Which excerpt from The Odyssey demonstrate the importance of loyalty in Greek society?

“O Father, all my life like your fame
as a fighting man has echoed in my ears”
“Suppose Athena’s arm is over us, and Zeus
her father’s, must I rack my brains for more?”
But when he knew he heard
Odysseus’ voice nearby, he did his best to wag his tail
Odysseus only shook his head, containing
thoughts of bloody work, as he walked on


Answer 1


(A) or “O Father, all my life like your fame

as a fighting man has echoed in my ears”


Answer 2

The excerpt from The Odyssey which demonstrates the importance of loyalty in Greek society is:

A. “O Father, all my life like your fame  as a fighting man has echoed in my ears”

According to the given question, we are asked to show the detail about Greek society which underscores the importance of loyalty.

As a result of this, we can see that the detail which can be gotten from the excerpt which shows the importance of loyalty in Greek society is that the speaker talks about the fame of his father as a great fighter spurs him.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A

Read more here:


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What can those unfamiliar experiences/customs add our experiences, and how can they help shape us as people?


Answer: Our beliefs and needs are the strongest factors that govern our behaviour. Ultimately, it all comes down to beliefs because a need is also a belief- a belief that we lack something.

When we’re born, our brains aren’t fully developed. We’re ready to collect information from our environment and form beliefs based on that information. We’re ready to form those neural connections that are going to guide us for the rest of our lives.

If you’ve carefully observed a child grow then you know what I’m talking about. A child absorbs information from its environment so fast and at such a high rate that by age 6, thousands of beliefs form in its mind- beliefs that will help the kid interact with the world.

(hopefully this is what you mean)

Answer: Our beliefs and needs are the strongest factors that govern our behaviour. Ultimately, it all comes down to beliefs because a need is also a belief- a belief that we lack something.

When we’re born, our brains aren’t fully developed. We’re ready to collect information from our environment and form beliefs based on that information. We’re ready to form those neural connections that are going to guide us for the rest of our lives.

If you’ve carefully observed a child grow then you know what I’m talking about. A child absorbs information from its environment so fast and at such a high rate that by age 6, thousands of beliefs form in its mind- beliefs that will help the kid interact with the world.

(hopefully this is what you mean)

Read the excerpt from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; This excerpt is an example of




This excerpt is an example of soliloquy, as the  excerpt from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

What is soliloquy?

A soliloquy is an actor's only line in a play, and the term comes from the Latin words solus, which means "alone," and loqui, which means "to speak." Usually, formal or literary language is used, as in Hamlet's soliloquies.

A monologue spoken by a single character in a play is referred to as a soliloquy. Shakespeare's plays usually begin with a character saying something along the lines of "Now I am alone," for example. You are also conscious of the commencement of a soliloquy.

Never forget that the main character of a soliloquy is speaking just to himself and not to anybody else, not even the audience.

Thus, it is soliloquy.

For more information about soliloquy, click here:



subject is. my hobby example my hobby is drawing and I do my hobby in my free time why I like to draw and why I'm choose that hobby, ​




my hobby is designing and reading novels

because  i am good at it and its cool to me

cause its makes me feel good

at my leisure time or free time


My hobby is coding

because I'm good at it and it's fun.

I like to code on ''Scratch'' if you know that, follow me at Scratchycats08



Deena pressed her hands against the heavy oak window frame and pushed
upward. In rushed the jarring sounds of honking horns and screeching tires
and the pungent smells of exhaust and uncollected trash, all piggybacking on
a welcome current of cool air. Deena had been in the one-room apartment
nearly two months now and had managed to acquire no more than a small cot
in the corner opposite the door, a folding table and two chairs beside the
window, and an assortment of milk crates in which to store her meager
1. Select a phrase from the text that uses vivid language to give a positive feeling.
a. heavy oak window frame
c. welcome current of cool air
b. no more than a small cot
d. assortment of milk crates



welcome current of cool air


(C)  welcome current of cool air


what is an atom? ......​



An atom is a smallest partical that takes part in chemical reaction.

Atom is divided into three basic parts:

electrons protons neutrons

hope it helped you:)

write a letter to your head discussing how moral lessons can be installed in student.



