Prompt: Was the westward expansion of the United States a righteous
fulfillment of a "manifest destiny," or an example of “unjustifiable


Answer 1


is a manifest destiny for you or an example conquest for a united states a roghteous

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What are the core teaching of Christianity Brainly?



The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ). Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as savior of humanity and hold that Jesus' coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.


What does the black chamber represent in The Masque of the Red Death?


Death, The dark room has come to stand for death in Edgar Allan Poe's Masque of the Red Death. This idea has some merit because it is the one room that many of the ball attendees are reluctant to enter.

The moral of Poe's tale is that no amount of ingenuity can stop Fate's inevitable course. All mortals will eventually pass away, although many people want to resist this destiny. Prince Prospero, one of many who do, takes action to thwart the Red Death's approach by building a barrier to block its progress.

In Edgar Allan Poe's Masque of the Red Death, the dark room has come to symbolise death. Given that it is the one room that many ball goers are hesitant to enter, this concept has some merit.

Prince Prospero and his guests perish at the hands of the personification of the Red Death, who had "illimitable rule over all," in the seventh room. The masked person depicts death and the deadly plague overall.

To learn more about Masque of the Red Death please click on below link


Why do you think the author mentioned the fact that the
federal commander at Fort Sumter, Major Robert Anderson,
was a former slaveowner?




Charleston Harbor, SC | Apr 12 - 14, 1861. The attack on Fort Sumter marked the official beginning of the American Civil War—a war that lasted four years, cost the lives of more than 620,000 Americans, and freed 3.9 million enslaved people from bondage.

NEED HELP ASAP you have identified ways that the historical figure you selected was a great leader in the past. And you’ve examined some characteristics of great leaders today. Now you will write another three-paragraph essay. Your essay should express your opinion about whether this leader would still be an effective leader today. Reflect on your answer from Part A before you begin. Use these tips to write your opinion essay.

Your response should include these parts:

a clear thesis statement in the introductory paragraph that sets out the main idea of the essay

a paragraph to support the thesis that includes supporting facts from the tutorial or outside research

a concluding paragraph that restates the main idea and summarizes the main points of the essay

language that is clear and easy to understand

an engaging writing style, with clear and grammatically correct writing and well-reasoned argument (I wrote about ceaser)


If Julius Caesar remained till today and was able to continue to improve himself with regard to current trends in society, it is safe to state that he would still be a great leader.

Why would Julius Caesar still be an effective Leader today as he was back then?

It is to be noted that the principle of leadership are eternal. Times and seasons change. Technology may also change, but principles of leadership remain the same much like the laws of gravity don't change.

One ability that made Caesar to stand out as an effective leader was his ability to make tough decisions. For example, when the Roman Republic was facing a time of crisis, Caesar made the tough choice to cross the Rubicon and start a civil war, ultimately leading to the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. Therefore, Julius Caesar's leadership qualities, such as decisiveness and charm, would qualify him as a successful leader in today's environment.

Although his tactics and actions may not be in line with current ideals and morals, his leadership skills are ageless and would undoubtedly be useful in any period.

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which tribe had allied with the French for the battle with the Chickasaw





the Chickasaw tribe (allied with the British) fought the Choctaw (allied with the French) for control of the land around Mississippi River. These wars halted when Treaty of Paris was signed to end Seven Years' War.

Who won the presidency in 1932 & promised a New Deal?


Answer: Roosevelt won the presidency in 1932.

Explanation: In his acceptance speech, Roosevelt addressed the problems of the depression by telling the American people that, "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." In the election that took place in the fall of 1932, Roosevelt won by a landslide.

Why did the reforms introduced by Austrian ruler Joseph II make him unpopular with the



Opponents of the reforms blamed them for revealing Protestant tendencies, with the rise of Enlightenment rationalism and the emergence of a liberal class of bourgeois officials. Joseph's enlightened despotism included also the Patent of Toleration, enacted in 1781, and the Edict of Tolerance in 1782.

What were the beliefs of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?


