modem is used for what?


Answer 1

Answer: Its a device


Basically it goes through a coax cable that connects through your home and gives you internet.

Answer 2


A modem is a device that connects your home, usually through a coax cable connection, to your Internet service provider (ISP), like Xfinity. The modem takes signals from your ISP and translates them into signals your local devices can use, and vice versa.


Brainlest, Please!

Related Questions

computational thinking



Computational Thinking (CP) is the mental skill to apply fundamental concepts and reasoning, derived from computing and computer science, to solve problems in all areas.

What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking is an interrelated set of skills and practices for solving complex problems, a way to learn topics in many disciplines, and a necessity for fully participating in a computational world.

A contains elements that appear closest to the user, will have the best focus, and are meant to draw the most attention within design.



Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention.

How do a write 19/19 as a whole number


As a whole number it is 1.0.




You divide 19 by 19 and get 1

who can help me looping​



See attachment


I have provided all 3 programs in the attached text file.

All of these are complete programs so I could test them myself

Hope that works for you

ROCK = 0 PAPER = 1 SCISSORS = 2 # Read random seed to support testing (do not alter) and starting credits
seed = int(input())
# Set the seed for random

# Type your code here.


In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in python to write a code that Read random seed to support testing (do not alter) and starting credits seed = int(input()).

Writting the code:

import random

ROCK = 0



# Read random seed to support testing (do not alter) and starting credits

seed = int(input())

# Set the seed for random


# Type your code here.

player_1 = input()

player_2 = input()

rounds = 0

count = 0

win_count1 = 0

win_count2 = 0

while True:

   rounds = int(input())

   if rounds >= 1:



       print("Rounds must be > 0")

print(player_1 + " vs " + player_2 + " for " + str(rounds) + " rounds")

while count < rounds:

   p1 = random.randint(0, 2)

   p2 = random.randint(0, 2)

   if p1 == p2:


   elif p1 == ROCK:

       if p2 == SCISSORS:

           print(player_1 + " wins with rock")

           win_count1 = win_count2 + 1


           print(player_2 + " wins with paper")

           win_count2 = win_count2 + 1

       count = count + 1

   elif p1 == PAPER:

       if p2 == ROCK:

           print(player_1 + " wins with paper")

           win_count1 = win_count1 + 1


           print(player_2 + " wins with scissors")

           win_count2 = win_count2 + 1

       count = count + 1

   elif p1 == SCISSORS:

       if p2 == PAPER:

           print(player_1 + " wins with scissors")

           win_count1 = win_count1 + 1


           print(player_2 + "wins with rock")

           win_count2 = win_count2 + 1

       count = count + 1

print(player_1 + " wins " + str(win_count1) + " and " + player_2 + " wins " + str(win_count2))

See more about python at


Write a recursive function encode that takes two Strings as an input. The first String is the message
to be encoded and the second String is the key that will be used to encode the message. The function
should check if the key and message are of equal length. If they are not the function must return the
string “Key length mismatch!” Otherwise the function must get the ASCII value of each character in
the key string and check if it is divisible by 2 if it is then the respective character in the message will be
encoded by getting the ASCII value of that character and adding 5. If corresponding key character it is
not divisible by 2 then 3 is added instead.


A recursive function that encodes that takes two Strings as input. The first String is the message to be encoded and the second String is the key that will be used to encode the message is given below:

The Recursive Function in C++

// C++ program to decode a string recursively

// encoded as count followed substring


using namespace std;

// Returns decoded string for 'str'

string decode(string str)


   stack<int> integerstack;

   stack<char> stringstack;

   string temp = "", result = "";

   // Traversing the string

   for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)


       int count = 0;

       // If number, convert it into number

       // and push it into integerstack.

       if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <='9')


           while (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')


               count = count * 10 + str[i] - '0';






       // If closing bracket ']', pop element until

       // '[' opening bracket is not found in the

       // character stack.

