What two processes ensure that the correct amino acid is added to a growing polypeptide chain?


Answer 1

Proteins are essential molecules that perform numerous functions in the cells of all living organisms. The synthesis of proteins is a complex process that involves the accurate addition of amino acids to a growing polypeptide chain.

To ensure the correct amino acid is added to the polypeptide chain, two processes are involved: aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and ribosomes. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are responsible for attaching the correct amino acid to the corresponding tRNA molecule, while the ribosomes facilitate the incorporation of the correct amino acid into the growing polypeptide chain based on the information encoded in the mRNA. The accuracy of these two processes is crucial for the proper functioning of proteins, and errors in these processes can lead to various diseases and disorders.

The two processes that ensure the correct amino acid is added to a growing polypeptide chain are:

Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases:

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are enzymes that are responsible for attaching the correct amino acid to its corresponding tRNA molecule. Each aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is specific for a particular amino acid and recognizes the corresponding tRNA molecule that has the appropriate anticodon sequence for that amino acid. This ensures that the correct amino acid is added to the tRNA molecule before it enters the ribosome for protein synthesis.


Ribosomes are large complexes composed of RNA and proteins that facilitate the incorporation of the correct amino acid into the growing polypeptide chain based on the information encoded in the mRNA. The ribosome reads the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA and uses it to determine the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain. The ribosome then matches the codon on the mRNA with the anticodon on the tRNA carrying the correct amino acid, and adds the amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. This ensures that the correct amino acid is added in the correct sequence, and that the resulting protein has the correct structure and function.

For more questions like polypeptide visit the link below:



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True or false: humans are subject to density dependent factors



Explanation -  Humans, like all living organisms, are subject to density dependent factors. These are factors that increase or decrease in impact based on the density of the population. For example, diseases spread more easily in crowded populations, and resources become scarcer as population size increases. This can have significant impacts on population growth and survival.

Population density is a measurement of population per unit land area. It is mostly applied to humans, but sometimes to other living organisms too. It is a key geographical term. In simple terms, population density refers to the number of people living in an area per square kilometre, or other unit of land area

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What is Peroneus Brevis (Insertion and Innervation)?


The peroneus brevis muscle is innervated by the superficial fibular nerve and inserts onto the base of the fifth metatarsal bone.

The peroneus brevis is a muscle located in the lateral compartment of the leg, which works to evert and plantarflex the foot. It originates from the lower two-thirds of the fibula, which is the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg, and travels down the outside of the leg before inserting onto the base of the fifth metatarsal bone in the foot.

The muscle is innervated by the superficial fibular nerve, which is a branch of the sciatic nerve that provides motor function to the muscles in the lateral compartment of the leg. The peroneus brevis plays an important role in stabilizing the ankle joint and providing support during weight-bearing activities, such as walking and running.

To know more about peroneus brevis , click here.



Question 27 Marks: 1 The effective half-life of an injected radionuclide is determined by the length of time the nuclide remains in the body and its radioactive half-life.Choose one answer. a. True b. False


The statement "The effective half-life of an injected radionuclide is determined by the length of time the nuclide remains in the body and its radioactive half-life" is true.

A radionuclide's physical half-life, which measures how long it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay, is one of the nuclide's distinguishing characteristics.

Contrarily, the biological clearance rate is influenced by the administration route, the radionuclide's chemical form, and the physiological procedures involved in the removal of the radionuclide from the body.

By monitoring the radionuclide's activity in the body at various times after administration and then fitting the data to the proper decay model, the effective half-life may be calculated.

Learn more about Radionuclide



which of the following is not a major function of the kidneys?group of answer choicesregulation of acid-base balanceremoval of metabolic wastesregulation of blood volume and blood pressurehematopoiesis


The following is not a major function of the kidneys : "hematopoiesis". The kidneys are responsible for several vital functions in the body, including the regulation of acid-base balance, removal of metabolic wastes, and regulation of blood volume and blood pressure.

However, hematopoiesis, which is the process of blood cell formation, primarily occurs in the bone marrow. Therefore, it is not considered a major function of the kidneys.

