PLEASE2. What is the plot of the story? in "Totem" by Thomas King What sort of show was on exhibit? How did the patrons and the do employees feel about the totem poles? What did they do to get rid of the problem? What was the final solution?

"Totem" by Thomas King


Answer 1



The plot of "Totem" by Thomas King revolves around a totem pole exhibit that is causing controversy among the patrons and employees of a museum.The exhibit consists of several totem poles that are on display for the public to view. However, some of the patrons and employees are not happy about the exhibit, as they feel that the totem poles are offensive and represent a negative stereotype of Native Americans.The patrons and employees take various actions to express their dissatisfaction with the exhibit. Some write letters of complaint, while others organize protests and demonstrations. The museum tries to address the concerns of the patrons and employees by adding educational materials and changing the signage around the exhibit. However, these efforts do not satisfy everyone, and the controversy continues to simmer.Finally, the museum decides to remove the totem poles from the exhibit and store them away. However, this solution also proves to be controversial, as some people feel that it is a form of censorship and a suppression of Native American culture. The story ends with the totem poles being put back on display in a different location, but with additional context and educational materials added to provide a more nuanced understanding of their cultural significance.

Related Questions

My Friend Douglass by Russell Freedman, what does denouce mean


In "My Friend Douglass by Russell Freedman", the word denounce means liberation as a state of disposition. Denouncing is also portrayed to tell the right from the wrong in the context of the speech.

The word denounce is found in the statement, "I Denounce the So-Called Emancipation as a Stupendous Fraud", by Frederick Douglass in the year 1888. The phrase points out the difference pertinent in the states of the black Africans, and slaves, and that of the non-slave population. Naturally, by denouncing the state of finding comfort in slavery is denounced.

Hence, based on the given statements, it can clearly be pointed out that, by the word "Denounce", liberation, and distinguishing in good, from evil states, is portrayed in "My Friend Douglass by Russell Freedman".

To know more about My Friend Douglass by Russell Freedman:

Refugee Diary Project
As each of the three protagonists in the Refugee novel has begun their journey it is time for
students to demonstrate an understanding of the story. Pick one of the three main characters
and write a diary entry from their perspective. This should also act as a summary of the
events that have taken place so far.
As a class, we have left off on page 98. Your letter should not cover the story past this point.
However, you may choose to end your diary entry 1 or 2 chapters early. You should aim to
have your diary entry consist of 250-350 words.
Begin from where the character started off, and detail their journey up until (near) where we
have left off as a class. Mention the places they have been, people they have met, and how that
affected them. As you write your diaries, think about the things characters say, and any impacts
words have had on characters.
Consider ending your diary entry with some form of cliffhanger - they (you) do not know what
will happen next!
Your diary should include the following:
1-2 impactful quotes from the text - be sure to underline or highlight these
a reflection on one of the choices the character has made
a reference to areas/events they have been to and how it has affected them
how they started this journey and where they are now
A question of what happens next
Olength: 250-350 words



Explanation:All three characters face a range of obstacles along their journeys, and though they each end differently, their stories all overlap by the end of the novel.

How does Wilson view the "eyes of doctor TJ Eckleberg"? Does Wilsons statement have a symbolic level for the novel as a whole?


Wilson views the "eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg" as a symbol of God's watching eyes. He sees them as a way to hold someone accountable for the injustice done to his wife, Myrtle.

Wilson believes that someone must have seen the car that killed her and that the eyes represent the only witness to her death. He is desperate for justice and feels that the eyes are the only hope for finding the truth.

Wilson's statement about the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg has a symbolic level for the novel as a whole. The eyes represent the moral decay of the society and the loss of traditional values.

The people in the novel are blinded by their own desires, and they no longer see the eyes as a symbol of God's watchful presence. Instead, they use the eyes to justify their actions and to ignore the consequences of their actions.

The eyes are also a symbol of the corrupting influence of wealth and power. The characters in the novel are all pursuing their own desires and are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

They are blinded by their own greed and are unable to see the consequences of their actions.
In conclusion, Wilson's view of the "eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg" is symbolic of the themes of the novel, including justice, morality, and the corrupting influence of wealth and power.

The eyes represent the loss of traditional values and the moral decay of society.

For mor such questions on God's watching eyes


Which sentence uses dashes correctly?

