FILL IN THE BLANK gena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. gena believes in the______ model of psychological disorders.


Answer 1

A intellectual/psychological disorder is characterized with the aid of a clinically vast disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour. It is usually associated with distress or impairment in vital areas of functioning.

How do psychologists classify psychological disorders?

The DSM-5 is the classification machine of psychological disorders favored by most U.S. intellectual fitness professionals, and it is posted by using the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

What are the three essential classifications of psychological disorders?

Some of the most important corporations of intellectual disorders are: mood disorders (such as melancholy or bipolar disorder) nervousness disorders. persona disorders.

Learn more about psychological disorders here:

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john has a family history of diabetes. he believes he can prevent the disease through exercise, diet, body weight control, and other preventive health behaviors. john's behavior can be explained by his


John has a family history of diabetes. he believes he can prevent the disease through exercise, diet, body weight control, and other preventive health behaviors. john's behavior can be explained by his internal locus of control.

Reinforcement is carried out to growth the danger that a specific conduct can arise in the destiny by turning in or disposing of statistics right now from one conduct. Another manner to mention it is that reinforcement, if finished correctly, finally ends up in conduct happening extra ofttimes in the destiny.

The first and fundamental supply of self-efficacy is thru mastery experiences. However, not anything is extra effective than having an immediate revel in of mastery to growth self-efficacy. The TTM posits that people circulate thru six levels of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination.

Perhaps the only plan or approach for enhancing health-associated conduct on the populace degree might be an essential restructuring of society to contain sports constant with what human beings developed to do.

Learn more about behaviors here:


in order to expose the taken-for-granted rules and codes of a culture's communication behaviors, ethnomethodologists deliberately attempt to upset patterned routines. For example, the researcher may introduce conflict into a meeting to reveal the communication rules that the group uses to manage and resolve disagreements. This is known as _______________.


When the researcher can introduce conflict into a meeting to reveal the communication rules the group uses to manage and resolve disagreements. This is known as a experimental breaching.

What is a experimental breaching?

It corresponds to a concept of social psychology, where the researcher's objective is to induce new rules and reactions that are outside the generally established social pattern. The objective is to examine the reactions of social groups and individuals in relation to social rules.

Therefore, the violation experiment corresponds to the intentional introduction of conflict in a group, so that the researcher can identify reactions, motivations and characteristics of the group.

Find out more about experimental breaching on:


According to the Blake/Mouton leadership grid, leaders who use the _____ style of leadership show high concern for production and for people


According to the Blake/Mouton leadership grid, leaders who use the Team Management style of leadership show high concern for production and for people.

The Blake Mouton model states that team management is the best type of leadership. It reveals a manager that is devoted to their work and who goes above and above for the team members.

Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed the Blake Mouton grid in 1964. It's a method of figuring out a person's leadership style based on their care for both people and output. A "Middle-of-the-Road Management" style is exhibited by managers who score medium on care for production and medium on concern for people. They make an effort to strike a balance between the requirements of employees and the performance goals of the firm.

Read more about Blake/Mouton leadership at


we like people those whose behavior is gratifying to us or whom we associate with gratifying events. this fact is consistent with the _______ theory of attraction.


The fact that we all like people whose behavior is gratifying to us is consistent with the reward theory of attraction.

According to the reward theory of attraction, people are drawn to others who display behaviours that they find pleasant or who they link with rewarding circumstances. The reward theory holds that people are drawn to persons that they find enjoyable and rewarding to be around. The reward theory also explains why people are drawn to others who are physically appealing, physically closer to them, more similar to them, or who show them affection. The reward hypothesis states that proximity is rewarding. One such reason is the lower cost of local living or employment. People gravitate toward attractive individuals because they believe that they offer more desirable qualities and that doing so will benefit them.

Learn more about reward theory of attraction here:


TRUE/FALSE. an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.


Agent must keep confidential information acquired through an agency during the term of relationship but can disclose it after agency ends. - False

A person who has been given the authority to act on behalf of another person or organization is known legally as an agent. To speak on behalf of a client in interactions and other communications with third parties, an agent may be hired. The agent might be given the power to make decisions.

