

Question 5 options:







I would say my best guess would be 34 percent


In total 38 out of the 50 states have to approve of the new amendment in order for it to pass.

my best choice would roughly 75%

Please help! I will give brainly!

Explain at least two ways that the land of Mesopotamia helped the civilization thrive. Give thorough explanations, do not just list.

2-3 sentences



According to

"Rivers helped by transporting people, irrigation, and fertile soil so there were surpluses of food. surpluses of food meant that more Mesopotamians could survive and newborn people could thrive. so rivers impacted on the population of the civilization."

Bro I honestly don’t know sry

How did the Increased taxation without representation cause the American revoulation?



The colonists felt as though the British were making decisions about their colony and not including them, which made them upset. Couple this with the end of salutary neglect, and it caused the colonists to become violent and revolt against the taxes and British control.

Taxing people way to much and taxing people that weren’t adults

How did the Increased British military case the American revaluation?


The Colonist did not like quartering the British soldiers
The British military stayed it there houses

Describe the point of view of the British Parliament, the Brtish East Indian Company, and the colonists during the period of time around the passage of the Tea Act. (Make sure to discuss all three perspectives)



No British subject on either side of the Atlantic could have predicted the coming conflicts between the parent country and its North American colonies when the French and Indian War ended in 1763. Nonetheless, the seeds of these conflicts were sown during and as a result of the war. Remember that the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven Years' War in Europe) was a global conflict. Even though Britain defeated France and its allies, the victory came at a high price. In January 1763, the national debt of the United Kingdom was more than 122 million pounds [the British monetary unit], an enormous sum for the time. The annual interest on the debt was more than 4.4 million pounds.


No British subject on either side of the Atlantic could have predicted the coming conflicts between the parent country and its North American colonies when the French and Indian War ended in 1763.

A protest by American colonists on December 16, 1773 in response to the actions of the British government, as a result of which a cargo of tea belonging to the English East India Company was destroyed in Boston Harbor. This event in American history was the impetus for the beginning of the American Revolution.

n the ancient world, all of the following were characteristics of common citizens EXCEPT:
They were rarely educated.
They had no voice in government.
They were not active in government.
They could move up the social and economic ladder with hard work





it was hard to move in the chain of command.

Answer: B


Most times in the ancient world, the people who didn't have a say in government decisions were women, foreigners and slaves since they were  not considered citizens. On the other hand, men were considered citizens and had the ability to make government decisions. Common citizens had a voice in the government. At least this is how it was in Ancient Greece. With many men often holding a government position.

How did colonists react to the Stamp Act?

A. They immediately declared independence and fought against the British.
B. Colonists sent messages to Parliament, refused to buy stamps, attacked tax collectors.
C. Colonists called The Stamp Act necessary.
D. Colonists accepted it since the tax was so small.





colonists actually tarred and feathered tax collectors because they were so mad at the fact that king George was taxing them for his war debt. all of the examples that they did in b was the colonists way of protesting

B The colonists didn’t quite declare independence yet they instead attacked the tax collector and refused to buy stamps like when other taxes were put on like the sugar tax or tea tax (I think those are real taxes lol I forget)



I only know the two I put, very sorry.

2- Daedalus and Icarus wanted to escape the tower the king trapped them in.

3- Because Daedalus was a brilliant inventor he decided that he would need to create something to escape the king’s captivity. Daedalus decided that he would build a pair of wings for him and his son Icarus. Daedalus would ask the king to give him feathers, glue, and other thing to create his wings but the king had no idea. Daedalus and Icarus would eventually escape the tower by using these wings.

How did The British attempted to control the colonies and its defense of the French and Indian war cause the American Revolution?



The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American revolution.

This is the answer, just need points lol ^

Define states’ rights and explain how it affected the Southern states before the Civil War.



States rights affected the south because the south didn't have much right as the northern people have so it affected them in the civil war do to the fact that  they didn't really care about them.


Many people believe that the Electoral College is out of date and should be eliminated. They argue that it was created at a time when fewer people could vote and the voters were much less educated than they are today.
They note that, originally, a similar system was used to choose members of the Senate. Instead of voters choosing senators directly, state legislatures chose them. The Seventeenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, allowed for the direct election of senators. Many people think the time has come to do the same with presidential elections.
What do you think? Should the Electoral College be eliminated?



I think that the Electoral college should be eliminated because I feel that is is not working well with the size of our community.

I think that the Electoral College should be eliminated. It’s not needed as much anymore and the size within the world has grown so much. There are now so many more people able to vote so it honestly isn’t needed and so many more people are educated.

-Describe Their Geography
-Describe Their Economy/Jobs



The Dravidians are an ethnolinguistic group living in South Asia who predominantly speak any of the Dravidian languages. They live all throughout parts of South Africa. They work in agricultural fields and most of them are poor/homeless.


plz help i need this done so bad i will give brainlyest

: *Pretend you can choose what prehistoric era to live in as a human. Write a letter to a person in 2021 about what is going on in your era. Be sure to include the new technology that has been invented and how it has impacted your life. Be sure to include textual evidence.
*2 paragraphs (minimum)
(4-5 sentences in each paragraph)



the dinosaur era


Hello ( name of friend or family), this is ( your name)

(their name) as if right now I am in the dinosaur era and wrote to you because this era is fascinating. The birds are big and beautiful and I see green everywhere! It is very different here. The sights are like no other.

I get to touch all of these plant that in the future will be fossilized and made into oil. This will impact generations of economy. This impacts us because of field trips while we're at school and how get get and go from school. This is a nice place and I wish I could stay forever. I will see you soon!

From ( your name)

First founded each nation.

Hello, (person’s name) It seems so different here because there is nothing on the nations yet! It’s unbelievable we started here. Every nation seems so clean and nature-looking!

I hope I helped you, you can use this idea if you wish it’s up to you. :)

How did The Siege of Boston cause the American Revolution?


The siege started on April 19 after the battle of Lexington and Concord, When Massachusetts militias blocked land access to Boston.


Despite their loss, the inexperienced and outnumbered colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided the Patriots with an important confidence boost. After the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Siege of Boston turned into a stalemate for a number of months.


Research shows that consumer socialization with respect to brand preference is evidence among children





Brand's are becoming increasingly more profitable amongst the younger generation as they compete for brand reputation and marketability within the sport's world

Yes po sana maka tulong
Thanks po all

How did The Siege of Boston cause the American revolution?


Answer: It began as a street brawl between American colonists and a lone British soldier, but quickly escalated to a chaotic, bloody slaughter. The conflict energized anti-British sentiment and paved the way for the American Revolution.



British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who were teasing and taunting them. Five colonists were killed. The colonists blamed the British and the Sons of Liberty and used this incident as an excuse to promote the Revolution.
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