Four times the sum of a number r and 4 is equal to 20 less than 10 times the number r. What is the value of r ? -mathematics


Answer 1





now solve for r.


-4r       -4r


+20   +20


/6   /6


Answer 2


ah this says it is Spanish


how come you put a math metics one on Spanish?

Related Questions

3. The vowel [u] loses its sound in four combinations, what are they?

A. cue, cui, kue, kui
B. what, who, what, gui
C. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
D. güe, güi, what, who


I think it’s A or B

Please give me brainiest
Im pretty sure it’s b!

5. Yo ________ (querer) una cocina grande.



yo “quiero” una cocina grande.


О quiero.


5.- Yo quiero una cocina grande-


Read and match each sentence with the correct pronoun for the blank.

Match Term Definition
La doctora es mi prima, la señora Vila. ________ cuida a mi bisabuela. A) Nosotros
Las arquitectas son las señoras Oriol y Vega. ________ trabajan en el departamento de tus tías. B) Tú
El vendedor y yo trabajamos los domingos. ________ vendemos la ropa en oferta. C) Ellas
Eres Eloy y eres estilista. ________ lavas el pelo. D) Ella


1. Ella
2. Ellas
3. Nosotros
4. Tu

guys i’m kind of confused on my race because people are saying mexican is only for people who’s parents come from mexico and hispanic isn’t a race but i’m not white but that’s the second most thing i am so i don’t know what race i am can someone tell me?



If both or one of your parents are from a country that talk Spanish then your ethnicity is hispanic


omg i feel you, on a census ig if hispanic or latino isn’t an option most ppl put “white” down

4. El hijo ________ (pedir) un dormitorio para él solo.



el hijo pide hope it helpss


О pide.


4.- El hijo pide un dormitorio para él solito.


Fill in the blank with the correct form of "Estar" (1 point):

El cuaderno encima del escritorio.


The answer is: esta
El cuaderno "esta" encima del escritorio.


Its esta


2. How do you say 'I have' in Spanish?
Yo tenemos

Yo tiengo

Yo tenergo

Yo tengo



yo tengo


i is yo

tener is to have

we change tener to tengo when it is followed by yo

hopes this helps

“Yo tengo”. Tengo means have and yo means I

ill give the brainiest to someone who answers!!!

Asking: Write 10 sentences on your own in Spanish. Remember, each sentence will need a subject pronoun, and a conjugated verb and then try to add a bit more to it. Do not use a translator.

Only use the vocab words shown on the images! can someone explain this? or help me with this I'm kinda confused about what to do.


Sentence 1

The sentence contains a subject, and verb that is correctly conjugated and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 2

The sentence contains a subject, and verb that is correctly conjugated and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 3

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 4

A sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 5

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 6

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 7

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 8

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 9

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 10

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.


Answer: Here goes.

1.Me gusta jugar video juegos.

2.Estoy haciendo mis deberes.

3.Me gusta aprender idiomas.

4.Estoy estudiando español.

5.No sé jugar béisbol.

6.Me gusta jugar básquetbol.

7.Me gusta jugar al hockey sobre hielo.

8.Juego al fútbol una vez a la semana.

9.No voy a la universidad.

10.Voy a la escuela secundaria.


1) No Yo hablo el la clase

2)Tu esudias con amigos

3) Nosotros Hablamos con amigos

4) Yo llevo unos zapatos blancos

5) El estudia para la clase de historia

6) Usted no termina almuerzo

7) Ellas no necesitan una mochilla

8) Nosotros necesitamos un papel

9) Ustedes llevan unos jeans azules

10) Ella no termina la clase

Hope this helps!

II. Clasifica las siguientes combinaciones como diptongo o hiato
20. aí ___________________
21. oe ___________________
22. iu ____________________
23. ee ___________________
24. ie ____________________


20. Hiato
21. Hiato
22. Hiato
23 . Hiato
24. Diptongo
20: Hiato
21: Hiato
22: Hiato
23: Hiato
24: Diptongo

Read and write a
You are working over the summer in Spain for a real estate agency, and you need to write a short description for a house that you are selling in the
country. Write two (2) complete sentences in Spanish, describing the house. Remember to use the vocabulary words from this lesson/course only. Remember to use present tense only. Use the following suggestions as a

guide for your answer: You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: ? , á, é, , i, , , , , , ,
*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences.
You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact.
Include the following details in your

In one sentence, use the yo form of the verb sell in the present tense to express what you are selling: a house with how many bedrooms and bathrooms. Use the verb hay to describe how many bedrooms and bathrooms are in the house. Be sure to include an adjective for the house to help sell it. (e.g., I am selling a new house; there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house.)
In one sentence, state the price of the house using numbers over 10,000 and the correct form of the verb costar. (e.g., The house costs 300,000 euros.)


You have to write 2 complete sentences in Spanish
Yo estoy vendiendo una casa por 413,320.50 euro; hay cinco dormitorios Y hay seis baños Y son bien espacioso.

3. Él ________ (medir) la madera (wood) en el garaje.


The answer is “ El mide la madera”


О mide.


3.- Él mide la madera (wood).



Fill in the blank with the correct form of "Estar" (1 point):

Ellos en el laboratorio.


The answer is: estan
Ellos "estan" en el laboratorio.
Ellos “estan” en el laboratorio

plss helpp.. i suck at describing in spanish. my brain is about to explode from all the things that are written on page 1



1- Yo tengo el pelo largo.
2- Yo tengo los ojos azules.
3- Yo soy muy amable.