       else if (str[i] == ']')


           temp = "";

           count = 0;

           if (! integerstack.empty())


               count =;



           while (! stringstack.empty() &&!='[' )


               temp = + temp;



           if (! stringstack.empty() && == '[')


           // Repeating the popped string 'temo' count

           // number of times.

           for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)

               result = result + temp;

           // Push it in the character stack.

           for (int j = 0; j < result.length(); j++)


           result = "";


       // If '[' opening bracket, push it into character stack.

       else if (str[i] == '[')


           if (str[i-1] >= '0' && str[i-1] <= '9')











   // Pop all the element, make a string and return.

   while (! stringstack.empty())


       result = + result;



   return result;


// Driven Program

int main()


   string str = "3[b2[ca]]";

   cout << decode(str) << endl;

   return 0;


Read more about recursive functions here:


Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language.
int myAge;
void putNext(int age) {
int nextYr;
nextYr = age + 1;
printf("Age: %d\n", age);
printf("Age next year: %d\n", nextYr);
int main () {
scanf("%d", &myAge);
return 0;


In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in C code to write a code that Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language.

Writting the code:

In C code:

#include <stdio.h>

int myAge;

void putNext(int age) {

int nextYr;

nextYr = age + 1;

printf("Age: %d\n", age);

printf("Age next year: %d\n", nextYr);


int main () {

scanf("%d", &myAge);



return 0;


In Pep 9 CODE-


.zero 4


.string "Age: %d\n"


.string "Age next year: %d\n"


pushq %rbp

movq %rsp, %rbp

subq $32, %rsp

movl %edi, -20(%rbp)

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

addl $1, %eax

movl %eax, -4(%rbp)

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, %esi

movl $.LC0, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call printf

movl -4(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, %esi

movl $.LC1, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call printf





.string "%d"


pushq %rbp

movq %rsp, %rbp

movl $myAge, %esi

movl $.LC2, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call scanf

movl myAge(%rip), %eax

movl %eax, %edi

call _Z7putNexti

movl $64, %edi

call _Z7putNexti

movl $0, %eax

popq %rbp


See more about C code at


3) Which of the following would not impact the digital divide?
Expansion of free wifi connectivity in major cities
O Legislation allowing communications companies to charge per website for access
O Less sharing of the work we produce
O A decline in the price of internet access


The statement which does not impact the digital divide is Less sharing of the work we produce. Thus the correct option is C.

What is the Digital divide?

The term "digital divide" refers to the imbalance in populations and geographical locations between those who have and  or without  limited access to contemporary information and communications technology

Less sharing of work we produce does not impact the digital divide as Internet connectivity and wireless connectivity like Wi-Fi are frequently unavailable due to the digital divide.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about the digital divide, here:


Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits.

For example, it should output the individual digits of:

3456 as 3 4 5 6
8030 as 8 0 3 0
2345526 as 2 3 4 5 5 2 6
4000 as 4 0 0 0
-2345 as 2 3 4 5

My code:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
// Write your main here

int a=0,b[100]={0},n=0,sum=0;







for(int i=n; i>0; i--)

printf("%d ",b[i-1]);



printf(" Sum: %d ",sum);

cin.get(); cin.get();

return 0;



The input needs to be -2345

and the output should result in

Sum: 0
but it's wrong,
the result of this code is 50%
and I don't know why, pls help


A program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits is given below:

The Program

#include < iostream >

int main( int argc , char * argv [ ] )


   int number , digit , sum = 0;

   std : : cout < < " Enter number : " ;

   std : : cin  > > number ;

   while ( number > 0 )


       digit = number % 10;

       std : : cout << digit << ' \ t ' ;

       sum = sum + digit ;

       number = number / 10 ;


  std : : cout < < " Sum is : " < < sum < < std : : endl ;

return 0;


Your original code has the right ideas, but you will have to use the std to print out the output as used above and your output would be in individual numbers.

