You have been called to assess a local family. Jimmy (8yrs), Johnny (4yrs) and Jackson (2yrs) live with their parents just outside of town. Jimmy and Johnny have indications of old bruising on their arms and buttocks. Jackson appears to be the targeted child and has severe bruising on his genitals, buttocks and lower back. He also has faded bruising on his upper arms. Julie is a stay at home mother and Justin works at a local factory. Julie says she "has an alcohol problem" but does not want to participate in AA. Justin is supportive of his wife Julie, and both parents deny abusing the children. You observe that the children appear to be strongly connected to their parents. Jimmy does well at school but his grade have slipped a little. The children deny being abused by anyone. Grandparents live close by but are not able to offer a lot of support to the family. Two aunts have separately expressed concern and each wants the boys removed and placed with her.

Review the case study provided and address the following in your discussion:

1. Apply what you learned about family services, kinship care and family preservation services in this chapter; what services/supports would you recommend be put in place for this family?
2. Would you leave the children in the home or remove them and what is your reasoning?
3. What personal values and biases does this case bring up for you?


Answer 1

Based on the information provided in the case study, I would recommend a number of services and supports be put in place for this family. First, it would be important to provide support to the parents, particularly Julie, in addressing her alcohol problem. This could include referrals to treatment programs and support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), as well as counseling and other forms of support to help her manage her addiction and improve her parenting skills. It would also be important to provide support to the entire family in addressing the issue of child abuse, including counseling and therapy for the children and their parents, as well as support and guidance on positive parenting techniques.

In terms of whether the children should be removed from the home or not, I would recommend removing them from the home at least temporarily. The severity and extent of the bruising on Jackson, as well as the indications of old bruising on Jimmy and Johnny, suggest that the children are at high risk of continued abuse if they remain in the home. Furthermore, the parents' denial of the abuse and lack of willingness to address Julie's alcohol problem raise concerns about their ability to protect and care for the children. In this situation, the safety and well-being of the children must be the primary concern, and removing them from the home would be the best way to ensure their safety and provide them with the support and care they need.

In terms of personal values and biases, this case brings up a number of issues for me. First, it highlights my strong belief in the importance of protecting children from harm and ensuring their safety and well-being. This is a value that is deeply ingrained in me, and it is something that I feel strongly about. Additionally, this case raises issues related to addiction and the impact that it can have on families and children. I have a personal bias towards providing support and resources to individuals struggling with addiction, and I believe that it is important to help them access the services and supports they need to overcome their addiction and improve their lives. Overall, this case highlights the need for a multi-faceted approach to addressing the complex issues facing this family, and the importance of providing support and resources to help them overcome their challenges and improve their lives.

Answer 2


1. Based on the information provided in the case study, it appears that the family would benefit from a range of services and supports to address the concerns about child abuse and the parents' alcohol use. Some potential services and supports that could be put in place for this family include:

Kinship care: The aunts who have expressed concern about the boys' well-being could potentially serve as kinship caregivers, providing a safe and supportive home environment for the boys while their parents address their alcohol use and any other issues that may be contributing to the children's safety concerns.

Family preservation services: These services could be provided to help the family address the issues that are putting the children at risk and to prevent the need for out-of-home placement. This could include counseling for the parents to help them address their alcohol use and learn healthy parenting skills, as well as therapy for the children to help them cope with any trauma they may have experienced and to strengthen their relationships with their parents.

Support for the grandparents: The grandparents may be able to provide some support and stability for the family, but it is unclear from the case study how involved they are in the children's lives. If they are able and willing to offer more support, it may be helpful to provide them with information and resources to help them assist the family.


2. In this case, it would be important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of leaving the children in the home versus removing them. On the one hand, leaving the children in the home could allow them to maintain their connections with their parents and potentially benefit from the services and supports that are put in place to address the family's issues. However, there are also significant risks associated with leaving the children in the home, given the evidence of abuse and the parents' alcohol use. In addition, the children's denial of abuse and the parents' denial of responsibility for the injuries raise further concerns about the safety of the children.

Given these considerations, it may be necessary to remove the children from the home in order to protect them from further harm. This decision would need to be made after conducting a thorough assessment of the family's situation and considering the potential risks and benefits of different options. The aunts who have expressed concern could be considered as placement options, but it would be important to assess their suitability as caregivers and ensure that the boys would be safe and supported in their care.


