vaccines work by priming the immune system and inducing the formation of antibodies and memory cells. when the actual virus infects the host, the host's immune system recognizes and responds to it. what feature(s) of hiv allow it to thwart this system, making a vaccine difficult?


Answer 1


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is particularly challenging for vaccine development due to several features of the virus that allow it to evade the immune system. Here are some of the reasons why HIV can thwart the immune system, making vaccine development difficult:

Rapid mutation: HIV is a virus that mutates very quickly, meaning that the virus can change its genetic makeup and evade recognition by the immune system. This makes it difficult to develop a vaccine that targets a specific strain of the virus, as the virus can quickly mutate and become resistant to the vaccine.

Latency: HIV can remain latent or inactive in certain cells in the body, such as macrophages and CD4+ T cells. This means that the virus can avoid detection by the immune system and continue to replicate over time, leading to chronic infection.

Diversity: There is a high level of genetic diversity among HIV strains, even within a single individual. This means that the virus can evolve rapidly and develop different strains that are not targeted by a single vaccine.

High mutation rate of surface proteins: HIV has surface proteins that mutate rapidly, allowing the virus to evade antibodies that target these proteins. The virus can also hide its vulnerable regions, making it difficult for antibodies to recognize and bind to them.

Immunodeficiency: HIV specifically targets and destroys CD4+ T cells, which are crucial for the functioning of the immune system. This makes it difficult for the immune system to mount an effective response to the virus, as it is constantly being depleted of its immune cells.

All of these features of HIV make it a difficult virus to target with a vaccine. However, researchers continue to work on developing effective HIV vaccines, and recent advances in genetic and immune-based technologies offer hope for future breakthroughs.


Related Questions

What are causes of RESPIRATORY acidosis? (1 category)


Answer: look at the picture

This scatter plot graph shows the amount of water vapor in the air (y-axis) and the air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (x-axis). What is the coefficient of determination of the graph rounded to the tenths place?




The coefficient of determination of the graph rounded to the tenths place is 0.8


A coefficient of determination is defined as the key output of regression analysis. It is denoted by R².In linear regression, this coefficient is equal to the square of the correlation between x and y values. When the R² =0, this means that the dependent variable cannot be predicted using the independent variable. hope this helped <3

Final answer:

The scatter plot graph does not provide enough information to determine the coefficient of determination.


The coefficient of determination, also known as R-squared, measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. In the context of this scatter plot graph, it indicates how well the amount of water vapor in the air can be predicted by the air temperature. To find the coefficient of determination, you would need to perform a linear regression analysis on the data points and obtain the R-squared value. However, since the scatter plot graph only provides a visual representation and not the actual data, it is not possible to determine the coefficient of determination from it. Therefore, the correct answer is: Not enough information is given to determine the coefficient of determination.

Learn more about Determining the coefficient of determination from a scatter plot graph here:


The accumulation of abnormally folded proteins and unassembled subunits in the ER can induce increased expression of ER protein-folding catalysts via the unfolded protein response.TrueFalse


The statement "The accumulation of abnormally folded proteins and unassembled subunits in the ER can induce increased expression of ER protein-folding catalysts via the unfolded protein response" is true. By increasing the expression of ER protein-folding catalysts, the UPR aims to restore the ER's protein-folding capacity and maintain cellular homeostasis.

The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a cellular mechanism that senses and responds to the accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The UPR has three primary objectives:

To increase the production of protein-folding catalysts, such as chaperones, which help in proper protein folding.To decrease the overall protein synthesis, thus reducing the load of unfolded proteins entering the ER.To activate the degradation pathways for misfolded proteins, clearing them from the ER.

Learn more about endoplasmic reticulum:


Where are the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis developed?


The adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis are both parts of the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.

The adenohypophysis, also known as the anterior pituitary gland, develops from the same embryonic tissue as the roof of the mouth. The adenohypophysis secretes hormones that regulate various bodily functions, including growth, reproduction, and metabolism. These hormones are controlled by releasing hormones produced by the hypothalamus, which is located just above the pituitary gland in the brain.

