Which of the following helps in conserving and preserving the biodiversity?


Answer 1

Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life.

Some of the ways to protect biodiversity are:

1Conserve your water use: Fresh bodies of water are essential to biodiversity. Reducing the amount of water you use, by having a 5-minute shower or not running the water when washing up the dishes, can help protect vital wetlands.Plant scientists are also working to help conserve by developing crop varieties that use less water.

2Protect natural habitats: Human impact on the earth can have a devastating impact on biodiversity. Small steps like keeping to walking paths, and not stepping through flowers or crops, can help protect what is growing there.

3Support farmers: Farmers play a key role in conserving biodiversity.

With the help of biotechnology and plant science, farmers can grow more food on the same amount of land. This takes the pressure off the need to convert natural habitats into farmland.

4Reduce, reuse and recycle: Recycling reduces pollution by decreasing energy, electricity, and water consumption and the need for landfills. Not only can you recycle bottles and cans, but your local recycling center will usually allow you to recycle clothes, electrical goods and batteries.Programs around the world have collected and recycled almost 800,000 metric tons of empty pesticide containers and agricultural plastics in the last thirteen years. That is more than the weight of 100 Eiffel Towers.

5Plant local flowers, fruits and vegetables: Research the plants and vegetables that are local to your area and grow a variety. Each plant and vegetable helps to protect biodiversity and supports the wider ecosystem of your local area.

6Help the bees: Bees pollinate nearly 90% of plant species and they contribute to more than 35% of the world’s food supply, but they’re under threat from varroa mites. Plant scientists are developing cutting edge crop protection products to help farmers control the mites and protect precious bee populations.

)Educate yourself and others: Educating people about the importance of biodiversity conservation increases public awareness of the issue. As public awareness increases, people become more involved in caring about their environment.

Related Questions

What patterns, if any, are formed by the rates of
evolution in different lineages?



There are several patterns that have been observed in the rates of evolution in different lineages. One of the most notable patterns is the concept of molecular clock, which is the idea that certain molecular changes in DNA occur at a constant rate over time. This allows scientists to estimate the amount of time that has passed since two species diverged from a common ancestor by comparing the differences in their DNA. Other patterns that have been observed include the idea of punctuated equilibrium, which is the idea that evolution occurs in bursts of rapid change followed by long periods of stasis, and the Red Queen hypothesis, which suggests that species must constantly evolve in order to keep up with their constantly changing environments.

Movement of water molecules along their concentration gradient through a selectively permeable membrane is known as







B. Osmosis

is the answer

FILL IN THE BLANK. if a sperm cell contains 8 chromosomes, it comes from an animal that has ______ chromosomes.


If a sperm cell contains 8 chromosomes, it comes from an animal that has 16 chromosomes.

This is because the animal's sperm cells and egg cells (also known as gametes) contain half the number of chromosomes as the animal's somatic cells (also known as diploid cells). During fertilization, the sperm cell and egg cell combine to form a zygote, which contains the full complement of chromosomes for the animal. For example, a human sperm cell contains 23 chromosomes, and a human egg cell contains 23 chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes in the fertilized egg.

FILL IN THE BLANK. a thin, stained slice of tissue mounted on a microscope is called a __________.


A thin, stained slice of tissue mounted on a microscope is called a Histological Section.

Utmost histological sections are 2D slices, from a 3D piece of towel. Exactly what will be seen on the microscope slide depends on the aeroplane of the section; that is, the position of the microtome cut, in relation to the anatomical structures in the towel.

 Clinicians attempt to cut apkins in a aeroplane that allows the beginning structure of that towel to be seen and interpreted most fluently. For illustration, sections of the intestine and skin are generally cut in transverse section( across the tube), so that all layers of the towel are visible. also, skin sections are cut vertical to the face of the skin. Situating the towel before bedding and knowing its exposure are, thus, critically important, so that the sectioning is done in the correct aeroplane .

For vivisection samples there's no latitude for deciding the aeroplane of the section, as the direction of the needletract determines what towel is available and how it's acquainted. Pathologists anticipate to view sections in their stylish exposure as this also gives them the stylish occasion of relating abnormalities. numerous anatomical structures aren't readily visible in thin, 2D sections, simply because utmost of the structure isn't present. In this case, the 3D structure needs to be interpreted from what can be seen. 

For more such questions about Histological section-



the release of insulin from the pancreatic beta cells can inhibit further release of insulin from the same cells. this is an example of which type of hormone action?


Insulin released from pancreatic beta cells may prevent more insulin release from the same cell. This is an illustration of how an autocrine hormone works.

