you and your lab partner are observing a cell under a microscope, but you do not know whether it is a eukaryote or a prokaryote. which observation regarding the chromosomes would allow you to immediately conclude that the cell is a eukaryote?


Answer 1

If the cell has multiple, distinct chromosomes that are visible under the microscope, then it is a eukaryote. Prokaryotes have a single, circular chromosome.

Answer 2

The chromosomes are housed in a membrane-enclosed nucleus would allow you to immediately conclude that the cell is a eukaryote.

If you see a nucleus, you will know that the cell you are looking at under the microscope is a eukaryote. The main difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes is this. The fact that prokaryotic cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus is the primary distinction between these two types of organisms. Eukaryotes store their genetic information in the form of chromosomes in the nucleus.

Since each cell has DNA and a plasma membrane, these characteristics cannot be used to differentiate between cell types. Because both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells can have cell walls, a cell wall would also not be a good feature for distinguishing between the two.

Know more about eukaryotes here:


Related Questions

list, and describe the probable ancestral protists for land plants, fungus and animals. explain the evidence that connects the protista to the modern organisms. you must give the specific scientific group name for the protista.



Read below


It is generally believed that the ancestors of land plants, fungi, and animals evolved from a group of single-celled organisms known as protists.

The probable ancestral protist for land plants is believed to be a group of green algae known as the Charophytes. There is evidence that Charophytes are the closest living relatives of land plants, as they share many features with land plants such as cell walls made of cellulose and the ability to carry out photosynthesis. In addition, molecular data supports the hypothesis that Charophytes are the ancestors of land plants.

The probable ancestral protist for fungi is believed to be a group of protists known as the Chytrids. Chytrids are heterotrophic organisms that are similar to fungi in several ways, such as having chitin in their cell walls and producing spores for reproduction. Molecular data also supports the hypothesis that Chytrids are the ancestors of fungi.

The probable ancestral protist for animals is believed to be a group of protists known as the Choanoflagellates. Choanoflagellates are single-celled organisms that have a flagellum (a whip-like appendage) and a collar of microvilli (tiny hair-like structures) around their cell surface, which are also found in animals. In addition, molecular data supports the hypothesis that Choanoflagellates are the ancestors of animals.

Overall, the evidence that connects these protists to modern organisms includes both morphological and molecular data. Morphological data refers to the physical characteristics and features of the organisms, while molecular data refers to the genetic and biochemical similarities between different organisms.

where will spores of clostridium botulinum most likely be found in raw, whole fish? within the digestive tract within the flesh of the fish in the loin muscle throughout the spinal column


Four phylogenetically and physiologically different bacteria make up the heterogeneous species Clostridium botulinum, and they all have the ability to produce the botulinum neurotoxin.

Botulinum neurotoxins are also produced by a few species of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii. Seven different botulinum neurotoxins exist (types A–G).

These are the strongest known toxins, and they are the cause of botulism, a severe and frequently fatal neuroparalytic poisoning, which can be brought on by as little as 30 ng.

Due to the extraordinary severity of this illness, regulators and the industry must continue to be cautious in order to reduce the danger of foodborne botulism.

Learn more about "Clostridium botulinum " to visit here;


What is the electric potential at a distance of 1.2 m from a 7.5 µC point charge?

5.6 × 104 V
8.1 × 104 V
5.6 × 1010 V
8.1 × 1010 V


The electric potential at a distance of 1.2 m from a 7.5 µC point charge is 8.1 × 104 V. This can be calculated using the formula for electric potential, which is given by V = kq/r, where V is the electric potential, k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the charge of the point, and r is the distance from the point. Plugging in the values, we get V = (8.99 × 109 Nm2/C2)(7.5 × 10-6 C)/(1.2 m) = 8.1 × 104 V. Therefore, the electric potential at a distance of 1.2 m from a 7.5 µC point charge is 8.1 × 104 V.

Answer: B or 8.1 x 10^4 V

Explanation: Taking the quiz!

An ATP molecule is structurally most similar to a molecule of.
A. RNA molecule
B. Vitamin molecule
C. Amino acid
D. Fatty acid


An ATP molecule is structurally most similar to a molecule of RNA molecule. The average person's body recycles as much ATP each day as they weigh.

