What happened after the fall of Paris?


Answer 1
France signed an armistice with the Germans, and a puppet French state was set up with its capital at Vichy.

Related Questions

Theo: What is the role of the Holy Spirit today? list them in a positive way


The roles are listed below

What is the role of the Holy Spirit today? List them in a positive way.

The role of the Holy Spirit today is multifaceted, but some positive aspects of its role include:

Comforter: The Holy Spirit provides comfort and solace to those who are suffering or grieving.

Teacher: The Holy Spirit guides believers in understanding and applying the teachings of Jesus.

Counselor: The Holy Spirit provides guidance and wisdom in making decisions and navigating difficult situations.

Convictor: The Holy Spirit convicts individuals of sin and encourages them to repent and seek forgiveness.

Empowerer: The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live out their faith and share the love of God with others.

Unifier: The Holy Spirit unites believers across cultures and languages, creating a diverse and inclusive community of faith.

Read more on Holy Spirit  here https://brainly.com/question/14856056


Part B
Use this website from the federal government to research some of the regulatory agencies that you read about in this lesson. Under "Executive Branch Agencies, Commissions, and Committees," click on "Independent Agencies" or "Executive Department Sub-Agencies and Bureaus." Choose an agency that interests you and complete the chart to describe the type of regulatory policies your chosen agency sets and enforces and the kinds of influences that might affect these policies.


The chosen agency that interests one and completes the chart to describe the type of regulatory policies one has chosen is:

Agency: Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

What informs this agency?

Regulatory Policy: The FCC is responsible for regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. The agency sets policies related to communication technologies, such as net neutrality, spectrum allocation, and licensing of communication services.

Potential Influences: The FCC is influenced by political pressure from the President and Congress, as well as by public opinion and interest groups. The agency must also balance the interests of various stakeholders, such as telecommunications companies, consumers, and content providers. Technological advancements and changes in the communication landscape can also affect the policies and regulations set by the FCC.

learn more about Federal Communications Commission: https://brainly.com/question/3621777


Timothy McVeigh's 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma City was motivated by:

• A. a desire to seek revenge against former coworkers.

• B. suspicion of and anger toward the U.S. government.

• C. suspicion of and anger toward undocumented immigrants.

• D. a desire to seek revenge against the governor of Oklahoma.



Option B.)


Timothy McVeigh's 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was motivated by "suspicion of and anger toward the U.S. government," which is option B.

Timothy McVeigh was a former U.S. Army soldier who was radicalized by his anger and frustration over what he saw as the U.S. government's excessive use of force against civilians, particularly in incidents such as the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff and the 1993 Waco siege. He saw the government's actions as infringing upon individual liberties and believed that he needed to take action to defend those liberties. McVeigh chose the Murrah Federal Building as a target because it housed several federal agencies that he believed were responsible for these actions.

The bombing resulted in the deaths of 168 people, including 19 children, and was the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history at the time. McVeigh was arrested and ultimately executed for his role in the attack.

The correct answer is B. suspicion of and anger toward the U.S. government.

Timothy McVeigh was a former U.S. Army soldier who became increasingly radicalized in his opposition to the federal government. He was particularly angered by the federal government's handling of the 1993 Waco siege and the Ruby Ridge incident in 1992, which he saw as examples of excessive use of force against citizens by the government.

McVeigh's bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, was intended as a retaliation against what he perceived as the government's tyranny and oppression. The attack killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured hundreds more.

Learn more about Timothy McVeigh's


Who is the author of "The Story of Yueyang Tower"?


"The Story of Yueyang Tower" is a Chinese essay written by the famous writer, poet, and government official Fan Zhongyan during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

What informs the essay?

The essay is a vivid and emotional description of his visit to the Yueyang Tower, located on the shores of Dongting Lake in Hunan Province, and the memories it brought back of his days as an official in the region.

The essay is considered a classic in Chinese literature and has been widely read and appreciated for centuries.

Therefore, the author of "The Story of Yueyang Tower" is a Chinese essay written by the famous writer, poet, and government official Fan Zhongyan.

learn more about Fan Zhongyan: https://brainly.com/question/11684292


2. IDENTIFY at least 3 of the social or economic measures of development that signal in what type of
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I need to find these answers End of the Cold War (1980s-1991) PART 1: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: “The Soviet Union’s Vietnam War”

PART 2: Glasnost & Perestroika: “Restructuring and Openness”

PART 3: Revolutions of 1989, Berlin Wall Falls: “Beginning of the End”

PART 4: Tiananmen Square: “Democracy is crushed”

PART 5: End of the Cold War: “Most of the World Abandons Communism”

U.S.S.R. SAME RUSSIAN FEDERATION * * * * * * * * * ***Extra activity: here are five other developments toward the end of the Cold War worth investigating: Iran Hostage Crisis, K.A.L. Flight 007, Miracle on Ice, Iran-Contra Affair, Reagan's S.D.I.