An agent has a duty of confidentiality to their principal, meaning they are required to keep confidential any information acquired through the agency relationship. This duty of confidentiality applies during the term of the agency relationship and continues even after the agency ends. This includes information related to the principal's business, financial affairs, and personal matters.

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youth sport programs based on individual achievement are unlikely to produce forms of development that link young people with their local communities or encourage them to identify as citizens with vested interests in collectivities that go beyond family and team.


The popularity of organised youth sports has raised concerns regarding the advantages of participating in sports as well as strategies for luring and keeping athletes.

The people who asked these questions frequently worked for organisations that offered organised sports, and they frequently had a stake in enrolling new players and publicising their programmes by connecting sport involvement to advantageous developmental outcomes., educators, and developmental specialists to look for the best ways to teach kids, especially boys, the skills they would need to succeed as adults in rapidly growing, competitive, national, and global economies. Studies of socialisation and sport have been conducted since the 1950s.As a result, interscholastic and organised youth sports experienced significant development, though at varying rates depending on the country and location.These findings suggest that self-reflection, social support, social acceptance, and culturally based notions about sports all play a role in the decision-making processes that underlie participation in sports. As people evaluate opportunities and think about how participation fits with their sense of self, their growth, and how they are connected to the world around them, decisions about participating in sports are made on a regular basis.

To learn more about youth sports here:


if you are a young person reared within a collectivistic culture and exposed to media messaging, you have a


If you are a young person reared within a collectivistic culture and exposed to media messaging, you will have a small chance of having a self-serving bias.

A group of people's shared ideals are referred to as their culture. Around the world, there are many different varieties of cultural values. We'll discuss a specific type of culture—a collectivist culture—in this lesson. A collectivist culture is one that prioritises the needs of the community or group over those of the individual. Family, community, and kinship are all very significant. People typically cooperate in order to achieve harmony, and group cohesion is highly regarded. People in a collectivist culture are more prone to regard what is best for the group as opposed to what is best for themselves. People who come from collectivist cultures typically do not think of people as merely floating separate units in society.

Learn more about collectivistic culture here:


recall an experiment in which participants were insulted either before or after they learned that the offender was upset due to a low grade. participants were more likely to retaliate when the situation was explained to them after the insult. these results support the idea that provocation is less likely to result in an aggressive response when .


Provocation is less likely to result in an aggressive response when we are made aware of mitigating circumstances ahead of time.

What can be called aggression?

Aggression is defined by social psychologists as behavior that is meant to harm another person who doesn't wish to be harmed.

Violence is defined by social psychologists as aggression with the goal of causing severe bodily harm, such as death or injury. As a result, violence is a subcategory of aggression.

All the violent acts are aggressive, however only those intended to cause severe bodily harm, such as assault, murder, robbery are violent. Slapping someone across the face may be violent, but insulting individuals is only aggressive.

What are different types of aggression?

Based on the level of intent, aggression can be of two types

Impulsive or emotional aggression - accidentally harming othersCognitive or Instrumental aggression - intentionally harming others

Based on the nature of aggression, it can be grouped into following categories

Physical aggression – doing bodily harmNon-Physical aggression - will include verbal aggression (shouting and swearing, screaming, swearing, and calling names) as well as relational or social aggression, which would be defined as intentionally causing harm to another person's social relationships, such as spreading gossip about the next person, or giving someone else the "silent treatment."

To know more about Aggression, check out:


list and describe the structures (including composition) associated with the conducting and the respiratory zones. then discuss the contribution(s) of structure to the overall function of the respiratory system.


The nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, & bronchioles comprise the conducting zone. These structures create a continuous pathway for air to enter and exit the lungs.

Bronchioles are small branches of bronchi tubes in the lower lung tract. They comprise the terminal bronchioles and, lastly, the respiratory bronchioles, which mark the beginning of the respiratory zone and provide air to the gas exchanging organs of the alveoli. Bronchioles no longer have cartilage or glands in their submucosa like bronchi. A pulmonary lobule is that region of the lung that is ventilated by a single bronchiole. Bronchioles have walls made from ciliated cuboidal epithelium & a layer of smooth muscle. Bronchioles split into much smaller bronchioles, known as terminals, that are 0.5 mm or smaller in diameter.