The neurohypophysis, also known as the posterior pituitary gland, develops from a downgrowth of the brain. It is composed of nerve fibers and glial cells that originate in the hypothalamus. The neurohypophysis does not produce hormones, but rather stores and releases two hormones produced by the hypothalamus: oxytocin and vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone). These hormones regulate various functions, including labor and delivery, lactation, and water balance.

Question 1 Marks: 1 The best control of swimmer's itch at a bathing beach is toChoose one answer. a. add copper sulfate b. increase the chlorine residual c. lower the chlorine residual


Swimmer's itch, also known as cercarial dermatitis, is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to the parasites that live in some freshwater snails and waterfowl. One of the most effective preventive measures is to increase the chlorine residual in the water.

Option (c) is correct.

Chlorine is a common disinfectant that can help kill the parasites that cause swimmer's itch. By maintaining an appropriate level of chlorine in the water, the risk of swimmer's itch can be greatly reduced.

Copper sulfate may also be effective in controlling swimmer's itch. It can kill snails, which are one of the hosts for the parasites that cause swimmer's itch. However, copper sulfate can be harmful to aquatic life and is not recommended for use in public swimming areas.

Lowering the chlorine residual is not recommended as a control measure for swimmer's itch, as it may not be enough to kill the parasites. In fact, it can increase the risk of swimmer's itch, as the parasites may survive and infect swimmers.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (c)

To know more about Swimmer's itch


The CFTR gene (remember this from a previous clinical connection?) contains the sequence â¯ATCATCTTTGGTGTTâ¯, .which codes for residues 506-510 of the protein. (Q5)
a.Identify the residues in this segment of the protein.
In the most common mutated form of b.the gene, this same segment of DNA has the sequence â¯ATCATTGGTGTTâ¯.
c.What type of mutation has occurred and how does it affect the sequence of the encoded protein?


a. The sequence ATCAT codes for the amino acid sequence Ile-Ile, and TTTGGTGTT codes for the amino acid sequence Phe-Val. Therefore, the residues encoded by this segment of the protein are Ile-Ile-Phe-Val.

b. The mutated sequence ATCATTGGTGTT differs from the original sequence by a single nucleotide change, where the second T is replaced by an A.

c. This type of mutation is a point mutation, specifically a missense mutation, as it results in a change in a single nucleotide, which in turn changes the amino acid encoded by that codon. In this case, the missense mutation changes the amino acid from Ile to Met at position 508 of the protein. This mutation alters the structure of the protein, which can affect its function. In the case of CFTR gene mutations, it can lead to a defective CFTR protein, which is associated with cystic fibrosis.

Learn more about ATCAT ,


Describe the role of complementary base pairing during RT-PCR and DNA microarray analysis.


The role of complementary base pairing during RT-PCR and DNA microarray analysis is crucial for the accurate replication and detection of specific DNA sequences.

In RT-PCR, complementary base pairing allows the primers to anneal to the specific region of the DNA template that is being amplified. This complementary base pairing ensures that only the desired region is amplified and that the reaction is specific. During DNA microarray analysis, complementary base pairing is used to hybridize the labeled cDNA or RNA to the microarray probe.

The microarray probes are designed to have complementary base pairs to the target sequences of interest, and this allows for the specific binding of the labeled target molecules to the microarray. This complementary base pairing enables the identification and quantification of gene expression levels in the sample being analyzed. Overall, complementary base pairing is essential for the accuracy and specificity of both RT-PCR and DNA microarray analysis.

Learn more about complementary base pairing:


The release of large amounts of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol:


The release of large amounts of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol is known as the stress response or the fight-or-flight response.

This response is activated in response to a perceived threat or danger, and it prepares the body for immediate action. Epinephrine and norepinephrine increase heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, while cortisol increases glucose production and suppresses the immune system.

The stress response can be beneficial in short-term situations, such as escaping from a predator, but chronic stress can have negative health consequences, including increased risk for cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders, and immune dysfunction.

Learn more about norepinephrine


According to the trichromatic theory, we can perceive only three colors. True or False?


According to the trichromatic theory, we can perceive only three colors. This statement is true.

What is the trichromatic theory?

The trichromatic theory, also known as the Young-Helmholtz theory, states that our eyes have three types of color receptors (cones) that are sensitive to red, green, and blue wavelengths of light. This allows us to perceive a wide range of colors by combining these three primary colors. Pigments, on the other hand, absorb certain colors of light and reflect others, which is why they appear a certain color to our eyes.