This case raises several personal values and biases for me. I have a strong commitment to protecting children from harm and ensuring that they have the opportunity to grow up in safe and supportive environments. This case highlights the need for intervention to address the concerns about child abuse and the parents' alcohol use, and it may be necessary to remove the children from the home in order to keep them safe.

However, I also recognize the importance of maintaining family connections and supporting parents to address their issues and improve their parenting skills. In this case, the parents appear to have a strong attachment to their children and the children appear to be connected to their parents, despite the concerns about abuse and alcohol use. As such, I would consider the potential for providing services and supports to help the family address their issues and prevent the need for out-of-home placement, while also carefully monitoring the situation and considering the need for more drastic interventions if necessary to protect the children.

Additionally, this case may bring up personal biases related to alcohol use and its potential impact on parenting. I may have assumptions or judgments about the parents' alcohol use and its potential effects on their ability to care for their children safely.

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which of the following processes must be performed on adult somatic cells in order to induce them to become pluripotent stem cells


A retrovirus is used to introduce four master regulatory genes.

Which genes are examples?

Many of your characteristics, like your skin and hair colors, are influenced by the genes that are handed down to you. Perhaps Emma's mother has both the brown and red hair genes, and she gave Emma the red hair gene. Her red hair may be justified if her father carries two red hair genes.

How do genes differ from DNA?

Your human structure is created and maintained by your DNA. Genes are sections of your DNA that give you the physical characteristics that distinguish you apart from others. Your body's cells are directed by a detailed handbook that is collectively present in your body. 

To know more about gene visit:


2022 national center for complementary and in- tegrative health: complementary, alterna- tive, or integrative health:


national center for complementary and in- tegrative health: conduct and support research and provide information about complementary and integrative health products and practices.

Nonpharmacologic pain management, neurobiological effects and mechanisms in relation to complementary health approaches, creative methods for establishing biological signatures of natural products, emotional well-being as a component of disease prevention and health promotion across the lifespan, creatively designed clinical trials to evaluate complementary approaches and their integration into health care, and communicative health are among the top research priorities of the Center. Research using cutting-edge technologies and scientific approaches is sponsored and carried out by NCCIH at academic institutions in the US and abroad.

learn more about integrative here


Approximately 2.1 billion people worldwide lack access to readily-available, safe water in their homes; 4.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation. This is not because there is a shortage of water on Earth, but rather a lack of management strategies worldwide to access, purify, transport, and contain water for human use. In comparing developed countries with developing, there are great disparities in the way people live.
Can you identify the TRUE statements regarding water access and sanitation as it applies to developing countries throughout the world?
A Even if water quality is high at a public source point, contamination frequently occurs during transport, handling, and storage in the home. Even if water quality is high at a public source point, contamination frequently occurs during transport, handling, and storage in the home.
B >80% of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any pollution removal.>80% of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any pollution removal.
C In developing countries, women and girls spend an estimated 40 billion hours a year collecting water. In developing countries, women and girls spend an estimated 40 billion hours a year collecting water.
D 50% of global freshwater is used for agriculture, and the other half is available for domestic purposes.50% of global freshwater is used for agriculture, and the other half is available for domestic purposes.
E At least 1.8 billion people globally use a source of drinking water that is fecally contaminated. At least 1.8 billion people globally use a source of drinking water that is fecally contaminated.
F Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diseases.


The correct statements are:

Even if water quality is high at a public source point, contamination frequently occurs during transport, handling, and storage in the home.80% of waste water resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or sea without any pollution removal. In developing countries, women and girls spend an estimated 40 billion hours a year collecting water.At least 1.8 billion people globally use a source of drinking water that is fecally contaminated.Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diseases.

What is water quality?

Water quality is referred to as refers to the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water based on the standards of its usage.

Water scarcity brings about many disadvantages as it limits access to safe water for drinking and for practicing basic hygiene at home, in schools and in health-care facilities especially in developing countries.

Learn more about water quality at:


which of the following results in increased deaths in poorer, developing countries, particularly among children under the age of five?


In many parts of the world, a childhood illness is very common as diarrhea can become life-threatening due to a lack of resources to combat it.