Adenosine triphosphate is an organic substance that powers a variety of biological functions in living cells, including muscular contraction, nerve signal transmission, protein breakdown, and chemical synthesis (ATP). ATP, which is sometimes referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer, is present in all known forms of life. It either transforms into adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or adenosine diphosphate (ADP) when it is taken up by metabolic processes (AMP). Recovering ATP can be done in a variety of ways. It also performs a number of other roles in addition to acting as a coenzyme and a precursor of DNA and RNA. It consists of a phosphate group, a nucleoside triphosphate, and a nitrogenous base.

To learn more about ATP click on the given link:


Labrador ducks: Explain how human actions have affected the carrying capacity of the habitat for these
organisms and how humans have led to their decline.



The Labrador duck was a species of sea duck that was native to the coasts of North America. Unfortunately, this species is now extinct, and human actions were a major factor in its decline.

One of the main ways that human actions affected the carrying capacity of the habitat for Labrador ducks was through habitat destruction. As human populations grew, more and more land was converted for agricultural and urban use. This led to the destruction of the coastal wetlands and marshes that were the natural habitat of the Labrador duck. As the ducks lost their habitat, their population numbers began to decline.

Another factor that led to the decline of the Labrador duck was hunting. During the 19th century, there was a high demand for feathers to use in clothing and other items, and ducks were a popular target for hunters. The Labrador duck, with its distinctive white plumage, was particularly sought after. As a result, large numbers of these birds were killed for their feathers, which further contributed to their decline.

Overall, human actions such as habitat destruction and hunting had a significant impact on the carrying capacity of the habitat for Labrador ducks and contributed to their extinction.

acetylcholine is released by all somatic motor neurons, all preganglionic neurons of the ans and by the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers. State True or False your answer:
a. True
b. False



a. True


Acetylcholine is released by all somatic motor neurons, all preganglionic neurons of the ANS and by the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers. The ANS stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.

lets oxygen-rich blood from your lungs pass from the left atrium into the left ventricle


Lets oxygen-rich blood from your lungs pass from the left atrium into the left ventricle through four pulmonary veins.

The heart functions as a pump and typically beats 60 to 100 times each minute. The heart pumps blood throughout our body with each beats, supplying oxygen to every cell. Blood returns to the heart after supplying oxygen. The blood is subsequently sent to the lungs by the heart so that it can absorb additional oxygen. This loop keeps happening over and over.

Blood arteries in the circulatory system move blood away from and toward the heart. Blood leaves the heart through arteries and returns through veins. Cells receive oxygen, nutrition, and hormones through the circulatory system, which also eliminates wastes like carbon dioxide. To keep things moving in the right direction, these roads only go in one direction.

To know more about Lungs visit:


Different species of shark have different
types of teeth that can provide clues about what type of food a species of shark commonly eats. What does a shark's teeth describe about the species of shark in terms of the ecosystem it lives in?
a habitat
b niche
c abiotic factor
a competitive exclusion principle



The correct answer is b) niche.


A shark's teeth can provide clues about the type of food a species of shark commonly eats, which can describe its niche in the ecosystem it lives in. The niche of an organism refers to the role it plays in its environment, including its relationship with other organisms and its interactions with the physical environment. A shark's teeth can provide information about the types of prey it is adapted to hunt, which can be used to understand its role in the ecosystem it lives in. Therefore, the correct answer is b) niche.

if one strand of a dna molecule has the sequence of nucleotides 5' attgca 3', what would the sequence of the complementary strand be?



it would be 3’ taacgt 5’

what type of mutation would result in the inability of an individual's cells to take up ldl from the bloodstream


A homozygous mutation will result in the complete absence of LDL receptors on hepatocytes, increasing the LDL cholesterol levels. The correct answer is option (A).

Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) is produced by the liver and converted to IDL by lipoprotein lipase (LPL). By means of hepatic triglyceride lipase, IDL gets changed into LDL (HTGL). Hypercholesterolemia, also referred to as familial hypercholesterolemia, is an autosomal dominant illness that can be brought on by defects in LDL receptor function. Because the binding and subsequent uptake of LDL molecules in the blood depends on LDL receptors on the surface of hepatocytes, a hereditary decrease in LDL receptor number would result in a lower ability of hepatocytes to absorb LDL and increase LDL in the blood. LDL is typically around 300 mg/dL, but if this mutation is heterozygous, some LDL receptors will be present in the hepatocytes. The LDL cholesterol levels will rise to 1000 mg/dL due to the complete absence of LDL receptors on hepatocytes as a result of a homozygous mutation, though.