The trichromatic theory posits that our color perception is based on the activation of three types of color-sensitive cone cells in our eyes, each containing a different pigment. These cone cells are sensitive to red, green, and blue wavelengths of light. By combining the information from these three types of cones, our brain is able to create the perception of a wide range of colors.

To know more about trichromatic theory, visit:





This statment is true

Which of the following is true of blood vessels?

A) Endothelial cells are located in the tunica externa
B) Smooth muscle is located in the tunica media.
C) Connective tissue is located in the tunica intima.
D) Fibrous tissue is located in the tunica media.



C) Connective tissue is located in the tunica intima.

A) Endothelial cells are located in the tunica externa

The red pulp of the spleen is where _____ drainage of the blood occurs.


The red pulp of the spleen is where the filtration and removal of old or damaged red blood cells and foreign particles from the blood occur. This process is known as phagocytosis and is performed by macrophages located in the red pulp. The red pulp also serves as a site for the storage of platelets and the production of new red blood cells in some animals. The white pulp of the spleen, on the other hand, is involved in immune functions, such as the production of antibodies and the activation of T-cells in response to infections or other foreign substances.

Parvocellular cells is? A) primarily receive their input from rods. B) are sensitive to light but not color. C) primarily receive their input from cones. D) receive their input from rods and cones.


Parvocellular cells is primarily receive their input from cones.  The option c is correct.

Parvocellular cells are a type of neurons found in the retina of the eye. These cells are responsible for processing color vision and fine details of an image.

They receive their input primarily from the cones, which are the photoreceptor cells responsible for color vision.

Conversely, the other type of retinal neurons, known as the magnocellular cells, primarily receive their input from the rods, which are the photoreceptor cells responsible for detecting light and dark, and motion detection.

This differentiation in input allows the two types of cells to process different aspects of visual information and work together to create a complete visual experience.

Parvocellular cells are also responsible for sending signals to the brain's visual cortex, where the information is further processed and interpreted.

In addition, dysfunction of these cells has been linked to various visual disorders, such as color blindness and macular degeneration.

In summary, parvocellular cells are a type of retinal neurons that receive their input primarily from cones and are responsible for processing color vision and fine details of an image.

Their function is crucial to our ability to see and interpret the world around us.

To know more about Parvocellular cells here


Which are important protein-folding catalysts in the ER lumen?peptidyl-prolyl-isomerasesendonucleasesRNA polymerasesN-linked oligosaccharidesNone of the answers is correct.


The correct answer to this question is peptidyl-prolyl-isomerases. These enzymes play a crucial role in the proper folding of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. They catalyze the cis-trans isomerization of peptide bonds involving proline residues, which is a key step in the folding process.

In addition to peptidyl-prolyl-isomerases, other important factors involved in protein folding within the ER lumen include chaperones, which help to prevent misfolding and promote proper folding, and quality control mechanisms that ensure only properly folded proteins are released from the ER. N-linked oligosaccharides are also involved in protein folding, as they can act as recognition signals for chaperones and other folding factors. Endonucleases and RNA polymerases, on the other hand, are not directly involved in protein folding within the ER lumen.

Learn more about isomerases here:


By what percentage has the Earth's population grown in the last 20 years?


The Earth's population has grown by approximately 19% in the last 20 years.

Earth's population has grown by approximately 27%. In 2001, the global population was around 6.1 billion, and as of 2021, it stands at around 7.8 billion. the world population is the total number of humans currently living. It was estimated by the United Nations to have exceeded eight billion in mid-November 2022. It took over 200,000 years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach one billion and only 219 years more to reach 8 billion

to know more about global population please vist :-


What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces?-simple epithelium-squamous epithelium-stratified epithelium-simple cuboidal cells-columnar epithelium


When a surface is subjected to physical forces, such as abrasion or pressure, you would expect to find stratified epithelium.

This type of epithelium consists of multiple layers of cells, with the outermost layer being flat and scale-like (squamous).

The multiple layers provide protection to the underlying tissues from mechanical stress and injury.

