How does the poet describe the walls?


Answer 1

The poet depicts the white, dingy walls of the classroom. there is a global map and lovely valleys on the walls, which are a stark contrast to the dark, filthy, and depressing surroundings in which these slum.

What makes the walls sound like sour cream?

A drab, light color characterizes sour cream. In order to convey that the classroom is a lifeless and depressing setting, the poet employed this word to describe its walls.

A slum's classroom is described by the poet. Its walls are embellished with images of Shakespeare, dome-topped structures, globe atlases, and picturesque valleys.

The bear is humorously described by the poet. He claims that a bear will give a human a bear hug as soon as it sees them. It tightly encircles its target in both of its hands before squeezing him to death.

To know more about Mending Wall visit:


Related Questions

When did Congress adopt the four standard time zones?


Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Local times would no longer be used by the railroads.

When did Congress adopt the four standard time zones?

Though most states in the United States began to use the Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern time zones by 1895, Congress did not make their use mandatory until the Standard Time Act of 1918. Today, many countries use time zones that differ from those proposed by Sir Fleming.

Initially, railroad executives attempted to solve the problem by establishing 100 different railroad time zones. Because of the many time zones, different railroad lines were sometimes on different time systems, making scheduling difficult and uncertain.

Finally, the railway executives agreed to divide the continental United States into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. The railroads would no longer use local times.

To learn more about standard time zones refer to:


What did Squealer claim about Napoleon changing his mind about the windmill?


He sends Squealer to the animals to explain that the windmill was really Napoleon's idea all along and that the plans for it were stolen from him by Snowball.

How does Squealer explain Napoleon's change of mind?Napoleon, according to Squealer, had taken on the additional work himself, and leadership isn't fun. Napoleon's proposal had been Snowball's idea all along, Squealer persuaded the group. Napoleon assigned the animals the task of constructing a windmill in order to keep them occupied. Squealer explains to them that by taking on the leadership tasks, Napoleon is making a significant sacrifice and that, as the smartest animal, he serves the best interests of all by making the decisions. Despite the fact that the animals are still troubled by Snowball's removal, these claims appease them. The pig with the silver tongue from Animal Farm By every means necessary, Squealer employs abusive language to defend Napoleon's acts and policies to the proletariat.

To learn more about Napoleon's mind refer to:


What is a contour map called?


Contour map is called as a Topographic map. It is a combination of shades, colors and contour lines.

A contour map is a graphical technique to imagine the three dimensional surface by plotting consistent Z cuts called forms in a 2-D configuration. The shape plot is an option in contrast to a three dimensional surface plot

The contour map is framed by:

Vertical pivot: Autonomous variable 2

Flat hub: Autonomous variable 1

Lines: iso-reaction values, can be determined with the assistance (x,y).

The free factor typically limited to an ordinary lattice. The genuine strategies for deciding the right iso-reaction values are somewhat mind boggling and quite often PC produced.

The contour map is utilized to portray the adjustment of Z values when contrasted with X and Y values. If the information (or capability) don't frame a normal lattice, you commonly need to play out a 2-D insertion to shape a standard network.

To know more about contour map, visit here:


What are the types of parenthetical?


Dashes are used to set off parenthetical elements and create a sense of interruption in the sentence.

What is parenthetical element?

A parenthetical element is an extra piece of information that is included in a sentence to provide additional context or detail. It is usually set off from the rest of the sentence by a pair of commas, brackets, or dashes. The information in a parenthetical element is not necessary to the sentence's meaning, so it can be omitted without changing the sentence's meaning. Examples of parenthetical elements include phrases, clauses, and words that provide additional information or clarification. For example, in the sentence "John, who is my best friend, is coming over later," the phrase "who is my best friend" is a parenthetical element. If omitted, the sentence would still make sense.

1. Dashes: Dashes are used to set off parenthetical elements and create a sense of interruption in the sentence.
2. Parentheses: Parentheses (sometimes referred to as round brackets) are used to set off parenthetical elements and separate them from the main body of text.
3. Brackets: Brackets (sometimes referred to as square brackets) are used to add additional information to a sentence, usually clarifying or providing additional details.
4. Ellipses: Ellipses are used to indicate an omission in a quotation or to indicate a pause in a sentence.
5. Commas: Commas are used to set off parenthetical elements with a more relaxed tone than dashes or parentheses.

To learn more about parenthetical element

What is the central idea of a text the topic of a text or what a text is mostly about?


