The Triangular Trade is a large part of what made slavery so successful in the colonies. What is the best explanation for where the Triangular Trade gets its name?


Answer 1


It gets it name from West Africa, Caribbean or American colonies and the European colonial powers, with the northern colonies of British North trading manufactured goods.


Triangular trade or triangle trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions. For the British slave traders it was a three-legged journey called the 'triangular trade'

Answer 2


Triangular trade usually evolves when a region has export commodities that are not required in the region from which its major imports come. Triangular trade thus provides a method for rectifying trade imbalances between the above regions.

For the British slave traders it was a three-legged journey called the 'triangular trade': West African slaves were exchanged for trade goods such as brandy and guns. Slaves were then taken via the 'Middle Passage' across the Atlantic for sale in the West Indies and North America.

So it got the name because of the three legged journey (A triangle had three ends)

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How does the author convey the central idea that groups of students can band together to make real-world differences in "We Live on Planet A: Young People Rally for Their Rights"?

by suggesting that students take advantage of resources from NASA and NOAA

by confirming that students can make a difference just by forming recycling clubs in their communities

by highlighting the few youth leaders who have stood out in this movement

by mentioning specific groups and events that accomplished this goal



It's not E neither D or C. I'd say A or B.

When you think about it A. is better.... Sorry. You should read the article/book

I think the answer might be A

Which of the following are reasons why transportation is more costly in the hills than on the plains?
---- A. There are more trees to cut down.
----B. Bridges must be built to level the route.
-----C. Roads and railroads must wind up steep slopes.
---- D. The route is more level.

( select all that apply )



C.) Roads and railroads must wind up steep slopes.

Which happened first in Hitler's rise to power?

1. Hitler began building up the German military in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.

2. German took the Rhineland. Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany.

3. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf while he was in prison.



2. german took the rhineland. hitler was appointed chancellor of germany


Germany took the Rhineland Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany

An excerpt from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1 You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly--Tom's Aunt Polly, she is--and Mary, and the Widow Douglas is all told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before. 2 Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich. We got six thousand dollars apiece--all gold. It was an awful sight of money when it was piled up. Well, Judge Thatcher he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece all the year round --more than a body could tell what to do with. The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back. The narrator of this passage may best be described as

A) deceptively silly.
B) charming but evasive.
C) plainspoken and direct.
D) frightened but in control.





Charming but evasive

The narrator of this passage may best be described as plain spoken and direct. The correct option is c.

Who is a narrator?

A narrator is the one who tells a story. In a work of fiction the narrator determines the story’s point of view. If the narrator is a full participant in the story’s action, the narrative is said to be in the first person. A story told by a narrator who is not a character in the story is a third-person narrative.

A work may have more than one narrator, as in an epistolary novel such as Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa, which consists of letters by a variety of characters. In Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, one character tells part of the story and then introduces another who continues it or provides another perspective on events. Narrators are sometimes categorized by the way in which they present their story.

An intrusive narrator, a common device in many 18th- and 19th-century works, is one who interrupts the story to provide a commentary to the reader on some aspect of the story or on a more general topic.

Learn more about narrator, here:


Which statement best compares the activities of England in south Carolina to those of Spain and France? A. The Spanish and french joined forces to remove the English from South Carolina, but England was able to halt the attack with a large navy. B. While the English were able to establish a successful colony in South Carolina, France and Spain abandoned their settlements C. As the english presence in SouthCarolina grew, both Spain and fence relocated to new areas to avoid further confrontation D. While the Spanish and french faced devastation at the hands of the natives, the english prevented this by attacking them first.






i would say a bc its a fact that they did join forces


hope this helps and PLZ don't mind to brainliest

What organizes and unites groups of people? How does geography affect development?



There are many factors that unite groups of people. One of the most common factors is culture. More often than not, people from the same culture share core values that tend to unite them. In addition, religious beliefs are also unifying factors in groups of people.

Geography affects development in a variety of ways, on of them being how geographical factors, such as mountain ranges, can force civilizations to develop isolated from the countries around them and the rest of the world. Because of this, they are deprived from any outside influence as well as technologies.

Answer: researching it will probably be your best solution


so the land glaciers earthquakes tornados things  like that that do destruction the geography will effect development. HOPE THIS HELPS AND PLZ DONT MIND TO BRAINLIEST


What is the best question to ask when you are trying to define your audience?
What is my assignment about?
O Why am I creating this assignment?
Whom is my assignment directed toward?
O Which resources can I use for my assignment?





i took the test, and it was correct, and you can ask what people in the audience relate to my presentation

Which resources can I use for my assignment  is the best question to ask when you are trying to define your audience.