The stratified epithelium is commonly found in areas that are exposed to physical forces, such as the skin, oral cavity, esophagus, and vagina.

On the other hand, the simple epithelium is a single layer of cells and is not ideal for protecting against physical forces.

Squamous, cuboidal, and columnar epithelium are different shapes of cells found in both simple and stratified epithelium, but the number of layers is what distinguishes the two types.

For more such answers on the stratified epithelium


question based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the algal bloom in the lake? responses the water table rose and caused widespread flooding in the area. the water table rose and caused widespread flooding in the area. runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water. runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water. excess oxygen was released into the water when the fish died. excess oxygen was released into the water when the fish died. decomposition of the dead algae used up all the dissolved carbon dioxide.


Runoff from the cornfield carrying more fertiliser into the water is the most likely method that created the algae bloom in the lake.

Algal bloom definition What impact does it have on aquatic life?

Algae blooms may make it more difficult for fish and other aquatic life to locate food, which may cause entire populations to disperse or even go extinct. Thick, green muck is produced by harmful algal blooms and affects pure water.

What causes a lake's algal bloom?

The major cause of an algal bloom is an excessive buildup of nutrients like phosphorous or nitrogen. On occasion, algal blooms are brought on by the combination of decomposing organic material and the nutrients in the water.

To know more about fertiliser visit:-


Question 22
What is the best method for eliminating rats?
a. kill with poisons
b. remove rat harborage
c. starve the rats by removing food and water sources
d. trap rats and destroy them


The best method for eliminating rats is to remove their harborage and starve the rats by removing food and water sources, the correct options are (b) and (c).

While killing rats with poisons and traps may provide short-term solutions, they often do not address the root cause of the rat infestation. Moreover, these methods may pose risks to humans, pets, and wildlife. Using poisons may result in rats dying in inaccessible locations, causing unpleasant odors and potentially attracting other pests.

Trapping rats and releasing them into the wild is not effective, as rats are highly adaptable and will likely return to the area. Therefore, eliminating the rats' harborage sources of shelter, food, and water is the most effective long-term solution to prevent and eliminate rat infestations, the correct options are (b) and (c).

To learn more about harborage follow the link:


Question 35
What size particles can reach the lowest parts of the lung?
a. 15 microns
b. 50 microns
c. 3 microns
d. Any size particle


Particles with a size of 3 microns or smaller can reach the lowest parts of the lung, known as the alveoli. Therefore the correct option is option C.

Particles of a diameter of 3 microns or less can enter the alveoli, the lowest portions of the lung.

These microscopic particles are small enough to get past the body's natural defences in the upper respiratory system and into the lungs, where they can cause damage and inflammation.

Larger particles, on the other hand, tend to become caught in the upper respiratory system, such as the nose and throat, and are eliminated by mechanisms such as coughing and sneezing before reaching the alveoli. Therefore the correct option is option C.

For such more question on microns:


Which option shows the path a sp-rm travels in the male reproductive system?
O A. Testis → urethra → prostate

OB. Testiscoiled tube → urethra

OC. Testis → prostate → coiled tube

OD. Testis → bladder → pe---s​


The answer that depicts the sperm's passage through the male reproductive system is B. Testis, coiled tube, urethra.

Which is the ideal route for sperm cells to take?

During ejaculation, sperm is forcibly ejected into the deferent duct from the epididymis' tail. Following that, sperm passes through the deferent duct, up the spermatic cord into the pelvic cavity, over the ureter, and into the prostate behind the bladder.

What is the route taken by sperm in the event that an ovum is fertilised?

Before fertilisation can occur, the sperm must enter the vaginal vault, go through the cervix's small hole, swim through the uterus, and then land in the fallopian tubes.

To know more about sperm's passage visit:-


when the ligand-gated protein is open, what flows through?


When a ligand-gated protein is open, ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium, calcium, or chloride flow through the protein channel. These ions move down their concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

The flow of ions creates an electrical current, which can cause a variety of physiological responses in cells and tissues. The opening and closing of ligand-gated ion channels are regulated by the binding of specific molecules, known as ligands, to the receptor sites on the protein.

Ligands can be neurotransmitters, hormones, or other signaling molecules that activate the channel and allow ions to flow through it. The flow of ions through ligand-gated ion channels plays a critical role in a wide range of physiological processes, including muscle contraction, neuronal signaling, and sensory perception.

