Read the excerpt below from the Yung Wing's book My Life in China and America published in 1909.
I was one of a family of four children. A brother was the eldest, a sister came next, I was the third, and another brother was the fourth and the youngest of the group. I
am the only survivor of them all
In 1835, when I was barely seven years of age, my father took me to Macao. Upon reaching the school, I was brought before Mrs. Gutzlaff. She was the first English
lady I had ever seen. On my untutored and unsophisticated mind she made a deep impression. If my memory serves me right, she was somewhat tall and well-built
She had prominent features which were strong and assertive; her eyes were of clear blue lustre, somewhat deep set. She had thin lips, supported by a square chin,-
both indicative of firmness and authority. She had flaxen hair and eyebrows somewhat heavy. Her features taken collectively indicated great determination and will
As she came forward to welcome me in her long and full flowing white dress (the interview took place in the summer), surmounted by two large globe sleeves which
were fashionable at the time and which lent her an exaggerated appearance, I remember most vividly I was no less puzzled than stunned. I actually trembled all over
with fear at her imposing proportions-having never in my life seen such a peculiar and odd fashion. I clung to my father in fear. Her kindly expression and sympathetic
smiles found little appreciative response at the outset, as I stood half dazed at her personality and my new environment. For really, a new world had dawned on me.
After a time, when my homesickness was over and the novelty of my surroundings began gradually to wear away, she completely won me over through her kindness
and sympathy. I began to look upon her more like a mother. She seemed to take a special interest in me; I suppose, because I was young and helpless, and away from
my parents, besides being the youngest pupil in the school. She kept me among her girl pupils and did not allow me to mingle with what few boys there were at the
Yung Wing tells briefly of how he is the only survivor of his siblings. How does this influence how the reader should view this scene in the book?


Answer 1

The fact that Yung Wing is the only survivor of his siblings may influence the reader to view the scene in the book with a sense of nostalgia or sadness. It may also suggest to the reader that Yung Wing has experienced loss and hardship in his life, which may make the scene with Mrs. Gutzlaff, who is kind and sympathetic towards him, even more poignant and meaningful for him. The reader may also infer that Yung Wing's early experiences and relationships, such as his encounter with Mrs. Gutzlaff, were particularly influential and memorable for him, given that he is the only survivor of his siblings and has experienced loss at a young age

Answer 2

Yung Wing's statement about being the only survivor of his siblings creates a sense of melancholy and loneliness that colors the reader's perception of his childhood experiences, and this knowledge emphasizes the significance of Mrs. Gutzlaff's role in his life.

Yung Wing's statement that he is the only survivor of his siblings suggests that he experienced significant loss and trauma in his childhood. The fact that he is the only one left alive out of his siblings can create a sense of sadness and isolation in the reader's mind. This knowledge may make the reader more empathetic toward Yung Wing and more invested in understanding his experiences.

Learn more about the "Yung Wing" here.


Related Questions

As an archetype, what does a forest setting often represent?


As an archetype, what does a forest setting often represent option C: motherhood.

What archetype does the forest represent?

Characters who find themselves living alone have a long history in the forest as a location (Hester Prynn, Red Riding Hood, Tarzan, Dracula). According to Christian beliefs, sinners lose themselves in the forest or veer off the "road" of holiness.

Therefore,  According to analytical psychology, feminity is represented by the forest in a young man's eyes as an uncharted, mysterious world. It represents the mysteries of the unconscious. The forest, which is a location where life flourishes, has a strong relationship to the mother's symbolism.

Learn more about archetype from

The ( ) is the underlined words
Part I: Identify the following
underlined word(s) as
a. subject
b. verb
c. preposition
d. infinitive
e. none of these
1. The hall was (decorated)with lights.
2. I must leave soon (to go) to class.
3. Bring the dog inside (before) leaving.
4. Because of the (rain), we were late.
5. How many (people) are coming to the party?


