Output values below an amount
Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value.
Ex: If the input is:
5 50 60 140 200 75 100
the output is:
50 60 75
The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75.
For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a space, including the last one. Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results.


Answer 1



The following code is written in Python and it is a function called filter, which takes in the requested inputs. It then places the threshold in its own variable and pops it out of the array of inputs. Then it loops through the array comparing each element with the threshold and printing out all of the ones that are less than or equal to the threshold.

def filter():

   num_of_elements = input("Enter a number: ")

   count = 0

   arr_of_nums = []

   while count <= int(num_of_elements):

       arr_of_nums.append(input("Enter a number: "))

       count += 1

   threshold = arr_of_nums[-1]



   for element in arr_of_nums:

       if int(element) < int(threshold):




Related Questions

Python (and most programming languages) start counting with 0.




yes its true  :)


Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following:

Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant.
Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu.
Calculate and print the bill.
Assume that the restaurant offers the following breakfast items (the price of each item is shown to the right of the item):

Food Price
Plain Egg $1.45
Bacon and Egg $2.45
Muffin $0.99
French Toast $1.99
Fruit Basket $2.49
Cereal $0.69
Coffee $0.50
Tea $0.75

Use an array menuList of type menuItemType, as defined in Programming Exercise 3. Your program must contain at least the following functions:

Function getData: This function loads the data into the array menuList.
Function showMenu: This function shows the different items offered by the restaurant and tells the user how to select the items.
Function printCheck: This function calculates and prints the check. (Note that the billing amount should include a 5% tax.)

A sample output is:

Welcome to Johnny's Resturant

----Today's Menu----

1: Plain Egg $1.45
2: Bacon and Egg $2.45
3: Muffin $0.99
4: French Toast $1.99
5: Fruit Basket $2.49
6: Cereal $0.69
7: Coffee $0.50
8: Tea $0.75

You can make up to 8 single order selections
Do you want to make selection Y/y (Yes), N/n (No): Y
Enter item number: 1
Select another item Y/y (Yes), N/n (No): Y
Enter item number: 2
Select another item Y/y (Yes), N/n (No): N
Welcome to Johnny's Resturant
Plain Egg $1.45
Bacon and Egg $2.45
Tax $0.20
Amount Due $4.10

Format your output with two decimal places. The name of each item in the output must be left justified. You may assume that the user selects only one item of a particular type.



Please find the code and its output in the attached file:


In this code a structure "menuItemType" is defined that declared float and integer variable and outside the structure its list type variable "menuList" is defined that holds and calculates its value.

In the next step, a class "Rest" is defined, and inside the class a method "getData", "showMenu", and "printCheck" is defined, in which the above methods uses the switch for input and calculate the value and the last "printCheck" calculates the Tax and Amount Due value.

In the main method, a class object is created that prints message and call the above method.

What do network operating systems use? Check
all of the boxes that apply.
plant material



1 and 2Explanation:

The default print setting for worksheets is________
Print Vertically
Print Selection
Print Entire Workbook
Print Active Sheets



Print Active Sheets .


This question refers to the default printing system of the Excel program. Thus, when printing a job using this program, the default option will print all the active sheets, that is, all those spreadsheets where information has been entered. To be able to print in another option, such as selecting certain cells, rows or columns, you must configure the printing for this purpose.

A LAN Uses category 6 cabling. An issue with the connection results in network link to get degeneration and Only one device can communicate at a time. What is the connection operating at?

Half duplex
Full Duplex





Implement the function charCnt. charCnt is passed in a name of a file and a single character (type char). This function should open the file, count the number of times the character is found within the file, close the file, and then return the count. If the file does not exist, this function should output an error message and then call the exit function to exit the program with an error value of 1.



