To appeae the retricted worker, glamaker were given higher ocial tatu and were permitted to marry into Venice' richet familie. What i the meaning of appeae a ued in thi entence?

A. To atify
B. To confe
C. To unite
D. To provoke


Answer 1

The correct option is (D) To Provoke

The definition of "placate" in the sentence "To appease the restricted employees, glassmakers were given enhanced social status" is: A. to satisfy. Connotative Meaning: What Is It? In contrast to the denotative meaning, this phrase is used to characterise and define the implicit meaning of a word based on the context in which it is employed. As a result, it is clear that the definition of "to soothe" is to pacify or alleviate an unpleasant or unsatisfied individual. This is the correct response.

To learn more about Connotative please click on below link


Related Questions

Empire and colonialism are major concepts throughout this work. Pay close attention to how Conrad uses, or critiques, the rhetoric of empire.

What is your interpretation of the metaphor "the germs of empires?" What is Conrad suggesting with this description?

*Heart of Darkness*



In Heart of Darkness, the narrator Marlow describes European colonization of Africa as "the germs of empire" spreading across the continent. This metaphor suggests that the European powers saw themselves as bringing civilization and progress to Africa, but in reality, their colonization was destructive and exploitative.

Conrad is using this metaphor to critique the rhetoric of empire and expose the hypocrisy of European colonization. By depicting the colonization of Africa as a disease, he is suggesting that it is harmful and destructive, rather than beneficial, as the Europeans claimed. This critique reflects Conrad's own disillusionment with European imperialism and its effects on the colonized peoples.


Which statement describes a difference in how the script and short story of the May 31 progress report
From Flowers of Algernon are structured?
A. The short story uses chronological order to detail Charlie’s progress and his concern about
Algernon, while the script uses cause and effect to detail how the doctors choose to continue
their work with Charlie.
B. The short story uses description to detail Charlie’s progress and thoughts, while the script
presents a problem and its solution about Charlie’s brilliant work.
C. The short story uses flashback to relay past events about Charlie’s intelligence, while the script
uses foreshadowing to reveal the effect of Charlie’s brilliant work.
D. The short story presents a problem and solution about the change in Algernon, while the script
presents a problem and solution about continuing their work with Charlie.


The short story employs chronological chronology to show Charlie's improvement and his concerns about Algernon, while the script uses cause and effect to explain why the physicians decide to continue working with Charlie. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the short story?

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that is normally read in a single sitting and concentrates on a self-contained occurrence or sequence of related episodes with the goal of generating a specific affect or mood.

The short story from Flowers of Algernon is constructed using historical chronology to highlight Charlie's development and his fears about Algernon, while the script uses cause and effect to explain why the doctors decide to continue working with Charlie.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the short story, refer to:


According to the ancient Greeks, Hades was the ruler of the underworld. He became ruler by defeating the Titans, the previous generation of Greek gods. Upon his victory, Hades descended into the underworld and took the job of ruling over the dead. Though Hades was feared by many, his primary role was to maintain balance and order in the underworld.
The Greeks believed that once a person died, he or she passed to the underworld through a crater named Avernus. From there, the person would be ferried across a river. The ferry driver, Charon, charged a fee. For this reason, the Greeks often buried their dead with coins in their mouths.
At the gates of Hades, three judges decided the fate of the dead person. If the person was good, he or she was allowed to ascend to the Elysian Fields, a place of paradise. If the person was evil, he or she was sentenced to Tartarus. In some cases, certain individuals were singled out for special treatment. Sisyphus, for example, was forced to roll a boulder up a hill repeatedly—only to watch it roll back down.

Passage 2

The Hindus of ancient India believed that upon dying, they would be judged by Yama, the lord of death. Yama was a terrifying ruler. He was thought to be the first mortal to have ever died. It was said that upon dying, Yama discovered a path to the heavens. Because he was the first to see this path, he became guardian over it.
Yama presided over the dead from his throne in a gloomy palace. From time to time, he would ascend to the mortal world, riding his buffalo. Because of his position as judge, Yama was thought to be cruel. At the same time, he was also considered a just ruler who was dedicated to maintaining balance and harmony.
According to the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts, after a person died he or she was taken to an underground palace by Yama's assistants. There, Yama listened as an assistant read from a book. The book contained a summary of the good and bad things the person had done during his or her life. After hearing this summary, Yama would decide the fate of this person. If the person was especially good, he or she would often be reincarnated, or born again, as a superior being. If, however, the person was evil, he or she was reincarnated as an inferior being.
Which of the following is a common purpose in both myths?
to educate people on how to live a long and healthy life on Earth
to warn people that they will be judged for good and bad deeds
to prepare people for an expensive trip across an underground river
to remind people they will have a second life after reincarnation