The complete question is:

What type(s) of mutation(s) would result in the inability of an individual’s cells to take up LDL from the bloodstream?

(A). Mutations could occur in the receptor itself to preclude LDL binding.

(B). Mutations could occur in proteins that position the LDL receptor on the plasma membrane.

(C). Mutations could occur in the protein machinery that allows the LDL particle to enter the cell.

(D). Mutations could occur in the protein component of LDL that recognizes the receptor.

To learn more about mutations please click on the given link:


In a family of seven children, what is the probability of obtaining the following numbers of boys and girls? a. All boys b. All children of the same sex c. Six girls and one boy d. Four boys and three girls e. Four girls and three boys


A probability refers to a number that reflects the likelihood or chance that a particular event or phenomenon will occur.

In a family of seven children, the probability of obtaining the required number of girls and boys is given as follows:

   total children = 7

   probability of being a girl = 1 /2

   probability of being a boy= 1 /2

a)  All boys

        Probability of  all the children are boys =  (1/2)^7 = 1 / 128

b) All children of the same sex

        Probability of being all b0ys =   (1/2)^7  = 1/128

        Probability of being all gIrls =   (1/2)^7   = 1/128


      Chance of being either all girls or all boys =  1 / 128 + 1 / 128 = 1 / 164

c) Six girls and one boy

     Since the probabilities of a and b = 1 / 2,

     Then using the term 7a x 6b:

     Probability of being six girls and one boy  =  7 (1/2) x 6(1/2) = 7 / 128

d) Four boys and three girls

     This probability is obtained by the term 35a x 3b x 4.

     Probability of four boys and three girls =35 (1/2) x 3 (1/2) x 4 = 35 / 128

e) Four girls and three boys

     Same as (d) 35/128

     Using the term 35ax 4b x 3 ,

     Probability of four girls and three boys =35 (1/2) x 4 (1/2) x 3 = 35 / 128

You can learn more about probability at


Based on your knowledge about the chemical reaction that takes place when lactose is processed in the body, should it be eliminated from the human diet? EXPLAIN WHY


Lactose is a sugar that is found in milk and milk products. It is broken down in the body by the enzyme lactase, which is produced by cells in the small intestine. When lactose is consumed, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and used for energy.

In some people, the body does not produce enough lactase to fully break down lactose. This can lead to digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea when they consume dairy products. This condition is known as lactose intolerance.

However, eliminating lactose from the diet is not necessary for most people. While some people may have lactose intolerance or choose to avoid dairy products for other reasons, such as allergies or personal preference, lactose is an important source of nutrients for many people. Dairy products are a good source of calcium, protein, and other important nutrients.

If you have lactose intolerance or choose to avoid dairy products, it is important to ensure that you are getting enough of these nutrients from other sources. There are many non-dairy sources of calcium and protein, such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, and fortified plant-based milks.

In summary, lactose should not be eliminated from the diet for most people. However, if you have lactose intolerance or choose to avoid dairy products, it is important to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients from other sources.

scientists mate two parrots from different populations to see if speciation has occurred. the parrots mate over and over again, but the male sperm never fertilizes the female egg. what type of barrier is this?


The male sperm never fertilizes the female egg despite the parrots' repeated mating. Gametes mate, yet they are unable to combine. This is an example of gametic isolation, a prezygotic reproductive barrier.

Both before and after a zygote forms, barriers to reproduction may be effective. Prezygotic barriers include behavioural characteristics that cause sexual isolation as well as the spatial or temporal separation of reproduction.

Prezygotic barriers stop an egg cell from becoming fertilised.

Examine the several prezygotic barriers, such as those that are imposed by space, time, mechanical barriers, gametic barriers, and behavioural barriers.

Different species of organisms cannot reproduce with one another because of a reproductive barrier.

Due of reproductive isolation, a dolphin and a shark, for instance, cannot have children.

As creatures evolved over time, they underwent a process called speciation, in which they split off into different species with limited interspecific reproduction. Prezygotic or postzygotic reproductive obstacles are also possible. Before the zygote is formed, prezygotic barriers keep the organisms apart.

To learn more about prezygotic reproductive Please click on the given link:


3 although all of the cells of a human develop from one fertilized egg, the human is born with many different types of cells. which statement best explains this observation? select one: a. mutations occur during development as a result of environmental conditions. b. developing cells may express different parts of their identical genetic instructions. c. all cells have different genetic material. d. some cells develop before other cells.


