Evaluating Expressions with Exponents

What is the value of the expression 3x7+3^2


Answer 1




if you mean 3 times 7+3^2 then its 30

if you meant 3x7+3^2 then its 3x^7+9

Related Questions

Which of the following illustrates a situation that
would not be protected by the First Amendment
due to time, place, and manner restrictions?


Constraints of time, place, and manner are imposed by the government and are neutral in terms of content. Regulating the placement or size of signs on public property.

What would not be protected by the First Amendment?

Speaking in a way that will soon result in illegal behaviour is not protected by the First Amendment. This type of discourse must be addressed to a particular individual or group. It must be a clear command to take quick, illegal action. There must be a belief that the communication will actually result in illegal behaviour.

Therefore, Anti-business protesters who blocked up busy junctions in Times Square, New York City, during rush hour were detained and charged.

Learn more about First Amendment here:



A blind tate tet will be conducted with 9 volunteer to determine whether people can tate a difference between bottled water and tap water. Each participant will tate the water from two different glae and then identify which gla he or he think contain the tap water. Auming that people cannot tate a difference between bottled water and tap water, what i the probability that at leat 8 of the 9 participant will correctly identify the tap water?


The correct answer is 0.01953125 i the probability that at leat 8 of the 9 participant will correctly identify the tap water.

Probability is simply the possibility that something will happen. We may talk about the possibility of one result, or the likelihood of numerous outcomes, when we don't know how an event will turn out. The study of events with a probability distribution is known as statistics. Probability: P(A) = f / N, determines the likelihood that an event will occur. Odds and probability are related, however the odds depend on the probability. Prior to determining the chance of an event, probability must be known. A probability is a numerical representation of the likelihood or possibility that a particular event will occur. Probabilities can be expressed as fractions from 0 to 1, as well as percentages from 0% to 100%.

To learn more about probability click the link below:



Directions: Suppose a firm's marginal product of capital and marginal product of labor schedules are as shown in the table below. The firm hires both capital and labor competitively for $5 and $8, respectively. This assignment will be graded out of 6 points with 2 points possible for each question.

Capital MP of Capital Labor MP of Labor

0 0

1 10 1 28

2 9 2 30

3 8 3 24

4 7 4 20

5 6 5 16

6 5 6 12

7 4 7 8

8 3 9 4

1. Suppose the firm is currently using 4 units of capital and 4 units of labor. Is the corresponding output being produced at least cost? How do you know?

2. Consider your answer to the question above. Generally speaking, what would a firm need to do in order to move towards producing at the least cost?

3. What is the least-cost combination of labor and capital?



In order to determine whether the firm is currently producing at least cost, we need to compare the marginal cost of using an additional unit of capital or labor to the marginal revenue generated by that unit. Since we do not have information on the marginal revenue in this case, it is impossible to say for sure whether the firm is producing at least cost.

In order to move towards producing at the least cost, a firm would need to adjust the combination of labor and capital it uses in order to minimize the marginal cost of production. This can be achieved by adjusting the mix of labor and capital used in production until the marginal cost of an additional unit of labor is equal to the marginal cost of an additional unit of capital.

In order to determine the least-cost combination of labor and capital, we need to find the point where the marginal cost of using an additional unit of labor is equal to the marginal cost of using an additional unit of capital. From the information given in the table, we can see that this point occurs when the firm is using 3 units of capital and 3 units of labor. At this point, the marginal cost of using an additional unit of labor is 24 and the marginal cost of using an additional unit of capital is 8, which are equal. Therefore, the least-cost combination of labor and capital is 3 units of each.

How long does it take for a light particle to travel 25 light years?


The speed of light is approximately 186,282 miles per second, and a light year is the distance that light travels in one year, which is approximately 5.88 trillion miles. Therefore, it would take a light particle approximately 25 * 5.88 trillion miles / 186,282 miles per second = 8.46 * 10^14 seconds to travel 25 light years.

This time is so large that it is usually measured in years rather than seconds. To convert the time to years, we would need to divide the time in seconds by the number of seconds in a year, which is approximately 31.5 million seconds. This would give us a time of approximately 8.46 * 10^14 seconds / 31.5 million seconds = 26,847 years.

Therefore, it would take approximately 26,847 years for a light particle to travel 25 light years. Note that this is just an approximate value, as the exact time would depend on various factors such as the exact speed of light and the distance traveled.

Why are people attracted to conspiratorial thinking?