What is audience?

A group of people that watch or listen The concert drew a large crowd.  A group of readers, viewers, or listeners The film is aimed at a younger demographic. a devoted group of followers or devotees has taken up his views.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more details about audience, click here:


Which statement best describes the difference between French and English colonies in North America? The French established small trading posts funded by a king, while the English created large, privately financed colonies. The French created large, privately financed colonies, while the English established small trading posts funded by a king. The English established small trading posts far from the East Coast, while the French created large colonies along the coast. The English created small trading posts on the Northwest Passage, while the French established cash crops on the East Coast.



The French established small trading posts funded by a king while the English created large privately financed colonies  

How did Northern States want slaves to be
A. for taxation purposes, but not for representation
B. for representation only
C. for taxation only





Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.

Sorry i’m lot really sure at this point i’m just guessing but i’d love to learn more. History isn’t really my favorite subject

What organizes and unites groups of people? How does geography affect development?



Yes Geography affect Development. Actually geography has one of the key factor in development. It is fact from the ancient history population were found near the rivers. And even in the modern day geography we can easily figure out place which is connected with the ocean directly is the way more developed than the landlocked geographical area.



because Geography plays a substantial role in the development and success of an economy. Historically, economies near ports and travel routes grew rapidly and were sustained by constant commerce in the area. From the cities on the Silk Road to ports on the Mississippi River, geography helped bring money and goods to a local area.


Can someone write a short summary about On Laws and On Duty by Cicero pleaseeee



On Duties is written as a letter in three parts, focusing on the way that humans should interact with one another in a reasonable manner. It is written this way because Cicero was writing it to his son, who was living in Athens. Cicero mainly focuses on the differences between doing things that are honorable and doing things that are beneficial to oneself, greatly different actions in any situations.

Cicero first explains what honor is - a combination of wisdom, justice, spirit, and moderation. To be honorable, you must make actions that consider all of these premises in the best manner possible. He explains that it is easy to fall into the trap of doing what is easiest for oneself, but it is not what is best.Next, Cicero explains that actions create even more of a problem when deciding between usefulness and honor is some cases. If you make the wrong initial action, it will become harder to make an honorable action because it could give up some of your honor. In this part of the book, Cicero cites works of history and philosophy, something that not all writers were expected to do at the time.

Written in 44 B.C. by Roman official, orator, and philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Duties is a philosophical treatise on moral duty, or 'appropriate action. 'It is written as a three-section letter, in lieu of a visit, to his son, Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor, who lived in Athens at the time, and was studying philosophy. Cicero wrote the letter in less than a month during the last year of his life.

I hope this helps and PLZ brainliest

Write an argumentative essay justifying whether schools should include breakfast as part of a daily schedule. write 6paragraps or more



In the morning, it’s sometimes easier to hit the snooze button than reach for the cereal. Breakfast often takes the backseat to catching a few more minutes of sleep. As a result, the most important meal of the day is often the one most skipped – a decision that will continue to affect you hours later.

Passing on breakfast is anything but productive, especially for teenagers. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast on a regular basis perform better academically, have increased attendance and make fewer trips to the school nurse’s office. In fact, research reflects that students who eat breakfast each day, on average, score more than 17 percent higher on math tests and are 20 percent more likely to graduate than students who don’t eat breakfast at all.

When kids miss out on breakfast in the morning, they often become distracted more easily, their grades can suffer and they’re more likely to miss class. Still, millions of children in the U.S. start their school days on empty stomachs.

That’s why it’s important to provide an alternative option – one that starts in schools and makes it harder for students to skip an early meal. With some flexibility, all students can get a nutritious start. As classes pick back up in the fall, schools should consider serving food before, during and after the first bell in the morning.

Any teacher knows that the challenging part of serving breakfast at school, however, is that students arrive at different times. Latchkey students, for instance, often arrive earlier than other children. Teenagers, the group that skips breakfast more than any other, frequently get to school just before classes start.

Despite these challenges, it’s becoming increasingly important for schools to find a way to fill students’ stomachs in the morning. Groups in Ohio, like the American Dairy Association Mideast, the Children’s Hunger Alliance, the Ohio Action for Healthy Kids and the Ohio School Nutrition Association, are urging schools to make breakfast a daily routine. By doing this, they're challenging schools to increase the performance and productivity of their students.

