
Answer 1



Answer 2




You can expect to see ________.

A. STOP signs or traffic lights on limited access highways

B. only traffic lights on limited access highways

C. only STOP signs on limited access highways

D. no STOP signs or traffic lights on limited access highways

Related Questions

What is media framing?



media frame all news items by specific values, facts, and other considerations, and endowing them with greater apparent for making related judgments


importance of spread sheets​



Spreadsheets are an essential business and accounting tool. They can vary in complexity and can be used for various reasons, but their primary purpose is to organize and categorize data into a logical format. Once this data is entered into the spreadsheet, you can use it to help organize and grow your business.


Spreadsheets are an essential business and accounting tool. They can vary in complexity and can be used for various reasons, but their primary purpose is to organize and categorize data into a logical format. Once this data is entered into the spreadsheet, you can use it to help organize and grow your business.

Create a file named homework_instructions.txt using VI editor and type in it all the submission instructions from page1 of this document. Save the file in a directory named homeworks that you would have created. Set the permissions for this file such that only you can edit the file while anybody can only read. Find and list (on the command prompt) all the statements that contain the word POINTS. Submit your answer as a description of what you did in a sequential manner



mkdir homeworks    // make a new directory called homeworks.

touch homework_instructions.txt //create a file called homework_instruction

sudo -i    // login as root user with password.

chmod u+rwx homework_instructions.txt  // allow user access all permissions

chmod go-wx homework_instructions.txt // remove write and execute permissions for group and others if present

chmod go+r homework_instructions.txt  // adds read permission to group and others if absent.

grep POINTS homework_instructions.txt | ls -n


The Linux commands above first create a directory and create and save the homework_instructions.txt file in it. The sudo or su command is used to login as a root user to the system to access administrative privileges.

The user permission is configured to read, write and execute the text file while the group and others are only configured to read the file.

In CengageNOWv2, you may move, re-size, and rearrange panels in those assignments that use multiple panels.





trust me lol, I promise it's correct.

list 5 differences between monitors and printers​


monitor is a display for a computer system.
monitor is the primary memorable device.
a printer is a device that builds one static image and captures it permanently on a suitable medium.
a printer cannot project information unlike a monitor.
a monitor is mainly used for commands.

A customer comes into a grocery store and buys 8 items. Write a PYTHON program that prompts the user for the name of the item AND the price of each item, and then simply displays whatever the user typed in on the screen nicely formatted. Some example input might be: Apples 2.10 Hamburger 3.25 Milk 3.49 Sugar 1.99 Bread 1.76 Deli Turkey 7.99 Pickles 3.42 Butter 2.79 Remember - you will be outputting to the screen - so do a screen capture to turn in your output. Also turn in your PYTHON program code.



name = []

price = []

for i in range(0,8):

item_name = input('name of item')

item_price = input('price of item')



for i in range(0, 8):

print(name[i], '_____', price[i])


Python code

Using the snippet Given :

Apples 2.10

Hamburger 3.25

Milk 3.49

Sugar 1.99

Bread 1.76

Deli Turkey 7.99

Pickles 3.42

Butter 2.79

name = []

price = []

#name and price are two empty lists

for i in range(0,8):

#Allows users to enter 8 different item and price choices

item_name = input('name of item')

item_price = input('price of item')

#user inputs the various item names and prices

#appends each input to the empty list



for i in range(0, 8):

print(name[i], '_____', price[i])

# this prints the name and prices of each item from the list.

Help need right now pls
Read the following Python code:
yards - 26
hexadecimalYards = hex (yards)
print (hexadecimalYards)
Which of the following is the correct output? (5 points)
A. 0b1a

B. 0d1a

C. 0h1a

D. 0x1a



d. 0x1a


Online privacy and data security are a growing concern. Cybercrime is rampant despite the various security measures taken.

-Mention five tools to safeguard users against cybercrime. How do these tools help decrease crime?
-Provide the details of how each of these tools work.
-Describe how these tools are helping to restrict cybercrime.



The SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls For Effective Cyber Defense


Password/PIN Policy

Developing a password and personal identification number policy helps ensure employees are creating their login or access credentials in a secure manner. Common guidance is to not use birthdays, names, or other information that is easily attainable.

Device Controls

Proper methods of access to computers, tablets, and smartphones should be established to control access to information. Methods can include access card readers, passwords, and PINs.

Devices should be locked when the user steps away. Access cards should be removed, and passwords and PINs should not be written down or stored where they might be accessed.

Assess whether employees should be allowed to bring and access their own devices in the workplace or during business hours. Personal devices have the potential to distract employees from their duties, as well as create accidental breaches of information security.

As you design policies for personal device use, take employee welfare into consideration. Families and loved ones need contact with employees if there is a situation at home that requires their attention. This may mean providing a way for families to get messages to their loved ones.

Procedures for reporting loss and damage of business-related devices should be developed. You may want to include investigation methods to determine fault and the extent of information loss.

Internet/Web Usage

Internet access in the workplace should be restricted to business needs only. Not only does personal web use tie up resources, but it also introduces the risks of viruses and can give hackers access to information.

Email should be conducted through business email servers and clients only unless your business is built around a model that doesn't allow for it.

Many scams and attempts to infiltrate businesses are initiated through email. Guidance for dealing with links, apparent phishing attempts, or emails from unknown sources is recommended.

Develop agreements with employees that will minimize the risk of workplace information exposure through social media or other personal networking sites, unless it is business-related.

Encryption and Physical Security

You may want to develop encryption procedures for your information. If your business has information such as client credit card numbers stored in a database, encrypting the files adds an extra measure of protection.

Key and key card control procedures such as key issue logs or separate keys for different areas can help control access to information storage areas.

If identification is needed, develop a method of issuing, logging, displaying, and periodically inspecting identification.

Establish a visitor procedure. Visitor check-in, access badges, and logs will keep unnecessary visitations in check.

Security Policy Reporting Requirements

Employees need to understand what they need to report, how they need to report it, and who to report it to. Clear instructions should be published. Training should be implemented into the policy and be conducted to ensure all employees understand reporting procedures.

Empower Your Team

One key to creating effective policies is to make sure that the policies are clear, easy to comply with, and realistic. Policies that are overly complicated or controlling will encourage people to bypass the system. If you communicate the need for information security and empower your employees to act if they discover a security issue, you will develop a secure environment where information is safe.


anyone know if the other answer in right?


Read three integers from user input without a prompt. Then, print the product of those integers. Ex: If input is 2 3 5, output is 30. Note: Our system will run your program several times, automatically providing different input values each time, to ensure your program works for any input values. See How to Use zyBooks for info on how our automated program grader works.




The following code is written in Java and simply grabs the three inputs and saves them into three separate variables. Then it multiplies those variables together and saves the product in a variable called product. Finally, printing out the value of product to the screen.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

   public static void main(String[] args){

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       int num1 = in.nextInt();

       int num2 = in.nextInt();

       int num3 = in.nextInt();

       int product = num1 * num2 * num3;




Answer: Python


num1 = int(input())

num2 = int(input())

num3 = int(input())

product = num1 * num2 * num3


In this programming assignment, you will write a simple program in C that outputs one string. This assignment is mainly to help you get accustomed to submitting your programming assignments here in zyBooks. Write a C program using vim that does the following. Ask for an integer input from the user. Do not print any prompt for input. If the number is divisible by 3, print the message CS If the number is divisible by 5, print the message 1714 If the number is divisible by both 3



In C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int mynum;

   scanf("%d", &mynum);

   if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 != 0){

       printf("CS");    }

   else if(mynum%5 == 0 && mynum%3 != 0){

       printf("1714");    }

   else if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 == 0){

       printf("CS1714");    }

   else    {

       printf("ERROR");   }

   return 0;



This declares mynum as integer

   int mynum;

This gets user input

   scanf("%d", &mynum);