A conflict arose over ratification, with the Federalists supporting a strong union and the Constitution's adoption and the Anti-Federalists opposing the establishment of a powerful national government and rejecting ratification.

What were the beliefs of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

The new US Constitution, which expanded the national government at the expense of the states and the people, according to the Antifederalists, was shaped in part by the Federalists in 1787.

The Antifederalists opposed the US Constitution's ratification, but because they were unable to effectively coordinate across all thirteen states, they were forced to oppose it at each state convention.

Their major accomplishment was getting the first Congress to adopt the new Constitution to guarantee the liberties that the Antifederalists believed the Constitution violated.

Learn more about  Federalists and Anti-Federalists here


the history of the abenaki tribe


One of the Native American groups who spoke Algonquian was the Abenaki tribe.

Where are the ancestors of the Abenaki tribe? Native Americans who speak the Algonquian language include the Abenaki tribe.Before being driven west during American expansion, they lived in regions of Canada and the Northeastern United States.The Abenaki were divided into various subgroups, unlike some of the more strong Indian tribes.The term "Abenaki"—also known as "Wobanaki" or "Wabanaki"—means "people from the east" or "dawn-land people" in their native tongue.Southeast Quebec, western Maine, and areas of northern New England were among their traditional holdings.Abenaki, often called Abnaki or Wabanaki, were an Algonquian-speaking North American Indian group who banded together with other tribes to provide mutual defense against the Iroquois Confederacy in the 17th century.

To learn more about Native American groups refer


What statement did Thoreau like his modern day successors hope to make with his imprisonment?


A person's freedom being restricted for whatever reason, whether on the orders of the government or by someone acting without such orders, is defined as imprisonment.

The latter is referred to as "false incarceration." Imprisonment can be exercised through any use or exhibition of force, whether legal or illegal, anywhere displayed, even in the open public. This includes placing someone in handcuffs. Imprisonment does not necessarily mean a place of imprisonment with bolts and bars. Anywhere they may be, anyone can become a prisoner with just a duly authorized officer's ordered word or touch. However, in most cases, the term "incarceration" is taken to mean real confinement in a jail or prison that is used for the purpose in accordance with the law.

Learn more about imprisonment:


Which major cause of the Civil War had the greatest impact?



What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America? A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.


how did the crusades indirectly contribute to the european discovery of the new world?


Due to their expeditions' sense of curiosity and exploration, the Christian Crusaders indirectly discovered new worlds for Europe, such as America and the East. New riches flooded into Europe when the Crusades opened up new markets, particularly in Italian cities. Industry was developed in countries like Flanders due to this newly discovered wealth.

How did the Crusades affect European New World exploration?

Since the returning crusaders sought more Asian goods such as spices, silk, rice, and oranges and were willing to pay more for them, the Crusades helped to promote European exploration by increasing the desire to trade with Asia and discover new lands and routes. The ambition to keep opening up new markets in the east was a major factor in how the Crusades impacted European exploration. As a result of the Crusades, Europe gained access to new markets and goods from the East.

Learn more about Crusades here:


when did indigenous peoples day begin and WHO declared Indigenous People day?


Answer: It was instituted in Berkeley, California, in 1992,


Of course voting is useful. But then again, i don't put a big glow to it. Voting is about as essential as washing yourself. It's something you're supposed to do. " - chuck d. , american rapper according to chuck d. , the act of voting is.


According to passage the act of voting is central to citizenship.

What is Central to Citizenship?

In its most strict meaning, citizenship is a legal status that indicates a person has the right to dwell in a state and that state is not allowed to deny them entry or expel them. This legal standing may be granted at birth or, in some places, through the "naturalization" process. In most cases, citizenship based on birth circumstances is automatic, although occasionally an application may be necessary nationality by birth. A person may be eligible to become a citizen of a particular state if either one or both of their parents are residents of that state.

Learn more about Central to Citizenship:


What is the importance of the father son relationships in The Odyssey?