Dysfunction of these channels can lead to a variety of disorders, including epilepsy, deafness, and chronic pain.

To learn more about ligand-gated protein


The codon showed in Model 1 are used in all species on Earth with very little variation. What might scientists conclude from this?


If the codons are shown to be used consistently across all species on Earth with minimal variation, scientists may conclude that these codons are evolutionarily conserved.

This means that these codons have been conserved over time through natural selection because they provide a functional advantage.

The codons may be conserved because they encode for critical amino acids in proteins or because they are involved in the regulation of gene expression.

Furthermore, this consistency in codon usage may suggest a common ancestry among all species on Earth, as these codons were likely present in the earliest forms of life and have been maintained through evolution.

This knowledge can be used to inform research on genetic engineering, gene therapy, and evolutionary relationships between species.

For more such answers on natural selection


Question 17
Which is not considered a single dose rodenticide?
b. strychnine
c. red squill
d. warfarin


Strychnine is not considered a single dose rodenticide. The correct option is "B".

Strychnine is a highly toxic alkaloid that is used primarily as a pesticide and as a poison for rodents and other small animals. However, it is not commonly used as a single-dose rodenticide, which is a type of poison that is designed to kill rodents with a single exposure.

Examples of commonly used single-dose rodenticides include warfarin, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, and difenacoum. These compounds work by interfering with blood clotting and causing internal bleeding, ultimately leading to the death of the rodent. Another example of a non-anticoagulant single-dose rodenticide is zinc phosphide, which reacts with stomach acid to release phosphine gas, causing respiratory failure in the rodent.

The correct option is "B".

To know more about rodenticide, click here.


Non vascular plants contain about ________ species.
a. 6000
b. 1200
c. 8200


Nonvascular plants contain about 6000 species. The correct option is "a".

Nonvascular plants, also known as bryophytes, are a group of plants that lack specialized tissues for transporting water and nutrients. They include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, and are found in a variety of environments, from tropical rainforests to arctic tundra.

Despite their relatively simple structure and lack of vascular tissues, nonvascular plants are diverse and widespread, with an estimated 6000 species worldwide. This makes them one of the most diverse groups of plants on the planet. Nonvascular plants play important ecological roles, such as providing habitat for other organisms, contributing to soil formation and nutrient cycling, and helping to regulate the Earth's climate through their role in the carbon cycle.

The correct option is "a".

To know more about Nonvascular plants, click here.


Given what we’ve discussed about modes of speciation and the divergence of polar bears, why don’t polar bears and brown bears collapse back into a single species? Think about their ability to interbreed and how past ecological conditions have affected their habitats and mating patterns.


Polar bears and brown bears do not collapse back into a single species because of the differences in their habitats, mating patterns, and adaptations that prevent them from interbreeding successfully.

Polar bears and brown bears are examples of allopatric speciation, where a physical barrier separates populations, leading to the development of distinct species.

Polar bears live in the Arctic region, while brown bears inhabit forests, mountains, and tundra areas. These contrasting environments have led to the development of different adaptations, such as polar bears' white fur for camouflage in snow and specialized diet of seals.
The mating patterns of these two species also play a significant role in preventing them from collapsing back into a single species. Polar bears mate in the spring on sea ice, while brown bears mate in the summer on land. This difference in mating season and location creates a reproductive isolation barrier between them.
Moreover, their ability to interbreed is limited. Although there have been rare cases of hybridization between polar bears and brown bears, these hybrids tend to have reduced fertility or suffer from genetic issues, making it less likely for them to contribute significantly to the gene pool.
In summary, the divergence of polar bears and brown bears into distinct species is maintained by their differing habitats, mating patterns, and limited ability to interbreed. These factors prevent them from collapsing back into a single species.

For more information on polar bear kindly visit to


The TCR binds the ________ face of the peptide antigen while the MHC protein binds to the ________ face.a.T cell epitope / MHC motifb.MHC motif / T cell epitopec.MHC motif / MHC motifd.T cell epitope / T cell epitope


The TCR binds the T cell epitope face of the peptide antigen while the MHC protein binds to the MHC motif face. Therefore, the correct answer is option (a) T cell epitope / MHC motif.