A pregnant woman’s access to nutritional food and a routine checkup can save her and her child’s life. And a deadly case of pneumonia and malaria could be cured with a prescription for antibiotics.

The world already has the medicine to prevent many childhood deaths, but it will take concerted efforts to coordinate improving sanitation, nutrition, health, and access to good healthcare to accomplish it.

Born and growing up in poverty shouldn’t mean a child is at risk for a shorter life or a preventable death.

Here are the following causes of death for kids around the world and the number of lives they claim, according to a 23-year survey published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2013.

1. Pneumonia: 980,000 deaths

All over the world, 15% of childhood deaths are from pneumonia, even though lung infections can be treated by antibiotics.

Children who are malnourished and have weaker immune systems are in dangerous conditions from the disease’s dangers, along with any pre-existing illness like HIV or environmental factors like high pollution that weaken their ability to fight off infection and poverty.

2. Malaria: 650,000 deaths

Mosquito bites shouldn’t be a death sentence for the world’s children. But in Africa, a child dies every minute from malaria, a disease that is transmitted from mosquito bites and leads to fever, cough, chills, and vomiting before it progresses.

While death rates have been dropping, malaria vaccines and treatments can help saves life from any more unnecessary deaths from this disease.

To know more about disease:


the condition precipitated by stress and anxiety that can manifest in rapid, shallow breathing, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, and a panic-stricken appearance is


The  condition precipitated by stress and anxiety that can manifest in rapid, shallow breathing, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, and a panic-stricken appearance is hyperventilation.

What is  hyperventilation ?

Hyperventilation is characterized by breathing that exceeds the body's metabolic requirements, expelling more carbon dioxide than is produced and, as a result, leading to respiratory alkalosis and a raised blood pH.

What is anxiety ?

worry, dread, and unease that may develop in response to stress. Sweating, being agitated and tense, and having a quick heartbeat are all symptoms of anxiety. A history of frequent episodes of extreme anxiety could indicate an anxiety disorder.

Therefore, the condition precipitated by stress and anxiety that can manifest in rapid, shallow breathing, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, and a panic-stricken appearance is hyperventilation.

Learn more about hyperventilation from the given link.


ramon has been stung by a bee and is now experiencing acute shortness of breath. which of the following is likely to be the best strategy for dealing with ramon's symptom? group of answer choices waiting an hour to see if his condition improves self-treatment with over-the-counter antihistamine calling a physician's office for advice going to an emergency room


Its precise reason can occasionally be difficult to determine, but it can be brought on by issues with the heart, the lungs, or even by a low blood count.

What is Acute shortness of breath?

Numerous instances of shortness of breath are brought on by minor, transient issues like allergies or respiratory tract infections. Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath.

The primary reasons of shortness of breath and potential testing will be the main topics of this talk.

Acute breathlessness frequently coexists with other symptoms. The following are the most typical reasons for severe shortness of breath: respiratory tract illnesses, like pneumonia or bronchitis. Other symptoms, such a fever, cough, or the production of phlegm or mucus.

Therefore, Its precise reason can occasionally be difficult to determine, but it can be brought on by issues with the heart, the lungs, or even by a low blood count.

To learn more about shortness of breath, refer to the link:


Dissociative amnesia and fugue MOST likely result from
a. a neurotransmitter imbalance.
b. a neurotic personality.
c. extreme stress.
d. unconscious recollections of childhood trauma.
Answer: extreme stress


Dissociative amnesia and fugue are most likely to result from extreme stress, which means option C is the right answer.

Dissociative amnesia a mental disorder which causes habit of forgetfulness which the person may not have in daily chores. It is related to extreme stress and anxiety due to which person gets irritated and annoyed at small things and may be unable to recall the events of life properly. It can also be because of some traumatic incident in life such as accidents, deaths etc. Fugue is also referred to as state of memory loss. It is rather sudden forgetfulness and may not be acute form of amnesia in that sense. It is always advisable for the person to have healthy diet and sound sleep to avoid stress and also have peace talks with someone whom they trust so as to vent out all the frustrations and get calmed.

Learn more about dissociative amnesia at:


You are sitting at the reception desk and there are two patients sitting in the adjoining waiting room.

A new patient appears at her scheduled appointment time and begins asking you questions related to her medical condition. Determine three possible ways you could respond to her in order to protect her privacy without seeming rude or noncaring.