Uluru is also known as Ayers Rock—it is a large sandstone formation in central Australia.
Australia is home to­ some unusual animals such as kangaroos—wallabies—koalas—kookaburras.
Ballaratone is of the centers of the 19th-century Australian gold rush and gold is still being mined—today.
Sydney draws visitors from all around the world to see its iconic architectural masterpiece—the Sydney Opera House.


"Sydney draws visitors from all around the world to see its iconic architectural masterpiece—the Sydney Opera House," uses dashes correctly. Last option is right.

How have the other sentences not used dash correctly?

The first sentence, "Uluru is also known as Ayers Rock—it is a large sandstone formation in central Australia," uses a dash incorrectly. The dash should be replaced with a colon, as it is used to introduce additional information that explains or expands upon what came before it.

The second sentence, "Australia is home to some unusual animals such as kangaroos—wallabies—koalas—kookaburras," uses dashes correctly to set off the list of animals, but the sentence structure is awkward and unclear. A better way to write this sentence would be: "Australia is home to some unusual animals, such as kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, and kookaburras."

The third sentence, "Ballaratone is of the centers of the 19th-century Australian gold rush and gold is still being mined—today," uses a dash incorrectly. Like the first sentence, a colon would be more appropriate here to introduce the explanation that follows.

Learn more about usage of dashes here:


Answer:it is D


write a letter to the chairman of the P.T.A about uncooperative attitude of the school authorities towards sports. help me​


Answer: Dear Chairman of the P.T.A,

I am writing to express my concern about the uncooperative attitudes of the school authorities towards sports. As a concerned member of this community, I strongly believe that sports play a crucial role in the overall development of our children.

However, it has come to my attention that the school authorities have been uncooperative towards the promotion of sports in our school. There have been several instances where sports activities have been cancelled or postponed without any proper explanation or alternative arrangements.

It is disheartening to see that the school authorities do not seem to understand the importance of sports in our children's lives. Sports not only help in maintaining physical fitness but also teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and leadership.

I urge you, as the Chairman of the P.T.A, to take up this matter with the school authorities and ensure that they are more cooperative towards sports activities. It is imperative that the school provides adequate facilities, resources, and support for the promotion of sports in our school.

I believe that with the support of the P.T. A and the collective effort of parents, teachers, and students, we can create a positive environment for sports in our school. I look forward to your prompt action on this matter.

Thank you for your attention,


[Your Name]

Transform thèse sentences into the négatif forme. A) thé wicked stepmother liked snow white vert much. B) She ordered the king to kill his daughter. C)snow white opened thé door toi thé wicked witch. D) snow white's mother died when She was a little girl. E) prince charming managed to save snow white


The negative form of the sentence are:

A) The wicked stepmother did not like Snow White very much.

B) She did not order the king to kill his daughter.

C) Snow White did not open the door to the wicked witch.

D) Snow White's mother did not die when she was a little girl.

E) Prince Charming did not manage to save Snow White.

1. Determine the sentence's primary verb.

2. Alter the verb to take its negative form, depending on the kind. If the verb is an auxiliary verb like "will," for instance, replace it to "will not" or "won't." Add "not" after the verb if it is a regular verb.

3. If a pronoun appears in the sentence, convert it to its negative form, such as "no one" in place of "someone."

4. If a modal verb, such as "can," is present in the sentence, replace it to its negation, "can't."

5. If an adverb or adverbial phrase appears in the sentence, modify it to the negative form by substituting "never" for "always."

6. If the sentence contains a negative word, such as "not," double it for emphasis, such as "not ever" instead of "not."

To learn more about transform sentence link is here


Why do you think Crooks cruelly teased Lennie


Crook cruelly teased Lennie because he always gets token advantage of and treated badly because of his race. But now he has the opportunity to be cruel to someone else for the first time so he takes advantage of this opportunity.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Erika helped the elderly woman with her shopping basket which was overflowing with vegetables.

Which revision of this sentence uses commas accurately?

(1 point)


The accurate revised sentence is: "Erika helped the elderly woman with her shopping basket, which was overflowing with vegetables."

Which revision of the sentence uses commas accurately?

The sentence that uses commas accurately is "Erika helped the elderly woman with her shopping basket, which was overflowing with vegetables?"

