Why does Mrs. Turner believe it's alright if Janie snubs her? What does it entitle Mrs. Turner to do?


Answer 1


Mrs. Turner takes a shine to Janie because of Janie's light skin and physical beauty, believing Janie to be better than others because she is “whiter.” Mrs.Turner represents the cruelty and delusion that comes from idolizing physical characteristics, and how this devotion turns ordinary people into either gods to worship or fiends to demonize. Beyond that, Mrs. Turner also serves as a reminder that prejudice exists within the black community, not just outside of it.


I hope this answered both of you questions.

Related Questions

How does lincoln support his claim that "the tariff question must be as durable as the government itself"?.


Lincoln supports his claim that "the tariff question must be as durable as the government itself" with an analogy to housekeeping.

An analogy draws a relationship between two different things. The purpose is to compare those things by finding something that connects them, despite the differences. This type of comparison serves to explain or clarify an idea, a topic, or an argument for instance.

Lincoln uses an analogy when he compares the question of tariffs to housekeeping. His purpose is to show that both are similar in the sense that they can never be neglected.


With an analogy


What is similar between Gregors life before and after physical transformation?


Before the transformation, Gregor's life consisted solely of work and taking care of his family. Gregor spent a lot of his time working as a traveling salesperson, which left him little opportunity to experience "life." In looking back on his life, he acknowledges the "plague of traveling: the anxiety of changing trains, the erratic, 1868 Words.

What are experiences?

Experience refers to conscious events in general, and perceptions in particular, as well as the practical knowledge and familiarity produced by these conscious processes. Experience, defined as a conscious event in the broadest sense, entails a subject to which various elements are offered.

Although Gregor undergoes a complete physical transformation, his mind remains unaffected, leading to an imbalance or lack of harmony between his body and mind. For example, when he first gets out of bed after awakening, he tries to stand erect even though his body is not designed to do so.

Therefore, He Encounters "life, "experiences  As he reflects on his life, he recognizes.

Learn more about experiences here:



What is the meaning of satire '? Give one example from Gulliver's Travels?


The most recent satires in Gulliver's travels are the kingdoms of Homeostasis, Brainstorming, and Lilliput. Jonathan Swift "roasts" European civilisation in several places.

Swift wants Europeans to own their flaws and take steps to correct them. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels is a fantastic adaptation of the problems in English society.In his satirical novel Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift makes fun of English society by using the experiences of a sailor journeying to exotic lands.

Satire is frequently used as Gulliver travels through the countries of Lilliput, Breeding, and the Homeostasis.The Lilliputians' political affairs are one example of how Gulliver's Travels criticises English society. The Lilliputians "competed for them by dancing on their heads" to delight the emperor.

To know more about Gulliver's travel visit:



What problem did the Sherman Antitrust Act fix?


The U.S. Congress passed the Sherman fair Act because the initial law outlawing trusts (or monopolies of any type). Similar legislation had already been gone variety of states, however they solely applied to intrastate trade.

Contrarily, the Sherman fair Act was based on Congress's constitutional authority to manage interstate commerce. President President of the United Statessigned it into law once it had been approved by reverberating margins of fifty one to one within the Senate and 242 to zero within the House.

The interstate commerce clause is highlighted within the 1st section of Section eight of the usConstitution, that reads as follows: The Congress shall have the authority to impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises so asto pay debts, give for the national defense, and promote the final welfare of the country; but, all duties, imposts, and excises shall be applied uniformly across the country. 

To establish an identical rule of naturalization and uniform laws on the topic of bankruptcies throughout the us. To mint cash, regulate its price which of foreign coin, and fix the quality of weights and measures. to manage commerce with foreign nations, among the varied States, and with Indian tribes.

To learn more about Sherman Antitrust Act -



How did immigration change during the 1920s Why did this change take place?


There was an immigration change during 1920's as the Congress passed a series of immigration quotas which was based on countries.

In the 1920s, a significant number of people immigrated to the United States. This was partly due to the effects of World War I, which had displaced many people. Immigrants were very important to US economy.

Additionally, the 1920s was a time of economic growth in the United States, which made it an attractive destination for immigrants. The majority of immigrants in the 1920s came from Europe, although there was also a significant number of Asian and Latin American immigrants.