Answer: B. to warn people that they will be judged for good and bad deeds

Explanation:  The answer is B because both myths involve the idea of judgement for good and bad deeds. In the Greek myth, the dead are judged by three judges at the gates of Hades, and in the Hindu myth, the dead are judged by Yama, the lord of death. In both myths, the judgement determines the fate of the person, whether it be a positive or negative outcome.

What do lines 5-13 reveal about the father?


Father has been requested by his doctor to write an essay about a childhood trauma that he has experienced. Thanks to this workout, he could experience fewer health issues in the months to come.

What effect does trauma have?

A thorough understanding of traumatic stress reactions and typical responses to trauma is necessary for providing trauma-informed care (TIC).

Trauma, including one-time, repeated, numerous, or long-lasting incidents, impacts each person. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may manifest itself in some people openly, but many more people will exhibit resilient responses or momentary subclinical symptoms.

Therefore,Father has been requested by his doctor to write an essay about a childhood trauma that he has experienced. Thanks to this workout, he could experience fewer health issues in the months to come.

To know more about Trauma, refer to the following link:


Are you ..... to order



The answer Are you... To order


Are you ready to order?

Exceprt from the odyssey: the sirens.
Read line 15 from the passage from The odyssey: "Some demon calm'd the air and smooth'd the deep." What does this line describe.

“While yet I speak the winged galley flies,
And lo! the Siren shores like mists arise.
Sunk were at once the winds; the air above,
And waves below, at once forgot to move;
{15} Some demon calm’d the air and smooth’d the deep,
Hush’d the loud winds, and charm’d the waves to sleep.
Now every sail we furl, each oar we ply;
Lash’d by the stroke, the frothy waters fly.
The ductile wax with busy hands I mould,
{20} And cleft in fragments, and the fragments roll’d;

A. the ship seems to be in danger
B. ulysses is enchanted by the Sirens.
C. the weather has suddenly changed.
D. ulysses thinks he can see the sirens


"Some demon calm'd the air and smooth'd the deep" denotes the sudden calmness of the weather. So,The right answer is Option C. the weather has suddenly changed .

What does the phrase describe?

The phrase describes the oceans' unexpected calmness. The ships were blown and tossed around before this line to prevent them from reaching Ithaca. Because only a demon could be keeping Odysseus from his home, it is believed that a demon controls the wind and the seas. The ships have been influenced by this "demon" to be seduced by the sirens as well.

The ship of Odysseus was propelled along by a light breeze, but as they drew closer to the island, the sirens' spells caused a dead stillness and put the waves to sleep. The white sails were empty; the men drew them in and stored them in the hold, then they began to row with their long oars till the green water turned white.

"Some demon calm'd the air and smooth'd the deep" denotes the sudden calmness of the weather. So,The right answer is Option C. the weather has suddenly changed .

To read more about Odysseus, click here:


question: Which of these sentences fails to paraphrase words from the passage?

passage: Wearing goggles is a way for people to protect their eyes from something harmful. One of the first pairs of goggles was made by the Inuits. They fashioned them from caribou antlers. The antlers curved around their eyes and had tiny slits that allowed small amount of light to enter. These goggles prevented snow blindness. Snow blindness can occur during the springtime when intense sunlight is reflected off of the white snow.
In addition, people began wearing goggles for other activities. When working with tools, goggles can prevent eye damage from tiny objects flying. This can be seen when a blowtorch is used and sparks fly around the worker. Besides providing protection for the everyday job, goggles can protect the eyes of athletes. Swimming goggles protect a swimmer’s eyes from water that can blur his or her sight. In basketball, goggles can act as glasses and prevent players’ eyes from being scratched.

answers: A.
There are many jobs that need goggles to protect a worker's eyes from tiny flying particles.
Inuits created a pair of goggles so that they could walk during the springtime on the snow.
Besides providing protection for the everyday job, they can protect the eyes of athletes.
Basketball players wear goggles during the game just in case they get injured by rough play.



