What makes it unique Elizabethan stage?


Answer 1

The Elizabethan theatre differed in that it had a main platform, an inner stage, and an upper stage level that made movement possible in all directions instead of simply along the length of a narrow stage.

What were the characteristics of Elizabethan staging?There was very little scenery – a character would tell the audience where the scene was set. Women's parts were played by boys. Long speeches gave actors a chance to change their clothes. There was generally plenty of violence in the plays – Tudor audiences loved it.Elizabeth encouraged the theatre, which made it fashionable. It was an affordable entertainment (costing as little as a penny for a two hour play). The theatre was a good place to socialise.During this era England experienced peace and prosperity while the arts flourished. The time period is named after Queen Elizabeth I who ruled England during this time. The Elizabethan Era is perhaps most famous for its theatre and the works of William Shakespeare.Elizabethan theatre itself was notoriously raucous. People, most of whom stood throughout the play, talked back to the actors as if they were real people. Hints of this can be discerned even in Shakespeare's plays.

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Related Questions

What were 3 pieces of Wegener's evidence to support continental drift?


The evidence that the continents had moved was acquired by Alfred Wegener in the first three decades of this century. They used a variety of pieces of evidence to support their theory of continental drift, including the fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic structures, and fossils.

Africa's and South America's edges come together like puzzle parts. Same species fossil samples. South American and African gold reserves. Wegener backed up his theory of continental drift with fossil data. These species' fossils can be found on places that are currently far distant from one another. On various continents very near the equator, grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers can still be seen today. Through the use of fossil evidence, Wegener supported his idea of continental drift.

On sites that are today very far apart from one another, these species' fossils can be found. Glacial deposits and grooves can still be found today on some continents that are extremely close to the equator. The likeness of some continents' coasts to jigsaw puzzle pieces was the first piece of evidence offered by Wegener. People noticed similarities between South American and African coastlines on the early globe maps, leading some to hypothesize that the two continents had formerly been one.

To learn more about Wegener evidence Visit : brainly.com/question/29638332


Who wrote Henry Baskerville the letter that told him to "keep away from the moor" in chapter 15 the hound of the baskervilles?


The letter was written by an educated person pretending to be illiterate. The writing may or may not be known to Henry. The message's creator was in a rush to avoid being interrupted or found. The location had been scribbled down in a motel.

Describe the letter that Sir Henry Baskerville recieves at the hotel in London?

The letter is written to Sir Henry Baskerville and begins, "Keep away from the moor as you value your life or your reason." The statement is made up of newspaper clippings, with the exception of the word moor, which is written in ink.

Stay away from the moor if you value your life." Except for the term moor, it was ripped from a newspaper and pasted on paper.

To learn more about Henry Baskerville



what do you mean by new story ​



A news story is a journalistic, factual presentation of news about current events, typically one presented as a narrative account. The term news report often means the same thing, but a news report may or may not be presented as a narrative account.


Which Gilgamesh new English version is best?


The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition, and Cuneiform Texts by Andrew George is considered the academic gold standard among contemporary translations (2003).

"Ignore death, pursue life!" The protagonist of the eponymous 4,000-year-old epic poem, Gilgamesh, introduces the world's first heroic catchphrase with these uplifting lines.

The youthful king captures the ideas of death and humanity that are at the core of the world's oldest epic at the same time. Even though a lot has happened since then, the epic's themes are astonishingly pertinent to readers today.

Depending on your perspective, Gilgamesh could be seen as an anthology of origin stories, a comedy, a tragedy, a love story, a myth-making biography of a legendary monarch, a comedy, or a love story.

The story contains all of these components, and the text's literary skill only comes close to matching the text's diversity.

Know more about Gilgamesh here:



What is reflexivity in simple terms?



the fact of someone being able to examine their own feelings, reactions, and motives


How do you identify and eliminate distractors?


Eliminating distractions is crucial since doing so will allow you to focus on your work more effectively, increase productivity, and free up more time for leisure activities.

Why is it important to eliminate distractions while working?

A few instances of distractions someone could experience at work are web browsing, checking email, and messaging pals.

You can work more efficiently and with greater focus if you can learn to put an end to distractions while you're doing it.

Before you start, have a plan.

Your objectives should have deadlines.

Early in the day, finish the most difficult jobs.

Reduce your expectations.

Set a shorter time limit for yourself to work.

Leave the enticements at the door.

Settle in, then go to bed.

meditation routine

Utilize graphical cues

Refresh yourself

Self-reward yourself.

Clean up your work area.

Deactivate notifications

Know when your attention begins to wander.

