What did the Homestead Act of 1862 promise to potential migrants to the West?


Answer 1
up to 160 acres of public land provided they live on it, improve it, and pay a small registrati

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does cuba manifest destiny or have strategic interests or have business interests



Answer:In Cuba, manifest destiny for the first time sought territory off the continent and hoped to put a unique spin on the story of success in Mexico


What is Nonagression pact (between Germany and U.S.S.R.) ?


The Nonaggression Pact between Germany and the USSR, also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was a political agreement signed on August 23, 1939.

In which both countries pledged to not engage in military action against each other for a period of ten years. This pact allowed Germany to focus on its western front during World War II while the USSR could secure its western border and avoid a two-front war.

A non-aggression pact, also known as a neutrality pact, is an agreement between a number of states/countries that forbids the parties from taking military action against one another. These agreements may also be known as an arrangement of friendship, a non-aggression pact, etc.

To learn more about Nonaggression Pact, click here:



Skinner borrowed the term empty organism approach from Descartes's concept of the undulatio reflexa. true or false



False is the correct answer.m


which of the following statement accurately describes one effect world war ll had on women's roles in both the united states and great britain?
help pls i don't get it?


The war created opportunities for women to challenge gender norms.

What was the gender norm before world war II?

Before World War II, the gender norm in most societies was that men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and women were expected to focus on domestic duties and childcare. This was known as the traditional gender role or the "separate spheres" ideology.

Women were expected to marry and have children, and their main responsibilities were to take care of the household, cook, clean, and raise children. Women had limited opportunities to pursue education or careers outside the home, and they were often excluded from many professions and industries.

Men, on the other hand, were expected to provide for their families financially and to be the leaders and decision-makers in both the public and private spheres. Men were more likely to receive higher education and were expected to pursue careers in fields such as law, medicine, business, and politics.

learn more about gender norms: https://brainly.com/question/18093714


The complete question goes thus:

which of the following statement accurately describes one effect world war ll had on women's roles in both the united states and great britain?

A. The war created opportunities for women to challenge gender norms.

B. The war created inequalities the more between the genders

C. None of the above.

D. The women gender take dominance on men

what were the consequences of The National Party gains power in
South Africa.


Answer: 1. Social and economic inequality.

2. Repression and human rights abuses.

3. International isolation.

4. Political resistance.

5. Transition to democracy.

Explanation: The National Party came to power in South Africa in 1948 and introduced a policy of apartheid, which was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination against the non-white population of the country. The consequences of this policy were significant and far-reaching, both for South Africa and the rest of the world. Here are some of the consequences:

Social and economic inequality: Apartheid led to significant social and economic inequality, with the white minority enjoying privileges and advantages denied to the non-white majority. Non-white people were subjected to inferior education, housing, healthcare, and job opportunities.

Repression and human rights abuses: The apartheid regime was marked by repression, human rights abuses, and police brutality. Non-white people were subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture, and their basic rights and freedoms were severely curtailed.

International isolation: The apartheid regime was widely condemned by the international community, and South Africa was subjected to various forms of sanctions, including diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions, and sports boycotts.

Political resistance: Apartheid sparked widespread political resistance, both inside South Africa and internationally. Activists and organizations like the African National Congress (ANC) and Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for 27 years, fought against the regime through peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and armed struggle.

Transition to democracy: The end of apartheid in South Africa came in the early 1990s, following negotiations between the National Party government and the ANC. The transition to democracy was marked by the release of political prisoners, the legalization of the ANC, and the holding of democratic elections in 1994, which saw Nelson Mandela become South Africa's first black president.

The National Party, which was a political party in South Africa that was dedicated to implementing the system of apartheid, gained power in 1948. The consequences of this were far-reaching and had a significant impact on the country and its people.

Under the National Party's rule, South Africa became a society that was strictly divided along racial lines. Laws were put in place to enforce segregation, and non-whites were denied basic human rights and freedoms. The government implemented policies that made it extremely difficult for non-whites to own property, access education and healthcare, and participate in the political process. Non-white South Africans were also forced to live in designated areas that were often overcrowded and lacked basic infrastructure.

