What is the problem Swift is addressing?


Answer 1

Swift's main societal issue is poverty, and how the destitute are both an eyesore and a financial burden to the citizens of Ireland.

While Swift investigates the treatment of the Irish by affluent landowners and the awful state of their poverty, his own recommendations are harsh. Swift also addresses religious prejudice and recommends that the Irish should do more to assist themselves.

People are out of work in "A Modest Proposal," they are trying to feed their children, and the country is overpopulated. To address these issues, one modest solution is that parents sell one-year-old children as food for affluent landowners.

Learn more about to Swift visit here;



Related Questions

Why does Hester fear Chillingworth Chapter 4?


Hester fears he is upset with her for having an affair and will do anything to harm her or the unborn child.

What is Hester afraid of?

Hester fears Chillingworth because of his rage and hatred. Chillingworth's desire for vengeance grows more and more intense throughout The Scarlet Letter. This turns into the book's main theme.

Who cheated on Hester?

The Scarlet Letter, a masterwork by Nathaniel Hawthorne published in 1850, tells the tale of Hester Prynne, her long-lost husband Roger Chillingworth, and the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, with whom she had an affair.

The Scarlet Letter: Who Suffered the Most?

Because, unlike Hester, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale had nothing to live for and because of this, he suffered more than Hester.

To know more about Hester in The Scarlet Letter, visit:


Who made the first muzzleloader?


The earliest firearm in existence is the muzzleloading rifle. Although muzzleloaders have been present since the beginning of the 17th century, interest in them has recently increased.

For French King Louis XIII, inventor, gunsmith, and artist Marin le Bourgeois creates the first flintlock in 1610.

Midway through the 1980s, Knight Rifles invented the in-line muzzleloader and continues to produce and market them today. The 10ML-II from Savage Arms requires less cleaning because it may be used with smokeless powder.

A muzzleloader is a gun that loads ammo through the muzzle, which is the barrel's front end.

Modern, breech-loading weapons predated muzzleloaders. The end of the barrel opposite the muzzle end is referred to as the "breech" of a firearm.

Learn more about to muzzleloader visit here;



What is the ocean floor called?


The ocean floor called seabed looks like at the continental shelf and slope is the ocean trench. Other features of the ocean floor include the abyssal plain, seamounts, trenches, and the mid-ocean ridge.

The ocean floor is rich in resources. Life on the ocean floor is gathered and processed for use in food and medicine.The oldest ocean crust from one tectonic plate is thrust beneath another, creating ocean trenches, which are steep depressions in the deepest portions of the ocean.

Mountains, earthquakes, and the eruption of both on-land and underwater volcanoes are all outcomes of this process.The Mariana Trench in the South Pacific Ocean is formed when the enormous Pacific plate subducts beneath the smaller, less dense Philippine plate a portion of the molten substance.

To know more about Seabeds visit:



What types of themes did modernists explore?


Confusion, solitude, and disillusionment are the three main literary themes of the Modernist period. The attitudes and emotions that plagued Americans in the early 1900s are reflected in these themes.

Postmodern art describes the development of art in the years following World War II, whereas modernist art represents the avant-garde movements that first appeared in the early twentieth century. The themes of alienation, metamorphosis, consumption, and the relative nature of truth are explored in both Modernist and Postmodern fiction.

The primary traits of contemporary literature are: Individualism, experimentation, symbolism, absurdity, and formalism are some of the traits of modern literature. Experimentation, especially with form, and the understanding that knowledge is not absolute are characteristics of modernism. a term commonly used to describe the arts movement in the 20th century that was in opposition to realism and romanticism.

To learn more about themes Visit : brainly.com/question/25336781


Marissa is a good tennis player whose performance seems to improve as the crowd watching her gets larger. The best explanation for this phenomenon is
a. the bystander effect
b. social facilitation
c. the self-serving bias
d. misattribution
e. a social schema


The correct option is B ; Social facilitation is when being in the presence of others improves your individual performance.

The presence of others promotes individual task performance, which is referred to as social facilitation. That is, when people work together on a job, they perform better than when they work alone.

