What is the heart of agile development?


Answer 1

Similar praise for the simplicity of four actions collaborate, deliver, reflect, and improve can be seen in Alistair Cockburn's "Heart of Agile." Like Kerievsky, Cockburn refrains from referring to "Heart of Agile" as a "framework," "methodology," or "process."

There has been some fresh thinking recently on agile approaches and procedures to perhaps win back people who have become weary of agile and scrum. Agile 2016 keynote speaker Joshua Kerievsky's "Modern Agile" and Agile Manifesto signatory Alistair Cockburn's "Heart of Agile" are the two movements that have formed. Both place emphasis on going back to the beginning and employing a principle-based approach that has applications outside of software development. Techniques, processes, approaches, and technologies that fall under the agile category are now oversaturated in the market. Many people believe that they are more marketing gimmick than agile and that they are eschewing the simplicity that the agile principles encourage. Both Modern Agile and Heart of Agile seek to advance agile by emphasizing adherence to just four principles rather than increasing complexity.

To learn more about Kerievsky please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/15489768


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What is the thesis of chapter 7 Zinn?


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Who coined the expression as long as grass grows or water flows?

In his book, author Michael Rogin describes how Native Americans lost their territory and their population started to decline.

Once the white males made the decision that they wanted Native American (Indian) lands, the US government did everything in its power to assist the white men in acquiring Indian land. From turning a blind eye to drafting legislation ordering the Indians to give up their land, the US government did it all (see Indian Removal Bill of 1828). When General Jackson fought and defeated the great Tecumseh during the War of 1812, he was helped by his prejudice against Indians and put the Indian removal into motion.

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What does a controlling idea Express?


In essence, a topic phrase informs readers about the rest of the paragraph.

What is Controlling Idea?

Each sentence that follows it must either provide more information about it, support it with facts, or provide a more thorough description. For instance, if the topic phrase discusses the several endangered marine species, all subsequent sentences must elaborate on that point.

Additionally, topic sentences must refer back to the essay's thesis. The thesis statement serves as a road map that explains to the audience where you are taking this data or how you are using it.

There shall be a topic and a controlling idea in every topic sentence. The dominant notion.

Therefore, In essence, a topic phrase informs readers about the rest of the paragraph.

To learn more about Controlling idea, refer to the link:



What is the correct order to clean?


The order to clean is: Firstly, Remove food bits or dirt on the surface; Then, wash the surface; Rinse the surface; Sanitize the surface; Allow the surface to air dry.

Cleaning is the removal of foreign matter from items (such soil and biological substances). Water, detergents, or enzymatic solutions are frequently used in its execution. All cleaning is based on two fundamental principles: pH and physical removal. One of the best microbiological cleaning methods is physical removal. In addition to eliminating the food supplies that support their growth, it reduces the amount of germs on all surfaces.

Know more about the cleaning methods at: https://brainly.com/question/24763074


A rich medium is more effective with routine situations.


The statement that "A rich medium is more effective with routine situations" is False.

What is a rich medium?

A rich medium is a system for communication and it is very important in all situations and not just in routine situations. When a rich medium is used in communication, ideas will be communicated clearly.

There are different mediums that can be used to pass messages across to people. These could be with technological devices or with other physical means. When these are used regularly, important ideas will be passed on to the audience.

Learn more about mediums for communication here:



What are the 3 main kinds of transition?


Answer:  social, legal, and physical.


social, legal, and physical.

What are 3 characteristics of an action potential?


An action potential has three stages: depolarization, overshoot, and repolarization. There are two more states of the membrane potential that are linked to the action potential.

When the membrane potential at a specific cell location increases and falls quickly, an action potential is created. Adjacent areas also undergo depolarization after this depolarization. Animal cells that display action potentials fall under the category of excitable cells, which also includes neurons, muscle cells, and some plant cells.

Neuronal action potentials are necessary for intercellular communication. Signals are carried by axons to terminal synaptic boutons, where salutatoric conduction aids in the formation of synapses with other neurons. You can link glands or motor cells.

To know more about Action potential here-



What is the main theme or message?




The main idea is what the book is mostly about. The theme is the message, lesson, or moral of a book. By asking crucial questions at before you read, while you read, and after you read a book, you can determine the main idea and theme of any book you are reading!

What are the major crops of our country Class 8?


To meet the demands of a growing population and provide raw materials for agro-based industries, a wide variety of crops are farmed. Wheat, rice, maize, and millets are the four main food crops.