The kidneys primarily focuses on the regulation of acid-base balance, removing metabolic wastes and also  regulating blood volume and blood pressure. Hematopoiesis, which is the production of blood cells, primarily occurs in the bone marrow.

To know more about kidneys, refer



Question 28
Water in wading pools should be completely recirculated every
a. 60 minutes
b. 90 minutes
c. 120 minutes
d. 180 minutes


Option c. 120 minutes. Recirculation of Water in wading pools should be done in every c. 120 minutes.

Notwithstanding, when in doubt, water in swimming pools ought to be totally recycled and sifted no less than once like clockwork, or two hours, to keep up with water quality and guarantee the security of the clients. This is suggested by the Places for Infectious prevention and Avoidance (CDC), which gives rules to the activity and upkeep of public sporting water offices, including swimming pools. Furthermore, standard water testing and compound treatment ought to be led to forestall the development of hurtful microscopic organisms and different microbes that can cause sporting water sicknesses.

To learn more about recirculation, refer:



What can we study today that Darwin couldn't?


We can study genetics and molecular biology today that Darwin couldn't.

Darwin had no knowledge of genetics, which was not yet a well-established field of study during his time. Today, we have a much better understanding of how genes are passed down from generation to generation and how they influence the traits of organisms.

Additionally, molecular biology, which focuses on the study of biological molecules such as DNA and RNA, was not yet a field during Darwin's time. Advances in technology have allowed us to study the molecular basis of life in ways that were not possible during Darwin's lifetime.

To know more about Darwin , click here.



12. The prefix poly- means "many," and the term genic means "related to genes." How do these word parts combine to give the meaning of polygenic?


The meaning of the word "polygenic" can be derived from the mix of these word parts. Polygenic traits are characteristics produced by two or more genes.

Because poly means "many" and genic means "produced by many genes," the meanings of the terms "polygenic trait" and "parts poly- and genic" are related. As a result, a polygenic trait is the result of a lot of genes.

A polygenic trait is a trait that is influenced by two or more genes, like height or skin color. Since different qualities are involved, polygenic attributes don't follow the examples of the Mendelian legacy. Numerous polygenic characteristics are additionally impacted by the climate and are called multifactorial.

Codominance happens when two heterozygous alleles are completely communicated. Neither one of the alleles can rule, so the two of them appear, yet they don't mix. The phrase "both alleles show up together" can be remembered by using the prefix co-, which means "together."

To learn more about  Polygenic here



What are the inputs per 1 citric acid cycle?


The citric acid cycle requires one molecule of acetyl-CoA, two molecules of water, three molecules of NAD+, one molecule of FAD, and one molecule of ADP to produce ATP and regenerate oxaloacetate.

The citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle, is a key metabolic pathway that occurs in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. It plays a crucial role in the oxidative metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids, ultimately producing ATP, the primary energy currency of cells.

In terms of inputs, each turn of the citric acid cycle requires one molecule of acetyl-CoA, a two-carbon molecule that is derived from the breakdown of pyruvate or fatty acids, as well as two molecules of water, three molecules of NAD+, one molecule of FAD, and one molecule of ADP.

Acetyl-CoA enters the cycle by combining with a four-carbon molecule called oxaloacetate, forming the six-carbon molecule citrate. The cycle then proceeds through a series of reactions that generate NADH and FADH2, which will be used in the electron transport chain to produce ATP via oxidative phosphorylation.

At the end of the cycle, the original four-carbon molecule oxaloacetate is regenerated, ready to accept another molecule of acetyl-CoA and begin another turn of the cycle. The citric acid cycle is a highly regulated process that is tightly integrated with other metabolic pathways, allowing cells to efficiently produce ATP and meet their energy demands.

To learn more about citric acid cycle



Maternal and paternal chromosome pairingThe fact that maternal and paternal chromosome pairs align and orient randomly during metaphase of meiosis supports Mendel'srev: 11_08_2013_QC_ 39535Law of ProbabilityLaw of SegregationLaw of Independent AssortmentLaw of Addition


The Law of Independent Assortment, proposed by Gregor Mendel, states that during meiosis, maternal and paternal chromosome pairs align and orient randomly during metaphase. The correct answer is C.