In this revised sentence, the comma is used to set off the non-essential phrase "which was overflowing with vegetables." This phrase provides additional information about the shopping basket but is not necessary for the meaning of the sentence.

Read more about revision


resolution for the short story which way by Karleen Bradford


Angeline navigates her new existence as a slave to a concubine of a Prince of Egypt by learning Egyptian language and traditions and eventually earning her freedom.

What is the plot of which way by Karleen Bradford?Angeline is a fourteen-year-old girl living in the 1100s who joins a juvenile crusade to march on Jerusalem and regain it for Christians. Enamored by the faith and conviction of the crusade's leader, Stephen. When Stephen's visions don't go as planned, Angeline is sold as a slave in Egypt.Angeline is an inquisitive French girl who has always desired to tour the world. Angeline and her buddy Stephen were kidnapped and sold into slavery to a fellow traveler in Egypt.

For more information on short story by Karleen Bradford kindly visit to


these are cues that we intentionally use to influence turn taking (who speaks, when, and for how long) in conversations:


Nonverbal cues (an example of communication cues)

When have you ever gone through a difficult experience that left you somehow stronger? Write about such an experience that shows how you were different before and after.


Answer: "When my friend passed away suddenly in college, it was one of the most difficult experiences I have ever gone through. We had been close since childhood, and his death left me feeling lost and devastated. For months, I struggled to cope with the loss, and it seemed like everything reminded me of him.

However, over time, I began to find strength in the memories of our friendship. I started to focus on the positive aspects of his life and the impact he had on those around him. I also sought out support from others who had gone through similar experiences, including grief counseling and support groups.

As I navigated this difficult period, I discovered a newfound resilience within myself. I learned how to take care of my own emotional needs, set healthy boundaries, and communicate effectively with others. I also gained a greater appreciation for the importance of cherishing the moments we have with loved ones and living life to the fullest.

Looking back on that experience, I realize how much it changed me. Before my friend's passing, I was somewhat naïve and idealistic about life, and had not yet faced significant hardship. After his passing, I became more grounded, empathetic, and compassionate towards others. I learned that life can be unpredictable and challenging, but that we have the power to choose how we respond to adversity.

Overall, while I would never wish for anyone to go through such a difficult experience, I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the strength I gained from it. It has made me a better person and a more resilient individual."


An expression that
be interpreted…


As a saying that means something opposite of what is actually being said for example: it’s raining cats and dog, what it actually means is it is just raining heavily

Fill in the blanks.
1. The
in which you read the parts of a passage-based question is very
2. The first thing you'll want to read is any on-page
3. Reading the
to focus on while you read.
before reading the passage helps you figure out what
4. As you're reading the passage, come up with a(n).
compare it with the choices provided.
and then


The order in which you read the parts of a passage-based question is very important. The first thing you'll want to read is any on-page material. Reading the question before reading the passage helps you figure out what to focus on while you read. As you're reading the passage, come up with a(n) answer or idea, compare it with the choices provided, and then choose the best answer.

You will be better prepared to read by doing so if you read the questions first and then the majority of the passage. Normally, you would have to go back into the passage to double-check or look up your answers if you read the questions after reading the passage.

Learn more about Reading Passage here:


Of the following, which term describes the broadest, most inclusive category of life on earth?


The term "Domain" describes the broadest, most inclusive category of life on Earth. In modern biological classification, life on Earth is divided into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Domain is the highest taxonomic rank in the classification hierarchy and represents the broadest and most inclusive category of life forms. Each domain encompasses a distinct group of organisms with unique characteristics.

Bacteria: This domain includes bacteria, which are single-celled prokaryotic organisms with no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Bacteria are ubiquitous and can be found in various environments, including soil, water, air, and the bodies of plants and animals.

Archaea: This domain includes the archaea, which are also single-celled prokaryotic organisms. Archaea are known for their ability to thrive in extreme environments, such as hot springs, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and highly acidic or alkaline environments.

Eukarya: This domain includes all eukaryotic organisms, which are characterized by having cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Eukarya encompass a wide range of life forms, including protists, fungi, plants, and animals.

Among these three domains, Eukarya is the broadest and most inclusive category as it includes all organisms with eukaryotic cells, which are more complex and diverse compared to prokaryotic cells found in Bacteria and Archaea. Eukarya encompasses a wide range of life forms with varying levels of complexity, from single-celled protists to multicellular plants, animals, and fungi. Therefore, "Domain" is the term that describes the broadest, most inclusive category of life on Earth in modern biological classification.