Here are three possible ways you could respond to the patient in order to protect her privacy without seeming rude or noncaring:

1) "I'm sorry, but I am not able to discuss specific medical information about you with anyone other than your healthcare provider. Is there something else I can help you with?"

2) "I understand your concern, but it's important to respect the privacy of all our patients. I am not able to discuss your medical information with you at this time. Is there someone else you would like me to contact for you?"

3) "I'm sorry, but I am not able to disclose specific medical information about you to anyone other than your healthcare provider. Is there something else I can do to help you?"

By using phrases like "I'm sorry" and "Is there something else I can do to help you?", you can communicate that you care about the patient's needs and concerns, while still respecting her privacy.

For a patient with a Bartholin's gland abscess that was drained, which statement indicates that discharge teaching has been effective?
A. "I'll take sitz baths and use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for comfort."
B. "I don't need to take antibiotics because the infection was drained."
C. "I may engage in sexual intercourse as soon as I want."
D. "My drain will be removed after 1 week."


"I'll take sitz baths and use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for comfort." (a) is a statement that tells us that discharge teaching has been effective.

On either side of the vaginal entrance are the Bartholin's glands. These glands provide a lubricating fluid that assists the vagina.

Sometimes, these glands' entrances are blocked, which leads to a buildup of fluid inside the gland. A generally painless swelling known as a Bartholin's cyst is the end outcome. You can acquire a pus-filled bump surrounded by swollen tissue if the cyst's fluid becomes infected (abscess).

A cyst or abscess from Bartholin is typical. Whether a Bartholin's cyst is infected, how painful it is, and its size all affect how it is treated.

Learn more about Bartholin's gland here:


You work for a healthcare provider that has implemented computer systems for all tasks: prescribing, scheduling, appointments, etc. They now want to get rid of all paper forms and ask for your advice. You state that you want to keep some paper forms in case of an emergency. They reply that they paid all this money for a computer system and have backup power. There is no reason to keep any paper forms around. Post a response explaining why it is important to keep some paper forms. Give an example of a type of attack that might require them to have paper forms available.


EMR (Electronic health record) system is an important system which is used to systematically arrange the patient data in a software. However, the paper forms are required as the data on software is vulnerable.

What is EMR system?

An electronic health record system is the systematized collection of the patient and a population that includes electronically stored health information in a digital format. These health records can be shared across the different health care settings.

The strategies included in aligning EMR systems with the clinical and administrative processes and developing the Web-based interface for EMR systems. The development of an integrated IT architecture is necessary to support the EMR systems through grouping applications into various categories such as infrastructure, financial, and administrative categories.

However, it is also important to maintain paper forms available for the patients in the hospital as the files in software might be crashed or deleted if any malware enters into the system.

Learn more about Hospital management services here:


You work for a healthcare provider in the IT department, and you have been asked to help design a policy for mobile device use by staff while inside the healthcare facility on the secure network. What would you include in the policy and why?


1. All mobile devices must have up-to-date antivirus software installed and active at all times. This will help protect the healthcare provider’s network against malware and other malicious activity.

2. All mobile devices must be password-protected and have a screen lock enabled when not in use. This will help prevent unauthorized access to the device and any confidential data stored on it.

3. All mobile devices must have any applications that are not approved by the healthcare provider disabled. This will help ensure that the healthcare provider’s network remains secure and that unauthorized applications cannot be used to access confidential data.

4. All mobile devices must be kept up-to-date with the latest operating system and security updates. This will help protect the device against security vulnerabilities and any potential exploits.

5. All mobile devices must be disconnected from the healthcare provider’s network when not in use. This will help prevent unauthorized access to the network and any confidential data stored on it.

children with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, using to address social skills deficits is most likely to be effective.


Oppositional Defiant Disorder does become better with time for a lot of kids. A pattern of anger, irritation, and fighting that is regular and persistent in children.

Is it typical to have a disorder?

And for many people, accepting mental illness—that what is occurring to you is not "normal"—may be the first step toward healing. On another level, though, mental illness is utterly natural. It is typical because mental disease, or crazy, has always existed among humans.

Does disorder imply illness?

The signs and symptoms of a condition are likewise a collection, but they also have recognized linked qualities that are thought to be connected. An uncontrollable physiological or biological ailment that usually has a root cause is referred to be a disease.