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 3. It prints CS, if true

   if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 != 0){

       printf("CS");    }

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 5. It prints 1714, if true

   else if(mynum%5 == 0 && mynum%3 != 0){

       printf("1714");    }

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 3 and 5. It prints CS1714, if true

   else if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 == 0){

       printf("CS1714");    }

This condition checks if num cannot be divided by 3 and 5. It prints ERROR, if true

   else    {

       printf("ERROR");    }

Read Chapter 2 in your text before attempting this project. An employee is paid at a rate of $16.78 per hour for the first 40 hours worked in a week. Any hours over that are paid at the overtime rate of one-and-one-half times that. From the worker's gross pay, 6% is withheld for Social Security tax, 14% is withheld for federal income tax, 5% is withheld for state income tax and $10 per week is withheld for union dues. If the worker has three or more dependents, then an additional $35 is withheld to cover the extra cost of health insurance beyond what the employer pays. Write a program that will read in the number of hours worked in a week and the number of dependents as input and will then output the worker's gross pay, each withholding amount, and the net take-home pay for the week.



Answered below


#Answer is written in Python programming language

hrs = int(input("Enter hours worked for the week: "))

dep = int(input ("Enter number of dependants: "))

pay = 16.78

ovpay = pay * 1.5

if hrs <= 40:

wage = hrs * pay


wage = hrs * ovpay

ss = wage * 0.06

fedtax = wage * 0.14

statetax = wage * 0.05

dues = 10

if dep >= 3:

ins = 35

net_pay = wage - ss - fedtax - statetax - dues - ins


print ( ss, fedtax, statetax, dues, ins)

print (net_pay)

let m be a positive integer with n bit binary representation an-1 an-2 ... a1a0 with an-1=1 what are the smallest and largest values that m could have




From the given information:

[tex]a_{n-1} , a_{n-2}...a_o[/tex] in binary is:

[tex]a_{n-1}\times 2^{n-1} + a_{n-2}}\times 2^{n-2}+ ...+a_o[/tex]

So, the largest number posses all [tex]a_{n-1} , a_{n-2}...a_o[/tex]  nonzero, however, the smallest number has [tex]a_{n-2} , a_{n-3}...a_o[/tex] all zero.

The largest = 11111. . .1 in n times and the smallest = 1000. . .0 in n -1 times


[tex](11111111...1)_2 = ( 1 \times 2^{n-1} + 1\times 2^{n-2} + ... + 1 )_{10}[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{1(2^n-1)}{2-1}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{=2^n -1}[/tex]

[tex](1000...0)_2 = (1 \times 2^{n-1} + 0 \times 2^{n-2} + 0 \times 2^{n-3} + ... + 0)_{10}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf {= 2 ^{n-1}}[/tex]

Hence, the smallest value is [tex]\mathbf{2^{n-1}}[/tex] and the largest value is [tex]\mathbf{2^{n}-1}[/tex]

Your class is in groups, working on a sets worksheet. Your classmate suggests that if the union of two non-empty sets is the empty set, then the sets must be disjoint. What would you say to explain how this statement is false, and how would you help correct them



The answer is "[tex]\bold{A \cap\ B=\phi}[/tex]"




A and B are disjoint sets and they are not an empty set  then:

[tex]A\cup\ B=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\} \\\\A\cup\ B\neq 0[/tex]

therefore if the intersection of the two non-empty sets is the empty set then its disjoint set, which is equal to [tex]\bold{A \cap\ B=\phi}[/tex].

An object's momentum is its mass multiplied by its velocity. Write a program that accepts an object's mass (in kilograms) and velocity (in meters per second) as inputs, and then outputs its momentum. Below is an example of the progam input and output:
Mass: 5
Velocity: 2.5
The object's momentum is 12.5



mass = float(input("Mass: "))

velocity = float(input("Velocity: "))

momentum = mass * velocity

print("The object's momentum is ", momentum)


*The code is in Python.