This means that the segregation and arrangement of genetic traits on different chromosomes occur independently of each other, leading to the random assortment of genes into gametes. This supports Mendel's principles of inheritance, including the Law of Probability, Law of Segregation, and Law of Addition, as it explains how genetic variation is generated through the shuffling and recombination of chromosomes during meiosis.

Learn more about Law of Independent Assortment at: https://brainly.com/question/12338476


Three-neuron reflex arcs that exist entirely within the walls of the digestive tract.A) enteric nervous systemB) sympathetic trunksC) rami communicantesD) inferior hypogastric plexiE) cholinergic fibers


The three-neuron reflex arcs that exist entirely within the walls of the digestive tract are part of the enteric nervous system. So the correct option is A.

The enteric nervous system is a complex network of neurons and ganglia that is found within the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, extending from the esophagus to the anus. The enteric nervous system consists of two main plexuses: the myenteric plexus and the submucosal plexus. The myenteric plexus is located between the longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers of the gut, while the submucosal plexus is located in the submucosa. These plexuses are responsible for regulating various aspects of gastrointestinal function, including peristalsis, secretion, and blood flow.

Learn more about enteric nervous system: https://brainly.com/question/20346876


16 - Albinism: Prom Genotype to Phenotype
Supplemental activity: Flow Chart
By creating a flow chart below, trace the steps from DNA through to the resulting phenotype. It has been started for you
below The following words must appear in this flow chart transcription, translation, amino acid(s), protein, gene, mRNA,
TRNA, phenotype


The following words must appear in this flow chart transcription, is given as, DNA →Transcription → mRNA Synthesis →  mRNA Processing → Translation Amino Acid(s) Sequence → Protein Synthesis →  Protein Folding → Protein → Phenotype.

DNA: The DNA found in a person's cells contains the genetic code for albinism. The blueprints for creating the proteins that are responsible for many features and characteristics, including pigmentation, are found in DNA.Transcription: The DNA is converted into mRNA, a single-stranded molecule that transports the DNA's genetic code to the ribosomes in the cell's cytoplasm.mRNA Synthesis: Using one of the DNA strands as a template, the mRNA molecule is created by adhering to the base pairing regulations (A-U, C-G). The mRNA molecule goes through processing, which includes the removal of introns and the addition of a cap and tail, to produce a mature mRNA molecule that can be translated into protein enters the cytoplasm from the cell nucleus, where it attaches to ribosomes. The ribosomes use tRNA molecules to bring in the corresponding amino acids after reading the mRNA codons (groups of three nucleotides).Sequence of Amino Acids: To create a polypeptide chain, ribosomes combine the amino acids in the sequence specified by the mRNA codons.Protein Synthesis: When the ribosome reaches a stop codon on the mRNA, it signals the end of translation and the polypeptide chain stops growing. The polypeptide chain is now freed from the ribosome at this time in the organism or cell. The protein may play a role in the synthesis of melanin, the pigment that gives skin, hair, and eyes their colours, in albinism.Phenotype: The observable traits of an individual with regard to albinism are ultimately determined by the presence or absence of the functioning protein. The typical albinism-related pale skin, hair, and eye colour can be caused by a protein that normally produces melanin that isn't functioning or is completely absent due to a mutation in the gene that codes for it.

To know more about Phenotype



4) Which molecules are normally found in single-celled organisms ?
A) organic molecules , only
C ) inorganic molecules, only
B) neither organic nor inorganic molecules
D) both organic and inorganic molecules


Organic and inorganic molecules are normally found in single-celled organisms.

Let me explain something to you:

Single-celled organisms are able to perform all the necessary functions of life, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction, using a combination of organic and inorganic molecules. Organic molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are used to build and maintain the structure of the cell, while inorganic molecules like water, salts, and ions are used for various cellular processes.

What are molecules?