The identification of the given words are given below:

VerbInfinitivePrepositionSubjectNone of these

What is a Verb?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the part of speech in grammar that shows action in a sentence and is considered a major part of speech.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given sentences, there are different words used and they have been identified above as they show different meanings that are consistent with parts of speech listed above.

For example, "decorated" from the first sentence is a verb which shows an action or state of being.

Read more about verbs here:


How does Susan B. Anthony establish ethos and build the credibility of her argument in "Speech After Being Convicted of Voting"?

By using excerpts from respected documents such as the Constitution

By allowing members of the audience to ask questions in the middle of her speech

By telling the audience that she is intelligent and well educated

By making fun of the opposition's argument


The way that Susan B. Anthony establishes ethos would be A. By using excerpts from respected documents such as the Constitution.

What does Susan B. Anthony do ?

In her speech, Susan B. Anthony quotes from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the New York State Constitution. She argues that these documents guarantee equal rights for all citizens, regardless of sex. By using these respected documents, Anthony establishes her ethos and builds the credibility of her argument.

The other answer choices are incorrect. Option B is incorrect because Anthony does not allow members of the audience to ask questions in the middle of her speech. Option C is incorrect because Anthony does not tell the audience that she is intelligent and well educated.

Find out more on Susan Anthony at


Which of these is a potencial job for Lucia?



walking dogs


since she isnt sure if she will get the libary job, the walking dogs might be a good option i dont know

gracias! amigos hahahaha


Based on this reading, what is dangerous and/or perilous to Americans?


Please cite evidence (use a quote) from the article to support your argument.

Focus on presenting your claim in the topic sentence.

The remaining details should support or defend that claim.

Be sure to proofread and edit your answer for its use of sentence fluency, capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


A strong response will be at least 1 paragraph in length.

This paragraph should contain 5-7 sentences.
Lessons of Pearl Harbor

Leroy Barber grew up in rural New London, Wisconsin, hunting and fishing with two of his brothers. He enlisted in the Navy, trained at the Great Lakes facility north of Chicago and was assigned to a battleship. Barber enjoyed being a sailor, missed his brothers and advised them to join up. The Navy made an exception to its rule against putting family members on one boat — a decision their father sought to reverse — but America was not at war, and Hawaii was about as far from Europe's fighting as you could get.

That's how the Barber boys, Malcolm, 22, Leroy, 21 and Randolph, 19, came to serve together as firemen on the USS Oklahoma. And that is how they died — together, on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941 — 75 years ago Wednesday — when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and drew America into World War II.

"We are not bitter, but there is one thing neither of us can forgive," Peter Barber, their father, told the Tribune in May 1942. "We were at peace when the attack started. Our boys didn't even know about it. They must have been caught below decks without any chance to fight back. If they had known — if we had been on guard — they would have returned fire and they might not all have died."

Many wars are remembered and battles commemorated. But only two dates on the calendar awaken recollections of a sneak attack on American territory by an undeclared enemy. One is Sept. 11, which was 15 years ago this year. And then there is Dec. 7, "a date which will live in infamy," as President Franklin Roosevelt told Congress in a national radio broadcast the next afternoon. A few hours later, the United States declared war on Japan. A few days later, the U.S. declared war on Germany.

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, but it was foreshadowed. In 1941, America was attempting to check Japanese aggression in China through economic sanctions. The U.S. knew from a code-breaking operation known as "Magic" that Japan was girding for war. Conflict seemed inevitable, but officials in Washington missed the signals that war was imminent, and never guessed Hawaii would be a target. The American public also was unprepared.

On Dec. 1, the Tribune reported that ongoing negotiations to halt Japan's expansionist moves were at a critical juncture, but there was a distant, theoretical tone to the warning. The U.S., having backed Britain in Europe, was already engaged in quasi-conflict with Germany. In the Pacific, war against Japan remained an unappealing question. "The United States is not prepared to fight a war on two fronts and will not be before the completion of our two-ocean navy in 1946," the Tribune's story said.