Moral lessons can be installed in student like me because it could help me to be productive and have a wide range of knowledge on how things should be handled on my own way




Students are not robots.

I need an essay to write for bullying I don’t know what to write tho I need an answer by 3:50


What are you writing about ex:
effects of bullying
why bullying is bad
how to stop bullying



wow fr no way that happens all the time




The central idea of the Peom "I wondered Lonley As a Cloud" is Nature is the most beautiful part of the world.


The reason behind this is in the poem, daffodils represent the beauty and merry-making of nature. According to the poet, the moments he spent watching the daffodils are the best moments of his life.

The most prevalent themes in this poem are overcoming feelings of sadness and the beauty of nature. It is thanks to the beauty of a field of daffodils that the poet happens upon that he is able to leave his feelings of melancholy behind.

Who Inglis’s intended audience


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Who is Inglis' target audience in "The Deceiver Unmasked"?


Inglis' target audience was the Loyalists.


Inglis considered himself a loyalist, which is a group of colonists who maintained their allegiances to the British crown and despised the movements that sought the independence of the 13 colonies, seeing this as a betrayal and an ultrage.

Inglis then decided to write "The Deceiver Unmasked" in order to reach an audience that, like him, shared loyalist ideas, where he criticized the concepts defended in "Common sense" as well as those that defended the creation of the USA.

what is it that drives people to a xenophobic mentality?


People who express xenophobia are often those who believe that they are of the superior/majority race, and often lack understanding towards other races. Thus, it is easy for them to have misconceptions of other races and their cultures, resulting in them generalising them under negative stereotypes, expressing xenophobic behaviour.

Which sentence best illustrates the exposition in "​ R.M.S. Titanic"? A. "The dense throngs stood quiet as the first survivor stepped down the gangway." B. "Her bulk dwarfed the ships near her as longshoremen singled up her mooring lines and cast off the turns of heavy rope from the dock bollards." C. "It explodes, and a parachute of white stars lights up the icy sea." D. "Out of the dark she came, a vast, dim, white, monstrous shape, directly in the Titanic’s path."


C. Her bulk dwarfed the ships near her as the longshoremen singled up her mooring lines and cast off the turns of heavy rope from the dock bollards


its b, trust me


i took the test bby ;)

100 points and I will give brainleist For this project, you will be writing a story (either fiction or non-fiction) in the first-person point of view. can u plz write a short story



There was once a woman who was very, very cheerful, though she had little to make her so; for she was old, and poor, and lonely. She lived in a little bit of a cottage and earned a scant living by running errands for her neighbours, getting a bite here, a sup there, as reward for her services. So she made shift to get on, and always looked as spry and cheery as if she had not a want in the world.

Now one summer evening, as she was trotting, full of smiles as ever, along the high road to her hovel, what should she see but a big black pot lying in the ditch!

"Goodness me!" she cried, "that would be just the very thing for me if I only had something to put in it! But I haven't! Now who could have left it in the ditch?"

And she looked about her expecting the owner would not be far off; but she could see nobody.

"Maybe there is a hole in it," she went on, "and that's why it has been cast away. But it would do fine to put a flower in for my window; so I'll just take it home with me."

And with that she lifted the lid and looked inside. "Mercy me!" she cried, fair amazed. "If it isn't full of gold pieces. Here's luck!"

And so it was, brimful of great gold coins. Well, at first she simply stood stock-still, wondering if she was standing on her head or her heels. Then she began saying:

"Lawks! But I do feel rich. I feel awful rich!"

After she had said this many times, she began to wonder how she was to get her treasure home. It was too heavy for her to carry, and she could see no better way than to tie the end of her shawl to it and drag it behind her like a go-cart.

"It will soon be dark," she said to herself as she trotted along. "So much the better! The neighbours will not see what I'm bringing home, and I shall have all the night to myself, and be able to think what I'll do! Mayhap I'll buy a grand house and just sit by the fire with a cup o' tea and do no work at all like a queen. Or maybe I'll bury it at the garden foot and just keep a bit in the old china teapot on the chimney-piece. Or maybe—Goody! Goody! I feel that grand I don't know myself."