To know more about immigration, click here.



What is a ghost twin?


One sort of miscarriage that can happen when there are several pregnancies is disappearing twin syndrome happens when an embryo was discovered during an ultrasound cannot be located on a subsequent scan.

What twin type is the rarest?

The kids may become entangled in their own umbilical cords, making this rarest sort of twin pregnancy hazardous.

Conjoined twins are the outcome if the egg does not completely separate. In the early stages of pregnancy, one fetus may occasionally be partially absorbed by the other. The embryo that has partially absorbed stops growing and develops into a parasite. The second twin grows normally and establishes dominance.

The pregnant person's lifestyle choices have nothing to do with the disappearing twin. According to what is known about this disorder, chromosomal abnormalities, which also causes the majority of early miscarriages, is the cause of disappearing twins.

To know more about Twin Syndrome visit:



How long did slavery last after abolition?


The Untold Story of "Neo slavery" after the Civil War According to Douglas Blackmon of the Wall Street Journal, who makes this argument in his book Slavery by Another Name, the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862 did not end slavery in the United States.

What exactly is slavery?

When someone is owned by another, it is called slavery. Since a slave was viewed by the law as chattel, or property, they were denied the majority of the rights that free people generally enjoy.

What three forms of slavery are there?

Many different forms of slavery have been used historically, including the use of slaves as chattel, in bonds, as forced laborers, and as sexual slaves. The loss of individual freedom and legal rights is widely considered as one of slavery's essential components.

To know more about the slavery visit :-



Why does my child say me instead of I?


Children will employ the pronouns I (to refer to oneself) and it between the ages of 12 and 26 months.

People frequently use the pronoun "me" instead of "I" because they instinctively believe that small children don't comprehend the pronouns as well as they do our names. Pronoun reversal is one of the clear-cut early symptoms of autism in youngsters. All toddlers struggle to learn how to properly use the pronouns I, me, and you. However, most children have a solid understanding of personal pronouns between the ages of two and a half and three. It's positive because it shows that they have confidence in you and that they can relate to you. The direct object, indirect object, or the object of the preposition can all be swapped out for an object pronoun in a sentence. Usually, the direct or indirect object of a statement is the object pronoun me. It either receives the verb's action or exhibits the action's outcome.

To learn more about prepositions click here https://brainly.com/question/4956879


In Lou Gehrig's Farewell to Baseball Address, he says the following, “Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.”

What is Gehrig’s purpose for writing this text?






Based on the given text, it is stated that in Lou Gehrig's Farewell to Baseball Address, he says the following, “Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got." the text purpose here by Gehrig is B. To inform

What is a Text's Purpose?

This refers to the meaning or message that an author wants to convey to his readers and is contained in the text and is usually didactic which means it contains moral lessons.

Hence, it can be seen that the content of this text talks about Gehrig informing the audience about his bad break and how he considers himself lucky, hence option B is correct.

Read more about text purpose here:



What message does the urn deliver about beauty and truth?


He thought beauty was immortal and the truth he thought beauty was bad

Skeletal muscles are



Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles, meaning you control how and when they move and work. Nerves in your somatic nervous system send signals to make them function. If you reach for a book on a shelf, you're using skeletal muscles in your neck, arm and shoulder.


What does belief mean in epistemology?


An attitude that something is true or that a proposition is true is a belief. Philosophers in epistemology use the term "belief" to describe beliefs about the world that can be true or false.

Epistemology is the hypothesis of information. It examines the relationship between the mind and reality. The study of knowledge acquisition is epistemology.

As such, it is that arrangements with questions concerning the nature, extension, and wellsprings of information are subsequently a significant part of philosophy lays.

Because it influences how researchers frame their research in their attempts to discover knowledge, the significance of epistemology cannot be overstated.

To learn more about Epistemology here



The novel acrilege who i the protagonit and antagonit of the tory and why i the novel named acrilege


The protagonist in the book Sacrilege is the main character of the narrative. Even though they appear to be the good guy, they occasionally act evilly. The antagonist, on the other hand, works against the protagonist to keep them from completing their mission.

It is called sacrilege because it is an evocative tale about love that transcends cultural boundaries, familial devotion, and betrayal. Sacrilege is the misuse of a sacred item.