To Learn more About Eliminating distractions refer To:



What must a reader do when summarizing a text?


A reader must use objective language, include the main concepts, and highlight the key facts when summarizing text.Readers should not insert their personal beliefs or ideas while summarising a work.

They should only include pertinent elements that further the text's main point.Additionally, the reader should avoid any minor details because they are irrelevant to understanding the text's point or message.

A reader do when summarizing a text summarizing reduces a text to its main idea and necessary information. Summarizing differs from paraphrasing in that summary leaves out details and terms Summarizing helps you understand and learn important information.

To know more about Summarizing text visit:



What act is the falling action?


The time after the dramatic clash of the climax has happened is referred to as the "falling action" in storytelling. After an emotionally saturated scene, this section of the story allows the plot's tension go down and offers the characters some downtime.

In literature, the falling action can be used in various ways to develop the plot, including:

1) Emotional release: After the tension of the plot's climax, the falling action of a story can be described as taking a big breath.

2) Realism: Falling action can aid in upholding the story's air of reality.

3) Tying up loose ends: Stories usually feature a numerous subplots and auxiliary characters.

To know more about falling action:



How many sit ups in a minute for police?



35 to 40


What are the positive and negative effects of online?


Researchers have found that using the online can improve knowledge, communication, and typing skills. Reduced attention span, Internet game addiction, and even stress levels can be among these detrimental impacts.

Both good and negative impacts can be found online. Talents in typing, communication, and expanded knowledge, as well as the ability to learn anything quickly. Additionally, there are more opportunities for people online. On the other hand, there are drawbacks to the internet that may be harmful to people. reduced ability to pay attention, Internet game addiction, and even stress levels will be impacted.

To learn more about online:



How many barrels does a muzzleloader have?


Muzzleloaders typically have one barrel, although some models may have two barrels. A muzzleloader is a type of firearm that is loaded through the front end of the barrel, rather than through a detachable magazine.

Single-barrel muzzleloaders are the most common type and typically have a caliber between .32 and .58. Multi-barrel muzzleloaders can have anywhere from two to five barrels, each with a different caliber. The barrels of muzzleloaders can also be octagonal, round, or some combination of the two. It is important to note that the barrels of muzzleloaders must be loaded separately and individually, making multi-barrel models more complex and time-consuming to use. Additionally, the barrels of muzzleloaders wear out over time, so they must be regularly inspected and replaced.

Learn more about Muzzleloaders here:



How does Napoleon react to the drawing of the windmill plans?


Napoleon’s reaction to the drawing of the windmill plans is one of enthusiasm and excitement. Napoleon is a natural leader and has an eye for detail.

When he first views the plans for the windmill, he is immediately impressed by the complexity and precision of the design. He can see the potential in the plans, and quickly grasps the fact that the windmill could revolutionize the way the animals on the farm live.

He immediately begins to make plans on how to implement the windmill, and how to make it work effectively. He is eager to get started on the project, and rallies the other animals to help build the windmill. Although the animals initially seem hesitant, Napoleon’s enthusiasm and passion for the project soon win them over.

Napoleon also makes sure to take credit for the windmill plans, claiming that he had thought of the plan himself. Although this is not true, he is able to use the windmill to further solidify his power and position on the farm.

Overall, Napoleon’s reaction to the drawing of the windmill plans is one of excitement and enthusiasm. He quickly grasps the potential of the windmill and begins to make plans on how to implement it. He also takes credit for the plans, further solidifying his power and position on the farm.

Learn more about Napoleon at : https://brainly.com/question/22142458


Why do people easily distract?


Most of the time, people distracts because we are trying to avoid some kind of discomfort, such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, or boredom.

What are the reasons for distraction?People with ADHD are particularly susceptible to distractions, both external and internal. Distractions get in the way of getting things done, whether it's a coworker interrupting you when you're on deadline, your wandering mind, or stressful emotions.People differ based on personality traits such as extraversion or conscientiousness, and new UCL research suggests that they also differ based on a specific cognitive trait: distractibility. Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, published the findings.ESFP personality types can struggle to meet deadlines and do not always finish what they start. They're easily distracted. Distractibility can occur in healthy people who are tired or sleep deprived.

To learn more about distraction refer to :



What are the 4 types of writing process?


Prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing are the four main stages of the writing process. Recursive process is the name given to it. You might need to go back and refine your thoughts from the prewriting phase while revising.