By this time she was a bit tired of dragging such a heavy weight, and, stopping to rest a while, turned to look at her treasure.

And lo! it wasn't a pot of gold at all! It was nothing but a lump of silver.

She stared at it, and rubbed her eyes, and stared at it again.

"Well! I never!" she said at last. "And me thinking it was a pot of gold! I must have been dreaming. But this is luck! Silver is far less trouble—easier to mind, and not so easy stolen. Them gold pieces would have been the death o' me, and with this great lump of silver—"

So she went off again planning what she would do, and feeling as rich as rich, until becoming a bit tired again she stopped to rest and gave a look round to see if her treasure was safe; and she saw nothing but a great lump of iron!

"Well! I never!" says she again. "And I mistaking it for silver! I must have been dreaming. But this is luck! It's real convenient. I can get penny pieces for old iron, and penny pieces are a deal handier for me than your gold and silver. Why! I should never have slept a wink for fear of being robbed. But a penny piece comes in useful, and I shall sell that iron for a lot and be real rich—rolling rich."

So on she trotted full of plans as to how she would spend her penny pieces, till once more she stopped to rest and looked round to see her treasure was safe. And this time she saw nothing but a big stone.

"Well! I never!" she cried, full of smiles. "And to think I mistook it for iron. I must have been dreaming. But here's luck indeed, and me wanting a stone terrible bad to stick open the gate. Eh my! but it's a change for the better! It's a fine thing to have good luck."

So, all in a hurry to see how the stone would keep the gate open, she trotted off down the hill till she came to her own cottage. She unlatched the gate and then turned to unfasten her shawl from the stone which lay on the path behind her. Aye! It was a stone sure enough. There was plenty light to see it lying there, douce and peaceable as a stone should.

So she bent over it to unfasten the shawl end, when—"Oh my!" All of a sudden it gave a jump, a squeal, and in one moment was as big as a haystack. Then it let down four great lanky legs and threw out two long ears, nourished a great long tail and romped off, kicking and squealing and whinnying and laughing like a naughty, mischievous boy!

The old woman stared after it till it was fairly out of sight, then she burst out laughing too.

"Well!" she chuckled, "I am in luck! Quite the luckiest body hereabouts. Fancy my seeing the Bogey-Beast all to myself; and making myself so free with it too! My goodness! I do feel that uplifted—that GRAND!"—

So she went into her cottage and spent the evening chuckling over her good luck.




One day, on a sunny morning i went for a nice walk on our local gravel road just watching nature and walking. The birds singing their songs, deer jumping over the thick grass in the woods, and the rabbits hopping through the cow pastor just ahead. All of the sudden a little baby calf come running out of the pastor and starts bucking me and nibbiling my hand.. She would not leave me alone! I took her back home and showed my family and then i took her back to our landlord. When we arrived he pulled up in his truck laughing. He said "Ah, i see you have found the calf we have been bottle feeding" I said "yea, she wont leave me alone!" He said "well, ill go ahead and take er' on back." I said "sounds good!"


Which statement best identifies the central idea of the passage “Alexander the Great”?



Alexander expanded his empire, thus spreading

Greek culture.


elect the correct answer.
Dickens is known to use caricature in his stories to criticize social problems and the evils of society. Note the words he uses to
describe the characters in the story.
What tone does the author use in the passage when discussing the board of gentlemen?
O cheerful
O aggressive


Answer:elect the correct answer. Dickens is known to use caricature in his stories to criticize social problems and the evils of society. Note the words he u … ses to describe the characters in the story. What tone does the author use in the passage when discussing the board of gentlemen?