Goggles don’t only help workers but athletes such as swimming so they can see clear under water

Write a review of the first part of American Born Chinese that explains your opinion on the effectiveness
of two different plot elements. Cite specific evidence from the text to support your analysis, which may
be positive, negative, or some of both.



I thought the first part of American Born Chinese was very effective in using two different plot elements to tell the story. The first element was the story of Jin Wang, a young Chinese-American boy trying to fit in at a predominantly white school. I thought this element was very effective because it provided a relatable and relatable look at the challenges that Jin Wang faces. The second element was the story of the Monkey King, a legendary Chinese hero who rebels against the gods. I thought this element was effective because it added a mythical and fantastical element to the story. The way the two elements were interwoven together was also very effective, as they both dealt with themes of identity and belonging. Overall, I thought the first part of American Born Chinese was a great start to the story.

Essay on your favorite dancer


I have always had a burning passion for dance since I was a young girl. My first time on a stage, I was immediately hooked. The overpowering feeling of a crowd of people watching me as I do what I love, is a feeling I have always admired. Dance has developed my character and personality in many different ways. I have been taught responsibility, discipline, integrity and much more. I have learned how to lead with honor and become confident in front of a team. It is very odd because I have never been someone to want to speak in front of large crowds, but I could dance in front of millions of people and feel at home. My 15 years of experience has made me realize the love I have for dancing. It has grown into such a huge part of my life, so it is not shocking that I want to be a Kilgore Rangerette in college! Most people would not find this as a surprise, because I have…show more content…

Walking in my freshman year into drill team, my love for dance grew tremendously. Drill team has helped me venture out into more styles and ways of dancing, and has without a doubt been my favorite. To be a Kilgore College Rangerette, would be an absolute dream come true. The amount of time I would spend putting in all the work would be worth every second. Watching them perform live on their field, made me want to work even harder to become one. I need to be able to put my blood, sweat, and tears into preparing myself for this team. I will need hours of practice, and start building my stamina now. If I were allowed the chance to go through with this experience, I can only imagine the practice and discipline. For practice, I would practically look like I am melting because of the extreme heat. The amount of hours I would spend on that field and in dance classes, would probably take over my entire life during the fall. Coming in as a freshman, I will be expected to follow all the rules they have for new members. Although the practices would be difficult, I know it would be rewarding to

In my free time I enjoy a variety of activities, but came to the conclusion dance was my all time favorite sport. Watching people dance and different types of styles of dance just became of much interest to me. At an early age dance seemed to have stuck to me and my lifestyle permanently. I would wake up dancing, dream about dancing and just wanted to show other people how to dance. Nonetheless, dance became such an impact in my life and has really molded me into the person that I wanted to be.

Growing up, dancing became somewhat of a hobby. I never really had watched or seen any one dance hip-hop before. The way my body just moved to different types of music was just more so of habit at the age of 8. I one day came across a video of a choreographer by the name of Wade Robinson and my jaw hit the floor. The way this man moved to different types of music made me instantly feel like dancing, not to mention I thought maybe that could be me one day. Ever since than I grew a love for watching a variety of choreographers, mainly hip-hop ones and I would re-watch their videos over and over again. Soon after I would mirror these videos I have watched and just dance in the mirror for hours without paying attention to the time that had passed by. My mom soon noticed after catching me multiple times, mainly because I was really shy at the time that dance was something I was extremely interested in and soon after signed me up for beginner classes. After middle school and

which detail from the excerpt best develops the idea that edward is a savvy businessperson, even as a young boy? (11) transportation, in those days in brooklyn, was by horse-cars, and the car-line on smith street nearest edward's home ran to coney island. just around the corner where edward lived the cars stopped to water the horses on their long haul. the boy noticed that the men jumped from the open cars in summer, ran into the cigar-store before which the watering-trough was placed, and got a drink of water from the ice-cooler placed near the door. but that was not so easily possible for the women, and they, especially the children, were forced to take the long ride without a drink. it was this that he had in mind when he reserved his saturday afternoon to "play ball." (12) here was an opening, and edward decided to fill it. he bought a shining new pail, screwed three hooks on the edge from which he hung three clean shimmering glasses, and one saturday afternoon when a car stopped the boy leaped on, tactfully asked the conductor if he did not want a drink, and then proceeded to sell his water, cooled with ice, at a cent a glass to the passengers.