Prewriting: Anything you do prior to producing a draught of your paper is known as prewriting. It involves contemplation, taking notes, conversing with others, idea-generating, outlining, and information gathering.drafting: When you draught, you organize your thoughts into sentences and paragraphs. Here, your focus should be on thoroughly articulating and supporting your arguments. Here, you start to link your concepts together as well.revising: Effective documents require revision. Here, you should give your readers' requirements and expectations additional consideration. The text starts to be focused on the reader.editing: Verify the spelling, grammar, and other elements. Spell checking your document is the final thing you should do before printing it.

Know more about the writing process. at: https://brainly.com/question/17000723


What is the main purpose of a goal?


The main purpose of a goal is to provide an individual with a clear direction in life. Goals are a way of helping to direct an individual’s actions and decisions, enabling them to make progress and progress towards desired outcomes.

Goals can range from short-term objectives to long-term aspirations, providing the individual with a sense of purpose and motivation.

Goals help to provide an individual with a sense of direction, allowing them to plan and structure their life around achieving these objectives. Goals are important for guiding decision making and helping to ensure that an individual is on the right track. Goals can also be a source of inspiration and drive, helping to push an individual towards their desired outcome.

Setting goals can also help to provide an individual with a sense of purpose and meaning. Goals can help to bring purpose and focus to an individual’s life, helping to create a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Goals can also help to create a sense of identity, helping to define who an individual is and what they stand for.

Learn more about Goals at :https://brainly.com/question/28017832


How do you use reflexive pronouns in a sentence?


When the subject and object of a verb are the same, we frequently employ reflexive pronouns.

How are reflexive pronouns formed?

Reflexive pronouns are those that finish in -self or -selves. They return to the subject forms of personal pronouns (highlighted in the following example): We didn’t do the decorating ourselves. Someone else took care of it for us. Reflexive verbs are made up of two major elements. The action is performed by the primary verb, and the action is directed towards the reflexive pronoun. When it comes to reflexive verbs, they both relate to the same person. “Levantar” is a standard -ar verb, as you can see.

There are three types of pronouns: nominative (I, you, he, she, it, they), possessive (mine, your, his, her, their), and objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). When the pronoun is in the nominative case, use it.

To learn more about reflexive pronouns to refer:



Which lines from beowulf help develop the theme that a hero should win glory through acts of bravery? responses.


Option D is the right response as a result. The passage from Beowulf that further explores the idea that a hero should achieve fame via bravery is as follows: I now intend to compete against Grendel and decide the issue through single battle (lines 160-161).

In the epic poem Beowulf, the poet tells the story of a strong and valiant warrior who comes to the aid of the Danes in order to kill and defeat the monster Grendel that has been terrorizing them for a very long time. You exercise your authority in a balanced and wise manner.

I will now fulfill our friendship as we already discussed. And you'll bring lasting peace to your nation, giving the heroes something to cling to. Additionally, the poet describes the bravery displayed by Beowulf when he travels by himself to confront Grendel in his lair.

Learn more about Beowulf visit: brainly.com/question/17467199


Correct Question:

Which lines from Beowulf help develop the theme that a hero should win glory through acts of bravery?

1. Greetings to Hrothgar. I am

Hygelac's kinsman, / one of his hall-troop (lines 142-143).

2. sailors brought stories of the plight you suffer/in this legendary hall (lines 146–147).

3. So every elder and experienced councilman / among my people supported my resolve (lines 150–151).

4. Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, / settle the outcome in single combat (lines 160-161).

How can you control physical contamination?


To control physical contamination always keep high-risk foods (meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, etc.) out of the temperature danger zone to reduce the risk of biological contamination in grocery shops.

When organisms or compounds created by them infect food, it is said to have undergone biological contamination.This covers biological products made by rodents, insects, humans, and bacteria, viruses, pet hair, cat saliva, house dust, mites.

cockroaches, and pollen are examples of physical pollutants.One of the best methods to stop bacterial and virus contamination and save lives is by properly washing your hands. Before and after preparing food, using the restroom, eating, smoking, or handling trash, hands should be washed.

To know more about Physical contamination visit:



Why do you think the Iroquois honor both the left handed twin and the right handed twin?


The twins created the universe as it is, thus the Iroquois revere them both. They tried to balance the plants and animals they produced.

What do the left and right handed twins represent?

an east wind What are the arrows' symbolic meanings, sharp and blunt? twins The right handed twin accuses the left handed twin of causing the mother's death, the mother is buried, and the left handed twin is born from the armpit. Squash, beans, and maize sprout from the mother's head. The three sisters are what the Iroquois refer to as.

The Iroquois revered both twins in order for them to complement one another. Without both of them, the world would be unbalanced and unable to function. Good and evil, right and wrong, and good and bad were the parts of nature that were discussed.