- Molecules are the smallest units of chemical compounds that retain the chemical properties of those compounds. They are made up of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. These atoms can be the same or different, and the way they bond together determines the properties of the molecule.

Molecules can be very simple, such as diatomic molecules like oxygen (O2) or more complex like water (H2O) or glucose (C6H12O6). Their structure and composition determine their physical and chemical properties, making them vital to the functioning of all living organisms and many industrial processes.

Learn more about molecules here: https://brainly.com/question/31023345

What epidermal layer consists of multiple layers of living keratinocytes and scattered dendritic cells?A. Stratum spinosum.B. Stratum corneum.C. Stratum basale.D. Stratum lucidum.


The epidermal layer consists of multiple layers of living keratinocytes and scattered dendritic cells of Stratum spinosum, option A.

Between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale, the epidermis has a layer known as the stratum spinosum, sometimes known as the spinous layer. Polyhedral keratinocytes make up this layer.

Desmosomes are used to connect them. When desmosomes are stained with , the microfilaments between them shorten, giving them their spiny (Latin, spinosum) look. Although the real keratinocytes originate in the stratum basale, keratinization starts in the stratum spinosum.

They produce cytokeratin, a fibrilar protein that accumulates inside of cells and aggregates to create tonofibrils, therefore they have big pale-staining nuclei. Desmosomes, which enable solid connections to develop between neighbouring keratinocytes, are created from tonofibrils. Langerhans cells are also seen in the stratum spinosum.

Learn more about Stratum spinosum:



Question 40
Lasso is the trademarks for
a. acrolein
b. atrazine
c. alachlor
d. duiron


Lasso is the trademarks for alachlor. Option C is correct.

Lasso is a trademark name for the herbicide alachlor. Alachlor is a widely used pre-emergent herbicide that is used to control weeds in agricultural crops, including corn, soybeans, peanuts, cotton, and sorghum. It is a selective herbicide, meaning it targets certain types of weeds while having minimal impact on desired crops.

Alachlor works by inhibiting weed seedling growth, preventing them from establishing and competing with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight.

It's important to note that the use of pesticides, including herbicides like alachlor, is regulated by various government agencies to ensure their safe and responsible use.

Hence, C. is the correct option.

To know more about Lasso here



In vaccines which use mRNA to produce immunity, mRNA from the virus is injected into the arm of a patient. After the vaccinated person's cells create spike proteins similar to the virus' spike proteins, the immune system will recognize the virus. The process by which the cells' mRNA creates the spike proteins is:____.a. translation b. transcription c. replication replication


The process by which the cells' mRNA creates the spike in proteins is translation.

Therefore the answer is (a) translation.

During translation, the ribosomes in the cells read the mRNA sequence and use it as a template to produce a chain of amino acids that fold into the spike protein. This spike protein is then presented to the immune system, which recognizes it as foreign and mounts an immune response to protect against future infections.

Translation is a critical process in protein synthesis, and it involves the coordinated interaction of mRNA, ribosomes, and transfer RNA (tRNA). When a ribosome encounters a start codon on the mRNA, it recruits the appropriate tRNA, which carries the corresponding amino acid. The ribosome then catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between the amino acids, adding them one at a time to the growing protein chain. As the ribosome moves along the mRNA, it continues to read the codons and add amino acids until it reaches a stop codon, at which point it releases the completed protein. In the case of mRNA-based vaccines, the mRNA serves as a template for the ribosomes to produce the spike protein, which then triggers the immune response that leads to protection against the virus.

To know more on translation



Oxygen crosses a plasma membrane by
A. endocytosis.
B. active transport.
C. osmosis.
D. passive transport.


D. passive transport. Oxygen is a small, non-polar molecule, which allows it to easily diffuse across the plasma membrane without the need for energy input.

Oxygen crosses a plasma membrane by passive transport. It can diffuse across the membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Endocytosis involves the uptake of larger particles or molecules by the cell, while osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane to equalize the concentration of solutes on either side. Active transport requires the input of energy to move substances against their concentration gradient.