When compared to their performance when alone, social facilitation is an enhancement in task performance in the presence of others (audience, rival, co-actor). The contents page. Effects of Interaction. Effects of the audience. Factors of cognition.

Learn more about to Social facilitation visit here;



How do you write an ethical essay?


The above question required the way to write ethical essay are explain are as bellow.

The ethical essay is a type of writing where students must research a subject, gather and analyses supporting information, and succinctly present their stance. Additionally, you should be cognizant that an essay's introduction is when the essential information is presented.

In such scenario, you can use the following format for your introduction:

Introduce your essay's major topic.

Identify the context for which this issue is relevant.

It's crucial to keep in mind that the introduction should just be a brief paragraph of five or six words.

You must make a claim regarding whether it is moral to target ignorant consumers in your essay and support it with evidence. The body of the essay must then be written, which is essential. The outcome will be the conclusion of the essay.

For more such question on ethical essay.



What helps to account for the gender gap in public opinion quizlet?


Increasing awareness of the differences between women's interests and those of men in terms of policy; increased representation of women in a workplace that is hostile to them helps to account for the gender gap in public opinion.

The gender wage gap is influenced by a number of factors, including age, race and ethnicity, handicap, and access to education. As a result, there are quite big income gaps for different categories of women. Two variables account for the gender gap: women priorities social welfare issues more often than men do, and they have more liberal views on foreign policy and social welfare than men do.

Public opinion is the general view on a topic or the intended vote that is important to a society. It is the general public's viewpoint on topics that interest them. Gender disparities in political choices and public opinion have long been a feature of American politics. Men and women react to stimuli in different ways depending on their gender.

For such more question on gender gap:



What is the man poem about?



The poem 'Man' - and what a bold title that is - is a complaint about human restlessness. This restlessness is at odds with the general stability of creation, a quality of predictable behaviour in nature which Vaughan celebrates as 'stedfastness', 'state', and 'staidness'.


hope this helps :)

mark me brainliest

Why is dialect important in realist literature?


Dialect is used to give the characters a genuine, convincing quality. It gives the narrative and its characters life. Dialects are often utilised in conversation literature

when a very distinct and significant narrative voice is needed.

Writers can use dialect as a potent weapon to make their characters come to life. To distinguish a character's distinctive speech and to highlight their origin, cultural background, or socioeconomic class, a writer may employ dialect in addition to accent literature.

The goal of realism was to give voice to the less fortunate. Realistic storytelling was prized for its straightforward vernacular because there was a desire to hear from the common people themselves. As part of the writer's effort to writing realistically, dialect was utilised. painters and

To learn more about literature  please click on below link



What are homophones write 10 sentences with homophones?


Homophones are words that sound the same but have various meanings and spellings. Understanding homophones is an important component of acquiring the English language, since it helps with vocabulary development as well as spelling.

brake/break: When I was training my daughter to drive, I warned her that if she didn't touch the brake in time, she'd smash the car's side mirror.If you sell drugs, you will be arrested and placed in a jail cell.aroma: I will not spend a single mell on a bottle of perfume unless I am certain that I adore the scent.You may die if you drank a bottle of fabric dye by mistake.flour/flower: Flour is required to make a flower-shaped cake.I bought four new pairs of shoes for my forthcoming vacation.Heal/heel: If the heel of your shoe breaks, you may fall. Your injuries, on the other hand, will heal over time.

To know more about Homophones:



Why doe Macbeth have a tronger political meage than Hamlet? provide 3 reaon why with text evidence


Macbeth's individual is tremendous in phrases of philosophy, religion, and morality. His persona is described with the aid of using each his ​ambition​and his ​guilt​.

On the only hand he's fixated at the destiny he desires. On the other, he's continuously searching over his shoulder, haunted with the aid of using his crimes. Macbeth is a political play in that it offers with the Scotland's energy and political intrigue (a mystery plan to do some thing evil). 12 months after the Gunpowder Plot. The well-known gunpowder plot became whilst a person named Guy Fawkes and his guys attempted to explode James and his parliament in 1605. As a tragedy, Macbeth is a dramatization of the mental repercussions of unbridled ambition. The play's foremost themes—loyalty, guilt, innocence, and fate—all address the significant concept of ambition and its consequences.