Read more about programming here:


use flash fill to fill range c4:c20 after typing LongKT in cell C4 and Han in cell C5


To use flash fill to fill range c4:c20 after typing LongKT in cell C4 and Han in cell C5, the process are:

1. Key in the needed information.

2. Then also key in three letters as well as click on enter for flash fill

How do you flash fill a column in Excel?

In Excel will fill in your data automatically if you choose Data > as well as select Flash Fill.

When it detects a pattern, Flash Fill fills your data for you automatically. Flash Fill can be used, for instance, to split up first and last names from a single column or to combine first as well as the last names from two different columns.

Note that only Excel 2013 as well as later are the only versions that support Flash Fill.

Learn more about flash fill from

Hello, I desperately need help in python with this question. I have tried everything: This is the question also:

4.24 LAB: Even/odd values in a list

Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs whether the list contains all even numbers, odd numbers, or neither. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers in the list. The first integer is not in the list.

Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

all even
Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

all odd
Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

not even or odd
Your program must define and call the following two functions. is_list_even() returns true if all integers in the list are even and false otherwise. is_list_odd() returns true if all integers in the list are odd and false otherwise.
def is_list_even(my_list)
def is_list_odd(my_list)

This is what I came up with:

def GetUserValues():
n = int(input())
numbers = []
for i in range(n):
return numbers

def IsListEven(myList):
for n in myList:
if n % 2 == 1:
return False
return True

def IsListOdd(myList):
for n in myList:
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
userValues = GetUserValues()
if IsListEven(userValues):
print("all even")
elif IsListOdd(userValues):
print("all odd")
print("not even or odd")

What Am I doing incorrectly and can someone show me?




Read explanation and check out corrected code


Hi Lily

The formatting was destroyed when you copied pasted code onto the brainly question box.

When posting code, it's better to copy the code into a text editor(such as notepad), save it as a text file and upload this through the clip icon on the bottom right of the brainly toolbar (at the bottom)

Anyway, I copied your code and properly formatted it and it works fine

Since I cannot see the formatting, I am assuming that your return True statements are improperly indented. These statements should go with the for loop, not the if statement

Here is the wrong way to define

def IsListEven(myList):

       for n in myList:
                if n % 2 == 1:
                    return False
                return True   #this belongs to the if statement

If you write your code as follows, the return True goes with the if statement. That means it will return from the function as soon as it finds an even number without checking the rest of the list. For example if the list was [2, 4, 6, 8, 1], the function will return True on the first element in the list without going through all the elements

The correct way is:
def IsListEven(myList):        
       for n in myList:
               if n % 2 == 1:
                   return False
        return True    # now belongs to the for loop

When posting code, it's better to copy the code into a text editor(such as notepad), save it as a text file and upload this through the clip icon on the bottom right of the brainly toolbar (at the bottom)

Why the code is copied?

The copied your code and properly formatted it and it works fine. Since I cannot see the formatting, I am assuming that your return True statements are improperly indented. These statements should go with the for loop, not the if statement

Here is the wrong way to define

def IsListEven(myList):

      for n in myList:

               if n % 2 == 1:

                   return False

               return True   #this belongs to the if statement

If you write your code as follows, the return True goes with the if statement. That means it will return from the function as soon as it finds an even number without checking the rest of the list. For example if the list was [2, 4, 6, 8, 1], the function will return True on the first element in the list without going through all the elements

The correct way is:

def IsListEven(myList):        

      for n in myList:

              if n % 2 == 1:

                  return False

       return True    # now belongs to the for loop

Therefore, When posting code, it's better to copy the code into a text editor(such as notepad), save it as a text file and upload this through the clip icon on the bottom right of the brainly toolbar (at the bottom)

Learn more about posting code on:


innovative ways of sharing information that could be advantageous of


How do you share innovative ideas?
Find out what questions they have and answer them. Ask them what thoughts they have about starting and plug those into the vision you had for the idea. Give them total freedom to reinvent the idea. Commit to helpfully watching over the co-creator's shoulder as they start to share ideas on moving forward

Question 11 Which one of the following is an infinite loop?
A. for i in range(-1):
B. X=10
while x <= 10:
print (x)
C. for I in range (10):
print (I -10)
D. none of the above





while x <= 10:



Since x starts at 10 and keeps decreasing, its value will be always less than 10 so the loop will never end

Ask the user to input an integer. Print out the three numbers before it.