Every man ought to have a son who would seek his revenge after his death, according to Homer. A son should hold his father in the utmost regard and view him as his greatest father. On the other side, the father must defend his son from harm. Any measure would be taken by Odysseus to keep his kid safe.

The Greek culture has an influence on the type of interaction that exists between men and their sons in this poetry. It is clear that the society pushes its leaders and other members to have courageous sons who will take their positions and exact revenge even after they are no longer around. Every boy's father should use their skills and resources to shield him from harm during his formative years (Liang 43). Using these social skills and insights, Odysseus does everything in his power to keep Telemachus safe. Even though he has been gone for around twenty years, he is still able to connect with and support his son.

The utilization of the idea of separation by the epic's author seems to affirm the strength of the bond between Telemachus and Odysseus. Despite spending a long time apart, the two people finally grow to love, support, and admire each other indescribably (Dougherty 118). This is a blatant indication that their current separation is what solidifies or enhances their relationship. Taking good care of one another and concentrating on the survival of their extended family gives them purpose throughout this time of absence.

To know more about Odysseus:


How did Jonathan Swift impact the society?


Answer: Swift was able to pave the way for political writers in the 21st century, helping them find a way to connect with their audiences and educate them about economic conditions in their country through his satirical writing, and blatant social critiques.


Can an European ruler today gain the same power Napoleon had? Explain with evidence.


Even as it spread conflict, Napoleon's conquests spread the new ideas and new institutions of the French Revolution throughout Europe. The countries he occupied had versions of the Napoleonic Code imposed on them, forming the legal basis for much of Continental European law today.

What are the three most important rights in the Declaration of Independence?


The Statement of Freedom incorporated these three significant thoughts: Individuals have specific Basic Privileges including Life, Freedom, and Quest for Bliss. All Men are made equivalent. People have a metro obligation to protect these freedoms for themselves and others.

The Statement contained 3 segments: an overall assertion of the normal privileges hypothesis and the motivation behind government; a rundown of complaints against the English Lord; and the statement of freedom from Britain.

The privileges to life, freedom and the quest for joy are the three rights recognized in the Statement of Autonomy as being basic, meaning they can't be given up. John Locke's Second Composition on Government (1690) impacted the standards of the American Upheaval.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence:


What causes New England (NE region) to experience four distinct seasons?



New England experiences four distinct seasons because of its location and the influence of several factors, including air masses, latitude, and the surrounding bodies of water.

New England is located in the northeastern United States, and it is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Great Lakes to the west. This location means that New England is influenced by a variety of air masses, including cold, dry air from the north and warm, moist air from the south.

New England's latitude also plays a role in its climate. Because it is located in the northern hemisphere, it experiences longer periods of sunlight in the summer and shorter periods of sunlight in the winter. This, combined with the influence of the surrounding bodies of water, helps to create the region's four distinct seasons.

The surrounding bodies of water, including the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes, also have a moderating effect on New England's climate. This means that the region's temperatures are generally milder than those in other parts of the country at the same latitude.

Overall, the combination of air masses, latitude, and the surrounding bodies of water all contribute to the four distinct seasons that New England experiences.

pls award brainliest!


Tammany hall treatment of immigrant who lived in new york city can be bet decribed a


Tammany Hall was a significant political force in New York. Immigration supporters backed it. Tammany Hall's patronage was crucial to the immigrants, especially for social services. They requested people's votes in exchange on election day.

Tammany Hall gave the just-arriving immigrants employment, housing, and occasionally even citizenship because of their extreme poverty. Tammany Hall was a political organization that plagiarised city funds. In the federal and state governments, the spoils system appointed supporters to important positions.

Tammany Hall, the influential democratic political machine in New York City, was led by William Tweed in 1868. He was the leader of the Tweed Reign, a group of dishonest politicians who defrauded the city between 1868 and 1869.

Complete question:

How best to describe Tammany Hall's treatment of immigrants living in New York City?

To learn more about Tammany Hall


What is the main idea of Thoreau's civil disobedience?