Insulin is released when glucose and other carbohydrates that are digested by islets are consumed. The liver absorbs glucose & stores it as glycogen when the pancreatic B cells are activated too release insulin into to the circulation. Insulin then travels to body cells to help them absorb more glucose. Increased blood glucose levels cause insulin to be released. The – angiotensin – aldosterone system somatostatin is secreted by the delta cell, which makes up 4% of the islet cells. The islets of Langerhans' delta cells release somatostatin, which prevents the pancreas from secreting insulin. Several agonists, including prostaglandins, galanin, somatostatin, and norepinephrine

(The release of insulin from the pancreatic beta cells can inhibit its further release from the same cells. This is an example of _______ hormone action.





Learn more about insulin



Imagine an audience/group of peers, parents, community members. What questions
would you ask them to get them talking to each other and sharing ideas about the
ethics of your case?



Ask questions like...

What would you do if you were in this situation?

What should be the consequences of this person's (someone involved in the case) actions? And is this justified/were there actions justified?

How could someone's background influence their positions in the case and do you share any of these qualities?


Ask questions that cause the audience to take a personal approach in an ethics case in order to help them become more engaged.

if the genotype aa is embryonic lethal and the genotype aa is fully viable but sterile, what genotype frequency would be found in adults in an equilibrium population for a heterozygous genotype?


Due to their sterility and lethality, AA and AA are unable to breed. Because all AA would perish, only heterozygotes would produce 2/3 Aa and 1/3 aa. The idea of random mating is not required.

A person having the genotype Aa can produce both A and a gametes. Given that this is a random process, the person will typically produce an equal quantity of each gamete. (For each gamete, the frequency is half.)

Homozygotes are people having the genotypes AA and aa (i.e., they have two copies of the same allele).

People who have the genotype Aa are heterozygotes (i.e., they have two different alleles at the A locus).

Learn more about " heterozygotes genotypes " to visit here;



Which of the following is the biodiversity hot spot?OceansRiversDesertsForests




at a synapse, the neuron that releases neurotransmitter is the neuron. multiple choice question. presynaptic postsynaptic


Presynaptic neuron

Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves and their conversion to fluid waves through the ear and hearing apparatus.
auricle, auditory canal, tympanic membrane, malleous, incus, stapes, oval window, scala vestibuli, cochlear duct, scala tympani, secondary tympanic membrane


Auricle, auditory canal, malleous, incus, stapes, oval window, cochlear duct, scala tympani, secondary tympanic membrane, and tympanic membrane

Why is the auditory canal necessary?

The external auditory meatus of the ear receives the sound waves and directs them there to be amplified. The flexible, oval membrane known as the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, is situated at the outer end of the ear canal.

What happens if the tympanic membrane is hurt?

When the eardrum ruptures, there is a hole or tear in the thin tissue separating the ear canal from the middle ear (tympanic membrane perforation) (eardrum). An eardrum rupture may lead to hearing loss. This could make the middle ear more prone to infections.

What is the main function of the cochlear duct?

The cochlea, a hollow spiral-shaped bone found in the inner ear, is crucial to hearing and participates in auditory transduction. The brain transforms sound waves into distinct sound frequencies using electrical impulses.

Learn more about auditory canal here:



Enzyme are added to a chemical reaction to lower the activation energy. What i an enzyme claified a?

a catalyt
an inhibitor
an accelerator
a depreant


Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed in the process.

Enzymes are molecules that increase the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. Activation energy is the amount of energy that is required to initiate a chemical reaction.

Enzymes are classified as catalysts, inhibitors, accelerators, or depressants, depending on their function in the reaction. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without itself being changed in the process. This is the most common type of enzyme, and they are responsible for the majority of biochemical reactions that occur in living organisms. Inhibitors are molecules that reduce the rate of a reaction by binding to the enzyme and slowing or stopping its activity.

Accelerators are molecules that increase the rate of a reaction by increasing the binding affinity of the enzyme for its substrate. Depressants are molecules that reduce the rate of a reaction by decreasing the binding affinity of the enzyme for its substrate.

Enzymes are important components of all biochemical reactions, as they are responsible for lowering the activation energy of the reaction and increasing the rate at which it occurs.

Without enzymes, many biochemical reactions would simply not occur in living organisms, as the activation energy required for them to occur would be too high. By adding enzymes to a chemical reaction, the activation energy is lowered and the reaction can occur more quickly and efficiently.

Learn more about Enzymes at :https://brainly.com/question/14953274


Evidence to why cetaceans closest living relative is the hippopotamus


The closest living relatives of the hippopotamus are cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc. ), from which they diverged about 55 million years ago.