The T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes both the peptide antigen and the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule presenting the antigen, but it does not bind to the "T cell epitope face" or "MHC motif face" specifically. The TCR is a heterodimeric protein composed of an alpha and a beta chain, or a gamma and a delta chain in some cases, and is expressed on the surface of T cells. The variable regions of the TCR, located at the N-terminal end of each chain, are responsible for recognizing the peptide-MHC complex. The TCR alpha and beta chains form a binding site that is complementary in shape to the combined peptide-MHC complex.

Learn more about receptor :


Which of the following events occur first during resting inhalation?
1) Atmospheric pressure exceeds air pressure in the lungs.
B) Volume in the lungs decreases.
C) The diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract.
D) Volume in the lungs increases.
E) The diaphragm and external intercostals relax.


The muscles of the external intercostals and diaphragm contract. The diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract as soon as the body begins to inhale while at rest.

What takes place first during inhalation?

The first step is inhaling, often known as inspiration. During inhalation, the diaphragm constricts and draws downward. As a result, the thoracic cavity's pressure decreases and it expands in size.

When the pressure outside is higher than the pressure inside the lungs, which of the following will happen?

Air is driven out of the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs rises to levels higher than the atmospheric pressure. The internal intercostals and abdominal muscles, on the other hand, could be used to force air out of the lungs during a forceful exhale.

To know more about diaphragm visit:-


The process of crossing over, where parts of paired chromosomes are exchanged, usually _.

increases the number of genetic combinations in a population

decreases the number of genetic combinations in a population

has no effect on genetic variation in a population


The process of crossing over, where parts of paired chromosomes are exchanged, usually  increases genetic combinations in a population.

The correct option is A .

In general , genetic diversity is important for the evolution of populations, as it provides the raw material for natural selection to act upon. Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time based on their impact on survival and reproductive success.

The exchange of genetic material is facilitated by the breakage and rejoining of corresponding sections of the chromosomes, and it can result in new combinations of alleles, or versions of genes, on the chromosomes. so, crossing over is a crucial process that contributes to genetic diversity .

Hence , A is the correct option

To learn more about genetic diversity  , here


The different electrical signals occurring in nerve cells are caused by _______ the cell membrane.



Fluxes of ions across the cell membrane

The typical components of a circulatory system are A) blood, arteries, and veins.B) fluid, muscular pump, and fluid conduits.C) fluid and vessels to carry the fluid.D) blood, 4-chambered heart, arteries, and veins.E) blood, heart, lungs, and blood vessels.


The typical components of a circulatory system are C) fluid and vessels to carry the fluid. So, correct option is (C).

The fluid, also known as blood, is pumped by a muscular pump, the heart, and travels through a network of vessels, including arteries and veins, to reach all parts of the body. However, option D is also correct as it includes the additional detail of a 4-chambered heart. Option A is too narrow as it only includes blood, arteries, and veins, while option B is too general and does not specifically mention blood or vessels. Option E is partially correct as it includes the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, but it does not mention blood as a key component of the circulatory system. So, correct option is (C).

For more such questions on circulatory system  , Visit:


What is the relationship between prokaryotes and eukaryotes according to the endosymbiotic theory?


The endosymbiotic theory proposes that the first eukaryotic cells originated via symbiotic interactions between two or more prokaryotic cells. The bigger prokaryotic cells attacked or devoured the smaller ones.

What is endosymbiotic theory?The dominant theory explaining how eukaryotic cells first emerged from prokaryotic organisms is called symbiogenesis. According to the endosymbiotic theory, free-living prokaryotes are thought to have developed into some eukaryotic cell organelles including mitochondria and plastids. According to the information at hand, the eukaryotic cell's evolution was started by mitochondrial endosymbiosis, contrary to Margulis' hypothesis. According to the endosymbiotic theory, the earliest plant cells were formed when early eukaryotic cells acquired photosynthetic bacteria (via endocytosis). Several important characteristics can be used as evidence to show that these organelles have extracellular origins. (Bound by a second membrane) Membranes Resistance to antibiotics Division (replication strategy)

To learn more about endosymbiotic theory, refer to:

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