To know more about Disorder visit:


which of the following signs and/or symptoms in a premature infant is/are due to a poorly developed liver? check all that apply.


- a hypotonic blood plasma environment that results in a net filtering pressure and systemic tissue edema- a shortage of surfactant causing difficulties breathing; - a pigmentation of the skin & sclera- A preterm infant's liver is underdeveloped, which causes indications and/or symptoms such as an inability to appropriately eliminate bilirubin.

Blastocyst, embryo, fetus, zygote, cleavage, and morula. In a nutshell, fertilization occurs when a sperm cell first penetrates an egg. The oocyte has now developed into a zygote after the union of the sperm and egg cells. The earliest stage of development in the womb is the germinal stage. - a hypotonic blood plasma environment that results in a net filtering pressure and systemic tissue edema- a shortage of surfactant causing difficulties breathing; - a pigmentation of the skin & sclera- A preterm infant's liver is underdeveloped, which causes indications and/or symptoms such as an inability to appropriately eliminate bilirubin.Two weeks after fertilization, the process of conception begins. The initial phases of cell division in fetal development are known as cleavage. A growing child is referred to as a zygote from fertilization to implantation. the quick decline of our bodies as we age. not restricted to a single system or procedure. greater propensity towards illness.

Learn more about symptoms


this refers to when one may have little need for sleep, fewer sexual inhibitions, reckless spending, and an abnormal persistence of positivity.


One may not require much sleep during this phase of bipolar disease, have less sexual restraints, engage in irresponsible spending, and exhibit abnormal perseverance.

What exactly is a bipolar state?

Overview. Extreme mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows, are a symptom of bipolar illness, formerly known as manic depression (depression). When you're depressed, you could feel down or hopeless and stop enjoying most activities.

Does bipolar have a normal state?

Euthymia is a common, serene mental state or mood in psychiatry and psychology. Euthymia, which can be distinguished from a healthy condition in people with bipolar disorder, is a stable mental state or mood that is neither manic nor depressive.

To know more about bipolar disease visit :-


FILL IN THE BLANK friends of susan have noticed a dramatic change in both her appearance and behavior over the past year. susan has become socially isolated, unmotivated, and has let her appearance and hygiene decline during that period. susan is showing _______ symptoms of schizophrenia


Susan is showing negative symptoms of schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia is a severe mental sickness in which people interpret truth abnormally. Schizophrenia may additionally result in some mixture of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and conduct that impairs day by day functioning, and may be disabling.

people with schizophrenia require lifelong remedy. Early treatment can also assist get symptoms below manage before serious complications develop and might assist improve the long-time period outlook.

Schizophrenia entails problems with wondering (cognition), behavior and emotions. signs and symptoms may additionally vary, but usually involve delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech, and replicate an impaired capacity to characteristic. Signs and symptoms might also consist of:

Delusions- these are fake ideals that are not based in fact. as an instance, you observed that you're being harmed or burdened; certain gestures or comments are directed at you; you have splendid capacity or repute; any other individual is in love with you; or a prime disaster is set to arise. Delusions arise in the general public with schizophrenia.

Hallucinations- these normally contain seeing or hearing things that do not exist.  Hallucinations can be in any of the senses, however hearing voices is the most commonplace hallucination.

Learn more about schizophrenia here:-


In an emergency, you may have no access to clean drinking water from a municipal water supply. Consider the following sources of water that may be available during an emergency and classify each source as either safe or unsafe to drink. Water in an undamaged water heater Toilet bowl water Safe Source of Water Unsafe Source of Water Water in a swimming pool Water in the tank of a toilet Water from melted ice cubes Bottled water with an intact seal Water in a car's radiator


It is also safe to drink the water that is kept in the toilet's tank, not the bowl. Pets are able to consume water from toilet bowls that have not been sanitized.

Swimming pools & spas allow the use of the water for personal hygiene purposes only; drinking is not permitted. Never consume water from water beds, heating systems, or automobile radiators. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided since they cause dehydration.It is also safe to drink the water that is kept in the toilet's tank, not the bowl. Pets are able to consume water from toilet bowls that have not been sanitized. To gather & store rainfall for drinking or replenishing subterranean aquifers, install rainwater harvesting devices. To get groundwater from subsurface aquifers, construct wells.  As long as the sources are clean and the water has received enough treatment, both groundwater & surface water may often offer safe drinking water. For several reasons, groundwater is superior than surface water.

