Complete the implementation of the LinkedBST class, in the file, discussed in this chapter. A main() has been provided in the file to test the implementation of the LinkedBST class. You can reference this file to verify the requirements of the LinkedBST class.
A tester program for binary search trees.
from linkedbst import LinkedBST
def main():
tree = LinkedBST()
print("Adding D B A C F E G")
print("\nExpect True for A in tree: ", "A" in tree)
print("\nString:\n" + str(tree))
clone = LinkedBST(tree)
print("\nClone:\n" + str(clone))
print("Expect True for tree == clone: ", tree == clone)
print("\nFor loop: ", end="")
for item in tree:
print(item, end=" ")
print("\n\ninorder traversal: ", end="")
for item in tree.inorder(): print(item, end = " ")
print("\n\npreorder traversal: ", end="")
for item in tree.preorder(): print(item, end = " ")
print("\n\npostorder traversal: ", end="")
for item in tree.postorder(): print(item, end = " ")
print("\n\nlevelorder traversal: ", end="")
for item in tree.levelorder(): print(item, end = " ")
print("\n\nRemoving all items:", end = " ")
for item in "ABCDEFG":
print(tree.remove(item), end=" ")
print("\n\nExpect 0: ", len(tree))
tree = LinkedBST(range(1, 16))
print("\nAdded 1..15:\n" + str(tree))
lyst = list(range(1, 16))
import random
tree = LinkedBST(lyst)
print("\nAdded ", lyst, "\n" + str(tree))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the whole code link:
due to restriction, I can't upload whole code here.
I got two error:
Unit Test Incomplete:
postorder() traverses nodes properly
Unit Test Complete:
postorder() does not traverse preorder
Unit Test ncomplete:
postorder() does not traverse in inorder
Unit Test Complete:
postorder() does not traverse in levelorder


Answer 1

The link class can properly establish relationships on its own with other classes in the system and can have any number of characteristics.

What is meant by link best class?

For each pair of related objects, a link class creates a single instance of the class. The link class can properly establish relationships on its own with other classes in the system and can have any number of characteristics.

The:link Unvisited elements are represented using CSS pseudo-classes. Every unvisited href-property-equipped a> or area> element is matched.

A link relationship is a type of association or communication path in the UML. A link is a relationship between objects or instances of the classifiers or nodes, as opposed to an association, which is a relationship between two classifiers. Another example of a communication path between two nodes is a link relationship.

To learn more about link refer to :


Complete The Implementation Of The LinkedBST Class, In The File, Discussed In This Chapter.
Answer 2

The error doesn't seem to be in TESTBST.PY. No value is returned from the TREE.INORDER() method. The problem is in the LINKEDBST PYTHON file that defined the INORDER() method.

What is Python and its importance?

The Python programming language has become very popular language now a days. The Files with the . py extension contain the Python source code. Python can be used for system scripting, website and software development, task automation, data analysis, and data visualization. Because Python is relatively easy to learn, many non-programmers, such as accountants and scientists, have adopted it for a variety of day-to-day tasks, such as: Organize your finances.

How do I edit a Python file?

Python Toolbox (. pyt) is a plain text file that can be edited with any text editor or Python IDE. To edit a Python toolbox, right-click the toolbox and click Edit. Once you're done editing, close the editor and the Python toolbox will automatically refresh.

To learn more about  Python visit:


Related Questions

Need to compress this IPv6 Address


I can't underatnd your question


Derive the three-dimensional transformation matrix for scaling an object by a scaling factor s in a direction defined by the direction cosines alpha , beta , gamma



i dont know


i dont knoe im doing this for the points hehe

Use the drop-down menus to explain how to locate the Consolidate dialog box.

1. Select the ------------
tab on the ribbon.

2. Look in the ----------
group and select -----------



data, data tools, consolidate


I just did it :)

Please help on this problem about data



The answer is "sound"


Video: It includes both image and voice.

Images: It also includes data.

Memory: it uses to contain data.

Sound: It is a hardware device.  

Documents: It also contains files like text, images, graphs, and bar charts.

Text messages: It used in the electronic device, that includes string data.

numbers: It is also used to store data.

