The first thing Karen did when she discovered that she had misplaced her keys was to re-create in her mind the day's events. That she had little difficulty in doing so illustrates:
A) automatic processing.
B) effortful processing.
C) state-dependent memory.
D) priming.


Answer 1

The answer is A, that is, automatic processing.

Which area of the brain is in charge of memory?

Memory, especially long-term memory, is primarily linked to the hippocampus. Additionally, the organ is crucial for spatial navigation. localised in the region of the hindbrain that is immediately above the medulla. It seeks to link the cerebral upper and lower halves.

What procedure includes pulling data from storage and bringing it into your conscious awareness?

Retrieval is the process of bringing information from memory storage and bringing it back into awareness. Similar to finding and opening a document you have previously stored on your computer's hard drive, this would be.

To know more about memory, visit:

Related Questions

A dash may be used instead of a comma to

create interest in a sentence

separate two independent clauses

demonstrate professionalism

emphasize the importance or abruptness of certain words





i did this before along time ago

3. Work in pairs and decide what use the verb in each sentence expresses.
a. I go to work by car.
b. Ronaldo comes from Portugal.
c. He works in a bank.
d. I went to Adama last week.
e. When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on
the beach with my dog.
f. I did not go to the cinema because I had seen the film before.
g. We have lived in the same house for 25 years.
h. Have you ever had an operation?
i. What have you done to your lip? (It's bleeding)
4. Complete the blank spaces using the verbs given in brackets.
a. I work for a company those
printers. (make)




Work in pairs and decide what use the verb in each sentence expresses. a. I go to work by car. b. Ronaldo comes from Portugal. 38 0 c. He works in a bank d. I went to Adama last week. e. When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on the beach with my dog. f. I did not go to the cinema because I had seen the film before. g. We have lived in the same house for 25 years. h. Have you ever had an operation? i. What have you done to your lip? (It's bleeding)

The books are over their.

No Change






their is possessive as in it is theirs, they're mean they are, and there means where it is, as in its over there

There because anything else would be wrong (there) means a place

Rather than give into hunger, David tries to fish. What are Concrete and abstract nouns in this sentence


Answer: In the sentence, you provided, "David" is a proper noun and refers to a specific person. "Hunger" is a common noun and refers to a general feeling of needing to eat. "Fish" is a common noun and refers to a type of aquatic animal.


Both "concrete" and "abstract" are adjectives, not nouns, and are used to describe the nature of a noun.

Concrete nouns refer to things that can be perceived through one or more of the five senses (such as sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell), while abstract nouns refer to ideas or concepts that cannot be perceived through the senses.

In the sentence, you provided, "hunger" and "fish" are both concrete nouns because they can be perceived through the senses. "David" is not a concrete noun because it cannot be perceived through the senses, but it is also not an abstract noun because it refers to a specific person rather than an idea or concept.

Black Holes

A black hole is a region of space-time from which nothing can escape, even light. This may sound strange, but it is possible. To see why this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball, the faster it is traveling when it leaves your hand, and the higher the ball will go before turning back. If you throw it hard enough, it will never return because the gravitational pull will not be able to bring it back down. The velocity, or speed, the ball must have to escape is known as the escape velocity. Earth's escape velocity is about 7 miles a second.
As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational pull increases, and the escape velocity gets bigger. Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape. Eventually, a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not traveling fast enough to escape. At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light. This is a black hole.
Which of the following is a good summary of the passage above?
If you throw a tennis ball really hard, it will travel very fast when it leaves your hand. The faster it travels, the higher the ball will go before it turns back to Earth.
Velocity is also known as speed. To escape gravity, an item has to go at a high escape velocity. The smaller an object is, the higher its escape velocity must be.
Light travels faster than anything else in the universe. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second. That is not fast enough to escape a black hole, though.
A black hole is a special region in space and time. Nothing can escape from a black hole, even light, because the escape velocity of a black hole is extremely high.



D. A black hole is a special region in space and time. Nothing can escape from a black hole, even light, because the escape velocity of a black hole is extremely high.

Translate this to our days English!!!!! -Shakespearean---Winters Tale-Act2
"Madam, if't please the queen to send the babe, / I know not what I shall incur to pass it, / Having no warrant."

What is the best translation of these lines, spoken by the jailer to Pauline in the prison, in Act II?



"Madam, if the queen wants to send the baby, I don't know what will happen to me for allowing it to pass through, since I don't have permission."


Let me know if it is correct thankyou :>>

complete the paragraph on taste sensation by clicking and dragging the labels to the correct location. (some labels will not be used.)


