identify the reasons that explain why german liberals, who were initially supporters of the german revolution of 1848, became uneasy and eventually even opposed to it.


Answer 1

destructive acts by peasants and workers, political clubs, proliferating newspapers.

A political party is a group that organizes candidates to run for office in a given nation. Parties may support particular ideologies or political objectives, and it is typical for party members to share similar political views.

As contemporary party organizations evolved and spread throughout the world over the past few centuries, political parties have grown to play a significant role in the politics of practically every nation. Unpolitical parties are relatively uncommon in a nation. While some nations only have one political party, others have many. Both democracies and autocracies use parties in their political systems, however democracies often have more political parties than do autocracies.

learn more about political clubs here


Related Questions

in the late 1960s, economist edmund phelps published a paper that group of answer choices showed the optimal point on the phillips curve was at an unemployment rate of 5 percent and an inflation rate of 2 percent. argued that the phillips curve was stable and that it would not shift. argued that there was no long-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. disproved friedman's claim that monetary policy was effective in controlling inflation. next


In late 1960's, economist Edmund Phelps published a paper that argued that there was no long-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

According to Phelps, present inflation is influenced not just by unemployment but also by inflation expectations. This reliance stems from the reality that salaries and prices are only modified seldom. As a result, when modifications are made, they are centered on inflation estimates. As a result, the greater the expected rate of inflation, the greater the unemployment necessary to achieve a certain actual inflation rate. Phelps developed the expectations-augmented Phillips curve.

In the mid-1960s, Edmund Phelps questioned the concept of a permanent inflation-unemployment trade-off, arguing that the behavior of inflation expectations, which are endogenous to the economy's structure, would render any trade-off ephemeral.

For more information on Edmund Phelps, visit :


which of the following countries is a permanent member of the united nations security council?


The US, UK, France, China, and Russia are the five permanent members. Ten of the UN Security Council's non-permanent members are elected to two-year mandates.

Why can just five nations use their veto?

China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are the five sovereign states that the UN Charter of 1945 assigns a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. They are often referred to as the Permanent Five, the Big Five, or the P5. But because of their mutual mistrust, these governments did not want to entrust crucial security decisions to a Council majority that might be unfriendly. Because of this, the veto was still in place, but it was limited to the five permanent member nations.

To know more about UN Security Council, visit:


Answer:The US, UK, France, China, and Russia are the five permanent members.



In 1803, Napoleon agreed to the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the United States. Which of the following were reasons for the sale? Select all that apply.

Britain threatened war if Napoleon continued to have a presence in the Americas.

Napoleon wanted to distance himself from the horrendous slave trading practice that was prevalent in the Louisiana Territory.

Napoleon believed colonialism was morally wrong, and wanted to get rid of the few colonies France had.

Napoleon was too busy administering to France’s successful Caribbean colonies to be concerned with those on mainland America.

Napoleon needed to recoup financial losses France had incurred from war.



Britain threatened war if Napoleon continued to have a presence in the Americas

What is the legacy of the Puritans for America? (75-100 words)


Much of American popular culture is based on the Puritan tradition. They claim to have inherited it by encouraging religious freedom and equal opportunity, by being a "city on a hill," a democratic bulwark, and much more.

What impact did the Puritans have on American literature?

Puritanism, a religious movement that sought to cleanse the church of its Catholic foundations, had a profound influence on modern writing. Authors of the time were notable for writing in the first person, using simple language and sentence structure, and using religious allusions and references to the Bible.

The Puritans established the American concept of limited government. The Puritans believed that the government should not be dominated by a single person or group of people. Because of the Puritans' emphasis on education, everyone in America is taught to read, write, and do basic arithmetic.

To learn more about Puritanism, click


Northerners reacted to Anthony Burns's and Joshua Glover's forced return to slavery by:

A. sending antislavery mail to southern post offices.

B. writing protest letters to the president on their behalf.

OC. helping other slaves escape from the South.

OD. helping both of them regain their freedom.


Northerners reacted to Anthony Burn's and Joshua Glover's forced return to slavery which was a part of Compromise of 1850 by helping other slaves escape from the South. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is the Compromise of 1850?

The United States Congress passed the Compromise of 1850, a collection of five independent laws, in September 1850 to end a political standoff between slave and free states over the status of territories won in the Mexican-American War. Additionally, it established the western and northern boundaries of Texas and contained clauses addressing runaway slaves and the slave trade.