"here was an opening, and edward decided to fill it. he bought a shining new pail, screwed three hooks on the edge from which he hung three clean shimmering glasses, and one saturday afternoon when a car stopped the boy leaped on, tactfully asked the conductor if he did not want a drink, and then proceeded to sell his water, cooled with ice, at a cent a glass to the passengers."

The answer is:

One Saturday afternoon when a car stopped the boy leaped on, tactfully asked the conductor if he did not want a drink, and then proceeded to sell his water, cooled with ice, at a cent a glass to the passengers.

Saw answer with correct picture


in what way is persepolis commenting on the importance of stories in our lives? what does the book suggest about how stories shape and give meaning to our experience?


Persepolis presents the story from the characters' point of view, giving character’s insight by telling the story through different characters. Persepolis deals with several stories of various characters.

Marjan Satrapi, the author of this book, tries to describe herself in great detail, including stories from her childhood and brings up an incident from her childhood during the Islamic Revolution in Iran decades ago.

She explains that she wants to experience what she has been told whenever others feel it going through different stages of her life.

She was an avid observer, she said, and was able to infer her story from the events of her own life and the lives of those around her.

Persepolis is described by as a "thought-provoking" book, as it forces the reader to imagine the vivid events based on what the author tried to convey for better understanding and make readers better people.

To learn more about Persepolis book, here:


a text structure in which an author tells about a topic and its characteristics with details and adjectives.


In the text with a sequence text structure the author: Recounts events in chronological order.

A text structure is the system of a text's beginning, middle, and end. Different tales and descriptive types have different aims and audiences, hence they require different text structures.

Beginnings and endings help to connect the material into an understandable whole.

Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy aids students in comprehending that a message may offer a fundamental notion and subtleties of a cause, after that its properties, and also distinct perspectives on a theme.

learn more about "text structure" here


1. In "Excerpt from 'Civil Disobedience" Thoreau states that "If I devote myself to other pursuits and
contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man's
shoulders. I must get off him first, that he may pursue his contemplations too" (Paragraph 1). To
what extent do you agree with this? What examples can you draw on from your own experience
and the world around you where people are ensuring that they are not "sitting upon another man's


Thoreau calls for opposition to unethical and unfair government actions in "Civil Disobedience," while also criticizing representative democracy's concepts of majority rule, voting, and representation.

What gave Thoreau the idea to engage in civil disobedience?

His disavowal was mostly due to two things. The original was slavery. At the time, Thoreau was an anarchist and Massachusetts was indeed a slave state. The aggressive war with Mexico came in second. Thoreau employs his own concept of word flow to communicate himself forcefully with phrases like "more a rising tide than a prone river." His book "Civil Disobedience" deftly stirs up controversy with opening phrases that change his argument from the need for limited government to one "which governs not at all." He then applies common sense. In "Civil Disobedience," Thoreau advocates disobedience against unethical and unfair government actions while also criticizing representative democracy's core principles, such as mob rule, voting, and representation.

Thoreau calls for opposition to unethical and unfair government actions in "Civil Disobedience," while also criticizing representative democracy's concepts of majority rule, voting, and representation.

To know more about civil disobedience, visit:


if a speaker expects to be asked questions by the audience after delivering the speech, what should the speaker do to prepare?



read interview questions or prepare yourself by thinking aboutv things related to your topic


Nadia is writing a science fiction short story for her school newspaper. Her story is about traveling through space to different galaxies. To make her story as realistic as possible, she uses scientific terms. she knows that scientists use the parallax effect in their calculations, but how would she explain parallax in her story? Choose the two that apply. A. it is the apparent motion of an object against distant background stars. B. it is best used to measure the distances to nearby stars. C. it is best used to measure distances to extremely far-away stars. D. it determines distances from only one side of earth's orbit around the sun.



A. it is the apparent motion of an object against distant background stars.

B. it is best used to measure the distances to nearby stars.A. it is the apparent motion of an object against distant background stars.

B. it is best used to measure the distances to nearby stars.


What is the best way to prove parents you aren't a child anymore and can make decisions on your own?


The best way to prove to your parents that you are capable of making decisions on your own is to demonstrate responsibility and good judgment in your actions and decisions. This might involve taking on additional responsibilities at home or at school, making good choices in your daily life, and showing that you are able to think critically and make sound decisions.

