High School
fun fact planet earth is 4.5 billionyears old mankind about 140,000 yearsold let me put that in perspective ifyou condense the Earth's life span into24 hours that's one full day then wehave been here on this planet fordrumroll please three seconds threeseconds and look what we've donewe have modestly named ourselves Homosapiens meaning wise man but his manreally so wise smart yes and it's goodto be smart but not too smart for yourown good yes we have split the atom yeswe build clever machines that navigatethe universe in search of new homes butat the same time those atoms we splitcreated nuclear warfare in our quest toexplore the galaxy rejects and neglectsthe home that we have here now so nothat cannot be wisdom wisdom isdifferent while intelligence speakswisdom listens and we willingly coveredour ears to mother nature screams andclosed our eyes to all of her helpwanted signs wisdom knows that everyaction has an equal and oppositereaction so if we were wise we would notbe shocked we see storms that arestronger than ever before or moredroughts hurricanes and wildfire thanever before because there's morepollution than ever before more carbonmore trees cut down thanfor at a record pace we have increasedthe extinction of animals by 1,000 timesthe normal rate what a feat in the nextten to a hundred years every belovedanimal character and every children'sbook is predicted to go extinct lionsgone rhinos goneTiger gorilla elephant polar bear gonein three seconds species that have been here longer than us will be gone because of us in this three seconds and inexistence shorter than a vine video weturn the circle of life into our ownpersonal conveyor belt somebody anybodyhelp we were given so much the onlyplanet in this solar system with life Imean we are one in a million no actually scientifically we are one ina billion trillion trillion that's theone that followed by 33 zeroes and Idon't want to get too spiritual but howare we not a miracle we are perfectlypositioned to the Sun so we don't burnbut not too distant so we don't turn toiceGoldilocks said it best we are just likethis paradise where we are givenmedicine from trees not coincidentallybut because like the song says we arefamily literally everything everyspecies is connected genetically fromthe sunflower to the Sun fish and thisis what we must recognize before it'stoo late because the real crisis is notglobal warming environmental destructionor animalculture it is us these problems aresymptoms of us byproducts of us are in areflection loss of connection hascreated this misdirection we haveforgotten that everything contributes tothe perfection of mother naturecorporations keep us unaware anddisconnected but they haveunderestimated our strength contrary topopular belief millions are waking upout of their sleep saying our home beingtaken right up under our feet we cannotallow a history to be written by thewicked greedy and loony it is our dutyto protect Mother Nature from those whorefuse to see her beauty call me crazybut I believe we should have the rightto eat food that's safe with ingredientswe can pronounce drink water that isclean marvel at trees breathe air freeof toxins these are natural rights notthings that can be bargained for inCongress see they want you to feelpowerless but it has been said thatsomething as small as the flutter of abutterfly's wing can cause the typhoonhalfway around the world will whenenough people come together we too willmake waves and watch the world into anew era filled with love and connectionfreedom for all without oppression butit is up to you yes you watching thisbehind this screen to make the effortbecause time is of the essence and onlytogether can we make it to the fourthsecond
High School
Whats the answers to 3 and 4... have the right answer i can only take this one time
High School
Need It ASAP Who generally discusses insurance information with the patient at a pharmacy?A. PharmacistB. Pharmacy TechnicianC. Store managerD. None of the above
High School
Pls help me dew in 5 minutes!
Middle School
Whats the main cause for depression in any age?Follow my Spotify and I'll follow back: Napoleon Brandy Vinyls What should I change my username too on Spotify? Heres a list of ideas bois:1. BeanieWeenie2. HitkidsNotjuuls3. Thesuitelifeoftrash4. finnboi (for finn wolfhard-my crush)5. C Banz Respectfully6. Ive seen 2 pretty best friends_both of em' ugly7. urbanlegendand 8. open 24 hrs.
High School
when helping a patient ambulate, which action will prevent a drop in blood pressure, thus preventing dizziness?
High School
which of the following is a potential sign of skin cancer that should be checked by a dermatologist as soon as possible 1.) any chances in a mole or birthmark2.) any red rash following sun exposure 3.) an unexplained bruise on the skin4.) a bad sunburn that makes skin peel
High School
You are preparing to drive a pick-up truck. The Florida seat belt law requires you to properlyfasten your seat beltUnless the truck was built before 1972 and does not have seat belts.Unless you are registered as self-insured with the Bureau of Motorist Compliance.Unless the truck was built after 1995 and has passive crash protection.
High School
The__ is composed of the contractile protein myosin
According to data published in 2009 from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, which of the following riskfactors contributes to substantially more deaths per year (16%)?O a. Diabetesb. Low cardiorespiratory fitness Smokingd. Obesity
High School
Decision MakingYou are away at a summer camp and are meeting new people. One night, a bunch ofyour new friends wake you up and ask if you want to sneak out to a private party. Youwant people to like you, so you go. When you arrive you realize that people are takingsome sort of drug. This really isn't your scene. What do you do?Jse the five decision-making steps to explain how you would make your decision. (15 points)
The General Manager is in charge of special events and parties.TrueFalse
Type the correct answer in the box.Complete the following sentence about measurement systems.The three systems of measurement used in the US healthcare industry are , , and (also known as the American system).
High School
Where is the privacy button on brainly?
High School
anyone help my head spinning right now cause the person on my profile Not to be a simp XD BRAINLES Hair & Nails- Skin Appendages Accessory Structures hair and hair follicles _______________Sweat Glands __________Arrector pili-________ ________ located around hair follicles purpose:________________________________________________________________________
High School
Why was Barry Sanders the greatest running back of all time. (provide facts, not opinions.)
High School
4. Exercising can improve your mood, and help with depression and anxiety.truefalse
how do I water my shower?
Discuss the role of a social worker in caring for the elderly.
High School
Where does the fetus attach and grow in awoman?
High School
80. FIFA World Cup is held every --- years
What are some impacts of genetically modified organisms on society
Which is the most complex of the emotional competencies?
High School
If there was a table full of breads how could you tell the difference between yeast bread?
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