The Fugitive Slave Law, which allowed any African American to be deported South purely on the basis of an affidavit from anyone claiming to be their owner, was the most contentious part of the Compromise of 1850. Due to this, free African Americans ran the risk of being sold into slavery.

Therefore, the Northerners helped the slaves escape from the South.

To learn more about the Compromise of 1850, click here:


One of the most divisive events in the United States during the 1960s, and one that aggravated other social and political tensions, was the:A. student campus protest.B. Vietnam War.C. Civil Rights Movement.D. feminist movement.E. 1968 presidential election.


One of the most divisive events in the United States during the 1960s, and one that aggravated other social and political tensions, was the B. Vietnam War.

The Vietnam warfare turned into a struggle in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It become the second one of the Indochina Wars and was formally fought among North Vietnam and South Vietnam.The U.S. entered the Vietnam battle in an try and prevent the spread of communism, but overseas policy, monetary interests, national fears, and geopolitical techniques additionally played predominant roles.

The conventional view stays that america misplaced the Vietnam battle due to the fact our opponent, North Vietnam, conquered the facet we sponsored, South Vietnam, which surrendered in April 1975.

Learn more about Vietnam War here:


the affordable care act in 2010 addressed concerns of medicare and medicaid and the balanced budget act of 1997, which reduced costs but with little focus on the reciprocal effects of attenuating access and quality. the affordable care act in 2010 answered the concerns by


The  affordable care act in 2010 addressed concerns of medicare and medicaid and the balanced budget act of 1997. The affordable care act in 2010 answered the concerns by making an affordable health insurance that is said to be available to a lot of people.

What did the Affordable Care Act of 2010 do?

It was one that increases Medicaid eligibility in states where the rate of poverty is at or below 138%. It also establishes state health insurance exchanges so that individuals can purchase insurance on their own rather than through the government or their employers. Pre-existing conditions cannot be excluded from coverage. It Permits parents to keep their children on insurance until they become 26.

The ACA was passed with the intent of lowering the uninsured rate by extending public and private insurance coverage, improving the quality and affordability of health insurance, and decreasing the expenses of healthcare for both individuals and the government.

Therefore, The legislation was passed in order to improve the quality of healthcare and health insurance, enhance coverage, hold insurance corporations more liable, reduce healthcare costs, and provide individuals more insurance options.

Learn more about affordable care act from

which of the following would be the best primary source to include in an analysis of the great depression?.


The most useful primary source for a study of the Great Depression would be Franklin Roosevelt's first inaugural address.

What was the main goal of the first inaugural speech?

The speech, which Abraham Lincoln gave at the US Capitol, was primarily directed at the people of the South and was written to succinctly state his intended policies and desires toward that region, where seven states had formed the Confederate States of America by seceding from the Union.

What quotation from Franklin D. Roosevelt is famous?

"I promise to work with you and for a New Deal for the American People." We Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justice in these trying times, as well as the paths of faith, hope, and love.

To learn more about Franklin Roosevelt here:


William Levitt was able to create affordable homes in postwar America by..
Hiring labor from newly impoverished European nations.
Using building materials left over from the war effort
Applying the industrial concept of mass production to home construction.
Taking advantage of loans available from the newly created Marshall Plan.


William Levitt was able to create affordable homes in postwar America by C - applying the industrial concept of mass production to home construction.

What is William Levitt's contribution to housing in America?

William Levitt was a real estate developer who introduced mass production of housing in American suburbs after the war to help veterans obtain affordable homes.

He helped in expanding housing development by producing houses at a rate of one every 16 minutes through the GI bill. The houses were affordable for veterans returning from war. The GI bill is considered the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.

His technique promoted uniformity during the 1950s as well as aided the development of the modern-day suburb in America.

Thus, William Levitt initiated affordable homes in postwar America by applying the industrial concept of mass production to the construction of homes

Learn more about the GI Bill at


Was America a world leader or world bully during the age of imperialism


Answer:America was neither world bully nor world leader. The United States are the time was still in its infancy. The most bitter war the USA ever fought with with itself, called the American Civil War. On a more local scale, the USA was a bit of a bully in its own backyard.