Learn more about water


hiv antibodies appear within weeks after infection through blood products. a. 4 to 7 b. 10 to 12 c. 1 to 2 d. 20 to 24


HIV antibodies appear within weeks after infection through blood products in 20 to 24 days.

HIV can typically be found through antibody testing 23 to 90 days following exposure. Antibody tests are the fastest tests and self-testing. HIV may typically be identified 18 to 90 days after exposure with a quick antigen/antibody test using blood from a finger stick. HIV can typically be found 18 to 45 days after exposure using an antigen/antibody lab test utilizing blood from a vein. Typically, 10 to 33 days after exposure, an HIV test (NAT) can be used to detect the virus.

A medical professional or lab worker will collect a sample of your blood or oral fluid if you undergo testing in a medical facility or lab. You might be able to wait for the findings if it's a quick test (oral fluid or finger stick), but it might take several days for a laboratory test. In particular if your quick test result is positive, your healthcare professional or counselor may speak with you about your risk factors, respond to any inquiries you may have, and go over the next steps with you. You can be certain if the test is negative and you weren't exposed during the window period for the test you underwent.

To know more about Antibodies visit:


rick is compiling his medical records in preparation for a move to a new city. he should do all of the following except


rick is compiling his medical records in preparation for a move to a new city. he should do all of the following except exclude what he feels was an embarrassing diagnosis that was made more than 5 years ago.

A patient's medical record is a documentation of health information about the patient and his or her close relatives. The patient record history incorporates information from three generations of relatives, including children and extended family.

Families share many factors that bring together their genes, environment, and lifestyle that they have grown up in since birth. Together, these factors are critical because they provide important clues to medical conditions that may run in a family. By observing a patient's health history through the medical records, healthcare professionals can predict the likelihood of him or her developing a specific health condition in the future.

For more information Medical records, visit :


Human factors psychologists often recommend____to reduce accidents in the workplace, especially to ensure all components of a procedure are properly functioning, A. task analysis B. attention steps
C. procedural rules D. checklists


Task analysis is frequently advised by human factors psychologists as a way to decrease workplace accidents, particularly to make sure all steps in a method are carried out correctly.

The detailed investigation of how users perform tasks to accomplish their goals is known as task analysis.

Human factors psychologists frequently advise lowering workplace accidents, particularly by ensuring that all steps in a method are projected task analyzed.

The phrase "human factors causing accidents" refers to all of the causes that may be directly linked to a worker, operator, or another member of staff in a workplace mishap. These elements may include flagrant disregard for safety regulations, as well as inattentiveness and exhaustion.

Learn more about task analysis at


dr. taylor's teaching and research interests focus on the behaviors and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. thus, she is in the field of_____ psychology.


The behaviors and signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder are the main subjects of Dr. Taylor's study and teaching. She works in the area of aberrant psychology as a result.

Symptoms might include excessive agitation, persistent delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, and disorderly behavior. The behaviors and signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder are the main subjects of Dr. Taylor's study and teaching. She works in the area of aberrant psychology as a result.Obsessions with cleanliness, germs, doing something profane or hurtful to others, symmetry, or doing things "the correct way" are a few examples of common obsessions. Obsession sufferers frequently engage in obsessive practices to allay worries related to their obsessions. Vicarious learning, modeling, and classical & operant conditioning are a few examples of these systems. RDoC focuses on symptoms that are not visible, whereas the DSM emphasizes symptoms that are.

(Dr. Taylor's teaching and research interests focus on the behaviors and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thus, she is in the field of _____ psychology.

a) social

b) cognitive

c) behavioral

d) abnormal)

Learn more about disorder


a nurse is preparing an in-service presentation about hypnotics. which factor would the nurse plan to include?


A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation about hypnotics. The factor the nurse should include is the potential adverse reactions.

What is hypnotics?

Hypnotics is defined as medication used to increase sleep duration or quality and decrease alertness while sleeping. Drugs known as sedatives and hypnotics can help people feel less anxious and calmer by helping them fall asleep and stay asleep for longer.

