Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Which geographical factor includes the elements given below?
A region's
includes its temperature range, rainfall levels, humidity, air pressure, and so on.


Answer 1

The geographical factor included in the elements "A region's includes its temperature range, rainfall levels, humidity, air pressure, and so on." is climate. This is further explained below.

What is Climate?

Generally, Climate refers to a region's long-term average conditions for temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, rainfall, and other meteorological and weather aspects.

In conclusion, "A region's encompasses its temperature range, rainfall levels, humidity, air pressure, and so on," according to the list of factors. climate is. Below, this is further discussed.

Read more about Climate



Related Questions

explain what happened in 1938 and why they did it.



Hitler matches into Australia political and geographical union of Germany and Australia proclaimed much Britain friends and its lali agri to a Germany partition Czechoslovakia Nazis destroyed javer shops homes synagogues in kristallnact Rohit 20000-30000 cents to concentration camps

James Madison felt one of the most important things a new government must do was curb honest legislatures.



it is true.


please Write the journey of the invention of computer,radio,tv,train,mobile from impossible to possible in your own words. Write about any one in easy words I will mark brainliest to best one
please help me


The summary of the invention of the computer, the radio, tv, etc led to an increase in development and global inter-connectedness.

What is an Invention?

This refers to the creation of a thing through a novel idea by an originator that has not been previously created.

Hence, we can see that the telephone was invented by Sir Graham Bell and brought about wireless communication that made communication easier, faster, and better.

Also, the invention of the train helped to make travel faster, easier, and more convenient and this helped in world commerce.

Read more about inventions here:



How did the political rivalry of Hamilton and Jefferson evolve into the creation of the Democratic Party under Andrew Jackson?



The political rivalry of Hamilton and Jefferson resulted in the formation of two opposing camps behind each leader: the Federalists behind Hamilton and the Jeffersonians, or Republicans, or Democratic-Republicans, behind Jefferson. The Federalists held sway from 1789 to 1800, through the presidencies of the extremely popular George Washington (who was nominally nonpartisan but generally favored Federalist policies) and John Adams, a staunch Federalist. But Jefferson edged Adams in the famously close and nasty presidential campaign of 1800. This result ushered in the sharp decline of the Federalists who were encumbered by some bad policy decisions of the previous Adams presidency such as the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The Democratic-Republicans took charge with 6 straight presidential election wins through the Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe administrations leading up to 1824. Through this period, the Democratic-Republicans were so popular and powerful, that many outside the party took on a kind of “me-too” identity by calling themselves National Republicans and advocating similar policies although with a more conservative cast. At the time of the 1824 election, you could hardly say there were two major political parties. The choice voters were given was among 4 individuals of varying shades of Democratic-Republican: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and a guy named W.H. Crawford. As might be expected, none got a majority, and the election was thrown into the House of Representatives as per Article II of the Constitution. In the subsequent maneuverings, Clay supporters threw their votes to Adams, prompting the rest of the candidates to accuse the two of a “corrupt bargain.” When Adams became president and named Clay secretary of state, those suspicions seemed confirmed.

Anger in the camp of Andrew Jackson over the very idea that the presidency could be determined by Congressional machinations led to the renaming of the Democratic-Republicans to Democrats, headed by Jackson, and to a re-dedication to the cause of popular sovereignty for the next election of 1828. For the most part, this so-called “founding” of the Democratic party is misunderstood as such. It was really just a renaming and re-focusing of the party on the cause of the common man, continuing the general philosophies of the Democratic-Republican party founded by Jefferson, but distinguished more sharply in profile from many of the quasi, me-too factions that had sprung up. Jackson ended up trouncing Adams in 1828, and his provocative policies engendered the formation in the 1830s of the opposing Whig party , which was the precursor of the modern-day Republican party.

...hope this helps...


The political rivalry between Hamilton and Jefferson evolve into the creation of the Democratic Party under Andrew Jackson both maintained their own leaders who would make their own parties.

Who is jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson played a significant role in the American nation. He served as its third president. He was a philosopher and architect who lived in America. He was one of the document's original drafters, a key figure in its composition, and the first to sign it.

Those who each aspired to be Washington's foremost trustworthy partner, despite holding opposing ideological and financial philosophies. While Democratic-Republicans felt thought state governments ought to be greater power than the federal, Nationalists fought for one centralized government.

