SAT Ruchira is packing her apartment while preparing to move in with her new husband, Biren, she reflectson the first time he saw her artwork.(1) He'd moved close to the wall and was standing very still. (2) It took her a moment to figure out that hewas examining her brushstrokes. (3) (But only artists did that. (4) Was he a closet artist, too?) (5) Finally hemoved back and let out a long, incredulous breath, and it struck her that she had been holding hers aswell. (6) "Tell me about your work," he said.(7) This was hard. (8) She had started painting two years ago, and had never talked to anyone about it. (9)Even her parents didn't know. (10) When they came for dinner, she removed the canvases from the walland hid them in her closet. (11) She sprayed the room with Eucalyptus Mist and lit incense sticks so theywouldn't smell the turpentine. (12) The act of painting was the first really risky thing she had done in herlife. (13) Being at the gallery, she knew how different her work was from everything in there, or in theglossy art journals. (14) Her technique was crude-she hadn't taken classes and didn't intend to. (15) Shewould probably never amount to much. (16) Still, she came back from work every evening and paintedfuriously. (17) She worked late into the night, light-headed with the effort to remember. (18) She stoppedinviting people over. (19) She made excuses when her friends wanted her to go out. (20) She had to forceherself to return their calls, and often she didn't. (21) She ruined canvas after canvas, slashed them infrustration and threw them into the Dumpster behind the building. (22) She wept till she saw a blurrybrightness, like sunspots, wherever she looked. (23) Then, miraculously, she got better. (24) Sometimesnow, at 2:00 or 3:00, her back muscles tight and burning, a stillness would rise around her, warm andvaporous. (25) Held within it, she would hear, word for word, the stories her grandmother used to tell.From Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Unknown Errors of Our Lives. 2001 by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.QuestionBased on the passage, which of the following best characterizes the outlook of Ruchira's parents on theirdaughter's interest in painting?O They vocally objected to it.O They admired her commitment to it.O They were unaware of it.C They reluctantly accepted it
As Ruchira is packing her apartment while preparing to move in with her new husband, Biren, she reflectson the first time he saw her artwork.(1) He'd moved close to the wall and was standing very still. (2) It took her a moment to figure out that hewas examining her brushstrokes. (3) (But only artists did that. (4) Was he a closet artist, too?) (5) Finally hemoved back and let out a long, incredulous breath, and it struck her that she had been holding hers aswell. (6) "Tell me about your work," he said.(7) This was hard. (8) She had started painting two years ago, and had never talked to anyone about it. (9)Even her parents didn't know. (10) When they came for dinner, she removed the canvases from the walland hid them in her closet. (11) She sprayed the room with Eucalyptus Mist and lit incense sticks so theywouldn't smell the turpentine. (12) The act of painting was the first really risky thing she had done in herlife. (13) Being at the gallery, she knew how different her work was from everything in there, or in theglossy art journals. (14) Her technique was crude-she hadn't taken classes and didn't intend to. (15) Shewould probably never amount to much. (16) Still, she came back from work every evening and paintedfuriously. (17) She worked late into the night, light-headed with the effort to remember. (18) She stoppedinviting people over. (19) She made excuses when her friends wanted her to go out. (20) She had to forceherself to return their calls, and often she didn't. (21) She ruined canvas after canvas, slashed them infrustration and threw them into the Dumpster behind the building. (22) She wept till she sa a blurrybrightness, like sunspots, wherever she looked. (23) Then, miraculously, she got better. (24) Sometimesnow, at 2:00 or 3:00, her back muscles tight and burning, a stillness would rise around her, warm andvaporous. (25) Held within it, she would hear, word for word, the stories her grandmother used to tell.From Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Unknown Errors of Our Lives. C2001 by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.QuestionAs used in sentence 16, "furiously" most nearly meansintenselyO viciouslyirritablyO vengefully