Answered below


//Program is written in Python programming language

def charCnt( fileName, char){

if not fileName.exists( ):

return sys.exit(1)


openFile = open("$fileName.txt", "r")

readFile = openFile.read( )

fileLength = len (readFile)

count = 0

for character in range(fileLength):

if readFile[character] == char:


openFile.close( )

return count


11.4 Simple Arithmetic Program
For this lab, you will write a Java program to prompt the user to enter two integers. Your program will display a series of arithmetic
operations using those two integers.
Sample Output: This is a sample
transcript of what your program should do. Items in bold are user input and should not be put on the
screen by your program. Make sure your output looks EXACTLY like the output below, including spacing. Items in bold are elements input by
the user, not hard-coded into the program.
Enter the first number: 12
Enter the second number: 3
12 + 3 = 15
12 - 3 = 9
12 * 3 = 36
12 / 3 = 4
12% 3 = 0
The average of your two numbers is: 7
A second run of your program with different inputs might look like this:
Enter the first number: -4
Enter the second number: 3
-4 + 3 = -1
-4 3 = -7
-4 * 3 = -12
-4 / 3 = -1
-4 % 3 = -1
The average of your two numbers is: 0
raico 2 of Closedlani That code takes in a single number and



not yet di ko po alam


kasi po wala po ako mhanap na sagot thanks


You've created a new programming language, and now you've decided to add hashmap support to it. Actually you are quite disappointed that in common programming languages it's impossible to add a number to all hashmap keys, or all its values. So you've decided to take matters into your own hands and implement your own hashmap in your new language that has the following operations:
insert x y - insert an object with key x and value y.
get x - return the value of an object with key x.
addToKey x - add x to all keys in map.
addToValue y - add y to all values in map.
To test out your new hashmap, you have a list of queries in the form of two arrays: queryTypes contains the names of the methods to be called (eg: insert, get, etc), and queries contains the arguments for those methods (the x and y values).
Your task is to implement this hashmap, apply the given queries, and to find the sum of all the results for get operations.
For queryType = ["insert", "insert", "addToValue", "addToKey", "get"] and query = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [2], [1], [3]], the output should be hashMap(queryType, query) = 5.
The hashmap looks like this after each query:
1 query: {1: 2}
2 query: {1: 2, 2: 3}
3 query: {1: 4, 2: 5}
4 query: {2: 4, 3: 5}
5 query: answer is 5
The result of the last get query for 3 is 5 in the resulting hashmap.
For queryType = ["insert", "addToValue", "get", "insert", "addToKey", "addToValue", "get"] and query = [[1, 2], [2], [1], [2, 3], [1], [-1], [3]], the output should be hashMap(queryType, query) = 6.
The hashmap looks like this after each query:
1 query: {1: 2}
2 query: {1: 4}
3 query: answer is 4
4 query: {1: 4, 2: 3}
5 query: {2: 4, 3: 3}
6 query: {2: 3, 3: 2}
7 query: answer is 2
The sum of the results for all the get queries is equal to 4 + 2 = 6.
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] array.string queryType
Array of query types. It is guaranteed that each queryType[i] is either "addToKey", "addToValue", "get", or "insert".
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ queryType.length ≤ 105.
[input] array.array.integer query
Array of queries, where each query is represented either by two numbers for insert query or by one number for other queries. It is guaranteed that during all queries all keys and values are in the range [-109, 109].
Guaranteed constraints:
query.length = queryType.length,
1 ≤ query[i].length ≤ 2.
[output] integer64
The sum of the results for all get queries.
[Python3] Syntax Tips
# Prints help message to the console
# Returns a string
def helloWorld(name):
print("This prints to the console when you Run Tests")
return "Hello, " + name



Attached please find my solution in JAVA


long hashMap(String[] queryType, int[][] query) {

       long sum = 0;

       Integer currKey = 0;

       Integer currValue = 0;

       Map<Integer, Integer> values = new HashMap<>();

       for (int i = 0; i < queryType.length; i++) {

           String currQuery = queryType[i];

           switch (currQuery) {

           case "insert":

               HashMap<Integer, Integer> copiedValues = new HashMap<>();

               if (currKey != 0 || currValue != 0) {

                   Set<Integer> keys = values.keySet();

                   for (Integer key : keys) {

                       copiedValues.put(key + currKey, values.get(key) + currValue);




                   currValue = 0;

                   currKey = 0;


               values.put(query[i][0], query[i][1]);


           case "addToValue":

               currValue += values.isEmpty() ? 0 : query[i][0];


           case "addToKey":

               currKey += values.isEmpty() ? 0 : query[i][0];


           case "get":

               copiedValues = new HashMap<>();

               if (currKey != 0 || currValue != 0) {

                   Set<Integer> keys = values.keySet();

                   for (Integer key : keys) {

                       copiedValues.put(key + currKey, values.get(key) + currValue);




                   currValue = 0;

                   currKey = 0;


               sum += values.get(query[i][0]);



       return sum;