Some schools already take steps to make breakfast a priority, and their methods are working. Here are three proven strategies that can increase the number of students who eat breakfast:

Breakfast in the classroom. When breakfast is served in the classroom, students can eat in a familiar, comfortable and convenient environment. Easy-to-eat foods, such as whole-grain cereal, fruit and milk or breakfast sandwiches with milk, are served to children in the classroom as the day begins. As kids finish up breakfast, teachers can take attendance and get the class focused on the day’s assignments.

Grab-and-go. Popular with older students, the idea behind this approach is for students to pick up a bagged breakfast on the way to class, and eat at their desks or wherever their school designates. Paper bags are filled with items such as fruit, a cheese stick, milk and whole-grain cereal or bagels that make breakfast easy and convenient. It can be served in a variety of high-traffic areas such as the cafeteria, hall or entryways, making it easy for students to pick up on their way to class.  

Second chance breakfast. Some students simply aren’t hungry when they wake up, but they still need to eat. Second chance breakfasts, which are served after first period, are a great way to reach these students, or even those who ate much earlier in the morning. Like the grab-and-go bags, these meals are designed to be easy to carry and eat on the run.

The key to the program options above is to make eating breakfast as convenient as possible. Some schools even installed vending machines that feature healthy breakfast choices on different floors and in various locations throughout the campus. The more accessible the options, the more likely students are to participate.

It’s important to remember, though, that not just any foods will do. It’s the healthy, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, protein, dairy and whole grains that jump-start kids’ energy and help them feel fuller for longer. If your child’s school doesn’t offer a breakfast program, reach out to the principal or food service director to see how you can help get one started.

Simply eating breakfast won’t make kids smarter, but it will put healthier, more engaged students in those desks every morning. Before we let our kids skip breakfast, remember why it’s considered the most important meal of the day.

Karen Bakies is a registered dietitian and the Nutrition Affairs Director for the American Dairy Association Mideast. A scientist at heart, she seeks out quality nutrition research to share with others in a profession she is passionate about. Karen is a mother of three and enjoys cooking, gardening, running and traveling.

What ever he said is correct man

Why did the Plains Native Americans choose tipis as their shelter?



tipis were easy to carry and move around, as they had to move often to hunt bison (they were nomadic)



They chose teepees (tipis) because they were easy to move. The Plains Native Americans would follow the bison.


Does this help?

Geographic regions of Texas: what type of industry is common in the Llano basin section



Cattle raising is widespread, along with the development of pastures planted

Retail, look on the Llano website

Why did President Roosevelt mandate Okefenokee Swamp as a Wildlife Refuge?



Wanted To preserve the health if mankind

In order to do that, the conservation of the environment in which humans rely their lives on is extremely necessary

Umm let’s seee hold up

“The Statement of _____”
repealed the 13 acts that had been put in
place by the British Parliament.
A. Conduress
B. Grievances
C. Rejection



Tell me if I’m wrong

The Statement of grievances
repealed the 13 acts that had been put in
place by the British Parliament.

What was a result of Louisiana’s settlers becoming more confident in their ability to survive?

O)The territory expanded.

O)The settlers moved to other regions.

O)France sent additional supplies.

O)The colonies negotiated trade with Louisiana.


Answer: A. The territory expanded.


Tensions were rising between Great
Britain and the colonists. This was
setting the stage for _____
A. the American Revolution
B. the French and Indian War
C. more taxes


The correct response is A
The correct answer is A

After Great Britain started to remove taxes and add more at the same time the tensions got higher and higher eventually leading to British soldiers being dispatched to the colonies. The colonists were not happy and stood their ground against the soldiers eventually leading to the Boston massacre and then the battles of Lexington and Concord

The Spanish colonies were located in
modern day Mexico, ______
A. the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
B. Florida, South America, and Cuba
C. Cuba, and Santo Domingo


C, Cuba and Santo Domingo is the answer! Hope this helps!
C. Cuba and Santo Domingo Probably I think

Which of the following are ways that mountains are useful to people?

barriers or boundaries
transportation routes
manufacturing sites
mining for minerals



mining for minerals, barriers or boundaries and recreation

The ways that mountains are useful to people are mining for minerals, barriers or boundaries, and recreation.

What are mountains?

A mountain is referred as a usual area with high height or high hills, surrounded by stones, these mountains are covered with varieties of plants and herbs which is used for medicinal purpose.

Nowadays mountains are used for extraction or mining minerals and used in preparing various equipment for making survival easy. These minerals are gathered there as a natural resource.

In many countries, mountains act as barriers or natural boundaries which protect the countries from the attacks of their enemies and safeguard the peaceful environment.

These mountains are also used as a recreation of the country by cutting the to make new routes for transportation.