To know more about Iroquois Creation Story visit:



How does addie in the selection from the boston girl"" contrast with sybil in the poem ""sybil ludington’s ride""?


The correct choice of answer is F Addie has doubts about her abilities, while Sybil is certain of her abilities.

Addie differs from Sybil in that Addie has doubts approximately her abilities (she feels worried approximately working towards the poem and he or she turns into embarrassed whilst she would not recognize the which means of impetuous) at the same time as Sybil is sure approximately her abilities (she convinces her father that she is the proper individual to supply the message). The Boston Girl is a novel about a Jewish girl who grew up in Boston. Sybil Ludington's rides is a story about a 16 years old girl who rode a horse for many years. The Boston girl Addie has doubts about his abilities, but Sybil was very confident about her talents and abilities.

Thus, the correct option is F Addie has doubts about her abilities, while Sybil is certain of her abilities.

To learn more about abilities check the link below:



Complete question:

How does Addie in the selection from The Boston Girl differ from Sybil in the poem "Sybil

Ludington's Ride"?

F Addie has doubts about her abilities, while Sybil is certain of her abilities.

G Addie lacks a sense of pride, while Sybil feels proud of herself.

H Addie is supported by another character, while Sybil has no support.

J Addie asks for help, while Sybil refuses to accept


How does the speaker's conflicting attitude toward the wall develop over the course of the poem?


The speaker's conflicting attitude towards the wall develops when he  starts the wall repair process with his neighbors but later comes to the realization that perhaps the wall is not even essential.

This analysis of how Frost presents himself in "Mending Wall" should be enough to show that the poem is not primarily an expression of ethical ideals about neighborliness. Contrary to the weight of critical opinion, it is more about ways of mind, language, and possibly even poetry itself than it is about being a good neighbor.

In actuality, Frost's persona is the less friendly and antagonistic of the two. His depiction of a difficult neighbor comprises hysterical supposition, which makes us question the veracity of his argument. The Yankee's brief adage appears to be more amiable than the speaker's conjectures and questionable assumptions, at least on the surface. But in "Mending Wall," Frost provides no solutions and no indications of who is right or wrong. He gives examples rather than moralizing. And what he presents is a struggle that grabs our attention because it displays the power of the imagination at work in both its inception and growth.

To know more about the wall click here,



When the speaker begins repairing the wall with his neighbors but later realizes that possibly the wall is not even necessary, the speaker's conflicted attitude regarding the wall emerges.

This examination of Frost's self-presentation in "Mending Wall" ought to be sufficient to demonstrate that the poem is not primarily a statement of moral ideals concerning neighborliness. Contrary to popular belief, it is less about being a good neighbor and more about mental processes, linguistics, and probably even poetry itself. In truth, Frost's persona is the more hostile and unfriendly of the two. We doubt the validity of his reasoning because of the hyperbolic supposition he uses to describe a troublesome neighbor. On the surface, the speaker's speculations and dubious presumptions seem friendlier than the short adage of the Yankee. However, Frost offers no solutions or suggestions as to who is in the right or wrong in "Mending Wall." Instead of preaching, he provides examples. And what he depicts is a conflict that captures our interest because it shows how the imagination can be powerful in both its creation and development.

To know more about the speaker click here,



What are homophones and homonyms write 30 examples of each?


Homonyms are two or more words that sound or spell the same yet mean different things. Homophones are two or more words that sound the same but differ in meaning, origin, and, in some cases, spelling.

A homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation as another but has a distinct meaning and is spelt differently. Homographs are words that have the same spelling but have many meanings .A homonym's definition include both a homograph and a homophone. For example, 'bear,' 'tear,' and 'lead' are all homographs, but they also meet the homonym conditions. They only need to appear or sound alike. Similarly, while the words' sell,' 'cell,' 'by,' and 'purchase' are all homophones, they are all homonyms.

Address – Address

Band – Band

Bat – Bat

Match – Match

Mean – Mean

Right – Right

Ring – Ring

Weak — Week

Sun — Son

See — Sea

Plane — Plain

Meet — Meat

To know more about Homonyms:



What is the main idea and author's purpose?


The author's primary message to readers is expressed as the main idea. What does the author want the reader to know about the subject, according to the main idea, is addressed. the question "What is the author teaching me?"

Is author's purpose and main idea the same thing?

A paragraph or passage's primary concept is its most essential or central idea. It identifies the goal and establishes the flow of the passage or paragraph. It's possible for the core idea to be explicit or inferred. paragraph's final sentence.