The following negative effects may result from prolonged hypnotics use: Memory loss or forgetfulness on a regular basis is a sign of depression, along with exhaustion, hopelessness, or self hurt thoughts. mental health issues like anxiousness.

Thus, a nurse is preparing an in-service presentation about hypnotics. The factor the nurse should include is the potential adverse reactions.

To learn more about hypnotics, refer to the link below:


Your question is incomplete, but probably your complete question was

A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation about hypnotics. Which factor would the nurse plan to include?

A. Potential adverse reactions

B. Indications for use

C. Pharmacokinetics

D. Psychological effects

A dietitian wishes to see if a person’s cholesterol level will change if the diet is supplemented by a certain mineral. Six subjects were pretested, and then they took the mineral supplement for a 6-week period. The results are shown in the table. (Cholesterol level is measured in milligrams per deciliter.) Can it be concluded that the cholesterol level has been changed at level of 0.10? Assume the variable is approximately normally distributed.
Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6
Before (x1) 210 235 208 190 172 244
After (x2) 190 170 210 188 173 288


The American Heart Association (AHA) claims that your liver naturally creates all the cholesterol required for cell growth.

What is Diet?

Eating some meals can increase these baseline levels and result in an excess of LDL (or "bad") blood cholesterol. However, cholesterol is typically not the main offender.

According to Lisa Dierks, RDN, dietitian and regional director for the University of Minnesota Extension Program in Wanamingo, Minnesota, consuming meals containing cholesterol has less of an impact on most people's blood cholesterol levels than previously believed.

The American Heart Association claims that eating cholesterol does not increase LDL cholesterol levels as much as saturated and trans fats do (AHA).

Therefore, The American Heart Association (AHA) claims that your liver naturally creates all the cholesterol required for cell growth.

To learn more about Diet, refer to the link:


hair restraints are required to prevent a biological contamination. chemical contamination. physical contamination.


Hair restraints are required to prevent chemical contamination.

Hair restraints are necessary to avoid cross- contamination with food. nobody desires to require a bite of food and notice a hair although hair is clean. If hair is dirty you risk adding additional microorganism to the food.

Human hair is to prevent chemical contamination as a microbiological stuff as a result of besides being extraneous matter, it can even result in the expansion of microorganisms within the food. Chemical contaminants square measure substances that are accidentally present in food or feed. These substances could also be present in food as a results of varied stages of its production, process or transport.

To learn more about Hair restraints here


Answer: physical contamination


Aldosteronism is an abnormality of the electrolyte balance that is caused by a(n) __________ aldosterone.
-excessive secretion of
-mutation on
-ingestion of
Answer: excessive secretion of


Aldosteronism is an abnormality of the electrolyte balance that is caused by a(n) excessive secretion of aldosterone.

Primary aldosteronism (also known as Conn's syndrome) is a rare disorder caused by an excess of the hormone aldosterone, which regulates sodium and potassium levels in the blood. Medications and dietary changes to manage blood pressure, as well as surgery, are used to treat the condition.

Aldosterone is the primary mineralocorticoid steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex's zona glomerulosa. It is required for sodium retention in the kidney, salivary glands, sweat glands, and colon.

The adrenal cortex produces steroid hormones (the outer layer of the adrenal gland). It regulates the water and salt balance in the kidney by maintaining sodium and delivering potassium from the body.

For more information on Aldosterone, visit :


urban sprawl affects more than the environment; it also affects a person's quality of life and health. which of the following is not a quality of life or health effect of urban sprawl?


Answer: Decreased traffic fatalities

Explanation: pea

The option that is not a quality of life or health effect of urban sprawl is D. Greater sense of community and social interaction.

What is Urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl refers to the uncontrolled and often unplanned expansion of urban areas into rural or undeveloped land. It is often associated with negative impacts on the environment, such as habitat destruction, air and water pollution, and increased traffic congestion.

Urban sprawl is characterized by the spread of low-density housing and commercial development, which leads to increased travel times, traffic congestion, and air pollution.

This type of development can also lead to the fragmentation of communities and limited access to public transportation, which can negatively impact people's quality of life and health.

In addition to these environmental impacts, urban sprawl can also have significant effects on a person's quality of life and health. These effects include:

Longer commutes: As urban areas sprawl outward, people are forced to travel longer distances to reach their jobs and other amenities. This can lead to longer commutes, which can be stressful and time-consuming.