What do you mean by Story?

Any description of a number of connected events or experiences, whether nonfictional (memoir, biography, news report, documentary, travelogue, etc.) or fictitious, is referred to as a narrative, story, or tale

The adversary or combatant who works against the protagonist's or main characters' goal and starts the main battle is known as the antagonist in a novel. It's possible for the opponent to be a single person or a group of people. The terms "the antagonist" and "the bad guy" have frequently been used interchangeably in literature.

Therefore, The main character of the narrative is the protagonist. Even though they appear to be the good guy, they occasionally act evilly. The antagonist, on the other hand, works against the protagonist to keep them from completing their mission.

Learn more about Story, here;



What is the full meaning of contamination?


Meaning of contamination a substance, physical body, natural environment, or workplace is contaminated when it has an ingredient, impurity, or any other unfavourable element.

In the food industry, hands are the most typical means through which contaminants spread from one location to another.Furthermore, the most typical utensil used when cooking meals is the user's hands. Food workers must constantly wash their hands to prevent.

The spread of infections, which is very important. Food handlers may also wear disposable gloves, but they must be replaced frequently.Hands are the main source of food contamination.They must frequently be washed. The main reason for this is because many people neglect to.

To know more about Contamination visit:



What is Step 2 of cleaning and sanitizing?


A building's and its residents' health and wellbeing come first. Cleaning professionals may drastically lower the amount of disease-causing microorganisms in a facility by following the two-step cleaning method, resulting in a cleaner, safer environment for all building stakeholders. The first stage is washing the fist, and the second step entails disinfecting after.

Cleaning solutions aren't made to kill germs, but they do diminish germ populations by combining the power of friction with the elimination of undesired bacteria and materials. The second part of the two-step cleaning procedure is when it gets interesting. Disinfectants, which are specifically made to destroy germs, can help reduce harmful infections like listeria, E. coli, streptococcus, norovirus, and many more when used properly.

Know more about the disinfecting at: https://brainly.com/question/28522315


What does iambic mean in Shakespeare?


Iambic mean in Shakespeare to the type of foot used, here the iamb, is followed by a stressed syllable.

In English writing, rhythm is measured by armies of syllables appertained to as “ foot. ” Iambic pentameter uses a kind of bottom appertained to as an “ iamb, ” that may be a short, weak verbal unit followed by a extended, stressed verbal unit of backbeat.

William Shakespeare was an English writer, actor and author. he's wide considered the best author within the English language and therefore the world's pre-eminent writer. he's usually referred to as England's national writer and therefore the "Bard of Avon".

To learn more about iambic here



How can I reduce my debt without bankruptcy?


Talk to your creditors and make a deal. Using a debt consolidation loan, contacting a credit counselling organisation for assistance, etc. Reduce debt without declaring bankruptcy.

How can I lower my debt without filing for bankruptcy?

Talk to your creditors about a settlement. Ask them about your circumstances and see if they'll agree to a payment plan or a decrease in the amount you owe.Budget your spending and cut services. Examine your money carefully and search for places where you may make savings, such as by cutting back on expenses or skipping pointless purchases.

What are the bankruptcy's constraints?

Not all debts are erased in bankruptcy. Taxes, alimony, child support, and student loans are a few examples of liabilities that cannot be eliminated via bankruptcy.

To learn more about bankruptcy visit: https://brainly.com/question/10466706


What happens in the beginning of Huckleberry Finn?


Huckleberry Finn's adventures begin after Huck has returned to the Widow Douglas' home. Huck describes how the Widow wept and gave him a big hug when he got back to her house, but then she started working to make him more courteous. She also imparts religious knowledge to him.

Huck is particularly restless because Miss Watson and the Widow are often nagging him to behave better. He declares out loud that he wants to go to hell when Miss Watson informs him about the "evil location" for a shift of scenery. This declaration sparks a commotion. Huck decides not to worry about trying to get to the "happy place" since he doesn't see the benefit in doing so. But because he doesn't want to stir up additional difficulty, he keeps this feeling to himself. Miss Watson informs Huck that there is no possibility of Tom Sawyer going to paradise when he inquires. Because "I wanted him and us to be together," Huck is happy.