Consider a disk that rotates at 3600 rpm. The seek time to move the head between adjacent tracks is 2 ms. There are 32 sectors per track, which are stored in linear order from sector 0 through sector 31. The head sees the sectors in ascending order. Assume the read/write head is positioned at the start of sector 1 on track 8. There is a main memory buffer large enough to hold an entire track. Data is transferred between disk locations by reading from the source track into the main memory buffer and then writing the data from the buffer to the target track. a. How long will it take to transfer sector 1 on track 8 to sector 1 on track 9



19.71 ms


The disk rotates at 3600 rpm, hence the time for one revolution = 60 / 3600 rpm = 16.67 ms.

Hence time to read or write on a sector = time for one revolution / number of sectors per track = 16.67 ms / 32 sectors = 0.52 ms

Head movement time from track 8 to track  9 = seek time = 2 ms

rotation time to head up sector 1 on track 8 to sector 1 on track 9 = 16.67 * 31/32 = 16.15 ms

The total time = sector read time +head movement time + rotational delay + sector write time = 0.52 ms + 2 ms + 16.15 ms + 0.52 ms = 19.19 ms

It will take 19.19 ms to transfer sector 1 on track 8 to sector 1 on track 9

The given parameters are:

[tex]d_r = 3600 rpm[/tex] --- the disk rotation

[tex]s=32[/tex] --- the sectors in a track

Calculate the time (t) to complete one revolution

[tex]t = \frac{60}{d_r}[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{60}{3600}[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{1}{6}[/tex]

So, the time to read/write to a sector is:

[tex]T = \frac{t}{s}[/tex]

This gives

[tex]T = \frac{1/6}{32}[/tex]

[tex]T = \frac{1}{192}[/tex]

Convert to ms

[tex]T = \frac{100}{192}[/tex]

[tex]T = 0.52ms[/tex]

Next, calculate the rotation time to head up sector 1 on track 8 to sector 1 on track 9

This is calculated as:

[tex]r_t = t \times \frac{s-1}{s}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]r_t = \frac 16 \times \frac{32-1}{32}[/tex]

[tex]r_t = \frac 16 \times \frac{31}{32}[/tex]

[tex]r_t = 0.1615[/tex]

Convert to ms

[tex]r_t = 0.1615 \times 100[/tex]

[tex]r_t = 16.15[/tex]

So, the required time to transfer sectors is:

Time = 2 * Time to read/write to a sector + Seek time + Rotation time

This gives

[tex]Time = 2 \times 0.52 + 2 + 16.15[/tex]

[tex]Time = 19.19[/tex]

Hence, it will take 19.19 ms to transfer sector 1 on track 8 to sector 1 on track 9

Read more about disk rotation at:


what is used to manufacture chips in computer​



The process of creating a computer chip begins with a type of sand called silica sand, which is comprised of silicon dioxide. Silicon is the base material for semiconductor manufacturing and must be pure before it can be used in the manufacturing process.


Modify your main.c file so that it allocates a two dimensional array of integers so that the array has 20 rows of 30 integers in each row. Fill up the entire array so that the first row contains 0-29 the second row contains 1-30, the third row contains 2-31 and so on until the last row contains 19-48. Print the results in a grid so that your output looks like:





Write a function called is_present that takes in two parameters: an integer and a list of integers (NOTE that the first parameter should be the integer and the second parameter should be the list) and returns True if the integer is present in the list and returns False if the integer is not present in the list. You can pick everything about the parameter name and how you write the body of the function, but it must be called is_present. The code challenge will call your is_present function with many inputs and check that it behaves correctly on all of them. The code to read in the inputs from the user and to print the output is already written in the backend. Your task is to only write the is_present function.