Consider the following recursive method.

public static String doSomething(String str)
if (str.length() < 1)
return "";
return str.substring(0, 1) + doSomething(str.substring(1));
Which of the following best describes the result of the call doSomething(myString) ?

The method call returns a String containing the contents of myString unchanged.

The method call returns a String containing the contents of myString with the order of the characters reversed from their order in myString.

The method call returns a String containing all but the first character of myString.

The method call returns a String containing only the first and second characters of myString.

The method call returns a String containing only the first and last characters of myString.




The method call returns a String containing the contents of myString unchanged.


I would select Straight 2-way Merge sort over Quick sort when which of the following are true.
A. Incorrect selections will be penalized.
B. If I knew that the distribution of the data was significantly skewed.
C. If space were not an issue If I knew the size of the data set was very large.
D. If I knew that the data tended to be in order.



I would select Straight 2-way Merge sort over Quicksort when:

C. If space were not an issue If I knew the size of the data set was very large.


For large datasets, the Straight 2-way Merge sort has been found to be more efficient than the Quicksort.  It also works faster than Quicksort.  However, Quicksort has been found to be more efficient, working faster than the Straight 2-way Merge sort with small datasets.  The two are algorithms for sorting.  While Straight 2-way Merge Sort uses two streams with repetitions, the Quicksort uses just one stream without repetitions and additional storage space.

Make these negative sentences more positive and polite. Keep the meaning.

1.Don’t run for the bus. You might slip on the ice and fall
2.Don’t tell me what you can’t do.
3.Don’t eat with your mouth open.
4.Don’t submit an incomplete report.



You should not run for the bus. You could slip on the ice and fall

Would you stop telling me what you can't do

Could you not eat with your mouth open

You should not submit an incomplete report


You should not run for the bus. You could slip on the ice and fall

please stop telling me what you can't do.

please do not eat with your mouth open

you shouldn't submit an incomplete report. it could affect your grades negatively.


hope this helps!


If you notice that a worksheet displays columns A, B, C, E, and F, what happened to column D?





11-12 sid davidson is the personnel director of babson and willcount, a company that specializes in consulting and research. one of the training programs that sid is considering for the middle-level managers of babson and willcount is leadership training. sid has listed a number of activities that must be completed before a training program of this nature could be conducted. the activities and immediate predecessors appear in the following table:



when 11 times a certain integer is subtracted from twice the square of the integer ,the result is 21 what is the integer

a children's book editor is writing code to detect words that are too large for the target reading level. their program processes the word lists from the sentences in the book, and creates a new list with words that are too large, i.e. more than 5 letters. How to do it ?


Sequencing, selection, and iteration are the three fundamental components of an algorithm. An algorithm is a series of processes, and the right sequencing of these phases is essential to ensuring that the algorithm works as intended.

What kind of assistance may distributed computing provide?Through the use of hundreds or thousands of computers operating simultaneously, distributed computing may enhance the performance of numerous solutions. By dividing the time required for the sequential solution by the time required for the distributed parallel solution, or "speedup, " we may determine the benefits.Sequencing, selection, and iteration are the three fundamental components of an algorithm. An algorithm is a series of processes, and the right sequencing of these phases is essential to ensuring that the algorithm works as intended. See what results by attempting those steps in various successions.

To learn more about algorithm refer to:


which of the following will meet the needs of an organization who wants to control the construction and delivery of all cloud-based services? a. Public cloud
b. Hybrid cloud
c. Private cloud
d. Community cloud


The following factors should be taken into account when creating a successful enterprise hybrid cloud strategy in order to reduce risks and choose between private, public, and hybrid cloud options:

Protection and control Is physical access to the platforms and infrastructure that are utilized to supply workloads important? Are there any security and compliance standards that clients must adhere to.Flexibility and agility.Which cloud option will provide enough resources to suit the needs of developers and businesses?Which cloud infrastructure can effectively serve users during periods of high demand or peak usage? Management of application complexity.Security and control, application complexity management, and operating cost reduction are frequently non-negotiable in large enterprises.

To know more about hybrid cloud click on the below link:


FILL IN THE BLANK The _____stage of information technology planning outlines business processes that are central to achieving strategic goals and helps determine which ones could most benefit from information technology.