To know more about beginning of Huckleberry Finn, click on the link below:



What type of satire does swift use in Gulliver's Travels?


Gulliver's Travels was unique in its day, it was not written to woo or entertain. Swift was roasting people, and they were eager for the banquet.

Gulliver's Travels was exceptional in its day since it wasn't written to charm or amuse. It was an accusation, and the targets of the accusation—politicians, academics, thinkers, and Englishmen in general—were its most ardent supporters. They were looking forward to the meal as Swift roasted folks. Swift acknowledged that he intended for his satire to "vex" the world, and it is undoubtedly in his tone that one can most clearly detect his aims. The most significant thing that Dr. Bowdler removed from the original Gulliver's Travels, besides the foul language and the lewd situations, was undoubtedly the satirical tone. The original's tone ranges from light humor to open scorn, but a certain level of mockery is there throughout.

To know more about academics refer :



An explanation of how analyzing the characters for the modern day helped you understand the story better. (1 Slide) for the crucible


Character evaluation. Proctor John Proctor is a powerful and devoted farmer who is revered in Salem for his independence and strength.

Explain about the important characters in The Crucible?

The Crucible's seven central characters—John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Mary Warren, Giles Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, and Elizabeth Proctor—as well as the play's supporting cast of Rebecca Nurse and Giles Corey will be the focus of my initial discussion.

In The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor stands out as the most compelling character because of her extraordinary loyalty to her friends and family, her love for her husband to the point of giving him her "goodness," and her bravery in standing up for herself despite the possibility that doing so might have permanently harmed her life.

The play The Crucible explores the human experience of a panic attack. Panicked reactions among people and this are closely related.

To learn more about Crucible refer to:



What best describes bystander intervention?


Bystander Intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome.

What is bystander intervention?

Bystander A social science model called intervention estimates the possibility that people (or groups) would actively try to address a situation they find harmful. Anyone who sees a situation is considered a bystander. Every day, we all see countless events and exchanges, yet we rarely acknowledge the need for a response. An active bystander is someone who recognizes a troubling circumstance and makes a decision on how to react. Whether a situation arises prior to, during, or after an occurrence, it is crucial for bystanders to consider whether there is a safe and appropriate method to intervene. Stay safe first and foremost.

To know more about bystander intervention visit:



Sam’s teacher suggested he contact his legislator to offer his ideas about _


Sam’s teacher suggested he contact his legislator to offer his ideas about _

his views for the reform of educational policies.

What do you mean by legislator?

A legislator is someone who writes and makes laws, usually as a member of a legislature. Legislators are frequently chosen by the citizens of their respective states. Supranational, national, or local legislatures are all possible.

Why is reform important?

Reform frequently offers a chance to restructure businesses or the entire economy in ways that aid in the achievement of long-term goals such as introducing employment and economic growth income distribution changes, enhanced access to basic needs, and so on.

Learn more about educational policies from



An author’s main opinion in an argumentative text is the appeal. claim. concession. counterargument.


Option (b) is Correct. In an argumentative work, the claim is the author's principal point of view.

What is a text with an argument?

In academic writing, such as when we write an essay, we must mention some argument that supports our thesis. A fact, reason, or piece of logic is usually used to support your perspective or notion in an argument to make it credible and seem more real.

Arguments are needed in order for us to express our particular beliefs. The claim you wish to make regarding the specified topic should be the first item you address in your argument. As a result, choice B is the best one.

Learn more about the argumentative text, visit:



Correct Question:

An author's main opinion in an argumentative text is the

a. appeal.

b. claim.

c. concession.

d. counterargument.

What happens during action potential AP Psych?


During action potential AP Psych, neurotransmitters communicate with other neurons, allowing for the inflow of information between the cells of the nervous system.

Neurotransmitters are chemical couriers that your body can not serve without. Their job is to carry chemical signals( “ dispatches ”) from one neuron( whim-whams cell) to the coming target cell. The coming target cell can be another whim-whams cell, a muscle cell or a gland.

The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of jitters. This system sends dispatches back and forth between the brain and the body. The brain is what controls all the body's functions. The spinal cord runs from the brain down through the reverse.

To learn more about neurotransmitters  here



How did the Jazz Age change music?


