help please doesn’t have to be perfect

Help Please Doesnt Have To Be Perfect


Answer 1


Using fur color and eye colour as a trait for mice. Will the genes of the mice be independent or linked?

hope this is okay it's not perfect:-)

Related Questions

There is a large park which is owned by the local city government with a food forest containing many fruit and nut trees. What will most likely happen to that food forest



It is likely that the food forest will be maintained by the local city government.


18. What should be the frequency of the AA, Aa, and aa genotype if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium


If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the genotype frequencies should be 0.49 AA, 0.42 Aa, and . 09 aa.

Frequency of genotypes "AA" and "Aa".  The frequency of AA is equal to p2 and the frequency of Aa is equal to 2pq. Therefore, using the above information, the frequency of AA is 16% (that is, p2 is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16) and Aa is 48% (2pq = 2 x 0.4 x 0.6 = 0.48).

Scientists need to look at at least two generations to find out if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If the allele frequency is the same for both generations, the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Learn more about frequency here:


Didinium are carnivorous protistans that prey on other, slower moving protistans. How should Didinium be classified


Didinium is classified as eukaryotic consumer.

Heterotrophic organisms include Didinium. They only consume the considerably larger ciliate Paramecium as prey. A Didinium releases attachment lines and poison darts (trichocysts) when it discovers a Paramecium. The Didinium then starts to swallow its prey whole.The only organism with a genuine nucleus and other organelles that are attached to membranes is a protist. Consequently, they are categorized as eukaryotes.The Didinium is a type of protist with unicellular ciliates. It lives in water and feeds primarily on paramecium, however it also occasionally consumes other ciliates. As a result, Didinium is a member of the eukaryotic consumer kingdom.

learn more about Didinium here:


for (50) points i need help please answer



The type of rocks in which dinosaur fossils (and almost all other fossils) are found is called sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock generally occurs as flat layers called strata (single layers called stratum). Imagine you have a handful of both coarse and very fine sand and a bucket of water. If you were to drop the sand into the water two things would happen. First, the sand would settle to the bottom of the bucket. The coarse sand would settle faster and then the fine sand would slowly settle out. Secondly, when the sand reached the bottom of the bucket it would spread out forming two flat layers, a layer of coarse sand covered by the layer of fine sand. The process of settling is called sedimentation from the Latin, sedimentum, meaning the act of settling. The layers formed across the bottom of the bucket are called strata, from the Latin word stratum, meaning covering.

Virtually the identical process occurs in nature. Imagine a river carrying lots of sand and other material worn from rocks emptying into a large body of water like a lake or ocean. Flat layers are created on the bottom of the body of water. Dinosaur bones carried by the river would also settle out and be found in one of the layers on the lake or ocean bottom. Eventually it would be covered by subsequent layers. Over time, the soft layers would be turned into rock, the bones would be preserved within the layers, and finally they might be raised to the surface where a lucky paleontologist might recover them for a museum.

Looking for bone layers is much like playing detective. Using 4.6 billion years as the age of the Earth and 164 million years for the tenure of dinosaurs on the planet, it is easy to determine that dinosaurs existed on Earth for only a very short part of the Earth's history (only 3.6% of the time). Holmes (see References below) lists a maximum total thickness of 452,000 feet of rocks that are known to contain fossils of animals with hard parts; only 125, 000 feet of which were deposited when the dinosaurs existed. If only 28% of the fossil-bearing rock thickness may contain dinosaur fossils, how do we search for them?

The first thing we must do is narrow the search. We must first locate the 28% of sedimentary rocks in which dinosaur fossils may be found. Let's consider an ideal situation. A paleontologist from Texas went on vacation to Montana where he discovered dinosaur bones in a particular layer of rock. He wondered if the same layer existed in Texas so he could find bones closer to his home. If that particular rock layer appeared on the Earth's surface, continuously, all the way from Montana to Texas he would be able to walk along the layer to follow it. That would be easy, but, unfortunately, the easy way never seems to work. In many cases the bonelayer would be covered by layers of younger rocks, and in other cases the bone layer could be worn away by erosion. Both covering and erosion would make it impossible to follow the layer from Montana to Texas. Clearly, another method must be found. One of the most reliable ways to locate fossils is with other fossils. Certain widely found fossils represent animals that only lived on Earth for a very short time. Such fossils are called index fossils. When found in two geographically separated layers, they allow scientists to say, with some confidence, the layers are the same. Index fossils can be used to track a layer from Montana to Texas, or from Montana to France. The process of determining if layers in different places are the same is called correlation.

Return to top

Once the layer is found, more work needs to be done. Dinosaurs probably did not live everywhere in that layer. We know that dinosaurs did not live in the oceans. We can avoid searching in areas that fossils tell us were oceans at the time of the dinosaurs. Fish and marine reptiles (such as plesiosaurs) did not live in the same places as dinosaurs. If paleontologis ts find the former, they won't find the latter. Index fossils allow us to not only determine what layers contain other fossils, but also where in that layer certain fossils may be found

A large population of yellow perch lives in the east river. the walleye is a larger fish that eats the yellow perch. despite lots of prey all the walleye have moved from the east river to a new river. what most likely caused the walleye to move to a different river?


The lack of adaptations to the habitat most likely caused the walleye to move to a different river.


It is a biological mechanism that increases the chance of its survival in a new environment or the changes in the existing environment. Adaptation occurs as a result of evolution and allows the organism to survive and reproduce efficiently in its environment.

Physical adaptations include accumulating changes in the physical characteristics of an organism that help them to survive and reproduce better. Example: evolution of long necks in giraffes.

Behavioral adaptations are changes in the behavior or habits of organisms that help them to sustain in a changing or new environment. Example: Hibernation.

Due to some reason, the walleye were not able to adapt to the environment of the east river which is why they must have moved to a new river despite the presence of a lot of prey.

Know more about biology adaptations here,


Which body region should be avoided during myofascial release techniques? Lumbar spine Thoracic spine Knee Pelvis


Pelvis should be avoided during myofascial release techniques.

What is myofascial and it's massage?

The method focuses on pain that is thought to originate in your muscles' tough membranes known as myofascial tissues, which wrap, link, and support your muscles. Myofascial pain, which is related to "trigger points," which are associated with stiff, anchored places inside the myofascial tissue, theoretically varies from other types of pain.

A stimulation, such as muscle stiffness, that activates trigger points in your muscles is what causes myofascial pain syndrome. The following elements may raise your risk of developing muscle trigger points: muscle harm. Trigger points can form as a result of a recent muscular injury or ongoing muscle stress.

Learn more about myofascial here:


When a novel property emerges that was not present at the simpler level of organization. a. New property b. Evolution c. Emergent property d. Advancing property e. Natural selection


C. emergent property is the answer.

Emergent properties are properties that a collection or complex system has, but its individual members do not. Failure to recognize that property is urgent or incidental can lead to the fallacy of division.

In other words, emergent properties are properties of a group of objects that are not found in individual objects, such as insects, atoms, and buildings. Examples of emergent properties are cities, brains, ant colonies, and complex chemical systems.

Some examples of emergent properties are those of life where life begins to emerge at the cellular level. What is under the cell is not alive. The cells then interact and come together to produce other emergent properties such as tissues, organs, organisms, and populations.

Learn more about the novel property here:


Fertility in humans is a trait that is controlled by multiple genes, and which has environmental influences, such as the health and nutrition of the potential parents. What terms describe fertility as a trait


Polygenic traits describe fertility as a trait.

A polygenic trait is a function, together with top or skin coloration, this is encouraged by means of two or extra genes.

Because a couple of genes are concerned, polygenic developments do now not comply with the patterns of Mendelian inheritance. Many polygenic trends also are prompted by the surroundings and are referred to as multifactorial.

An instance of polygenic inheritance is white recognition in mice and green color in wheat. Mendelian inheritance revolves across the regulation of dominance, the law of independent assortment, and the regulation of segregation of gametes and offers a clear ratio and does no longer communicate approximately the integration of two characters. Right here, one gene controls one trait.

Learn more about polygenic traits here:


Primary varicoceles are associated with all of the following, except: * 5 points Palpable extratesticular mass Infertility Left sided location Retroperitoneal mass


Primary varicoceles are associated with all of the following, except retroperitoneal mass.

Veins in your scrotum that expand cause a varicocele (the pouch of skin that holds your testicles Palpable intratesticular mass). The pampiniform plexus is the name given to these veins. Ten to fifteen males out of one hundred have varicocele and causes infertility. It is comparable to developing varicose veins in your leg.Varicoceles occur when the scrotal pampiniform plexus veins expand. Similar to varicose veins are these veins (twisted, swollen veins, found in the leg.) Varicoceles develop during adolescence. Over time, you might start to notice them more and they might get bigger. On the left side of the scrotum, varicoceles seem to be more common.

learn more about Primary varicoceles here:


________itis is an inflammatory disease of the nervous system involving the roots of the spinal nerves.


Transverse myelitis is an inflammatory disease of the nervous system involving the roots of the spinal nerves.

Overview - Transverse myelitis

It is a neurological disorder that damages the myelin sheaths of neurons in the spinal cord. This results in the interruption of the transmission of signals through the neuron. This results in extreme pain, weakness of muscle, sensory impairment, bowel and bladder dysfunction, paralysis, etc.


Symptoms can be exhibited on both sides of the body below the affected region of the spinal cord or on one side. Typical symptoms include,


Abnormal sensation

Weakness of arm and leg muscles

Bladder and bowel dysfunction


Infections can trigger transverse myelitis. Viruses (Herpes, Epstein-Barr, HIV, West Nile Zika, Hepatitis-B, etc), bacterial diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis, tetanus, etc), inflammations (such as multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, etc) can cause transverse myelitis.

When to visit the doctor

See the doctor as soon as possible as the condition can worsen over time. Proper diagnosis is key as some other neurological disorders can also exhibit similar symptoms.

Learn more about transverse myelitis:


A 4y/o with a rare genetic disorder demonstrates bilateral excessive pronation due to ligamentous laxity and hypotonia. She is able to clear B feet during swing phase without issue. What is the most appropriate orthotic for this child


The most appropriate orthotic for this child is called supramalleolar orthotics.

What is orthotics?

The expression 'orthotics' makes reference to specific shoes customized for a patient condition.

In this case, supramalleolar orthotics makes reference to a given inherited condition with low incidence (rage genetic disease).

In conclusion, the orthotics situation here is supramalleolar orthotics.

Learn more about orthotics here:


In therapeutic stem cell cloning, the somatic cell nucleus of the patient who requires tissue transplantation is used to culture the embryonic stem cells. These cells, when provided with suitable conditions, develop into tissues that can be transplanted. What is the advantage of this technique?

A. There would be no tissue rejection problems.
B. The cells can be grown more rapidly.
C. The patient would find it more acceptable.
D. All of the choices.


The advantages of therapeutic stem cell cloning include no rejection problems, cells can be grown rapidly, and patients would find it more acceptable (all choices are correct).

What is therapeutic stem cell cloning?

Therapeutic stem cell cloning refers to the method in the laboratory aimed at generating genetically identical cells for therapeutic purposes.

Therapeutic stem cell cloning shows the advantage that cells have the same genetic background as the patient and therefore they are not rejected.

In conclusion, the advantages include no rejection, cells can be grown rapidly, and they are more acceptable.

Learn more about stem cell cloning here:


Which of the following is/are TRUE about alleles?
I. An allele is an alternative form of a gene.
II. An allele is located at a specific position on homologous chromosomes.
III. An allele is inherited from the mother only.

A. Statements I and II
B. Statement I and III
C. Statements II and III
D. Statements I, II, and III



A. Statements I and II are correct.

Mutagens a. are the sole cause of mutations in DNA. b. come in two basic forms: ionizing and nonionizing radiation. c. decrease the likelihood of mutations in DNA. d. increase the likelihood of mutations in DNA.


Mutagens increase the likelihood of mutations in DNA.

A mutagen is a chemical or bodily agent able to induce adjustments in DNA referred to as mutations.

Mutations end result both from mistakes in DNA replication or from the dangerous outcomes of mutagens, along with chemical compounds and radiation, which react with DNA and trade the systems of person nucleotides. All cells possess DNA-restore enzymes that try and limit the range of mutations that arise

Examples of mutagens encompass tobacco merchandise, radioactive substances, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and an extensive sort of chemicals.

Learn more about Mutations here:


When testing diffusion over a selectively permeable membrane, you placed different liquids into special containers. The proper setup was to


When testing diffusion over a selectively permeable membrane, the proper setup is aimed at putting different concentrations into tubes and the same water volume.

What is a selectively permeable membrane?

A selectively permeable membrane is a physical barrier that allows the passage of certain substances but not others.

The cell membrane is a  selectively permeable membrane that cells need to interchange nutrients and waste with their environment.

In conclusion, a suitable experiment to show the process of diffusion in a selectively permeable membrane is to put concentrations of the solute into tubes and the same volume of solvent (water).

Learn more about selectively permeable membranes here:


Sickle cell anemia is due to an autosomal recessive trait. A man and woman are both carriers of the recessive allele. What is the probability that their first child will have sickle cell disease


The probability that their first child will have sickle cell disease is 0.25.

How, explain your answer?

A man and a woman both are carriers of sickle cell anaemia.

The sickle cell anaemia genotype is ss whereas for producing normal haemoglobin, we have SS or Ss (Carrier).

When both man and woman are carriers, we have

Ss, Ss.

Thus, the probability that the couple would have a child that was also a carrier of sickle cell anemia is 0.25.

To learn more about recessive trait click here:


A microbiologist was surprised when he could not recover Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies in which organisms were seen in the tissue sections. He was advised to switch from the Campy BAP selective medium to Skirrow's blood agar because the latter is:


A microbiologist was surprised when he could not recover Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies in which organisms were seen in the tissue sections. He was advised to switch from the Campy BAP selective medium to Skirrow's blood agar because the latter is free of cephalothin.

A broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic called cephalothin is used to treat severe bacterial infections in the urinary tract, skin, bones, and lower respiratory tract.A beta-lactam, first-generation cephalosporin antibiotic with bactericidal activity, cephalothin is semi-synthetic. Penicillin-binding proteins (PBP) on the inner membrane of the bacterial cell wall are bound by cephalothin and rendered inactive.PBPs take involvement in the last phases of bacterial cell wall construction as well as the remodeling of the cell wall during cell division. PBP inactivation hinders the cross-linking of peptidoglycan chains, which is essential for the strength and stiffness of bacterial cell walls.

learn more about cephalothin here:


The BOD is a measurement of the amount of bacteria present before and after the sewage treatment process. Group of answer choices True False





Which structure controls the movement of tube feet?


The madreporite maintains proper water pressure levels needed for the organism to uphold its body structure.

3. What term describes a plant's response to external stimuli like light, gravity, and touch?

A. auxins
B. tropisms
C. differential growth
D. germination




B is correct
Hope this helps :)

Define the following terms as used in ecosystem:. Community.. Population. Food chain. Food web.​



Hello !

Ecosystem An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or nonliving parts. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and other organisms. It's also a system formed by an ecological community and its environment that functions as a unit.

population is the people living within apolitical or geographical boundary. in biology a community of animals, plants, or humans among whose members interbreeding occurs.

a community of animals, plants, or humans among whose members interbreeding occurs."fluctuations in populations of voles and lemmings"

Food chain the feeding relationships between species in a biotic community. also the series of processes by which food is grown or produced, sold, and eventually consumed.

Food web a diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in particular ecosystem, predators being higher in the web than their prey.

What is one of the main characteristics of secondary granules in the neutrophilic granulocyte cytoplasm


One of the main characteristics of secondary granules in the neutrophilic granulocyte cytoplasm is that secondary granules will become  pink/tan and will cause the basophilic color to lighten.

Promyelocytes, metamyelocytes, and myelocytes are the precursors of neutrophils, which make up the majority of the white blood cell population. The immature neutrophils are usually found only in the bone marrow.

Myeloid maturation sequence is the next stage of  myelocyte. The cytoplasm of this cell starts to produce specific, secondary granules. If the cell is destined to be a neutrophil these secondary granules will be pink/tan and will further cause the basophilic color to lighten and break up. At the beginning of neutrophilia, these secondary granules are most obvious in the golgi area.

As the cell matures closer to a metamyelocyte, they fill the entire cytoplasm. While the cytoplasm shifts to producing secondary granules it also loses the prominence of its primary granules.

Learn more about neutrophils here :


Calculate the average time for the powder to dissolve
in room temperature water. Record the average time
in Table E.
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
What is the average time it took for the crushed tablet to
dissolve in room temperature water?


The average time will be 17 seconds.

What is the arithmetical average?

The average of a set of numbers is determined by summing up all the numbers and dividing by the total elements in the set.

In this case, there are 3 elements in the number - 18, 18, and 15.

Average time = 18+18+15/3 = 17 seconds.

More on average can be found here:


The average time of the experiment is 17 seconds.

Average time of the experiment

The average time is calculated as follows;

Average time = total time / number of trials

Average time = (18 + 18 + 15)/3

Average time = 51/3

Average time = 17 seconds

Thus, the average time of the experiment is 17 seconds.

Learn more about average time here:


Select the correct answer. from which sphere of earth did this food originate? deep fried three pieces of chicken legs overlapped each other. a. biosphere b. atmosphere c. troposphere d. hydrosphere e. geosphere


Deep-fried three pieces of chicken legs overlapping each other originated from Biosphere.

a. Biosphere is the region of the earth where life exists, it can be the areas on land, air, or water. The biosphere consists of the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Chicken is a terrestrial organism; hence, it can be found in the lithosphere, a part of the biosphere.

b. Atmosphere is the envelope of air or gases around the earth's surface, it contains gases like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. It protects the lithosphere from harmful radiations from the sun. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

c. Troposphere is a layer of atmosphere that extends from a height of 6 km to 10 km. It is the atmospheric layer that is present right above the lithosphere. This provides us with oxygen and maintains the temperature of the earth. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

d. Hydrosphere: The entire amount of water on a planet is known as the hydrosphere. Water that is present on the planet's surface, beneath, and in the atmosphere all belong to the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere of a planet can exist as liquid, vapor, or ice. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

e. Geosphere is made up of all the rocks and minerals found on Earth, from the molten rock and heavy metals in the planet's center to the sand on beaches and mountain tops. It includes all the abiotic components of the earth. Hence, it is an incorrect option.

Know more about the spheres of earth



Biosphere, i got it right on my test


A bird species that live in the trees and another
living on the ground is an example of which of
the following?
A. ecological isolation
C. behavioral isolation
B. temporal isolation
D. gametic isolation



A.) ecological isolation


A.) is correct because ecological isolation describes how different organisms cannot reproduce with each other as a result of living in different locations/environments.

B.) is incorrect because behavioral isolation describes how organisms cannot reproduce as a result of different mating rituals or other behaviors.

C.) is incorrect because temporal isolation describes how organisms cannot reproduce as a result of engaging in reproductive behaviors during different time periods.

D.) is incorrect because gametic isolation describes how organisms who try to reproduce, cannot, as a result of male and female gametic incompatibility.

I think the right answer is a

While doing field research, two scientists discover a new species of plant. They take the plant back to their lab to watch how it grows and reproduces. Soon, the plant begins to produce a small purple flower. Upon further investigation, the scientists discover that the plant's seeds contain two embryonic leaves.

Which group could the plant belong to? Check all that apply.


As the new species of plant produced purple flowers, so, the plant belongs to the angiosperms group. Also, the seeds of the plant contain two embryonic leaves, so, the plant must be a dicot.

Out of all five divisions of plants, only the plants that come under the Division Angiosperm can bear or form flowers. That's why angiosperms are also called flowering plants. Angiosperms are further divided into two groups based on the number of embryos that are produced from seeds on germination. If the germinating seeds contain only one embryo leaf, then we call them monocots while the seeds that contain two embryo leaves during their developing seeds, then they are called dicots.

Thus, the plant that is discovered by scientists comes under the angiosperm group and further into the dicot group. Dicots have two embryo leaves on germination of their seeds and they also form flowers.

Learn more about angiosperms here:


help me solve this problem please i'm trying pass the 7th grade please


50% of the offspring should be homozygous recessive

Explain why mitosis is important to both unicellular and multicellular organisms.



In multicellular organisms, mitosis produces cells for growth and repair where in unicellular organisms, it produces identical cells. :)

In unicellular organisms such as bacteria, mitosis helps in asexual reproduction as it produces an identical copy of the parent cell. :D

In multicellular organisms, body cells undergo mitosis to provide new cells for growth or to replace cells that have been damaged and died. :)

Have an amazing day!!

Please rate and mark brainliest!!

A dog starts chasing gretchen. when her brain sends a signal to her muscles to run, which cells are at work? sensory motor interneuron leukocyte


Area: ½ × base × height
Perimeter: sum of side lengths of the triangle
Number of vertices: 3
Number of edges: 3
Internal angle: 60° (for equilateral)
Sum of interior angles: 180°
Properties: Convex, cyclic, equilateral, isogonal, isotoxal
Geometry formulas
Golden ratio


The increasing population growth, especially in the developing nations, leads to

Group of answer choices

increased pollution of the environment.

quicker depletion of resources.

increased competition for resources.

all of the choices.



The increasing population growth, especially in the developing nations, leads to

Group of answer choices

increased pollution of the environment.

quicker depletion of resources.

increased competition for resources.

all of the choices.


all of the above.

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