The main concept the author is attempting to get across. It clarifies the essay's major idea. Texts may include a main theme that guides the entire work,

An example of a fundamental idea:

The main idea may frequently be stated in a single sentence. Julia's report card revealed poor grades. She didn't show her parents her research report because she was worried she would be in trouble.

What is the central idea?

The main claim made by the author is a basic idea (also called a main idea or a key idea). In other words, the article's central idea is its primary focus. You can generate a central idea.

To know more about central idea visit:


Why does Napoleon urinate on the windmill plans?


Napoleon, however, is only interested in establishing his dictatorial dictatorship and doesn't care about the windmill  Napoleon peed on the designs for the windmill for this reason.

What was Napoleon's urinal on?

The animals are sharply divided over the issue. Napoleon examines Snowball's plans and urinates on them to show his disdain for them. A worldwide icon of life, hope, tranquility, and fortitude is the windmill.

Exactly why does Napoleon oppose the windmill?

The animals' top priority, according to Napoleon, should be increasing food production rather than building a windmill. "Napoleon, on the contrary hand, argued that perhaps the great needs of the present time was to increase crop yields, and if they wasted time upon that windmill those that would all starve to death," the author writes.

To know more about Napoleon  visit:


What are the advantages of traditional classroom?


The traditional classroom setting fosters student interaction and offers a comfortable setting for learning.

What is student interaction?It is when students engage in conversation, debate, or self-reflection in the context of a classroom setting. They collaborate to complete the task at hand, listening to their colleagues' viewpoints. The foundation of any future social connections pupils will have is their interactions with other students. They aid children in comprehending the value of friendships, leadership, and group work as well as the value of differing viewpoints and respect in a group. The basis of learning is still social contact. You acquire knowledge when you engage with others more. There are several viewpoints from which you can learn, and you can provide and receive feedback that aids in your growth and increased self-awareness. In order to learn, people need to engage with other other.

To learn more about student interaction refer to:


Where is the setting in chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby?


The setting in chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby In contrast to East Egg, which is located across the Long Island Sound, Nick rents a home in West Egg, a less upscale Long Island neighbourhood. Gatsby's big, garish mansion is next to his small, inexpensive bungalow.

Nick Carraway introduces himself as a nonjudgmental observer of other people who have just arrived home from the East Coast to his affluent Midwestern family's house after experiencing a catastrophic letdown, in the Great Gatsby. He is about to recount an experience that occurred two years ago that left him feeling disappointed.

Nick joins his cousin Daisy and her obscenely wealthy husband Tom Buchanan for dinner. Tom is a Yale classmate of Nick's. Their home is heavily embellished. Tom has a brash, forceful, and threatening physique. White outfits worn by Daisy and her buddy Jordan Baker resemble balloons as the wind blows through them. Daisy speaks with a low, seductive voice and frequently laughs. Everyone talks over one another and their speech is disjointed and superficial.

To learn more about The Great Gatsby here:


How many types of processes are there in the process life cycle?


The BPM life cycle has four phases, process plan, framework arrangement, process establishment, and conclusion. The stages that an actual cycle or an administration framework goes through as it continues from birth to death. These stages incorporate origination, plan, sending, procurement, activity, support, decommissioning, and removal.

The general sort of interaction. There are three rudimentary cycle types (task, appearance, and control) and four compound interaction types (their blends). Each cycle type addresses a limitless number of explicit ideas.

The stages that an actual cycle or an administration framework goes through as it continues from birth to death. These stages incorporate origination, plan, organization, obtaining, activity, support, decommissioning, and removal.

Learn more about process life cycle:


since hanukkah is based on a miracle with oil, it is customary to eat foods cooked in oil to celebrate the holiday. one of these foods is a ____________ pancake, or latke, topped with applesauce or sour cream. another food is a jelly-filled donut, or ______________________, which is popular in israel.


Since Hanukkah is based on a miracle with oil, it is customary to eat foods cooked in oil to celebrate the holiday. One of these foods is a potato pancake, or latke, topped with applesauce or sour cream. Another food is a jelly-filled donut, or sufganiyah, which is popular in Israel.

What is Hanukkah?

The festival known as Hanukkah is celebrated by Jews. The closest comparison we can make is that it is similar to the Jewish version of Christmas. In Hebrew, Hanukkah means "dedication," which is where the term "Hanukkah" originates. It's about how the Second Temple was dedicated anew after Judah Maccabee's people, the Maccabees, fought for three years against the Greco-Syrian Seleucid Empire. The Festival of Lights is another name for the event. On a special candle stand called a menorah, candles are lit to mark the occasion.

Learn more about Hanukkah here:


What is the importance of responsible service of alcohol?