Oxygen is a small, non-polar molecule, which allows it to easily diffuse across the plasma membrane without the need for energy input. This process is called passive transport. Endocytosis, osmosis, and active transport are not involved in the movement of oxygen across the plasma membrane.

to learn more about plasma membrane click here:



dr. mary lyon, the scientist who discovered lyonization, studied variegated mice (patches of white and brown). all of the variegated individuals were female. when she crossed variegated females to white males, she found 50 white females, 50 variegated females, and 50 white males. what is the best explanation of inheritance of this trait? 0/1


Dr. Mary Lyon's study on variegated mice, the best explanation for the inheritance of this trait is that it is an X-linked trait and follows the process of lyonization.

The best explanation of inheritance of this trait is that lyonization is a phenomenon that occurs only in females. Lyonization is the random inactivation of one X chromosome in every female cell during embryonic development. In variegated mice, the patches of white and brown fur are the result of lyonization in cells that either inactivated the X chromosome carrying the gene for white fur or the X chromosome carrying the gene for brown fur. When variegated females are crossed with white males, the resulting offspring inherit one X chromosome from the mother (which could be the one with the white fur gene or the brown fur gene) and one Y chromosome from the father, determining their male sex. The 50 white females inherited the X chromosome with the white fur gene from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. The 50 variegated females inherited the X chromosome with the brown fur gene from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. And the 50 white males inherited the X chromosome with the white fur gene from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father, since they only inherit one X chromosome from their mother. Therefore, lyonization and X chromosome inactivation play a crucial role in determining the coat color of female variegated mice.

A chromosome is a component of a cell's nucleus that houses genes, which are the carriers of genetic information. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and histone proteins make up chromosomes. During cell division, they are essential for the transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next.

A chromosome and DNA are related by the fact that chromosomes are composed of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA, is the genetic material that contains the instructions for the growth, operation, and reproduction of living things.

Learn more about DNA here



a(n) ________ specifies the cell that contains a formula that produces the value to be optimized with solver.


In the context of using Solver in Excel, the term that best fits the given description is "objective cell".

An objective cell is a cell that contains the formula that computes the value to be optimized by Solver. The value computed by the objective cell is typically based on other cells in the worksheet that serves as input variables to the problem being solved.

Solver uses mathematical algorithms to determine the optimal values for the input variables that produce the best result in the objective cell. By specifying the objective cell and setting Solver parameters, users can find optimal solutions to a wide variety of problems, such as financial planning, production scheduling, and supply chain optimization.

Learn more about cell



Rolipram is a specific inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase. What effect would Rolipramhave on the adrenaline signaling pathway?


Rolipram is a specific inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase, which means it would increase the levels of cAMP in cells.

Adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) signals through the activation of adrenergic receptors, which are coupled to G proteins that activate adenylyl cyclase, leading to an increase in cAMP levels. Therefore, Rolipram would enhance the adrenaline signaling pathway by increasing cAMP levels and amplifying the downstream effects of adrenaline.
It would increase cAMP levels in the adrenaline signaling pathway. By inhibiting the enzyme responsible for breaking down cAMP, Rolipram would enhance the effect of adrenaline and prolong its intracellular signaling cascade, leading to a more potent cellular response.

To learn more about Adrenaline visit;



Why does the author say that it is "possible for many people to put farming largely out of their minds?"


The author might have made this statement to suggest that in modern times, many people are no longer directly involved in agriculture or farming, either as farmers or as consumers who are actively engaged with the origins of their food.

This detachment from agriculture is possible because of the advancements in food production and distribution systems, which have made it easier for people to obtain food without having to grow or raise it themselves.

When people had to grow their own food or buy it directly from local farmers, they were much more connected to the agricultural process. They would have a direct understanding of the time, effort, and resources required to produce food. However, today, most people can simply go to a grocery store or order food online, without ever having to consider the farming practices that went into producing their food.

As a result, many people may not be aware of the challenges facing the agricultural industry or the impact of their food choices on the environment and society.