The attached image shows where the possibilities for the various tongue regions and chemicals buds are.

Taste buds are sensory receptors that can detect flavors and are found on the tongue. These taste impressions will be registered by cilia, which are structures found in the apical region. These will capture five different flavors: umami, bitter, acid, salty, and sweet. However, since the foods we eat emit chemicals that are detected by the olfactory receptors, the sensations will also be received through the nose in addition to the tongue. These will communicate the information to the brain, which will then process it all to provide the accurate description of the meal that was consumed.

To learn more about chemicals please click on below link


Read the fable "The Heron." Then, answer the question that follows.

A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a stream, his eyes on the clear water, and his long neck and pointed bill ready to snap up a likely morsel for his breakfast. The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning.
"No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron."
Now a fine young Perch swam near.
"No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that!"
As the sun rose, the fish left the shallow water near the shore and swam below into the cool depths toward the middle. The Heron saw no more fish, and very glad was he at last to breakfast on a tiny Snail.

A theme of the fable is "Accept a good opportunity or you may be left with nothing." Which of the following excerpts does not support the development of the theme in the story?

A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a stream, his eyes on the clear water …
"No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that."
"No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a heron."
The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning.


A. is the most correct answer because the fact that Heron was walking along the bank of a stream has nothing to do with the theme (accept a good opportunity or you may be left with nothing.

The excerpt “No small fry for me,” he said. “Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron” supports the development of the theme in the story. The Heron was too picky and refused to eat small fish, which led him to miss out on the opportunity to catch bigger fish that swam away .

Question 1 (100 points)
Jackie Robinson's letter to President Elsenhower
My dear Mr. President:
I was sitting in the audience at the Summit Meeting of Negro Leaders yesterday when you said we must have patience. On hearing you say this,
I felt like standing up and saying, "Oh no! Not again."
I respectfully remind you sir, that we have been the most patient of all people. When you said we must have self-respect, I wondered how we
could have self-respect and remain patient considering the treatment accorded us through the years.
17 million Negroes cannot do as you suggest and wait for the hearts of men to change. We want to enjoy now the rights that we feel we are
entitled to as Americans. This we cannot do unless we pursue aggressively goals which all other Americans achieved over 150 years ago.
This is an excerpt from Jackie Robinson's letter to President Eisenhower. What is Robinson's meaning in the following line, "I respectfully
remind you sir, that we have been the most patient of all people"? In two to three paragraphs of eight sentences each, analyze how syntax
and diction help him express his meaning. Use proper spelling and grammar. (100 points)


In this line, Jackie Robinson is politely but firmly challenging President Eisenhower's suggestion that the Black community should be patient in their pursuit of equality and civil rights. Robinson is pointing out that the Black community has been incredibly patient for many years, enduring discrimination and injustice without resorting to violence or other extreme measures. He is suggesting that this patience has not been rewarded, and that the Black community can no longer afford to wait for change to come on its own.

Robinson uses syntax and diction to express his meaning in this line in several ways. First, he uses a parallel structure in the phrase "I respectfully remind you sir" to create a sense of formality and respect, even as he is challenging the President's views. This parallel structure also emphasizes the contrast between Robinson's polite tone and the strong message he is conveying.

In addition, Robinson uses the pronoun "we" to refer to the Black community and the phrase "most patient of all people" to emphasize the collective experiences and feelings of the Black community. This use of "we" and the superlative construction create a sense of unity and solidarity among Black Americans, and also highlight the fact that they have endured a great deal of suffering and oppression without resorting to drastic measures.

Finally, Robinson uses the word "again" in the phrase "not again" to express his frustration and resentment at the idea of continuing to wait patiently for change. This word suggests that the Black community has been waiting for change for a long time, and that they are fed up with being told to be patient. Overall, Robinson uses syntax and diction effectively to challenge President Eisenhower's views and express the frustration and impatience of the Black community.

Write the correct word.
1. We have a vacation.
3. What
4. They.
(do / does)
(was/ were)
there any bottles of water?
she do in the afternoon?
teachers before.
going to go to a party tomorrow.



We have a vacation.






(do / does)

(was/ were)



there any bottles of water?


she do in the afternoon?

teachers before.

going to go to a party tomorrow.


Choose the correct homophone to fill in the blank in the sentence below. He has a stomach ache because he ate many blueberries. A. to
B. too
C. two
D. tew​



The answer is B.

"He has a stomach ache because he ate too many blueberries."

