external factors, such as stress or smoking, may influence gene expression, i.e., whether a specific gene is turned on or off. changes in gene expression may be inherited or passed from parent to child. the scientific study of heritable changes in gene expression is called . a. genomics b. epigenetics c. molecular genetics d. behavioral genetics


Answer 1

Option b , Epigenetics is the scientific study of heritable changes in gene expression. This term refers to the study of the changes in gene activity that can occur without any changes to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be caused by a variety of external factors, such as stress, smoking, and environmental toxins.

Epigenetic changes can be inherited or passed from parent to child. For example, if a parent has experienced high levels of stress, their offspring may inherit this epigenetic change. Similarly, if a parent smokes, their offspring may inherit an epigenetic change that affects their gene expression. This could result in increased risk of certain diseases or disorders.

In addition to being passed from parent to child, epigenetic changes can also be acquired during an individual’s lifetime. For instance, smoking or exposure to environmental toxins can cause epigenetic changes that may increase an individual’s risk of certain diseases.

The study of epigenetics has allowed researchers to gain a better understanding of how environmental factors can influence gene expression and how these changes can be passed from parent to child. This knowledge has the potential to improve our understanding of certain diseases and disorders, and may lead to more effective treatments.

Learn more about Epigenetics at : https://brainly.com/question/29659855


Related Questions

During winter, when temperatures are low and days are short, some plants are
dormant and do not have leaves. What must these plants rely on for energy?
A. Photosynthesis in the stems
B. Nutrients from the soil
C. Stored sugars in tissues
D. Light from the Sun


Nutrients from the soil

Actually the answer is stored sugars in tissues because not all the times their is nutrients in soil.And plants autotrophic so, they make their food by themselves. Moreover these sugar that stored in the plant tissues was produced by the process photosynthesis
During the winter time the plants use the sugar that stored in the tissues

Chooe the tatement that bet decribe the Moon' landcape. Pare vegetation, very little eroion, andy oil
riverbed with boulder, dut torm, bad weather
almot flat and featurele with ome rolling hill
powdery oil, crater, mountain, valley


According to the question, there are several craters that were created by volcanic eruptions in Maria.

What triggers erosion?

When earth is exposed to high winds, heavy rains, and moving water, soil erosion predominantly takes place. Some anthropogenic impacts, like farming and clearing land, make soil more prone to erosion.

What is the straightforward meaning of erosion?

Mud - brick minerals are worn away during erosion, a geology process in which they are moved by wind or water. Buffeting, a related process that does not involve movement, degrades or breaks down rock. A little rock fragment being carried away from a mountainside by the wind as an illustration of erosion.

To know more about Erosion visit:



The correct question is-

Choose the statement that best describes the Moon's landscape.

A. sparse vegetation, very little erosion, sandy soil

B. riverbeds with boulders, dust storms, bad weather

C. many craters, maria formed from volcanic eruptions

D. almost flat and featureless with some rolling hills

what is upwelling A. when infertile species reproduce B. the productivity of an ecosystem C. the mixing of 2 biomes D. water moving up from the benthic zone.


Upwelling is the process of cold, nutrient-rich water moving up from the deep ocean to the surface. This can occur when wind blowing over the surface of the ocean pushes surface water away, causing the deeper, colder water to rise up to replace it. Upwelling is important because it brings nutrients from the deep ocean to the surface, where they can be used by phytoplankton and other primary producers to support the growth of other marine organisms. Upwelling is a major factor in the productivity of marine ecosystems and plays a key role in the global climate system.

sometimes errors occur during transcription or translation. examine the codon chart on the previous page. notice that each amino acid is coded for by several different codons. for example, alanine is coded for by gcu, gcc, gca, and gcg. how might this offset transcription or translation errors?


Errors in transcription or translation can be offset by the redundancy of the genetic code. The codon chart displayed on the previous page shows that each amino acid is coded for by multiple different codons. This redundancy helps to reduce the likelihood of errors in translation or transcription.

For example, Alanine can be coded for by four different codons: GCU, GCC, GCA and GCG. This means that if a mutation occurs in the coding strand of DNA, such as a single base substitution, the new codon may still code for Alanine. As a result, the amino acid sequence will not be changed and the protein product of the gene will remain the same. This is known as a silent mutation and it can offset errors in transcription or translation.