The importance of responsible service of alcohol training program aims to help establishments like bars and clubs develop policies and procedures aimed towards creating a safe environment.

For taking part in alcohol-related activities. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) all over the country offer RSA training courses through face-to-face delivery, meaning they are in-person classes.

certification issued in a fortnight from completion of the course.Persons who work at establishments that serve alcohol, and are themselves involved in the service, sale, and handling of alcohol, are required to have RSA training. Below are the advantages of having RSA-trained personnel on board.

To know more about Alcohol visit:


Which part of the Monkeys Paw would be considered part of the story falling action


Answer: The falling action in "The Monkey's Paw" is when Mr. White tries to use the monkey's paw to bring his son Herbert back to life, but ultimately decides to wish for the events of the previous two wishes to be undone.


acknowledging your sources of information during a speech __________.


Similar citations are used in speeches and are referred to as oral citations, which are vocal references made throughout a speech to a source or piece of study.

Your textbook states that a speaker should typically provide the following information when quoting an Internet source: -the complete URL of the Web site where the source was located. Students can give their speeches more legitimacy by using expert testimony. It demonstrates that those with specialised understanding of the subject agree with the speaker's opinions. —the audience's opinion of your speaking ability. source credibility. Four of the most crucial components of credibility, according to studies, are competence, trustworthiness, dynamism, and common ground. Give your viewers enough details about each source so that they might, with a little effort,

To learn more about speeches  please click on below link


What conflict occurs in the passage an internal conflict within the mother who wants her daughter?


who feels used an external conflict between the mother and the neighborhood over the social pressure on the mother to be successful.

What conflict occurs in the passage?

Important-Answers In the passage, what conflict occurs: an internal conflict within the mother  Internal conflict exists within the narrator's mother, who cannot decide whether or not her daughter is talented.

This thing causes friction between the narrator and her mother. Narrator's mother, at that point, has her training a wide range of amazing things, for example, recalling nation capitals, doing math in her head, and remaining on her head without using her hands. Finally, her mother decides on Jing-mei learning to play the piano.

Narrator's mother wants her to learn piano and perform in front of everyone, but narrator is less interested in learning piano, despite her mother's wishes.

To learn more about passage refer to:


How does Shakespeare use iambic pentameter in Macbeth?


Shakespeare use iambic pentameter to create different rhythm and effects in Macbeth almost all the times like 'So foul and fair a day I have not seen'.

Iambic pentameter is a kind of metric line employed in ancient English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words therein line; rhythm is measured in tiny teams of syllables known as "foot".

William Shakespeare was an English author, writer and actor. he's wide considered the best author within the English language and therefore the world's pre-eminent writer. he's usually referred to as England's national writer and therefore the "Bard of Avon".

To learn more about iambic pentameter here


For the story : the unknown citizen
Close Read the Text
Revisit sections of the text you marked during
your first read. Read these sections closely
and annotate what you notice. Ask yourself
questions about the text. What can you
conclude? Write down your ideas.
Analyze the Text
Think about the author's choices of patterns,
structure, techniques, and ideas included in
the text. Select one, and record your thoughts
about what this choice conveys.


Shortly after immigrating to America in 1939, the British poet W. H. Auden penned "The Unknown Citizen."

What is The Unknown Citizen?

The Unknown Citizen is the poem was written in honor of a guy who recently passed away and who lived what the government considered to be an exemplary life. It is a type of sarcastic elegy.

Really, this life seems to have been perfectly mundane exemplary only in the sense that this individual never questioned or deviated from societal norms.

On the one hand, the poem indirectly criticizes the standardization of modern life, warning that when people only pay attention to the same status symbols and marks of achievement, they risk losing sight of what it means to be an independent (like having the right job, the right number of kids, the right car, and so forth).

Therefore poem also creates a terrifying image of a society where there is total conformity and totalitarian rule.

Learn more about The Unknown Citizen:


How does the conclusion of the prologue support the author's purpose sugar changed the world?


The author's purpose in the conclusion of the prologue of the passage from Sugar Changed the World is supported by the following topics:

A.  It introduces the topic that will be addressed next.

B. It provides information about the authors.

What is the purpose of sugar?Although sugar is mostly used for its sweet flavour, it also serves a variety of additional purposes in food science.The functions of added sugar in food as a sweetener, preservative, texture modifier, fermentation substrate, flavouring and colouring agent, and bulking agent are the most significant.Both the food we prepare at home and the manufactured items we find on the shelves of our local store contain sugars. Sugars enhance the flavour and texture of many foods, making them more pleasant.Additionally, they increase viscosity, serve as a bulking agent, and extend the shelf life of food.The body can function normally without additional carbohydrates.Many people consume too much sugar through added sugar-containing beverages and foods.