After escaping from slavery, Isabella Baumfree adopted the name of

OA. Elizabeth Suffragette
OB. Harriet Tubman
OC. Harriet Beecher Stowe
OD. Sojourner Truth


Answer: D. Sojourner Truth


Has congress give too much power to the president



The United States Constitution grants the President of the United States a great deal of power, but it also provides for checks and balances to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch of government. The Constitution grants Congress the power to impeach and remove the President from office, and it also grants Congress the power of the purse, which allows it to control government spending. Congress also has the power to override a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

However, the extent to which Congress has given additional powers to the President through legislation or other means is a matter of debate. Some people believe that Congress has delegated too much power to the executive branch, while others believe that the President has exercised too much power relative to what was intended by the Constitution. Ultimately, the balance of power between the President and Congress depends on the willingness of each branch to assert its authority and the ability of the other branches to check and balance their actions.


All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American War except
O Cuba
O Hawaii
O Puerto Rico
O Philippines





Hawaii became a U.S territory by the means of unauthorized invasion and revolutionary actions among other things.

The Supreme Court's ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland A. allowed for the creation of a national bank by the federal government. B. granted citizenship to those who had been taken from a slave state to a free state. C. ensured the power of the federal government to regulate interstate trade. D. established the Supreme Court's ability to rule on the constitutionality of laws.


The court decided that states could not tax the federal government, and that the federal government had the authority to establish a federal bank. "The power to tax involves the power to destroy," Marshall concluded in his ruling in favor of the Federal Government.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court decide?

In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could set up a national bank and that a state—in this case, Maryland—couldn't tax branches of the federal government that are carrying out constitutional powers.

What effect did the McCulloch v. Maryland decision have on Congress's implied powers?

Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819) states that states cannot interfere with the federal government when it uses its express constitutional powers to advance its implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause.

To learn more about federal government here


How does the Declaration of Independence show that the Founding Fathers believed in Social Contract theory?


The Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, is a document that outlines the reasons why the 13 American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. In the Declaration, the Founding Fathers set forth their belief in the concept of natural rights and the idea that governments are created to protect those rights. This belief is derived from the idea of the Social Contract, which is a theory that holds that individuals give up some of their freedoms to the government in order to receive the protection of their natural rights.

Which factor created tension between the United States and Britain,
ultimately leading to the War of 1812?
A. Residual anger and bitterness following the Revolutionary War
B. Impressment of sailors on American ships by the British navy
OC. British refusal to allow Americans to trade with Canada
D. Competition over land in western North America



B. Impressment of sailors on American ships by the British navy.


The correct answer is B. Impressment of sailors on American ships by the British navy. This was a major source of tension between the United States and Britain and was one of the main causes of the War of 1812. The British navy would often stop American ships and forcibly impress American sailors into service, which was seen as a violation of American sovereignty and led to widespread anger and resentment towards Britain.

please help will give brainliest if right!!

PART A: What is the main theme, or message, of "The Gettysburg Address"? (printed below for reference)

The Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863

A. Whatever the outcome, it's just good to know the war is now over.

B. It is the duty of the living to take up the cause for which the soldiers died and save the United States.

C. The Civil War was a terrible war and destructive to the continuation of the United States.

D. The dead soldiers should be commemorated and remembered.

PART B: Which of the following quotes from "The Gettysburg Address" supports your answer to the previous question?

Question 2 options:

A. "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure" (Lincoln 184).

B. "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced" (Lincoln 184).

C. "But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract" (Lincoln 184).​



The main theme of "The Gettysburg Address" is that it is the duty of the living to take up the cause for which the soldiers died and save the United States. This is supported by the quote "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced" (Lincoln 184).


PART A: B. It is the duty of the living to take up the cause for which the soldiers died and save the United States.

PART B: B. "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced" (Lincoln 184).


PART A Explanation:

The main theme of the Gettysburg Address is that it is the duty of the living to take up the cause for which the soldiers died and save the United States. This is expressed in the line "It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion" which is the central message of the speech. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

PART B Explanation:

The quote that supports the idea that the main theme of the Gettysburg Address is that it is the duty of the living to take up the cause for which the soldiers died and save the United States is quote B. This quote states that it is the duty of the living to continue the work that the soldiers who fought in the war began, and to do so with increased devotion to the cause of saving the United States. This aligns with the idea that the main theme of the speech is to inspire the living to take up the cause of the soldiers and to continue their fight for the United States.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter signed the alaska wilderness act creating the _____, an area currently under threat in congress of losing its protecting to gas and oil drilling.


The National Wildlife Range was established in 1979 when Jimmy Carter ratified the Alaska wilderness act; it is being threatened in congress with removing its protection from gas and oil exploitation.

