Which wars were discussed in class as helping to establish the political independence of the American colonies from the British Empire?A. War of American Independence (or American Revolutionary War)B. Seven Years WarC. War of 1812D. Options A and B are both correctE. Options A, B, and C are all correct


Answer 1

The two main wars discussed in class were the War of American Independence (also known as the American Revolutionary War), which began in 1775 and lasted until 1783, and the Seven Years War, which began in 1756 and lasted until 1763.

The correct option is D.

The American colonies declared their independence from the British Empire in 1776, and since then, a number of wars have been fought to help establish their political independence. Both of these wars helped to weaken the British Empire and ultimately led to the American colonies gaining their independence.

The War of 1812, which began in 1812 and lasted until 1815, was also discussed in class and was fought in part to ensure the United States’ political independence from Britain. All three of these wars were instrumental in helping to establish the political independence of the American colonies from the British Empire.

The correct option is D.

To know more about Seven Years War, click here:



Related Questions

What did Einstein believe regarding human perception?
© What humans perceive with their senses is not always true.
• Human perception can be explained through psychoanalysis.
• Human emotion and behavior are results of what humans perceive.
• Dream analysis can help explain why humans see things differently.



A.) What humans perceive with their senses is not always true.


Einstein believed that what humans perceive with their senses is not always true. He recognized that human perception is limited and can be easily fooled by optical illusions, cultural biases, and other factors. He argued that to truly understand the universe, one must rely on objective scientific observation and use logical reasoning to interpret the data. In other words, he believed that human perception is fallible and that we must use critical thinking and empirical evidence to arrive at accurate conclusions about the world.

how are you inspired by america



Freedom: We have the freedom to do what we want, believe in what we want, and say what we want and to do so without persecution. ...

Diversity: We are a melting pot. ...

Opportunity: This is the land of opportunity. ...

Volunteerism: People in the United States love to help.


Why did James Oglethorpe welcome the War of Jenkins Ear?



So that he could invade Spain


How did the Porfiriato work to attract the FDI? (Foreign Direct Investment)


During the Porfiriato, which refers to the period of Mexican history from 1876 to 1911 when Porfirio Diaz was in power, the government implemented various policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country.

One of the main ways they did this was through the promotion of infrastructure development, such as railways and telegraph lines, which helped to facilitate trade and communication. They also lowered tariffs and taxes on imported goods, making it easier for foreign businesses to operate in Mexico.

In addition, the government encouraged the establishment of foreign-owned companies by offering them concessions and subsidies, as well as protecting their investments through legal and regulatory measures. Diaz's regime also ensured political stability and security for foreign investors, which further enhanced Mexico's appeal as an investment destination.

Overall, the Porfiriato worked to attract FDI by creating a favorable business environment that prioritized economic growth and development. While these policies did benefit foreign investors, they also had negative consequences for many Mexicans, particularly the rural and working-class populations who experienced exploitation and inequality under the Porfirian regime.

To learn more about Porfiriato, click here:



How is Hamlet's anger towards ignorance demonstrated?


Hamlet's anger towards ignorance is demonstrated in several ways throughout the play. A notable examples is in his soliloquy in Act II, Scene 2, where he criticizes the actors who are performing for the court.

"O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! Is it not monstrous that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his own conceit That from her working all his visage wanned, Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect, A broken voice, and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit? And all for nothing!"

In this passage, Hamlet is expressing his frustration with his own inability to take action and his sense of shame and inadequacy in comparison to the actors. He sees their passion and ability to bring their characters to life as a rebuke to his own inaction and lack of conviction.

Overall, Hamlet's anger towards ignorance is a key theme of the play. He is frustrated by the inability of those around him to see the truth and take action, and he sees ignorance as a barrier to justice and morality.

Learn more about Hamlet:



5. Once the British burned down boers homes and farms, they sent remaining families to


concentration camps during the Second Boer War. These camps were overcrowded and unsanitary, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Boer women and children due to disease and malnutrition. The British government claimed that the camps were established to protect Boer civilians from the fighting, but the appalling conditions and high death toll sparked international outrage and criticism. The use of concentration camps during the war has since been widely condemned as a violation of human rights and a dark chapter in British colonial history.