The National Party's policies led to widespread protests and civil unrest. The government responded by cracking down on dissent, often using brutal force to suppress demonstrations and imprisoning those who spoke out against apartheid. International condemnation of the South African government's policies also grew, and many countries imposed economic sanctions and trade embargoes in an attempt to force the government to end apartheid.

The consequences of the National Party's rule in South Africa were profound and long-lasting. It took decades of struggle and activism to finally bring an end to apartheid, and the country continues to grapple with the legacy of this period in its history.


During the McCarthy Era, communists in the United States for imprisoned for?

a. pleading the Fifth Amendment before congressional committees

b. belonging to groups on the attorney general’s list

c. conspiring to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by force and violence

d. belonging to the Communist Party


Communists in the US were imprisoned during the McCarthy Era for asserting their Fifth Amendment rights in front of congressional committees.

How did communists fare during the McCarthy era?

The crackdowns on alleged communists caused many people to lose their jobs, ruin their careers, and lose their means of support; some even ended themselves in jail.

The McCarthy case was what?

With his claims that several hundred Communists were entering the State Department as well as other federal institutions, McCarthy shot to prominence in the public eye in 1950. At a time when national worry over the spread of communism is growing, these accusations struck a particularly resonant chord.

To know more about McCarthy Era visit:



What factors contributed to the economic boom in the 1920s and the crash that followed?


The economic boom of the 1920s in the United States was fueled by a number of factors, including:Industrialization and technological advancements,Mass consumption etc..

Industrialization and technological advancements: The rise of new industries such as automobiles, radio, and aviation, coupled with increased productivity and efficiency brought on by new technologies, contributed to a period of rapid growth and prosperity.Mass consumption: The availability of credit and installment plans allowed for an increase in consumer spending, driving demand for goods and services and spurring economic growth.Government policies: The government implemented policies that favored business and industry, including tax cuts and deregulation, which encouraged investment and expansion.Global factors: The end of World War I led to a surge in demand for American goods abroad, as European countries sought to rebuild and modernize their economies.

Learn more about technological here:https://brainly.com/question/9171028


explain the ways that participation in political campaigns and elections in the united states changed between 1815 and 1840,


Between 1815 and 1840, participation in political campaigns and elections in the United States underwent significant changes. One of the most notable changes was the expansion of suffrage, as more white males became eligible to vote.

This was due in part to the elimination of property ownership requirements for voting, which had been a barrier to many working-class individuals. Additionally, the rise of political parties such as the Democrats and Whigs led to more organized and competitive campaigns, with candidates actively seeking the support of voters through rallies, speeches, and other forms of political advertising.

The use of newspapers and other media also played a role in spreading political messages and increasing voter participation. Finally, the emergence of new political issues, such as slavery and territorial expansion, spurred greater interest and engagement in politics among Americans. Overall, these changes helped to make elections and political campaigns more accessible and inclusive, contributing to the development of a more democratic and participatory political system in the United States.

To know more about political campaigns visit :



The biggest challenge Confederate president Jefferson Davis faced wasa. creating a currency for his new nationb. balancing his roles as military and political leader.c. Ongoing tension between states' rights and the need for a unified central governmentd. Amassing an armye. His lack of popularity.


The biggest challenge Jefferson Davis faced as President of the Confederate States of America was balancing his roles as both military and political leader.

The correct option is B.

He had to decide which strategy to pursue, while also addressing the ongoing tension between states' rights and the need for a unified central government. Additionally, he had to create a currency for his new nation, amass an army, and do it all while dealing with his lack of popularity.

It was a difficult task, and one he would struggle with for the duration of the war. Ultimately, he was able to make progress in all of these areas despite the challenges he faced.

The correct option is B.

To know more about Jefferson Davis, click here:



3. How did the threat of Communism and McCarthyism threaten freedom and


A Red Scare is the advancement of a broad feeling of dread toward an expected ascent of socialism, disorder or other radical philosophies by a general public or state.

What were the McCarthyism protests?

