Who or what are the “Terrible Things”? How do you know? Why is this important as we begin the quarterly theme: “The Power of a Single Voice”?


Answer 1


“Terrible Things” is an allegory by Eve Bunting about the Holocaust. In the story, the “Terrible Things” are creatures that represent the Nazis and their collaborators who came to take away different groups of animals from the forest. This is important as we begin the quarterly theme “The Power of a Single Voice” because it illustrates the power of speaking out against injustice and standing up for others. In the story, none of the animals speak out when other groups are taken away, and eventually, they are all taken away by the “Terrible Things.” The story serves as a reminder of the importance of using our voices to speak out against injustice and to stand up for others.


Related Questions

The word supernatural comes from the Latin super meaning above or beyond and naturalis, meaning birth. With this information in mind write your best definition of the word supernatural as it used in this text. Cite any word or phrases that were particularly helpful in coming to your conclusion


Supernatural is unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature. Some examples of supernatural things or examples are: magic. miracles. precognition.

What is supernatural?

The term "supernatural" describes things or beings that defy the natural laws. Supernatural refers to an order of existence that exists outside of the visible, observable realm. It implies Outside the realm of human experience or knowledge; unaccountable by the known rules or forces of nature; specifically, of, involving, or ascribed to God or a god.

Some people hold the belief that supernatural beings, entities, and events exist or occur even if science says they cannot. Folklore and religious contexts sometimes include the supernatural, but it can also serve as an explanation in more secular contexts, as in the case of superstitions or paranormal belief.

Learn more on god here:



discuss the interplay between emotion and reason in the play tartuffe. which characters acted out based on emotion? which characters acted out based on reasoning?


"Tartuffe" demonstrates how emotion and reason can both be powerful motivators for human behavior and how the interplay between the two can have significant consequences.

Moliere's play "Tartuffe" explores the complex interplay between emotion and reason through the actions and motivations of its characters. The play revolves around the character of Tartuffe, a hypocritical and manipulative religious zealot, and his interactions with the wealthy and gullible Orgon and his family.

Emotion plays a significant role in the play, particularly in the actions of characters like Orgon's wife Elmire, and his daughter Mariane. Elmire's desire to expose Tartuffe's true nature stems from her emotional response to his deceitful behavior towards her, while Mariane's refusal to marry the man her father has chosen for her is driven by her love for another.

On the other hand, characters like Orgon's brother-in-law Cleante and his servant Dorine act more on the basis of reason. Cleante offers a voice of wisdom and reason throughout the play, urging Orgon to think critically and see through Tartuffe's façade. Dorine, meanwhile, uses her wit and intelligence to help the family navigate the difficult situation they find themselves in.

To learn more about human behavior



As Nick leaves Gatsby the morning after the accident, he remarks, "They're a rotten crowd." Who are they? Why are they "rotten"


In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway makes the observation that "They're a rotten crowd" as he leaves Gatsby's mansion the morning after the accident.

The "they" referred to here are the guests who attended Gatsby's extravagant parties, including Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom, as well as other members of the wealthy elite.

Nick's description of this crowd as "rotten" suggests a deep sense of moral decay and corruption.

Despite their wealth and social status, these individuals are shallow, selfish, and lacking in any real moral compass.

They indulge in excess, cheating, and manipulation without any regard for the consequences of their actions.
The central theme of the novel is the idea of the American Dream, and the characters in the novel represent different aspects of this dream.

Gatsby embodies the belief that through hard work and determination, anyone can achieve wealth and success, while Daisy and Tom represent the dark side of the American Dream, where wealth and privilege lead to corruption and moral decay.
Overall, Nick's observation that "They're a rotten crowd" reflects his growing disillusionment with the wealthy elite and their way of life, which he sees as ultimately empty and meaningless.

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Analyze Hamlet's discourse with Claudius. Does he seem to be speaking in true madness, or is there clever truth in his words? Explain.


Hamlet's discourse with Claudius in Act III, Scene 4 of "Hamlet" can be interpreted in different ways. While some readers may see his speech as a genuine manifestation of madness, others may view it as a strategic attempt to expose Claudius's guilt.