Sample Run-
Enter an integer: 4



f=float(input("Enter an integer: "))








This will print everything correctly, just copy and paste!

Questions about Python or more ProjectStem help? Just Send me a message!

What is wrong with the following JavaScript identifier? $the_value_1st_user_enters_for_a_name

An identifier cannot include underscores.

An identifier cannot include a reserved word (in this case, for).

An identifier cannot be more than 32 characters long.

Nothing is wrong with this identifier.


There is nothing wrong with the identifier that has been used in the JavaScript written in the question.

What is a JavaScript identifier?

The term Java Script identifier is one that is used in Java script programming to talk about the characters that are in a capable that gave the ability of being able to identify variables as well as properties in functions.

These identifiers are known to be case sensitive. That is they are not to start with a digit and they are able to have unicodes such as the dollar sign.

What is a valid JavaScript Identifier?

This is the term that is used to refer to an identifier in JavaScript that is known  to include the underscore and is also made up of the dollar sign.

In the identifier that is presented in the question here, we can see that it is valid because it has the dollar sign and it also has the underscore in between the words.

Hence there is no issue with the identifier, Option D is correct as the solution.

Read more on JavaScript here:


You need to contact a client on the phone. You have estimated that you have a 70% chance of contacting the client on the first call. If you don't, you estimate that you have a 20% chance of contacting the client on a subsequent call in the next hour. Which of the following is true?

a. The probability that you will need at most two calls to contact the client is 0.90.
b. The probability that you will fail on call 1 but will succeed on call 2 is 0.06.
c. The probability that you will fail on call 1 but will succeed on call 2 is 0.50.
d. The probability that you will need at most two calls to contact the client is 0.80.


From the information provided, the correct answer is Option B - " The probability that you will fail on call 1 but will succeed on call 2 is 0.06." See further explanation below.

What is probability?

Probability is an area of mathematics that deals with numerical representations of how probable an event is to occur or how likely a statement is to be true. The probability of an occurrence is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 represents certainty.


P(E) = Number of favorable outcomes/Total Number of outcomes.

Step I

From the information provided, the probability of failing to contact the client on the first call can be computed as:

30% = 0.3

[Rationale is based on estimation. If there is an estimated 70% chance of success, then the chance of failure is 30% which is 0.3]

Step II

The probability of contacting the client on the second call is: 0.2 or 20% [Rationle is as per the given assumption.]

If the two scenarios above hold out because they are mutually exclusive events, the probability, therefore, that you will fial on call 1 and succeed on call two becomes:

0.3 x 0.2

= 0.06

Hence, Option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about probability:

What does a computer code refer to, if I should take as a programming model a tree from nature? What exactly is the code supposed to do?


Computer code are said to be set of a defined instructions or a system of rules that are often defined in a specific programming language.

Coding informs a machine about a given actions to carry out and how to finish the tasks.

What does a programming code mean?

Computer code are seen as some group of instructions and it is a term used in computer programming (such as the source code).

Therefore, Note that It is also the name given to the source code after a compiler has prepared it for computer execution (such as the object code).

Learn more about programming from

What is one of the FIRST things people at an advertising agency do when they are planning a new ad campaign?

find the right images and symbols to get the message across

decide which consumers they will target

pick a new product name and a new slogan or catchphrase

select the right music for the ad campaign


Answer: decide which consumers they will target

100 POINTS! What are the essential parts of a mathematical function in spreadsheets? Select three options.

A. input parameters

B. variables

C. output value

D. expressions

E. name





It is to be noted that the essential parts of a mathematical function in spreadsheets are:

input parameters (Option A)variables (Option B)expressions (Option D).