During the height of the Red Scare in the United States, a series of college protests against McCarthyism were known as the Green Feather Movement. The attempt to censor Robin Hood due to its Communist ideals sparked the movement. The development in the end spread to colleges the country over.

President Harry S. Truman made a promise in 1947 that the United States would assist any nation fighting communism to halt its spread. The Truman Doctrine is the name given to his containment policy. McCarthyism, otherwise called the subsequent Red Panic, was the political constraint and oppression of left-wing people and a mission spreading dread of supposed socialist and communist impact on American establishments and of Soviet reconnaissance in the US during the last part of the 1940s through the 1950s.

To learn more about American visit :



After Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691, the defining characteristic of Massachusetts citizenship became 1. divine grace. 2. wealth. 3. ties of nobility. 4. familial connections to England


After Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691, the defining characteristic of Massachusetts citizenship did not become ties of nobility, wealth or familial connections to England. Therefore the correct option is option 1.

The Puritans who built Massachusetts believed in predestination, which claimed that God knew who would be saved and who would be before they were born.

Puritans thought that those who were saved were the "elect," or those chosen by God, and that they had received divine grace.

Only individuals considered elect in Massachusetts were permitted to hold public office, engage in church affairs, and vote. This meant that one's religious beliefs and relationship with God were crucial to one's citizenship in Massachusetts. Therefore the correct option is option 1.

For such more question on Massachusetts:



This excerpt summarizes the effects of two state court decisions, one from Colorado and one from Texas.
In Lueras v. Town of Lafayette and Terrell Wells Swimming Pool v. Rodríguez the courts determined, in 1937 and 1944 respectively, that [Mexican Americans] were not white and therefore not entitled to use public facilities. . .
While technically [Mexican Americans] were not singled out as a non-white minority, the act of identifying them as "Indian" and therefore non-white made them subiect to such systematic discrimination.
As a result, [Mexican Americans] were forced to use separate bathrooms and drinking fountains and sit in separate sections of restaurants and theaters.
-National Park Service, Civil Rights in America: Racial Desegregation of Public Accommodations, 2009
Which development MOST likely resulted from these court decisions?
A Use of Navajo Code Talkers in the 1940s
® Widespread enactment of segregation laws
© Enforcement of prohibition laws in the 1930s
© Mass deportations during the Great Depression


Answer: help the world


Final answer:

The decisions in Lueras v. Town of Lafayette and Terrell Wells Swimming Pool v. Rodríguez likely resulted in the widespread enactment of segregation laws, further marginalizing Mexican Americans through institutionalized discrimination.


The development that most likely resulted from these court decisions, Lueras v. Town of Lafayette and Terrell Wells Swimming Pool v. Rodríguez, is B) Widespread enactment of segregation laws. These landmark cases established a legal precedent that allowed for the discrimination of Mexican Americans. As a result, lawmakers saw an opportunity to further justify the creation and execution of segregation laws that institutionally discriminated against this demographic, leading to a systemic segregation. Mexican Americans were therefore systematically marginalized and denied access to public facilities that were available to white counterparts.

Learn more about Segregation Laws here:



How did Nixon's decision to open up relations with China affect the talks between the US and USSR?



Nixon's decision to open up to relations with China affected the communication between the US and USSR by showing that there was nothing to be afraid of in the moment and that they were trying gain friendship of strengthing the tensions between the possibilite of WW3.

Thanks for the submission!

What major event throughout Britain that will eventually spark the Industrial Revolution



The Agriculture Revolution is the event that your looking for. Or shall i say "Growing"

Who was Rabbi Eliahu looking for after the first night of the Death March?


Rabbi Eliahu was looking for survivors after the first night of the Death March.

He was desperate to find anyone who had managed to make it through the night alive, as the survivors of the march had been scattered in different directions. He searched for survivors among the trees and bushes to his left and right, calling out to anyone who could hear him.

He had seen many dead bodies and felt a deep sorrow for the lives that had been lost. He wanted to help anyone he could and hoped that he could at least provide comfort to anyone who had been injured. He also wanted to be able to provide moral support to those who had managed to make it through the night alive, no matter how few they may be.