Hamlet's speech to Claudius is erratic and disjointed, which could suggest that he is speaking from a state of true madness. He seems to hallucinate and shift rapidly between different topics, making it difficult for Claudius to follow his train of thought. However, on the other hand, there are moments when Hamlet's words appear to be carefully calculated to provoke and unnerve Claudius.

For example, he repeatedly alludes to the murder of his father and the guilt of the king, using ambiguous and suggestive language that hints at his knowledge of the crime. Hamlet's choice of words, his use of puns and double entendres, and his pointed remarks about the state of Denmark all suggest that he is not simply rambling but is instead trying to convey a deeper message to Claudius.

To know more about Hamlet, click here.



Which technique would a speaker use to control the speed at which the listener hears a poem?




(A) Pacing


What was Tom's account of the incident? What description of Tom Robinson is most important? What does that tell the reader about the testimonies so far?


Tom's account of the incident was that he was walking past the Ewell residence when Mayella Ewell asked him to come inside and help her with a job.

The most important description of Tom Robinson is that he is a black man.

So far, the testimonies have been divided along racial lines, with the white witnesses supporting the Ewells' version of events and the black witnesses supporting Tom Robinson's account.

Tom's account of the incident was that he was walking past the Ewell residence when Mayella Ewell asked him to come inside and help her with a job.

Once inside, Mayella attempted to kiss Tom, but he refused and tried to leave. It was at that moment that Bob Ewell came in and started yelling at Mayella.

Tom stated that he was scared and ran out of the house.
The most important description of Tom Robinson is that he is a black man.

This tells the reader that race is a significant factor in this trial and that Tom's account of the incident may not be given the same weight as a white person's testimony.

It also shows the racial prejudices that were prevalent in society at the time.
So far, the testimonies have been divided along racial lines, with the white witnesses supporting the Ewells' version of events and the black witnesses supporting Tom Robinson's account.

The fact that Tom is black and Mayella is white automatically puts Tom at a disadvantage in the trial, as he is already assumed to be guilty simply because of his race.

This suggests that the trial is not fair and just, but rather influenced by the racial biases of the time.

For more such questions on Tom Robinson



What is floc? Why is it important in the process of
water treatment?


"Floc" is the term used to describe the process of agglomerating small particles in water into larger, more easily removable clumps. This is typically achieved through the use of chemicals called coagulants and flocculants, which are added to the water as it enters a treatment plant.

Coagulants, such as aluminum sulfate (alum) or ferric chloride, neutralize the negatively charged particles in the water, causing them to clump together into larger masses. Flocculants, such as polyacrylamide, then help these masses to form even larger, more easily removable clumps.

The process of floc formation is important in water treatment because it allows particles that are too small to be removed by conventional filtration to be removed from the water. These particles can include suspended solids, bacteria, and other contaminants that can make the water unsafe for human consumption.

By forming flocs, water treatment plants are able to remove these contaminants and produce clean, safe drinking water for their customers.

"Floc" is short for "flocculation," a process used in water treatment to remove suspended particles and impurities from water. Flocculation involves the use of chemicals, typically aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride, which are added to the water to bind with the suspended particles and form larger clumps, or "flocs." These flocs can then be easily removed from the water through sedimentation, filtration, or other treatment processes.

The importance of floc in the process of water treatment lies in its ability to remove impurities and contaminants from the water. Suspended particles such as dirt, bacteria, and other organic matter can make water cloudy and unappealing, and can also pose health risks if consumed. By using flocculation to bind these particles together and form larger flocs, water treatment plants can effectively remove them from the water and produce clean, clear, and safe drinking water.

In addition to its role in removing impurities, flocculation also helps to improve the efficiency of other water treatment processes. By forming larger flocs, the sedimentation and filtration processes can remove particles more quickly and easily, reducing the time and resources required for treatment.

Overall, flocculation is an important step in the process of water treatment, helping to ensure that the water we drink is clean, clear, and safe for consumption.


In the book "Some kind of courage" Why do you think Joseph's mama' advice was considered valuable


Joseph's mama's advice is considered valuable because it is seen as coming from a trusted and loving source, rooted in Native American wisdom and life experiences, and serves as a guiding light for Joseph as he embarks on his journey.

Who is Joseph?