Learn more about Mountains, here:


Does United States law protect a green card holder who is the victim of a violent crime? How do you know?


No, president can deport them.
Yes. Let's say for an example, I am a US Citizen and I get into a fight with a girl who is an immigrant, she can go get her papers and become legal in the US because I did a violent act towards her.

One of the numbered areas on this map includes the Bering Sea. It also includes the land bridge that people used to migrate to North America. Using the map below, which area is it? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4





section two covers the land that connects asia and north america.

One of the numbered areas on this map includes the Bering Sea. It also includes the land bridge that people used to migrate to North America Using the map below, the area it is 2. Thus the correct answer is B.

What is a Map?

A map is refer as a pictorial representation of different places used to identify the direction and reach the exact location. They help the user to identify sea, rail routes, and roads to reach the destination.

The Bering Sea, which is located close to the chain of Aleutian Islands, is recognized across the world for its plentiful and profitable fisheries. Surface temperatures range from an average of 34° F (1° C) in the north to 41° F (5° C) in the south which is considered as cold.

It also contains the land bridge that connects Asia and North America. People used this land bridge to move to our country.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Map, here:


What document limited the power of King John and inspired the Founding Fathers to make no one above the law? *
English Bill of Rights
Magna Carta
Bill of Rights
U.S. Constitution



its the magna carta


or the 'great charter'

Pls help asap :_:
Steven knows that the first angle of a triangle measures 98 degrees, and the second angle measures 37 degrees.

Which equation could Steven use to find x, the measure of the third angle?
a)x = 180 + 98 + 37

b)x = (98 + 37) ÷ 180

c)x = 180 − (98 + 37)

d)x = 3 × (98 + 37)


C, total angle in a triangle is 180 degrees. if he knows 2 angles then he has to add those 2 and subtract the sum from the total angle to see what the last angle can be

Solving for Unknown Angles in Triangles

Edge 2020









9. A,B,E


According to the legend, where was Quivira located?

New Mexico


it was located in kansas, so the answer is d


Explanation:I’m not for sure but the explorer was in New Mexico Arizona area and traveled and passed Texas and Oklahoma leaving Kansas left

Describe the North Central Plains region of Texas. In which part of Texas is this region located? What major cities are in this region? What natural resources are found in this region?


extending from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio Grande. Its characteristic rolling to hilly surface covered with a heavy growth of pine and hardwoods extends into East Texas. In the increasingly arid west, however, its forests become secondary in nature, consisting largely of post oaks and, farther west, prairies and brushlan

The North Central Plains region of Texas. The southeastern reaches of the Panhandle region is the texas region were located.

What are resources?

All materials available in our environment that are technologically accessible, economically possible, and culturally sustainable that assist us to satisfy our needs and desires are referred to as resources. Resources are divided into two types based on their availability:

As, There is central the southernmost extension of the Central Lowlands, a broader physiographic region that covers much of central America, including the upper Mississippi and Ohio river valleys.

Therefore, As a result, a southeastern region the Central Plains region is located.

Learn more about resources here:


Who were the first known people to settle in the Fertile Crescent region practicing agriculture and domestication of animals?





Because of this region's relatively abundant access to water, the earliest civilizations were established in the Fertile Crescent, including the Sumerians. Its area covers what are now southern Iraq Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel Egypt and parts of Turkey and Iran

ummm i beed more fontetx

Need help ASAP !! xD






Ok great hope this helps

Using complete sentences, discuss the Aztec trade system and its importance to the empire.



I think you should do this on your own but oh well.


The Aztec empire from around the 1300s to 1the 1500s CE. Trade was a major part of our empire's economy. As an Aztec merchant, I traded everything. Many of my products were from agriculture and farming. Our farmers grew corn, tobacco, pepper, beans and avocado. Apart from agricultural products, I traded jewellery, wood and medicine. Our means of exchange was by barter using different currencies. We traveled far distances across lands and waters to obtain goods and we were well respected in the empire.

Our marketplace was called the Tianquiztli. We traded to the Mayans and other surrounding neighbors of our empire.


Monarchs can travel over 3,000 miles on their journey. They use many different directional aids, including the Earth’s magnetic pull and the Sun’s position in the sky. They instinctively know the way to their winter home in Mexico, even though they have never been there before! They land in clusters of tens of thousands on a single tree.

HELP MEE The sciences used to study the land bridge include ____________ a. climatology. b. environmental science. c. paleontology. d. all of the above. Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D. All of the above


The sciences used to study the land bridge include climatology ,environmental science and paleontology.

Hope it helps

D. All of the above
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