To know more about Rabbi Eliahu , click here:



Which of these terms describes Benito Mussolini’s form of government?



Benito Mussolini's form of government is known as Fascism. Fascism is a political ideology that advocates for a centralized, authoritarian government led by a single dictator. It stresses the importance of national unity, often using symbols such as flags and uniforms, and it seeks to suppress individual freedoms in favor of the collective good. Fascist regimes often use propaganda and censorship to control the flow of information and maintain power, and they may use violence and repression to suppress opposition. Mussolini's fascist government in Italy was characterized by these features, along with a cult of personality centered around the leader and a focus on military expansion and imperialistic ambitions

What was the political goal also stated in the Marshall Plan?



The political goal stated in the Marshall Plan was to promote democracy and prevent the spread of communism in Europe after World War II. The plan included economic aid to help rebuild the war-torn countries of Europe, but it was also designed to create stable political conditions that would prevent the resurgence of nationalist and extremist movements that had contributed to the outbreak of war. By strengthening democratic governments and promoting economic stability, the United States hoped to create a bulwark against the spread of Soviet influence and communism in Europe.

Huey Pierce Long: 1893-1935
died from internal bleeding
______ years old
final words: "don't let me die, I have so much to do"
was politically powerful for ___ years


Huey Pierce Long: 1893-1935 died from internal bleeding 42 years old final words: "don't let me die, I have so much to do" was politically powerful for 14 years.

Long was known for his populist policies, which aimed to reduce economic inequality and improve the lives of the working class. His ambitious programs, such as the "Share Our Wealth" plan, proposed wealth redistribution through progressive taxation and other measures. He advocated for providing every American family with a basic income, free education, and affordable healthcare. These ideas resonated with many people during the Great Depression and helped him garner significant support.

Long's charismatic and forceful personality allowed him to build a strong political machine, which helped him achieve his policy goals. However, his authoritarian tendencies, such as consolidating power and suppressing opposition, made him a controversial figure among his contemporaries.

Though Long's life was cut short, his political ideas and legacy continue to influence American politics to this day. His advocacy for social welfare programs and economic equality has had a lasting impact on political discourse and policy-making in the United States.

Know more about Huey Pierce Long here:



the roman's claim that golf originated with them was based on the game group of answer choices kolven paganica chole gladiator battles



Paganica is the answer.m



Please answer the question that is shown here.



Yes I do agree with these views of human nature, because in these views it shows and describes how others governments failed to make a good government when the founding fathers are aiming for something fair and not unrealistic.

Thanks for the Submission!

American firms became less competitive compared to foreign firms during the 1980s becauseA) the quality and productivity of American workers declined.B) foreign firms were younger than American firms and as a result had more modern facilities that made use of the latest technology.C) the U.S. dollar became worth more in terms of foreign currencies.D) the U.S. dollar became worth less in terms of foreign currencies.


American firms became less competitive compared to foreign firms during the 1980s primarily because C) the U.S. dollar became worth more in terms of foreign currencies.

This made American products more expensive and less attractive to foreign buyers, giving an advantage to foreign firms with lower-priced goods. The answer to your question is D) the U.S. dollar became worth less in terms of foreign currencies. This made American goods more expensive compared to foreign goods, reducing their competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, some foreign firms had more modern facilities and utilized the latest technology, which also gave them a competitive advantage over some American firms. However, it is important to note that the decline in competitiveness was not solely due to these factors and may have had other underlying causes as well.

Learn more about foreign currencies here: brainly.com/question/15874744


American firms became less competitive compared to foreign firms during the 1980s because the U.S. dollar became worth more in terms of foreign currencies. The correct answer is option C.

During the 1980s, American firms became less competitive compared to foreign firms mainly due to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar in terms of foreign currencies. This made American goods and services more expensive for foreign buyers, which in turn led to a decline in demand for American products. Consequently, foreign firms with lower costs and competitive prices gained an advantage in the global market.

While it is true that some foreign firms had more modern facilities and advanced technology, the primary reason for the reduced competitiveness of American firms was the strong U.S. dollar. It is important to note that other factors, such as the quality and productivity of American workers, did not significantly contribute to this decline in competitiveness.