The U.S. military was not on alert in Hawaii. Most naval personnel treated Dec. 7, a Sunday, as a day off. At about 7 a.m., just as radar operators were completing their overnight watch, they spotted a stunning concentration of aircraft coming their way — must be B-17s coming in from California, they were told.

This was the first Japanese carrier strike force of torpedo- and dive-bombers, escorted by Zero fighters. The Japanese attack, completed in two waves in less than two hours, destroyed most of the U.S. military planes on the island of Oahu and devastated the U.S. Pacific fleet. Most of the ships' anti-aircraft guns were unmanned. A few heroic American pilots got off the ground to shoot down Zeros, but the day marked a humiliating and painful entrance to the war.

The Barber brothers were among 2,300 U.S. service members killed.

Firsthand descriptions of Dec. 7 have dwindled as survivors depart us, but the lesson of Pearl Harbor endures. In 1941, the United States failed to anticipate Japanese aggression. In 2001, terrorists intensified a slow-burning war against American civilians that had started years earlier and continues today. Despite America's great power and comparative isolation on the map, it is vulnerable to the enemies it has, and the ones it may have.

Our nation forgets that at its peril.

** End of text **


Terrorists escalated a long-running campaign of terror against American people in 2001, which was harmful and/or perilous for Americans.

What is article writing?

A piece of writing intended for a broad audience is called an article. The primary goal of writing an article is to have it published in publications such as newspapers, magazines, or journals in order to change the world. It might be tied to certain contemporary issues or the writer's personal interests.

As, in the passage it is given that America's great power and comparative isolation on the map, it is vulnerable to the enemies it has, and the ones it may have.

This cites the evidence these enemies are dangerous and/or perilous to Americans

Thus, this can be concluded regarding the given scenario.

For more details regarding article writing, visit:


a figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as:_____.


A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as is a b) simile.

In the field of English, such words that are used to compare two things that are unlikely to have a comparison with the usage of words such as 'like' or 'as' are referred to as a simile.

A simile is used to describe how one thing is like another thing when in real their likeness of having the same attributes is not possible.

A simile is a figure of speech that is most commonly used in poetries or essays to make your narratives look more eye-catching and appealing to the reader.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

a figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as:

a) metaphor

b) simile

c) conjunction

d) none of the above

To learn more about simile, click here:


Which of the following is considered one element of a short story?
a. character
c. exposition
b. denouement
d. Climax​





As short stories aren't long, the writer can't narrate climax, denouement and exposition properly.

ashley decided to give an informative speech about string theory in her public speaking class. what type of informative speech has she selected?


In her public speaking class, Ashley has chosen to do a Speeches about Concepts-style instructive address on the subject of string theory.

A formal discourse about an object must have a defined goal and structure, as opposed to a casual description of the object. A concise and organized explanation of the purpose of this object's study is required for the audience.

An idea, principle, conception, or hypothesis is a concept. Examples of concepts include bioethics, human rights, free expression, religious liberty, and karma. All concepts share the trait of being abstract or general notions. Therefore, speeches about concepts might frequently be more challenging to prepare for and give than speeches about subjects that are more specific.

To know more about a Speech, refer to this link:


What is the name of the female gorilla who lives at the zoo?




The amount of days you choose to workout is an example of which component of the acronym f.i.t.t.?


FITT stands for frequency (how frequently you exercise), intensity, and time.

The acronym FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) might help you recall the essential components of a fitness program.

The part is frequency. This relates to how frequently you work out. The idea is to achieve your objectives without overworking your body. It is your level of effort, time—how long each session lasts and when you exercise—and type—the kinds of activities you engage in. The FITT principles are a set of guidelines for how long and how hard to exercise that participants can follow. Exercise is the training of the body to enhance fitness and function.

To know more about FITT, refer to this link:


adding sentences that do not support the topic sentence can be useful for making difficult points. true false





if you are writing you should always be in topic because if you go off topic the readers will get distracted.