One of the Underground Railroad's main activities was: A. suing slaveholders in federal court to free enslaved people. B. providing weapons to enslaved people who wanted to launch uprisings. C. fighting for equal rights for free African Americans in the North. D. helping formerly enslaved people escape capture. SUBMIT​





If Im wrong my bad

what allowed europeans or eurasians develop immunity to deadly diseases like smallpox measles and influenza


The following factor allowed Europeans or Eurasians to develop immunity to deadly diseases like smallpox measle and influenza:

Europeans and Eurasians were able to develop immunity to deadly diseases like smallpox, measles, and influenza due to a process called natural selection. When humans started living in larger groups and settled in urban areas, they were more exposed to infectious diseases. These diseases spread rapidly, leading to high mortality rates. However, those who survived the infections passed on their genes to their offspring, providing some degree of immunity.Over time, populations with greater immunity to certain diseases had a higher chance of survival and reproduction, leading to the development of genetic resistance. In Europe and Eurasia, exposure to infectious diseases was higher than in other parts of the world due to urbanization, international trade, and colonial expansion. As a result, natural selection favored individuals with genes that provided immunity to these diseases.Historical evidence suggests that European populations had acquired immunity to some diseases before the discovery of America. For instance, smallpox was widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages, and many people developed immunity to it. When Europeans colonized the Americas, they inadvertently brought smallpox and other diseases with them, leading to devastating epidemics that wiped out a large percentage of the indigenous population.

Therefore, we can say Europeans and Eurasians developed immunity to deadly diseases through a combination of genetic resistance and exposure to infections.

19. The Sixteenth Amendment provided for
a. a personal income tax.
b. direct election of senators.
c. prohibition.
d. woman suffrage.
e. abolition of child labor.


The answer is A) personal income tax

27. Which term best characterizes Woodrow Wilson's approach to American foreign policy diplomacy?
a. imperialistic
b. moralistic
c. realistic
d. balance-of-power
e. isolationist


The answer is B) Moralistic

What did the state and federal governments do to encourage railroad construction in the decades after the Civil War?


In the decades following the Civil War, both state and federal governments provided a range of incentives to encourage railroad construction.

The federal government provided subsidies in the form of land grants and loans to railroad companies through legislation such as the Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864. State governments also offered subsidies and tax breaks to railroad companies to encourage them to build lines within their borders. Additionally, many states passed laws allowing railroads to claim private property through eminent domain, which facilitated the acquisition of land for rail lines. These incentives helped spur the rapid expansion of railroads across the United States, particularly in the West. The expansion of railroads had significant economic and social effects, making transportation of goods and people faster, cheaper, and more efficient, and contributing to the growth of industries and settlement in new areas.

Learn more about legislation here:



how did Rome's lower class veiw Julius Caesar?





How did the differing ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union impact global interactions in the late twentieth century


The differing ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union, specifically the ideological divide between capitalism and communism, shaped global interactions in the late twentieth century in a number of ways.

This divide led to the Cold War, a period of intense political and economic tension between the two superpowers, which impacted the world in a number of ways. Firstly, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a global competition for political and economic influence, which led to a number of proxy wars in various regions of the world. For example, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and conflicts in Afghanistan, Angola, and Nicaragua were all seen as proxy wars between the two superpowers.

Learn more about “ capitalism and communism, “ visit here;




How did the differing ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union impact global interactions in the late twentieth century?

Answer: The United States promoted democracy, capitalism, and individual freedom, while the Soviet Union promoted communism, state control of the economy, and collective equality.These conflicting ideologies contributed to the emergence of the Cold War, which was characterized by political tension, military rivalry, and ideological competition between the two superpowers and their respective allies.The Cold War had global implications, as the United States and the Soviet Union competed for influence in various regions of the world through proxy wars, alliances, and aid programs.The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War and a shift in global power dynamics, as the United States emerged as the sole superpower and global leader of the capitalist democratic system.

Explanation: This information can be found in textbooks, or online, using trusted sources such as, .org, .edu, etc.

Which of the following statements about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is true?
A) It forbids discrimination in hiring, firing, and all aspects of the employment relationship.
B) Private-sector employees are not covered under Title VII.
C) It prohibits religious organizations from discriminating in employment on the basis of religion.
D) Private clubs are not exempt from Title VII.