The business area analysis stage of information technology planning outlines business processes that are central to achieving strategic goals and helps determine which ones could most benefit from information technology.

What is Information Technology?

Utilizing hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage and transmit information utilizing speech, data, and video is known as information technology. Data storage, retrieval, transmission, and sending are all part of the field of information technology, or IT.

The phrase "IT" is frequently used as a shorthand for computers and the networks that connect them, but it also refers to other means of information dissemination, such as television and mobile devices.

IT, or information technology, is the term used to describe the use of technology to an organization's business difficulties or to expedite and manage business processes.

To learn more about information technology, use the link given

The code below assigns the 5th letter of each word in food to the new list fifth. However, the code currently produces errors. Insert a try/except clause that will allow the code to run and produce of list of the 5th letter in each word. If the word is not long enough, it should not print anything out. Note: The pass statement is a null operation; nothing will happen when it executes.
food = ["chocolate", "chicken", "corn
fifth = []
for x in food:



Answered below


foods = ["chocolate", "chicken", "corn"]

fifth_char = []

for food in foods:

"""Add a try statement to add fifth character to fifth_char list. If word is not long enough, the except part executes the the pass and nothing is printed.""'





#print out elements in new list

for c in fifth_char:


LAB: Varied amount of input data
Statistics are often calculated with varying amounts of input data. Write a program that takes any number of integers as input, and outputs the average and max.
Ex: If the input is:
15 20 0 5
the output is:
10 20



Answered below


#python program

#First get the number of inputs from user

num_inputs = int(input("Enter number of inputs:")

j = 0

sum =0

max = 0

while j < num_inputs:

    num = int(input ("Enter numbers: ")

    sum = sum + num

    if num > max:

        max = num


#Compute the average   

average = sum/num_inputs

print (average, max)


g Write an UPDATE statement that changes the address for the row with vendor_id 4 so the suite number (Ste 260) is stored in vendor address instead of vendor address 1. Then, use SQL Developer to verify the change (you may need to click the Refresh button at the top of the Data tab to see the change). If this works correctly, go back to the tab for the UPDATE statement and click the Commit button to commit the change.



UPDATE 'Vendors' SET 'address' = 'Ste 260' WHERE 'vendor_id' = 4



Write an update statement

The question is incomplete as the table name is not given.

So, I will make the following assumptions.

Table name = Vendors

So, the update statement is:

UPDATE 'Vendors' SET 'address' = 'Ste 260' WHERE 'vendor_id' = 4;

The above statement queries the vendors table and changes the address  of vendor_id 4 from the initial value to Ste 260

Reusing existing software to create a new software system or product can be a cost-efficient approach to development in many software projects. It may not be cost-efficient in all projects. As a software engineer, you can determine if it is the best approach for your project only if you know, and can estimate, the associated costs. Which of the following costs is NOT one of the costs typically considered when estimating the cost of reuse?
A. The purchase or license cost of COTS software, where applicable
B. Modification and/or configuration costs associated with making reusable software meet system requirements
C. The cost associated with finding analyzing, and assessing software for reuse
D. Legal costs associated with defending against charges of copyright infringement
E. Integration costs associated with mixing reusable software and other software (either new or reused)



D. Legal costs associated with defending against charges of copyright infringement


When estimating the cost of reusing software you are planning to obtain the necessary licences that are required for your project which will prevent copyright infringement claims from taking place.

Capitalize words programming challenge description: write a program which capitalizes the first letter of each word in a sentence. input: your program should read lines from standard input. each line has a sequence of words. output: print the capitalized words.


The sample solution for the programming challenge to capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

int main() {

 string line;

 while (getline(cin, line)) {

   // Iterate over each character in the line

   for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {

     // If this is the first character in a word, capitalize it

     if (i == 0 || isspace(line[i - 1])) {

       cout << (char)toupper(line[i]);

     } else {

       cout << line[i];



   cout << endl;


 return 0;


This program reads lines from standard input using the getline function. It then iterates over each character in the line and checks whether it is the first character in a word. If it is, the character is capitalized using the toupper function. All other characters are printed as-is. The resulting capitalized words are then printed to standard output.

This solution assumes that words are separated by whitespace characters (e.g., spaces, tabs, newlines). If the input sentence uses a different delimiter (such as a comma or a period), you will need to modify the solution accordingly.