To learn more about the purpose of sugar refer to:


What is a poem that doesn't rhyme called?


A poem that doesn't rhyme is called a free verse poem. Poetry in free verse that deviates from a specific poetic framework.

A sort of literary structure—or rather, a lack of structure—is free poetry. A free verse poem lacks a rhyme scheme and meter. It is permitted to act however it wants.

Enjambment is a poetic device in which one line continues into the next. One way to think of sensory details is as vivid word pictures that appeal to one of the five human senses. A theme is a declaration of an abstract concept that is made in a piece of art.

To learn more about free verse here:


What is a conditioned stimulus vs conditioned response?


A conditioned stimulus referred to  a stimulus that can be triggered a conditioned response some example such as the conditioned stimulus was the ringing of the bell,and the salivation was conditioned response .

It is important to pointed that the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus. Conditioned response was also called classical conditioning. A conditioned response is the learned response on the other side the conditioned stimulus is the learned or associated stimulus.

Stimulus response is acquired when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.The classical conditioning paradigm referred the conditioned stimulus  is a learned stimulus that can eventually trigger a conditioned response.

Learn more about Stimulus response click on the link here:


What is the answer to the bedroom riddle?


The appropriate response to I Go to the Bedroom Riddle number 34 is "5". There were 34 individuals in total, 30 of whom were dead, so remaining individuals in the bedroom will be 5 including me.

What is a Riddle ?

A riddle is a statement, question, or phrase with a hidden or double meaning that is presented as a puzzle to be solved.

Riddles are classified into two types: enigmas, which are problems expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language and require ingenuity and careful thought to solve, and conundra, which are questions whose effects are based on punning in either the question or the answer.

Therefore, the correct answer for the bedroom riddle is "5".

To learn more about riddle, click here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the full question was,

What is the answer to the riddle I enter the bedroom there are 34 people you kill 30 how many people are in the bedroom?

What is most closely a central idea of Justice Harlan's dissenting opinion Plessy v. Ferguson?


The railroad company's and the state of Louisiana's policies were designed to put blacks at a disadvantage and provide them with fewer chances than whites.

In his dissent, John Marshall Harlan contended that the Constitution was colorblind and that there was no class system in the United States. As a result, all people should have equal access to civil liberties.

Separate-but-equal facilities, according to Ferguson, are constitutional. Over the following half-century, the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling supported the notion of racial segregation. The decision established legal legitimacy for segregation on trains and buses, as well as in public places like hotels, theatres, and schools.

Learn more about to Harlan visit here;


What’s Life on the sea story


Life began in the seas sometime between 3.1 and 3.4 billion years ago. But it didn’t move to land until about 400 million years ago, proving that our connection to the sea is far older than to land. Two thirds of the phyla, the major groupings of life on Earth, are exclusively or predominantly found in the ocean.

Why does the libero go in and out?


The libero go in and out while playing volleyball to switch with their “sub”.

Volleyball is a platoon sport in which two brigades of six players are separated by a net. Each platoon tries to score points by resting a ball on the other platoon's court under organized rules. The official scorer   keeps track of the score throughout the volleyball game and they also note down all the players' names.

Liberos don't need to officially substitute into or out of the match. They rather switch with their “ sub ” by running onto or off the court during a dead ball. Libero “ subs ” aren't counted against your total negotiation limit. This is one of the major benefits of using a libero.

To learn more about Volleyball here


How does the great sea turtle's role in the origin of the world explain the title of the story?


The power of the turtle brought heaven and earth together. The turtle is a work of nature with a flat bottom and a circular shell that carries itself above the ground like heaven.

Contrary to how most people today think of them, most ancient Native American societies held animals in high respect and considered them to be sacred beings. The creation myth "The World on a Turtle's Back," which highlights the relationships toward all living things, is used by the Iroquois, like most Native American tribes, to highlight the significance of living in peace with nature.

The world and its inhabitants are taken for granted in contemporary civilization, and people have begun to disregard the value of natural harmony.

The fable "The World on a Turtle's Back" provided numerous illustrations of harmony in nature, including how animals help people, the harmony of the animal kingdom, and how day and night are balanced.

To know more about turtle click here,


When multiple inheritance is used which class object should be used in order to access all the available members of parent and derived class?


The object of the derived class has access to all of its own members. Simply define each base class (exactly like in single inheritance) when using multiple inheritance, separating them with commas.