Thoreau's premise in Civil Disobedience is that a higher law than civil law requires the individual's obedience. Human law and government are second class citizens.

When the two contradict each other, the individual must follow his conscience and, if necessary, disregard human law. Thoreau prepared his lecture and essay on civil government resistance in response to a specific event  the Mexican War, declared  and expected to result in the expansion of slave territory. He was not particularly inclined to think deeply about political theory and reform. In his book Civil Disobedience The government is unimportant to me, and I will think about it as little as possible. Even in this world, I don't live under a government very often. Unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt a man who is thought free [free in his thinking], fancy free, imagination free, that which is never for a long time appearing to him.

To learn more about thoreau's civil disobedience here:


How did the Harlem Renaissance affect American culture ?



The Harlem Renaissance was a golden age for African American artists, writers, and musicians.

What is the purpose of Old Major's speech?


He draws attention to the fact that Farmer Jones treats the animals poorly, making their lives difficult, challenging, and full of hardships.

When Mr. Jones neglects to feed the animals, a frustrated cow forces her way into the storage shed in search of food, sparking the uprising. The remaining animals enter to assist themselves, and when Mr. Jones and his crew attempt to get the animals back in line, the animals chase them away, claiming that the farm is now theirs. The creatures celebrate their win. They change the farm's name to "Animal Farm" and establish treaties seven rules for living that emphasise animal equality and refraining from acting in Jones-like ways. The animals operate more effectively and with greater happiness than Mr. Jones ever did. Boxer the horse is known for his tireless efforts and his catchphrase, "I will work harder!"

learn more about treaties here


please help
Stuck like chuck on this



giving a State of the Union address before Congress.


Approximately how
many people
moved out of the
Dust Bowl area in
the 1930s?
A. 2.5 million
B. 1.5 million
C. 2 million
D. 1 million


Answer: so its 2.5millon


Over a ten year period, it is estimated that 2.5 million people migrated out of these states because of the Dust Bowl storms. Many of these people migrated to California and were referred to as Okies.

What is an example of a dependent?


You can claim your son or daughter as a dependent if he or she is your biological child, stepchild, foster child, sibling, step-sibling, or a descendant of any of these individuals, but the child cannot turn 19 at any time during the tax year (age 24 if a full-time student).

A dependent is someone who is financially dependent on someone else, which can include children or other relatives. A taxpayer who has a dependent may be able to claim a dependency exemption on their tax return.

A person can be considered your dependent if they fit into one of the following categories: your partner. Your kid. any other person with whom you have an interdependent relationship. a person who is substantially financially dependent on you.

Learn more about dependent to visit this link


How did Christianity begin and spread?



Christianity began as a Second Temple Judaic sect in the 1st century in the Roman province of Judea, from where it spread throughout and beyond the Roman Empire.


What happened because of the Patriot Act?



The Act enabled investigators to gather information when looking into the full range of terrorism-related crimes, including: chemical-weapons offenses, the use of weapons of mass destruction, killing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing.


who plotted the seed of human consciousness




The unconscious mind (or the unconscious) consists of the processes in the mind which occur automatically and are not available to introspection and include thought processes, memories, interests, and motivations.

What happens at the end of the Mask of the Red Death?


Death interrupts the celebration and annihilates all of the attendees, bringing "The Masque of the Red Death" to a close. Prince Prospero, a pampered prince who worries more about himself than his realm, is the main character of the tale.

The final holdout in life was Prospero. By the time the story ends, death has infiltrated Prospero's fortress, destroyed it entirely, and now possesses "illimitable reign." In other words, there are no limits to death's authority. It emphasises how foolish Prospero and his friends were to believe they could avoid death.

The prince's decision to shut himself and all of his courtiers inside his castle to keep the Red Death away from them is a significant event. The start of the festivities is one of the first significant occasions (after the epidemic itself). Prince Prospero is aware of the problems facing his realm.

To learn more about Prince Prospero please click on below link


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