Improvisation was valued more in the jazz age than traditional structure, performers were valued more than composers, and the black American experience was valued more than conventional white sensibility.

What is the Jazz Age?

Jazz music and dance styles rose to popularity worldwide throughout the 1920s and 1930s, known as the Jazz Age.

The first nicknamed decade was the 1920s, often known as the "Jazz Age" or "Roaring 20s." A decade of wealth and waste, jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers also characterized the decade.


To learn more about the Jazz Age from the given link



What is the narrative technique used in the telling of the story of the novel?


The narrative technique that is used in the telling of the story of the novel is primarily a third-person omniscient point of view.

This third-person point of view allows the narrator to provide detailed insights into the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of all the characters in the novel. It also allows the narrative to provide a panoramic view of the events and settings in the novel, and to weave together the multiple plotlines at play.

The narrative also employs a shifting point of view to focus on a particular character or series of events from the perspective of one or more characters in the story. This allows the reader to gain insight into the characters’ inner lives, as well as to gain a better understanding of how the events of the novel unfold.

Additionally, the narrative also makes use of symbolism and metaphor to convey the deeper meaning of the story. By combining these techniques, the narrative can bring the reader into the world of the story vividly and engagingly.

Learn  more about narrative technique:



When did the age of mammals begin?


By the time the dinosaurs became extinct, mammals had long been in existence. They first appeared during the Triassic Period.

Mammals had long been in existence by the time the dinosaurs went extinct. The Age of Mammals, or Cenozoic, is the time span from the demise of the dinosaurs until the present. Long before the end of the dinosaur era, mammals first arrived on the planet; in fact, dinosaurs and mammals both emerged in the late Triassic, about 200 million years ago, within 10 million years of one another. existence. In the Triassic Period, they initially appeared. Most of them spent millions of years as small, shrew-like creatures. Mammals tried to stay away from the threatening dinosaurs that were around. They only emerged from their tunnels once night fell. Then, once the dinosaurs went extinct, mammals took over as the main land animals. 

To know more about emerged refer :



What is good and bad about lobbying?


Along with unfair competition, unethical influence, and regulatory capture, lobbying can have a negative impact on the public interest and efficient public policies.

A crucial instrument for efficient government is lobbying. Without it, it would be challenging for governments to balance the many, divergent interests of their constituents. Fortunately, lobbying allows people to communicate with lawmakers, acts as a means of spreading knowledge, and strengthens the influence of small-group interests.

The First Amendment guarantees us the right "to petition the government." Citizens are therefore asked to take an active role in their government. When lobbyists pay to influence our government, there is a problem. Congress now receives money from lobbyists.

To learn more about Lobbying here:



Where do the majority of unintentional injuries occur?


It is to be noted that according to the World Health Organization, accidental injuries occur when there is no preconceived purpose, and the major causes include road traffic injuries (RTIs), falls, drowning, burns, and poisoning.

What are Unintentional Injuries?

An accident is an unintentional, usually undesirable event that was not created by people. The phrase "accident" suggests that no one is to blame, although the incident might have been caused by unidentified or neglected hazards.

Intentional injuries are those that occur with the intent to do harm, such as homicide, domestic violence, sexual assault etc, bias-related violence, and guns. Unintentional injuries are those that occur without the intent to inflict harm, and they are a primary cause of death and disability.

Examples of unintentional domestic injuries are;

Fires/burns.Electrical dangers.Hazards of slipping and falling.Hazardous conditions.Poisonings are caused by chemicals.Choking dangers exist.

Learn more about Unintentional Injuries;

which amendment to the us constitution outlawed slavery in all of the united states?


Thirteenth Amendment   to the us constitution outlawed slavery in all of the united states.

Slavery and involuntary servitude were outlawed by the Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution, save as punishment for a crime.

The amendment was approved by the Senate on April 8, 1864, by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the needed 27 of the then-36 states on December 6, 1865, before being proclaimed on December 18, 1865. It was the first of three Reconstruction Amendments passed in the aftermath of the American Civil War.

President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, effective on January 1, 1863, declared that the enslaved in Confederate-controlled areas were free. When they escaped to Union lines or federal forces (including now-former slaves) advanced south, emancipation occurred without any compensation to the former owners.

Learn more about Thirteenth Amendment  to visit this link



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