Learn more about terminals here


Donald Broadbent (1958) proposed a mechanical model of attention and short term memory using balls dropped into a Y-shaped tube. He argued that psychologist should think of input from the senses not a physical stimuli but as


Through the development of an "information processing" approach to issues related to attention, decision-making, memory, and control, Donald Broadbent made a significant impact on Western psychology.

What has Donald Broadbent contributed to the history of psychology?

Broadbent's experimental and theoretical work on attention and short-term memory earned him a reputation as one of cognitive psychology's founders.

What is the theory of Broadbent's attention?

The selective filter theory proposed by D. E. Broadbent in 1958 states that people do not process unattended stimuli beyond the evaluation of fundamental physical properties. Based on numerous findings that people identify irrelevant (and supposedly unattended) stimuli, this theory was later rejected.

To learn more about cognitive psychology's here:


Which of the following terms applies to the idea that the government should not interfere with religion?
The gender gap
Religious affiliation
Separation of church and state
A demographic factor


words relate to the notion that the government shouldn't meddle in religious matters separation between the two. Separation of church and state

First Amendment's Establishment Clause is frequently read as requiring the separation of church and state. The meaning of this Constitutional provision was mostly agreed upon for the first 150 years or so of the nation's history. However, as the populace grew increasingly varied, issues with current laws and customs occurred. Eventually, the Supreme Court was asked to decide what the establishment clause meant. Although the First Amendment does not mention it specifically, many people understand the provision to suggest that the Constitution demands the separation of church and state.

learn more about Separation of church and state here:


According to deception research, which of the following behavioral changes is a reliable cue to deception?
A. Decreased eye contact
B. Decreased gesturing
C. Reduced vocal pitch
D. Increased smiling


The correct answer is A). Decreased eye contact. the following behavioral changes is a valid indicator of dishonesty, according to deception research a reduction in eye contact.

The polygraph is the most popular technique for mentally identifying deception. All of these techniques examine signs of physiological changes that are normally undetectable to the untrained eye in order to spot dishonesty. Vocal tone is a strong indicator of emotion since, according to research, it deviates from the usual in up to 95% of all erroneous comments. It is one of the best predictors of dishonesty, and its level depends on the emotions in the room.

Four sets of isolated falsehoods involving knowledge of oneself, one set of isolated lies including knowledge of another person, and a coherent collection of planned, memorized lies about a life experience were used.

Read more about deception research at


True or False, Tolerance refers to when words, ideas, and values from another culture are gradually adopted by another.


False. diffusion refers to when words, ideas, and values from another culture are gradually adopted by another.

The capacity to endure something painful or unpleasant is known as tolerance. It is the capacity or readiness to put up with the presence of beliefs or actions that one finds objectionable. It involves appreciating others' viewpoints that are different from our own.A fair and objective attitude toward others who live differently than you is what is meant by tolerance. Many academics have noted that your level of tolerance is correlated with your levels of pleasure and contentment; nevertheless, these same experts seem to have difficulty addressing paradoxical questions like, "Are tolerant individuals more happy, or are happy people more tolerant.In a democratic society, deliberate non-interference in the lives, traditions, and beliefs of those with whom others disagree requires respect for and acceptance of their legal rights; this is sometimes referred to as "civic tolerance." In more positive words, we acknowledge that tolerance does not imply approval.

learn more about tolerance here:


drivers who are involved in or come upon a traffic crash should stop their vehicle in a safe, well-lit public place that does not obstruct traffic, if able to do so. True or False


The statement is true. Drivers who are involved in a traffic crash should stop their vehicle in a safe place or well-lit public place that does not obstruct traffic, if able to do so.

Driving, which can apply to cars, motorbikes, trucks, buses, and bicycles, is the regulated functioning and movement of a vehicle. Drivers are required to abide by the local traffic and road rules when driving on public highways. Permission to travel on roadways is granted subject to a number of requirements being completed. The word "driving" has an etymology that dates back to the 15th century, and it has evolved as the scope of what driving has included has varied through time, from service dogs in the 15th to automobiles in the 1800s. Driving today requires a variety of physical, mental, and safety skills, all of which have evolved since the fifteenth century.

Learn more about drivers here:


prefer direct service or helping opportunities involving advising, counseling, coaching, mentoring, teaching, or group discussion. Drawn to humanistic or social causes.