To learn more about the domain, visit here


And with such a diet they may be expected to live in peace and health to a good old age, and bequeath a similar life to their children after them.

Yes, Socrates, he said, and if you were providing for a city of pigs, how else would you feed the beasts?

Which rhetorical device is used in this excerpt?

rhetorical question


The rhetorical device used in the passage provided is option C, rhetorical question, as the question has the purpose of evoking thought and reasoning.

What is rhetorical question?

A rhetorical question is a rhetorical device. It is indeed a question, but it is asked not to elicit an answer. The purpose is to help the speaker make a point or introduce an idea.

Rhetorical questions are commonly used in speeches when the speaker wishes to get his or her audience to think about something. It is a way of preparing the audience for the information that is to come.

Since we see a question in the passage whose purpose is not to be answered, we can conclude we have appropriately answered this question. Option C is correct.

Learn more about rhetorical questions here:


How do the references to the narrator's father
throughout the story contribute to the
development of the plot?
The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for
exposition that foreshadows the decision the
narrator makes in the resolution.
The distracted behavior of the father causes the
narrator to become frustrated, which complicates
the decision the narrator has to make.
The overbearing actions of the father cause the
narrator to become uncertain, which inhibits the
choices the narrator is able to make.
The positive descriptions of the father provide
context for the main conflict that the narrator
struggles with throughout the story.


The references to the narrator's father contribute to the plot development is by the depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.

The correct answer would be: The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.

Throughout the story, the references to the narrator's father play a significant role in the development of the plot. They contribute to the unfolding of events and the internal conflict faced by the narrator. The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.

Firstly, the references to the father as a teacher provide valuable context and insight into the narrator's upbringing and environment. This background information helps establish the foundation for the conflicts and challenges faced by the narrator. The father's role as an educator sets up the expectations and pressures placed on the narrator to succeed academically and make responsible decisions.

Secondly, the distracted behavior of the father serves as a catalyst for the narrator's frustration. The father's lack of attention or preoccupation with other matters causes the narrator to feel neglected or overlooked. This frustration complicates the decision the narrator has to make because it adds an emotional layer to the thought process. The narrator's emotions and state of mind become intertwined with the decision-making process, making it more challenging to arrive at a clear choice.

Furthermore, the overbearing actions of the father contribute to the narrator's uncertainty. The father's excessive control or interference in the narrator's life creates a sense of self-doubt and inhibits the choices the narrator is able to make. The narrator may feel constrained by the expectations and limitations imposed by the father, leading to internal conflict and a struggle to assert personal agency.

Lastly, the positive descriptions of the father provide context for the main conflict that the narrator struggles with throughout the story. If the father is portrayed as supportive, caring, and wise, it adds weight to the narrator's dilemma. The internal conflict arises from the narrator's desire to make choices that align with personal values while also seeking approval or meeting the expectations set by the father.

For more such information on: plot


In what two ways would the story most likely differ if it were told from Rita's point of view?
The reader would be more aware of the father's relationship within the family.
The narrator would be sympathetic toward Ralphie as the middle sibling.
The narrator would reveal clues from the past to explain her behavior.
The reader would have a better understanding of Rita's resentment of Ralphie.
The reader would learn more about Rita and Ralphie's younger brother.


The narrator would reveal clues from the past to explain her behavior and  The reader would have a better understanding of Rita's resentment of Ralphie. These correct option are C and D.

Who is called the narrator?

A narrator is someone who tells stories. In a fictional work, the narrator selects the point of view for the story. If the narrator actively takes part in the events of the story, the narrative is said to be in the first person. When a narrative is being told by someone who is not one of the characters, the third person is employed..

How does a narrator's accent sound?

In first-person narration, the narrator assumes the identity of a character and recounts the story from their own point of view. In the narration, the pronoun I (or us, if the narrator uses it on behalf of a group) is frequently employed.

To know more about Narrator visit:


The complete question is -

In what two ways would the story most likely differ if it were told from Rita's point of view?