The redundancy of the genetic code also helps to reduce the chances of errors occurring during translation. This is because, if a codon is misread, the cell can still recognize the correct amino acid. For example, if a cell misreads the codon for Alanine (GCA) as GAA, the cell will still recognize the correct amino acid because GAA is the codon for Glutamic Acid. This means that the protein product of the gene will remain the same.

In conclusion, the redundancy of the genetic code helps to offset errors in transcription and translation by allowing single base substitutions to go unnoticed and allowing codons to be misread without changing the amino acid sequence of the protein product.

Learn more about transcription at : https://brainly.com/question/8146084


fsh in females circulates to the ____________ where it induces folliculogenesis.


FSH in females circulates to the ovaries where it induces folliculogenesis.

A glycoprotein hormone called FSH has two peptide components in it. The well-known function of FSH in the development of follicles is to promote the growth of a sizable pre-ovulatory follicle that, as a result of its maturation in response to FSH, is able to ovulate and develop a corpus luteum in response to the mid-cycle surge of LH. In ovarian stimulation for assisted reproductive technologies, FSH is frequently employed. In order to enhance the number of oocytes and prevent an early LH surge, ovarian stimulation methods combine the use of human menopausal gonadotrophin, urinary FSH, or recombinant FSH with GnRH agonists or antagonists. Recently, innovative stimulation regimens combining recombinant FSH, recombinant LH, and GnRH antagonists have been made possible by the availability of recombinant LH.

To know more about FSH check the below link:



if the permeability of the membrane to k , na , and cl- are 100, 3, and 10 respectively, what is the resting membrane potential of this cell?


The resting membrane potential of S-A node cell was investigated by observing the response of the membrane potential to change in [K+]O or [Cl-]O under the presence or absence of Na ion.

The slope of the change in membrane potential per decade change in [K+]O increased from 12.3 to 44 mV by removal of Na ion from the external medium, suggesting an extensive contribution of Na ion to the resting membrane potential. To determine the relative conductance between Na and K ions, Cl ion in Tyrode solution was substituted with SCN ion, which is 2.1 times more permeable than Cl ion, in order to eliminate the contribution of Cl concentration cell to the resting membrane potential. The contribution of the Cl ion to the resting membrane potential could be examined only in Na-free medium. Acetate ion has been reported to be 0.5 times less permeable than Cl ion. The replacement of Cl ion by acetate ion in various proportions caused a transient depolarization. The slope of this transient depolarization per decade change of [Cl-]O between 10 to 100 mM was determined to be -6.8mV. Under the assumption that the resting membrane potential could be determined by the parallel concentration cells for Na, K and Cl, relative conductance ratio between K, Na and Cl was calculated to be 1:0.58:0.15.

Learn more about membrane potential at,



each cell of the body combines nutrients and oxygen and produces energy and waste products through a process called:


Cellular respiration, the process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules, diverting the chemical energy in these substances into life-sustaining activities and discarding, as waste products, carbon dioxide and water.

During the process of cellular respiration, the oxidation of biological fuels takes place in the presence of an inorganic electron acceptor, such as oxygen, and large amounts of energy are produced that are needed to power the initial creation of ATP. The process through which chemical energy from food is converted into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in an organism's cells, followed by the ejection of waste products, is known as cellular respiration. Catabolic reactions, which reduce large molecules into smaller ones and release energy, lead to respiration. One of the main ways a cell releases chemical energy to power cellular activity is through respiration.

To learn more about cellular respiration click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29760658


when calcium moves through the channels and into the axon terminals, what is released from the synaptic vesicles?


When calcium moves through the channels and into the axon terminals, They store neurotransmitters and release them by calcium-triggered exocytosis.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that your frame can not function with out. Their process is to hold chemical signals (“messages”) from one neuron (nerve cellular) to the following goal mobile. The following goal cellular may be another nerve mobile, a muscle cellular or a gland.

Despite the fact that there are numerous unique minor and principal neurotransmitters, we can cognizance on those important six: acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, GABA, and glutamate.