Hippopotamus and whales may look different in so many ways, but they are actually each others' closest living relatives, sharing a common ancestor that lived about 55 million years ago. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, the closest living relatives of the hippopotamoids are cetaceans.

All cetaceans, including whales, dolphins, and porpoises, are descendants of land-living mammals. Cetaceans evolved from a group of mammals that include hoofed or “even-toed” ungulates such as cattle, deer, and sheep. The hippopotamus is the closest living ancestor to the cetacean group.

Whales and hippos share several adaptations to life in an aquatic environment, including oil-producing skin glands, the lack of hair, and the use of underwater vocalizations for communication.

Comparison of even-toed ungulate and cetaceans genetic material has shown that the closest living relatives of whales and hippopotamuses is the paraphyletic group Artiodactyl. Studies have suggested that the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) might be more closely related to the order Artiodactyl.

To learn more about cetaceans,



the hereditary determinant of a trait or a section of dna that codes for a protein. State True or False your answer:
a. True
b. False



a. True


Gene: A segment of a DNA molecule (a sequence of bases) that codes for a particular protein and determines the traits (phenotype) of the individual. A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.

Mineralized remains of organisms and the rock layers in which they were found, shows where and when dead organisms lived and how they were structured. is the meaning of _____


Mineralized remains of organisms and the rock layers in which they were found, shows where and when dead organisms lived and how they were structured. is the meaning of evidence of the existence of living organisms in the past, and they can provide information about the conditions and environments in which these organisms lived

Mineralized remains are fossilized remains of organisms that have been preserved in rock. They can include bones, shells, and other hard structures that have been replaced by minerals over time. The rock layers in which these remains are found can provide information about the age and environment of the organisms, as well as their evolutionary relationships to other organisms. By studying mineralized remains and the rock layers in which they were found, scientists can learn about the history of life on Earth and how different organisms have evolved and adapted to their environments over time. In summary, "mineralized remains of organisms and the rock layers in which they were found" refers to evidence of past life that can provide information about where and when dead organisms lived and how they were structured.

To know more about minerals



between which two genes would you expect the highest frequency of recombination?


We can deduce from the list of chromosomes and the aforementioned question that we should expect 15% recombination between the W and G genes since the map distance between them is equivalent to 15 centimorgans. It's a choice (B).

What is centimorgan?

The unit for describing a 1% recombination frequency used to measure map distance is the centimorgan (cM). The lowest frequency of recombination, or 3%, is predicted to occur between W and E based on this criterion, we can deduce. Assume P is the epistatic gene in charge of regulating the development of the tail.

The male lacks a tail and is recessive homozygous for the tail length gene, so the genotype of the male is PPtt, in accordance with the question, and the genotype of the female is ppTT. The dominant epistatic allele P specifies that there is no tail formation in the female, who has a long tail. The genotype PpTt and phenotype "no tails" are present in the offspring that is born following mating. Two springs with the same PpTt genotype are being crossed right now. In order to determine the resulting ratio, Punnett square can be used.

To know more about genes visit:



Complete question is " The following is a map of four genes on a chromosome. A---5--W--3--E------12------G. Between which two genes would you expect the highest frequency of recombination?

a. A and G

b. W and G

c. W and E

d. A and W

e. E and G".

classify each phrase as applying to the lytic cycle, the lysogenic cycle, or both types of reproductive cycles of phages. drag the descriptions into the appropriate bins.


Lytic: New phages are assembled from viral DNA and Proteins,  cell is lysed, and the host is destroyed.

Lysogenic: Cell reproduces normally, and the viral DNA integrates into the chromosome of the host cell.

Both: Viral genes are being replicated.

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Proteins perform various features on our body to keep us healthy. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade, and height. Few genes act as commands to make molecules referred to as proteins.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/19947953


the most common type of regenerated fiber, which is derived from cellulose and is mostly plant in origin, is rayon.



Happy Holidays!

which is more likely to result in a nonfunctional protein insertion of one base or insertion of 3 base


A frameshift mutation is more likely to cause a protein to become dysfunctional. A point mutation might preserve the original amino acid sequence and the resulting protein, acting as a quiet mutation.

A frameshift mutation changes the base sequence in codons by causing the insertion and deletion of nucleotide bases. This alters the AA (amino acid) sequence and the proteins that follow. A silent mutation, which is a component of a point mutation, preserves the AA sequence and the protein that follows.