What is a mathematical function?

A mathematical function is a rule that determines the value of a dependent variable based on the values of one or more relationships between the independent variable. A function can be represented in a variety of ways, including a table, a formula, or a graph.

When it comes to variables and spreadsheets, "it's garbage in garbage out." The computer has no way of knowing which variable is the right one to enter. This remains the solve prerogative of the Spreadsheet user, hence it's importance.

Learn more about Spreadsheets:

What are the differences
between scanning a 3-D object and photo-
graphing that same object with a camera?
Are there things you can control with a
camera that you cannot control with a


The main difference between scanning a 3-D object and photographing that same object with a camera is that you can control the lighting when you scan an object, whereas you cannot control the lighting when you photograph an object. You can also control the distance between the object and the scanner, whereas you cannot control the distance between the object and the camera.

What is scanner?

Scanner is a disc space analysis and management utility for Microsoft Windows. It shows the disc space consumption of any drive or directory as a layered pie chart that can be browsed up and down the directory tree. When the mouse is moved over a pie, the application displays which directory the pie represents, how many files it contains, and how much disc space it takes up. A context menu allows users to open the directory in Windows Explorer, hide and unhide it from the diagram, and delete the pie from the disc permanently or via the Recycle Bin.

To learn more about scanner


A keyboarding technique, you can type more quickly and precisely without having to glance at the keyboard.


Answer: Look at the chart and use it to help you type, and eventually you'll get the hang of it.

Define what is rusty's wired series.what does it do to your life?​


Rusty's Wired Series is a line of supplements that are designed to improve cognitive function and energy levels. The supplements are taken daily and can help improve focus, memory, and overall brain function.

cann anyone helppppp?​



#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int limit;    

   int i;

   printf("Enter the limit: ");

   scanf("%d", &limit);

   for (int i = 1; i < limit+1 ; i++){

       for (int j = 1; j < i + 1; j++){

           printf("%d", j);




   return 0;



Which camera settings will cause the amount of light entering the lens to change?





Aperture controls the lens' diaphragm, which controls the amount of light traveling through the lens to the film plane.

why do we need to have multiple image file format​




Each format represents a particular way of storing the data that makes up a file.

Parallel computing is to distributed computing as multiple processors are to which of the following?

a - software

b- a tablet computer

c - multiple computers

d - single processor


Parallel computing is to distributed computing as multiple processors are to "single processor" (Option D).

What is the advantage of Parallel computing?

It is to be noted that Parallel computing on a single computer use many processors to execute work in parallel, whereas distributed parallel computing employs numerous computing devices to accomplish such tasks.

Parallel computing refers to the study, design, and execution of algorithms in order to solve a problem using many processors. The basic goal is to solve a problem quicker or larger issue in the same amount of time by sharing the work among many processors.

Parallel computing has the advantage of allowing computers to run code more effectively, saving time and money by sorting through "huge data" faster than ever before. Parallel programming can also handle more difficult issues by pooling resources.

One of the benefits of parallel processing is not autonomy. Parallel processing is a computer strategy in which discrete elements of a bigger difficult operation are divided and processed on many CPUs at the same time, saving processing time.