I think it's A

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: In the letter from Nurse Cornelia Hancock to her mother, she discusses the personal costs of the Civil War from her perspective. President Lincoln's address on the Gettysburg battlefield was a public speech prepared for the nation. In what ways do the authors of the poem, letter, and speech form opinions and make arguments and claims about America? How are their arguments alike or different?


The authors of poem, letter, and speech form opinions and make arguments and claims about America in different ways, as their works vary in form and purpose in the battles.

What are battles?

Battles are violent confrontations between two or more groups with opposing goals, typically fought using weapons and military tactics. They can take place on land, at sea, or in the air and can range in scale from small skirmishes to large-scale conflicts involving thousands of soldiers. Battles can have significant historical, cultural, and political significance, often shaping the course of nations and societies. They are typically fought to achieve specific strategic objectives, such as capturing territory or resources, defending against invasion, or achieving political or ideological goals. Battles can have profound and lasting effects on the lives of those involved, causing physical and emotional trauma, and often resulting in death or injury for soldiers and civilians alike.

To learn more about battles, visit:



"I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives. ?"

"We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories. "

"Africa is still lying ready for us it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honorable race the world possesses. "

1. How do these quotes reflect Cecil Rhodes convicts on imperialism?


Rhodes advocated for Anglo-Saxon domination, raw material extraction, and slave labor exploitation through territorial expansion, especially in Africa.

These statements consider Cecil Rhodes' conviction colonialism by uncovering his conviction that the Somewhat English Saxon race was better and had an obligation than colonize and take advantage of different grounds and people groups for their own advantage.

He accepted that extending the English Domain would work on humanity and give new open doors to business, unrefined components, and markets for fabricated products. Rhodes considered colonization to be a way to spread the alleged prevalent culture of the Old English Saxon race and saw different societies as sub-par and needing change.

He put stock in the utilization of modest local work and considered Africa to be an ideal objective for colonization. These statements uncover a profoundly held faith in the prevalence of Western civilization and a conviction that development of the English Realm was a moral and fundamental undertaking.

To learn more about colonialism, refer:



the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand was the result of the combination of what two broad causes of world war i?



Imperialism and Militarism


There were 5 things that caused world war I but Imperialism and Militarism are the main two.

What environmental event occurred at about the same time that the Indus Valley civilization suffered a collapse:


The collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization can be attributed to climate change and its subsequent impact on monsoon patterns. This environmental event disrupted agriculture, water resources, trade, and communication within the civilization, ultimately leading to its decline.

The environmental event that occurred around the same time as the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization was climate change, specifically a significant shift in monsoon patterns. This change led to a decrease in rainfall, which in turn caused severe droughts and reduced the availability of water resources. The Indus Valley Civilization, which thrived between 2600 and 1900 BCE, was highly dependent on the predictable monsoon rains for agriculture and sustenance. As the climate shifted, the monsoon patterns became erratic and less reliable. This impacted crop yields and the civilization's food supply, ultimately contributing to its decline. Moreover, the drying up of the rivers, especially the Saraswati River, led to a decrease in trade and communication among various settlements in the region. The reduced water supply also contributed to the decline of urban centers, forcing people to abandon their cities and move to smaller, rural settlements.

Learn more about Indus Valley Civilization here



Which of the following was not one of the key defining elements of the counter culture movement?

embracing rock and roll music

drug use

a new focus on sexual freedom

conservative political view


Answer: conservative political view


Which of these projects were begun during the Qin Dynasty?

Writing The Book of Songs and Analects
Building a large network of roads and canals
Bookmaking and The Mandate of Heaven
Domesticating horses and the stirrup



Building a large network of roads and canalsExplanation:

Building a large network of roads

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
(07.07 MC)

According to Soviet leadership, what was the only way of ensuring a lasting peace in the world?

Keeping Germany weak
A revolution replacing capitalist elites with a global classless society
A strong United Nations Security Council
Free liberal democracies rather than monarchies throughout the world


Correct option is [B],

According to Soviet leadership, the only way of ensuring a lasting peace in the world was through a revolution replacing capitalist elites with a global classless society.