Glutamate (Glu) is the maximum effective excitatory neurotransmitter of the relevant nervous device which guarantees homeostasis with the effects of GABA.

Learn more about Neurotransmitters here:- https://brainly.com/question/26387085


what are the min, max and optimal for psychrophiles, mesophiles, thermophiles and hyperthermophiles?


Psychrophiles (<15 °C), mesophiles (20–45 °C), thermophiles (45–80 °C) and hyperthermophiles (>85 °C).

According to the range of temperatures at which they can grow, microbes can be loosely categorized. At the temperature where the organism can grow at its fastest rates. Its minimal growth temperature is the lowest temperature at which the organism can endure and reproduce. Its maximal growth temperature is the highest temperature at which growth is possible. The acceptable growth temperature ranges listed below are simply estimates and may change depending on other environmental conditions.Mesophiles, or "middle-loving," organisms are acclimated to moderate temperatures, with ideal growth temperatures falling between room temperature (about 20 °C) and 45 °C. Psychrotrophic organisms, also referred to as psychrotolerant organisms, favor cooler settings, ranging from a high temperature of 25 °C to refrigeration. Extreme psychrophiles are the creatures recovered from northern lakes like Lake Whillans (cold loving). Microorganisms known as psychrophiles can grow at temperatures as low as 0 °C and have an ideal growth temperature of

temperatures about 4 °C, and typically cannot survive at temps beyond 20 °C.

To know more about mesophiles, visit:

How do the apical and lateral meristems produce primary and secondary growth in plants?


At the meristem, primary growth takes place (a meristem located at the tip of a stem). Due to the activity of the lateral meristems, primary growth results in an increase in the thickness or diameter of the plant body.

What is lateral meristem and its function?

Because they are in charge of secondary growth, or an increase in branch girth and thickness, lateral meristems are sometimes referred to as secondary meristems. In wounded tissues, meristems regenerate from other cells and are in charge of repairing wounds.

Where does the lateral meristem work?

The meristems found along the longitudinal axis area of plant roots and shoots are known as lateral meristems. The purpose of the lateral inflorescence is to enhance plant thickness. These are referred to as lateral meristems because cambium are found along the lateral surfaces of the stem and roots.

To know more about Lateral meristems visit:



Need help in this too please!! I’m so confused on it lol


The interphase stage in cell division has the following three phases in order:

G1 phase - cell growthS phase - DNA synthesisG2 phase - cell growth.

What is interphase in cell division?

Interphase in cell division is the phase of the cell cycle in which there are no observable changes in the cell when viewed through the microscope. It is the phase in the cell cycle in which the cell carries out normal cellular activities such as:

obtaining nutrients and metabolizing them,growing and replicating its DNA in preparation for mitosis, etc.

The Interphase stage in cell division comprises the following three phases:

G1 phase- this is the phase of cell growthS phase - this is the phase of DNA synthesisG2 phase - this is the second phase of cell growth.

Learn more about interphase at: https://brainly.com/question/28307942


When Irish immigrants came to the United States, many attempted to learn the traits and behaviors of the dominant white culture. What does this behavior by the Irish immigrants BEST represent?






Answer: C

Explanation: The behavior of Irish immigrants attempting to learn the traits and behaviors of the dominant white culture represents assimilation. Assimilation is the process by which individuals or groups adopt the norms and values of the dominant culture in order to fit in and be accepted. In this case, the Irish immigrants were trying to assimilate into white American culture in order to improve their social standing and opportunities in the United States. This is different from pluralism, where different cultural groups coexist without necessarily adopting the dominant culture, and segregation, where cultural groups are forcibly separated based on race or ethnicity. Amalgamation, also known as racial mixing, refers to the mixing of different racial or ethnic groups through intermarriage.


C. assimilation


The behavior by the Irish immigrants best represents assimilation. Assimilation is the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society. In this case, the Irish immigrants attempted to learn the traits and behaviors of the dominant white culture.