Ask the user to enter the mass and velocity. Since both of the values could be decimal numbers, cast them as float

Calculate the momentum using given information, multiply mass by velocity

Print the momentum as example output

This graph shows the efficiencies of two different algorithms that solve the same problem. Which of the following is most efficient?



D is correct


Think of it by plugging in values. Clearly the exponential version, according the graph, is more efficient with lower values. But then it can be seen that eventually, the linear will become more efficient as the exponential equation skyrockets. D is the answer.

Consider the definition of the Person class below. The class uses the instance variable adult to indicate whether a person is an adult or not.

public class Person
private String name;
private int age;
private boolean adult;
public Person (String n, int a)

name = n;
age = a;
if (age >= 18)
adult = true;
adult = false;

Which of the following statements will create a Person object that represents an adult person?

a. Person p = new Person ("Homer", "adult");
b. Person p = new Person ("Homer", 23);
c. Person p = new Person ("Homer", "23");
d. Person p = new Person ("Homer", true);
e. Person p = new Person ("Homer", 17);



b. Person p = new Person ("Homer", 23);


The statement that will create an object that represents an adult person would be the following

Person p = new Person ("Homer", 23);

This statement creates a Person object by called the Person class and saving it into a variable called p. The Person method is called in this object and passed a string that represents the adult's name and the age of the adult. Since the age is greater than 18, the method will return that adult = true.

The other options are either not passing the correct second argument (needs to be an int) or is passing an int that is lower than 18 meaning that the method will state that the individual is not an adult.

Consider the following method.

public int locate(String str, String oneLetter)

int j = 0;
while(j < str.length() && str.substring(j, j+1).compareTo*oneLetter < 0)
return j;

Which of the following must be true when the while loop terminates?

a. j == str.length()
b. str.substring(j, j+1) >= 0
c. j <= str.length() || str.substring(j, j+1).compareTo(oneLetter) > 0
d. j == str.length() || str.substring(j, j+1).compareTo(oneLetter) >= 0
e. j == str.length() && str.substring(j, j+1).compareTo(oneLetter) >= 0





From the available options given in the question, once the while loop terminates any of the provided answers could be correct. This is because the arguments passed to the while loop indicate two different argument which both have to be true in order for the loop to continue. All of the provided options have either one or both of the arguments as false which would break the while loop. Even options a. and b. are included because both would indicate a false statement.

Which of the statements below are true? Which are false?

a. In polling, I/O devices set flags that must be periodically checked by the CPU.
b. When using interrupts, the CPU interrupts I/O devices when an I/O event happens.
c. The overhead of polling depends on the polling frequency.
d. Polling is often a viable option for slow and asynchronous devices.
e. Synchronous I/O cannot be done with interrupts.
f. User processes are always blocked during asynchronous I/O operations.
g. Traps are software-generated interrupts.
h. System-calls can be implemented using either traps or polling.
i. DMA usually improves the overall system performance.
j. DMA is necessary for asynchronous I/O transfers



a. True

b. False

c. False

d. True

e. True

f. True

g. False

h. True

i. False

j. False


Polling is a technique in which users are connect externally and programs are run by synchronization activity. The users are allowed to set flags for devices which are periodically checked. The end user can implement system calls using the polling technique.

udsvb kbfnsdkmlfkmbn mk,dsldkfjvcxkm ,./ss.dskmcb nmld;s,fknvjf



not sure what language it is


Write a program, named, which prompts the user to enter a number for the month and a number for the year. Using the information entered by the user and selection statements, display how many days are in the month. Note: In the name of the file, LastName should be replaced with your last name and FirstName should be replaced with your first name. When you run your program, it should look similar to this:




The following code is written in Java and uses Switch statements to connect the month to the correct number of days. It uses the year value to calculate the number of days only for February since it is the only month that actually changes. Finally, the number of days is printed to the screen.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class NumDaysPerezGabriel {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

       int totalDays = 0;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter number for month (Ex: 01 for January or 02 for February): ");

       int month = in.nextInt();