Learn more about jefferson, here:



Which of the following statements is true of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

A. In exchange for Soviet withdrawal, the United States promised to not attack Cuba again.

B. The Soviet Union and the United States came close to war.

C. The Soviet Union tried to install missiles 90 miles off the coast of the United States

D. All of the choices are correct.


D. All of the choices are correct.

bars will be used.
Use five of the bars provided to correctly represent the casualties suffered by the major countries in World War 1.
Casualties f
E 55
Casualties in World War I
Britain United
Germany Austria-


the bars to represent the casualties suffered by the major countries of World War 1 are shown attached.

what were the casualties of nations in WWI?

The U.S. suffered the least casualties as it only joined with a year left. Russia saw the highest number of casualties with over 9 million.

Germany and Austria-Hungary came next and France after them. Great Britain then suffered the least casualties after the United States.

find out more on casualties from WWI at https://brainly.com/question/858969.




United States: 274,659

Germany: 6,066,769

Russia: 9,150,000

France: 4,506,600

British Empire: 3,089,757

Austria-Hungry: 5,211,000

How were Homer's poems passed down?
A. Word of mouth
B. Carved stone tablets
C. Wood carvings
D. Scrolls made of papyrus


Most of Homer's poems were passed down through the word of mouth (oral means).

What are example of Homer's poems?

Homer is famous for the creation of some epic poem that includes the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Regarding the passage of his works from generation to generations, majority of Homer's poems were passed down through the Word of mouth, that is, by oral means.

Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about Homer's poems



please help me with the following
2 paragraphs for each question
- Prior to the Civil War, how did the (dominant) discourse over the United States’ future reach a crisis point?
-What were the arguments regarding the Constitutionality of slavery and notions of citizenship?
How did relative definitions of liberty/freedom/equality become irreconcilable?

- Describe the growing regional divide between the Northern and Southern United States. How did it manifest politically, especially in the context of expansion? How was slavery posited as defending versus subverting white liberty/equality? How did regional divisiveness culminate in two (dominant) incompatible national identities?


Prior to the Civil War, the (dominant) discourse over the United States’ future reach a crisis point in that the divide grew between the North and the  South over the status of slaves with the north favoring a more liberal view.

What were the arguments regarding the Constitutionality of slavery and notions of citizenship?

Throughout the mid-1800s, disagreements about the institution of slavery erupted, eventually leading to the Civil War: sociological reasons such as: whites being superior to blacks were presented.

The south contended that slaves were economically useful due to the steady work supply."

Hence the attrition.

How did relative definitions of liberty/freedom/equality become irreconcilable?

The relative definitions of liberty and freedom that became irreconcilable was when the notion of negative liberty was coined.

This notion was suggestive of the fact that:

Negative liberty is the freedom from outside intervention and that it is concerned largely with freedom from external restriction, as opposed to positive liberty (ownership of the capacity and resources to realize one's own potential).

Learn more about the civil war at;



You will complete a short Biography of a historic person you admire from our class text / time.

You will also complete an Autobiography using the same parameters, which are on a TEMPLATE, below.

History has been often presented as repeating itself. This tragedy leading to that tragedy, and so on. There has been much of this. However, history is just as much a series of triumphs over those tragedies. It is all in your perspective – your identity. Is your identity one of being a victim, or a victor? In this project, you will select an individual – one person you admire – and examine their life as evidence of their “Identity of Power” in history. Why do you know them? What were their struggles? How were they similar to your own? How did theirs differ from yours? You will need to include the information below for both you and your chosen history mentor. They are not meant to be long rambling details about the Identity of Power, but are meant instead to be a window into how a famous (or not so famous) person solved a key problem of life experience in history.

How did the two lives (yours and theirs) contribute to HUMAN RIGHTS? How did they re-define RACE? What impact did they have on GENDER, and/or how did GENDER roles affect their lives? Discuss them in relation to CLASS. Were they more affected by RACE, GENDER or CLASS? What were their struggles? How were they similar? How did they differ? You will need to include the information below.

Give me 2-to-3 focused logical typed pages – TOTAL – for both the Autobiography and the Biography. Support any and all assertions in your comparisons/contrasts with historical documents (books, articles, etc.). You are your sources. Use no more than one electronic source that does not come from a book/article. Your finished project paper will include a five-source bibliography. Your textbook counts. Spelling and grammar count. Try to fit each Autobiography / Biography onto a single page for each Identity using the guidelines below (between the double lines).

1. Name of the person.
2. Birth and death specifics (place, and any distinguishing facts).
3. Early formative influences.
4. Education – formal and informal.
5. Adult life.
6. What did they do (or, you do now) - what is the economic base?
7. Politics
8. Relationships and associations.
9. Creative life.
10. Major accomplishments.
11. Historical significance compared to dimensions of complete life – i.e., what did they do that you admired, and what are you intending to do?