It can also be helpful to have open and honest communication with your parents about your desire to have more autonomy and to make your own decisions. You can explain your reasoning and why you believe you are ready to take on more responsibility. By listening to your parents' concerns and addressing any questions or doubts they may have, you can show that you are mature and capable of making your own decisions.

(please mark as brainliest!)

The root word bene means A fear B good C heat D name



B) good


The root word bene means well, which also means good.

Hope this helps:)

Imagine you read a nonfiction source text and want to write about why you disagree with the author's opinion. What
should you do to ensure your response scores well for Trait 2?
O Look for places in the text where the author uses flawed logic
O Check to make sure punctuation is used correctly
O Plan how you will transition from one reason you disagree to another
O Find ways to phrase your disagreement with varied sentence structure



Look for places in the text where the author uses flawed logic


This answer is the only answer which connects back to the nonfiction text and builds a counterclaim off of it, using flawed logic to do so.

which sentence contains a misspelled word





The correct answer is A!

The misspelled word is loose (which is actually supposed to be lose) since the term loose means something’s that is not properly put in place and can become detached from an object easily whilst lose means to not win a game or to misplace an item.

In “On the Arsenal of Democracy,” how does Franklin D. Roosevelt develop the idea that people must make sacrifices for a greater cause?

Select all that apply.

On the Arsenal of Democracy


by praising cooperation between manufacturers, consumers, and laborers

by characterizing some goods as “luxury” that can be given up

by balancing fearful rhetoric with hopeful rhetoric

by comparing and contrasting consumer goods and military goods


Franklin D. Roosevelt develop the idea that people must make sacrifices for a greater cause:

by praising cooperation between manufacturers, consumers, and laborersby characterizing some goods as “luxury” that can be given upby comparing and contrasting consumer goods and military goods.

What is Arsenal of Democracy?

Arsenal of Democracy was a phrase used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to describe the United States as he tried to arouse popular support for sending military aid to nations fighting against the Axis powers.

The phrase "arsenal of democracy" refers to the combined efforts of American business to aid the Allies. These efforts tended to be centered in the nation's long-established industrial hubs,.

Learn more about Roosevelt on:


Which of the following words has the same sound of ''i'' as in ''wrist''?



Answer: Fright. The "i" sound in "wrist" is a short, high-pitched sound, like the "i" sound in "sip," "pig," "lit," or "fit."

The theme of the story is the main idea or lesson learned which goes beyond the actual storyline. Which of the following sayings best describes the theme of "The Gift of the Magi"?
---Love is the greatest gift of all

---Money can't buy love

---A gift must come from the heart

---Beauty comes from within


The theme of the story is the main idea or lesson learned which goes beyond the actual storyline is option C: A gift must come from the heart.

What is the theme about?

William Sydney Porter, is an American short story writer who is best known for his short story "The Gift of the Magi."

James, sometimes known as Jim, and Della Dillingham, a young married couple, are the subject of the tale. The couple rents a small flat and has very little money. They only own two things that they value highly: Jim's gold pocket watch, which belonged to both his father and grandpa, and Della's luscious, long hair, which nearly reaches her knees.

A well-known literary example of irony is The Gift of the Magi. Irony is a literary device in which the expected conclusion significantly differs from the one that actually occurs.

Therefore, Jim and Della give up their most prized possessions in order for the other to completely appreciate their gift. Jim expects Della to be able to utilize the combs, so he sells his watch to pay for them. To get Jim a chain for his watch, Della sells his hair. Neither party anticipates the other making that sacrifice.

Learn more about theme from



Note that the author uses the stylistic technique called "Hyperbole" to communicate how serious he is. Does this achieve the intended purpose? Yes, it does because in the mind of the reader, immediately the third line "Rowdy", I said. "I'm as serious as a tumor" is uttered, an imagery is triggered. This helps the audience come to the same page as the narrator.

What is a Hyperbole?

Hyperbole is a literary technique that involves using exaggerated or extravagant language to create a strong emotional effect. It is often used to make a point or to emphasize a feeling or emotion.

Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally and is often used for humorous or dramatic effects. For example, someone might say "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" to exaggerate their hunger, or "I've told you a million times" to exaggerate the number of times they've given a certain instruction.