Joseph is the protagonist and main character of the story. He is a young boy who embarks on a quest to find his stolen horse, Sarah, after she is taken from him by a ruthless man named Mr. Grissom. Joseph is portrayed as brave, determined, and resourceful, facing various challenges and dangers along the way, while drawing on the guidance and advice of his mama and his own inner strength.

First, Joseph's mama is portrayed as a wise and loving figure who cares deeply for her son. She has raised Joseph on her own after the death of his father, and her guidance and advice are seen as coming from a place of genuine concern for Joseph's well-being.

Learn more about Joseph from the given ink



What Does Integrity Mean to You?
In the space below, define, in your own words, the word integrity. Explain why
integrity is important and how poor integrity can affect the view others have of you.


Integrity is the act of conforming your behaviour to what you believe to be the best. A person with integrity demonstrates a genuine commitment to their principles and ideas.

What does integrity mean in my own words?

Being honest and upholding high moral standards are examples of having integrity. Even in private, a person of integrity acts morally and honourably.

What does integrity mean and how important is integrity?

Integrity is the practise of being truthful, showing respect, upholding our principles, and consistently choosing the right course of action - even when no one else is looking. Integrity is the act of adhering to values, as opposed to honesty, which is the act of being truthful.

To now more about  integrity visit:-



What does Mr. Link Deas mean when he says, "Don't know why you touched it in the first place...You've got everything to lose from this, Atticus. I mean everything"?


When Mr. Link Deas says, "Don't know why you touched it in the first place. You've got everything to lose from this, Atticus.

I mean everything," he is warning Atticus about the risks of defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. Mr. Link Deas is implying that Atticus could lose his reputation, his job, and even his life by taking on this controversial case. Despite this warning, Atticus believes in the importance of justice and fairness, and is willing to risk everything to defend Tom Robinson and uphold his own principles. I mean everything," he means that Atticus has taken on a challenging and potentially damaging case, which could negatively impact his reputation, career, and personal life. Mr. Link Deas is concerned that Atticus has put himself at risk by choosing to defend a controversial client.

To know more about Atticus refer :



From a time for choosing speech what effect does the first sentence have on the overall piece


The tone and gravity of the situation are established in the opening line of Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" address.

It says, "We must take action now to protect tomorrow." Reagan emphasizes the value of making a decision quickly and accepting responsibility for the future by starting with this stern call to action. This statement motivates the audience to act by conveying the seriousness of the situation.

It acts as a reminder that they are in control of the country's future. Reagan also highlights the importance of cooperation and unity in this statement to secure a prosperous future. The audience will be motivated and inspired by this statement, which also conveys a sense of urgency.

To learn more about Ronald Reagan link is here



write a letter to your friend stating four reasons why you brother/sister should not study science​


Of course, if science is your thing, you should go for it. Science itself is great. Choosing what pupils should study based on erroneous notions of what is appropriate for bright children. This can be written in letter.

A letter is, in the words of Oxford Dictionary, "a message written or printed upon paper and typically placed in an envelope & sent to someone." From the explanation above, it can be concluded that a letter gets a written communication, whether printed or handwritten, that gets delivered to a recipient by another person via post, mail, or another method. Of course, if science is your thing, you should go for it. Science itself is great. Choosing what pupils should study based on erroneous notions of what is appropriate for bright children.

To know more about letter, here:



I need help figuring out the core conflict of this poem called Moon Ghazal by Dorianne Laux. I think it has something to do with the symbolism of the moon. Please help!

I can’t remember the first time I saw it, seems it was
always there, even with me in the womb, the moon.

It must have been night, above the ocean, making a path
on the waves, gilded invitation, the parchment moon.

Or the day moon, see-through-y wafer over desert, caught
in the arms of saguaro, thin-skinned, heart-stuck moon.

Blue as new milk, aquarium water, Mexican tile, blue
as cold-bitten fingertips, nailbeds’ quick-blue arcs, half-moons.

How I felt when I saw my first grown boy, round-eyed,
all sinew and muscle, his calves, his biceps, plump as moons.

Buttons, doorknobs, volleyballs, clocks, egg yolk, orange
slice, violet iris, our planet a pupil, mote in the eye of the moon.

The cell inside me splitting and splitting, worm of the fetus,
tadpole, the glazed orb of the eye, my belly taut as the moon.