       System.out.println("Enter 4 digit number for year: ");

       int year = in.nextInt();

       switch (month) {

           case 1:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 2:

               if ((year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0))) {

                   totalDays = 29;

               } else {

                   totalDays = 28;



           case 3:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 4:

               totalDays = 30;


           case 5:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 6:

               totalDays = 30;


           case 7:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 8:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 9:

               totalDays = 30;


           case 10:

               totalDays = 31;


           case 11:

               totalDays = 30;


           case 12:

               totalDays = 31;


       System.out.println("There are a total of " + totalDays + " in that month for the year " + year);



Please help! I don’t know the answer to it :( it’s Fashion marketing



I believe the answer should be C)

Sorry if it’s wrong,but hope it helps

Write a method named removeRange that accepts an ArrayList of integers and two integer values min and max as parameters and removes all elements values in the range min through max (inclusive). For example, if an ArrayList named list stores [7, 9, 4, 2, 7, 7, 5, 3, 5, 1, 7, 8, 6, 7], the call of removeRange(list, 5, 7); should change the list to store [9, 4, 2, 3, 1, 8



Answered below


public ArrayList<Integer> removeRange(ArrayList<Integer> X, int min, int max){

int i; int j;

//Variable to hold new list without elements in //given range.

ArrayList<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

//Nested loops to compare list elements to //range elements.

if(max >= min){

for( i = 0; i < x.length; I++){

for(j = min; j <= max; j++){

if( x [i] != j){

newList.add( x[i] );




return newList;



During TCP/IP communications between two network hosts, information is encapsulated on the sending host and decapsulated on the receiving host using the OSI model. Match the information format with the appropriate layer of the OSI model.

a. Packets
b. Segments
c. Bits
d. Frames

1. Session Layer
2. Transport Layer
3. Network Layer
4. Data Link Layer
5. Physical Layer



a. Packets - Network layer

b. Segments - Transport layer

c. Bits - Physical layer

d. Frames - Data link layer


When TCP/IP protocols are used for communication between two network hosts, there is a process of coding and decoding also called encapsulation and decapsulation.

This ensures the information is not accessible by other parties except the two hosts involved.

Operating Systems Interconnected model (OSI) is used to standardise communication in a computing system.

There are 7 layers used in the OSI model:

1. Session Layer

2. Transport Layer

3. Network Layer

4. Data Link Layer

5. Physical Layer

6. Presentation layer

7. Application layer

The information formats given are matched as

a. Packets - Network layer

b. Segments - Transport layer

c. Bits - Physical layer

d. Frames - Data link layer

You've created a new programming language, and now you've decided to add hashmap support to it. Actually you are quite disappointed that in common programming languages it's impossible to add a number to all hashmap keys, or all its values. So you've decided to take matters into your own hands and implement your own hashmap in your new language that has the following operations:
insert x y - insert an object with key x and value y.
get x - return the value of an object with key x.
addToKey x - add x to all keys in map.
addToValue y - add y to all values in map.
To test out your new hashmap, you have a list of queries in the form of two arrays: queryTypes contains the names of the methods to be called (eg: insert, get, etc), and queries contains the arguments for those methods (the x and y values).
Your task is to implement this hashmap, apply the given queries, and to find the sum of all the results for get operations.
For queryType = ["insert", "insert", "addToValue", "addToKey", "get"] and query = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [2], [1], [3]], the output should be hashMap(queryType, query) = 5.
The hashmap looks like this after each query:
1 query: {1: 2}
2 query: {1: 2, 2: 3}
3 query: {1: 4, 2: 5}
4 query: {2: 4, 3: 5}
5 query: answer is 5
The result of the last get query for 3 is 5 in the resulting hashmap.
For queryType = ["insert", "addToValue", "get", "insert", "addToKey", "addToValue", "get"] and query = [[1, 2], [2], [1], [2, 3], [1], [-1], [3]], the output should be hashMap(queryType, query) = 6.
The hashmap looks like this after each query:
1 query: {1: 2}
2 query: {1: 4}
3 query: answer is 4
4 query: {1: 4, 2: 3}
5 query: {2: 4, 3: 3}
6 query: {2: 3, 3: 2}
7 query: answer is 2
The sum of the results for all the get queries is equal to 4 + 2 = 6.
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] array.string queryType
Array of query types. It is guaranteed that each queryType[i] is either "addToKey", "addToValue", "get", or "insert".
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ queryType.length ≤ 105.
[input] array.array.integer query
Array of queries, where each query is represented either by two numbers for insert query or by one number for other queries. It is guaranteed that during all queries all keys and values are in the range [-109, 109].
Guaranteed constraints:
query.length = queryType.length,
1 ≤ query[i].length ≤ 2.
[output] integer64
The sum of the results for all get queries.
[Python3] Syntax Tips
# Prints help message to the console
# Returns a string
def helloWorld(name):
print("This prints to the console when you Run Tests")
return "Hello, " + name