To learn more about phrases check the link below:



What section is an Ethernet frame?


The Data Link Layer defines the Ethernet frame. The three components of an Ethernet frame are the Ethernet header (Preamble, SFD, Destination, Source, and Type), the encapsulated data (Data and Pad), and the Ethernet trailer (FCS).

An Ethernet frame is a data link layer protocol data unit that employs the Ethernet physical layer transport methods. In other words, the payload that a data unit delivers over an Ethernet network is known as an Ethernet frame. An Ethernet frame is preceded by a preamble and a start frame delimiter (SFD), both of which are parts of the Ethernet packet at the physical layer. Every Ethernet transmission begins with an Ethernet header, which has the source and destination MAC addresses as its first two fields. The payload data in the frame's center section includes any headers for other protocols (such as Internet Protocol) that are transported in the frame.

To learn more about ethernet frame:



What is it called when the climax is at the end of the story?



the climax at the end of the story is called inverted mid-point climax.


How does green symbolize the American Dream in The Great Gatsby?



The american dream is to become wealthy and make money.

What does the Constitution say about equality Why do you think it is important to have equality for all people?


Our Constitution teaches that the state should not discriminate against other citizens based on religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth.

It is important for everyone to be equal because only our society will improve the truth of the word. It is our right to have a good relationship. It is our right to be respected. It is our right to equality. Without all these, our life would be hell. Our identity will be limited. Therefore, we need equality so that we can move forward without hindrance. We may prove that we ourselves can contribute to the development of the community and the country.

The right to equality provides equality of all people before the law, prevents discrimination of various kinds, gives everyone equal access to public employment, and remove conflicts, and titles (such as Sir, Rai Bahadur, etc.).

For more such questions on Equality:



Who or what is Swift criticizing in his satire and what techniques?


Jonathan Swift is a master of satire, and his works are still relevant today. Through the use of irony, hyperbole, parody, and ridicule, Swift is able to effectively criticize the vanity, hypocrisy, and foolishness of the social conventions of his day.

Jonathan Swift is one of the most renowned satirists of all time, and his writing is renowned for its sharp wit and ability to inspire thought-provoking discussion. In his satire, Swift is often critical of the social and political forces at play in his day, and the techniques he employs to do so are both varied and masterful.

One of the themes Swift examines in his satire is human vanity and the power of appearances. He makes use of irony to highlight the contradiction between the pretensions of the upper classes and their underlying hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy. For example, in his work “A Modest Proposal,” Swift proposes a solution to the poverty afflicting the Irish people in the form of selling their children as “food.” His proposal is so outrageous that readers cannot help but recognize the ridiculousness of the social and economic inequality that exists in the world.

Swift also employs the use of hyperbole and exaggeration to mock the absurdity of many of the social conventions of his day. For example, in “A Tale of a Tub,” Swift uses irony and hyperbole to mock the various sects and denominations of Christianity, which he perceives as mindless and ridiculous. By exaggerating the characteristics of the sects, he is able to make a powerful statement about the foolishness of religious fanaticism.

In addition to irony and hyperbole, Swift often uses parody and ridicule to make his points. In “Gulliver’s Travels,” Swift uses parody to portray the various societies Gulliver encounters as foolish and ridiculous. He mocks the customs and beliefs of these societies and exposes their hypocrisies and foolishness. By doing so, Swift is able to illustrate the absurdity of the social and political conventions of the day.

Learn more about Gulliver’s Travels at : https://brainly.com/question/2967363


What is the summary of a proposal called?


If your proposal is approved, you will utilize the proposal summary to explain your findings to the public.

What is the basic structure of a proposal?

If your proposal is approved, you will utilize the proposal summary to explain your findings to the public. Whenever possible, refrain from using uppercase letters, quote marks, and acronyms. Explain this proposal's goals and history in a few words.