What do you want me to say?

How do the annuals, biennials, and perennials differ in their life cycles and longevity?


Annual plants go through one year of growth before dying. In two years, biennial plants finish their life cycle. Plants that are perennials can continue to live for over two years. In the same year, they are born, develop.

What are perennials?

In order to generate perennials—plants with three or more development stages—bulb planting must take place in the fall, especially in St. Louis. Perennials from Garden Heights Nursery come in a variety of colors and can be grown there in sun or the shade.

How far in advance can you plant perennials?

Perennials can be transplanted at any time up until the earth freezes with in fall, or you can wait until the spring. Herbaceous perennials may develop a strong root system over three seasons before the hot summer of the following year, so the fall is a great time to transplant them.

To know more about Perennials visit:


Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells. What does this allow plant cells to do? What advantage
does this give plants? The process of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts. This process
requires sunlight. Why do you think some cells of a plant do not have chloroplasts?


Chloroplasts allow plant cells to carry out photosynthesis. Some cells of a plant, such as root cells and some specialized cells in leaves and stems, do not have chloroplasts because they do not need to carry out photosynthesis.

What is a chloroplast?

Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and some other types of organisms, such as algae. They are responsible for carrying out photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

Chloroplasts are found in the cells of plants and algae that carry out photosynthesis, such as the cells of leaves and algae. They are typically found in large numbers in these cells, as they are essential for producing the energy that the plant or algae needs to survive and grow.

Chloroplasts are made up of thylakoid membranes, which contain the pigments that absorb light energy, and stroma, which contains the enzymes and other molecules needed for photosynthesis.

Learn more about chloroplast, here:


a man and woman are both of normal pigmentation, but both have one parent who is albino (without melanin pigmentation). albinism is an autosomal (not sex-linked) recessive trait. what is the probability that their first child will be an albino? a. 0%


C. 1/4 is the probability of their first child would be an albino.

Being an autosomal recessive condition, albinism only manifests in homozygous recessive genotypes. Since the recessive gene is concealed by the presence of a healthy dominant gene, the heterozygous genotype will be normal but act as a carrier.

According t o the question, we have

Albinism (autosomal recessive)

Let us consider,

Normal pigmentation - A

Albinism pigmentation - a

man - normal pigmentation (Aa)  genotype.

woman - normal pigmentation ( Aa ) genotype.

Therefore, from punnet square we have,

             A               a

A           AA             Aa


a            Aa              aa

The probability of the child being normal is [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] =[tex]\left \{ {{AA=\frac{1}{4} } \atop {Aa=\frac{1}{4} }} \right.[/tex]

The probability of being affected is [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] ={ aa= [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Therefore, The probability of the first child being albino is [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex].

To know more about albinism refer here:


Complete Question:

A man and woman are both of normal pigmentation, but both have one parent who is albino (without melanin pigmentation). What is the probability that their first child will be an albino?

A. 0

B. 1/8

C. 1/4

D. 1/3

E. 1/2

high-flow oxygem witha nasal cannula during the preoxygenation phase of endotracheal intubation is called


High-flow oxygen via nasal cannula during the pre-oxygenation phase of endotracheal intubation is termed apnea oxygenation.

Nasal cannula oxygenation during intubation appears to prevent or delay desaturation in all patients except those with primary respiratory failure and flow rates up to 60 liters per minute.

High-flow oxygen therapy is a respiratory aid. Heated (up to 37°C) and humidified oxygen are supplied continuously through tubes inserted into the nostrils. Provided only when conventional oxygen therapy fails, high-flow oxygen therapy helps reduce the effort your body puts into breathing.

Learn more about High-flow oxygen here


Please help me with this! (50 Points!!)



Frank gets sick after eating a contaminated hard-boiled egg at a diner.Osmosis Jones is a white blood cell, specifically a type of leukocyte called a phagocyte.Osmosis Jones' job in the "city of Frank" is to defend the body against infections and foreign invaders.Thrax is a viral pathogen, specifically a deadly virus that causes a highly contagious and lethal illness.The cold medicine, Drix, is supposed to help the city of Frank by neutralizing and eliminating Thrax and other viruses.This tells you that cold medicine works by attacking and eliminating viruses, which can help to reduce symptoms and make you feel better.The purpose of the increase in Frank's nasal mucus is to trap and remove foreign particles, such as pollen and viruses, from the respiratory system.When the pollen gets passed the nasal mucus, it can enter the respiratory system and potentially cause allergic reactions or inflammation.The green guy, called "flu shot" virus, is in the "virus protection program" because he is a harmless virus that is used in a flu vaccine to help the body build immunity against the flu.The "flu shot" virus is not able to cause flu symptoms because it has been genetically modified to be unable to replicate or cause disease.The mayor says that Drix is worthless because he believes that Drix is unable to effectively fight Thrax and prevent him from causing more damage.The hypothalamus controls many important functions in the body, including body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and mood.It is not clear what happens in the hypothalamus when Thrax is mentioned in the video, as this information is not provided.