Need help asap *100 points*
Can anyone wight an Essay on The main characters in Achebe’s short story, ”Marriage Is A Private Affair”,

In a well-written essay, identify and analyze two strategies used to try and persuade Okeke to accept Nene. Please explain why the characters ultimately fail at persuading Okeke to accept Nene and what is the larger message or theme Achebe is trying to convey through his story.

-transition sentence
*Body Paragraphs (1) persuading strategy 1
-transition sentences
*Body Paragraphs (2) persuading strategy 1
-transition sentence
*Body Paragraphs (3) Failure/message conveyed by Achebe
-Transition sentences

*Please don't use an already written essay online*


Answer: In Achebe's short story "Marriage is a Private Affair," the main characters are Okeke, Nene, and Nene's father. The story centers around Okeke's refusal to accept Nene as his son's wife, and the various strategies that the characters use to try and persuade him to change his mind.

One strategy that the characters use to try and persuade Okeke is appeal to emotion. Nene's father, for example, tries to appeal to Okeke's love for his son by telling him that he is depriving his son of happiness by refusing to accept Nene. He tells Okeke that his son is miserable without Nene, and that he should allow them to be together. Nene herself also tries to appeal to Okeke's emotions by telling him that she loves his son and that she wants to be his daughter-in-law.

Another strategy that the characters use is appeal to reason. Nene's father, for example, tries to convince Okeke that his opposition to Nene is irrational and outdated. He tells Okeke that Nene is a good girl from a good family, and that there is no reason for him to object to the marriage. He also argues that times have changed, and that it is no longer acceptable for parents to dictate who their children should marry.

Despite these strategies, the characters ultimately fail to persuade Okeke to accept Nene. Okeke remains stubborn and unwilling to change his mind, and he tells Nene


3. identify the dependent clause in the following sentence: i will put away my winter clothes and store the blankets in the upstairs closet when i no longer have to turn on the furnace every day. a. store the blankets in the upstairs closet b. i will put away my winter clothes and store the blankets in the upstairs closet c. when i no longer have to turn on the furnace every day d. to turn on the furnace every day


The dependent clause in the sentence is "when i no longer have to turn on the furnace every day."

This clause is dependent because it is not a complete thought and cannot stand alone as its own sentence. The clause is dependent on the main clause, "I will put away my winter clothes and store the blankets in the upstairs closet," as it explains the conditions for the action to occur. The clause also provides information about when the action will take place.

The clause is dependent on the main clause because without it the sentence does not make sense. The action of putting away winter clothes and storing blankets in the closet would not make sense if the furnace was still being turned on every day, so the clause provides necessary information. Without the dependent clause, the sentence would not convey the same meaning.

Learn more about The dependent clause here:


You are planning to finance your start-up with a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each in cash from a group of partners. You need $1.2M for the start-up. How many partners, not including yourself, do you need to recruit?
a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
d) 16


The start-up requires a total of $1.2M, which is to be financed by a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each from a group of partners. This means that the answer to how many partners, not including yourself, needed to be recruited is (d) 16.

To determine the required number of partners, not including yourself, it is necessary to calculate the total cash contributions from the partners. The total required cash contributions from the partners is $800,000 ($1.2M - $400,000). When broken down into individual contributions, this means that each partner must contribute $50,000. Therefore, the total number of partners required to meet the $800,000 total cash contribution requirement is 16 ($50,000 x 16 = $800,000). This means that the answer to the question of how many partners, not including yourself, do you need to recruit is 16.

When planning to finance a start-up, it is important to consider the total funds required and the sources of financing. In this case, the start-up requires a total of $1.2M and the financing will be provided by a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each from a group of partners. To meet the total cash contribution requirement of $800,000, 16 partners are required, not including yourself.

Learn more about start-up at :


How would the story change if it was told from the field of buckwheat's perspective? the ears of corn would appear to agree with the willow-tree. The willow-tree would appear as meddling and a know-it-all. The field of buckwheat would be harvested before the storm. The thunderstorm would appear as a positive force.