What is  getline function?

A string or line can be read from an input stream using the standard library function getline() in C++. It belongs to the string header. Until the delimiting character is reached, the getline() method collects characters from the input stream and appends them to the string object.

To know more about getline function checkout


Assume a manufacturing company which manufactures and sells several electronic
products. This company has a list of suppliers who supply various components for
different products. Several components assembled together form a product. A product
will be manufactured in many work centers. Each product contains several components.
A product has at least one component and may comprise of several components. A
component must belong to a product and the same component can be used in multiple
products. Also mention the quantity of the component which a product requires.
Company has a list of suppliers who supply various components. A supplier may not
be supplying any component and may supply several components. A component must
be supplied by at least one supplier or several suppliers may provide the same
component. A supplier supplies the quantity and unit price of the products. A supplier
also supplies the quantity and unit price of the components. Each product will be
manufactured in single or multiple work centers. A work center may not produce a
product and may produce several products. Each work center will have one or more
employees and an employee would be working in single work center only. A customer
may not place any order and may place multiple orders. But an order will belong to a
specific customer only. Each order may contain single product or multiple products and
the same product may be demanded in many orders.
Construct an ER diagram for the manufacturing company.



reboot it


What is a font?
O How the text for a paragraph appears
O A display of text characters in a specific style and size
O Text that has been made bold
O Artistic elements you can add to text


A display of text characters in specific style
answer: a display of text characters in a specific style and size


Q.1 List some causes of poor software quality?

Q.2 List and explain the types of software testing?

Q.3 List the steps to identify the highest priority actions?

Q.4. Explain the importance of software quality?



Hard drive Microsoft have the highest priority actions

Velma receives an email from a stranger who claims he will be receiving a large inheritance soon and will share it with her in exchange for a loan to help him escape his current financial difficulties. He requests that Velma allow him to pay his creditors from her bank account. Velma deletes the email because she recognizes that it represents _____.


Velma deletes the email because she recognizes that it represents advance fee fraud.

What is a bank account?

You can deposit and withdraw money from a bank account, make payments, send money to another person or organization, pay bills online, and more.

An account in banking is an arrangement whereby a company, often a financial institution like a bank or credit union, takes a customer's financial assets and retains them on the customer's behalf according to the customer's discretion.

Therefore, since Velma is aware that the email contains advance fee fraud, she deletes it.

To learn more about bank account, refer to the link:


Question 20:
Which of the following scenarios involve computers making predictions based on the analysis of
patterns in large data sets?
Select two answers.
Astate education board analyzing demographic information and academic records to identify students at risk
of dropping out of school.
The federal government analyzing state spending data to identify which states spent the most on social
A video streaming service analyzing viewer's habits to suggest videos based on the viewing history of other
An airline analyzing flight records to determine the routes it operates with the least bookings.



A video streaming service analyzing viewer’s habits to suggest videos based on the viewing history of other viewers.

 A state education board analyzing demographic information and academic records to identify students at risk of dropping out of school.


I just took the test and passed when you have multiple choice questions always pick ones that similar to each other and make sure it fit the question.

Which of the following statements correctly opens a file in append mode without the need for specifying a close function for the file? O A with open('my_listas file: O with open my list.txt', 'b') as file: OC file = with open('my.list.but, a) OD file with open('my_list.txt. a) QUESTION 9 Which code opens a csv file with semicolon as a delimiter? O A with open('myfile.csv, nas file: csv_data.csv.reader("my_file.csv, delimitery OB. with open('myfile.csv, as file: csv data-sv.reader file, delimiter - OC with open('myfile.csv, nas file: csv_data = csv.reader file, delimiter - semicolon OD with open('my file csv, ) as file csv data=csy reader(file)


Answer:  Your Answer Is In Steps

Explanation:  To open a file in append mode without specifying a close function, you can use the following statement:

with open('my_list.txt', 'a') as file:

This statement opens the file 'my_list.txt' in append mode, meaning that any data written to the file will be added to the end of the file, rather than overwriting the existing contents. The file will be automatically closed when the block of code indented under the 'with' statement is finished executing.