The function in python is as follows

def is_present(num,list):

    stat = False

    if num in list:

         stat = True


    return bool(stat)


This defines the function

def is_present(num,list):

This initializes a boolean variable to false

    stat = False

If the integer number is present in the list

    if num in list:

This boolean variable is updated to true

         stat = True

This returns true or false        

    return bool(stat)

This graph shows the efficiencies of two different algorithms that solve the same problem. Which of the following is most efficient?



D is correct


Think of it by plugging in values. Clearly the exponential version, according the graph, is more efficient with lower values. But then it can be seen that eventually, the linear will become more efficient as the exponential equation skyrockets. D is the answer.

what if an html code became cracked and formed a bug how can i repair that


I suggest you look up a video for it ofc

In the ( ) Model, each in a network can act as a server for all the other computers sharing files and acsess to devices

A host server
B client server
C peer to peer



C peer to peer


A peer to peer is a computer network in a distributed architecture that performs various tasks and workload amount themselves. Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources. Peers do similar things while sharing resources, which enables them to engages in greater tasks.


C. Peer-to-peer


On Edge, it states, "In a peer-to-peer model, each computer in a network can act as a server for all the other computers, sharing files and access to devices."

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

Mark is a stockbroker in New York City. He recently asked you to develop a program for his company. He is looking for a program that will calculate how much each person will pay for stocks. The amount that the user will pay is based on:

The number of stocks the Person wants * The current stock price * 20% commission rate.

He hopes that the program will show the customer’s name, the Stock name, and the final cost.

The Program will need to do the following:

Take in the customer’s name.

Take in the stock name.

Take in the number of stocks the customer wants to buy.

Take in the current stock price.

Calculate and display the amount that each user will pay.

A good example of output would be:

May Lou
you wish to buy stocks from APPL
the final cost is $2698.90


ok sorry i cant help u with this

Which statement is most likely to be true about a computer network?



the answer is b


hope this helps


A network can have several client computers and only one server.


(Confirmed on Edge)

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

Effects of disregarding to ignoring computer problems


-It can cause damage to essential computer hardware.

-It can also lead to electric shock circuit that may cause fire.

-Loss of information and data.

Draw TOUT Uw Use the space below to draw your own image with the shapes. Then see if you can communicate it to your partner to draw using the shape drawing tool in Game Lab. You can also give your drawing to another group to use as a challenge 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Shape Size These shapes are the correct size 50 100 Pattern Reference If you don't have red, green, or blue to draw with fill in the patterns or colors you'll use instead 150 200 Red 250 Green 300​





Carly’s Catering provides meals for parties and special events. Write a program that prompts the user for the number of guests attending an event and then computes the total price, which is $35 per person. Display the company motto with the border that you created in the CarlysMotto2 class in Chapter 1, and then display the number of guests, price per guest, and total price. Also display a message that indicates true or false depending on whether the job is classified as a large event—an event with 50 or more guests. Save the file as CarlysEventPrice.java.



Answered below


Scanner n = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Enter number of guests: ");

int numOfGuests = n.nextline();

double pricePerGuest = 35.0;

double totalAmount = numOfGuests * pricePerGuest;

String event = " ";

if ( numOfGuests >= 50){

event = "Large event";


event = "small event";




System.out.println( totalAmount);


What is the relationship between an object and class in an OOP program?

The object contains classes.

The object and class are the same thing.

The object is used to create a class.

The object in a program is called a class.



D. The object in a program is called a class.


Java is a object oriented and class-based programming language. It was developed by Sun Microsystems on the 23rd of May, 1995. Java was designed by a software engineer called James Gosling and it is originally owned by Oracle.

In object-oriented programming (OOP) language, an object class represents the superclass of every other classes when using a programming language such as Java. The superclass is more or less like a general class in an inheritance hierarchy. Thus, a subclass can inherit the variables or methods of the superclass.

Basically, all instance variables that have been used or declared in any superclass would be present in its subclass object.

Hence, the relationship between an object and class in an OOP program is that the object in a program is called a class.

For example, if you declare a class named dog, the objects would include barking, color, size, breed, age, etc. because they are an instance of a class and as such would execute a method defined in the class.