What does the Congress do?

The US Senate and US House of Representatives make up the two branches of Congress. Each state contains two U.S. Senators and a minimum with one U.S. Representative; the number of U.S. Representatives that can be elected depends on the number of citizens in the state. There are 435 U.S. Representatives and 100 U.S. Senators.

What is Congress's primary function?

The purpose of Congress is to represent the will of the people by passing laws that affect everyone's daily lives. Its duties include providing funds for government operations and initiatives, passing bills to educate lawmakers, and supervising the executive branch.

To know more about congress visit:


25. in june 1789, the commoners, joined by some ecclesiastics (representatives of the catholic church), declared themselves to be


The National Assembly

President Dwight Eisenhower's addressed all of the following foreign policy concerns in his Chance for Peace speech EXCEPT:


The "new look" guard strategy of the Eisenhower organization of the 1950s was to compromise "huge reprisal" with atomic weapons because of any demonstration of hostility by a likely foe. The rule of not withdrawing in an emergency, regardless of whether it implied taking the country extremely close to war.

Under the strategy, known as the Eisenhower Regulation, any Center Eastern nation could demand American financial help or help from U.S. military powers on the off chance that it was being compromised by furnished hostility.

Eisenhower's way to deal with international concerns was substantially more moderate than Truman's. The Truman organization was worried about Stalin's expansionist inclinations and tried to contain him with customary fighting. Eisenhower was more worried about curtailing government expenditures than chasing after costly abroad commitments.

Learn more about foreign policy:


This question is not complete i answered in general.

the growth of baptists in connecticut in the 1770's worried the anglican establishment. as a result, the government began to enforce its ban on preaching without a license more vigorously.


The development of Baptists in Connecticut in the 1770s stressed the Anglican foundation. Thus, the public authority started to implement its restriction on teaching.

The Main Incredible Arousing was a time of otherworldly restoration that happened during the mid-eighteenth 100 years. This period likewise saw an incredible deviation from the Catholic conviction framework and the development of more Protestant order strict houses of worship like the Baptists and the Methodists.

This profound restoration and arousing started because of the abusive idea of the Catholic Church of Britain. Starting in the American provinces, the strict indictment prompted the restoration and rise or establishment of an alternate Christian conviction way, for example, the Baptists and the Methodist Temples.

Learn more about preaching:


28. In Boston, Sam Adams declared that "the man who rebels against the republic ought to suffer____”

fill in the blank please!!





"the man who rebels against the republic ought to suffer death”

What was the difference between common languages and the official language in the Middle Ages, and how did that contribute to the growth of a new form of art?



During the Middle Ages, there was often a difference between common languages, which were spoken by the general population, and the official language, which was used for legal and official documents and often spoken by the ruling class. In Europe, Latin was the official language, while the common languages included a variety of local languages, such as Old English, Old French, and Old German.

what is capital of pakistan



The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. It is a modern city and is home to the President of Pakistan and many foreign embassies.


Islamabad.... easy dude


The term ____ was coined in 1951 to describe the process of dripping and splattering paint on huge canvases, a technique associated primarily with _____.


Action painting is the word used to describe the method of dripping and splattering paint on large canvases, which is most associated with Jackson Pollock.

Action painting is a type of art that is spontaneous, instinctive, and extremely dynamic. It is created by applying strong, sweeping brushstrokes and letting paint drip and pour over the surface. Harold Rosenberg, an American art critic, used the phrase to describe the work of a group of American Abstract Expressionists.

American painter and a key player in the abstract expressionist movement, Paul Jackson Pollock. His "drip technique" of sprinkling or pouring liquid home paint onto a horizontal surface caught the attention of many.

learn more about Action painting here:


A painting of the U S S Maine blowing up while anchored in a harbor.
Images like this appeared in newspapers across America in the days following the sinking.

Is this a reliable source about the events of the explosion? Why might this image be considered "yellow journalism”?

Support your claim using reasons and evidence.


Note that a painting of an event is not a reliable source of the events.  It is considered Yellow Journalism because it is subjective and can be referred to as sensationalistic or biased.

What is Yellow Journalism?

Yellow journalism and the yellow press are words used in the United States to describe journalism and related publications that deliver little or no actual, well-researched content and instead rely on eye-catching headlines to generate sales. Exaggeration of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism are examples of techniques.

The phrase "yellow journalism" was derived from a popular New York World comic book called "Hogan's Alley," which featured a yellow-dressed figure known as "the yellow child."