Hyperbole is a useful tool for writers and speakers to create emphasis, but it should be used sparingly to avoid confusing or misleading the audience.

Learn more about Hyperboles:

What is the missing number in the set of equivalent ratios?
? 5 16 20


The missing number in the set of ratios that we have here is given as 4.

How to find the missing numbers in the ratios.

The question can be properly written as

? : 5 = 16 : 20

Such that we would have a set of fraction that is written as

? / 5 = 16 / 20

From here we would have to cross multiply

20 * ? = 5 * 16

20? = 80

In order to get the unknown value we would have to divide across the by 20

hence we would have:

? = 80 / 20

? = 4

Hence the second option is the correct answer to the question that we have in here.

Read more on ratios here:


what are examples of katniss initiation in rite of passage


The examples of Katniss initiation in rite of passage are baptisms, bar mitzvahs and confirmations, school graduation ceremonies, weddings, retirement parties, and funerals.

What is rite of passage?

A rite of passage is a ceremony or ritual that happens when a person leaves one group to join another. It entails a dramatic shift in social standing.

Christian baptism or confirmation, Jewish bar or bat mitzvah, admittance into a fraternal organization, secret society, or religious order, or graduation from school or join training are all instances of initiation rituals.

All rites of passage are characterized by 3 distinct stages such as separation, transition, and return. Therefore, Baptisms, bar mitzvahs and confirmations, school graduation ceremonies, marriages, retirement celebrations, and funerals are all examples of katniss initiation in rites of passage.

Learn more about rite of passage here:


how many different 9-letter strings can be made by rearranging the characters in the word wisconsin?


There are 11 letters in the word "wisconsin," and you can rearrange them to form 9-letter strings. To find the total number of 9-letter strings that can be formed, you can use the permutation formula, which is:



n = the number of items (in this case, the number of letters in the word "wisconsin")

r = the number of items chosen at a time (in this case, 9 letters)

Plugging in the values, you get:

(11!)/(9!(11-9)!) = (1110987654321)/(98765432121) = 330

Therefore, there are 330 different 9-letter strings that can be formed by rearranging the characters in the word "wisconsin."

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions. which homophone correctly completes the sentence? which word provides a context clue that supports your answer?


The homophone "brake" correctly completes the sentence. The word "stationary" provides a context clue that supports the answer.

What is a homophone?

Homo comes from the Greek word for "same," and phone comes from the Greek word for "sound". As a result, the term "homophone" refers to two or more words that share the same sound but have distinct meanings. A term that has the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning is called a homophone. Additionally, a homophone's spelling may vary.

The homophone "brake" correctly completes the sentence. The word "stationary" provides a context clue that supports the answer.

To find out more about homophones, check out:



1 break

2 stationary


4 paragraphs about pearl harbor



Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the scene of a devastating Shocking and just downright horrible surprise attack by Japanese forces on December Seventh, 1941. Just before 0800 a.m. on that Horrific Sunday morning, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes descended on the base, where they managed to destroy or damage nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes. More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, including civilians, and another 1,000 people were wounded. The day after the assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.

The attack on Pearl Harbor, which took place in 1941, represented an offensive by Japan against the United States during World War II (1939-1945).

The name of the event is related to the name of the attacked American base called Pearl Harbor. It is located in Hawaii, on the Pacific Ocean.

After the event, the United States enters World War II, while also declaring war on Japan. This document declaring war on the Japanese was signed by the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, the day after the air-naval attack.

Germany and Italy, who were on Japan's side, lent their support and also declared war on the United States.

Conclusions based on evidence are called
O characters.
O examples.
O inferences.
O messages.


The answer is inferences

having a large number of interest groups representing a particular interest, rather than a small number,


Having a large number of interest groups representing a particular interest, rather than a small number, will probably make them more powerful.

Interest group, also known as special interest group, advocacy group, or pressure group, refers to a formally organized association of individuals or organizations. It is formed based on one or more shared concerns and attempts to influence public policy in its favor. All interest groups share a goal to influence government policy to benefit themselves or their causes. Their objective may be a policy that exclusively benefits group members or one segment of society or a policy that advances a broader public purpose. Interest groups seek to achieve their objectives by lobbying which is an attempt to put pressure on policy makers to gain desired policy outcomes. A larger number of interest groups representing a particular interest will likely make them more powerful.