What are the top three important crops in the nation?

Soybeans, oats, barley, and corn. Corn, which is mostly farmed in a region known as the Corn Belt, is the crop with the highest production in the United States. Soybeans are the second-largest crop farmed in the US.

What are India's principal crops?

Rice, wheat, millets, pulses, tea, coffee, sugarcane, oil seeds, cotton, jute, and other major crops are grown in India. Canal irrigation and tubewells have made it possible to grow these crops.

To know more about Major crops, visit:


What does Swift propose doing to solve the problem of poverty in Ireland?


The thesis, which passes for an economic dissertation, proposes that Ireland's poor children should be killed and sold to English landowners as food in order to alleviate the country's poverty.

What does Swift have to say about Ireland's poverty?

Swift suggests that in order for these poor Irish families to escape the poverty in which they are forced to live as a result of having so many mouths to feed, they should fatten up their children and sell them to the wealthy English landowners.

As the most obvious solution to Ireland's economic dilemma, it recommends that the Irish sell their children as food; astoundingly, it also makes a number of recommendations for how they should be prepared and served. Swift claims that serving and murdering the children of poor households.

To know more about A Modest Proposal visit:



What is the main literary device used by Robert Frost in fire and ice?



Metaphor - It is a literary device that is used to make covert comparison without using the words like or as the poet has used the terms 'fire's and 'ice' as metaphors for the human emotions related to desire and hatred.


Hope this helped!

How Does An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge show realism?


Bierce joins in a realist tradition that helped to alter common perceptions of war by bringing up the unpleasant details of an adversary's execution, this is how it shows realism.

How does An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge show naturalism?

The passage from delusion to reality is shown in Farquhar's tale. To rouse readers from the delusion, that is the core of naturalism. In this situation, the delusion is that Farquhar has fled and will return to living a normal life. He will eventually die a terribly cruel death, which is reality.

Bierce joins in a realist tradition that changed how people perceived war by bringing up the unpleasant details of an enemy's death. He belongs with other authors, artists, and photographers of the time who did not romanticize or downplay the horror of the conflict. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, a short story by Ambrose Bierce, is a superb illustration of realism.

To learn more about An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge refer to :



What is passive voice and give 5 examples?


When a verb performs an action for the subject of a phrase rather than the other way around, this is known as the passive voice.

Voice in grammar denotes the connection between a sentence's subject and verb. The two voices of English. As in Toni prepare cakes, the subject fulfills the verb in the active voice. Toni is doing the verb's action in this instance (baking cakes). A subject is the object of a verb in passive voice. It is given the action, as in Toni bakes cakes. Toni is still performing the activity in this scene, but the object is a cake. They are being affected by Toni's action.

Examples for ACTIVE and PASSIVE Voices:

          ACTIVE                                                   PASSIVE

At dinner, Harry consumed six shrimp.          Harry consumed six shrimp at dinner.

The savannah is home to stunning giraffes.  The stunning giraffes graze on the grassland.

Changing the flat tire was Sue.                        Sue repaired the flat tire.

Birds consume bugs.                                        Birds consume insects as food.

The cat meowing.                                              The cat was doing the meowing.

To learn more about passive voice Visit : brainly.com/question/95277


How does the pacing of this passage move the plot forward Animal Farm Part 5?


The slow pace helps develop Mr. Whymper's character with descriptive details which move the plot forward Animal Farm Part 5.

Animal Farm's overarching topic is the ability of common people to maintain faith in a movement that has been completely betrayed. Napoleon and his fellow pigs, who are in charge, try to undermine the democratic promise of the revolution, according to Orwell.

One of Orwell's best works, it is a political parable based on the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and Joseph Stalin's betrayal of the cause. Animal Farm represents the Russian Revolution of 1917. This is a very famous book.

To know more about animal, click here.



Why is homework important importance of homework in learning process?


The completion of homework enables teachers to assess how well their students have grasped the lessons. Student's homework teaches them how to solve problems.

Importance of homework:

Students have yet another chance to review topics from class through homework. Parents can check on their children's progress at home by looking over their homework. Beyond only the assignment itself, homework assists students in managing their burden and developing time management skills. Taking responsibility for the deadline on their assigned homework encourages independent thought and the development of problem-solving abilities.

According to studies, homework increased students' performance in terms of better grades, test scores, and likelihood of attending college. While many students dislike doing their homework, some students enjoy it. Students must complete their homework since it promotes learning. It improves the kids' ability to think critically and solve problems. Additionally, it aids students in their frequent review of the material covered in class.