When a subclass has to mix many contracts and inherit part, all, or none of their implementation, multiple inheritance might be helpful. For instance, both the Student class and the American class must be inherited by the AmericanStudent class.

Some object-oriented computer programming languages allow for multiple inheritance, which allows an object or class to inherit characteristics from many parent objects or parent classes. It differs from single inheritance in that

Learn more about to inheritance visit here;


australian cardiologist calls to halt mrna covid-19 vaccines, citing heart damage


Australian cardiologist calls to halt mrna covid-19 vaccines, citing heart damage if the mrna stays in the cytosol for a long enough time and is not degraded by enzymes. This statement is True.

The human cell can recognise base pairs of nucleic acids and create a mirror image of the genetic code to be taken into the cell's nucleus and inserted into the human genome. This is a major problem since somatic daughter cells, spermatocytes, ocytes, and ultimately.

An embryo would all inherit the genetic code for a lethal and toxic protein that is permanently deposited in our own cells. If the safety discussion in the DARPA and NIH transcripts includes permanently modifying the human genome for future use, only additional investigation and the disclosure of papers will be able to reveal this.

complete question:

Australian cardiologist calls to halt mrna covid-19 vaccines, citing heart damage.

True or false

To know more about Vaccine visit:


what acquisition completed the continental united states and ended manifest destiny?


Manifest destiny a railroad that would go from california to texas along the southern route, America bought more territory from Mexico. The connection between the atlantic and pacific oceans and the United States was now complete.

The last part of manifest destiny was the gladsden purchase. The concept of "Manifest Destiny" holds that America has a divinely granted right to colonise and expand into the area between the atlantic and Pacific Oceans. For a sizable portion of the 19th century, this policy formed the american federal government.

The louisiana purchase is one instance of a territory acquisition that exemplifies Manifest Destiny. This region, which the US acquired from france, nearly doubled its size. The Manifest Destiny era began with thomas jefferson's purchase of this territory in 1803. The mexican cession is another illustration. The US winning the mexican-american.

To know more about manifest destiny visit:


What was Woodrow Wilson main objective?


Woodrow Wilson served as the 28th President of the United States and was a leading role in the Progressive Movement (1913-1921). Wilson brought America into the war to "make the world safe for democracy" following a neutral stance at the start of World War I.

His goals include a league of nations to achieve collective security, free trade, disarmament, a treaty to stop secret treaties, and national self-determination.

Government oversight of the financial industry helped to reduce Wall Street's hold on the country's finances. The most notable action taken by Wilson is regarded as this one.

His religious upbringing and educational background have been blamed for his honest approach and lack of interest in international affairs. Wilson, a devoted Christian, didn't think God was calling him to enter the world.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson, here


What is the author's purpose in this excerpt children of the drug war?


The author's purpose in this excerpt is to generate a step-by-step solution for allowing children to stay in the United States using humanitarian parole procedures.

What is Drug war?

The passage from Enrique's Journey describes what transpired to one victim, and "Children of the Drug Wars" uses language that evokes strong feelings in order to move readers to action.

Hansen was the person. The drugs that fuel the uprising are sold lawfully. It is possible to stop drug misuse by encouraging drug use. The most common behavior is academic support. Communication comes in second, while peer relationships come in third.

The efficiency number is four. The reinforcement of an anti-drug mentality is priority number six. Personnel commitments to preventing drug addiction come up at number seven, and drug trafficking factors are discussed at number eight in the drug directory.

Therefore, The author's purpose in this excerpt is to generate a step-by-step solution for allowing children to stay in the United States using humanitarian parole procedures.

To learn more about Drug war, refer to the link:


How are sonnets and blank verse similar?


While blank poetry and sonnets are comparable, they are not the same. Shakespearean sonnets, while not blank verse, are a good example of iambic pentameter.

What distinguishes blank verse from a sonnet?

If a line of poetry contains five iambs, which are two-syllable pairs with the second syllable underlined, it is considered to be written in iambic pentameter. Shakespeare's sonnets serve as samples of iambic pentameter but do not represent blank verse. Why? Shakespearean sonnets, as opposed to blank verse, which does not rhyme.

Free verse poetry and blank verse poems, despite sharing a similar name, are significantly different. Poetry that does not follow rhyme or meter conventions is known as free verse and has gained popularity since the nineteenth century. Since the sixteenth century, prominent poets including William Shakespeare, John Milton, William Wordsworth, and many others have used blank verse poetry. It follows a strict metrical pattern, in contrast to free verse.

To know more about iambic pentameter visit:


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