What caused the Black Death (1331-1351) and what was its effect on Europe?
A.Unusually warm weather and increased rain caused deadly food shortages.
B. Disease spreading rats infected Europeans causing the population to decline by nearly half.
C.Unusually cold weather and lack of rain caused rising grain prices.
D.Rival popes declared war causing widespread fighting a destruction across Europe.





Rats carried the black plague and caused multiple deaths in Europe

Investigate how integration of whites and black help to perpetuate inequality and racism in sa


The integration of whites and blacks in South Africa  has perpetuated inequality and racism is through the persistence of structural and systemic discrimination.

What is the essay on this?

The integration of whites and blacks in South Africa has been a complex and ongoing process, and while it has brought some progress towards addressing inequality and racism, it has also perpetuated these issues in certain ways.

Despite legal and policy changes aimed at promoting racial equality, deep-rooted patterns of discrimination and inequality persist in many areas of South African society. For example, access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities still largely reflects racial and socioeconomic disparities. This creates an uneven playing field that disadvantages people of color and contributes to ongoing inequality.

Additionally, the integration of whites and blacks in some areas has led to a homogenization of culture, with the dominant white culture often being imposed on black communities. This can lead to the erasure of important cultural practices and traditions, as well as the marginalization of black voices and perspectives. This further entrenches systemic racism and reinforces patterns of inequality.

Furthermore, while integration is an important step towards dismantling racism, it is not enough on its own to address the deep-seated attitudes and beliefs that underpin racism. White people in South Africa, in particular, have been socialized into a culture of racism and privilege, and many continue to hold prejudiced views that contribute to ongoing discrimination and inequality.

In summary, while the integration of whites and blacks in South Africa has brought some progress towards addressing inequality and racism, it has also perpetuated these issues in certain ways. Structural and systemic discrimination, cultural homogenization, and the persistence of racist attitudes and beliefs all contribute to ongoing inequality and marginalization.

Learn more about racism at:



Question refers to the excerpt below.

"And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to our Interest, and the Security of our Colonies, that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians … should not be mol ested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as, not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are reserved to them … We do therefore, with the Advice of our Privy Council, declare it to be our Royal Will and Pleasure, that no Governor or Commander in Chief … in any of our other Colonies or Plantations in America do presume for the present, and until our further Pleasure be known, to grant Warrants of Survey, or pass Patents for any Lands … which, not having been ceded to or purchased by Us as aforesaid, are reserved to the said Indians, or any of them."—Proclamation of 1763

The attitude of the British Monarchy toward the colonies, as evident in the Proclamation of 1763, influenced which of the following political shifts?

Colonial movement toward independence
Beginning of salutary neglect
First Great Awakening
Spread of the Enlightenment


Answer: Colonial movement toward independence

Explanation: After the culmination of the French and Indian War that substantially enlarged Britain's territorial demands in North America, the Proclamation was enforced by King George III. The Proclamation had the intended purpose of regulating the expansion towards the west by imposing a restriction on colonial settlements beyond the Appalachian Mountains, which had been delegated as the abode of the Indigenous population. The Proclamation was perceived by a significant number of colonists as a transgression against their entitlements, and as an encroachment upon their capability to govern their own patterns of land utilization. The escalation of burgeoning tensions between the colonies and Britain, culminating in the American Revolution and the subsequent drive for independence, was primarily instigated by a confluence of measures adopted by the British government, of which this aforementioned action was but a constituent.

Which of the following is not a way for the other branches of government to keep the President in check under the system of checks and balances?

a) Senate confirmation of treaties made by the executive branch
b)Senate confirmation of Presidential appointees
c)Congressional approval of the Vice-President
d)Congressional ability to override presidential vetoes



Explanation:your wlecome

restate the second paragraph in your own words adam smith


Answer: Adam Smith was Scottish economist and philosopher in political economy.

Explanation: Adam Smith was born on 17th July 17th and was known for a political theory he is also known as the father of economy he was a pioneer thinking in political economy and a key figure in the Scottish Industries today Smith's Reputation rests on how explanation in self-interest he gives to all population he is also considered as pioneer person in modern economies .

Did the arguments for imperialism differ significantly from nation to nation? What might explain these differences?


Yes, the arguments for imperialism differed significantly from nation to nation, depending on their specific historical, economic, political, and social contexts.

What are the examples?