The blood-streaked moon of her head pushing through, moons
of the faces above me, urging me, pulling, promising the moon.

There are earthquakes on the moon, water, not geologically dead,
still acting like a planet: upheaval, turmoil, shaking her head, the moon.

When I see the earth of you I still feel moonquakes, even now, after
so many moons my round breasts swoon, your fingertips, small moons.


The core conflict in the poem "Moon Ghazal" by Dorianne Laux is the speaker's struggle to articulate the meaning and significance of the moon in her life.

The conflict found in the poem

As we know, in literature, conflict refers to some sort of struggle. We commonly analyze conflict in novels or short stories, but we can also find conflict in poems such as the one we are analyzing here.

The speaker is fascinated by the moon and its various forms and associations, but she struggles to convey this fascination in words. Throughout the poem, she uses a variety of images and metaphors to describe the moon, but she also acknowledges that these descriptions are incomplete and inadequate. The conflict arises from the tension between the speaker's desire to express her feelings about the moon and her inability to fully capture its essence. Ultimately, the poem suggests that the moon is a powerful, mysterious force that can inspire awe and wonder, but also a source of frustration and perplexity.

Learn more about conflict here:



When people talk fast, they are often excited or anxious. true or false?


Yes, this is true.

People talk slower when they are sad or tired. They talk fast when they are excited, anxious, trying to sell something, or persuade.

I hope this helped!

Does Excerpt from "The Red Angel" by G. K. Chesterton use personification


The Red Angel by G. K. Chesterton uses personification in various places.

What is Chesterton's argument for telling and reading fairy tales to children?

Chesterton's main justification for fairy tales is as follows: "The child doesn't get his first impression of the monster from fairy tales. The first distinct picture of the monster's potential demise that a child has comes from fairy tales. Since he first developed an imagination, the infant has had a close relationship with the dragon.

Who said what? Do fairy tales actually exist?

"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they show us that dragons can be beaten." This quotation so appears at the beginning.

To know more about G. K. Chesterton visit:



What does the data on birth order show?Personality is determined by birth order.Birth order has a small effect on personality.Birth order explains 50% of personality.All firstborn children are high in conscientiousness.


The data on birth order shows birth order has a small effect on personality. So the option B is correct.

Birth order can have some bearing on personality since it can affect how siblings are related to and interacted with. According to studies, first-born children frequently exhibit higher levels of self-esteem, motivation for achievement, and sense of responsibility than other children.

They might also be more responsible, goal-oriented, and seek others' approval more. Because they may feel the urge to set themselves apart from their older sibling, second-born youngsters may exhibit higher levels of violence and risk-taking behavior.

Children who are third in line may feel less pressure to succeed and may have a more laid-back outlook on life. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about birth order link is here



It was unusual for women during Kate Chopin's time to be independent. Through her portrayal of Louise in "The Story of an Hour," Chopin hints that independence was a forbidden joy for a woman. Which of these excerpts from Chopin's story convey this idea?


Answer: The paragraph where states the woman needed to stay alone after the death of her husband in a railroad accident.

Explanation: The story "The Story of an Hour" says that independence is a forbidden joy for women.

Women should not have independence. A woman whose husband had died in a railroad accident should stay alone.

Everyone will impose some kind of restriction on her,independence was not a choice for women.

learn more at:https://brainly.com/question/31554345

The lysosomes and vacuole in the cell are similar to our excretory system be cause


They take in and expel waste that is harmful to the cell, which we can compare to our own bodies.


Which sentence best states the central idea of the passage?
A. The Hawaiian Islands are a
major tourist attraction.
B. The Hawaiian Islands were
formed by volcanic activity.
C. Lava is melted rock that erupts
out of volcanoes.
D. Kilauea is an active volcano.


A volcanic hot spot, an upwelling plume of magma, which forms new islands as the Pacific Plate moves over them, is what gave rise to the Hawaiian Islands.

All of the Hawaiian Islands fall under the category of shield volcanoes. Lava pouring on the ocean floor builds massive volcanoes like the Hawaiian shield volcanoes layer by layer. According to the hot spot theory, magma from the upper mantle rises along a conduit into a chamber of magma known as a hot spot.