Attached please find my solution in JAVA


long hashMap(String[] queryType, int[][] query) {

       long sum = 0;

       Integer currKey = 0;

       Integer currValue = 0;

       Map<Integer, Integer> values = new HashMap<>();

       for (int i = 0; i < queryType.length; i++) {

           String currQuery = queryType[i];

           switch (currQuery) {

           case "insert":

               HashMap<Integer, Integer> copiedValues = new HashMap<>();

               if (currKey != 0 || currValue != 0) {

                   Set<Integer> keys = values.keySet();

                   for (Integer key : keys) {

                       copiedValues.put(key + currKey, values.get(key) + currValue);




                   currValue = 0;

                   currKey = 0;


               values.put(query[i][0], query[i][1]);


           case "addToValue":

               currValue += values.isEmpty() ? 0 : query[i][0];


           case "addToKey":

               currKey += values.isEmpty() ? 0 : query[i][0];


           case "get":

               copiedValues = new HashMap<>();

               if (currKey != 0 || currValue != 0) {

                   Set<Integer> keys = values.keySet();

                   for (Integer key : keys) {

                       copiedValues.put(key + currKey, values.get(key) + currValue);




                   currValue = 0;

                   currKey = 0;


               sum += values.get(query[i][0]);



       return sum;


Write a function that receives three StaticArrays where the elements are already i n sorted order and returns a new Static Array only with those elements that appear i n all three i nput arrays. Original arrays should not be modified. If there are no elements that appear i n all three i nput arrays, return a Static Array with a single None element i n i t.




The following code is written in Python. It is a function that takes the three arrays as parameters. It loops over the first array comparing to see if a number exists in the other arrays. If it finds a number in all three arrays it adds it to an array called same_elements. Finally, it prints the array.

def has_same_elements(arr1, arr2, arr3):

   same_elements = []


   for num1 in arr1:

       if (num1 in arr2) and (num1 in arr3):






What are the two basic functions (methods) used in classical encryption algorithms?


Substitution and transposition

substitution and transport

Write a method that extracts the dollars and cents from an amount of money given as a floating-point value. For example, an amount 2.95 yields values 2 and 95 for the dollars the cents. You may assume that the input is always a valid non-negative monetary amount.



The method in C++ is as follows:

void dollarextract(double money){

int dollar = int (money);

int cent = (money - dollar) * 100;

cout<<dollar<<" dollar "<<cent<<" cent";



This defines the method

void dollarextract(double money){

This gets the dollar part of the amount

int dollar = int (money);

This gets the cent part of the amount

int cent = (money - dollar) * 100;

This prints the amount in dollars and cent

cout<<dollar<<" dollar "<<cent<<" cent";


To call the method from main, use:  


The above will return 2 dollar 95 cent

In the ( ) Model, each in a network can act as a server for all the other computers sharing files and acsess to devices

A host server
B client server
C peer to peer



C peer to peer


A peer to peer is a computer network in a distributed architecture that performs various tasks and workload amount themselves. Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources. Peers do similar things while sharing resources, which enables them to engages in greater tasks.