The story change if it was told from the field of buckwheat's perspective as d) the thunderstorm would appear as a positive force.

The events would not have unfolded as they did in the story if Buckwheat's point of view had been used to tell the tale. In this tale, Buckwheat demonstrates how arrogant he was and how he would not submit to humility. As a result, he suffered punishment. Due of Buckwheat's tenacity, the thunderstorm was a force that Buckwheat had to contend with harshly.

He was rendered completely black by the lightning. Things would not have gone as planned if Buckwheat had the ability to influence the event and how it played out since the thunderstorm would have been a force for good that benefited him. Buckwheat did not bloom after the storm, whereas the other plants flourished, and things would have changed if it did

To learn more about thunderstorms:


Hello let’s talk

Please don’t report me I mean no harm



what are you doing



Hello my little (*/ω\*)  angel

Select the correct text in the passage. which three parts of this excerpt from beowulf relate to a warrior code? beowulf answered, ecgtheow's son: "grieve not, o wise one! for each it is better, his friend to avenge than with vehemence wail him; each of us must the end-day abide of his earthly existence; who is able accomplish glory ere death! to battle-thane noble lifeless lying, 'tis at last most fitting. arise, o king, quick let us hasten to look at the footprint of the kinsman of grendel! i promise thee this now: to his place he’ll escape not, . . ."


Loyalty, power, and bravery were esteemed virtues in the warrior's code. Based on this, the Bewoulf sections can emphasize certain values:

Bravery: "Each of us must adhere to the end-time." In this passage, Beowulf demonstrates courage by acknowledging that everyone will eventually die; this is a natural occurrence that we should not avoid but rather accept when the time comes. To look at the kingsman of Grendel's footprint in the passage, If Grendel's mother, a hideous creature of unnatural strength, tries to prevent him from attaining his objectives, Beowulf demonstrates the courage to confront her.

"I promise you this now: he won't escape from his place, " In this section, Bewoulf swears allegiance to the king and demonstrates his fidelity.

To learn more about Beowulf please click on below link


"The milk and the windfall apples (and also the main crop of apples
when they ripened) should be reserved for the pigs alone."

B "Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons . . . to mingle
with the animals on neighbouring farms . . . and teach them the tune of
‘Beasts of England.’"

C "Now if there was one thing that the animals were completely certain of, it was that they did not want Jones back."

D "By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county."


The answer is B “ Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons… mingle

There it ___(24)___ in the middle of ___(25)___ big puddle.
what is the suitable answer for 24?






The author is talking about something that the author saw in the middle of the puddle.

'is' would also be an option, but in order for the author to know about the specific location of the object, the author would've visited the place before.


Read Chapter 4: pp. 159-167 (overview on writing a synthesis essay).
- Read the sources carefully: pp. 167-175 (including the introductory material).
1. Barack Obama/ Commencement Address at Wesleyan University
2. Frank Bruni/ To Get to Harvard, Go to Haiti?
3. Lily Lou/ The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements
4. Corporation for National Nd Community Service/ Volunteering: A Pathway to Employment (Infographic)
5. Detroit News/Volunteering Opens Teen's Eyes to Nursing
6. Eliza McGraw/ With a Homeless Center on Campus, Students Have an Unusual Chance to Serve
- Write a 5 paragraph synthesis essay that develops a position on whether high schools in general- or in your specific
school or district- should make community service mandatory. Incorporate references to or quotations from a
minimum of three sources in your argument. Remember to follow MLA format.


The issue of whether high schools should make community service mandatory has been a topic of debate for years. Proponents of this policy argue that it provides students with a sense of responsibility, encourages them to become more involved with their communities, and teaches them valuable life skills. On the other hand, opponents argue that it can be an unnecessary burden on students and can lead to resentment. After examining the arguments of both sides, it is clear that high schools should make community service mandatory.