Good news sources explicitly label opinion columns as such, identify conflicts of interest, clarify where the material was collected and how it was validated in stories, and include links to sources.

Learn more about Reliable sources of Information:

31. Another act was the____(1786), if more than 12 people got together for any purpose construed as negative, they could be jailed, lose their property, and tried for treason.

fill in the blank please!!


Another act was the Riot Act of 1786, if more than 12 people got together for any purpose construed as negative, they could be jailed, lose their property, and tried for treason.

Why was the Riot Act introduced?

In response to an increase in mob activity in Britain, the Riot Act was passed in 1715. A draconian law prohibiting gatherings of 12 or more people "unlawfully and riotously" was quickly passed by Parliament in response to Catholic Jacobites' rioting in opposition to the new Hannoverian King George I.

The act, which was passed by the Massachusetts State Legislature in the fall of 1786, forbade any gatherings of more than 12 armed people and gave sheriffs the authority to put rioters to death.

Learn more about the Riot Act  here:


SS. 7.35 How did the Crusades impact Jewish Europeans?
Many gained power as they joined the Christians to control the Holy Land.
Many found economic success as they filled the jobs left behind by the
Many gained political power as local Christian churches lost control of Europe.
Many were persecuted and killed for not believing in Christianity.


The impact of the Crusades on Jewish Europeans is D. many were persecuted and killed for not believing in Christianity.

What are the Crusades?

Crusades were military campaigns by the Roman Catholic Church against Muslims and other religions during the Middle Ages.

One of the most popular of the crusades was between 1095 and 1291, which aimed to recover the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from Muslims and ensure safety for Christian pilgrims visiting sacred sites.

But other religions in Jerusalem as well as the Jewish communities in Europe such as Germany and France suffered the attacks severely and some were even massacred by the Crusaders.

However, some local bishops totally condemned these attacks as a violation of the crusades' aims, which were not to target the Jews.

Read more about the Crusades at


Which of Earth’s layers is a solid even though it is the hottest?



The Earth's inner core is a solid even though it is the hottest layer of the Earth


Approximately half of the 1.4 million deaths from intentional injury worldwide in 2012 (WHO 2013) were ?


Approximately half of the 1.4 million deaths from intentional injury worldwide in 2012 (WHO 2013) were murder.

murder is the intentional act of hastening one's own demise. Physical problems, substance , mental illnesses (such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders), and murder are all risk factors. Impulsive actions caused by stress, such as pressures from work or school, interpersonal problems, such as breakups or divorces, or bullying and harassment, can lead to self-destruction in some cases. People who have previously tried to harm themselves are more likely to do it again. Effective murder prevention measures include limiting access to instruments of self-destruction such weapons, medicines, and poisons, treating mental diseases and substance , monitoring media coverage of murder, and improving economic situations. Despite the fact that crisis hotlines are regularly used resources, little is known about their value.