Social causes prefer direct service or helping opportunities involving advising, counseling, coaching, mentoring, teaching, or group discussion.

A Social causes is a hassle that affects many people within a society. it is a set of commonplace problems in gift-day society and ones that many people attempt to resolve. it is regularly the consequence of factors extending beyond an man or woman's manage.

A social trouble is any condition or conduct that has bad consequences for big numbers of people and this is usually identified as a situation or conduct that wishes to be addressed. This definition has both an objective thing and a subjective element. Social troubles are crucial studies topics due to the fact they assist people keep in mind that there are many methods to consider and method the identical problem, and that they teach important critical wondering skills.

Learn more about Social causes here:


this pertains to how people express themselves through mannerisms, speech patterns, dress, hairstyles, etc


Gender expression pertains to how people express themselves through mannerisms, speech patterns, dress, hairstyles, etc.

A person's behavior, mannerisms, hobbies, and looks that are connected to gender, more especially with the categories of femininity or masculinity, is referred to as gender expression or gender presentation.

Gender roles are also included in this. These classifications are based on gender preconceptions.

Though this is not always the case, gender expression frequently mirrors a person's gender identity (internal feeling of their own gender). Sexual orientation and the sex assigned at birth are not related to gender expression.

Gender identification can be displayed in a person's behavior, attire, hairstyle, makeup application, and other exterior features. It's not always the case that a person's gender expression matches up with their gender identification.

To know more about gender expression:


which of the following terms is not typically used by quantitative researchers to refer to people who participate in a study? br/ group of answer choices


Subjects are not used by qualitative researchers to refer to people who participate in a study

In a qualitative study, subjects are not used to refer to people who participate in a study. Instead, qualitative researchers often refer to the participants in their studies as informants or respondents. This terminology reflects that qualitative research is focused on understanding the experiences, perspectives, and meanings that individuals attach to their lives and the world around them.

In qualitative research, the researcher is more interested in individual participants' subjective experiences and interpretations of events, rather than in generalizing findings to a larger population. As a result, the researcher is more likely to use terms such as "informants" or "respondents" to emphasize the unique, individualized nature of each participant's experiences and perspectives.

Complete Question

Which term is not used by qualitative researchers to refer to people who participate in a study?


Key informants

Study participants


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dr. scott focuses on getting to the root of her patients' major depression by exploring how they feel, think, and behave. her focus is primarily on: O psychopharmacology. O commitment. O psychotherapy. O biomedical therapy.


Dr. Scott focuses on getting to the root of her patients' major depression by exploring how they feel, think, and behave. Her focus is primarily on psychotherapy. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

What is psychotherapy?

The term "psychotherapy" refers to the process of treating mental health issues through conversation with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional. You gain knowledge about your disease as well as your moods, feelings, ideas, and actions during psychotherapy. People are ashamed to acknowledge they need help because they fear being judged, changing, the unknown, and what they might learn in treatment.

Additionally, some individuals question the effectiveness of mental health treatment because they are unsure of its success or have a flawed understanding of how it operates. It's built on dialogue and offers a safe space where you can speak honestly with a person who is impartial, unbiased, and non-judgmental.

Learn more about psychotherapy, here:


The increase in____that has occurred over the past few decades may result in children feeling a lower sense of obligation to their parents, placing a greater burden for the care of aging adults on society.


The increase in divorce that has occurred over the past few decades may result in children feeling a lower sense of obligation to their parents, placing a greater burden for the care of aging adults on society.

In the modern world, divorce has become common due to the instability in the world and people not being able to cooperate with each other.

As a result of divorce, the children of the divorcees are the ones that are most affected. While some children might end up in depression, there are others that do not feel any sense of obligation to their parents due to the divorce. Such children are taken care of by aging adults or grandparents and hence increase the burden on them. These children might not be close to either of their parents.

To learn more about divorce, click here


this was one of the earliest attempts to explain how individuals adjust to aging and has endured partly because of its self-evident nature; it is one that people can relate to and understand.


One of the earliest attempts to describe how people adjust to ageing was role theory. This was one of the first attempts to describe how people adjust to age, and it has survived in part because it is selfevident; it is one that people can connect to and comprehend.