As former President Barack Obama stated in his commencement address at Wesleyan University, “a sense of service, a sense of responsibility and obligation to something larger than ourselves” is one of the most important lessons that students can learn (Obama). By providing students with the opportunity to engage in community service, high schools can help foster this sense of responsibility and instill in them a commitment to helping others. This is especially true for those students who are not necessarily exposed to such opportunities outside of school. Additionally, mandatory community service can help students develop important skills such as problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.

Despite the benefits of mandatory community service, some may be concerned that it could be an unnecessary burden on students, especially those who are already struggling with heavy workloads. However, as Eliza McGraw points out in her article, “With a Homeless Center on Campus, Students Have an Unusual Chance to Serve,” there are a variety of ways to make community service meaningful and manageable for students. For example, high schools can provide flexible options, such as allowing students to complete service hours during the summer and on weekends. Additionally, schools can give students the opportunity to choose their own service projects, so they can pursue activities they are passionate about.

Finally, while some may worry that making community service mandatory could lead to resentment among students, this is not necessarily the case. As Frank Bruni notes in his article, “To Get to Harvard, Go to Haiti?,” mandatory community service provides “a chance to see the world, and to be of service in places and ways that [students] never would have explored” (Bruni). Furthermore, Lily Lou mentions in her article, “The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements,” that it is important for the school to provide meaningful service opportunities that are “related to the school’s curriculum” (Lou). By ensuring that students are engaging in meaningful activities, schools can help foster a sense of purpose and appreciation in students.

Overall, it is clear that high schools should make community service mandatory. By doing so, students will have the opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility and acquire valuable skills, while also engaging in meaningful activities. Thus, high schools should implement this policy in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to gain these important benefits.

The issue of whether high schools should make community service mandatory has been a topic of debate for years. Proponents of this policy argue that it provides students with a sense of responsibility encourages them to become more involved with their communities, and teaches them valuable life skills.

What does President Barack Obama stated in his commencement?

As former President Barack Obama stated in his commencement address at Wesleyan University, “a sense of service, a sense of responsibility and obligation to something larger than ourselves” is one of the most important lessons that students can learn (Obama).

By providing students with the opportunity to engage in community service, high schools can help foster this sense of responsibility and instill in them a commitment to helping others. This is especially true for those students who are not necessarily exposed to such opportunities outside of school.

Therefore, The issue of whether high schools should make community service mandatory has been a topic of debate for years.

Learn more about debate on:


should depict a change the character undergoes in this section of the text. (Left arm:
beginning/ Right Arm: ending). You may paraphrase here, but cite the page number(s) from
the text where you're drawing from the explain the shift the character undergoes. john proctor


The Crucible, which features John Proctor as its tragic figure, is structured somewhat like a classical tragedy. Proctor is a decent man who is honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, but he has a terrible defect that only he knows about.

What enraged his wife?

His desire for Abigail Williams resulted in their liaison (which takes place before the play starts), which made Abigail resentful of his wife Elizabeth and started the witch panic. When the trials start, Proctor understands that his only chance of stopping Abigail's fury through Salem is if he admits to his infidelity. Such a disclosure would damage his reputation, and Proctor is, above all, a proud guy who values his reputation highly.

To know more about John Proctor, click here


Read Shakespeare’s sonnet 130



The person speaking insists that his mistress's eyes are not like the sun rather than claiming that they are Shakespeare’s sonnet.

What does Shakespeare have the most fame for?

He was the author of the most popular plays of his time, including Macduff, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. Even though he passed away nearly 400 years ago, his legacy is still honored today.

What does Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare mean?

A sort of reversed love poem is Sonnet 130. Although the woman is implied to be extremely attractive, it is necessary for the poet to have a realistic perspective on the person he loves. False or even "poetical" metaphors, as well as typical exaggerations of a woman's beauty, are unacceptable in this situation.

To know more about William Shakespeare visit:


What does Jonas learn about the process of release and how does it affect his view of the community?


Jonas learn about the meaning of liberation and realizes that the community's ideals are less than idealistic.