There are many reasons why people might be attracted to conspiratorial thinking. One common reason is a desire for control or a sense of power. Believing in a conspiracy can give a person a sense that they are part of a select group of individuals who know the truth about a situation, which can make them feel special or superior to others.

Another reason why people might be attracted to conspiracies is a feeling of uncertainty or fear. In times of uncertainty or crisis, people may seek explanations for events that are outside the realm of their understanding or control. Believing in a conspiracy can provide a sense of certainty or order in a chaotic world.

Additionally, people may be drawn to conspiracies because they offer a simple, easy-to-understand explanation for complex events. In a world that can be overwhelming and confusing, believing in a conspiracy can provide a clear and straightforward narrative that makes sense of otherwise inexplicable occurrences.

Finally, people may be attracted to conspiracies because they provide a sense of belonging or community. Believing in a conspiracy can connect a person to others who share their beliefs, creating a sense of solidarity and shared purpose. This can be particularly appealing to individuals who feel isolated or marginalized in their daily lives.

predict how you would use a compass for navigation if you traveled back in time 1 million years



with a stick we would use a compass

(A) Identify the constitutional clause that is common to both Minor v. Happersett and

Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

(B) Based on the constitutional clause identified in part A, explain how the facts of the

case led to a different holding in Brown v. Board of Education than the holding in

Minor v. Happersett.

(C) Describe an action supporters of women's suffrage in the 1870s could take to further

their cause after the court defeat.



A. The constitutional clause that is common to both Minor v. Happersett and Brown v. Board of Education (1954) is the 14th Amendment. This amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted in 1868, guarantees the equal protection of the laws to all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States.

B. In Minor v. Happersett, the Court held that the 14th Amendment did not grant women the right to vote. This decision was based on the Court's interpretation of the amendment as not extending the right to vote to women. In contrast, in Brown v. Board of Education, the Court held that segregation in public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. In this case, the Court ruled that segregation in public schools, which disproportionately affected African American students, was inherently unequal and therefore violated the 14th Amendment.

C. Supporters of women's suffrage in the 1870s could take several actions to further their cause after the court defeat in Minor v. Happersett. For example, they could continue to advocate for women's suffrage through political and social activism, such as organizing protests and demonstrations, lobbying elected officials, and working to educate the public about the importance of women's suffrage. They could also work to build support for a constitutional amendment that would explicitly guarantee the right to vote to women. This could involve organizing grassroots campaigns, building coalitions with other advocacy groups, and working with members of Congress to introduce and pass such an amendment.

Given that the econd tudent choen i a girl, what i the probability that the firt tudent wa alo a girl?



50% or 1/2


Assuming there is a 50/50 split of boys and girls in a class, the answer is 50%

We know this because the question doesn't specify if the selection is with or without replacement, so we can assume either (so I assume with replacement).  

With replacement would mean that the first and second students chosen are independent events and that they do not impact each other. Thus, we are just finding the probability that we choose a girl in a 50/50 split class.

This means our answer is 50%

30+ POINTS!!! Cooperative education educators, or agents, often coordinate with __-__ (youth leadership.)





Cooperative education educators, or agents, often coordinate with youth leadership programs to provide students with hands-on learning experiences and the opportunity to develop leadership skills.

Cooperative education programs typically involve a partnership between educational institutions and employers, with the goal of providing students with practical, real-world experience in their field of study. Cooperative education educators, or agents, are responsible for coordinating and managing these partnerships and ensuring that the students have a positive and meaningful learning experience.

In many cases, cooperative education educators will work closely with youth leadership programs to provide students with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and gain valuable experience working with others. This may involve coordinating with community organizations, non-profits, or other groups to provide students with leadership roles or responsibilities.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

1) Briefly explain ONE development that contributed to the patterns of population in Mississippi between 1800 and 1860.

2) Briefly explain ONE effect of the patterns of population in Mississippi reflected in the table.

3) Briefly explain ANOTHER effect of the patterns of population in Mississippi reflected in the table


Before and after becoming a state, Mississippi's population expansion is clearly associated with the increase in cotton output. The number of White people increased from 5,179 in 1800 to 353,901 in 1860, while the number of slaves increased from 3,489 to 436,631.