A frameshift mutation is a genetic change brought on by an insertion or deletion that changes how the DNA sequence is read. A chain of numerous smaller molecules known as nucleotides makes up a DNA sequence. Codons are units of reading that consist of three nucleotides and are used to represent specific amino acids or stop signals in DNA (or RNA) nucleotide sequences. To create a chain of amino acids and a protein, the codon sequence is read sequentially from the nucleotide sequence during translation.

To konw more about frameshift mutation :-



Kepler’s first law states that the orbits of planets are ellipses with the Sun at one



Kepler's First Law: each planet's orbit about the Sun is an ellipse. The Sun's center is always located at one focus of the orbital ellipse. The Sun is at one focus. The planet follows the ellipse in its orbit, meaning that the planet to Sun distance is constantly changing as the planet goes around its orbit

what is the term for the concept that two species cannot occupy the same ecological niche simultaneously and continuously?


The term for the concept that two species cannot occupy the same ecological niche simultaneously and continuously is called the competitive exclusion principle.

When there are two species that have exactly the same functions and positions in an ecological niche, then this means that these species cannot co-exist in that ecosystem. Such a competition between two species is referred to as the competitive exclusion principle.

According to the competitive exclusion principle, the two species have the same position in the ecological niche which means that they will fight for the same resources and space. Hence, it is not possible for these two species to survive together in an ecological niche.

To learn more about niche, click here:



How are bacteria cells different from cells of other organisms?
a) they dont have a flagella
b) they dont have a nucleus
c) they dont have cytoplasm
d) they dont have a cell membrane



They don't have a Cell membrane and a well defined nucleus.

but in this question answer will be option D

The answer is B. They don’t have a nucleus because their genetic material is in a loop in the cell.

what are some ways to stop coral bleaching and what is your opinion about coral bleaching?


The ways to stop coral bleaching and what is your opinion about coral bleaching are:

When you visit coral reefs, dive responsibly.Wear sunscreen that is reef-friendly.Consume sustainable seafood.Green up your lawn care.Be a volunteer!Never leave a trace and Be water wise.

What is my opinion about coral bleaching?

Events of coral bleaching that cause a considerable loss of coral can cause dramatic changes in fish communities. This may result in fewer catches for fishermen pursuing reef fish species, which may have an effect on the availability of food and related economic activity.

Corals will eject the algae (zooxanthellae) dwelling in their tissues if the water is too warm, which will turn the coral entirely white. The term for this is coral bleaching.

Therefore, Climate change is the main factor causing coral bleaching. A warming globe results in a hotter ocean, and coral can drive away algae with a shift in water temperature of as little as 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Other factors, such as incredibly low tides, pollution, or too much sunlight, can also cause coral to bleach.

Learn more about coral bleaching from


FILL IN THE BLANK. in the accompanying figure, the chance that individual iii-2 is a heterozygous carrier is ________.


in the accompanying figure, the chance that individual iii-2 is a heterozygous carrier is 100%.

'What is heterozygous carrier?'

The words "hetero" and "zygous," which refer to a fertilized egg or zygote respectively, are combined to form the word "heterozygous."

In Heterozygous, Each pair of chromosomes in a diploid animal contains two alleles, one from the father and one from the mother, for each gene that determines a trait. A gene can exist in two or more different forms, known as alleles, and they can all be present at the same location, or locus, on a chromosome. The term "heterozygous" describes the presence of several alleles for a given trait. You have a heterozygous genotype for that gene if the two versions differ from one another. Which qualities are expressed depends on how the two alleles are related.

know more about chromosomes here



orographic lifting is related to mountain barriers, and it is often associated with ________.


Orographic lifting is related to mountain barriers, and it is often associated with desert conditions on the leeward side of the mountains and excessive rainfall on the windward side.

When air masses have been forced to flow over high topography, the orographic effect occurs. Cooling occurs as air rises placed above a white mountains, and water vapour condenses. As a result, rain is commonly concentrated here on windward side of mountains and increases with elevation in the path of storm tracks.

Whenever an air mass is compelled to rise from a low elevation as it moves placed above a white rising terrain. As the air mass ascends, it rapidly cools adiabatically, raising the relative humidity to 100% and causing clouds as well as, under the right circumstances, precipitation.

Identical to orographic, when air is forced to rise as well as cool due to landscape features such as hills or mountains, this is referred to as lifting. Water vapour condenses into clouds if the temperature is low enough. Rain or snow provide additional cooling.

To know more about the Orographic lifting, here



if a cell in g1 has 22 unduplicated chromosomes (11 pairs), then how many total chromatids will the cell have during the g2 phase of the cell cycle?