Reduced physical activity: Urban sprawl often leads to a lack of walkable neighborhoods and public transportation, which can make it more difficult for people to get the physical activity they need to stay healthy.

Increased obesity: Studies have shown that people who live in sprawling communities are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who live in more compact, walkable neighborhoods.

Learn more about Urban sprawl at:


between the ages of 25 and 80 years, a 40-50% decrease in muscle mass can be observed due to all of the following except:


Lower caloric intake during even a short period can result in loss of muscle mass even in the setting of adequate energy intake between the ages of 25 and 80 years.

Simply said, muscle mass refers to the total amount of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles in your body. Along with bone mass and fat mass, it can be quantified as a component of your overall body composition. Skeletal muscle is made up of myofibers, which are solitary muscle cells known as muscle fibers that are connected and surrounded by a connective tissue called the epimysium. In order to produce a fascicle, 20–80 muscle fibers must be gathered together. Fascia, a connective tissue outside the epimysium, is what separates the muscles. Muscles and bones are joined by tendon.

Between the ages of 25 and 80 years, a 40-50% decrease in muscle mass can be observed due to all of the

following except:

A. Loss of motor units

B. Reduced muscle fiber size, particularly type II fibers

C. Muscle fiber atrophy

D. Lower caloric intake

learn more about muscle mass here


Which of the following costs is unique to post-retirement healthcare benefits?
A. Per capita claims.
B. Service.
C. Prior service.
D. Interest.


Per capita claims costs is unique to post-retirement healthcare benefits. it expresses the average number for all of the citizens of a particular country or area.

Calculating the obligation reported for a post-retirement healthcare plan is based on the per capital claims cost. The expected age of the workforce at retirement, their health, and other factors all have an impact on these expenses, which are calculated based on historical norms adjusted for estimated healthcare cost-trend rates. Only healthcare plans for post-retirement call for this kind of calculation. For instance, pension payments are determined by factors including final salary, years of employment, and age at retirement. The other three answer options are included in both post-retirement healthcare plans and defined-benefit pension plans. For their respective expenses, each has a service cost, an interest cost, and a potential preceding service cost.

learn more about Per capita claims here


FILL IN THE BLANK. _____ testing enables an increasing number of people to know that they have a risk for illness even before they develop that illness.


A growing proportion of people can now learn from genetic testing whether they are at risk for a disease even before it manifests itself.

What exactly do we mean by genetics?

How traits and genes are passed down from one generation to the next is the main topic of genetics research. Our DNA contains information that affects our personalities, looks, and even health! Genetics is the basis of everything.

What examples of genetic are there?

Genetics is the study of genes. Our DNA transmits knowledge from one generation to the next. Due to genetics, one child, for example, has red hair like his mother, whereas their sibling had dark hair such their father.

To know more about genetic visit:


FILL IN THE BLANK. Helen Mayberg and her colleagues have used ________ to manipulate activity in a neural hub that bridges the frontal lobes and limbic system


Helen Mayberg and her colleagues have used deep brain stimulation to manipulate activity in a neural hub that bridges the frontal lobes and limbic system

Electrodes that provide electrical signals to the brain are inserted as part of the deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment technique. As a result, certain symptoms are inhibited, which causes complaints to reduce or disappear. For a variety of illnesses, including depression, anorexia nervosa, Alzheimer's disease, and tinnitus, DBS is utilized as an experimental therapy. When medicine or behavioral therapy are ineffective for treating the specific brain problem, or when the medication has too many negative effects, DBS is typically employed. Certain brain problems will still require medication following the treatment, albeit to a much reduced level.

learn more about deep brain stimulation here


the us health care system is actually a combination of various different systems. americans who buy coverage through the obamacare exchanges are part of the health care system.


The U.S. health care system is actually a combination of various different systems and Americans who buy coverage through the obamacare exchanges are part of the private health care system.

The private health care system provides a mixture of products and services including: direct provision of health services (the focus of this document), medicines and medical merchandise, money merchandise, coaching for the health force, data technology, infrastructure and support services (e.g. consultation room management).

Another term for the insurance Marketplace for obamacare exchanges means a service out there in each state that helps people, families, and little businesses buy and enter in cheap medical insurance.

To learn more about  U.S. health care system here


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