The aim and the main idea are closely related. There are a few fundamental reasons for texts, and identifying these fundamental purposes paves the way for a more complex text analysis based on those purposes. A text's primary goals should be to enlighten its audience—to describe, clarify, or teach them something. A literary work's fundamental concept, in my opinion, serves as its main structuring principle or topic. Everything else is related to or leads back to this main emphasis.

To learn more about author purpose refer to :



What are the 11 basic perils?


The weight of ice, snow, or sleet; overflow of water or steam; unexpected warping of house systems; freezing of warp systems; riots; damage from planes or vehicles; harm from smoke; vandalism; theft; falling items; sudden and unintentional damage; and the 11 specified hazards. from

The 11 "perils" or potential sources of damage covered by the basic form are: fire or lightning, smoke, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil unrest, aircraft or vehicles impacting the property, glass breakage, vandalism and malicious mischief, theft, and volcanic eruption.

Although named perils plans are less expensive, you could not get all the coverage you require. Some specified perils insurance include coverage for theft, vandalism, lightning, explosions, and fire. Others, though, such as floods or earthquakes, only cover a single occurrence.

Learn more about to perils visit here;



Chicano literature
In a paragraph, write about being a 17 year old indigenous person 500 years ago and explain the cultural identity including limitations placed on being indigenous




As a 17 year old indigenous person 500 years ago, my cultural identity would have been shaped by the traditions and beliefs of my community. These traditions may have included spiritual beliefs, customs, and practices that were passed down through generations and were closely tied to the land and natural world.

However, being indigenous also came with certain limitations. My community may have faced discrimination and oppression from colonizers and other outside groups, who sought to impose their own culture and beliefs on us. This may have limited my ability to fully participate in and express my own culture, and may have also restricted my access to education and other opportunities.

Despite these limitations, I would have still maintained a strong sense of cultural identity and pride in my heritage. My community would have provided me with support and a sense of belonging, and I would have learned valuable skills and knowledge from my elders. I would have also likely been connected to a larger network of indigenous communities, and would have worked to preserve and protect our culture and traditions for future generations.

What are the 5 cleaning operation?


The five operations are: Pre-Clean, Main Clean, Rinse, Disinfection, Final Rinse

Cleaning operations refer to the removal of contaminants, including but not limited to dirt, grease, or loosely held uncured adhesives, inks, coatings, or mobile equipment from automobiles, mobile equipment, associated parts and components, substrates, products, tools, machinery, equipment, or general work areas. Cleaning plays a crucial role in daily life, whether it be at home, at work, or even when just maintaining basic personal hygiene, like washing your hands. Everyday tasks that involve cleaning are performed by everyone. Cleaning is important for the customers' and employees' health and safety in some workplaces, like a kitchen.

Know more about the Cleaning operations at: https://brainly.com/question/29562851


What are 4 characteristics of Gothic literature?


Answer: terror, horror, and the macabre and the bizarre.

Explanation: Because this genre is dark, eerie, and mysterious,

PLS Help will be greatly appreciated and marked the brainiest for the correct and best explained answer.


Answer C: SaKi characterizes the hatred of the two men to contrast the friendship that is created later.

What are the importance of national monuments in Zimbabwe?


By the progressive forces fighting colonialism, the Great Zimbabwe National Monuments served as a representational pillar of resistance. Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe at the nation's declaration in 1980.

What significance do monuments have in Zimbabwe?

The history of man in Zimbabwe and his interactions with the environment are represented by monuments that depict a variety of cultural and natural events. A number of national monuments have opened in order to boost the tourism sector and so produce the much needed foreign money.

A unique testament to the Bantu civilization of the Shona between the 11th and 15th centuries is the remains of Great Zimbabwe, which according to an ancient tale was the capital of the Queen of Sheba. The city, which has an approximately 80 hectares size, was a significant commerce hub and well-known starting in the Middle Ages.

To know more about Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe visit:



What was Napoleon's claim that was really Snowball idea?


The snowball idea was the development of a windmill.

Napoleon is one of the pigs who spearheads the uprising against the farm's humans in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, rising to power as the head of the new animal kingdom. He is shown as a harsh and power-hungry figure who will do anything to hold onto his position of authority. He takes credit for actions and ideas that were actually created by Snowball, a different pig who is one of the key rebel leaders.

The building of the windmill is one instance of a Snowball concept that Napoleon claimed credit for. Snowball was the one who had the idea for the windmill and works arduously to convince the other animals to support the endeavor. Napoleon asserts that the windmill was his idea all along when Snowball is expelled from the farm and uses this as support for his leadership and brilliance.

Read more about snowball ideas on:



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