Activity of integration Mot of the people in a certain village called Bileafe where much tobacco i grown bought vehicle after tobacco ale. However, no ooner than later many of the vehicle either broke down or they were parked at home ince fuel became expenive to afford. A a tudent of chemitry, develop a meage for the owner of the car in thi village explaining why the vehicle hould be kept well even if they are poilt, where they hould be kept, and what kind of change they will undergo if not properly kept. You can ue the reource to help you develop the meage. ​


A message for the owner of the car is park the vehicles in cool dry environment, so that vehicle parts can be prevent from rusting.

Rusting is the normal term for corrosion of iron and its composites, like steel. Different metals go through comparable consumption, yet the subsequent oxides are not regularly called rust. Given adequate time, oxygen, and water, any iron mass ultimately changes over altogether to rust and crumbles.

Rust is a general term for a progression of iron oxides, normally red oxides, shaped by the response of iron with oxygen within the sight of water or air dampness.

A few types of rust are recognizable outwardly and by spectroscopy, and structure under various circumstances. Rust comprises of hydrated iron(III) oxides Fe₂O₃·nH₂O, iron(III) oxide-hydroxide -Fe(OH)₃.

To know more about rusting,visit here:



Which size forest fragment would be most affected by habitat fragmentation over a given period of time?
A.1000 hectares.
B.1 hectare.
C.10 hectares.
D.100 hectares.


1 hectare size forest fragment would be most affected by habitat fragmentation over a given period of time.

Habitat fragmentation often modifications the microenvironment on the fragment facet, resulting in extended mild stages, higher sunlight hours temperatures, higher wind speeds, and lower humidity.

Each of those facet outcomes can have a big effect at the energy and composition of the species within the fragment.

Destruction and degradation of natural ecosystems are the number one reasons of declines in international biodiversity (1, 2). Habitat destruction commonly leads to fragmentation, the division of habitat into smaller and greater isolated fragments separated by way of a matrix of human-transformed land cover.

Learn more about habitat here:- https://brainly.com/question/728057


how do the three layers of connective tissue surrouding the belly of a muscle work with tendons to create movement


A tendon is made up mostly of collagenous fibres and is a thick, fibrous connective tissue. The fundamental components of a tendon are primary collagen fibres, which are made up of clusters of collagen fibrils.

Primary fibres are gathered into primary fibre bundles (subfasicles), and collections of these bundles make secondary fibre bundles (fasicles). Tertiary fibre bundles are formed by a number of secondary fibre bundles, and these bundles in turn form the tendon unit. The endotenon, a connective tissue sheath that surrounds the primary, secondary, and tertiary bundles, makes it easier for the bundles to glide against one another when the tendon moves. The thin layer of connective tissue that sheathes the tendon unit, the epitenon, is next to the endotenon.

Lying outside the epitenon and contiguous with it is a loose elastic connective tissue layer known as paratenon, which allows the tendon to move against neighbouring tissues. The tendon is attached to the bone by collagenous fibres (Sharpey fibres) that continue into the matrix of the bone.

To learn more about tendon, refer: https://brainly.com/question/3205735


the percentage of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the ph is 7.2 is lower than the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the ph is 7.6. this can be explained best by .


The percentage of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the pH is 7.2 is lower than the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the pH is 7.6. This can be explained best by oxygen affinity.

Hemoglobin is the red-colored pigment present in the blood that performs two functions. It provides red color to the blood and also helps in the transport of oxygen to the different parts of the body. A hemoglobin molecule can bind to 4 oxygen atoms at once.

Oxygen affinity is the ability of oxygen to bind to the hemoglobin molecule. More affinity means the oxygen can bind more tightly to the Hb molecule.

To know more about oxygen affinity, here



Describe one reason that the framers chose to use the electoral college as the method to elect the president.


The founders of the Constitution decided to elect the president through the electoral college in part to protect against direct election by uneducated voters and to appease the elites.

The process used to elect the president of the United States is the Electoral College. United States-based company The Constitution intends for all 50 states to be able to vote in presidential elections. Two considerations led to the establishment of the Electoral College. The first goal was to put some distance between the electorate and the presidential election. The second was a component of the government's structure that allowed the smaller states more authority.