Despite the fact that the executive summary is the proposal's initial section, you can always draft it after the rest of the paper has been written. Your ability to extract key ideas from the body of the proposal and use them in the summary will be facilitated in this way.

Listed below is a proposal's general format: A proposal typically includes the following, as you can see: a succinct description of the issue, the proposed fix, its associated expenses, and its advantages. Issue: The key description of the problem, including the concerned parties.

To learn more about proposal refer to:



What is the moral or lesson of the story Animal Farm?


The moral or lesson of the story "Animal Farm" is that power can induce corruptibility.

Animal Farm is about the rise of the Soviet Union and the rebellion against it. The novel has a strong moral message about the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of freedom. The novel is also critical of the Communist Party and its leaders.

Animal Farm is a powerful and timeless story that is relevant to many different situations and cultures. It talks about how power can influence people and could lead to corruption. Written by Orwell, this is a very famous book around the world.

To know more about animal farm, click here.



What is the purpose of dialect in poetry?


Poetry written in a dialect tries to mimic the accents, peculiarities, and speech patterns of speakers of non-standard English. If you are unfamiliar with the dialect, reading can be very difficult.

Because of how regional accents have changed since the introduction of television and radio, older dialect poems can be particularly challenging to read today. I've read that some American troops from one section of the country would have great trouble comprehending Americans from another region during the American Civil War and even during World War I.

Finding an example of a dialect poem being read aloud or first attempting to work through it and change the spelling to a more conventional style may make it easier to understand.

Know more about dialect here:



What are the 4 types of punctuation?


The name of the many forms of punctuation include: complete stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, and colon.  

Is exclamation a synonym for excited?

Passionate enthusiasm is communicated by using a punctuation mark (or point), a type of punctuation. Although the definition of "exclamation" is "a startling cry or yell," there are other uses for exclamation marks . It can be used to express joy, astonishment, wrath, emphasis, and other emotions.

Are cries an emotion?

A statement that exclaims an emotional experience, like as astonishment, enthusiasm, rage, or suffering, is known as an exclamation. Commands and gesticulations, which are statements used by themselves to convey emotion, frequently use exclamation marks.

To know more about exclamation visit:



What is one example of an argument that uses logos?


Logos appeals referred to the reason of audience's, build up logical arguments. It is the logical argument for your point to logos.There is some examples of logos that can be found in argumentation like persuasive and writing arguments. literature and poetry.

Logos is a persuasive or rhetorical appeal to the audience's rationality and logic. It is also known as the logical appeal of logos examples that is to be included that the citation of statistics, graphs, facts & charts.

Logos is used when it is cold arguments like data, statistics, or common sense to convince people of something except than to try for an appeal to an audience's emotions.

Learn more about Logos example click on the link here:



How was Hester described?


The scarlet letter's first chapters give the impression that Hester had a strong personality and was impulsive before she was married. She remembers her parents as loving mentors who constantly had to control her impulsive conduct. She may have once been passionate, based on the fact that she is having an affair.

One of the first and most significant female protagonists in American literature is Hester Prynne from Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic The Scarlet Letter. She is the epitome of profound contradictions: evil and beautiful, righteous and immoral, and traditional and unconventional.

Hester is physically described as a tall young woman with a "figure of flawless elegance on a wide scale" in the first scaffold scene. Her "black and plentiful hair, so glossy that it reflected off the sunlight with a glitter" is her most striking characteristic. Her regular facial features, rich skin, and deep, black eyes give her a stunning appearance. She is so physically beautiful in fact that "the misfortune and ignominy in which she was engulfed produced a halo of the beauty she flashed out, and made."

To learn more about The Scarlet Letter here:



What does this excerpt tell you about the impact of unsuccessful Independence movements?


If the Indians participated in the war, the British would grant them independence. When they came home from World War I, the British broke their commitment. As a result, there was animosity and anguish toward the British, which ultimately sparked nationalistic movements.

Mohandas Gandhi served as the movement's leader. The colonists believed that if they had political freedom, they would also have economic freedom and the right to vote if they owned property. The colonists' relationship with Great Britain became more unsatisfactory. Many colonists came to the view that something needed to be done as a result of abuses by the British Crown, including taxation without representation and other actions.