learn more about murder here


Other Questions
During this unit you will be working on a final project in order to bring together everything that you've learned. You should be thinking about this unit project as you participate in each lesson, then submit the project at the end of the unit. In this project, imagine you are the new accountant for The Matrix Computer Service and you need to use the attached accounting stationery to complete the accounting procedures.GoalSet up accounting records and complete the accounting cycle for The Matrix Computer Service.RoleAs the new accountant forThe Matrix Computer Service, you need to use the attached accounting stationery to complete the accounting procedures.AudienceYour work will be reviewed by any government involved in the accounting procedures of The Matrix Computer Service. The more accurate the information and the records of the business are, the better the management can make more informed decisions concerning the businessSituationThe Matrix Computer Service is owned by Charles Stoudamyer. It has been in business for three months. The business is structured as a sole proprietorship and provides computer services to individuals or small businesses. The business earns revenue from three different areas; 1-hardware repair, 2-software repair, and 3-computer basic training. You are taking over the accounting work as of February 28 (not leap year).PurposeYour purpose and responsibilities as the accounting clerk are as follows:Open a general ledger account for each account in the chart of accounts.Analyze each business transaction.Enter each business transaction in the general journal starting on pagePost each journal entry to the appropriate general ledger accounts.Prepare a trial balance (in the worksheet) and complete a 6-column worksheet.Prepare the following financial documents: --Income Statement --Statement of Change in Owner's Equity --Balance SheetJournalize and post the closing entries Use the general journal you used for all the daily transactions and the bank service charge. Include it at the bottom.Prepare a post-closing trial balance.Use these attached documents, the charts of accounts and transaction schedule following:[Files attached][Picture here]Standards and Criteria for SuccessYour performance needs to pull together all the concepts and procedures you have learned in this unit.1 Accuracy of the general journal2 Accuracy of the general ledger3 Proper reconciliation of the bank statement4 Completion of the 6-column worksheet5 Accuracy of the financial documentspleasee hellppp a 1.5-v alkaline d battery can provide about 43100 j of electric energy. if a curreny of 0.5 a flows through two d batteries while theyre in a circuit of a flashlight, how long will the batteries be able to provide power to the flashlight b. f. skinner described categories of verbal behavior (speaking) that were defined by their function (i.e., the antecedents and consequences that influence them) rather than their grammatical structure (e.g., nouns, verbs, etc.). these categories have proven useful when teaching language to children with autism. which of the following is not one of those functional categories of verbal behavior? which of the following are calculated metrics for understanding analytical data? session and time on page entry and exit average session duration and page bounce rate revenue and revenue per session The proper sequence of a weight-lifting workout includes a warm-up period, followed by stretching, weight lifting, and stretching again.truefalse FILL IN THE BLANK. _____ is key to successful employment, readiness, and use of reserve component forces. derp corporation has issued 4% convertible debentures maturing in 2042. the conversion price is $25 and the common stock is currently trading at $30 per share. one would expect the derp debentures to be selling These cartoons both depict both william mckinley and the concept of prosperity during the campaign for the presidency in 1896. notice in the cartoon on the right that mckinley is sitting on his porch at the left side of the cartoon, and the road the farmer is traveling on is called prosperity road. which four statements accurately describe the ideas depicted in these cartoons? One of the employees in your organization is suspected of hacking into the network. You as a network administrator want to check the user's activity for the last week. Which of the following will you use in such a scenario? if a 15-foot seesaw had a child weighing 100 pounds on the side where the seat was 10 feet away from the fulcrum, and the child on the opposite side weighed 200 pounds and was 5 feet away from the fulcrum, which formula would be correct to figure out if they were in static equilibrium? A bowling ball rolls without slipping up a ramp that slopes upward at an angle to the horizontal. Treat the ball as a uniform, solid sphere, ignoring the finger holes.Part A:What is the acceleration of the center of mass of the ball?Express your answer in terms of the variable and appropriate constants.Part B:What minimum coefficient of static friction is needed to prevent slipping?Express your answer in terms of the variable and appropriate constants. question temporary-services firms supply trained workers to other companies on a temporary basis. temporary-services firms lose business when the economy shows signs of beginning to weaken. they gain business when the economy begins to recover but often lose business again when the economy stabilizes. these firms have begun to gain business in the present weak economy. the economy therefore must be beginning to recover. which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? Which scenario is an example of different levels of government working together to solve a problem?O A grassroots organization suggests an initiative to restore voting rights to citizens who were once convicted of afelony. State election officials place the initiative on the ballot to give voters the chance to weigh in on the idea.O The governor orders people to wear masks in public during a nationwide pandemic. The mayor of a small townopposes the order and tells local businesses that they can ignore it.O The power often goes out in one area during windstorms. Government leaders create a plan to bury power lines toprotect them. State and federal funds, plus a local tax on property owners, would pay for the plan.O To boost the economy, a city passes a law to raise the minimum wage to $2 higher than the amount set by the state.The state responds by passing a law that prevents cities from adjusting the minimum wage. A line containing the points (4,1) and (0,0) intersects a line containing (1,0) and (-1,y). If the lines are perpendicular, what is the value of y? The processes of diffussion and osmosis do not need energy to take place why does the organisms have to provide energy for active transportand where does it come from while the____will be most active during the encoding of a face stimulus, the____will be active during the delay period. consider a competitive market with a large number of identical firms. the firms in this market do not use any resources that are available only in limited quantities. in long-run equilibrium, market price is determined byA. the portion of the marginal cost curve below average variable cost.B. the minimum point on the firms' average variable cost curve.C. a firm's level of sunk costs.D. the minimum point on the firms' average total cost curve. a client has been diagnosed with functional incontinence. which interventions are most appropriate to care for this type of incontinence? select all that apply. identify the first edge that will be added to the result after executing kruskal's minimum spanning tree under what circumstances do page faults occur? describe the actions taken by the operating system when a page fault occurs.