This idea was based on the Marxist theory of communism, which called for the overthrow of the capitalist class by the working class and the establishment of a socialist society that would eventually evolve into a classless communist society.

Learn more about Soviet leadership


why did president johnson station warships off the dominican coast, use the cia to help engineer a truck drivers' strike that paralyzed chile, and use the cia to urge the chilean military to take action?



President Johnson ordered the stationing of warships off the Dominican coast and the intervention of US troops in the Dominican Republic in 1965 to prevent a perceived communist threat and to stabilize the political situation in the country. In Chile, it was President Nixon who ordered the CIA to engineer a truck drivers' strike in 1972 to put pressure on the government of President Salvador Allende, who had been democratically elected and was seen as a socialist and a potential threat to US interests in the region.

In the case of the Dominican Republic, Johnson was concerned about the possible establishment of a communist government in the country following a military coup that had overthrown the democratically elected president. Johnson believed that such a government could have implications for US national security interests in the Caribbean region. The intervention of US troops in the Dominican Republic was intended to prevent the establishment of a communist government and to stabilize the situation in the country.

In the case of Chile, the Nixon administration was concerned about the election of President Allende, who was seen as a socialist and a potential threat to US economic interests in the region. The truck drivers' strike was one of several covert operations carried out by the CIA to undermine Allende's government and to create instability in the country. The goal of the Nixon administration was to remove Allende from power and to replace him with a more pro-US government. Ultimately, this strategy led to the military coup in Chile in 1973, which resulted in the installation of a right-wing military dictatorship that was supported by the US government.


What was the Republican Party's motivation for nominating Andrew Johnson for vice president?


The Republican Party's motivation for nominating Andrew Johnson for vice president was to create a national unity ticket for the presidential election of 1864 during the American Civil War.

The Civil War had been raging for three years at the time, and President Abraham Lincoln was running for re-election. Lincoln belonged to the Republican Party, which was mostly made up of northerners who opposed slavery and backed the Union cause during the war.

Lincoln's Republican Party nominated Andrew Johnson, a Democratic senator from Tennessee who had stayed faithful to the Union, as his running partner in an effort to extend his support and appeal to Democrats who were loyal to the Union.

For such more question on Civil War:



In Texas elections today, which of the following is most strongly linked to statewide electoral success?a. Raising the least money from Political Action Committees b. Having an advanced degree c. Currently holding officed. Lacking political experience e. Belonging to the Democratic Party


Texas elections are most strongly tied to the statewide electoral success of the Democratic Party. Here option E is the correct answer.

Based on past trends and patterns in Texas politics, belonging to the Republican Party is most strongly linked to statewide electoral success. While factors such as fundraising, education, and political experience can certainly play a role in an individual's success in Texas elections, party affiliation has historically been the strongest predictor of electoral outcomes in the state.

Texas has been a Republican stronghold for several decades, with the party holding most statewide offices and dominating the state legislature. Republican candidates have consistently won the majority of votes in statewide elections, including presidential and gubernatorial races. This trend has remained consistent even in recent years, despite some shifts in demographics and voting patterns.

While the Democratic Party has made some gains in Texas in recent elections, they still face significant challenges in winning statewide races. Factors such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the overall conservative political climate in the state all contribute to the difficulty that Democratic candidates face in Texas.

To learn more about Democratic Party



Which statement explains why the Supreme Court made this declaration?


The Supreme Court made the declaration because constitution guarantees right to privacy for all the citizens.

What is a declaration?

Declaration refers to the series of important declarations made throughout human history that have had significant impacts on politics, society, and culture. Some of the most notable declarations include the Magna Carta, which established the principle of limited government in England in 1215; the Declaration of Independence, which declared the American colonies independent from Great Britain in 1776; and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and outlined basic human rights that should be protected globally. These declarations often represent turning points in history and have helped shape the world as we know it today. They have also served as inspiration for other declarations and movements seeking to promote justice, equality, and freedom.

To learn more about declaration, visit:



Complete Question:

Which statement explains why the Supreme Court made declaration?