The novel's emotional climax comes when Jonas finally grasps the true meaning of liberation and realizes that the community's ideals are less than idealistic. After watching the release of the smaller twins, everything changes for Jonas and he can never be the same again.

Jonas is overcome with pain and fear as he realizes what salvation is. He starts crying and refuses to go home to his family because he knows his father lied to him about what happens to the newborn. I can't believe it would effectively kill the Elders if they were released.

To know more about Jonas click here:


02.06 Organize and Develop Your Ideas
Part 1 – Organizing Your Ideas

Directions: Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. (One body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of structure and one body paragraph should focus on the author’s use of language.) Use a mixture of paraphrased examples and direct quotations for your evidence. Write your examples and explanations in complete sentences.

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Example from text to support topic sentence:

Explanation of how the example serves purpose:

Part 2 – Developing Body Paragraphs

Directions: Use your planning in Part 1 to write your two body paragraphs. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and transitions to develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a transition at the beginning of the topic sentence and at least two within each paragraph.


Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: The author's use of structure effectively highlights the main themes and ideas in the text.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "The first section of the book presents the problem, the second section discusses the possible solutions, and the final section explores the implications of these solutions."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example illustrates how the author has organized the text into distinct sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the topic. This structure helps to clearly convey the main ideas and themes of the text, and makes it easier for the reader to understand and follow the argument.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "The author begins each chapter with a quote that encapsulates the main theme, and then proceeds to expand on this theme through the use of examples and analysis."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example shows how the author has used structure to help emphasize and clarify the main themes of the text. By starting each chapter with a quote that captures the central idea, the author draws the reader's attention to the key points and helps to provide context for the subsequent discussion.

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic Sentence: The author's use of language is vivid and engaging, drawing the reader into the text.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "The author uses descriptive language to bring the setting to life, painting a vivid picture of the bustling city streets and the vibrant culture of the community."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example demonstrates how the author has used language to create a strong sense of place and atmosphere. Through the use of descriptive language, the author is able to transport the reader to the setting and immerse them in the experience.

Example from text to support topic sentence: "The author employs figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, to add depth and nuance to the descriptions and analysis in the text."

Explanation of how the example serves purpose: This example illustrates how the author has used language to add depth and complexity to the text. By using figurative language, the author is able to convey ideas and concepts in a more imaginative and engaging way, and to add layers of meaning to the descriptions and analysis.

For Freshman Seminar culture Project

How do people live in Italy?



The cultural units are the canvas on which students can train their skills on genre-specific writing, and practice

Italian in discussions and class presentations. The students explore the city of Padua and its surroundings,

applying and developing their analytic skills in order to understand and analyze contemporary culture,

language and traditions which set their roots in ancient history, art, science and literature.

Students familiarize themselves with some of the hot topics regarding life in Padua and in the Veneto area.

They actively investigate places, become aware of the national and regional identity, face linguistic issues, learn

about and establish relationships, explore academic as well as socio-political life in Padu


changes can you wish to bring in your community and school and why


Technology Usage, Teacher Training, Cultural Activities, School Maintenance, and Counselling are the changes that is wish to bring in the community and school because, it improves the standard of living.

What is the community?

A community is a social unit that shares characteristics such as location, norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities can share a sense of place in a physical location or in virtual space via communication platforms.

The changes that are desired in the community and school are technology usage, teacher training, cultural activities, school maintenance, and counselling.

Therefore, the changes in the community improves the standard of living.

Learn more about the community, refer to:


What is the name of the zoo where Ivan and the other animals are relocated?


The name of the zoo where Ivan and the other animals are relocated is Zoo Atlanta.