To learn more about homework Visit :  brainly.com/question/13805854


How often should you sanitize a knife?


The amount of times a person sanitizes a knife differs for everyone for various reasons and for various uses.

Cleaning and sanitizing of knives is very important as it is an object which we use commonly in our day to day life for various reasons. If one is cutting vegetables or meat, then sanitizing a knife before and after chopping of vegetables or meat is important.

One should also sanitize a knife after using it for cheese, or jam or for any other food items. Sanitizing is also important when a knife is exchanged between two people or when a knife isn’t used for a while or when one is newly brought.

Not sanitizing and cleaning a knife can lead to cross-contamination. Rust develops easily on uncleaned knives.

To know more about cleaning and sanitization of knife here:



What does A Modest Proposal purpose?


This spoof aims to mock the politicians, elites, and landowners who perceive the Irish poor as a nuisance rather than a cause of human suffering.

What is the main point of A Modest Proposal?

This parody seeks to make fun of the politicians, elites, and landlords who view the Irish poor not as a source of human pain and suffering but rather as a nuisance.

Jonathan Swift suggests that the Irish should devour their children in A Modest Proposal because it will have various advantages. He asserts that it will aid in the reduction of population, the generation of income, the prevention of crime, and the production of trendy apparel from children.

The Whig cabinet in England, which was complicit in English exploitation, was Swift's primary target in A Modest Proposal.

Swift's satirical essay aims to draw attention to the troubles that the Irish people were going through.

To learn more about A Modest Proposal refer to:



What does it mean to address the counterclaim?


A counterclaim is described as a request for redress made against an adversary after the initial claim has been made. typically a charge made by the defendant against the plaintiff.

How should a counterclaim be answered?

In a written document, you should typically handle the counterclaim last before coming to your conclusion. Include the source and author of the opposing opinion when you discuss it. Using an unreliable source is undesirable, but so is summarizing an opposing viewpoint without citing it.

A counterclaim is a claim made by a defendant in a lawsuit against the plaintiff. For instance, if a landlord filed a lawsuit against a tenant for unpaid rent, the tenant would respond with a counterclaim that implied the landlord was truly at fault, trying to have the lawsuit dismissed.

The thesis statement can be refuted by a counterclaim that is inserted within the introduction paragraph.

To know more about counterclaim visit:



What does revenge mean as a theme?


The revenge mean as a theme that the recurring violent murders that take place throughout the text.

Its purpose is to accentuate the tragic events that are aiming to unfold by making tension between the audience and therefore the actions of the characters. the foremost common theme among the genre of revenge is that the revenant violent murders that come about throughout the text, particularly within the final act or scene.

A theme is a central topic, subject, or message among a narrative. Themes is divided into 2 categories: a work's thematic thought is what readers "think the work is concerning" and its thematic statement being "what the work says about the subject".

To learn more about theme here



What are the 3 types of conflict communication?


The 3 types of conflict communication are

1. task conflict

2. relationship conflict

3. value conflict.

The aristocratic class stood at the apex of the global socioeconomic pyramid. They possessed titles, were affluent, and took part in conflicts. In the hierarchy of titles, the king was at the top, followed by dukes, earls, and knights, who were at the bottom. The clergy stood below the nobles. They were devoted to prayer and were lawful members of the Church. They had to make religious vows like chastity and poverty.

They typically did, however, have spouses, children, and property. They were quite strong, but not formally particularly spiritual, and they would not give up their way of life or the benefits of being a part of their social social order. The peasants, or servants, had a lifelong obligation to the ruler because they were born on his domain.

To know more about mediaeval society visit:



Why does the poet tell his Neighbour that they don't need fences?


The speaker needs to be a unified whole with every single individual and needs no hindrances by any means. That is the explanation he says that even nature doesn't need boundaries and continues to annihilate them each time they fix the wall.

The speaker says that they needn't bother with the wall because their fields are of two various types. The neighbor's field has pine trees while the speaker has an apple plantation.

'Great walls make great neighbors' pithily communicates the need to have clear limits between properties, as well as the requirement for neighbors to regard these limits, on the off chance that relations between neighbors are to stay agreeable and 'great'.

Learn more about fences:



What did Muhammad call his God?


Answer:When Muhammad returned home, he told his wife Kadijah about this revelation and his God, whom he called Allah.