Please help many points....
Which is the best definition for theme?
1. The symbolic meaning of a piece of literature.
2. The motif that runs through a piece of literature.
3. The literal meaning of a piece of literature.
4. The point that a piece of literature is trying to make.


Answer: Which is the best definition for theme?

4. The point that a piece of literature is trying to make.

Explanation:In literature, the theme refers to the central idea or message that the author is trying to convey to the reader. It is the underlying meaning or purpose of the story. Themes can vary widely and can explore various concepts such as love, friendship, betrayal, justice, or the importance of family, among many others. Themes are often expressed through the actions, dialogue, and events of the story, and they provide insight into the author's perspective or opinion on the subject matter. Identifying the theme of a literary work can help readers gain a deeper understanding of the story and its significance.

They can___the mischievous plans.

Seen through
Seen the
See though
See through

I am coming —— a meeting.



1. see through

2. from

hope this helps:)


Make own original answer

Compose a letter informing an applicant that he/she is now HIRED and can start reporting on Monday. The letter should have a total words of 200 and have three paragraphs.​ ​



Dear [applicant],

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the position of [position] at [company]. Your application and interview impressed us with your [skills/qualifications] and we are confident that you will be a valuable addition to our team.

As a new hire, you will be expected to report to [location] on Monday [date] at [time]. Please make sure to bring the necessary documents and any equipment that you may need for your first day of work.

We look forward to working with you and seeing the contributions you will make to our team. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Which sentence uses the semicolon correctly?

Morgan played goalie on the travel team; his friend Robbie played midfield.
Troy was looking forward to trying out for the team; unfortunately; he sprained his ankle the day before tryouts.
The soccer team had a great staff consisting of; Coach Smith; the head coach; Mr. Trent, the assistant coach; and Ms. Barton, the athletic trainer.
There are two travel teams this year; the A team; the B team.


Around 1566, an Italian printer first used the semicolon in printed text.

What is Semicolon?

It predates the colon (:), which first appears around 1450, as it is the same symbol as the ancient Greek question mark. Do not conflate the two.

A colon introduces a list or statement, depending on the situation. Two independent but connected clauses are separated by a semicolon, which can also be used in place of commas to demarcate items in a long list.

There is just one main use for the semicolon (;). When each of the circumstances listed below is true, it is employed to combine two complete sentences into a single written sentence.

Therefore, Around 1566, an Italian printer first used the semicolon in printed text.

To learn more about semicolon, refer to the link:


Who are the two most influential people to Odysseus? Why?


Athena shares a special relationship with the hero Odysseus. She is his patron goddess and she will always intervene in time to assist him when he is in danger. The goddess herself explains this special relationship with Odysseus in Book 13 of the Odyssey

when___ visit me next year?

Will you have
Will have been
Will you
Would you have


Answer: will you


When will you visit me next year?

How has your media use change from childhood to adolescents to now? Consider the types of media, time spent on media and characteristics of media.



Over the past few decades, the use of smartphones and other mobile devices has become increasingly common, and this has led to changes in the way people use media. In general, adults may spend more time on their smartphones and other devices than children, and they may use a wider range of media platforms and applications. For example, adults may use their phones for work, communication, social networking, shopping, and entertainment, while children may use them primarily for communication, social networking, and entertainment.

Additionally, adults may be more likely to use their phones for a wider range of activities, such as making calls, sending texts, browsing the internet, using social media, watching videos, and playing games. Children, on the other hand, may be more likely to use their phones for a limited range of activities, such as talking to friends, playing games, and watching videos.

Overall, the differences in media usage between children and adults may depend on a variety of factors, including the availability and accessibility of technology, the types of media platforms and applications that are available, and the individual preferences and habits of each person. However, it is likely that both children and adults will continue to use their phones and other devices for a wide range of purposes, and that the ways in which they use media will continue to evolve over time.

Which would be the best answer?


Answer: B; second person pov

Explanation: It is 2nd person's pov because a paper using a second-person point of view uses the pronoun "you." A paper using a third-person point of view uses pronouns such as "he," "she," "it," "they," "him," "her," "his," and "them." Some of these pronouns can be found in the attachment shown, I hoped this helped!

In the text "Education Protects Women From Abuse" by Olga Khazan. What is the overall trend or pattern in women's opinions regarding domestic violence? do any countries go against the trend?​


The trend of pattern regarding the domestic violence on women tells us that a lot of women are violated due to the fact that they are dependent.