To know more about farming,



The cell bodies of postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the pupil and lens of the eye are located in the ________ ganglion.


The cell bodies of postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the pupil and lens of the eye are located in the ciliary ganglion.

The ciliary ganglion is a small, circular structure located behind the eye within the orbit. It is connected to the oculomotor nerve, which contains both motor and parasympathetic fibers.

The parasympathetic fibers travel from the oculomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion, where they synapse with postganglionic fibers that innervate the muscles of the iris and ciliary body of the eye.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for controlling the pupil's size and the lens's shape, which allows for the proper focusing of light onto the retina.

Dysfunction of the ciliary ganglion or parasympathetic nervous system can lead to eye conditions such as miosis, accommodation disorders, and anisocoria.

For more such answers on postganglionic parasympathetic fibers



Describe the differential effect of PTH in bone mass


The "differential-effect" of PTH on "bone-mass" is determined by the concentration and duration of exposure to PTH, which regulates the balance between bone formation and bone resorption.

The Parathyroid hormone (PTH) plays a important-role in the regulation of bone mass. PTH acts on both bone-forming cells and bone-resorbing cells, which helps to maintain a balance between bone formation and bone resorption.

The "differential-effect" of PTH on "bone-mass" depends on the concentration and duration of exposure to PTH.

The Intermittent administration of PTH at low doses stimulates bone formation by increasing the number and activity of osteoblasts, which results in an overall increase in bone-mass.

Learn more about PTH here



all of the following are environmental impacts of commercial farming except
a. over harvesting of ocean fisheries b. contribution to the urban heat island effect
c. dofrestation
d. erosion of top-soil
e. chemical contamination of drinking water


B) Contribution to the urban heat island effect is not typically considered an environmental impact of commercial farming.

Commercial farming can have significant environmental impacts, including overharvesting of ocean fisheries, deforestation, erosion of topsoil, and chemical contamination of drinking water.

Overharvesting of ocean fisheries can lead to depletion of fish populations and disrupt marine ecosystems. Deforestation is often a result of clearing land for agricultural purposes, which can lead to soil erosion, loss of habitat for wildlife, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Soil erosion can lead to the loss of topsoil and reduce soil fertility, affecting crop yields and water quality. Chemical contamination of drinking water can occur when pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used in farming practices leach into groundwater and surface water sources.

The urban heat island effect is a phenomenon in which urban areas experience higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to the absorption and retention of heat by buildings and pavement. While commercial farming can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, it is not typically considered a direct cause of the urban heat island effect.
Visit to know more about Heat:-



Capillaries are similar to arteries because they both always: a) have an inner layer of endothelial cells. b) are surrounded by smooth muscle. c) contain oxygenated blood.


Capillaries are similar to arteries because they both always have an inner layer of endothelial cells. However, they differ in that capillaries do not have smooth muscle surrounding them and they typically contain deoxygenated blood, whereas arteries contain oxygenated blood.

Capillaries are tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that are part of the circulatory system. They are the smallest blood vessels in the body and are responsible for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between the blood and tissues. Capillaries are found throughout the body, connecting arterioles and venules, which are larger blood vessels that carry blood away from and toward the heart, respectively.

Find out more about Capillaries



All of the following, except for the ________, have only sympathetic innervation.A) arrector pili. B) sweat glands. C) blood vessels. D) salivary glands.


The correct answer is D) Salivary glands.The arrector pili muscles are responsible for the goosebumps that occur on the skin. The sympathetic nervous system activates these muscles in response to cold or emotional stress.

All of the other options, arrector pili, sweat glands, and blood vessels, have only sympathetic innervation. Sweat glands are also only innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. This system controls sweating as a response to heat, exercise, or stress. Blood vessels, including those in the skin and internal organs, are also innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. This system regulates blood flow to different organs and tissues in response to changing physiological demands.

Salivary glands, on the other hand, receive both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. These two divisions of the autonomic nervous system work together to regulate the production and secretion of saliva.