A. The reader would be more aware of the father's relationship within the family.

B. The narrator would be sympathetic toward Ralphie as the middle sibling.

C. The narrator would reveal clues from the past to explain her behavior.

D. The reader would have a better understanding of Rita's resentment of Ralphie.

E. The reader would learn more about Rita and Ralphie's younger brother.

he concluding paragraph appeals to ethos by referencing
The conclusion appeals to pathos by referencing
The conclusion appeals to logos by claiming that universal health care


Ethos and pathos are two persuasive techniques used in rhetoric, which is the art of using language to persuade or influence an audience.

Identify the references mentioned in the question.The ConstitutionFreedomHas more problems than benefit

Ethos is a persuasive technique that relies on the credibility or trustworthiness of the speaker or writer. It involves convincing the audience that the speaker is knowledgeable, honest, and reliable. This can be achieved through references to the speaker's experience, credentials, or reputation.

Pathos is a persuasive technique that appeals to the emotions of the audience. It involves using language that evokes feelings of sympathy, empathy, anger, or happiness. This can be achieved through vivid descriptions, personal anecdotes, or powerful imagery.

Together with logos, which appeals to reason and logic, ethos and pathos make up Aristotle's three modes of persuasion. By using all three techniques, speakers or writers can create a persuasive argument that appeals to both the intellect and emotions of their audience.

To learn more about Ethos, visit:


What does Grant end up saying about his visit with Jefferson? Is it true or false?


This statement is true, as Grant does not succeed in his initial goal of helping Jefferson become a man and regain his dignity. However, as the novel progresses, Grant begins to see the impact that his visit has had on Jefferson and the people around him, and he starts to understand the importance of the human connection that he was initially seeking.

In the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines, Grant ends up saying that his visit with Jefferson was a failure. He believes that he was unable to get through to Jefferson, who seems to have given up on life and refuses to cooperate with anyone.

Grant is also disappointed in himself, feeling that he was unable to connect with Jefferson on a deeper level and help him see the value of his life. He says, "I've failed with him. I've failed them all. I've failed myself."

To know more about A Lesson Before Dying:


The surest way to take your turn at the right time in a conversation is to listen for pauses. true or false?


Answer: The surest way to take your turn at the right time in a conversation is to listen for pauses.


The most prominent rule of conversational etiquette is to respect the other person's opinion and to ensure everybody gets a chance to have a say in the argument.

The best way to respond to the other person is to listen for the pauses, where they expect you to give your stance and similarly take pauses and let them speak.

This will demonstrate that you have the respect for the other person's opinion and you are an active listener in the conversation.

the literary device used in this line is a(n) understatement. pun. paradox. epigram. mark this and return


The literary device used in this line is a Epigram understatement the literary method known as an epigram is utilised in this passage from Act 2 of Cecily's "The Importance of Being Earnest."

The play is amusing since epigrams are nearly exclusively employed throughout. A literary device known as an epigram is utilised in a pithy manner to create a satirical or funny statement a stanza frequently contains an epigram.

Which creates a satirical impact. In the comedy "The Importance of Being Earnest," Cecily says, "A paronomasia is another name for a pun. This phrase is well recognised for attempting to capitalise on many word meanings. Note that Wilde uses a pun as a literary device in this passage. It is always painful to part from people one has known for a very brief space of time." Cecily is being hilariously and deftly clever here, and her statement is an epigram.

Complete question:

the literary device used in this line is a(n)________ understatement. Choices the correct answer.

a. pun.

b. paradox.

c. epigram.

d. mark this and return

To know more about Epigram visit:


a good oral style uses long sentences and familiar language is called?


"Colloquial" refers to an effective oral-style that makes use of lengthy sentences and everyday language. Informal, conversational, and frequently employed in daily speech, colloquial language is. Option a is Correct.

Longer phrases that naturally flow in spoken language may be used, along with slang, contractions, and idiomatic idioms. People respect colloquial language for its accessibility and capacity to foster connections since it is frequently employed in informal contexts, such as those among friends and family.

Colloquial language is employed in casual contexts, such social settings, and it can assist build rapport and comfort between speakers. It is frequently connected to regional dialects and can change depending on the society, area, or community where it is spoken. Option a is Correct.

Learn more about oral style Visit:


Correct Question:

A good oral style uses long sentences and familiar language is called?

a. Colloquial.

b. Common Ground.

c. Speaker Credibility.

d. Linguistic Sensitive.