Instead, the changing value of the U.S. dollar played a more prominent role in shaping the global market dynamics during the 1980s.

Therefore, option C is correct.

For more such questions on American firms, click on:



What were two ways that countries used economic policies to control the cost of World War I?


During World War I, countries used various economic policies to control the cost of the war. Two common ways were: Rationing, War Bonds

What are these points?

Rationing: Many countries implemented rationing policies to ensure that resources were being used efficiently and not wasted. Rationing was used to control the consumption of essential goods like food, fuel, and clothing. It ensured that the necessary resources were available to the military and helped to control the rising prices of goods due to shortages.

War Bonds: Governments issued war bonds to finance the war effort. War bonds were a way for citizens to lend money to their governments to fund the war. The bonds were sold at a fixed interest rate and could be redeemed at a future date. War bonds helped to raise large amounts of money quickly and were an important source of financing for the war effort.

To know more about World War related question visit:



brainliest+100 points


Answer & Explanation:

Between what years did the transatlantic slave trade occur? The transatlantic slave trade occurred between the 16th and 19th centuries, with an estimated 12.5 million people forcibly taken from Africa to the Americas.

How many people were victims of this forced migration to the Western Hemisphere? An estimated 12.5 million people were forcibly taken from Africa to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade.

What was the impact of the slave trade on America/Europe? Africa? The impact of the transatlantic slave trade was devastating on Africa. Many African societies were disrupted and depopulated, and the economies of many African nations suffered. The impact on America and Europe was significant as well, as the influx of enslaved Africans provided a cheap source of labor that helped to drive economic growth and development, particularly in the American colonies.

Where were many of the Africans taken? Many of the Africans taken during the transatlantic slave trade were taken from West and Central Africa, particularly from the present-day countries of Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola.

What was the primary purpose the Portuguese had for enslaving African men, women, and children? The primary purpose the Portuguese had for enslaving African men, women, and children was to provide labor for their sugar plantations on the Atlantic island of Madeira and later on the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.

Explain the second and third phases of the transatlantic slave trade: The second phase of the transatlantic slave trade began in the mid-17th century and lasted until the early 19th century. During this phase, the British, Dutch, and French became major players in the slave trade, and the number of enslaved Africans increased significantly.

The third phase of the transatlantic slave trade began in the mid-19th century and lasted until the early 20th century. During this phase, indentured servitude and contract laborers largely replaced enslaved Africans, though the legacy of slavery continued to have a profound impact on both the Americas and Africa.


the first answer is correct!


can you check my answers?/ Drag and drop the words to complete the sentences. Words may be used once or not at all. Independence added to the Agricultural Revolutionthe Enlightenmentthe Mexican RevolutionNationalization A movement called *Democracy* questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights. Many people in the Spanish empire did not enjoy these rights. As a result, people in Middle America sought *Independence* .


The Enlightenment - As a result, people in Middle America sought *Independence* .

Democracy is back on the options list- Questioning the monarchical system and arguing for the existence of fundamental rights, the "Democracy" movement emerged.


"The Enlightenment - challenged the monarchs' control and suggested that people possessed fundamental rights. In the Spanish empire, many individuals did not have access to these rights. People in Middle America therefore wanted independence.

The Agricultural Revolution - altered how food was produced and eaten. Cities expanded and the population rose as a result.

The Mexican Revolution- a significant social and political revolution that occurred in Mexico during the beginning of the 20th century. It led to the fall of Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship and the founding of a republic with a constitution.

Democracy returned to choices list- following a long period of tyranny. Elections that were free and fair were finally the result of a protracted process of democracy.

Nationalization- means the conversion of private property into public property. It is frequently used in relation to sectors like telecommunications, oil, and gas.

Learn more about The Mexican Revolution: https://brainly.com/question/1071554


The scientist who theorized the existence of gases was



John Dalton


Answer: John Dalton


John Dalton (1766-1844) was an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist, best known for introducing the atomic theory into chemistry and for his work on human optics.

What are some of the reasons that led to the Great Schism between the East and the West?