For more questions like blood visit the link below:



Question 25 Marks: 1 Fluoroscopy exams should be done before x-rays.Choose one answer. a. True b. False


The statement "Fluoroscopy exams should be done before x-rays" is False.

Fluoroscopy is a real-time imaging technology that makes it possible to see moving bodily parts like the gastrointestinal tract or blood arteries. The patient is continually exposed to a low dosage of radiation during a fluoroscopy exam, and the images are shown on a monitor in real time.

Ionizing radiation is used in both fluoroscopy and standard x-ray imaging to provide images of the inside organs and tissues of the body. They are utilized in various clinical settings and have various functions.

Bones and other body structures are often visualized in static fashion using conventional x-ray imaging. A brief radiation exposure to the patient produces a picture that is recorded on a detector.

Learn more about Fluoroscopy



What have been the changes in the United States in regards to the loss of farmland?


Some of the key changes in regards to the loss of farmland in the United States include; Conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses, Fragmentation, Agricultural land being converted to non-crop uses, and Environmental factors.

One of the major changes in the United States has been the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses, such as urban development, industrialization, and infrastructure expansion.

Another change has been the fragmentation and consolidation of farmland. Farmland has become fragmented into smaller parcels due to inheritance, land sales, and changing ownership patterns, resulting in smaller and less viable farms.

Agricultural land has also been converted to non-crop uses, such as grazing land, forestry, and recreational land.

Environmental factors, such as soil erosion, land degradation, and climate change, have also contributed to the loss of farmland in the United States.

To know more about farmland here



How were restriction enzymes used to make pGLO?


Restriction enzymes were used to make pGLO by cutting out the gene for Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria and inserting it into the plasmid pUC19.

The restriction enzyme EcoRI was used to cut the plasmid at a specific site, allowing for the GFP gene to be inserted. The plasmid was then treated with another restriction enzyme, PstI, to insert a promoter and regulatory sequence to control the expression of the GFP gene. The resulting plasmid, pGLO, could then be used for genetic transformation experiments in bacteria.

To create pGLO, the GFP gene and the ampicillin resistance gene were both cut out of their respective sources using restriction enzymes. The cut DNA fragments were then mixed together with the plasmid vector that had been cut with the same restriction enzymes. The sticky ends of the cut DNA fragments were able to bind to the matching sticky ends of the plasmid vector, allowing the GFP gene and the ampicillin resistance gene to be inserted into the plasmid vector.

The resulting plasmid, pGLO, was then introduced into E. coli bacteria using a process called transformation, resulting in bacteria that expressed the GFP gene and were resistant to ampicillin.

To learn more about enzymes, click here:



Question 19
What is the primary organism identified in the fecal coli form test?
a. Fecal streptococci
b. Enterobacter aeroanes
c. Salmonella typhosa
d. Escherichia coil


The primary organism identified in the fecal coli form test is called as Escherichia coil, option D.

Your intestines often harbour a particular form of bacteria called E. coli (Escherichia coli). Some animals' guts also contain it.

The majority of E. coli species are safe and may even support the health of your digestive system. However, if you consume infected food or drink tainted water, some types can make you throw up.

While many of us connect E. coli with food poisoning, other kinds of the bacterium can also cause pneumonia and urinary tract infections. In actuality, E. coli is to blame for 75 to 95 percent of urinary tract infections. E. coli normally lives in the gut, which is how it enters the urinary system.

Learn more about Escherichia coil:



Suppose that a new river cuts through a landmass, separating populations of mice on either side. These mice then evolve into new species on the two sides of the landmass. This is an example of evolution by _____.


This is an example of evolution by geographic isolation, where the separation of populations by a physical barrier (in this case, the new river cutting through the landmass) leads to genetic divergence and eventually the development of new species.

Explanation: Geographical isolation is a common mechanism for speciation, as it prevents gene flow between populations, allowing for genetic differences to accumulate over time.
This scenario is an example of evolution by allopatric speciation. In this case, the landmass is divided by a new river, causing the separation of the mouse populations. Over time, these isolated populations evolve independently, eventually leading to the formation of new species on both sides of the landmass.

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