In "Uncle Marcos," which are not character traits of Marcos? Choose three options shyness dishonesty consideration weird behavior success in ve sense of humor​


Shyness and consideration are not characteristics of Uncle Macro in "Uncle Marcos."

In Uncle Marcos, who is the primary character?

He is an explorer and inventor who spends time with the del Valle family in between expeditions. Uncle Marcos dies young, but his books and stories are passed down to each del Valle-Trueba kid.

In Uncle Marcos, who is the flat character?

Clara is a one-dimensional figure because she never changes. Clara, despite what everyone else thinks, believes in her Uncle and patiently waits for him throughout the novel. Clara is a lively figure as well, thanks to her Uncle Marcos.

To know more about  "Uncle Marcos,"  visit:


The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

In “Uncle Marcos,” which are character traits of Marcos? Choose options. Choose three options from the following :

a. shyness

b. dishonesty

c. consideration

d. weird behavior

f. sense of humor

When the interrogator gave Kai an accusing look or a look that said he thought Kai was lying, what gave Kai strength to remain strong? (pg. 122)


Kai's strength in the face of an accusing look from the interrogator likely came from a combination of factors. Firstly, Kai may have had a strong belief in his own innocence and in the truth of his story.

This belief would have given him the confidence to stand his ground and maintain his innocence, even in the face of doubt or suspicion from the interrogator.

Additionally, Kai may have drawn strength from his sense of identity and connection to his cultural heritage. As a resident of Angel Island, Kai likely had a strong connection to his Chinese heritage and identity. This connection may have given him a sense of inner strength and resilience, allowing him to stay true to himself and his beliefs, even under pressure.

Finally, Kai may have also drawn strength from the support of his fellow detainees or from his own inner resilience and determination. Facing the challenges of immigration and detention requires a great deal of strength and resilience, and Kai may have already developed these qualities through his experiences on Angel Island.

To learn more about Angel Island


What is John Proctor's reason for holding out on confessing?


John Proctor's reason for holding out in A. He wants to stand by his own religious conviction.

As a morally upright individual, Proctor is unwilling to falsely confess to witchcraft, even though doing so could potentially save his life. He struggles with the decision, as he values his reputation and does not want to bring shame upon his family. However, his commitment to truth and honesty ultimately prevails.

Option B, his attachment to Elizabeth and his family, also plays a role in his decision. Proctor seeks to set an example of courage and honor for his children, demonstrating the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of death. Option C, the fear of Abigail's power, is not a primary reason for Proctor's resistance. While he acknowledges Abigail's influence and manipulation, his main concern is staying true to his beliefs and preserving his own moral character.

Lastly, Option D, wanting his opponents to feel guilty about his death, does not accurately represent Proctor's motivations. His decision is driven by his commitment to his principles and family, rather than a desire for revenge or vindication.

In summary, John Proctor's primary reason for holding out is to stand by his religious convictions and personal integrity, demonstrating the importance of truth and honesty in the face of adversity. Therefore, the correct option is A.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

What is John Proctor’s reason for holding out?

A. He wants to stand by his own religious conviction.

B. He is too attached to Elizabeth and his family.

C. He fears that Abigail has too much power.

D. He wants his opponents to feel guilty about his death.

Know more about John Proctor's here:


What is the significance behind this
line, what does this mean for Macbeth?
Why does he suggest that he cannot
join them in prayer? "One servant cried,
"God bless us!" and the other replied,
"Amen," as if they had seen my bloody
hands. Listening to their frightened voices,
I couldn't reply "Amen" when they said
"God bless us!"


This line reveals Macbeth's inner turmoil following the mur-der of Duncan. He is so consumed with guilt that he cannot bring himself to join the servants in prayer.  

This moment of introspection speaks to Macbeth's inner struggle between his ambition and morality. He is now aware of the consequences of his actions and feels immense guilt and regret. At this point, Macbeth begins to question the morality of his choices and realizes the magnitude of the consequences of his actions.

This moment of realization serves as an important turning point in Macbeth's character arc and is a pivotal moment in the play. It is through this moment of reflection that Macbeth begins to understand the weight of his actions and the consequences that follow. It is here that Macbeth begins to understand the cost of ambition and the power of morality.

To know more about Macbeth, click here:


how does lennox describe the night, and what is macbeths response


Lennox describe the night as "The night was dark and still, a blanket of stars twinkling overhead." Macbeth responses: "What do these strange events portend? Speak, I charge you."