Yes there are countries in the world that go against this trend today.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence refers to any violence done by a member of the victim's family. This includes spouses, former spouses, members of the close family, extended relatives, and close friends. When the perpetrator and the victim have a close relationship, the phrase "domestic violence" is used.

Domestic abuse, often known as "domestic violence" or "intimate partner violence," is a pattern of conduct employed in any kind of relationship to acquire or keep control over an intimate partner.

Read more on domestic violence here:


Think of four questions to help you write a story. Swap your questions with a partner.
Answer their questions and use them to develop a story Write 120-180 words.



Explanation: 1What is the main conflict in the story?

2 Who are the main characters, and what are their motivations?

3 How does the setting of the story affect the events that take place?

4What is the resolution to the main conflict, and how does it affect the characters?

1 What is the main conflict in the story?

The main conflict in the story is that the main character, Alice, is trying to save her family's farm from being taken over by a large corporation.

2 Who are the main characters, and what are their motivations?

The main characters are Alice, her family, and the corporate executives trying to take over the farm. Alice's motivation is to save the farm and keep it in the family, while the corporate executives are motivated by profits and expanding their business.

3 How does the setting of the story affect the events that take place?

The setting of the story is a small rural town, where the farming community is tight-knit and the land has been in Alice's family for generations. This setting plays a significant role in the events that take place, as the sense of community and attachment to the land adds a personal stake to the conflict.

4 What is the resolution to the main conflict, and how does it affect the characters?

The resolution to the main conflict is that Alice is able to rally the support of the community and raise enough money to buy out the corporate executives. This resolution allows Alice to keep the farm in the family and maintain the sense of community in the town. The corporate executives are disappointed and frustrated, but Alice and her family are relieved and grateful to have been able to keep the farm.

why is the quote “Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.” significant and relevant to today’s society



The quote "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are" is significant and relevant to today's society because it encourages individuals to be true to themselves and to embrace their unique qualities and characteristics. In today's society, there is often a pressure to conform to certain standards and expectations, and people may feel that they have to fit a certain mould to be successful or accepted. This quote reminds us that it is important to let go of these external expectations and to embrace our true selves, rather than trying to fit a preconceived notion of who we should be.

This message is particularly relevant in today's society, as people are often bombarded with images and messages from the media, social media, and other sources that can distort their sense of self and create unrealistic expectations. The quote encourages people to resist these external influences and focus on their authenticity and individuality.

Overall, the quote is significant and relevant because it encourages people to be true to themselves and embrace their unique identities, which can lead to greater happiness and fulfilment.

Denée Benton started a series on social media called #blackprincessproject, which featured historical black royalty. Based on this article and
your personal experience, what series or hashtag would you create on social media? Be sure to include reasons that support your choice.


Historical Black Royalty on Social Media is a series created by Denée Benton. The actress is portraying Black women from the 1800s with nuance that such characters don't typically get.

according to this article and your personal experiences with From Hamilton to The Gilded Age. Denée Benton worked hard to dispel stereotypes about what it means to be Black despite the fact that she was born to perform on stage. Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.Benton's physically taxing new musical is discussed along with her huge year. Benton is experiencing the kind of career-defining year that actors long for.

She starred in the second season of Lifetime's dark, satirical soap opera Un Real over the summer, playing the crucial part of Black Lives Matter activist Ruby.

To learn more about Denee Benton from given link


3. Why does the author capitalize the word
"gas" the second time it is written in line 9?
O A. to demonstrate that it was hard to hear
with bombs being dropped
OB. to reveal that soldiers could not see what
was going while wearing the gas masks
O C. to show that the soldiers were so tired that
they were not paying attention
O D. to emphasize the urgency and danger of
the situation


Answer:  A. to demonstrate that it was hard to hear

with bombs being dropped

But I am not sure

On the Cities worksheet, click cell H13 and enter the function that calculates the total costs for the first city, including airfare, shuttle or rental, lodging, and meals. Copy the function in cell H13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range H14:H18 without removing the border in cell H18.



To calculate the total costs for the first city on the Cities worksheet, including airfare, shuttle or rental, lodging, and meals, you can use the following function in cell H13:=SUM(B13, C13, D13, E13)This function will add the values in cells B13, C13, D13, and E13 to calculate the total costs.To copy this function to the range H14:H18 without removing the border in cell H18, you can follow these steps:Click on cell H13 to select it.Press the "Copy" button on the ribbon or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C to copy the cell.Select the range H14:H18 by clicking on cell H14 and dragging the mouse to cell H18.Right-click on the selected cells and select "Paste Formulas" from the context menu.This will paste the function from cell H13 into cells H14:H18, calculating the total costs for each city. The border in cell H18 will not be removed.