To open a CSV file with a semicolon as the delimiter, you can use the following statement:

with open('myfile.csv', 'r') as file:

csv_data = csv.reader(file, delimiter=';')

This statement opens the file 'myfile.csv' in read mode and creates a CSV reader object using the csv module. The delimiter parameter is set to ';', so the CSV reader will use a semicolon as the delimiter when parsing the data. The file will be automatically closed when the block of code indented under the 'with' statement is finished executing.

What power points feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide



Animation scheme can be used to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide.

A colleague mentions using a client VPN. Which of the following protocols or technologies would you expect your colleague to have used?
a. SSL
b. IPsec
c. GRE


A coworker brings up using a client VPN. The below protocols or technologies would you anticipate your coworker using SSL.

What are the protocols of technology?

An established set of guidelines that govern how data is transferred between various devices connected to the same network is known as a network protocol. In essence, it enables interconnected devices to interact with one another despite any variations in their internal workings, organizational structures, or aesthetics.

What kinds of protocols are examples?

Basic data communication technologies like TCP/IP and HTTP are examples of communication protocols. Through protocols like ICMP and SNMP, management protocols upkeep and control the network. HTTPS, SFTP, and SSL are security protocols.

To know more about network protocol visit:-


Consider the following code snippet:
public static void print(E[] a)
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
System.out.println(a[i] + " ");
int[] a = {3,6,5,7,8,9,2,3};
Assume that the method call to print(makeArray(a)) works correctly by printing the int array a. Which of the following headers for the makeArray method will make this possible?
I public static Integer[] makeArray(int[] a)
II public static E[] makeArray(int[] a)
III public static Integer[] makeArray(E[] a)
I and III only
I only
I and II only
II and III only
What does it mean when the syntax ? extends D is used?
Any subclass of D may be used.
Any superclass of D may be used.
Any subclass or superclass of D may be used.
This indicates a wildcard with an upper bound.
Consider the following code snippet that declares the GraduateStudent class:
public GraduateStudent extends Student { . . .}
Which of these statements are false?
a. I GraduateStudent is a subclass of Student
b. II Stack is a subclass of Stack
c. III Stack is a subclass of Stack
d. II only
e. III only
f. II and III only
g. I only




1) I and II only ... This is because the makeArray parameter must be an int[] since that is what the a array that is being passed actually is. The return type should be E[] only but since that is not an option, it could work with Integer[] if the E class allows.

2) Any superclass of D may be used. Although this is not complete, extends allows for a subclass to access any variables and methods within the superclass D but not directly access another superclass of D.

3)  I only ... GraduateStudent is a subclass of Student

Design a program that asks the User to enter a series of 5 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data: 1. The lowest number in the list 2. The highest number in the list 3. The total of the numbers in the list 4. The average of the numbers in the list



The program in Python is as follows:

numbers = []

total = 0

for i in range(5):

   num = float(input(": "))




print("Lowest: ",min(numbers))

print("Highest: ",max(numbers))

print("Total: ",total)

print("Average: ",total/5)


The program uses list to answer the question

This initializes an empty list

numbers = []

This initializes total to 0

total = 0

The following loop is repeated 5 times

for i in range(5):

This gets each input

   num = float(input(": "))

This appends each input to the list


This adds up each input



This prints the lowest using min() function

print("Lowest: ",min(numbers))

This prints the highest using max() function

print("Highest: ",max(numbers))

This prints the total

print("Total: ",total)

This calculates and prints the average

print("Average: ",total/5)

there are several application to assist you to surf through the internet mention three regarding computer​



E-mailweb browsingpeer-to peer services

what should be at the top of a tower​



mini part. a model cellphone tower

From the philosophical standpoint, especially in the discussion of moral philosophy or ethics, why do we consider “murder” or “killing” wrong or bad?



Morality is a set of values ​​and habits that a society acquires over time and can be categorized as good and bad values, right and wrong, justice and crime. Ethics is defined as the study of morals, the practical application of moral behaviors defined by society.

Therefore, the concept of "murder" or "killing" is seen as an immoral act by the vast majority of society around the world, strengthened by the set of moral conduct common to all human beings, which are the Articles on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human Rights, which is an official document of the UN, which contains several universair and analytical rules on the rights of every individual, such as the right to life, security, freedom, etc.

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