This strong uprising failed for a number of reasons, including the lack of a unifying leader, lack of cohesiveness, and lack of support from all Indian rulers and social strata. The revolt's lackluster organization was perhaps another major factor in its demise. In response to Britain's repressive rule over India, Gandhi launched the first of many successful passive-resistance operations following World War I, when the Indian independence movement first gained traction.

To learn more about Independence movements Visit : brainly.com/question/19545819


Is vengeance the opposite of justice?


Justice makes the perpetrator acknowledge his or her wrongdoings and punishes them equitably in accordance with the law, which greatly improves the victim's mood. While vengeance involves one's emotions, justice includes the law. Some people favor retribution over justice.

Justice is the legal procedure in which wrongdoers are adjudicated and dealt with equitably. The act of assaulting or injuring someone in retaliation for something they have done is known as revenge. Justice and retaliation have different goals; justice seeks to redress wrongs, whereas retaliation only seeks to get even. Justice is a social and legal phenomena; revenge is by its very nature personal and impersonal.

The primary motivation for seeking revenge is to exact retribution, to carry out a personal vendetta, or to obtain what one would construe as personal justice. "It might make you feel catharsis, but it won't last." The circle of vengeance is never-ending. It is a temporary fix rather than a long-term remedy. It provides a wronged person with some satisfaction, even if it is just momentary, which, according to experts, is part of its attraction.

To learn more about vengeance Visit : brainly.com/question/23584151


It is a good idea to begin a paragraph with a quotation.

a. True
b. False


Answer: false

Explanation: you'll weaken your arguement

It is a good idea to begin a paragraph with a quotation, is the false statement. Hence, option B is correct.

What is quotation?

A quotation is a term or phrase that has been borrowed and utilized by another person directly from a play, book, poem, speech, or other work of literature.

Another example is when someone repeats or uses anything they wrote or said in a speech. quotes from the arts or literature [=quotes] He gathered quotes from the trial's transcript to back up his claim. a famous quotation Lincoln is attributed with uttering.

The most common usage of quotation marks is to denote a direct quote or to highlight any spoken words. In other words, they repeat what was said exactly. He gave the example, "I'm going to be a few minutes late to class today."

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about quotation, click here:



Why is it important for Filipino citizens to exercise freedom of expression and of the press and the right to information?


Freedom of expression provides for the unrestricted flow of ideas, viewpoints, and information while allowing the general public to establish their own opinions.

Why it is important for citizens to exercise their freedom of speech?

One of the fundamental tenets of democracy is the right to free speech, which is just and applicable to everyone. Democracy is weakened if this isn't done.

Why is freedom an important right in society?

While ensuring that our rights are always upheld, freedom gives us the chance to pursue happiness. This protection of our rights includes several others that were established by legislation throughout history, such as the freedom of religion and the right to free expression.

Why freedom of expression is the most important?

A society must have freedom of expression as one of its fundamental human rights in order to remain democratic. It permits the free interchange of thoughts, viewpoints, and information, allowing people to establish their own views on matters of public concern.

To know more about freedom of expression visit:



2. How is life different from what it was five years ago? How have these changes affected you? Write your views in about 150 words.



Pls mark me as Brainlist :D



As a person gets older, he becomes more serious and busier. If I compare my life now and five years ago, I would find some differences in my life style and my daily expenses, at the same time the similarity of being busy with study as now. Five years ago I was studying in the last stage of a specialized school, and I was planning to continue my study at any near academic lyceum. So, I concentrated on revising school subjects, and I did all home tasks on time as I do now. Interestingly, I spend the same period of time for doing homework-four hours in a day, as in five years ago. These factors can be similarities in comparing my lives. My previous lifestyle was completely different from the current one. After classes I used to go to some entertaining places with my friends like: playing football in stadiums, game clubs etc. Sometimes I just wasted my time in front of TV. In holidays, I would go to sightseeing sites like rivers, mountains. We enjoyed nature’s beauty. Every day passed interestingly. Without any doubt, I can say those days were golden days of my life. On the contrary, nowadays I try to spend each day wisely. I make plan of my daily routine, and sometimes it seems that I followed a specific procedure of every week. More entertaining time lasts in my university. After classes, I go to my job, and this also requires responsibility and special preparation. The main difference is that I cannot spend my whole day just for nothing or for relaxing. Another distinction is my daily expenses. In my school days, I didn’t care about money that I spent. My three brothers and my parents made money for supplying our family. Since I lived with my parents I used money for only my clothes and my stationery materials such as books, notebooks, pencils and pens etc.