Compare means to analyze evaluate question or reflect





chapter 8 lesson 3 which public speaker said that the macedonian king philip ii was considered a threat to greek freedom?


A lawyer and great orator, Demosthenes were from Athens. He warned Athenians in a number of stirring speeches that Philip posed a danger to Greek independence.

The greatest orator in ancient Greece, Demosthenes, an Athenian statesman, inspired Athens to rebel against Philip of Macedon and later his son Alexander the Great. His remarks shed important light on the political, social, and economic climate of Athens in the fourth century. Demosthenes was the son of a prosperous swordsmith and lived during the time of Plato and Aristotle.

Demosthenes, a young man of twenty, found himself without wealth, without a trade or profession, and with what appeared to be little chance of success in any endeavor. However, his rhetorical prowess had been noted.

To know more about Demosthenes, refer to this link:


Black Holes

A black hole is a region of space-time from which nothing can escape, even light. This may sound strange, but it is possible. To see why this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball, the faster it is traveling when it leaves your hand, and the higher the ball will go before turning back. If you throw it hard enough, it will never return because the gravitational pull will not be able to bring it back down. The velocity, or speed, the ball must have to escape is known as the escape velocity. Earth's escape velocity is about 7 miles a second.
As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational pull increases, and the escape velocity gets bigger. Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape. Eventually, a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not traveling fast enough to escape. At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light. This is a black hole.
Which of the following is a good summary of the passage above?
If you throw a tennis ball really hard, it will travel very fast when it leaves your hand. The faster it travels, the higher the ball will go before it turns back to Earth.
Velocity is also known as speed. To escape gravity, an item has to go at a high escape velocity. The smaller an object is, the higher its escape velocity must be.
Light travels faster than anything else in the universe. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second. That is not fast enough to escape a black hole, though.
A black hole is a special region in space and time. Nothing can escape from a black hole, even light, because the escape velocity of a black hole is extremely high.


The option that contains a good summary of the passage is D, "A black hole is a special region in space and time. Nothing can escape from a black hole, even..."

What is a summary?

A summary is simply a shorter version of a text. It contains the most important information presented in another text, only what is essential. Summaries leave out any unimportant pieces of information and do not present their own author's opinions about the original text.

After reading the passage provided, we can see that the most important information presented in it is about black holes. Therefore, we should only include in our summary whatever is necessary for people to understand what a black hole is. That is why we get to eliminate options A, B and C. Their focus is on other things, not black holes.

Option D is the right choice for us. It is the only summary that actually describes a black hole.

Learn more about summaries here:


read this excerpt from the way to rainy mountain: the kiowas are a summer people; they abide the cold and keep to themselves, but when the season turns and the land becomes warm and vital they cannot hold still; an old love of going returns upon them. how does this detail develop the central idea? responses it shows what the personal relationships among the families were like. it shows what the personal relationships among the families were like., it describes the connection between the kiowa, the land, and their journey. it describes the connection between the kiowa, the land, and their journey., it reveals why the kiowas are considered an antisocial tribe. it reveals why the kiowas are considered an antisocial tribe., it depicts the type of land the kiowas most prefer.


This detail in the paragraph develops the central idea by describing the connection between the Kiowa, the land, and their journey.

It reveals that the Kiowa are a summer people who are deeply connected to the land and have an old love of going. This connection to the land and the journey is an important aspect of the Kiowa's identity and culture. It also suggests that the Kiowa have a strong sense of place and are deeply tied to the land, which is an important part of their identity as a tribe. This detail helps to paint a picture of the Kiowa as a people who are deeply connected to the land and who have a strong sense of place and belonging.

Learn more about Paragraph Reading here:


Review the final paragraph of the speech, on page 5.

Click or tap THREE underlined sentences that use literary devices to convey the idea that artists often disagree with commonly held views.


Three underlined sentences that use literary devices to convey the idea that artists often disagree with commonly held views are:

He has as Frost says, A lover's quarrel with the world....He must often sail against the currents of his time. The artist's fidelity has strengthened the fiber of our national life.What are the literary devices used?

In the passage, we can see that the author used certain literary devices to explain the fact that an artist often lives a solitary life. In the first selected sentence, we can see that he mentioned a lover's quarrel. This is a literary device that is not meant to be understood at face value.

The particular literary device that is represented by the phrase is the idiom. What this implies is that the friendship that the artist has with the world is like those of lovers that could be happy today and sad tomorrow.