Each island is made up of one or more volcanoes that initially erupted on the Pacific Ocean's floor and only rose above the water after several eruptions. Hawaii currently has six active volcanoes.

To learn more about Hawaiian Islands, visit:



What camp do Elie and his father end up going to?


The Auschwitz concentration camp is where Elie and his father ultimately end up. During World War II, the Nazi government established and ran a network of concentration and death camps under the name Auschwitz.

One of the most infamous locations of the Holocaust, it was the biggest of the Nazi concentration camps. It was in German-occupied Poland, and captives from all around Europe were transported there.

Extremely terrible conditions prevailed in Auschwitz, where prisoners were subjected to forced labor, hunger, illness, and cruel guard abuse. In Auschwitz, many captives perished as a result of the harsh treatment or from being chosen to be placed in the gas chambers.

To learn more about Holocaust link is here



Write a letter to your principal in which you argue who would
benefit most from a volunteering program at school: student
participants or members of the community they could serve.


A volunteering program in school is a program where students are encouraged to participate in various community service activities voluntarily. These activities can be organized by the school or in partnership with community organizations.

Write a letter stating the given arguments.

Dear Principal,

I am writing to express my thoughts about the volunteering program at our school and who would benefit the most from it. I believe that both the student participants and members of the community they serve would benefit greatly from such a program. However, if I had to choose, I would argue that the community members would benefit the most.

Volunteering programs are an excellent way for students to give back to the community. By participating in volunteer work, students gain valuable life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication. They also learn to appreciate the needs of others and develop empathy and compassion towards people from all walks of life.

However, the benefits of volunteering are not limited to just the students. The members of the community they serve would also benefit significantly from such a program. Many people in our community are in need of support and assistance, and volunteers can make a real difference in their lives. Students could offer their time and skills to support a variety of community programs, such as food banks, homeless shelters, or after-school programs.

Volunteering would also help build bridges between the school and the wider community. It would give students an opportunity to interact with people they might not normally encounter in their daily lives. This interaction would help break down barriers and promote understanding and respect for diverse cultures and backgrounds.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that both student participants and members of the community would benefit from a volunteering program at our school. However, I argue that the community members would benefit the most from the program. I hope that you will consider my perspective as you make decisions regarding our school's community engagement programs.


[Your Name]

To learn more about volunteering, visit:



Which of the following is the theme of "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings?"a. People often overlook the wonderous parts of life.b. Nobody's perfect.c. Everything turns out the opposite of how you expect it to.d. Sometimes fairytales really are better than real life


The theme of A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings is overlooking the wonderful parts of life by the people and their response towards the seemingly common aspects of life.  

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings  is one of the short stories written by the Columbian Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  The story uses the technique of magic realism and shows the psychology of the people, their faith, perceptions and their beliefs.  The story displays how people often overlook the common yet wonderful parts of life and are fascinated by the strange and glittery aspects. Hence the theme of the story is a universal one- being curious about the unknown and not paying attention to the known.

The story highlights how the townspeople focus on the strange and grotesque aspects of the old man's appearance but fail to appreciate the wonder and magic of his presence. At first, the old man is seen as an angelic figure, having wings but soon he is reduced to an old man, too human, and the wings strewn with parasites.

To know more about the theme of a short story visit:



The theme of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is a People often overlook the wondrous parts of life. So, the correct option is (a).

The narrative investigates how the villagers' reactions to the old man with wings are mostly influenced by their own self-serving goals and interests, which causes them to ignore the miraculous and stupefying features of his presence.

The narrative also serves as a commentary on human nature and how we interact with others who are unlike us. The villagers see the elderly guy with wings as a curiosity and a spectacle, but they never really comprehend or embrace him.

In conclusion, "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is a strong and provocative work of fiction that examines issues of otherness, human nature, and the lines between truth and fantasy.

To learn more about the Enormous wings visit :



What cause and effect relationship do you see in the underlined passage from Sections 21-22 of Saki's "The Interlopers"?


The cause and effect relationship in the passage is that Ulrich's hesitation to kill Georg leads to them reconciling and forming a truce.

The text shows a cause-and-effect link, with Ulrich's choice to pardon Georg resulting in their improved communication. Ulrich explains, "You were in the right and I was in the wrong, and I ask you to forgive me," and Georg agrees. The two men's talk, in which they show respect for one another, shows that this act of forgiveness between them results in a new understanding.