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what's the question?


Discussion Topic
Researching the impact of others in our communities or societies requires a critical eye. It also requires much reflection. Think about someone who has
had a positive impact on others.
Briefly summarize their impact and how they inspire you.
How does examining the views of others during the research process impact your original view of that person?
Discussion: Capstone Project: Cultural Relevance
Graded Discussion



One person who has had a positive impact on others and inspires me is Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was a leader in India's non-violent independence movement, and his philosophy of non-violent resistance inspired civil rights and freedom movements around the world.

Gandhi's impact on others was tremendous. Through his leadership and activism, he was able to bring about significant social and political change in India, including the end of British rule and the establishment of a democratic government. He inspired others to stand up for their rights and beliefs, and his message of non-violence and peaceful resistance has continued to resonate with people around the world.

Examining the views of others during the research process can impact my original view of a person by providing additional context and perspective. For example, learning about Gandhi's life and the challenges he faced might deepen my appreciation for his contributions and the impact he had on others. On the other hand, it might also challenge some of my assumptions or beliefs about him, leading me to reassess my original view of him. Ultimately, the research process can help me to better understand and appreciate the complexity of a person and their impact on the world.

What is summarizes the main idea of the paragraph?


When you summarize the main idea, you are basically shortening it. By doing this, your telling what it’s about without being wordy or too in depth. :)

What is national security in your own words?


National security includes things like the police and military who protect the country at large. Their services are provided to all residents of a country and protect them from robbers, burglars, and attacks from other countries.

Which is better traditional way of learning or contemporary way of learning?


Modern learning encourages students to collaborate and therefore be more productive.

Why traditional method is important?Students in a traditional classroom would listen to protracted lectures, take notes, and typically memorise information by heart. Little to no room is left in the classroom for engaging conversation. On the other hand, peer-to-peer collaboration and involvement in classroom activities are encouraged in online education. The focus of traditional education is on culture, customs, and tradition, whereas modern education focuses on helping pupils develop their talents. While current educational systems place more emphasis on hands-on learning, traditional teaching techniques place more emphasis on memorising abilities. Online education is more efficient than traditional education since it allows you more time flexibility.

To learn more about traditional method refer to:



What is clovers purpose in Animal Farm?


A story that uses symbols to express a deeper concept is called an allegory. One of the book's many important lessons is how condoning evil has negative effects.

Clover acknowledges significant changes but does little to stop them, witnesses every significant moment but is only minimally active, and submits to the management of the more sophisticated and educated. Right up until the very conclusion of the novel, Clover is a devoted follower of the Animalist revolution. A story that uses symbols to express a deeper concept is called an allegory. One of the book's many important lessons is how condoning evil has negative effects. Orwell shows how people who choose to remain silent about wrongdoing or corruption only help to perpetuate it. This is beautifully illustrated by Clover. Clover exemplifies the operating-elegance female in that she observes all necessary tasks but just marginally engages in them, recognizes negative tendencies but does little to reverse them.

Learn more about Clover here:



Choose the meaning that matches the figurative language in the chart.



clouds move in and block the sun


Answer: The clouds move in and block the sun

Explanation: I got it right ♡

How do the key details in the passage develop the central idea that a persuasive speaker?


The key details in the passage develop the central idea that a persuasive speaker that The specifics demonstrate why other animals would take Squealer's claims at their value.

What significance does the main idea have?

The purpose of a literary composition's major concept is to accurately portray any given section in a way that makes the author's or narrator's intentions evident to the reader of the passage.

The story's main idea—which explains why other animals feel inclined to believe everything Squealer says—can be simply inferred from the section provided.

The main idea of a passage or story is the idea that the author wants the reader to understand the most. Direct expression of the main notion is possible. You learn the main idea from the author.

To know more about persuasive speaker visit:



94. The..........had expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert.
95. Leaving the lights on all the time.
b- economizes
c- prevents
96.More....... is needed into the ways in which this virus is spread.
97. The film has won a number of
c - a ward
98. We will begin a series of .......to help the public fully understand our system.
99.A man is known by the...he keeps.
b- organization
100.1 love working abroad and meeting people from different
101.She is a well-read and ........woman.
A - ignorant
102. We want to preserve our .........heritage and pass it on to our children.
103. He was fined for making
104. The city streets are.
abusive........to the comments.
with dark local stone.
c- comments
- cultured
- applications



When.... Therefore the answer is no


It was right when i asked john cena

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