13. Which of the following excerpts most effectively uses imagery?



A. the top one. 1. the one that starts with Emmit


the correct answer is A

Is that the right answer


yess that is the right answer

What is the central idea of Langston Hughes’s poem “Dreams”? Dreams provide hope for people’s lives. Dreams allow people to rest and relax. Dreams remind people of past experiences. Dreams predict people’s successes and failures.



the anser is (A)


i took test .


the correct answer is A


ust took the quiz on edguniuty

Change into passive 1. He goes for walk everyday 2. He read the newspaper everyday 3. Aslam buy new shoes on eid 4. The poor man lives with difficulty 5. This guy is always making noise





Which examples are dynamic characters? Choose three correct answers.
Ebenezer Scrooge, who was very stingy, becomes generous after he is visited by his ghost.
Harry Potter matures from regular kid to powerful young wizard.
Waverly Jong’s mom is overbearing and superficial from the beginning of the story to the end.
The principal of Nancy Lee’s school is supportive and helpful throughout the story.
Cinderella is transformed from maid to princess living in a castle.



A. E. Scrooge

B. Harry Potter

E. Cinderella


They all transformed to a different character throughout the story

AnswA. E. Scrooge

B. Harry Potter

E. Cinderellaer:


the man cut down a tree in passive​


The tree was cut down by the man

Using knowledge of the Latin prefix "extra," which word
best defines "extravagance" in paragraph 9?


Answer:2: luxury


I know this because if you go to paragraph 9 you will see that it’s says “it was a extravagance we couldn’t afford.” So that must mean that it was luxury and cost to much money.

what types of textual evidence are strictly factual​



Something that is factual is concerned with facts or contains facts, rather than giving theories or personal interpretations.


The textual evidence that can be considered strictly factual comes under the category of logical appeal.

What is the logical appeal?

For proving the point or for claiming that the thing that one wants to prove, all that is required is evidence. Basically, there are two points of evidence; one is verbal and the second is textual.

When it is about verbal evidence, then it can be a person that can use their words to give support in favour of the person who wants to prove their point.

When it is about textual evidence, then it can be statistics, expert authority, interviews, observations, inputs, personal experience, and many more. All these are considered strong evidence as they provide structural information about anything.

As a result, they all fall under the same logical appeal because they all provide factual data.

Learn more about the appeal here:



what changes occurred in the aftermath of the tragedy within what time period did the changes happen? (tragedy as in triangle factory fire)



In Manhattan, New York City, on 25 March 1911, the disastrous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire took place.

It was confirmed that 146 individuals died of asphyxiation, smoke inhalation, fire burns, collapsing buildings that caved under pressure and damaged buildings, and there were others who leapt to their deaths.

In the wake of the horrific incident,

Between 1911 and 1913, 60 new regulations were introduced that mandated better entry to and escape from houses, as well as numerous other safety procedures, including but not limited to fireproofing standards, fire extinguishers construction, fire alarm devices and automatic sprinklers, etc. The legislation further established services for employees' comfort and set a limit on the number of hours women and children could operate in a day.The establishment of the Factory Investigation Committee by the New York State legislature is another shift that has arisen.

The American Society of Safety Workers was commissioned in New York City on October 14th 1911 with the objective of investigating situations within and beyond New York City to discover situations that can be prevented using the power of the legislature.


Which sentence is a run-on?
All of the houses on our block have spacious yards with large evergreen trees.
The video game uses new technology it makes the setting more realistic.
Mr. McBride checked the local weather forecast before he set sail for the day.
Mrs. Neely enjoys working in her garden filled with colorful plants and flowers.


The video game uses new technology it makes the setting more realistic.

There's supposed to be a period or semi-colon in between technology and it.

Answer: its B


Narrative essay exampl


Here is an example hope this helps you

Which do you need more of in order to increase your reading speed?
The desire to improve
The motivation to practice
The willingness to try new techniques
All three are needed equally



D. all three are needed equally


takin test rn




Which source would you use to find a synonym for a word? dictionary encyclopedia glossary thesaurus





Which highlighted word is an adjective Do you like vanilla ice cream?

"Lanuage arts work"





Describes the flavor of ice cream



if the question here is just "do you like vanilla ice cream?" then the adjective is "vanilla" because vanilla is an adjective describing ice cream (aka what flavor ice cream it is)

Select the sentence that corrects the following sentence fragment:
After she won the award.
She talked to the crowd. After she won the award.
After she won the award, she talked to the crowd.
After she won the award. She talked to the crowd.
She talked to the crowd she won the award.


after she won the award, she talked to the crowd.

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