For example, the British justification for imperialism was often based on a moral duty to civilize and Christianize the "uncivilized" peoples of the colonies, as well as economic interests such as access to raw materials and new markets for British goods.

In contrast, the French rationale for imperialism was often based on the idea of "mission civilisatrice," or the duty to spread French culture, language, and values to the colonies, as well as geopolitical interests such as securing strategic military bases and protecting the French empire from rivals.

Overall, the differences in the arguments for imperialism can be explained by the specific historical, economic, political, and social factors of each nation, as well as their unique goals and aspirations for empire-building.

To know more about Imperialism related question visit:



These leaders weren’t interested in dealing with issues important to the plebeians.  Soldiers started to shift their loyalty from __________ to the _______________ who paid them.  The slave population in the republic grew to one-third of the population.  Men couldn’t look after their farms when they served as ____________. So, they often lost their farms.  Eventually, one-fourth of the Roman population was ________ and _______________.  Tensions continued to increase between the social classes of the republic, making it ____________


The answers are:

Leaders, Tribunes, Soldiers, Enslaved, Poor, Unstable.What is leaders?

People with leadership qualities have the capacity to motivate, guide, and inspire groups of people or organisations. They have a strong desire to succeed with the help of their colleagues. Leaders are frequently looked up to as role models because they combine qualities like ethics, communication, tenacity, and organisation.

In addition to thinking strategically and creatively, effective leaders can also establish and sustain connections. They are able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of their team and make use of them. Leaders may inspire their team to take calculated risks, work through issues, and accomplish their objectives.

To learn more about leaders, visit:



George W Bush 286 John Kerry 251 Barack Obama 365 John McCan These maps indicate that Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election by: A. distinguishing himself from his opponent, John McCain B. making inroads into traditionally Republican states. C. taking advantage of a nationwide party realignment. D. winning all states with extremely large populations.​


B. making inroads into traditionally Republican states.

In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama was able to make significant change into traditionally Republican states, which helped him win the election.

Historically, states such as Virginia, North Carolina, and Indiana had typically voted for Republican candidates in previous elections. However, in 2008, Obama was able to successfully appeal to voters in these states and win them over.

There were several factors that contributed to Obama's success in these traditionally Republican states. One was his message of change and hope, which resonated with voters who were tired of the status quo and looking for something different.

Another factor was Obama's strong ground game and effective use of technology and social media to mobilize and engage voters. Obama's campaign invested heavily in organizing volunteers and supporters on the ground in these states, and this helped to turn out the vote and build support for his candidacy.

Which state sent the most delegates


Answer: Pennsylvania


Why should an author of a high school textbook emphasize a Soviet cultural achievement like ballet? Explain your thinking



An author of a high school textbook may choose to emphasize Soviet cultural achievements such as ballet for a few reasons. First, it is important for students to understand the cultural and historical context of a given time period, and Soviet ballet was an important aspect of Soviet cultural and artistic achievement during the 20th century.


In summary, an author of a high school textbook may choose to emphasize Soviet cultural achievements like ballet because it represents an important cultural and historical context, a unique intersection of art and politics, and an influential contribution to the development of ballet as an art form.


They are an important part of the country's history and provide insight into the cultural and artistic developments that took place.


Ballet specifically was closely tied to politics and ideology, and studying git can help student understand the complex relationship between art, politics and society.

Fierce warriors from Mongolia invaded and controlled Russia for _______ in the late 1200s.?

a 200

b 250

c 300

d 350


c 300 is the answer!!

Which of the following best completes the diagram?
A. Promoted the use of nonviolence in achieving its goals
B. Promoted the use of violent resistance in achieving its goals
C. Supported boycotts and letter-writing as main forms of protest
D. Supported fighting for change mainly through the use of the court system


Option A. Promoted the use of nonviolence in achieving its goals best completes the diagram.

What encourages non-violence?

Promoting a culture of nonviolence and peace is a process that will never be completed. In order to resolve issues and tensions without fear of violence, it is important to foster an environment where everyone is respected and has the opportunity to participate.

How did Gandhi achieve his objectives without using violence?

He preached the nonviolent response to military aggression and political tyranny through the pages of his weekly newspaper, the Harijan. He counselled the weaker nations to resist the invader without resorting to violence instead of strengthening their combat capacity.

To know more about nonviolence visit:-



Of the major Civil Rights legislation and decisions (Voting Rights Act, Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, Affirmative Action, and Roe v. Wade), which do you feel is the most successful at addressing equal rights and opportunities?