To know more about Electoral College please click on the link brainly.com/question/7954182


Drinking a liter of water will cause all these changes except __________.
a fall in the osmotic pressure of the ICF
production of a hypoosmotic urine
a fall in the osmotic pressure of the ECF
ADH release



pressure of the ECF; this would force water to leave the blood capillaries. Are these two statements true ...


the half-life of carbon 14 is 5,730 years. A bone originally contained 20 grams of carbon 14. How many grams of carbon 14 would be left after 3 half lives show your work


If the half-life of carbon is 5.730 years, a bone containing 20 grams of carbon 14 would be left with 2.5 grams after 3 half-lives.

What is half-life?

The half-life of a substance is the period of time it takes for half of the amount of the substance to decay.

The half-life of a decaying substance is given by the following mathematical expression:

N (t) = [tex]N_o(\frac{1}{2} )^\frac{t}{t_\frac{1}{2} }[/tex]

Where N(t) is the quantity remaining, [tex]N_o[/tex] is the initial quantity, t is the time that has elapsed, and [tex]t_\frac{1}{2}[/tex] is the half-life.

In this case, [tex]N_o[/tex] = 20, t = 3x5730 and [tex]t_\frac{1}{2}[/tex] = 5,730 years

[tex]t/t_\frac{1}{2}[/tex] = 3x5730/5730 = 3


N(3) = [tex]20(1/2)^3[/tex]

       = 2.5 grams

In other words, the amount of carbon 14 that would be left after 3 half-lives would be 2.5 grams.

More on half-life can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/24710827


How do cells conserve genetic information and still increase genetic variability?


because of recombination and independent assortment in meiosis each gamete contains a differnt set one dna

streptomyces, mycobacterium, pseudomonas, bacillus, and clostridium are bacterial genera that may all be involved in what process that is important for plant growth and ecosystem health?


The bacterial genera streptomyces, mycobacterium, pseudomonas, bacillus, and clostridium are all involved in the process of nitrogen fixation that is important for plant growth and ecosystem health.

Nitrogen fixation is the process of converting the environmental nitrogen into usable forms by the plants. This is done by the legumes of the plants as well as the various nitrogen fixing microorganisms. biological fixation of nitrogen is the major process through which nitrogen is fixed.

Ecosystem is comprised of the abiotic and biotic factors of an area existing by being interdependent one each other. The abiotic factors are the rocks, soil, temperature, wind, sunlight, etc.

To know more about ecosystem, here



FILL IN THE BLANK. movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________.



Upward lateral movement of the humerus in the plane of the scapula, away from the body

Another example is

A movement of a body part away from the midline, either of the body as a whole or that of the hand or foot, is termed abduction

To know more about abduction refer


during semiconservative replication, the dna sequence act results in which sequence on the new strand?


Option a is Correct. The DNA sequence ACT on one strand of the original DNA molecule would result in the sequence TGA on the new complementary strand during semi-conservative replication.

Describe DNA:

All living things include a molecule called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that contains their genetic code. Long chains of nucleotides, the fundamental constituents of DNA, make up its structure. Deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base make up each nucleotide. In DNA, nitrogenous bases come in four different varieties: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).

The original DNA molecule is unraveled and split into two strands during semi-conservative replication by helicase enzymes. An enzyme known as DNA polymerase uses these strands as templates to create new complementary strands. According to the DNA base-pairing regulations, the new strands are created by adding nucleotides that are complementary to the nucleotides on the template strands: adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). As a result, the corresponding sequence TGA on the new strand would result from the sequence ACT on one strand of the original DNA molecule.

To learn more about DNA Visit: brainly.com/question/21992450


Correct Question:

During semiconservative replication, the dna sequence act results in which sequence on the new strand?

a. ACT

b. TCA

c. TGA

d. UGA

Why are indoor chemical bazards generally more harmful than outdoor chemical hazards?


Indoor chemical hazards are generally more harmful than outdoor chemical hazards because indoor air is often more concentrated with pollutants, making it easier for them to be inhaled and absorbed into the body. Additionally, indoor air often does not have the same level of ventilation that outdoor air does, meaning pollutants can accumulate more quickly. This increases the chances of serious health effects from exposure to these pollutants.


Inside chemical hazards are concentrated in a smaller area. As well, most people spend more time inside than outside.


if an animal is in respiratory distress, many times the veterinarian will request they be positioned lying on their belly for chest films. what position is this called?