Ivan, known as "The Shopping Mall Gorilla" from Tacoma, Washington, was relocated to Zoo Atlanta in the middle of the 1990s for a variety of reasons. In particular, Zoo Atlanta had already been successful in socializing another long-time lonely gorilla, the beloved late Willie B. Zoo Atlanta had already established leadership in the care and study of western lowland gorillas. In addition to this leadership legacy, Zoo Atlanta provided Ivan a new home in the iconic Ford African Rain Forest, a collection of naturalistic habitats where he would be able to experience nature for the first time in more than 25 years. Ivan was given the chance to interact with members of his own species at Zoo Atlanta, a crucial opportunity that allowed him to live out the rest of his days as a gorilla who lived similarly to those in the wild.

The Northwest's Ivan's supporters never forgot him. He continues to be one of the most frequently questioned people to have ever lived at Zoo Atlanta, and the zoo continues to receive a lot of mail and greetings about him and for him.

For such more question on Zoo Atlanta.


Read the following passage from the prince and the pauper by mark twain. poor little tom, in his rags, approached, and was moving slowly and timidly past the guards, with a beating heart and a rising hope, when all at once he caught sight through the golden bars of a spectacle that almost made him shout for joy. which word best describes the mood the author is trying to establish?a. jealousy b. fear c. excitement d. silliness


The word that best describes the mood the author is trying to establish is this:

C. Excitement

What is excitement?

Excitement is the state of extreme happiness due to a situation that often arises abruptly. In the description of Little Tom in the passage above, we can see that there was a portrayal of excitement as the character saw something that he was not expecting while passing through the golden bars.

When a person is excited, they often shout for joy or express their intense emotion in any other way they deem fit at that material time. We can see elements of this mood in the reaction of Little Tom.

The sight that Little Tom caught mmade him so excited that he nearly shouted for joy. So, the description above is an apt depiction of the mood of excitement. Thus, we can say that the correct option of all those listed aboe, that describe the state of the character is excitement. Option C is correct.

Learn more about excitement here:


there are several unfortunate elements to the evening that leave jem and scout especially vulnerable to mr. ewell’s attack. name four of these elements.


Bob Ewell assaults Jem and Scout as they go home from a school function in To Kill a Mockingbird. Bob seeks vengeance after Atticus humiliated him at Tom's trial by harming Atticus' children. When Bob attacks, Jem orders Scout to flee, but she slips and becomes imprisoned inside her costume.

Atticus believes Jem murdered Bob Ewell. He tells Sheriff Tate that Scout said Jem stood up and yanked Ewell off her, and that "he [Jem] most certainly stole Ewell's sword in obscurity... When the sheriff cuts him off and says, "Jem never stabbed Bob Ewell," Atticus shows his thanks to him, but adds,

"Heck . . . I know you're doing it from that good heart of yours, but don't start anything like that. . . . nobody's hushing this up. I don't live like that.

learn more about "To kill a mocking bird" here


What is the theme of “Sweet Land of… Conformity?”


However, the focus of "Sweet Land of... Conformity" is the concept of independence, and there are a number of ways where Americans in the ISSP and comparable evaluations do appear to be more individualistic than Europeans.

What is “Sweet Land of… Conformity?”

The author of  "Sweet Land...Of Conformity" is Claude Fischer. The genre in which "Sweet Land... Of Conformity" is written in is an article. "Sweet Land, Of Conformity" was published in the year 2010. And the central notion of "Sweet Land...Of Conformity" is - people usually end up adhering to the group, regardless of how unique they may look.

an essay written by Claude Fischer for the Boston Globe's online publication. According to Fischer, Americans tend to think of themselves as special individuals who follow their own agenda. America, however, revolves upon congruity despite what is typically believed. Americans often believe that each person makes their own decisions regarding their future, if one were to ask them. There is strong evidence to suggest that Americans value their individual liberties, and this belief cuts across all political divides. Extremists in manner of life saw of themselves as the major heirs to this in the 1960s. Today's American self-expression tradition supports the Tea Party movement, which is fighting to protect individual freedom from the stifling grip of European-style collaboration.

To learn more about “Sweet Land of… Conformity” from the given link


What is the theme of “Sweet Land of… Conformity?”

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