Ulrich's decision to forgive Georg had the consequence of fostering a fresh appreciation and understanding between them that had not before existed. They spoke with mutual regard and appreciation, demonstrating their newfound knowledge of one another.

To learn more about Ulrich's link is here:



How do the son's actions contribute to the development of the poem's theme? jabberwocky



The poem “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll appears in the first chapter of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, the author’s sequel to his previous novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The poem is a masterpiece of nonsense verse which is nonetheless grounded in regular poetry rules and Carroll’s understanding of the structure of the English language.

A theme that can be identified in the poem is the ongoing interplay and dialogue between chaos and order, opposing energies that shape the world. Other ways to describe these oppositions would be the rational/the irrational and sense/nonsense.

Which research method is commonly used to study personality over time?cross-sectional studylongitudinal studyfield studycorrelational experiment


The research method that is commonly used to study personality over time is a longitudinal study.

Longitudinal studies involve collecting data from the same individuals at multiple points in time, often spanning several years or even decades. This allows researchers to track changes in personality traits within individuals over time, and to examine the factors that contribute to these changes.

Longitudinal studies are particularly useful for studying personality development, as they allow researchers to examine how personality changes as individuals age, and to identify the factors that influence these changes.

To know more about research method, click here.



Which dictionary definition best explains the word concrete as it is used in this sentence?


Constituting an actual substance or occurrence; genuine: tangible proof of his sincerity. tangible notions are specific in that they are concerned with facts or actual instances .

What's an example of a concrete definition?

Learning Theory in Action,m aking an abstract notion and constructing an example based on real-life events to clarify the meaning of the concept. For example, a "quarter" could be conceived of as taking one slice of pizza out of four equally sized slices.

What precisely is concrete thinking?

Concrete thinking is a more literal type of thinking that focuses on the physical environment. Concrete thinkers may accept information at face value without thinking beyond it or generalising it to other meanings or circumstances.

To know more about dictionary definition  visit:



What do bakers do after the dough rises?add the next step to the chart


Bakers typically knead the dough after it rises. Kneading is the process of folding, pushing, and stretching the dough to incorporate air and even out the texture.

Usually, the dough is kneaded by bakers after it has risen. To include air and smooth out the texture of the dough, kneading is the process of folding, pushing, and stretching the dough.

This step helps to create a light and fluffy texture in the baked goods. After kneading, the dough is typically left to rest again before being shaped and baked.

Resting allows the gluten in the dough to relax, which makes it easier to shape and prevents it from shrinking as much when baked. It also helps to develop the flavor of the dough, as the flavors of the ingredients have time to blend together.

To learn more about dough link is here



What statement best provides an objective summary of part2 “the allegory of the cave” by Plato



The “ Allegory of the Cave” is an extended metaphor of sorts that helps Plato illustrate his theory of the forms and argue that it is only with an application of philosophical reasoning that humans can begin to access truth. The cave that the prisoners are trapped in represents the superficial material world that human beings are born into.

What chapter of the great Gatsby is “they were careless people tom and Daisy. They smashed up things and retreated back into their money. They let other people clean up the mess they made” from?



They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.


Johnson finds a current British Law unjust and foolish. In modern terms, if that same law were passed today


Johnson finds a current British Law unjust and foolish. In modern terms, if that same law were passed today, it would be seen as outdated and oppressive.

In the United Kingdom, the Sexual Offences Act of 1956 outlawed homosexual actions between two consenting adults, even if they occurred in secret. People were punished for participating in consensual sexual acts, which led to the law being viewed as repressive and unfair.

Because it was based on outmoded moral principles and was applied to target and discriminate against members of the LGBTQ+ community, the law was perceived as exceptionally draconian. Even though they were not acting improperly, it was also used to target those who were seen to be engaging in homosexual behavior.