"The veterinarian will frequently suggest that an animal be placed laying on its tummy for chest films if it is experiencing respiratory distress. This posture is referred to as dorsoventral.

The term "radiographic positioning" refers to the placement of the body, or more specifically, to the region of the body that is closest to the focal plane. The primary imaging technique used to assess thoracic trauma, particularly rib fractures and related sequelae, is computed tomography (CT). Studies have demonstrated that even in individuals with first radiographs that are normal, CT can reveal serious illnesses (such as thoracic aortic damage) (3)."The veterinarian will frequently suggest that an animal be placed laying on its tummy for chest films if it is experiencing respiratory distress. This posture is referred to as dorsoventral. LIVER. Between both the diaphragm and the stomach, on the cranial side of the abdomen, is where the liver is situated. The majority of the apparent liver mass is to the right of midline.

Learn more about veterinarian



Describe how soil salinization occurs. Propose a solution to prevent or remediate soil salinization. Identify one disadvantage of the solution you propose.



Soil salinization is the process by which soil becomes contaminated with high levels of salt, which can have negative effects on plant growth and soil productivity. There are several factors that can contribute to soil salinization, including irrigation with saline water, natural deposits of salt in the soil, and the use of certain fertilizers.


which autonomic division is dominant in an emergency situation? multiple choice parasympathetic sympathetic


Two divisions of ANS prevail under different conditions. As mentioned above, the sympathetic nervous system is activated during emergency “fight or flight” responses and during exercise. The parasympathetic nervous system predominates in calm states (“rest and digestion”).

These two systems are inherently antagonistic (have opposite functions). The sympathetic nervous system prepares our body for emergencies and the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes us.

The autonomic nervous system has two parts. The sympathetic nervous system controls your emergency response (which makes your heart beat faster and releases adrenaline), and the parasympathetic nervous system, which prepares your body for the forest.

Learn more about parasympathetic here



An unexpected freeze that kills a population of chipmunks is an example of ______.
A) a density-dependent factor
B) a natal effect
C) an intrinsic factor
D) a density-independent factor
E) a population cycle


An unexpected freeze that kills a population of chipmunks is an example of a density-dependent factor.

A type I survivorship curve depicts people who have an elevated probability of surviving into their early and middle lives but a rapid decrease in the number of people who survive into their late lives. The proportion of people dying in Type II survivorship populations remains constant over time. At young ages, Type III survivorship populations have exceedingly high mortality rates.

Some of the more density-dependent biological (biotic) factors are predation, inter- but also intraspecific competition, waste accumulation, as well as parasitic diseases. In general, the higher this same mortality rate, the greater the population density. Density-dependent limiting factors influence a population's per rate of growth to change—typically, to fall—as population density increases. Population members due to limited food is one example.

To learn more about survivorship, here



A scientist treats a plant cell with a chemical that destroys the ribosomes. which cell process will be stopped as a result?



Protein synthesis will stop.


Ribosomes is the organelle which carries out Protein synthesis, thus if it is destroyed, the cell process would be stopped.

in eukaryotic cells, a __________ by a __________ targets a growing peptide to the endoplasmic reticulum.


In eukaryotic cells, a Signal peptide by a biochemical pathway targets a growing peptide to the endoplasmic reticulum.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which extends from the nuclear membrane throughout the cytoplasm, is a network of tubules and sacs (cisternae) that are membrane-enclosed. The biggest organelle in the majority of eukaryotic cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is completely encircled by a continuous membrane. Its membrane may make up roughly half of all cell membranes, and the lumen, or cisternal space, that the ER encloses may make up around 10% of the volume of the entire cell. There are two main types of ER, and they each serve a particular purpose inside the cell, as will be covered below. The rough ER, which processes proteins, has ribosomes covering its outside surface.

The radiolabeled proteins were found in the Golgi apparatus if the cells were subsequently briefly treated in medium containing nonradioactive amino acids (a procedure known as a chase). After prolonged chase times, secretory vesicles carrying the radiolabeled proteins from the Golgi apparatus to the cell surface merged with the plasma membrane to discharge their contents outside of the cell.

To know more about Endoplasmic reticulum visit:



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