1- El tiene el pelo rojo.
2- Ella tiene ojos café.
3- Usted es responsable y amigable.


1- Nosotros tenemos el pelo rubio.
2- Nosotros tenemos ojos grises.
3- Nosotros somos confiables.

1- Ellos tienen el pelo muy largo.
2- Ellas tienen los ojos verdes.
3- Ustedes son muy felices.


Yo tengo el pelo largo.

2- Yo tengo los ojos azules.

3- Yo soy muy amable.

1- El tiene el pelo rojo.

2- Ella tiene ojos café.

3- Usted es responsable y amigable.


1- Nosotros tenemos el pelo rubio.

2- Nosotros tenemos ojos grises.

3- Nosotros somos confiables.

1- Ellos tienen el pelo muy largo.

2- Ellas tienen los ojos verdes.

3- Ustedes son muy felices.


Wwrite I can spanish

Mexico is a very popular tourist destination. Do some online research on the tourism in Mexico and write two to three paragraphs in Spanish including the following information:
Describe how the weather in Mexico changes through the year.
If you were to travel to Mexico, when would you prefer to travel and why?
Describe at least two activities you would look to enjoy during your visit




Describe how the weather in Mexico changes through the year.

México es un país muy extenso y por tanto tiene diversos tipos de clima, desde  algunos muy agradables como en Cuernavaca hasta algunos muy helados como lo son en el norte de México, en los estados colindantes con Estados Unidos.

If you were to travel to Mexico, when would you prefer to travel and why?

La época preferida por mi para pasear por México es el verano, pues es una estación donde, con un poco de calor, se puede disfrutar plenamente de los muchos parajes de México.

Describe at least two activities you would look to enjoy during your visit.

Quiero ir a conocer las Piramides de Teotihuacan, es impresionante su forma y su grandeza.

También quiero ir a algunas localidades conocidas como "Pueblo Mágico" donde se puede disfrutar de mejor manera de las raíces autóctonas de México.  

En México el tiempo cambia temprano tiene veces que al medio del año hace calor y tiene veces que empieza a hacer frío .
Si yo viajase para el México preferiría me quedar en el centro de la ciudad porque ají tiene más tiendas más centros comerciales y también claro tiene más personas .

Quien me conoce sabe que me chifla los platos típicos del México ahora que hablo tengo hambre quiero probar diferentes platos y cosas culturales del México.

Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence (1 point):

La computadora está __________ la mesa.

debajo de


(b sobre)
La computadora está sobre la mesa.


La computadora está sobre la mesa.


6. Nuestros padres ________ (repetir) la lista de oficios.








О repiten.


6.- Nuestros padres repiten la lista de oficios.


nuestros padres repiten la lista de oficios

1. Nosotros ________ (pensar) que la casa tiene suficientes (enough) cuartos.







the answer is “pensamos”


О pensamos.


1.- Nosotros pensamos que la casa tiene suficientes cuartos.




Help me please on all of them and hurry


1) Haces
2) Salgo

Use the best choice to complete the crucigrama


Do not trust that link
The answer for the number 5 is hecho

Ill give the brainiest to someone who answers!!!
Asking: Write 10 sentences on your own in Spanish. Remember, each sentence will need a subject pronoun, and a conjugated verb and then try to add a bit more to it. Do not use a translator.

Only use the vocab words shown on the images! can someone explain this? or help me with this I'm kinda confused about what to do.


Sentence 1

The sentence contains a subject, and verb that is correctly conjugated and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 2

The sentence contains a subject, and verb that is correctly conjugated and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 3

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 4

A sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 5

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 6

The sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 7

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 8

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 9

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.

Sentence 10

Sentence contains a subject, verb that is correctly conjugated, and adds extra vocabulary to build sentence length and context.



1. Yo puedo hablar español. (I can speak spanish) (yo, hablar)

2. Nosotros estudiamos en la escuela. (We study at school) (nosotros, estudiar)

3. Yo puedo cantar y dibujar muy bien. (I can sing and draw really well) (yo, cantar, dibujar)

4. Yo se cómo encontrar el tesoro. (I know how to find the treasure) (yo, encontrar)

5. Ella y su amigo bailaron en la fiesta. (She and her friend danced at the party) (ella, bailar)

6. debes descansar por la noche. (You must rest at night) (tu, descansar)

7. Ellos no esperaron su turno. (They did not wait their turn) (ellos, esperar)

8. Nosotros ya terminamos la tarea. (We already finished the assignment/task) (nosotros, terminar)

9. puedes tocar muchos instrumentos. (You can play many instruments) (tu, tocar)

10. Ella me ayudó a cocinar la cena. (She helped me cook dinner) (ella, ayudar, cocinar)

**Used the subject pronouns shown and all the verbs are from the images and correctly conjugated. Let me know if any doubts.**

Hi, since someone else gave answers and examples I will try to help explaining it for you so you know what to do in the future!

Subject pronoun: Who the sentence focused on. If you’re talking about a dog, or a girl, or yourself. So, using words like Yo (Me), Nosotros (We), Ella (Her), etc.

Conjugated Verb: When you take a verb and change its ending to match the subject pronoun. Each verb ending depends on who the sentence is about. For example, hablar has an *ar* ending, so you would be taking those letters off and replacing them. If you wanted to use hablar to yo, you would replace the *ar* with *o*. So, it’s *Yo hablo*.

I hope this hopes :) And don’t be afraid to look up the conjugations for specific verbs if you need to remember their endings!
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