For which three everyday activities do people most typically use computers?


Answer 1



People use computers to :

1. Communicate

2. Research

3. To better understand different aspects of their domain or just something they want to know.

4. Computers have the power to be obedient and do whatever people want, which makes them very efficient for a lot of tasks.

5. The fact that computers can run complex algorithms at an incredible speed is something that would be impossible for a person.

6. Computers can make people better understand the world.

7. An interesting fact, is that the brain works on electricity just like a computer, but also works like a computer. (imagine the neurons of the brain being bits.)

8. With the help of computers, we discovered more than 60 trillion of Pi's digits.

9. AI is a very powerful concept for computers because they can learn about anything over time, and get better than people at doing real-life tasks, which would make the overall human civilization better.

10. Computers could help us mathematically find Earth-like planets, which will be useful since in billions of years the sun will die.

11. The human robots, which would get one of the best human-made inventions, could simply change the world, into a way more efficient one, and the fact that our brain works just like the computer, makes us more like robots.

But, what if robots take over the world and kill all humans? Is that possible?

Nope. A robot will never kill anyone. Know why? Because robots will always be obedient to the code we write into them. Whatever if write into their chip, they will run(the code) that.

If a robot is coded to not kill anyone and kills someone, it is just like we wouldn't live in real life. No robot can overthink the code we put into them. People just think that robots will overtake control because of films and stories. That will never happen.

That's just how robots work. Humans are robots. But we can do whatever we want because the DNA doesn't program us to not do something. As humans, we can do whatever we think because we are programmed to not have limits in thinking. But, the robots have a limit. That limit is the script written into it.

Computers and AI have just advantages. No one will kill someone.

Related Questions

_____ are important because they help to ensure data integrity. _____ are important because they help to ensure data integrity. Attributes Relationships Constraints Entities


Constraints  are important because they help to ensure data integrity.

What does constraint mean?

The term connote a kind of limitation that is often placed on something.

Note that in computing, Constraints  are important because they help to ensure data integrity as one will think twice before trying to manipulate data.

Learn more about Constraints from


A computer professional's job involves analyzing computer systems for
businesses and determining whether they are protected from cyber threats.
Which discipline includes this job?
A. Information technology
B. Computer engineering
C. Software engineering
D. Computer science


Information technology is the discipline that includes analyzing computer systems for businesses and determining whether they are protected from cyber threats. Option A is correct.

What is information technology?

The practice of using computers to generate, process, store, retrieve, and communicate various types of electronic data and information is known as information technology (IT).

Analysis of computer systems for organizations to ascertain if they are secure against cyber attacks is part of a computer professional's work. This position falls within the discipline of information technology.

Unlike personal or recreational technology, IT is primarily utilized in the context of commercial activities. ​

A computer professional's job involves analyzing computer systems for businesses and determining whether they are protected from cyber threats. The discipline included in this job will be Information technology.

Hence option A is correct.

To learn more about information technology refer;





Matt uploads a malware sample to a third-party malware scanning site that uses multiple antimalware and antivirus engines to scan the sample. He receives several different answers for what the malware package is. What has occurred


The thing that has occurred is that there are a lot of vendors that uses different name for malware packages.

What are malware packages?

Malware that is malicious software, is known to be any program or file that is said to cause harm to a computer or lets say its user. they are: trojan horses, spyware, etc.

Note that, the thing that has occurred is that there are a lot of vendors that uses different name for malware packages.

Learn more about malware from


What is the process of identifying rare or unexpected items or events in a data set that do not conform to other items in the data set


Anomaly detection is the process of identifying rare or unexpected items or events in a data set that do not conform to other items in the data set.

What is Data?

This is referred to as a raw form of information and comprises of facts, numbers, etc.

Anomaly detection identifies abnormal data from a given set which is why it is the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Data here


PHOTOGRAPHY: In 200 words or more explain the difference between deep and shallow depth field and when would you use either technique when taking a photograph?


The differences are:

A shallow depth of field is said to be a small area in view and its background is always blurred but a A deep depth of field is known to be one that captures a bigger area in view and its image are said to be sharp and clear.

What is the difference between deep and shallow focus?

The Images gotten in shallow focus is one that needs little or shallow depths of field, and its lenses also needs long focal lengths, and big apertures. But Deep focus images needs small focal lengths and long  depths of field.

In the case above i recommend deep depth field and therefore, The differences are:

A shallow depth of field is said to be a small area in view and its background is always blurred but a A deep depth of field is known to be one that captures a bigger area in view and its image are said to be sharp and clear.

Learn more about photograph from


Write, compile, and test the MovieQuoteInfo class so that it displays your favorite movie quote, the movie it comes from, the character who said it, and the year of the movie: I GOT IT DONT WATCH AD.

class MovieQuoteInfo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("said by Charles Foster Kane");
System.out.println("in the movie Citizen Kane");
System.out.println("in 1941.");


Using the knowledge of computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that removes your favorite phrase from the movie. It consists of two classes in which one is driver code to test the MovieQuoteInfo class.

Writing code in JAVA:

public class MovieQuoteInfo { //definition of MovieQuoteInfo class

//All the instance variables marked as private

private String quote;

private String saidBy;

private String movieName;

private int year;

public MovieQuoteInfo(String quote, String saidBy, String movieName, int year) { //parameterized constructor


 this.quote = quote;

 this.saidBy = saidBy;

 this.movieName = movieName;

 this.year = year;


//getters and setters

public String getQuote() {

 return quote;


public void setQuote(String quote) {

 this.quote = quote;


public String getSaidBy() {

 return saidBy;


public void setSaidBy(String saidBy) {

 this.saidBy = saidBy;


public String getMovieName() {

 return movieName;


public void setMovieName(String movieName) {

 this.movieName = movieName;


public int getYear() {

 return year;


public void setYear(int year) {

 this.year = year;


//overriden toString() to print the formatted data

public String toString() {

 String s = quote+",\n";

 s+="said by "+this.saidBy+"\n";

 s+="in the movie "+this.movieName+"\n";

 s+="in "+this.year+".";

 return s;



public class Driver { //driver code to test the MovieQuoteInfo class

public static void main(String[] args) {

 MovieQuoteInfo quote1 = new MovieQuoteInfo("Rosebud", "Charles Foster Kane", "Citizen Kane", 1941);//Create an object of MovieQuoteInfo class

 System.out.println(quote1); //print its details



See more about JAVA at


Write the definition of a function named isPositive, that receives an integer argument and returns true if the argument is positive, and false otherwise. So, if the argument's value is 7 or 803 or 141 the function returns true. But if the argument's value is -22 or -57, or 0, the function returns false.



// header files

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// required function

bool isPositive(int num)


// check if number is positive

if (num > 0)


// return true

return true;


// if number is 0 or negative



// retrun false

return false ;



// main function

int main() {

// test the function with different values







return 0;


You have compressed a 4 MB file into 2 MB. You are copying the file to another computer that has a FAT32 partition. How will you ensure that the file remains compressed



You cannot maintain disk compression on a non-NTFS partition.


C++ code only......
Synopsis: Type in a word and get a point value. A point value is the sum of the points of the individual letters multiplied by any bonus multipliers (defined later).
In both Words With Friends and the scrabble game, a individual letters in a word are given specific values.
Your program will let me keep typing in words and giving me the point value until I stop the program.
Basic Point values:
For this lab, calculate the value of a word with the following specific rules:
A, E, I, O, S, U are worth 1 point
D, F, G, L, M, N, R, T are worth 2 points
B, C, K, P, Y are worth 3 points
H, J, Q, V, W, X, Z are worth 5 points.
If the word was CAT, the value would be 3 + 1 + 2 or 6 points.
Bonus Point multipliers
DOUBLE: Any word that contains two (or more) of the same letter in a row has it's value doubled. Some examples are 'asset' and 'little'. You can only double things once.
TRIPLE: Any word that has three (or more) 1 point letters has it's value triples. You can only triple a word once. 'asset' has 4 single point letters (a, s, s, and e), while little only has 2 (i and e)
You can both DOUBLE and TRIPLE a word.
Dictionary Lookup
You also need to check to see if the word is in a dictionary. There's one at and it's called web2.txt
It contains one word per line and is already sorted. You can make your own smaller dictionary to test it if you like.
Please do not turn in the dictionary.
Your program will ask the user for a word (without spaces) and print it's value.
Ignore any special characters or numbers that are entered. [I won't include these in my test cases].
If the word isn't in the dictionary, report that the word isn't a valid word.
You HAVE to use my rules or you will receive 0 credit!
asset = (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2) * 2 * 3 = 18 (double letters, 3 single point letters)
little = (2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1) * 2 = 24 (double letters)
abacadabra = (1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1) * 3 = 56 (3 single point letters)
football = (2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2) * 2 * 3= 84 (double letters only double once, 3 single point letters)


Using the computational language C++ it is possible to write a code that adds the values ​​of the letters and does the multiplication as well.

Writting the code in C++:

#include <iostream> //for input/output functions

#include <string> //for C++ style strings

#include <cctype> //for toupper utility function

#include <fstream> //for file I/O

using namespace std;

//function to calculate the score of the given word

int getScore(string word)


int score = 0;

int singles = 0;

char c; //variable to hold the current character

char prev='0'; //variable to hold the previous character

//'0' so that prev is not equal to c in the first place

bool doubled = false;

for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)


c = toupper(word[i]);



case 'A':

case 'E':

case 'I':

case 'O':

case 'S':

case 'U':

score = score+1;



case 'D':

case 'F':

case 'G':

case 'L':

case 'M':

case 'N':

case 'R':

case 'T':

score = score+2;


case 'B':

case 'C':

case 'K':

case 'P':

case 'Y':

score = score+3;


case 'H':

case 'J':

case 'Q':

case 'V':

case 'W':

case 'X':

case 'Z':

score = score+5;



//if at any point, the previous character is the same as the current character, we double

if(c == prev)

doubled = true;

prev = c;


if(doubled) score *= 2;

//if 1 point characters are more than 3, we triple

if(singles >= 3) score *= 3;

return score;


//function to check if the given word is in the dictionary

bool inDictionary(string word)


//we assume that the dictionary is stored in a file called dictionary.txt

ifstream fin("dictionary.txt");

//check for file errors



cout << "File did not load properly" << endl;

return false;


string current;

//read until the file ends



fin >> current;

//we found the word

if( == 0)

return true;


return false;


int main(int argc, char const *argv[])


string word;

cout << "Please enter the word whose score you want to compute: ";

cin >> word;

cout << "Score is " << getScore(word) << endl;


cout << "The given word was found in the dictionary." << endl;


cout << "The given word was not found in the dictionary." << endl;

return 0;


See more about C++ code at


You have to write a program that will read a number followed by a series of bit operations from a file and perform the given operations sequentially on the number.
The operations are as follows:
set(x, n, v) sets the nth bit of the number x to v
comp(x, n) sets the value of the nth bit of x to its complement (1 if 0 and 0 otherwise)
get(x, n) returns the value of the nth bit of the number x
The least significant bit (LSB) is considered to be index 0.
Input format: Your program will take the file name as input. The first line in the file provides the value of the number x to be manipulated. This number should be considered an unsigned short. The following lines will contain the operations to manipulate the number. To simplify parsing, the format of the operations will always be the command name followed by 2 numbers, separated by tabs. For the set(x, n, v) command, the value of the second input number (v) will always be either 0 or 1. For the comp(x, n) and get(x, n) commands the value of the second input number will always be 0 and can be ignored. Note that the changes to x are cumulative, rather than each instruction operating independently on the original x.
Output format: Your output for comp and set commands will be the resulting value of the number x after each operation, each on a new line. For get commands, the output should be the requested bit’s value.
Example Execution:
For example, a sample input file "file1.txt" contains the following (except the annotation comments):
5 ---------------------------------# x = 5
get 0 0 -------------------------# get(x, 0), ignoring second value (0)
comp 0 0 ----------------------# comp(x, 0), ignoring second value (0)
set 1 1 --------------------------# set(x, 1, 1)
The result of the sample run is:
$ ./first file1.txt


The program what will read a number followed by a series of bit operations from file and perform the given operations sequentially on the number is given below.

What is an operation in computer science?

An operation, in mathematics and computer programming, is an action that is carried out to accomplish a given task.

There are five basic types of computer operations:

Inputting, processing, outputting, storing, and controlling.

What is the requested program above?

#include <stdio.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


  int number, n, v, temp;

  char line[25], fun[10];

  FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");


  fgets(line, 24, f);

  sscanf(line, "%d", &number);   //reading the number

  while( fgets(line, 24, f) )


      sscanf(line, "%s %d %d", fun, &n, &v); //reading the commands

      switch(fun[0])           //checking which command to run


          case 'g':    temp = 1;

                      temp = temp<<n;   //shifting for getting that bit



          case 's':   temp = 1;

                      temp = temp<<n;   //shifting for setting that bit



                          temp = ~temp;

                          number = number & temp;




                          number = number | temp;




          case 'c':   temp = 1;

                      temp = temp<<n;   //shifting for complimenting that bit

                      number = number ^ temp;   //xor to complement that bit



          default:printf("not defined");



  return 0;


Execution and Output:

terminal-> $ gcc -o first first.c

terminal-> $ ./first file1.txt




Learn more about programs at;

/* Stretch 1: Create a function called `getCountryWins` that takes the parameters `data` and `team initials` and returns the number of world cup wins that country has had.

Hint: Investigate your data to find "team initials"!
Hint: use `.reduce` */

export const fifaData = [
Year: 1930,
Datetime: "13 Jul 1930 - 15:00",
Stage: "Group 1",
Stadium: "Pocitos",
City: "Montevideo",
"Home Team Name": "France",
"Home Team Goals": 4,
"Away Team Goals": 1,
"Away Team Name": "Mexico",
"Win conditions": "",
Attendance: 4444,
"Half-time Home Goals": 3,
"Half-time Away Goals": 0,
Referee: "LOMBARDI Domingo (URU)",
"Assistant 1": "CRISTOPHE Henry (BEL)",
"Assistant 2": "REGO Gilberto (BRA)",
RoundID: 201,
MatchID: 1096,
"Home Team Initials": "FRA",
"Away Team Initials": "MEX",


The function called `getCountryWins` which takes the parameters `data` and `team initials` and returns the number of world cup wins that country has had is:

The function

function getCountryWins(FRA) {



return total + currentValue getCountryWins(FRA);

"World Cup wins": 2,

array.reduce(function(total, currentValue, currentIndex, arr), initialValue)


The above function calls the function that contains the data and team initials of the country France and then uses the reduce() method executes a reducer function for the array element.

Read more about javascript here:


There are a number of Dealership stores opening, so a decision is made that when a car is created, it should be passed a pointer to its dealership along with its make and model. It should store the dealership pointer in an appropriate data member. Write the data member and necessary constructor declarations in the space provided.


The data member based on the information about the dealership stores is illustrated below.

What are data members?

Data members are the members that are declared with any of the fundamental types like the pointer, reference, array types, and user-defined types.

The data members and necessary constructor declaration will be:

class Car{

public :

string m_make ;

string m_model;

double m_earnedOnCar;

//Added data member for the car dealership

Car* m_dealerShip;

public :

Car(string str1,string str2){




//Address constructor to add the dealership to the car

Car(Car* car){



//copy constructor to copy dealership of the car

Car(const Car &car) {



//add method to add the dealership of the car

void add(Car* car){



double getAmmountEarnedOnCar(){

return this->m_earnedOnCar;


Learn more about data on:


Stephen is slowing down as he approaches a red light. He is looking in his mirror to switch lanes and misjudges how close Keisha's car is, rear-ending her car. When
they get out and assess the damage, Keisha's bumper will need to be replaced. What type(s) of insurance could Stephen use to cover this accident? Explain.
Krisha had some discomfort in her neck at the time of the accident but thought it was minor and would go away. A week or so after the accident, Keisha finally goes
What t) of insurance could Keisha use to cover this accident?


The type of insurance that Stephen could use to cover this accident is known as liability coverage

What t) of insurance could Keisha use to cover this accident?

The insurance that Keisha could use to cover this accident is personal injury protection.

In the case above, The type of insurance that Stephen could use to cover this accident is known as liability coverage as damage was one to his property.

Learn more about Property Damage from


A technician is setting up three wireless access points to cover a floor of the office. What channels should the technician use for the access points


The channels that  the technician should use for the access points is One access point on channel 1 and the other two access points on channels 6 and 11.

What is an access point?

An access point is known to be a tool or a device that forms a wireless local area network, or WLAN, and it is one that is often used in an office or large building.

Note that in the above case, The channels that  the technician should use for the access points is One access point on channel 1 and the other two access points on channels 6 and 11 as it fits into the role.

See options below

A)All three access points on the same channel

B)One access point on channel 1 and the other two access points on channels 6 and 11

C)One access point on channel 1 and the other two access points on channels 3 and 5

D)One access point on channel 1 and the other two access points on channels 10 and 11

Learn more about technician from


Inheritance means ________. Question 18 options: A) that a class can contain another class B) that data fields should be declared private C) that a variable of supertype can refer to a subtype object D) that a class can extend another class



Inheritance means D) that a class can extend another class.

Hisoka is creating a summary document for new employees about their options for different mobile devices. One part of his report covers encryption. What would Hisoka NOT include in his document


Hisoka would not include in his document that is Apple users file-based encryption to offer a higher level of security.

Does Apple use the file based encryption?

It is said that iOS and iPad OS devices are known to often use a file encryption system known to be Data Protection.

Therefore,  Hisoka would not include in his document that is Apple users file-based encryption to offer a higher level of security.

Hence option A is correct.

Learn more about encryption from


Alex discovers that the network routers that his organization has recently ordered are running a modified firmware version that does not match the hash provided by the manufacturer when he compares them. What type of attack should Alex categorize this attack as


A type of attack which Alex should categorize this attack as is: a supply chain attack.

What is a supply chain attack?

A supply chain attack can be defined as a type of attack that typically occurs before software or hardware (equipment) are delivered to a business firm.

In this context, we can infer and logically deduce that a type of attack which Alex should categorize this attack as is: a supply chain attack because the network routers were compromised before they received them.

Read more on chain attack here:


Write a function named swapFrontBack that takes as input a vector of integers. The function should swap the first element in the vector with the last element in the vector. The function should check if the vector is empty to prevent errors. Test your function with vectors of different length and with varying front and back numbers.



#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void swapFrontBack(vector<int>& nums) {

if(nums.size() < 2) {



swap(nums[0], nums[nums.size()-1]);


void printit(vector<int>& arr) {

for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {

cout << arr[i] << " ";


cout << endl;


int main() {

vector<int> num1;









vector<int> num2(10, 1);

num2[9] = 2;



return 0;



Which kind of license is a legal agreement that allows multiple users to access the software on the server simultaneously?.



A network license


list three things that can spoil a printer if they are not of the correct specification and what damage may be caused​



Debris, excess ink splatted around (from refilling probably), and the presence of small objects


contribute to paper jams and cause your printer to work inefficiently. Some printers have self-cleaning functions especially, for printer heads

What is the difference between asset allocation and diversification?
A) Diversification is much more important than asset allocation in an investment strategy.
B) Asset allocation and diversification are the same.
C) Asset allocation is about risk and diversification is about reward.
D) Asset allocation is the types of investments you choose, diversification is how you spread your investments within each investment type.


The difference between asset allocation and diversification is that Asset allocation is the types of investments you choose, diversification is how you spread your investments within each investment type.

What is the difference between asset allocation and diversification?

Asset allocation is known to be the percentage of stocks, bonds, and other form of cash in a person's portfolio, while diversification entails the act of spreading one's assets in all of one's asset classes within the given three buckets.

Therefore, The difference between asset allocation and diversification is that Asset allocation is the types of investments you choose, diversification is how you spread your investments within each investment type.

Learn more about asset allocation from


What mitigation measures would you recommend for securing loose electronic items such as television sets, computer monitors, and electric appliances


The mitigation measures that I can recommend for securing loose electronic items such as television sets are:

The use of special hooksThe use of  VelcroThe use of bungee cords, and others.How do one Secure Loose Items?

There are special tools that one can use to secure any item from getting lost or missing.

Note that  The mitigation measures that I can recommend for securing loose electronic items such as television sets are:

The use of special hooksThe use of  VelcroThe use of bungee cords, and others.

Learn more about  mitigation measures  from


Write a function that receives a StaticArray where the elements are in sorted order, and returns a new StaticArray with squares of the values from the original array, sorted in non-descending order. The original array should not be modified.



def sa_sort(arr):

   for i in range(len(arr)):

       for j in range(0, len(arr) - i-1):

           if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]:

               arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]

test_cases = (

   [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30, 4, 40, 5], ['zebra2', 'apple', 'tomato', 'apple', 'zebra1'],

   [(1, 1), (20, 1), (1, 20), (2, 20)])

for case in test_cases:





Which statement best describes computer systems administrators?
A. They must have excellent organizational skills.
B. They must understand how microprocessors work.
C. They must have knowledge of network security.
D. They must be proficient in multiple computer languages.


The statement that best describes a computer administrator is, that they must have knowledge of network security.

Computer system administrators

An administrator is basically someone solely responsible for carrying out certain tasks. A computer systems administrator is a designation given to someone who is responsible for computer system-related tasks, such as performing maintenance of computer systems and ensuring the security of information on the systems.

You can learn more about computer systems administrators here


What is the missing line of code? >>>from math th import >>> Point = [1,5) >>> bPoint [4.9]​



I believe import math.

Do let me know if its correct.

What is output? Item jar = new Item(); Item ball = new Item(); System.out.println(Item.count); public class Item{ public static int count = 1; public Item(){ count++; } } Group of answer choices 1 Error: syntax error 3 2



It's 3


now if you pay attention, you've assigned count as 1 in the beginning and you've asked the class to increase the count variable by 1

and when the program is compiled the code is going to count ball and Jar as numbers

mean jar.count is 2

and ball.count is 3

that's all

Write the output of the following:
SUM (A, B)




Int main()


Int a=10, b= 20, sum;

Sum =a+b;

Printf(“ sum = %d”, sum );

Return 0;



Let's Assume A = 10 and B = 20

A user calls in about a printer issue. You ask for the IPv4 address listed on the printer's configuration report. The user reads an IPv4 address of from the report. What would this tell you


The  IPv4 address of  tells that the printer failed to obtain an IP address from DHCP.

What IP Addresses in Network Printers?

The IP address is known to be one that is special to the printer as it is one that works as a form of an identifier and it is one that informs a computer where to see the printer on the network.

So, one can say that the  IPv4 address of  tells that the printer failed to obtain an IP address from DHCP.