Answer: Look at the explanation

Explanation: My life was different from 5 years ago due to the advancements in technology and science. These changes had positive and negative effects, by making our world more advanced with new advancements in technology and sciences. It's negative because we interact face-to-face less because most people are on social media. This is especially apparent in teenagers.

I hope this helps ;)

I don't know if this is 150 words ._.'

A blow to the rib cage can contuse the _____.
A). intercostal muscles
B). bladder
C). acromioclavicular joint
D). appendix


The intercostal muscles might become bruised from a hit to the rib cage.

The muscles that form and move the chest wall are called intercostal muscles, and they are located between the ribs. Three layers of muscles that are largely employed to support breathing make up the body’s muscles. External intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, and the deepest intercostal muscles make up the three layers. The intercostal nerves, intercostal veins, and intercostal arteries all provide these muscles with blood supply and innervation. The scalene, subcostal, and transverses thoracic are the additional muscles. The silent and forced inhaling movements are controlled by the external intercostal muscles. They arise from ribs one through eleven, enlarge the chest cavity, and insert from ribs two to twelve. The muscles of the internal intercostals are in charge of forcing an exhale. They reduce chest cavity space and depress the ribs. They insert from ribs one to 11, with origin from ribs two to 12. The deepest intercostal muscles are those closest to the internal thoracic cavity. The neurovascular bundle, a collection of nerves and blood arteries, separates them from the internal intercostal muscles.

Option A is the proper response, so.

To learn more about rib cage, refer:-



What is an example of implicit consent?


The agreement given by a person’s action (even just a gesture) or inaction, or can be inferred from certain circumstances by any reasonable person.

What exactly is implicit consent?

In contrast to express permission (which is provided explicitly and clearly with explicit words), implied consent is the agreement given by a person’s conduct (even if it is simply a gesture) or inactivity, or may be inferred from particular circumstances by any reasonable person. While express agreement is often supplied on paper and occasionally orally, implied consent is primarily obtained by actions. For example, if you arrive at your doctor’s office for your seasonal flu vaccine and roll up your sleeve, you are effectively consenting to having a flu vaccination.

Explicit refers to something that is exceedingly obvious and devoid of ambiguity. Implicit frequently serves as the inverse, referring to anything that is known but not precisely articulated.

To learn more about implicit consent to refer:



How many time zones are in the continental United States?


The continental United States (the 48 contiguous states) is divided into 4 time zones. Eastern Time (EST/EDT) Central Time (CST/CDT).

How many time zones are in the continental United States?

Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone

The Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone derives its name from two areas: Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. These two areas do not use daylight saving time.

Alaska Time Zone

The Alaska Time Zone encompasses almost the entire state of Alaska. Standard time is observed in this time zone by subtracting 9 hours from UTC (UTC-09:00) and 8 hours during DST (UTC-08:00).

Pacific Time Zone

The Pacific Time Zone (PT) encompasses the western states of the US, western Mexico, and western Canada. The standard time within this zone is observed by subtracting 8 hours from UTC (UTC-8). During DST, an offsite time of UTC-7 is used. PST is one hour ahead of Hawaii and Alaska Time Zones, and at least one hour behind the other time zones.

Mountain Time Zone

The Mountain Time Zone (MT) observes standard time by subtracting 7 hours from UTC (UTC-07:00) and 6 hours during DST (UTC-06:00). In the US, this time zone is generally known as Mountain Time (MT).

To learn more about many time zones refer to:



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