The goal is the ability to maintain their independent style of thinking. In the second selected sentence, the reference to the currents of his time is another example of a literary device.

Learn more about literary devices here:


Other Questions
involves brief feelings of loneliness that occur when people have had satisfactory social relationships in the past but experience some disruption in their social network. Micromax sells personal computers that include a two-year warranty as well as free Web-based tech services for the software installed on the computer. The product offered by Micromax is a(n) ______mix of both goods and services. which of the following requires an agent to follow the instructions of the principal using reasonable care and skill in performance of the job? assuming standard conditions, this reaction is spontaneous at 298 k. at what temperature will this reaction reverse spontaneity, still assuming standard conditions? true or false? a lack of this mineral, zinc, can create a condition that resembles the night blindness caused by vitamin a deficiency. Despite their positive status in the family and culture, ________ over the age of 70 are the poorest population group in the United States.:a.Latinasb.African-American menc.Latinosd.African-American women a dr. seuss corp. bond carries an 8 percent coupon, paid semiannually. the par value is $1,000, and the bond matures in six years. if the bond currently sells for $911.37, what is its yield to maturity? in a simple regression, which would suggest a significant relationship between x and y? a. large p-value for the f statistic b. large p-value for the estimated slope c. large t statistic for the slope d. small t statistic for the slope as mentioned in the text, financial ratio analysis is a key tool used by accounting, auditing, and finance professionals to do all but the following: silver has a face-centered cubic unit cell. how many atoms of ag are present in each unit cell? Two lines intersect at the point (1, 3). The y-intercepts of the lines are 1 and 2. What are the equations of the lines? On May 16, 20X1. Safeway Company received a 90-day, 8 percent. $9.800 interest-bearing note from Black Company in settlement of Black's past-due account. On June 30, Safeway discounted this note at Fargo Bank and Trust. The bank charged a discount rate of 13 percent. On August 14, Safeway received a notice that Black had paid the note and the interest on the due date. Required: Prepare the entries in general journal form to record these transactions. Analyze: If the company prepared a balance sheet on July 31, 20X1. how should Notes Receivable-Discounted be presented on the statement? Prepare the entries in general journal form to record these transactions. (Use 360 days a year. Round your intermediate calculations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) View transaction list Journal entry worksheet 1 2 3 > Record entry for a 90-day, 8% note accepted for past-due account. Note: Enter debits before credits. Date General Journal Debit Credit May 16, 20X1 Record entry Clear entry View general Journal Journal entry worksheet < 1 2 3 Record the entry for discounting the 90-day note at 13% Note: Enter debits before credits. Date General Journal Debit Credit June 30, 20X1 Record entry Clear entry View general journal Journal entry worksheet < 1 N 3 Record payment of discounted note receivable. Note: Enter debits before credits. Date General Journal Debit Credit Aug 14, 20X1 Record entry Clear entry View general journal Safeway Company Balance Sheet (Partial) July 31, 20X1 < General Journal Analyze Which of the following unethical behaviors violates the rights of competitors and, when government officials are involved, the right of citizens to expect that government officials will act in the best interests of the local community or nation?a.Greenmailb.Information asymmetryc.Utilitarianismd.Corruptione.Self-dealing during the five years that clarence has worn a rolex watch, three of his married friends have gotten a divorce. thus, to prevent any more divorces, it is essential that he stop wearing that watch. Which design? The following situations all require inference about a mean or means. Identify each as (1) a single sample, (2) matched pairs, or (3) two independent samples. Explain your answers.(a) You want to estimate the average age of your stores customers.(b) You do an SRS survey of your customers every year. One of the questions on the survey asks about customer satisfaction on a seven-point scale with the response 1 indicating "very dissatisfied" and 7 indicating "very satisfied." You want to see if the mean customer satisfaction has improved from last year.(c) You ask an SRS of customers their opinions on each of two new floor plans for your store. Which of the following statements accurately describe Thomas Jefferson. Choose all that apply. Select 4 correct answer(s) Question 11 options: He was a philosopher. He was known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. He was an American politician. He was the nation's 2nd President. He was an amateur architect. He was known as the Father of the Constitution. Around what does Earth revolve? a business's s corporation status is automatically terminated if . the corporation's form 1120-s is filed late without a valid extension. all shares in the corporation are acquired by one shareholder. the number of shareholders exceeds 100. the corporation adopts a 52-53-week year. how to find the resistance of a solenoid with diameteter of wire, radius of cylinder, number of turns, and resistivity (T/F) reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms