Henry has a mutation in the gene that codes for a certain blood protein. however, these proteins function normally. what best explains how this is possible?


Answer 1

Silent mutations happen when a single DNA nucleotide change inside a gene's protein-coding region occurs without changing the order of amino acids that make up the gene's protein.

For instance As an illustration, AAA (which codes for the amino acid lysine, Lys) can change to AAG (which also codes for Lys). Gene variations, sometimes referred to as mutations, can occasionally prohibit one or more proteins from functioning correctly. A variation can make a protein malfunction or not be created at all by altering the gene's instructions for producing it.

Mutations are long-lasting alterations to a gene's DNA sequence. The form of the protein that is generated can be impacted by mutations. A protein's function is impacted by its shape, which may also have an impact on the observed attribute. DNA regulates how amino acids combine to form a particular protein in a call. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by the order of BASES in a particular segment of DNA.

Learn more about mutation Visit: brainly.com/question/17031191


Related Questions

what in vivo (in the body) situation is stimulated by the concentrations in the amylase and hcl tube


Saliva formation is teh stimulated by amylase and the Hcl tube concentrations

Chewing well promotes the secretion of saliva. Saliva has the function of washing away food particles and bacteria left in the mouth, which leads to the prevention of tooth decay and gingivitis. Saliva is made up of 99% water. It's no wonder that 60% of the body is made up of water. The remaining 1% of the saliva contains the digestive enzymes, uric acid, the electrolytes, mucus-forming proteins, and cholesterol. That's right, it's saliva, aka saliva (let's say:suh-LIE-vuh). Saliva is a clear liquid that is produced in your mouth 24 hours a day. It is mostly water with some other chemicals. Slippery things are made by saliva (for example,SAL-uh-vair-ee) gland.

To know more about saliva visit:



during middle age, fibrous tissue within sutures ossifies, leaving closed sutures called ______.


During middle age,fibrous within suture ossifies,leaving closed sutures called SYNOSTOSES

The fusion of bones, which most frequently occurs at cartilaginous or fibro-osseous connections, is referred to as synostosis (plural: synostoses). Synostoses can be healthy, asymptomatic anatomical variations, or they can be aberrant and result in functional loss and clinical complaints.

The latter has clinical significance and may require medical attention. The following are examples of physiological synostoses, which develop as people age as a result of the ossification of synchondroses or syndesmoses:

primary and secondary ossification centers' physeal closure

vertebral synostoses in the sacral region, pubic, ischial, and iliac synostoses (acetabulum, ischiopubic) segments of the sternal body synostoses. Mandibular synchondrosis syostosis

The following are examples of synostoses, which are anatomical variations that are rarely accompanied with symptoms:

1.vertebral symphalangism

Congenital or acquired, intended postoperative results or complications from trauma or surgery can all lead to abnormal synostoses. Clinical conditions  that fall within this category include:

1. physeal closure of the skull too soon

2.Radioulnar synostosis in the Klippel-Feil syndrome



when hypofunction of an endocrine organ is suspected, which type of diagnostic test can be administered to measure and assess target gland response?


When hypofunction of an endocrine organ is suspected, Stimulation tests can be administered to measure and assess target gland response.

A dynamic medical test called an ACTH stimulation test, also known as a cosyntropin stimulation test (CST), determines how well your adrenal glands react to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The major medical test for diagnosing primary, secondary, or tertiary adrenal insufficiency is this one.

An ACTH stimulation test involves injecting synthetic ACTH (cosyntropin) into your muscle and taking repeated blood samples at various intervals to measure your cortisol levels and gauge how your adrenal glands react.

Your pituitary gland secretes a hormone called ACTH, or adrenocorticotropic hormone, which has a significant impact on how your body reacts to stress. Your adrenal glands start producing cortisol, sometimes known as the "stress hormone," when ACTH is released. Every organ and tissue in your body is impacted by cortisol, an important hormone.

To know more about Stimulation tests :-



what fluid(s) is/are produced by serous, mucous, and synovial membranes? what is the function of each fluid?


Synovial fluid(s) is/are produced by serous, mucous, and synovial membranes. Synovial fluid help reduce friction between opposing surfaces of bones in movable joints

The inside surface of synovial joint capsules are lined with the synovium, also known as the synovial membrane, which is a specialized connective soft-tissue membrane. It is a crucial part of the tissues that make up an integrated joint, together with bone, articular cartilage, tendon, ligament, and fibrous capsule. As a result, it interacts with other tissues in the joint both structurally and functionally in addition to performing its own unique functions.

Articular cartilage is lubricated by synovial fluid, which also feeds it through diffusion. It is formed from a blood plasma ultrafiltrate that the synovium produces and controls. The epithelium secretes a thin coating of serous fluid that coats serous membranes. When organs in the thoracic or abdominopelvic cavity move against one another or the cavity wall, serous fluid lubricates the membrane and lessens friction and abrasion.

To know more about Synovial visit:

how an action potential arriving at this neuromuscular junction can result in depolarisation of the sarcolemma.


When an action potential reaches the neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine is released at that synapse. Acetylcholine binds to nicotinic receptors concentrated in motor endplates, specialized regions of the post-synaptic membrane of muscle fibers.

Motor neurons connect to muscles at the neuromuscular junction where the synaptic terminals form a synaptic cleft with the motor endplate. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft, causing sarcolemmal depolarization.

The neuromuscular junction is where the terminal portion of a motor neuron axon meets a sarcolemma separated by a synaptic cleft. Action potentials reaching the axon terminals trigger the release of acetylcholine leading to motor endplate depolarization.

Learn more about neuromuscular here



what are the steps for dna replication?



the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment. 


Process below


DNA replication is the process by which a cell copies its DNA in order to produce new cells. The steps of DNA replication are as follows:

The DNA double helix unwinds and separates into two single strands.An enzyme called helicase unwinds the DNA at the replication fork, breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases and separating the two strands.Another enzyme called primase adds short RNA primers to the single strands of DNA. These primers provide a starting point for the synthesis of new strands.An enzyme called DNA polymerase begins adding new nucleotides to the single strands of DNA, using the existing strands as a template. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the 3' end of each strand, moving in the direction of the 5' end.The newly synthesized strands are joined together by an enzyme called ligase, which seals any gaps between the nucleotides.Once replication is complete, the cell has two identical copies of the original DNA molecule. These copies are used to create new cells, ensuring that each cell has the same genetic information as the original cell.

FILL IN THE BLANK. the smallest subdivision of the lung that can be seen with the unaided eye is the __________.





scientists estimate that whaling activity in the 19th and early 20th centuries had reduced the number of adult female southern right whales to as few as sixty individuals by 1920. this reduction resulted in a genetic bottleneck for the species. treaties to stop whaling have substantially increased the number of southern right whales. despite this increase, the bottleneck still threatens the future of the species. which capacity of the species is most severely diminished by the bottleneck?


Option d is Correct. The ability of the southern right whale species to maintain a diversified gene pool and maintain genetic stability is the skill that is most severely damaged by the bottleneck.

A population's size decline that results in a fall in genetic diversity is known as a genetic bottleneck. Numerous things, like as disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or human activities like habitat damage or hunting, might cause this. The southern right whale population had a genetic bottleneck as a result of extensive whaling in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The ability of the species to retain a diversified gene pool, which is required for the species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and tackle new problems, is the capacity of the species that is most severely damaged by the bottleneck. Genetic variety is lost when a population undergoes a genetic bottleneck because there are fewer distinct genes available for selection. This could make it harder for the population to adjust to new problems and could raise the possibility of extinction.

Learn more about whaling Visit: brainly.com/question/11970744


Correct Question:

Scientists estimate that whaling activity in the 19th and early 20th centuries had reduced the number of adult female southern right whales to as few as sixty individuals by 1920. this reduction resulted in a genetic bottleneck for the species. treaties to stop whaling have substantially increased the number of southern right whales. despite this increase, the bottleneck still threatens the future of the species. which capacity of the species is most severely diminished by the bottleneck?

a. acquiring random mutations

b. responding to environmental changes

c. maintaining a healthy social structure

d. remaining genetically stable.

Do seeds need water to start growing?



Yes, otherwise it would die because it is not getting that essential nutrient.


Yes, it helps break down the seed coating to allow nutrients in

Consider these phylogenetic trees. The first tree is based on physical characteristics. The second tree is based on structure, genetics, and evolutionary history.

2 phylogenetic trees are shown. The first tree has 3 branches that go to duck, platypus, and opossum. The second tree has 2 branches that go to duck and platypus. Opossum branches off of the platypus branch.

Which can be concluded from a comparison of the two phylogenetic trees?
A: Phylogenetic trees are not subject to change.
B: Classification can change with new discoveries and evidence.
C: Classification does not change with more evidence.
D: Phylogenetic trees are inaccurate.



B: Classification can change with new discoveries and evidence.


Worked on EDGE 2022

Which of the following does not occur during mitosis meiosis? 1. crossing over of the dna 2. condensation of the chromosomes 3. spindle formation 4. separation of sister chromatids


Crossing over of the DNA - does not occur during mitosis. Here, the correct answer is Option A.

Mitosis is a process in which two daughter cells are formed by the division of a single cell. Mitosis is divided into five phases.

a) Prophase - In the process of Prophase cell division, the nuclear envelope is broken down after the condensation of chromatin into chromosomes and the centrioles near the nucleus start to move to opposite poles of the cell after being separated from each other. A spindle begins to be formed between the centrioles as they move apart.

b)Metaphase-In the process of Metaphase, the sister chromatids are arranged at the equator of the cell and the centromere of each pair of sister chromatids is attached with spindle fibers. At the time of cell division, it is ensured by the spindle fibers that sister chromatids will be separated and go to different daughter cells.

c) Anaphase -n the Anaphase stage, the centrioles divide after the separation of sister chromatids. Each one of the sister chromatids is pulled apart to the opposite poles by the shortening of the spindle fibers.

d) Telophase -In Telophase, the chromosome starts to decondense after reaching the opposite poles and a nuclear envelope is produced around the chromosomes.

Read more about Mitosis:


The correct question is -

Which of the following does not occur during mitosis?

1. Crossing over of the DNA

2. condensation of the chromosomes

3. spindle formation

4. separation of sister chromatids

how does co2 concentration affect photosynthesis?



The rate of photosynthesis is high


When the concentration of carbon dioxide is high, plants are able to absorb more co2. This cause the rate of photosynthesis to increase.

one of the variables that are being considered for inclusion in a multiple regression model is marital status of the customer. there are four possible responses listed for this variable. based on​ this, three dummy variables will need to be created and incorporated into the regression model. State True or False your answer:
a. True
b. False


TRUE, one of the variables that are being considered for inclusion in a multiple regression model is marital status of the customer. there are four possible responses listed for this variable. based on​ this, three dummy variables will need to be created and incorporated into the regression model.

Using a line, a regression model statistically predicts the connection between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables (or a plane in the case of two or more independent variables). The connection between one or more independent variables and a response, dependent, or target variable is described by a regression model, which offers a function. A linear regression model, for instance, may be used to explain the link between height and weight. These can be roughly divided into two categories. Regression using a linear model. Rational Regression.

Learn more about  regression model here:



15 POINTSSSS. Below is a chart showing the component of a type of nucleic acid.
Which of the components bond directly with cytosine in a section double stranded DNA?


I’m not sure if there should be more than one answer, but in DNA nucleotides guanine always binds cytosine.

What are the limitations of classification?


There are many limitation of classification such as:

1) The kingdom Protista houses the unicellular algae, while the kingdom Plantae houses the multicellular algae. Not all similar organisms are combined.

2) The Protista kingdom has a great deal of diversity. It is forbidden to keep dissimilar organisms in the same group.

3) Every organism except monerans demonstrates that their origins are polyphyletic (derived from more than one common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group).

4) In the taxonomy of the five kingdoms, viruses have no position.

5) Organisms that are similar to one another are kept apart. For instance, unicellular algae and multicellular algae.

To know more about classification refer here:



A scientist claims that Elysia chlorotica, a species of sea slug, is capable of photosynthesis. Which of the following observations provides the best evidence to support the claim?


A scientist claims that Elysia chlorotica, a species of sea slug, is capable of photosynthesis. Among the following observations (B)  provides the best evidence to support the claim.

Elysia Chlorotica will continue to develop normally whether it is placed near food sources with or without light. However, if it is placed in light without any sources of nutrition, it should not grow because it would not be able to perform photosynthesis. Since it does grow, this indicates that there is a process similar to photosynthesis involved in the growth of Elysia. The process of producing food and energy in the presence of light, water, and atmospheric CO2 is known as photosynthesis.

So the correct option is (B) Elysia Chlorotica grows when exposed to light in the absence of other food sources.

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about Elysia Chlorotica from the following question:



FILL IN THE BLANK. a typical prokaryotic cell __________________ compared to a eukaryotic cell.


Answer: haploid

Explanation: a haploid cell only contains one set of chromosomes

What are the levels of classification?


Eight levels of taxa make the generally used classification scheme, which is based on the Linnean system. They are, from most general to most particular, domain, kingdom, phylum (plural, phyla), class, order, family, genus (plural, genera), and species.

Levels Of Classification:


The domain has the highest categorization in biology. Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria are the three domains. Prokaryotes, single-celled organisms without a real nucleus, are found in both the Archaea and the Bacteria, although they differ in terms of structural, genetic, and metabolic traits.


The kingdom was the highest taxonomic level in classification until the domain taxon was developed in the 1990s.


Taxonomy places the phylum (plural, phyla) above the class and beneath the kingdom. For archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, and mammals, scientists typically use the term phylum; however, they use the term division for plants.


In taxonomy, the class comes after the phylum and before the order. A class's members are more similar to one another than they are to other members of the same phylum.


In the taxonomic system, the order is placed above the class and beneath the family. An order's groupings are more similar to one another than they are to other people in the same class.


The family is ranked above the genus and below the order in taxonomy. More closely connected to one another than they are to other members of the same order are members of the same taxonomic family.


The taxonomic rank between a family and a species is called a genus (plural, genera). A genus is a collection of creatures that are structurally very similar to one another and are very closely linked.


The base of the biological categorization hierarchy and the most fundamental unit in taxonomy is the species.

To know more about Levels Of Classification refer here:



What type of particle have the leat amount if kinetic energy?
a. Ice particle
b. Air particle
c. Skin particle
d. Liquid water particle?


The kinetic hypothesis states that matter particles are constantly in motion. Kinetic energy is the term for the energy of motion. Gas particles have the maximum kinetic energy, while solid particles have the least.

A solid's kinetic energy may be the least?

Solids have the lowest kinetic energy since they cannot move and can only vary in position relative to their mean. Although liquids have more kinetic energy than solids, they also have kinetic energy in their molecules due to convection.

What particle has the lowest energy?

When an electron and positron collided, a bottomonium particle was produced. This collision's energy resulted in the binding of a bottom quark and an anti-bottom quark.

To know more about kinetic energy visit;



why do yu think it was important to place the body in conditions that simulated those on the mountains?


The scientists discovered a way to stop the remains from decomposing by simulating the mountain's natural environment.

A 12-year-old girl discovered a single men's size 12 blue and white running shoe on the beach of Jedediah Island in British Columbia on August 20, 2007. A sock was inside when she had a peek. A foot was visible when she glanced inside the sock.

A black-and-white Reebok was discovered by a Vancouver couple on a coastal excursion six days later on neighboring Gabriola Island. There was another foot in disrepair within. It was also a size 12 for men. The shoes themselves were different, and they each contained right feet, thus it was obvious that the two feet didn't belong to the same individual.

The police were in awe. The Vancouver Sun was informed by Garry Cox of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that "two being found in such a short period of time is highly suspicious." "Finding two feet is insane, but finding one foot is like a million to one chances. Come on, I've heard of dancers with two left feet.

Learn more about " mountain's natural environment " to visit here;



FILL IN THE BLANK. a baby is bitten by a dog and then is afraid of all small animals. this is an example of _____.


A baby is bitten by a dog and then is afraid of all small animals. this is an example of stimulus generalisation.

The tendency for a new stimulus to elicit a new response or behavior that was prompted by a previous stimulus is known as stimulus generalization. Because of the baby's contact with the one dog that bit him/her in this case, the newborn is now terrified of all dogs.

The capacity to act in a new environment in a way that has been honed in previous similar circumstances is known as stimulus generalization. How to determine which elements of the learning scenarios should be generalized is the issue. Both symbolic and associationist representations find this to be puzzling. Conversely, the stimulus is represented as being categorized along a specific dimension or domain when conceptual spaces are used.

know more about stimulus here



an athlete swims 1,400 meters in a pool. toward the end of the swim, there is a low amount of oxygen in the athlete’s muscles. why can the athlete still swim when the oxygen level in the muscle cells is low?


The athlete can still swim because of lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation makes ATP in the absence of oxygen by converting glucose to lactic acid. It is a type of anaerobic respiration (or fermentation) that breaks down sugars to produce energy in the form of ATP. It is called anaerobic because it occurs in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid is generated as a byproduct of this reaction, which is what gives this type of fermentation its name.

Which of the following is the best description of an organ system?B. A group of similar cells working together to complete a specificA. The human heart and lungstask.C. The structure of an organD. A group of organs working together to complete a specific task.in an ecosystem.​





The answer is is D

in the figure, the boxed red letter ____ is in the thylakoid lumen and the boxed red letter ____ is in the stroma of the chloroplast.


In the figure, the boxed red letter c is in the thylakoid lumen and the boxed red letter a is in the stroma of the chloroplast.

Thylakoids are the flattened, membranous sac like structures inside the chloroplast which play important role in the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis. Stroma refers to the internal spaces of the chloroplast which consists of enzymes, chloroplast genome and starch granules which are used during Calvin cycle. These enzymes assist in reaction between ATP and NADPH to fix carbon from carbon dioxide into molecules that can be used to build glucose. These structures are very important for efficient processing of photosynthesis inside the plant. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make their own food inside the stomata of leaves using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.  

Learn more about chloroplast at:



(a) glysolysis (b) krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) (c) calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) (d) light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis (e) chemiosmosis question process in which o2 is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions responses


Answer: A

Explanation: Glycolysis

Photophosphorylation during photosynthesis differs from oxidative phosphorylation during cellular respiration in thata. energy is stored in the form of a proton (H+) concentration difference.b. it involves an electron transport chain.c. the energy is provided by sunlight not by organic compounds.d. generation of ATP is driven by a flow of protons (H+) through ATP synthase.


C. the energy is provided by sunlight, not by organic compounds, is the correct option.

As the name suggests, through the activation of PSII (photosystem II), photophosphorylation uses solar energy to convert ADP to ATP. In this, a process known as photolysis splits the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen protons (H+). An ongoing, unidirectional flow of electrons from water to PSI is then carried out.

The metabolic mechanism by which cells use enzymes to oxidize nutrients and release chemical energy to generate adenosine triphosphate is known as oxidative phosphorylation, electron transport-linked phosphorylation, or terminal oxidation.

The differences between both can be summarized as follows:

Oxidative phosphorylation:

It takes place in mitochondria.electrons donated by NADH and FADH2the final electron acceptor is O2ATP is created by converting chemical energy.


This happens in chloroplasts.electrons donated by NADH onlythe final electron acceptor is NADHATP is created by converting solar energy.

To know more about Photophosphorylation try:


wolves spread throughout most of north america and eurasia through successive ice ages.


Wolves spread throughout most of north America and Eurasia through successive ice ages is true.

How are wolves distributed?

The wolf's species distribution is known as the wolf distribution (Canis lupus). Wolves were first seen in North America above the 15th parallel north and in Eurasia above the 12th parallel north. However, due to cattle predation and the fear of wolf attacks on humans, deliberate human persecution has restricted the species' range to only approximately one-third of its original size.

Due to legal protection, changes in land use, and the migration of rural humans to cities, wolf population decreases have been halted since the 1970s, and this has encouraged recolonization and reintroduction in some areas of its previous range. The species is still under threat from habitat fragmentation, human competition for livestock and game species, and worries about wolves' potential threat to people.

Despite these dangers, the IUCN Red List rates the grey wolf as Least Concern due to its relatively large range and steady population.  The African golden wolf (Canis lupaster), which lives north of the Sahara, and the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis), which lives in Ethiopia, make up the majority of the continent's wolf population.

To know more about Wolves refer here:



Complete Question:

Wolves spread throughout most of north america and eurasia through successive ice ages.



seals (mammals) and penguins (birds) both have streamlined body forms that allow them to move through water efficiently. this similarity in body shape is mostly likely the result of:


Seals (mammals) and penguins (birds) both have streamlined body forms that allow them to move through water efficiently. This similarity in body shape is mostly likely the result of: convergent evolution.

A streamlined structure can be considered as the hybrid of needle and a sphere. This form of body reduces the friction of the frag created when the animals moves in wind or water and therefore eases the movement of the organism.

Convergent evolution is the one where two organisms have the similar anatomical features due to their adaptations in the habitat. However, such animals do not have any ancestral relation.

To know more about convergent evolution, here



FILL IN THE BLANK. a solution that has an osmotic pressure less than that of red blood cells is called ________.


A solution that has an osmotic pressure less than that of red blood cells is called hypotonic solution.

Osmotic pressure is the minimum amount of pressure applied to a solution in order to stop the movement of solvent molecules entering it. The pressure is represented by 'π'. Osmotic pressure is a type of colligative property of the solutions.

Hypotonic solution is the one that has lesser amount of solute particles as compared to any cell or other solution that is separated by means of a semi-permeable membrane. The movement of solvent particles is from the hypotonic solution to the cell or other solution.

To know more about osmotic pressure, here



catabolite repression exists in e. coli because: a. it prevents utilizing complex food sources in the presence of simpler sources like glucose b. it represses protein expression globally until sufficient energy in the form of glucose becomes available c. it prevents an overabundance of camp when the cell requires atp d. it allows utilization of glucose at an equal rate to other food sources in order to conserve glucose e. it allows cells to carefully save glucose until all other food sources are exhausted


Catabolite repression exists in e. coli because a)it prevents utilizing complex food sources in the presence of simpler sources like glucose.So,correct option is a.

Carbon catabolite repression, or basically catabolite constraint, is a significant piece of worldwide control arrangement of different microbes and different microorganisms. Catabolite suppression permits microorganisms to adjust rapidly to a liked (quickly metabolizable) carbon and energy source first. This is generally accomplished through restraint of blend of proteins associated with catabolism of carbon sources other than the favored one.

The catabolite repression was first demonstrated to be started by glucose and accordingly once in a while alluded to as the glucose impact. In any case, the expression "glucose impact" is really a misnomer since other carbon sources are known to prompt catabolite constraint.

Hence, correct option is a.

To know more about catabolite repression, visit here:



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