Write a paragraph describing what an eruption of a nearby composite cone might be like.


An eruption of a nearby composite cone, also known as a stratovolcano, would likely be a violent and explosive event. Composite cones are formed by the accumulation of layers of ash, lava, and other volcanic debris, and are characterized by steep slopes and a conical shape. When a composite cone erupts, it can release large amounts of ash and gas into the air, creating a towering ash cloud. The eruption can also produce pyroclastic flows, which are fast-moving clouds of hot ash, rock, and gas that can cause widespread destruction. Lava flows may also be present, depending on the composition of the magma. Overall, an eruption of a nearby composite cone would be a dramatic and potentially dangerous event.

An eruption of a nearby composite cone, also known as a stratovolcano, could be a dramatic and destructive event. These volcanoes are made up of alternating layers of ash, lava, and other materials, and they often have steep sides that slope up to a summit crater. During an eruption, molten rock, ash, and other volcanic material would be blasted into the air, creating a towering ash cloud that could reach high into the sky. Hot lava would flow down the sides of the volcano, potentially damaging or destroying anything in its path. The eruption could also trigger landslides and mudflows, as well as release dangerous gases into the atmosphere. In short, an eruption of a nearby composite cone would be a highly destructive and potentially deadly event.

(Please mark as brainliest!)

although both pyruvate dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase use nad as their electron acceptor, the two enzymes do no t compete for the same cellular nad pool. why?


Although both pyruvate dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase use nad as their electron acceptor, the two enzymes do not compete for the same cellular nad pool. This is because the cytosol contains glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, while the mitochondrion has pyruvate dehydrogenase.

An enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyses the reaction between pyruvate and a lipoamide to produce acetylated dihydrolipoamide and carbon dioxide. Thiamine pyrophosphate is needed for the conversion as a coenzyme. A part of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex known as E1 is typically where pyruvate dehydrogenase is found (PDC). E2 and E3 are two more enzymes that make up PDC.

E1 through E3 work together to convert pyruvate, NAD+, and coenzyme A into acetyl-CoA, CO2, and NADH. The process of conversion is essential because acetyl-CoA may be employed to perform cellular respiration in the citric acid cycle thereafter. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is the official name for this enzyme to distinguish it from the PDC (acetyl-transferring).

Learn more about Pyruvate dehydrogenase here


to gently combine a delicate mixutre (beaten egg whites) with a solid material (flour mixture) is called:


To gently combine a delicate mixture (beaten egg whites) with a solid material (flour mixture) is called stirring using the folding method.

The term "folding" in the context of cooking and baking describes the act of incorporating a light mixture into a heavier combination while preserving as much of the air as feasible. Typically, you'll find instructions for folding meringue or whipped cream into another concoction.

The folding method is used to delicately blend light and airy components with heavier combinations, such as batter, flour, or fruit purees, or when incorporating melted chocolate or butter into a batter.

Learn more about folding method here


glycoprotein spikes protruding from the outer surface of viral envelopes function as toxins. factors that bind to host cells. signaling agents. factors needed for recombination.


Glycoprotein spikes protruding from the outer surface of viral envelopes function as  Factors that bind to host cells. Option B.

Surface glycoproteins of enveloped viruses attach virions to target host cells by interacting appropriately with cellular receptors. Structural biology analysis of viral envelope glycoproteins indicates that viruses exhibit extensive folding to facilitate attachment to appropriate host receptors.

The envelope glycoprotein performs at least two functions critical to the HIV replication cycle. Thus, it uses one of its two non-covalent subunits, gp120, to bind the receptor and co-receptor, fusing the virus into the plasma cell. film. Glycoproteins on the surface of the envelope serve to identify and bind to receptor sites on the host membrane.

Learn more about Glycoprotein spikes here:-


A one-year-old child can classify animals and people.truefalse





In the age of just ten months babies can begin to develop large concepts for example it can differentiate animals, people, events and even objects.