Your response should be 3-5 sentences long


I can provide some insights into the impact of the major civil rights legislation and decisions. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was instrumental in securing voting rights for African Americans and other minorities. Title IX has been successful in promoting gender equality in education, while affirmative action has helped to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and higher education. Roe v. Wade has been a landmark decision in protecting women's reproductive rights. Ultimately, the success of these legislative and judicial decisions may depend on a variety of factors, including implementation, enforcement, and societal attitudes.

Why did colonists to the New World import slaves from Africa?
A. To build Catholic missions using unpaid labor for the purpose of converting native residents to Catholicism.
To use unpaid labor to build ships for use in transporting goods between the New World, Africa, and Europe.
c. To fill the ranks of colonial militias as unpaid soldiers battling natives for ownership of New World lands.
D. To meet the demand for unpaid labor to work farming cash crops on plantations.


Colonists imported slaves from Africa to the New World to meet the demand for unpaid labor to work farming cash crops on plantations. So, option (D) is correct.

Enslaved Africans were brought into the New World by colonists in order to make them work on cash crops plantations such as cotton, rice, and tobacco. There was a high demand for cheap labor as the primary source of generating income for the colonists was agriculture. Hence,

Native Americans were deemed to be unfit for enslavement because of diseases and also they were unavailable for enslavement as they resisted European colonization.

African enslavement became widely popular in the southern colonies of America leading to the significant success and growth of the colonial economies.

So, option (D) is correct.

To know more about, African enslavement, visit :


The Watergate break-in and the
ensuing scandal occurred for which of
the following reasons?
A. President Nixon needed money to fund his republican
campaign for the 1972 presidential election
B. Nixon was paranoid in reference to the democrats and
the 1972 presidential election.
C. Nixon wanted to get back at the democrats for
breaking into the republican headquarters in 1972.


Nixon was paranoid in reference to the democrats and the 1972 presidential election

What motivated the French radicals to participate in the Reign of Terror?
a.)To win the war with Austria
b.)To gain support for the revolution from Britain and Austria
c.)To instill fear and punish the people who remained loyal to the King
d.) To return King Louis XIV to the throne



c.) To instill fear and punish the people who remained loyal to the King

The Reign of Terror was a period of extreme violence and repression during the French Revolution, which lasted from 1793 to 1794. The radical faction in France, known as the Jacobins, who were led by figures such as Maximilien Robespierre, implemented the Reign of Terror as a means to consolidate their power and maintain control over the revolution.

Two countries are negotiating a trade, what are unionized workers most likely to petition the government for



When two countries negotiate a trade, unionized workers may petition the government for measures to protect their jobs and labor rights. They may advocate for policies such as tariffs or quotas to limit imports and prevent domestic industries from being undercut by foreign competition. Additionally, they may push for stricter labor and environmental standards to ensure that foreign products are not produced under conditions that are harmful or exploitative. Overall, unionized workers seek to ensure that any trade agreement benefits not only corporations and consumers but also workers and their communities.

1. Who led the revolt against the English king?

2. For what reasons did the English people revolt against the English king?

3. What kind of government was set up after the king was beheaded?

4. What was wrong with James II that made Parliament want to revolt again?

(3 sentences each) :)


1. Oliver Cromwell, a military commander and statesman during the English Civil War, led the uprising against the English king.

2. A number of circumstances led to the English people's uprising against the English king, including conflicts over political and ecclesiastical authority as well as economic issues like taxation and trade policies.

What led to republic of England government

3. Following the execution of the monarch, Oliver Cromwell was named Lord Protector and the Commonwealth of England, a republic, was created in England.

4. James II was a Roman Catholic, and his efforts to advance religious tolerance and expand his authority beyond what Parliament had permitted sparked the Glorious Revolution, a second uprising against the English king. James II was eventually deposed, and his Protestant daughter Mary II and her husband William III, who served as co-monarchs, took his place.

Learn more about James II  at



What happened after the fall of Paris?

The Nazis occupied northern France.
The Vichy fought against the Nazis.
The Nazis ended Vichy rule.
The Low Countries fought with France.


After the fall of Paris in June 1940, the Germans occupied northern France, including Paris, and established a puppet government in the southern part of the country, known as Vichy France. (Option A).

What happened after the fall of Paris?

After the fall of Paris, the Nazis occupied northern France, while the Vichy regime, led by Marshal Philippe Pétain, took control of the southern part of the country. The Vichy government collaborated with the Nazis and implemented anti-Semitic policies, deporting thousands of Jews to concentration camps.

Resistance movements began to form in France, with some fighting against the German occupation, and others resisting the Vichy regime. In the north, the French Resistance was organized by General Charles de Gaulle, who established the Free French Forces to fight alongside the Allies.