See full question below

A user calls in about a printer issues. You ask for the IPv4 address listed on the printer's

configuration report. The user reads an IPv4 address of from the report. What would

this tell you?

a. The printer has a paper jam

b. The printer failed to obtain an IP address from DHCP

c. The printer had too many print jobs sent to it

d. The printer had a valid IP address and should work after a restart

Learn more about printer from


What is a security strategy comprised of products and services that offer remote support for mobile devices, such as smart phones, laptops, and tablets


Mobile device management  is a security strategy comprised of products and services that offer remote support for mobile devices.

What is the aim of mobile device management MDM?

Mobile device management (MDM) is known to be a kind of software that helps a lot of IT administrators to run, secure and use policies on smartphones, tablets and other kind of endpoints.

Therefore, Mobile device management  is a security strategy comprised of products and services that offer remote support for mobile devices.

Learn more about management   from


could you tell me the family link app code to unlock a phone please?


The family link app code needed to unlock a child's phone is typically generated on the parent's device.

Family Link

The family link app is an innovative feature which allows parents to lock and control their child's devices such as restricting the contents or apps on their child's phone, setting screen times, and many other parental control features.

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A square has a perimeter of 12x+25 units. Which expression represents the side length of a square and units What were the primary difference between conservative and liberal oppositions to the new deal? A deck has side lengths 16 feet, 18 feet, 16 feet, 8 feet, and 12 feet.The dimensions of a proposed deck are written on the floor plan. What is the area of the proposed deck? Round to the nearest square foot.317 square feet413 square feet437 square feet513 square feet What is a meeting in which an independent team of experts provides an in-depth analysis of project results to ensure that team members did the work accurately, completely, and to the right quality standard Simplify and state any restrictions on the variable. Remember the order of operations. Show all your work for fullmarks! The difference between a healthcare provider's stated charge and the payment agreed to with a third-party payer (such as an insurance company) is called: What techniques did joseph stalin use to strengthen his power in the soviet union following vladimir lenin's death? oa. he reversed unpopular economic collectivization policies. b. he exiled and executed huge numbers of political enemies. c. he established a state religion that all citizens had to follow. d. he relaxed the country's harsh totalitarian political systems. Why did new European immigrants who arrived after 1880 tend to experience more discrimination than old Europeanimmigrants? Question 1 of 10 What is a limitation of the first-person narrator? O A. The narrator places the reader directly in the action, making the story confusing. O B. The narrator might not be aware of the thoughts or actions of other characters O C. The narrator can hear the thoughts of too many other characters. O D. The narrator can't engage readers because his or her character is boring. The Mongols established new political order through? For the following exercises, graph the given functions by hand.48. f(x) = | 2x 4 | 3 Why do you think we need New Religious Movements? If any religions are to survive in the future, what challenges do you think they face? Do you think we will even need religion in the future? Why or why not? In "Muse des Beaux Arts," who does Auden feel best understands humansuffering?A. Icarus and DaedalusB. FarmersC. The "Old Masters"D. Poets from the pastSUBMIT How is a hydrolysis reaction the opposite of a condensation reaction? Writing an Informative Essay about an Event in History? HURRY A dipole with its charges,-q and +q located at the points (0,-b,0) and (0+b,0) is present in uniform electric field E whose equipotential surfaces are planes parallel to the YZ planes. The fine schedule for overdue books at the county library is modeled by the values in the table.Library Fines for Overdue BooksDays overdueAmount of fine00 25 410 615 820 1025 Which equation best models the fine schedule for overdue books? using your own examples, explainwhy all statements are Sentancesbut not all SentancesStatementsClearly indicate which type of nonStatement you have used in eachcase (your response should be between.500 to 600 words). Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the figure. cting Polynomials: PracticeQuestion 1 of 5Select the correct answer.Let p(x) be a polynomial as shown below, and let b be an integer.p(=) = a + a + a= + ... + an InWhich of the following is true regarding the sum and difference of p(x) and b?OThe sum-and difference of p(x) and b are integers.The sum and difference of p(x) and b are polynomials.The sum of p(x) and b is a polynomial, and the difference is an integer.The sum of plx) and b is an integer, and the difference is a polynomial.SubmitReset