A. The Constitution guarantees a right to privacy for all citizens.

B. The Constitution implies protections for rights that are not directly mentioned.

C. The Constitution requires equal protection of the laws for all groups of people.

D. The Constitution grants voting rights to all citizens regardless of race or ethnicity.

what is the short term results and long term implications of new artillery wwi?​


Disease and 'shell shock' were rampant in the trenches.

they were often effectively trapped in the trenches for long periods of time, under nearly constant bombardment, many soldiers suffered from “shell shock,” the debilitating mental illness known today as post-traumatic stress disorder…

The colony of New Netherland was marked by a 1. large, remarkably diverse population. 2. large population consisting almost exclusively of people from France and Spain. 3. small, remarkably homogeneous population. 4. small, remarkably diverse population.


The colony of New Netherland was marked by a B. large, remarkably diverse population.

The Dutch West India Company established New Netherland in 1624, and its main settlement was New Amsterdam, which later became New York City. The Dutch encouraged people from various European nations to settle in the colony, as they aimed to create a thriving trade center. As a result, New Netherland attracted settlers from not only the Netherlands, but also France, Germany, Scandinavia, and other parts of Europe.

This cultural diversity was further amplified by the presence of Native American tribes and enslaved Africans who were brought to the colony. The different ethnicities, religions, and languages in the colony fostered a unique environment, where tolerance and cooperation were necessary for survival and prosperity.

Although the Dutch controlled New Netherland, they allowed a degree of religious freedom and self-governance, which contributed to the colony's diverse population. In 1664, the English captured New Netherland and renamed it New York, but the legacy of its diverse population continued to shape the region's development in the centuries that followed. Therefore, the correct option is B.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

The colony of New Netherland was marked by a

a. large population consisting almost exclusively of people from France and Spain

b. large remarkably diverse population

c. small, remarkably diverse population

d. small, remarkably homogeneous population

Know more about New Netherland here:



Help me please!! Due today! It about a movie “All the president’s Men”

4. Select an action performed by one of the characters in the film
and explain why the character took that action. What motivated him/her? What did this motivation have to do with the theme of the film?

5. Did all of the events portrayed in the film ring true? Describe a scene you found especially accurate. Which sequence(s) didn't seem to match reality? Why?

6. Did you learn anything from the movie? What was it? Be specific and use an
example from the


Read a free sample of Bob Woodward's and Carl Bernstein's book All the President's Men. On the internet, iPad, iPhone, and Android, read millions of eBooks and audiobooks.

What is the topic of the book The President's Men?

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, two of the reporters who looked into the June 1972 break-in at the Watergate Office Building and the ensuing political scandal for The Washington Post, wrote the nonfiction book All the President's Men in 1974.

Why is All the President's Men important literature?

They exemplified the ability of journalists to make people answerable for their actions. They also showed how important journalistic freedom is. Would have happened if the Post hadn't run this piece is impossible to know. The governing class would still be in power.

To know more about All the President's Men visit:-



What did Alexander McGillivray and William McIntosh have in common?


Alexander McGillivray and William McIntosh were both prominent Creek leaders who played important roles in the relations between the Creek Nation and the United States government in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

In the late 18th century, Alexander McGillivray was a mixed-race Creek leader who was influential in negotiating peace treaties between the Creek Nation and the United States government.

He was a powerful orator and diplomat who advocated for the Creek Nation's interests, and his leadership was essential in preserving the Creek Nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity during a period of intense pressure from American settlers and government authorities.

William McIntosh, also known as Tustunnuggee Hutkee or "White Warrior," was another major Creek leader who was involved in the Creek Nation's dealings with the US government.

For such more question on government:



What present day city has been also called Terminus and Marthasville?


The present-day city has been likewise called End and Marthasville Atlanta.

Atlanta was laid out in 1837 as the completion of the Western and Atlantic railroad line (it was first named Marthasville to honor the then-lead delegate's young lady, nicknamed End for its rail area, and afterward changed not long after to Atlanta, the ladylike of Atlantic - - as in the railroad).

In 1843,  Terminus was renamed Marthasville. Martha was the girl of the previous Lead representative Wilson Lumpkin. After two years the city was renamed Atlanta, as a sign of approval for the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta is Georgia's biggest city and the chief exchange and transportation focus of the southeastern US.

Learn more about Atlanta:



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