Barack Obama who is known in full as Barack Hussein Obama II was the third African American to elected since the end of reconstruction (1877). He was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents who met at University of Hawaii were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. Obama lived with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia ... "I was raised as an Indonesian child and a Hawaiian child and as a black child and as a white child." Later on his mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with her parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham!

Launching the church-funded Developing Communities Project and, in particular, organising Altgeld Gardens residents to put pressure on Chicago's city hall to improve conditions in the poorly maintained public housing project was Obama's primary organising task. Some of his efforts were successful, but he came to the conclusion that, in the face of a challenging city bureaucracy "I just can't get things done here without a law degree".

Obama entered at Harvard Law School in 1988, where he excelled academically and graduated with honours. In 1990–1991 he was elected president of the esteemed Harvard Law Review. Obama was a leftist, but he won the election by convincing the conservative staffers of the newspaper that he would treat their views properly, which he is largely credited for doing. Obama attracted much media attention as the first African American president in the lengthy history of the legal review and received a contract from Random House to write a book about racial relations.

What conditions must be met for an amendment to the Constitution?


The amendment must be ratified by three-fourths of the states (38 of 50). In order to do this, the House and Senate (or their equivalents under different names) of each state need to pass a bill to ratify the amendment as written.

Is the importance of protecting creative works in enshrined in the U.S. Constitution?


Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, of the United States Constitution grants Congress the enumerated power "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries."

2. How did the Nullification Crisis play a role in causing the Civil War?


The civil war is now on the national government in a long time and a lot of national government officials are not doing well in here and they have Hugo beefy chicken
Administration officials say the government has no plans for a new plan for a new president in a long way for the national security to meet the national government for a new plan to stop the government and government officials in a new plan for the president president in a new plan for the president of the country for a new plan for the president of national president in a new national government in a new plan to halt national security and plan for the national security plan to protest against the president and national president of president hun president and national security adviser to the new plan

Make a chart of the thing in your studies that are easy for you those thing that seem difficult. Then write out a plan for what you can do to overcome your difficulties


A chart of the thing in your studies that are easy for Me are:

StudyingWatching moviesKnittingSewingTyping

A chart of those thing that seem difficult.

CrammingRunningCreating website designsDoing more than 2 things at a timeBaking

How to overcome my difficulties?

The ways that i can Overcome the difficulties above are:

Create a  Plan of actionAsk For Help if need be.Rely on some measure of Support.Think Big.Have a Positive Mindset.

Therefore, A chart of the thing in your studies that are easy for Me are:

StudyingWatching moviesKnittingSewingTyping

Learn more about difficulties from



21. To which does the term "Teapot Dome" refer?

a scandal involving bribery in the Veterans' Bureau

a Coolidge-era scandal named after a bribery scheme in Idaho

a Harding-era scandal named after an oil reserve in Wyoming

the name of Harding's federal budget-slashing program



C: A Harding-era scandal named after an oil reserve in Wyoming


In 1923, allegations arose that Albert B. Fall, Secretary of the Interior, issued no-bid oil reserve leases in exchange for gifts from the recipients that were generous, yet illegal. One of these leases was at Teapot Dome, an oil reserve near Casper, Wyoming.

Beginning with the rise of the Gracchi brothers in the late 2nd century B.C.E., discuss the factors that led to the collapse of the Roman Republic at the end of the 1st century B.C.E.


The use of violence in politics became commonplace. There is consensus among historians that the time beginning with the savage deaths of the Gracchi and culminating with the murder of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE was the period of the Roman Republic's downfall. Upon his death, Augustus Caesar became the first Roman emperor. This is further explained below.

Who are the Gracchi brothers?

Generally, Two Roman brothers, the Gracchi brothers were named after their father, the consul in 177 BC, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus.

In conclusion, As a result, political violence became commonplace. A large number of historians place the beginning of the collapse of the Roman Republic with the savage deaths of the Gracchi in 63 BCE and its conclusion with the murder of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. This murder led to the ascent of Augustus Caesar as the first Roman emperor.

Read more about the Gracchi brothers  



Which would be considered a secondary source about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?
a diary entry by witness to the assassination
an interview with a member of the audience at Ford's Theater where Lincoln was shot
an interview with Booth's understudy, who was not at Ford's Theater the night of the assassination
a newspaper article written by a reporter who was in the audience at Ford's Theatre


it is the news article..