Learn more about fall of Paris here: https://brainly.com/question/27391117


How did japan respond not involving the military during the great depression


During the Great Depression, Japan responded to the economic crisis by pursuing a range of policies that did not involve military action. The Japanese government implemented a series of economic policies aimed at stabilizing the country's economy and addressing the social and political challenges that emerged during the crisis.

One of the key strategies Japan pursued was to increase government spending on public works projects, such as infrastructure development and the construction of new buildings. These projects created jobs and stimulated economic growth, while also addressing pressing social needs, such as housing shortages and the need for better transportation networks.

Another strategy was to devalue the yen in order to make Japanese exports more competitive in the global market. This helped to increase exports and create new markets for Japanese products, which helped to stimulate economic growth.

To know more about great depression here



why does modern science struggle to accept science as the standard of truth



Science is widely accepted as a standard of truth in modern society. It is one of the most important and respected fields of study, and its discoveries and advancements have transformed the world in countless ways.

However, there may be individuals or groups who reject scientific findings, particularly when they conflict with their personal beliefs or interests. In some cases, there may be skepticism or distrust of the scientific community, or certain scientific theories may be controversial and subject to ongoing debate and scrutiny. Additionally, some scientific findings may be difficult to understand or reconcile with other beliefs, leading to misunderstandings or misconceptions about the validity of science as a whole. Nonetheless, the vast majority of the scientific community and society as a whole recognize science as a reliable and essential source of knowledge and truth.

What is one benefit to the Constitution giving powers to state governments?


Answer:that it allows for a more localized approach to governing,

Explanation: One of the many benefits of this document is that it gives powers to both the federal government and state governments.

By giving powers to state governments, the Constitution allows for a system of federalism. This means that power is shared between the national government and the individual states. This is a wonderful thing because it allows each state to have some degree of autonomy and the ability to make decisions that are specific to their state's needs.

For example, a state like Alaska may have different environmental concerns than a state like Florida, and the state government is better equipped to make decisions that are tailored to their unique needs. By giving power to state governments, the Constitution allows for a more localized approach to governing, where decisions can be made on a smaller scale with more consideration for the needs and opinions of the people living in that particular state.

Additionally, the Constitution's division of powers between the federal and state governments helps to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. This is a key aspect of our system of checks and balances, which ensures that no one person or group has too much control over our government.

So, to sum it up, one of the benefits of the Constitution giving powers to state governments is that it allows for a more localized approach to governing, where decisions can be made on a smaller scale with more consideration for the unique needs of each state.


State governments have the power to do many things. They provide schooling and education. State and local governments provide protection and safety. States give drivers' licenses, and approve zoning and land use.


prego <3



The two best options that describe Eugene Talmadge's view on New Deal policies are:

B. Talmadge did not support federal relief programs that provided equal pay for black employees.D. Talmadge believed the federal government should keep out of state matters.What did Talmadge believe ?

Talmadge was a staunch segregationist and opposed any federal policies that he believed challenged the racial hierarchy in the South.

He also believed in states' rights and opposed federal intervention in state matters, including economic policies like the New Deal.

Find out more on Tallmadge at https://brainly.com/question/28930563


Revolution of 1905: Czar Nicholas Responds

1. What revolutionary acts were the Russian people committing in 1905?

2. What two solutions did the Czar consider?


In 1905, the Russian people were committing various revolutionary acts in response to oppressive policies of the Tsarist regime.

What was the Tsarist regime?

The Tsarist regime, also known as the Tsardom of Russia, was a period of Russian history from the 16th to the early 20th century, in which Russia was ruled by a series of tsars or emperors. The tsars had absolute power and were seen as divinely appointed, with the Orthodox Church playing a crucial role in legitimizing their rule. The regime was characterized by a highly centralized and autocratic government, with little political freedom or civil rights for the majority of the population. Serfdom, a system of feudal labor relations, was widespread and only abolished in 1861. The regime was also marked by rapid industrialization and territorial expansion, including the annexation of territories such as Alaska, Siberia, and Central Asia.

To learn more about Tsarist regime, visit:



The above graph is an example of a __________ shift in the market.

THE ANSWER IS C, DEMAND ON EDGE 2023 all other sites I saw were wrong hope this helps someone


The above graph is an example of a C. demand shift in the market.

What is demand shift in the market?

In economics, a demand shift refers to a change in the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price level, due to a change in one or more factors that affect demand. A demand shift occurs when the entire demand curve for a good or service shifts to the left or right.

Demand shifts can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in consumer preferences, changes in income levels, changes in the price of related goods, changes in population demographics, and changes in consumer expectations about the future.

Learn more about demand at:



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