C. Peer-to-peer


On Edge, it states, "In a peer-to-peer model, each computer in a network can act as a server for all the other computers, sharing files and access to devices."

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

Write a function called is_present that takes in two parameters: an integer and a list of integers (NOTE that the first parameter should be the integer and the second parameter should be the list) and returns True if the integer is present in the list and returns False if the integer is not present in the list. You can pick everything about the parameter name and how you write the body of the function, but it must be called is_present. The code challenge will call your is_present function with many inputs and check that it behaves correctly on all of them. The code to read in the inputs from the user and to print the output is already written in the backend. Your task is to only write the is_present function.



The function in python is as follows

def is_present(num,list):

    stat = False

    if num in list:

         stat = True


    return bool(stat)


This defines the function

def is_present(num,list):

This initializes a boolean variable to false

    stat = False

If the integer number is present in the list

    if num in list:

This boolean variable is updated to true

         stat = True

This returns true or false        

    return bool(stat)

Assume that you are working with spreadsheets, word processing documents, presentation slides, images, and sound files for a school project. You stored all your files in a folder named “untitled” on your laptop. Now, you cannot locate a particular document in this folder and you realize that you need to organize your files properly.
Write down the steps that you will take to organize your files.



See explanation below.


File organization is very important especially when one is working with numerous files from different applications.

When you are working with spreadsheets, word processing documents, presentation slides, images and sound files, it is important to create folders and sub-folders to make locating your files a lot easier.

Make sure you have all your files saved with names that are relevant to your school project.Create a sub-folder to store all spreadsheets files, create a sub-folder to store all word processing files, create a sub-folder to store all presentation slides and create another folder to store images and sound files. You do this to make it easy for you to locate whichever file you want. You create the sub-folder by right clicking on your documents section and clicking on new folder. Type in the name of the folder and save.After creating sub-folders,  create a general folder for all your folders by using the same method in step 3. Copy all your sub-folders into this major folder. You can name this folder the name of your school project.

This way, you never have to look for any files for your school project.

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Onto you: I knew I had a crush on you but when I looked in your eyes and I saw dazzling lights that I could not escape from you and just like a movie my dreams were with you passing by And I awoke to your heat and my heart were combined when we collided, we had filled each other eyes I need to share my wings with you and fly away with each other I lie awake now thinking about you but our memories are stuck together I am feeling powerless without you but you are wakening me up with all things we have done together I am always reaching out for you Maby this destiny Trying to make it happen is this all on me the motion of us together just makes me feel better And no one else knows how feel about us Waiting for the day to come when we will go on our very first date will it show up Tomorrow or in the future is it trying to help us connect with each other Claiming that is meant to be together what is before my eyes With everything, I got to have you or the moment we might just be together I cannot stand you because I have a crush on you but I was always laughing and acting weird around you I cannot control it Now I can feel the crush getting deep and harder to control within me so will you be the hero and be together forever and no one can stop us from that but my heart is getting louder whenever I'm with you my eyes and my brain are wondering if we will ever be together from the moment we first had contact I cannot my feelings for you in hide it your goanna notice sooner or later we will be each other hero were going to last forever I couldn't say never to you because my heart is leaping for you Why can't you see it all but the only thing I can do is crush on youYou know I had to change ever since I saw you the day were going by until we talked again and I told you how I feel and you told me to go away now no more calls or text what could I have done to make it all better So go ahead and laugh because there is no other person, I want to be with but you but the way we do things we are alikeI'm all alone because you did not feel that way about me, but I have been kicking and screaming to get closer to you It is like I do not know how to breathe without youYou know that I try my best to be with you, but the depths of my heart got deeper into loving you There is a mess inside of me because I love you and you do not I will remember the crush I had for you There is a fire inside of me that will not get put out because I love you, but you Tell me to forget this, but I want you, but you are the only thing I need Now I can feel the fire burning deep within me because of you I will not back down, never without you I have gotten your back forever even if you do not care