Answer: C

Explanation: ed23

pls help me place the words in the right sentence ​



1.sources                            2.evidence

3.corroborate                    4.effects

5.Geographic context      6.historical context

7.affects                             8.enduring issues


hope this works for you :)

have a nice day :>

Which of the following describes "The American Dream"?
Select one:
O a. Most people believe in the right to be free, as long as another's rights are not abused
O b.
Each American has the freedom to pursue a better life - a nice house, a car or two, and a more
comfortable existence than our parents
O c. Government is based on a body of law applied equally and fairly and not on the whims of a ruler
O d. Most Americans are proud of our past and values that include the belief that we are stronger and more
virtuous than other nations


The statement that describes the American Dream is : ( B ) Each American has the freedom to pursue a better life - a nice house, a car or two, and a more comfortable existence than our parents

The American Dream

The American dream is an ideology believed by Americans that every American is free and has the right to pursue a better and successful life for him or herself better than their parents.

The American dream keeps every american working hard and smart to achieve the dream of becoming a successful person while acquiring the good things of life.

Hence we can conclude that the description of the American dream is Each American has the freedom to pursue a better life - a nice house, a car or two, and a more comfortable existence than our parents.

Learn more about The American Dream : https://brainly.com/question/11979460


How were War Bonds used during World War II?
A. Increased income tax rates and the tax rolls
B. Used to finance the war and remove from circulation
C. Changing prices as necessary to keep American businesses alive
D. Preventing inflation by freezing prices on necessary goods


The answer is B. Used to finance the war and remove from circulation this is the answer because the war bonds were used quite often as a I owe you to help pay for solders and equipment

Can anyone please help this is due tomorrow


The difference between the two excerpts is that one shows men who are happy to have won and the other shows men wallowing in defeat.

What do the excerpts show?

One excerpt shows how happy the Allied soldiers were to have won the First World War.

The other shows how disappointed and in anguish the Germans were from losing the war to the Triple Entente.

Find out more on the Triple Entente at https://brainly.com/question/673841.


Increasing feelings of nationalism among many groups led to which
consequence after World War One



After the world war 1, one very bad consequence increased feelings of nationalism  was the rise of fascism or so called national socialism in countries like Germany and Italy.

hope it help.

Roles of propaganda in communication


Propaganda has a fundamental role in communication because it may be used to transmit collective ideas and persuade the audience.

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is a fundamental tool to use to promote activities/ideas of a government or raise a given point of view.

However, it is also important to highlight that throughout history propaganda has also been misused by unscrupulous governments in order to infringe fear in the population and false ideas aimed at promoting wars.

In conclusion, propaganda has a fundamental role in communication because it may be used to transmit collective ideas and persuade the audience.

Learn more about propaganda throughout history here:



Which of the following was true before the Social Security Act of 1935?



Most retired Americans did not have a guaranteed income prior to the Social Security Act in 1935.Very few retired Americans had a guranted income

Jury is
and defense
evidence at
Which phrase best completes the diagram of the trial process?
Defendant is
A. Jury deliberates and reaches a verdict
B. Defendant is required to pay a large fine
C. Prosecution gathers additional evidence against defendant
D. Judge decides whether a case will be criminal or civil


The phrase that complete the diagram on the trial process in the U.S. is A. Jury deliberates and reaches a verdict.

How are trials conducted in the U.S.?

A jury is selected for a case after a person has been charged to court and in this case, both the defense and the prosecution will present their evidence.

After the evidence has been presented, the Jury will look through the evidence, deliberate on it, and then reach a verdict of guilty or not guilty.

Find out more on the trial process at https://brainly.com/question/20334928


in the battle of the little bighorn



The Battle of the Little Bighorn, known to the Lakota and other Plains Indians as the Battle of the Greasy Grass, and also commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand, was an armed engagement

How did laws change regarding children under the age of 12?
OA. They would soon be required to have a college degree
B. They would soon be required to learn a trade
C. They were now required to work more hours
D. They were now required to attend school more



D is the answer for question

in Plato's analysis the society is an un natural social system because people need others to survive true or false


It is true that Plato's analysis the society is an unnatural social system because people need others to survive.

What is Plato's principle?

Plato's principles understand that conflict should not last among individuals but rather settled amicably because each needs the other to survive.

That social and political systems should intergrate and not cause conflict.

Therefore, It is true that Plato's analysis the society is an unnatural social system because people need others to survive.

Learn more on social system below



Courlty love is the love that transcends marriage and is known for women and men overcoming natural and supernatural obstacles to be together.

True or false




Explanation: A non-physical romantic relationship between an unavailable woman and a man sworn to serve or make himself worthy of her. It is mostly one-sided.

After Muhammad left Mecca because his teachings were not widely accepted, where did he go?







Muhammad left Mecca to Medina so the answer it

B. Medina

What goes around and comes around





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