Age discrimination occurs when an applicant or employee is treated unfairly because of his or her age. Age discrimination against anyone over the age of 40 is prohibited by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

Learn more about to self-evident visit here;


jerome has just been betrayed by his friend ali. which of the following is the most important consideration jerome should make as he assesses whether or not to continue this friendship?


According to question, important consideration Jerome should make as he assesses whether or not to continue this friendship that they are separated, they both want the other to remain precisely the same.

The most important indicator of friendships is likely closeness. Though closeness and friendship can both be defined in a variety of ways, they are frequently used as indicators of how significant a connection .

A close friend speaks from the heart and is honest. They tell you what you need to hear in a way that you can understand rather than talking about you behind your back. You can confide in a trustworthy buddy with all of your weaknesses, phobias, and idiosyncrasies.

To know more about friendship visit :


clinicians who view personality disorders as extremes of normal personality rather than as have criticized the way the dsm classifies personality disorders.


The diagnosis of 'personality disorder' is debatable because specialists disagree regarding how temperament disorders are perceived. It does not take social context into enough account. The term itself is stigmatizing.

If you've got a disturbance, you will be self-harming to manage terribly tough feelings or overwhelming things and experiences. According to a significant study, a personality disorder is the foremost rife disturbance. The second commonest is a personality disorder, followed by borderline disturbance.

Personality disorders are unit tough to treat; as a result, it is very tough for somebody laid low with one in every one of these disorders to separate their temperament (how they move with others, however, they read the globe, and the way they admit themselves) from the symptoms of their mental state.

To learn more about Personality disorders, visit here


ian laperriere took a slap shot to the face late in the first period of the game against the buffalo sabres


Ian Laperriere took a slap shot to the face late in the first period of the game against the buffalo sabres in 2009.

Currently serving as the head coach of the Lehigh Valley Phantoms, the American Hockey League affiliate and main development team for the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers, Ian Laperrière is a former professional ice hockey winger who played 16 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL). After being struck in the face twice by pucks the previous season, Laperrière had post-concussion syndrome symptoms and visual nerve damage during training camp in September 2010. After being placed on injured reserve prior to the start of the season and then on long-term injured reserve in mid-December to free up salary cap space, he was then sidelined for the entirety of the 2010–11 campaign. Laperrière was told by doctors to retire, but he didn't at the time.

Learn more about league here:


a decline in visual function and the ability to perform two tasks at the same time are predictable effects on driving that occur with a bac of____.


Driving is affected predictably by a BAC of 0.02%, which leads to a reduction in visual function and the capacity to multitask.

What is visual function?

Functional vision is the ability to navigate and interact with your environment by utilising the combined power of your eyes, brain, and visual pathways. Functional vision is defined as having effective eye teaming, eye focussing, and coordinated eye movement in your kid. The ability of the eyes and the primary visual system to recognise a target stimuli is referred to as visual function. Testing is often done repeatedly under controlled testing circumstances by changing one parameter at a time (for instance, the size of the target) until a threshold of performance is reached.

What is functional vision problem?

Additionally, it describes how your eyes work together and how your brain and eyes work together. For instance, a person with functional vision issues might have 20/20 vision, but they may struggle to maintain their place when reading a book or the text may hop around on the page. In people with untreatable sources of visual loss, functional low vision was defined as a corrected visual acuity in the better eye of less than 6/18 to greater than no perception of light (NPL).

To know more about Visual visit:


which of the following teens is most likely to experience popularity among peers as a result of his or her age of maturation?


The following teens is most likely to experience popularity among peers as a result of his or her age of maturation Colby is maturing earlier than many of his peers.

What exactly does maturation mean?

The development of personality traits through growth processes. The last stages of differentiation (see differentiation sense 2b) of cells, tissues, or organs. The process of maturation (see mature entry 1 sense 2)

What does maturation look like?

The process of maturation is accompanied with increases in size, height, body mass, and the volume of muscle tissue. Children's gross motor and fine motor skills, as well as their coordination and gate control, all develop as they get older.

What does biological maturation entail?

Introduction. Human growth and development are characterized by a process known as biological maturation, which is subject to individual variances in timing and rate (Malina et al., 2004; Cuming et al., 2008; Guedes, 2011).