Learn more about Interest group:


Other Questions
Which of the following pollutants may be released into the environment during the production or incorrect disposal of batteries? the list of accounts shown here is taken from the lincoln lawn service work sheet. for each account that appears on the income statement, indicate the section in which it should appear. for any account that does not appear on the income statement, select neither. account income statement revenue expenses neither cash petty cash accounts receivable-delmar, inc. accounts receivable-rick helms supplies prepaid insurance accounts payable-smith supplies accounts payable-kelsay parts paul lincoln, capital paul lincoln, drawing appropriate career development goals for elementary school children include all of the following except: doctors and hospitals that operate as health maintenance organizations (hmos) obtain payment based on the number o dave was employed by a car dealer to work in the parts department. he was instructed not to loiter in the sales area and, if asked by a customer whether he worked there, to reply that he was not a salesperson. one day while dave was looking at a new car, a customer asked whether he worked there, dave replied yes. what authority, if any, does dave have to sell a car? group of answer choices none apparent express implied HELPPPPfind three consecutive integers such that the sum of twice the second and three times the third is five less than six times the first. During the labs in this class, the actions of the hamstrings and quadriceps muscle groups were often analyzed. Think about knee flexion in the following three scenarios:Sitting on the edge of a table with knee in full extension, then flex your knee to approximately 90 degrees of flexion.Lie prone on a table with your leg straight, then flex your knee to approximately 90 degrees.Stand upright, then squat and flex your knee to approximately 90 degrees.Which functional muscle group and what type of contraction is working/taking place in each of the above 3 situations. Explain, in detail, why there are differences in each scenario. This is a 10 point question, so be sure to discuss each scenario individually, as well as comparing their similarities and/or differences. when studying deindividuation among adolescents, which intervention message seemed to be the most powerful in decreasing negative behavior in these adolescents? Math geometry, GIVEN Carly took a total of 15 quizzes over the course of 5 weeks. How many weeks of school will Carly have to attend this quarter before she will have taken a total of 24 quizzes? Assume the relationship is directly proportional. with , the therapist administers a 1- to 2-milliamp electric current to the scalp; with , repeated pulses surge through a magnetic coil held close to the skull the credit purchase of a new oven for $5,500 was posted to kitchen equipment as a $5,500 debit and to accounts payable as a $5,500 debit. what effect would this error have on the trial balance? Kapco Advisers is a federal covered investment advisers with its principal office in New York City and several offices in New Jersey.Joe Segal, who lives in Manhattan, is an IAR with the firm and has the responsibility for serving those clients of Kapco who winter inFlorida. In order to do so, Joe takes a hotel suite in Miami Beach for one week in December, in Boca Raton for one week in January,and in West Palm Beach for one week in February. While Mr. Segal is using these facilities to meet with existing clients, he does letthem know that if they have any friends who might be interested in the firm's advisory services, they are welcome to make anappointment with him. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Mr. Segal's registration status under the UniformSecurities Act?Because Joe may be meeting with individuals who are not existing clients and may be Florida residents, hemust be registered in the state of Florida as an IAR.Once an IAR is using a temporary facility to meet with prospective clients, it is considered that there is a place of business in thestate. Therefore, IAR must be registered.The de minimis rule does not apply here because he is holding himself out as offeringadvisory services in the State and the hotel room becomes a place of business. Because KAPCO is a federal covered IA, they don'tregister in the state although notice filing may be required. TRUE/FALSE. the address 2000:1234:5678:9abc::/64 means that the first 64 bits of the ip address refer to the dns zone the address is in pls do this qwickWhat is the product of (23)(18)(4)? 1,656 322 74 1,656 describe one way in which the process of redistricting can be manipulated for political gain. determine the equilibrium constant, k, at 25c for a reaction in which go = 20.5 kj/mol. if you randomly select a card from a well-shuffled standard deck of 52 cards, what is the probability that the card you select is a heart or 2? (your answer must be in the form of a reduced fraction.) Carson is divorced, lives alone, has very few friends, and he rarely interacts with others outside of work. According to psychological research on social isolation, Carson's lack of social relationships is likely correlated with: O better health O an optimistic explanatory style and positive emotional states. O the stress contagion effect. O poorer health if an organism contains 600g of carbon- 14 in its tissues when it dies, how many grams of carbon-14 would remain after 5 half lives show your work to earn full credit