In what way can an employee demonstrate commitment?



Come to work on time ready to work. Always work above and beyond. ... Come to work on time, follow all rules, do not talk about people, and be positive get along with coworkers.


An employee can demonstrate commitment to their job and organization in several ways.

First and foremost, they show dedication and enthusiasm by consistently meeting deadlines, going above and beyond to achieve goals, and taking ownership of their responsibilities.

Being punctual and reliable also reflects commitment. Employees who actively participate in team efforts, support colleagues, and offer innovative ideas exhibit their dedication to the company's success.

Demonstrating a willingness to learn and grow by seeking additional training or taking on new challenges further showcases commitment.

Ultimately, a committed employee is driven by a genuine passion for their work, a strong work ethic, and a sense of loyalty to their organization's mission and values.

Know more about employee commitment:



In the following code segment, assume that the ArrayList numList has been properly declared and initialized to contain the Integer values [1, 2, 2, 3]. The code segment is intended to insert the Integer value val in numList so that numList will remain in ascending order. The code segment does not work as intended in all cases.

int index = 0;
while (val > numList.get(index))
numList.add(index, val);

For which of the following values of val will the code segment not work as intended?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4



e. 4


The code segment will not work as intended if the value of the variable val is 4. This is because the while loop is comparing the value of the variable val to the value of each element within the numList. Since there is no element that is bigger than or equal to the number 4, this means that if the variable val is given the value of 4 it will become an infinite loop. This would cause the program to crash and not work as intended.

The program illustrates the use of while loops.

The code segment will not work as intended when the value of val is 4


Loops are used to perform repeated operations

The program

From the program, the while loop is repeated under the following condition:

val > numList.get(index)

This means that:

The loop is repeated as long as val has a value greater than the index of numList (i.e. 3)

From the list of options, 4 is greater than 3.

Hence, the code segment will not work as intended when the value of val is 4

Read more about loops at:


Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match each type of database to its application
used for concise as well as detailed
historical data
used where access to data is rare
used for accessing data in diverse
applications using middleware
used by an organization that runs
several businesses



1. Multistage database.

2. Stationary database.

3. Virtual database.

4. Distributed database.


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to create, store, modify, retrieve and manage data or informations in a database. Generally, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

There are four (4) major types of database in a data warehouse and these are;

1. Multistage database: used for concise as well as detailed historical data. It provides summarized data which can be used by an employee for short-term decision making.

2. Stationary database: used where access to data is rare i.e business firms who do not access data frequently. In order to use this database, the users must have an access to metadata store and thus, directly having access to the data on a source system.

3. Virtual database: used for accessing data in diverse applications using middleware. This type of database is dependent on having access to information on various databases.

4. Distributed database: used by an organization that runs several businesses. Therefore, this type of database are usually located or situated in various geographical regions.

Write a method that extracts the dollars and cents from an amount of money given as a floating-point value. For example, an amount 2.95 yields values 2 and 95 for the dollars the cents. You may assume that the input is always a valid non-negative monetary amount.



The method in C++ is as follows:

void dollarextract(double money){

int dollar = int (money);

int cent = (money - dollar) * 100;

cout<<dollar<<" dollar "<<cent<<" cent";



This defines the method

void dollarextract(double money){

This gets the dollar part of the amount

int dollar = int (money);

This gets the cent part of the amount

int cent = (money - dollar) * 100;

This prints the amount in dollars and cent

cout<<dollar<<" dollar "<<cent<<" cent";


To call the method from main, use:  


The above will return 2 dollar 95 cent

Write a method that evaluates to true or false depending on whether a box completely fits inside another:
public boolean nests( Box outsideBox )
This is potentially a difficult method, since the box may fit or not fit depending on how it is rotated. To simplify the method, write it so that it returns true if the two boxes nest without considering rotations (so height is compared to height, length compared to length, and so on.)



box outside box


It is used to display a window with many options, or buttons, in Easy GUI. It can be used in situations when it is necessary to determine which option is the first selection because it returns 1 for buttons with index 0 and 0 for buttons with other indexes.

What public boolean nests contain box outside box?