To Know more about maturation


Increasing specialization within the global economy depends on which of these?
Favorable climate
Strict banking regulations
International trade


Increasing specialization within the global economy depends on international trade. The correct option is c.

What does a specialization in international trade within the economy mean?

Specialization is a method of production whereby an entity focuses on the production of a limited scope of goods to gain a greater degree of efficiency. Many countries, for example, specialize in producing the goods and services that are native to their part of the world, and they trade them for other goods and services.

This specialization is thus the basis of global trade, as few countries have enough production capacity to be completely self-sustaining. Specialization can help organizations and individuals understand effective strategies for production and commerce. This process can allow companies to increase their productivity and use employees' strongest skills and industry-related competencies. The benefits of specialization include a larger quantity of goods and services that can be produced, improved productivity, production beyond a nation's production possibility curve, and resources that can be used more efficiently.

When an economy can specialize in production, it benefits from international trade.

Learn more about specialization, here:


the american association dropped homosexuality as a disorder because more and more of its members no longer viewed it as a psychological problem. please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices medical sociological psychological psychiatric


The American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality as a disorder because more and more of its members no longer viewed it as a psychological problem.

Psychiatry is the scientific forte dedicated to the analysis, prevention, and remedy of intellectual disorders.[1][2] these consist of diverse maladaptations related to mood, behaviour, cognition, and perceptions. See word list of psychiatry. initial psychiatric evaluation of a person typically begins with a case history and intellectual reputation exam. physical examinations and psychological tests may be carried out. occasionally, neuroimaging or different neurophysiological strategies are used.[3] mental issues are often recognized in accordance with scientific ideas indexed in diagnostic manuals along with the worldwide classification of illnesses (ICD), edited and utilized by the sector fitness business enterprise (WHO) and the extensively used Diagnostic and Statistical manual of intellectual problems (DSM), posted by means of the american Psychiatric association (APA).

LEarn more about Psychiatric here


Nepalese women lack skills to develop their ideas into business plans justify​


They lack those skills because they are not used to business like the men.

You have discovered a new animal and have decided to test its muscle physiology during exercise. While exercising the animal, you continually assay the blood and muscle chemistry. Your assays demonstrate that blood glucose levels drop dramatically and remain low throughout the whole exercise period. Additionally, you find that the muscle fibers exhaust their glycogen stores and that there is little to no glucose or lactate found within the cells. However, ATP levels within the cell are normal. Which of the following can you conclude regarding this animal's ability to maintain muscle activity during exercise?
a. The animal only uses fats for muscle metabolism within the cell in order to produce ATP.
b. The animal only utilizes anaerobic metabolism for the production of ATP.
c. The intestinal transport of glucose in these animals must be extraordinarily high.
d. The animal produces an excessive amount of lactic acid that is delivered to the liver for gluconeogenesis.


The animal uses fatty acids for the production of ATP for the energy required for muscle contraction

Hence, Option a is the correct option.

The low levels of glucose suggests that the gluconeogenesis is not occurring as per the pace required.

The low levels of lactic acid also suggests that the muscle is not undergoing any anaerobic metabolism.

Gluconeogenesis is a process that transforms non-carbohydrate substrates (such as lactate, amino acids, and glycerol) into glucose (Figure 1). Both lactate and alanine are first converted into pyruvate, which then enters the mitochondrion and is carboxylated to oxaloacetate (OAA) by pyruvate carboxylase (PC)

To learn more about Great Depression here:


according to research, psychological goals of early adulthood that require expanded linguistic skills include which of the following


Research suggests that early adult psychological goals that call for linguistic expansion include Developing close relationships, entering the workforce, and developing a sense of identity.

To summarize psychological goals, they can be broken down into four main categories: describing, explaining, predicting, and changing or controlling behavior. These objectives form the basis of the majority of theories and research projects that aim to comprehend the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes that people experience on a daily basis. Though psychology is a vast subject of study, it is easy to observe the value it adds to numerous facets of human society. Psychology contributes to peak human performance by illuminating the connections between human thoughts and behaviors and biology, mental processes, social relationships, and interactions. This deeper understanding enables people to make wiser decisions or to overcome the barriers preventing them from doing so.

learn more about psychological goals here:


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