The Great Schism, also known as the East-West Schism, was a significant event in the history of Christianity that resulted in the permanent division of the Christian Church into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. The Schism occurred in 1054 AD and had several underlying causes:

Theological Differences: Theological disagreements between the Eastern and Western Churches had been brewing for centuries. The Eastern Church believed that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father alone, while the Western Church believed that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son. This theological difference is known as the filioque controversy.

Cultural Differences: The Eastern and Western Churches had different cultures, languages, and political structures, which led to a gradual divergence in the way they practiced Christianity. The Eastern Church, for example, was influenced by Greek culture and language, while the Western Church was influenced by Latin culture and language.

Political and Economic Factors: The Eastern and Western Churches had different political and economic systems, which led to tensions and disagreements. For example, the Eastern Church was under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, which was facing threats from the Muslim world, while the Western Church was under the rule of various European monarchies.

Papal Authority: The Pope, who was the head of the Roman Catholic Church, claimed universal jurisdiction over the entire Christian Church. This claim was rejected by the Eastern Church, which believed in the autonomy of individual bishops and churches.

These factors, along with others, led to the Great Schism, which resulted in the permanent division of the Christian Church into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.


The détente was a period of time during the Cold War characterized by:_____.Question 5 options: a. A buildup of tensions b. A quick battle between the US and USSRc. A relaxing of tensions d. The spread of communism to small nations in Africa and Asia


The détente was a period of time during the Cold War characterized by a relaxing of tensions. The correct option is c.

The détente was a period of time during the Cold War characterized by a relaxing of tensions between soviet union and United States of America.

It lies between late 1960s and the late 1970s, when America and soviet union were struggling a battle, it took various forms which included control on the use of arms in the battle field so as to prevent maximum loss of lives. The concept of cold war first originated by  U.S. President Richard Nixon, in the year 1969 as a step to avoid the use of nuclear weapons. The correct option is c.

Learn more about Cold War at:



show you ever shoot an arrow straight up in the air? explain


No, you should never shoot an arrow straight up in the air,  that can be dangerous or harmful to individuals.

Shooting an arrow straight up in the air can be extremely dangerous as it can land on someone or something when it falls back down to the ground. It is important to always prioritize safety and proper handling of weapons, including arrows, to avoid any potential accidents or harm to oneself or others. Doing so poses a significant safety risk, as the arrow will eventually lose momentum and fall back down, potentially causing injury or damage. Always practice responsible archery aandnd ensure that you are aiming at a designated target in a controlled environment.

Learn more about arrow here :-



W.E.B. DuBois, Claude McKay, and Langston Hughes all participated in an international movement to form an independent and united Black Africa. This movement was called ____________.


The formation of an autonomous and unified Black Africa was the goal of a worldwide movement that included W.E.B. DuBois, Claude McKay, and Langston Hughes. The Harlem Renaissance was the name of this movement.

How did Langston Hughes engage in these movements?

Langston Hughes was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the 1920s and a vital role in the Harlem Renaissance, an African American aesthetic movement that celebrated black life and culture.

What makes Langston Hughes important in the history of African Americans?

Langston Hughes received the most of the credit for the 1920s Harlem Renaissance, which erupted in a number of American communities, most notably Harlem. Black intellectual, literary, and artistic advancement peaked during this period. Hughes wrote plays, novels, short stories, and essays in addition to being a well-known poet.

Learn more about Harlem Renaissance: https://brainly.com/question/9195022


according to the beginning of the film, the city of vienna is split up into four parts, the american, the bristish, the russian, and the french. what is the center of the city?


Answer: According to the beginning of the film, the City of Vienna is split up into four parts, the American, the Bristish, the Russian, and the French. What is the center of the city?

In the sewers

Where does the final chase scene occur?


One of the only witnesses of Lime's death works at the ______ Theatre. Holly then visits to find more information.

It is forged

What is wrong with Anna's passport?


What does Carpenter describe in the reading as the ultimate crime, which Wells, Greene and Reed agreed upon?

The ultimate utilitarian

How does Carpenter describe Harry Lime's character?

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