Lennox's account of the night conjures us images of a restful, quiet eve that is lit by a starry sky. In his response, Macbeth expresses his unease and dread at the ominous signs of the night. He is requesting Lennox to explain the significance of the odd occurrences and to provide an explanation for the omens in the night sky.

Because he knows that the response will probably be something he does not want to hear, Macbeth is visibly filled with dread and despair. Macbeth's mounting sense of discomfort and dread is highlighted by Lennox's account of the night. It serves as a reminder of the supernatural elements at play in the play and their influence on Macbeth's destiny.

To learn more about Lennox and Macbeths link is here


Read the passage from Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" speech.
Perhaps this gets to the root of the matter, to the most fundamental distinction of all between East and West.
Who is Reagan's intended audience for this part of his speech?
a. American historians and educators
b. European trade unionists democratic
c. Germans free markets in the South Pacific


Reagan's intended audience for this part of his speech is c. Germans free markets in the South Pacific

An audience is a group of individuals who attend a performance or who come into contact with a piece of music, video game content, or academic content in any format. In this section of his speech, Reagan is speaking to Germans. He is specifically addressing the citizens of West Berlin, who were living in a democratic, capitalist society but being cut off from the communist-run East Berlin by the Berlin Wall.

In order to inspire the people of West Berlin to oppose the oppression of the East and fight towards a more open, democratic society, Reagan emphasises the distinctions between the totalitarian environment of the East and the free, creative spirit of the West in this section.

Read more about audience on:


Complete Question:

Read the passage from Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" speech.

Perhaps this gets to the root of the matter, to the most fundamental distinction of all between East and West. The totalitarian world produces backwardness because it does such violence to the spirit, thwarting the human impulse to create, to enjoy, to worship. The totalitarian world finds even symbols of love and of worship an affront.

Who is Reagan's intended audience for this part of his speech?

a. American historians and educators

b. European trade unionists democratic

c. Germans free markets in the South Pacific

05.07 NARRATIVE Q & A. Its the sam qusteion that AllxHailxEgg asked about i would be nice if MawsBackup help me on this since he knows what the qusteaion is.


Interview Questions: Protagonist (Anne Frank) In 2-3 sentences, tell me about yourself:

Anne Frank: I am a young Jewish girl who went into hiding with my family during the Holocaust in order to escape persecution by the Nazis. I wrote a diary that documented my experiences and thoughts during that time.

What is the Narrative?

The climax, when you had to make a decision, or you reached a turning point is:

Anne Frank: The climax of my story was when my family's hiding place was discovered by the Nazis, and we were arrested and taken to concentration camps. At that point, I had to face the harsh reality of the situation and make a decision to continue fighting for survival and hope, despite the dire circumstances.

Would you describe yourself as flat or dynamic? Why?

Anne Frank: I would describe myself as dynamic because throughout my diary, I went through significant emotional and psychological changes. I evolved from a carefree young girl to someone who was forced to mature quickly and face the atrocities of war, which shaped my character and perspective on life.

How did the setting of the story affect you?

Anne Frank: The setting of being in hiding for over two years in a small annex in Amsterdam had a profound impact on me. It brought fear, confinement, and constant tension, but it also gave me the opportunity to reflect on life, find solace in writing, and cherish the relationships with my family and the other occupants in the annex.

Interview Questions: Antagonist (Nazi regime) In 2-3 sentences, tell me about yourself.

Nazi regime: I am a totalitarian political system led by Adolf Hitler that emerged in Germany during World War II. Our ideology was based on anti-Semitism, racial superiority, and extreme nationalism, which fueled the persecution and genocide of millions of innocent people, including the Jewish population.

What problem(s) did you create for the protagonist?

Nazi regime: As an antagonist, I created immense problems for Anne Frank and her family by implementing discriminatory laws, carrying out raids to arrest and deport Jewish people, and ultimately discovering their hiding place, resulting in their arrest and deportation to concentration camps.

Interview Questions: Author (Anne Frank) In 5-7 sentences, tell me what your narrative is about.

Anne Frank: My narrative, "The Diary of a Young Girl," is a firsthand account of my experiences as a Jewish girl in hiding during the Holocaust. It portrays the challenges, fears, hopes, and dreams of not just myself but also those around me in the annex. It highlights the impact of war, discrimination, and intolerance, and the power of resilience, faith, and hope even in the darkest of times.