One of the built-in data types in Python is the Boolean type. It serves as a representation of an expression's truth value. For instance, the statement 0 == 1 is False while the statement 1 = 2 is True.

To write effective Python code, one must have a solid understanding of how Python's Boolean values operate.

A boolean value describes the checked attribute. Whenever it is present, it indicates that a checkbox next to an input> element should be selected (checked) before the page loads.

Therefore,  The checked attribute can be applied to both checkbox and radio input types. Additionally, JavaScript can be used to modify the checked attribute after the page has loaded.

Learn more about boolean nests here:



Computing devices translate digital to analog information in order to process the information

Computing devices are electronic.

The CPU processes commands.

The memory uses binary numbers


Complete Question:

Which of the following about computers is NOT true?

Group of answer choices.

A. Computing devices translate digital to analog information in order to process the information.

B. Computing devices are electronic.

C. The CPU processes commands.

D. The memory uses binary numbers


A. Computing devices translate digital to analog information in order to process the information.


Computing is the process of using computer hardware and software to manage, process and transmit data in order to complete a goal-oriented task.

The true statements about computers are;

I. Computing devices are electronic: the components and parts which makes up a computer system are mainly powered by a power supply unit and motherboard that typically comprises of electronic components such as capacitors, resistors, diodes etc.

II. The CPU processes commands: the central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for converting or transforming the data from an input device into a usable format and sent to the output device.

III. The memory uses binary numbers: computer only understand ones and zeros.

What Game is better Vacation Simulator Or Beat Saber



I love Beat Saber and Beat Saber is the best!!!!



I would have to agree with the other person I think Beat Saber is better than Vacation Simulator


                               ~Notify me if you have questions~

                               have a nice day and hope it helps!


-- XxFTSxX

In this programming assignment, you will write a simple program in C that outputs one string. This assignment is mainly to help you get accustomed to submitting your programming assignments here in zyBooks. Write a C program using vim that does the following. Ask for an integer input from the user. Do not print any prompt for input. If the number is divisible by 3, print the message CS If the number is divisible by 5, print the message 1714 If the number is divisible by both 3



In C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int mynum;

   scanf("%d", &mynum);

   if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 != 0){

       printf("CS");    }

   else if(mynum%5 == 0 && mynum%3 != 0){

       printf("1714");    }

   else if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 == 0){

       printf("CS1714");    }

   else    {

       printf("ERROR");   }

   return 0;



This declares mynum as integer

   int mynum;

This gets user input

   scanf("%d", &mynum);

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 3. It prints CS, if true

   if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 != 0){

       printf("CS");    }

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 5. It prints 1714, if true

   else if(mynum%5 == 0 && mynum%3 != 0){

       printf("1714");    }

This condition checks if mynum is divided by 3 and 5. It prints CS1714, if true

   else if(mynum%3 == 0 && mynum%5 == 0){

       printf("CS1714");    }

This condition checks if num cannot be divided by 3 and 5. It prints ERROR, if true

   else    {

       printf("ERROR");    }

The cafeteria offers a discount card for sale that entitles you, during a certain period, to a free meal whenever you have bought a given number of meals at the regular price. The exact details of the offer change from time to time. Describe an algorithm that lets you determine whether a particular offer is a good buy. What other inputs do you need




The algorithm can be described as follows

The first process is to ensure that the constraints for the time at which the offers begin is well defined.

TIME1 = 14:00

TIME2 = 16:00

TIME3 = 18:00

Then, decide the final number of meal following the free meal that has been offered.


Then; decide the prices attached to the meal at regular times.

PRICE = 200;

At regular mode, decide the prices attached to the meal and as well as when the offer time commences.


Then ask the client(i.e the user) to put in the value required for the number of meals they desire to order.

Input values in n

Suppose (the value exceeds 8)

Then proceed to enquire from the client if they wish to go for the offer.

If not, use the regular price for the order.

Assume the client asks if the offer is a good one to bid for.

You are to show then the analysis of the calculation.

regular = 8 × PRICE

offer = 8 × PRICE_OFFER

profit = regular - offer

Finally, show the profit to the client which will let them know if it is good to bid for it or not.

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