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Q: What is casing the jointA: Look over the location Find weakness in security systems Types of locks and alarms used Calculate the mass of the white solid calcium carbonate that forms with 25.0L of a 0.100 M calcium nitrate solution mixed with 20.0 mL of a 0.15M sodium carbonate solution. If you took a TLC of the rxn mix in the synthesis of butyl acetate, what visualization technique would you use? Why? Get the name and birth date of the person born on November 11th, 1974. Remember to use ISO date format ('1974-11-11') 3. Is this a comma splice or a compound sentence?I don't like Canada, it's too cold. vaccines work by priming the immune system and inducing the formation of antibodies and memory cells. when the actual virus infects the host, the host's immune system recognizes and responds to it. what feature(s) of hiv allow it to thwart this system, making a vaccine difficult? Activity#2Directions: Solve the following problems. Show your complete solutions. 1. The diagonals of a Kite have lengths of 12 and 15 cm. Find the area of a Kite. 2. Given parallelogram ABCD, angle A and angle B measures (x+30) and (3x-90) respectively. Determine the measure of each angle. 3. One lateral face of the roof of the school building is trapezoid in shape. One of the bases of this trapezoid is 6 m longer than the other base. Findthe length of the two bases if the median measures 19 m. 4. Given Isosceles Trapezoid CLUB, if m Use the traditional method to test the given hypothesis. Assume that the population is normally distributed and that the sample has been randomly selected. Select the appropriate response. With separate lines at the checkouts, a store manager finds that the standard deviation for the waiting times on Monday mornings is 5.7 minutes. After switching to a single waiting line, he finds that for a random sample of 29 customers the waiting times have a standard deviation of 4.9 minutes. Use a 0.025 significance level to test the claim that with a single line, waiting times vary less than with separate lines. Select the correct test statistic and critical value.Test statistic: x^2 = 18.462. Critical value: x^2 = 15.308 Test statistic: x^2 = 20.692. Critical value: x^2 = 15.308 Test statistic: x^2 = 20.692. Critical value: x^2 = 7.815, 15.308 Test statistic: x^2 = 18.462. Critical value: x^2 = 7.815, 15.308 A right rectangular prism is 6 cm by 14 cm by 5 cm. What isthe surface area of this prism?6 cm14 cm5 cm The top prism is 10 x 5 x 5 this one has me all kinds of confused which of the following satisfies ? 3m-5=10 8) All chordates studied to date, except tunicates, share a set of _____.A) 13 Hox genesB) 5 Dlx genesC) 9 Otx genesD) 7 FOXP2 genes Consider the following maximization problem. An individual consumes two commodities 11, 12 of which price is P1, P2, respectively. She has utility function U(11, 12) = rama where () 0. Assume that she uses all of her budget. = 1 (2a) Write the problem as "max subject to (2b) Write Lagrangian of this problem using 1 as the Lagrange multiplier. (2c) Find critical values 21, ;. (20) Identify 21, 2; and the value of U(21, 27) if a = };p1 = 2, P2 = 7, and B = 42. (2e) Find bordered Hessian matrix. You can use the values of a, P1, P2 from (2d). (28) Check whether the critical values yield a maximum value of the utility function. = = Identifying desktop PC portsSelect the desktop PC port names from the lists. Anna obtained 22 out of 30 for an Afrikaans test and 18 out of 25 for a mathematical literacy test , are these results proportionate? If not , in which subject did she score the highest All of the following are true about Eisenhower's warnings of the "Military-Industrial Complex" EXCEPT:a. He worried that the defense industry would become too influential in American life, contrary to the history of the country.b. He was referring to the concerted cooperation between defense manufacturers, Members of Congress and the Pentagon.c. He and others were wary of the prospect that arms manufacturers would use the Cold War as an excuse to find new export markets.d. He suggested that an enormous arms industry would be a key aspect of American Power and Influence around the globe We are unsure of what happened to these people at the end of their period, but there is speculation about possible disease, battles, or migration to other cultures. potential output is $100 in 2010. actual output is $110 in 2010. actual output in 2009 was $105. short-run output for 2010 is Beginning with carbon fixation arrange the steps of the calvin cycle in correct order use of enzyme and ATP to form 5-carbon compoundformation of a stable 3compoundcarbon dioxide reacts with a 5-carbon compounduse of ATP to form a high-energy3-carbon compoundformation of an unstable 6-carbon A-One Talent Agency has 109 clients. 46 of the clients play piano and 58 of the clients play guitar. 17 clients play both the piano and the guitar. How many of the clients do not play either instrument?