What are two themes in your narrative? How did you develop them?

Anne Frank: Two prominent themes in my narrative are the brutality of war and the resilience of the human spirit. I developed these themes through my honest and raw descriptions of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, the hardships faced by those in hiding, and the emotions and thoughts that I documented in my diary. I also conveyed the unwavering hope, courage, and determination to survive despite the dire circumstances.

Tell me about a symbol that’s present in your narrative.

Anne Frank: One symbol present in my narrative is the chestnut tree that I could see from the window of the annex. It symbolizes beauty, freedom, and nature's resilience even in the midst of darkness and oppression. It served as a source of solace and inspiration for me during my time in hiding.

Lastly, Which archetype(s) appear in your narrative?

Anne Frank: In my narrative, I can be seen as the archetype of the innocent victim, as well as the archetype of the resilient survivor. Other arch

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See full text below

Title of Narrative Text: Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl

Author: Anne Frank

Who Will I Ask? What Will I Ask? What Would They Say?

Interview Questions: Protagonist

In 2-3 sentences, tell me about yourself.

What was your climax, when you had to make a decision, or you reached a turning point?

Would you describe yourself as flat or dynamic? Why?

How did the setting of the story affect you?

Interview Questions: Antagonist

In 2-3 sentences, tell me about yourself.

What problem(s) did you create for the protagonist?

Interview Questions: Author

In 5-7 sentences, tell me what your narrative is about.

What are two themes in your narrative? How did you develop them?

Tell me about a symbol that’s present in your narrative.

Which archetype(s) appear in your narrative?

How would you describe the mood of your narrative?

THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe

Write the script for a skit that depicts a meeting of Unoka, Ikemefuna, and Okonkwo in the afterlife.



Answer: (Scene opens in a misty afterlife setting. Unoka is seated on a mat, strumming a tune on his ogene, while Ikemefuna and Okonkwo are standing, looking around in confusion.)

Unoka: (looking up) Ah, my dear friends have finally arrived! Welcome, Ikemefuna and Okonkwo.

Ikemefuna: (surprised) Unoka! I never expected to see you here!

Okonkwo: (suspiciously) What is going on here? Why are we in this place?

Unoka: (smiling) This is the afterlife, my friends. The land of the spirits.

Ikemefuna: (worriedly) Does that mean we are dead?

Unoka: (nodding) Yes, we are. But don't worry, we are in a good place. And we are all together again.

Okonkwo: (gruffly) What do you mean "together again"?

Unoka: (smiling) We were all once together in the land of the living, were we not? Ikemefuna was like a son to me, and you, Okonkwo, were my good friend and neighbor.

Ikemefuna: (sadly) I remember. But it seems so long ago.

Okonkwo: (muttering) Yes, it does. Too long.

Unoka: (looking at Okonkwo) I see that you still carry the weight of your actions in the land of the living, my friend.

Okonkwo: (defensively) What actions?

Unoka: (sighing) Your actions towards Ikemefuna. You were not kind to him, were you?

Ikemefuna: (nodding) No, he was not.

Okonkwo: (angrily) It was for the good of the clan! I did what I had to do!

Unoka: (shaking his head) No, my friend. There is no justification for what you did. And now, in the afterlife, you must face the consequences of your actions.

Ikemefuna: (softly) Unoka is right. You should have protected me.

Okonkwo: (sighing) I know. I regret what I did. I regret it every day.

Unoka: (smiling) That is good, my friend. Regret is the first step towards redemption.

Ikemefuna: (curiously) What happens now?

Unoka: (standing up) Now, we wait. We wait for the spirits to judge us, and then we move on to our next destination.

Okonkwo: (nervously) And what if we are judged harshly?

Unoka: (smiling) Then we learn from our mistakes, and we try again in our next life. That is the beauty of the afterlife, my friends. It is a second chance.

Ikemefuna: (smiling) I like that idea.

Okonkwo: (nodding) Yes, so do I.

(Unoka begins to strum on his ogene again, and the misty afterlife setting begins to fade away.)

Unoka: (smiling) Until we meet again, my friends.

Ikemefuna: (smiling) Until we meet again.

Okonkwo: (nodding) Yes, until we meet again.


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