How do scientists use classification?


Scientists use classification by putting similar organisms in one group.

In order to organize and make sense of the astounding diversity of life, scientists categorize living things. We can better grasp the relationships between living things by classifying them. All life can be classified into three big groupings called domains. The next level is kingdoms, which are further separated into phyla (phylum, singular).

Additionally, scientists classify similar organisms together. Taxonomy is the study of how to categorize living things. In order to organise and make sense of the astounding diversity of life, scientists categorize living things. Molecular commonalities serve as the primary basis for modern scientific classification. They put creatures with comparable DNA and proteins together. Organisms are connected because of molecular commonalities. They share a common ancestor from the past.

To know more about classification refer here:


which organ receives only sympathetic innervation? multiple choice the adrenal medulla arrector pili muscles in the skin most blood vessels all of the choices are correct.


The majority of blood arteries, the arrector pili muscle in the skin, and the adrenal medulla are the only organs that receive sympathetic innervations.

The adrenal medulla, the arrector pili muscles, the sweat glands, and the majority of blood arteries are among the organs that solely receive sympathetic innervation, despite the fact that most organs are activated by both and parasympathetic neurons. Most veins and arterioles only receive sympathetic nerve cells (arteries and capillaries are not innervated). Only the sympathetic nerve innervates the majority of sweat glands (most are cholinergic). Both ANS divisions innervate the salivary glands, although their activities are complementary and both promote salivary production. The impulses go from your spinal cord and activate ganglia. The required signals are then broadcast widely throughout your body by your sympathetic ganglia to various bodily regions. Your heart, lung, arteries, and sweat may be affected.

Learn more about blood


Desalination plants are becoming more common in places which have experienced ____
a. an influx of refugees
b. damaging earthquakes
c. mass deforestation
d. shortages of fresh water



d. shortages of fresh water


Desalination plants are becoming more common in places which have experienced shortages of fresh water. Desalination is a process that removes salt and other minerals from seawater, making it safe to drink. It is often used in coastal areas where there is a lack of freshwater resources or where the quality of available freshwater is poor.

Which of the following statements is true of a hypothesis?


A hypothesis test is not always two-sided there are one-sided tests also. The second statement is true because It is a process by which a decision is made between two opposing hypotheses; the null (H0) and alternate (Ha).

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon (plural: hypotheses). If a hypothesis cannot be tested by the scientific method, it cannot be referred to as a scientific hypothesis. Scientific theories frequently start with historical observations that can't be adequately explained by the body of knowledge at this time. A commonly held belief that has flimsy backing and is being examined for further investigation is known as a working hypothesis.

The complete question is:

Which of the following statements is true about hypothesis testing

a. Hypothesis testing is always a one-sided test

b. It is a process by which a decision is made between two opposing hypotheses; the null (H0) and alternate (Ha)

c A process where you always accept the null hypothesis (H0)

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

To learn more about the hypothesis click on the given link:


Darla learned about the growth of wildflowers in her area. She wanted to study the Blanketflower, which is a plant that is native to Florida. Darla tested how far apart seeds should be planted in order to get the healthiest flowers. She followed this procedure:

1. In early spring, obtain a bag of Blanketflower seeds.
2. Prepare two 10 m2 plots outdoors for planting. They should be close to each other.
3. Plant seeds in one plot 20 cm apart, and plant seeds in the other plot 10 cm apart.
4. Observe and record the growth once a week for one year.

Two years later, she shared her procedure and results with a friend of hers who lived hundreds of miles north of her in Michigan. Her friend replicated the experiment in Michigan by following the exact same procedure that Darla did. When they compared data, they had different results.

Which of the following best describes the replication of Darla's investigation?

The replication is likely valid because in both investigations, the same type of flowers were tested outdoors.
The replication is likely invalid because of weather differences between the two investigation locations.
The replication is likely invalid because two different people conducted the investigation.
The replication is likely valid because in both investigations, the seed-planting distance was the variable.





I'm not 100% sure, but the weather would change some aspects of it, especially if they live in different areas/states.

And if the flower is native to Florida, then the difference would be that Michigan is cooler in temp than Florida, which change the outcome.

This is just what I think, however-

which of the following is a characteristic of a lipid? group of answer choices most lipids are waxy. most lipids are soluble in water. lipids are found only in animals. most lipids are high density.