If a cell in g1 has 22 unduplicated chromosomes (11 pairs), then there are 12 chromosomes present in the G1 phase. DNA doubles in size during the S phase of the cell cycle. As a result, there are still 12 chromosomes towards the conclusion of the second growth phase or premitotic gap period, but there are 24 sister chromatids.

The number of chromosomes does not change even while the number of chromatids doubles. The number of chromatids will be 24 and the number of chromosomes in the G 2 phase will be the same as 12. As a result, choice A is the right response.

The second gap phase, also known as the end subscript phase, is a period of increased cell growth, production of proteins and organelles, and internal structure remodeling as the cell gets ready for mitosis.

To know more about g2 phase :-



Scientists remove the gene Gclc from T-cells in a mouse. Which of the following will happen?
a.The mouse will make too much glutathione.
b.The mouse will die.
c.The mouse will make normal glutathione.
d.The mouse will not make glutathione.


The removal of GCLC gene from the T cells of the mice will result in: (d.) The mouse will not make glutathione.

HCLC gene encodes the information for the synthesis of the enzyme glutamate cysteine ligase. This enzyme is crucial as it catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the process of synthesis of glutathione. Hence, if the gene in knocked out from the mice, no glutathione will be formed.

Glutathione is an antioxidant made from the amino acids  glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acids. It helps in protecting the body of living organisms from harmful substances like reactive oxygen species, free radicals, peroxides, etc.

To know more about glutathione, here



two identical daughter cells results from mitosis and cytokinesis. in what ways are they “identical”


Two daughter cells produced from mitosis and cytokinesis are "identical" in the sense that they have the same genetic makeup as the parent cell from which they were produced. This means that they have the same number of chromosomes and the same genetic material (DNA) as the parent cell. As a result, the two daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell from which they were produced. This is different from meiosis, in which the daughter cells produced are not genetically identical to each other or to the parent cell.

The two daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells. Also they both have the same number of chromosomes, which is also the same number as the parent cells. Pls give brainliest if this helped! :))

At an archeological site, you discover a bone that is cylindrical in shape, about one inch long and a quarter of an inch wide. Choose the correct classification.

a. Short

b. Irregular

c. Long

d. Sesamoid


The cylindrical-shaped bone is about one inch long and a quarter of an inch wide is a short bone.

Bones are made from calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and different minerals, as well as the protein collagen. Bones function as the skeleton of the human body, permitting frame elements to move and protective organs from effect harm. they also produce pink and white blood cells.

Bones offer support for our bodies and assist form our shape. Even though they may be very light, bones are sturdy enough to help our entire weight. Bones also shield the frame's organs. The skull protects the mind and paperwork the shape of the face.

Learn more about bones here:-https://brainly.com/question/412179


in the absence of chromosomal rearrangements, what are the most likely karyotypes of a newborn baby with 47 chromo- somes? with 45 chromosomes?


The chromosomal rearrangements in the baby with karyotypes of 47 chromosomes will be XXY and 45 chromosomes will be XO.

The presence of 47 chromosomes in the baby is characteristics of trisomy that is Klinefelter syndrome and that of 45 chromosome is characteristics of Turners syndrome. It is a condition caused by monosomy because during chromosomal movement, the unequal distribution of chromosomal pairs takes place and one of the gamete gets more chromosome while it is reduced for another. In XXY pairs, the gender of baby is male with some features of females such as enlarged breasts, thick thighs etc. In XO pair, the gender of baby is female but the features are not developed well in adult.

Learn more about Klinefelter syndrome at:



Lesson Two
Cell structure (P2) (89
1- Which of the following organelles is less affected by the lipid solvents?
c) Lysosome.
d) Plastid
a) Mitochondrion.
b) Ribosome.


C) Lysosome

Lysosomes are organelles found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. They are small, spherical vesicles that contain a range of hydrolytic enzymes, which are enzymes that break down molecules by adding water. These enzymes help the cell to digest and recycle its own molecules, as well as to break down foreign substances that enter the cell.

One of the key characteristics of lysosomes is that they are relatively resistant to the effects of lipid solvents, such as alcohols and detergents. This is because the membrane of a lysosome is composed of a special type of lipid called sphingomyelin, which is more resistant to these solvents than other types of lipids.

In contrast, the other organelles listed (mitochondria, ribosomes, and plastids) are more susceptible to the effects of lipid solvents. The membranes of these organelles are composed of more common types of lipids, such as phospholipids, which are more easily disrupted by solvents. Therefore, lysosomes are less affected by lipid solvents than the other organelles listed.

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