Learn more about parallel computing:

Answer must be submitted in a python file (.py at the end of the file) or as python code snippet

Pretend you need to added 10% taxes to your total from a purchase

Write a program that answers this questions (What is your total?) using the input function

Take the value entered and add 10% to the total

Display the total



purchase_cost = float(input("What is your purchase cost? "))

tax_rate = 10/100    #(10% = 10/100)

tax = purchase_cost * tax_rate

total_cost = purchase_cost + tax

print("Total Cost = ",  total_cost)


Lira has typed up a document and now she wants to adjust the irregular right edge of the text so that it is even. How can she accomplish this?

by changing the margins
by adjusting the indent markers
by changing the spacing between words
by using the Justify and Automatic Hyphenation options

ANSWER IS D. by using the Justify and Automatic Hyphenation options



d. by using the Justify and Automatic Hyphenation options


Someone who creates a new product to sell and takes on all of the risks
and responsibility
An entrepreneur
An accountant
A venture capitalist
A corporation


Answer: an entrepreneur

transferring data from a local computer to a remote computer is referred to as what?​


Answer: uploading


it’s referred as uploading when you move data from one to another

Other Questions
For what values of x is the inequality (x-4) > 0 true? give two example each to the types of conjunctions Answer each question completely. You may need to use your textbook, the class notes or any diagramsprovided.1. The majority of energy used for metabolism is originally captured from light by photosyntheticorganisms. What names do we give to all organisms that can make their own food? (1 point)2. The energy that is used by a cell is the molecule ATP. How does ADP become ATP. Use the diagrams atthe bottom of this worksheet to help you. (2 points)3. What simple carbohydrate is used to store potential energy before it is transferred to ATP in anorganism? (1 point)4. Name the two cellular processes that work together to store energy in food and transfer energy to ATPin organisms. (2 points)5. What process is represented by this equation?6CO + 6H0 + Lt. E CH0, 606. What process is represented by this equation?CH0, +60, 6CO + 6H0 + ATP Calculate the work done when a load of 50N is lifted through a distance of 6m. Let point P be the weighted average of points A(7,3) and B(-3,-10), where point A weights three times as much as point B. What are the coordinates of point P?A (-2,-27/4)B (2,-7/2)C (9/2, -1/4)D (6,-1/3) The First Continental Congress signified...O The colonies couldn't get along and were not interested in fighting for independence.O Each colony could fight the British if they wanted to.O The colonies were united.O The representatives from each colony were more interested in remaining independent from one another. who was the most respected pow Project Help!!! Thesis statement for:Why do you think bui chose the graphic memoir to tell her story? How do you the sequential images of the graphic memoir develop individual storylines and present the complex stories and diverse perspectives? After the coup detat and the resignation of the Directory, one of the first things Napoleon did was todeclare himself Emperor of France.form a military dictatorship.execute many of the Royalists.present France with a constitution. find the measure of angle 1 and angle 2 two boats leave an island at the same time. boat a travels due north for 21 miles and boat b travels due west for 18 miles. what is the compass bearing of boat a from boat b? what is the relative bearing of boat b from boat a What is the slope that passes through 1,7 and 9,5 The major advantage to using a bearing installation/removal tool to replace a seal in a housing is that the seal willA. have its inner edge take all of the insertion forceB. go into the housing much straighter than by manual methods.C. deform slightly creating a better future seal.D. go deeper into the housing 1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4 + . . . + n(n + 1) = [ (n)(n + 1)(n + 2) ] / 3 whenever n is a positive integer. What is the next term in the sequence for the equation on the left? Determine los ngulos de un tringulo con lados de longitud 7,6 & 9 pies respectivamente y encuentre su rea. 4. What options do students have to improve their work in school? what occurs during the first event in muscle fiber contraction? select one: a. the muscle fiber membrane is stimulated and a muscle impulse travels deep into the fiber through transverse tubules. b. calcium ions diffuse from sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm and bind to troponin molecules. c. acetylcholine diffuses across a gap at a neuromuscular junction. d. acetylcholine is released from the end of the motor neuron. Tom says, "If you square a number the answer is always bigger". Show Tom is in correct using two different example.answer HELP THIS IS TIME Multiply.(-2/3)(5/4)Enter your answer as a fraction, in simplest form, in the box. Find the slope of the line that passes through the pair of points.(5, 1) and (1, 7)