The optimal response is B. The majority of lipids are waxy.

Wax is an illustration of a lipid that is water-insoluble. Long-chain nonpolar lipids are this kind of lipid. The following explanations explain why the other options are incorrect:

A: Lipids generally have low density. Generally speaking, lipids float on water.

C : Lipids cannot dissolve in water.

D: Lipids are also present in plants.

Lipids are biomolecules that are not related to one another structurally but rather by their physical characteristics. Lipids serve as a source of metabolic energy, a component of membranes, and a regulator of gene expression. Fatty acids are one type of lipid that serves as metabolic fuel.

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A table tennis ball is dropped onto the flour from a height 4m and It rebounds to a height of 3m. If the time ofontact with the floor is o.ols, what is the magnitude andirection of the acceleration during the contact. 0=-16r^2-50 algebra question which of the following is not true concerning the church and the roman empire of the first several centuries? Match arms 2 Points (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) Given the following definition of function g, which choice(s) of match arm below will cause the expression 8 (1. 2. 3):: to return the value 2? let g = function I choose one from below*) -> bar 1_ -> -1;; (bar, baz, foo) (foo, bar, baz) (baz, foo, bar) (bar, (bar, O bar, - 06bar) (foo, bar, (foo, -, baz) O bar, baz) None of the above To appeae the retricted worker, glamaker were given higher ocial tatu and were permitted to marry into Venice' richet familie. What i the meaning of appeae a ued in thi entence?A. To atifyB. To confeC. To uniteD. To provoke given regular pentagon $abcde,$ a circle can be drawn that is tangent to $\overline{dc}$ at $d$ and to $\overline{ab}$ at $a.$ in degrees, what is the measure of minor arc $ad$? 16. 21) Thex- andy-axes are the asymptotes of a hyperbola that passes through the point(2,2). Its equation is a) x2y2=0b) xy=4c) y2x2=0d) x2+y2=4 which fine art movement changed our understanding of typography through doing the following: 1. defied correct syntax and grammar to express their emotionally charged ideas. 2. used a variety of sizes, weights and styles of type to transform the printed page into a work of visual art. 3. explored the potential fusion of poetry and painting. How did the Civil Code of 1804 reflect Napoleons personal beliefs regarding society? Select all that apply.It treated women as legally dependent on men, regardless of age, which reflected Napoleons patriarchal beliefs.The code was in general a liberal document on which many social and political changes have been based, reflecting Napoleons belief that society could change for the better.For the first time since the early days of revolution, the role of women was elevated and had become equal to that of men, which reflected Napoleons belief in natural rights.The code made clear that the new nobility were to be treated in a preferential manner by the law, reflecting Napoleons belief that heritage was more important than professional skill.The Civil Code neglected to protect private property rights, which reflected Napoleons belief that most property should belong to the state. Select the graph that matches the system of inequalities. 2x y 3 x 2y 2 crom breweries is an old client of hw internet solutions. crom's it department calls hw solutions to inform that the interface is down. hw solutions sends a network analyst to check the situation. the network analyst assumes that an employee must have shut down the interface. he applies the show interface command to get an overview of all the devices interfaces. analyze which of the following will help the network analyst to know whether the interface was shut down. a.Traffic statisticsb.MTUc.Link stated.Bandwidth a client with a fungal infection has been prescribed ketoconazole 250 mg po daily. the client reports nausea and anorexia the day after starting the medication. what is the nurse's best action? during an experiment, 15 g of n2 was reacted with excess h2 gas. the mass of nh3 produced was 14 g. calculate the percent yield. SWOT analysis is not a subjective process.TrueFalse You notice that the row labels in your spreadsheet are 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Row labels 4 through 7 are missing. What could cause this?. FILL IN THE BLANK. The major differences between the direct and indirect strategies are whether you start with a buffer and ________. Choose the sentence in which "light" is related to "the weight of something".I switched on the light in the kitchen.Get ready when you see the amber light.The curtains in my room are light green.I like to wear shoes which are very light on the feet. Patricia missed the April 30th due date in filing her tax return for the first time. Eventually, shefiled her tax return 6 months after the due date.How much fines (total for both penalty and interest) will Patricia pay on her taxes owing of$1,000 to CRA? When Mike got his exam,he couldn't believe it! is anexample ofA. metaphor.B. simile.C. alliteration.D. hyperbole. The scale on a map states that 1 cm represents 8 miles. How many miles would be represented by 32cm on the map?