Mississippi was the main cotton producer in the United States throughout the first half of the 19th century, and owners of sizable estates relied on the work of African slaves. Between 1800 and 1860, the nation saw two significant changes. Rice and tobacco were the previous cash crops; cotton is now the new cash crop. The slave trade expanded to fill the economic gap in the Chesapeake region as the crops changed. Furs from the Great Lakes and the Missouri River; basic foods like maize and wheat from the Midwest; cotton, sugar, and tobacco from the plantations of the Deep South; and just about every other trade commodity you can think of were all transported by the Mississippi River. And in each instance, commerce resulted in a certain culture.

To learn more about Mississippi's click the link below:



principles of science​



If you drop an apple, it will fall. If you throw an apple in the air, it will follow a specific path while falling down. Newton's laws don't tell us why the apple falls or what causes it to fall, just that it does fall.


The principle of science, the definition, almost, is the following: the test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific "truth". But what is the source of knowledge

The principles of science are the fundamental assumptions and concepts that underlie the scientific method. These principles are used to guide scientific research and experimentation, and they help scientists to develop new theories and hypotheses.

Some of the key principles of science include the following:

1. The scientific method is a systematic process for gathering and evaluating evidence, and it is the basis for all scientific inquiry.
2. Scientists make observations and measurements to collect data, and they use this data to develop theories and test hypotheses.
3. Theories are broad, general explanations of natural phenomena, and they are supported by a large body of evidence.
4. Hypotheses are specific, testable predictions that are derived from theories, and they are used to test the validity of theories.
5. The results of scientific experiments must be replicable, meaning that other scientists should be able to obtain the same results using the same methods.
6. Science is a self-correcting process, and new evidence may challenge or modify existing theories.
7. Science is objective and unbiased, and scientists strive to avoid personal biases and preconceptions when conducting research.
8. Science is a collaborative enterprise, and scientists often work together and share their findings with the broader scientific community.

(please mark as brainliest!)

Decribe one way the pread of Buddhim led Chinee culture to change during the Period 1200-1450



One way the spread of Buddhism led Chinese culture to change during the period c. 1200-c. 1450 can be seen through the architecture. Buddhist monasteries, buildings where monks gathered, were erected in major cities across China, signifying its increasing popularity


(A) Identify the assumed protection that is common to both Planned Parenthood v.

Casey (1992) and Roe v. Wade (1973)

(B) Based on the assumed protection identified in part A, explain why the facts of the

case in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Roe v. Wade demonstrate change over time

in the law.

(C) Explain how the holdings in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Roe v. Wade

demonstrate change over time in the law.


The assumed protection that is common to both Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) and Roe v. Wade (1973) is  a woman having the right to an abortion.

(B and C) The reason that facts of the case in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Roe v. Wade demonstrate change over time in the law and the other is that:

The Supreme Court upheld the fundamental Roe v. Wade decision that the state cannot outlaw most abortions in Planned Parenthood (1992). However, Casey also held that states may ban abortions of "viable" pregnancies and limit abortions to safeguard the health of the mother and the fetus.

What is the  Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) and Roe v. Wade (1973) about?

The national political and legal upheaval caused by the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 marked the beginning of the abortion discussions. By enacting new legislation that forbade abortions, many states openly disobeyed the Roe decision.

The measure mandated that all abortion facilities in Pennsylvania self-report to the state. The state was sued by Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania on the grounds that the Abortion Control Act contravened the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision. The issue was taken up for review by the Supreme Court, which is today more ideologically conservative than it was when Roe was ruled.

Roe v. Wade was upheld, but the majority of the Pennsylvania law was still valid, according to the Supreme Court in 1992, after great anticipation. Reiterating some of the arguments made in Roe, the Supreme Court first stated that a woman's decision to have an abortion involves significant "liberty interests" and "privacy interests" that the Constitution's Due Process Clause safeguards against state intrusion.

Therefor, Together, these interests provide a "substantive right to private" that is shielded from state meddling in "marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing, and education."

Learn more about Roe v. Wade (1973) from


Identify the following information for each of the three main monotheistic faiths: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam (AP Human Geo)



Christianity- Holy book- Bibe, sacred City-Bethlaham Palestine, Founder Jesus, America, Europe sub saharan Africa. No taboos original christanity though is like no drinking but now no. Branches- Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic.Symbol Cross.

Judaism-Holy book Torah

Sacred Site- Jerusalem Palestine


Moet practiced- Palestine

Taboo- Can only cat Kosher foods

Key branches not enough to be

Symbol the jewish Sign


Holy book- Quran

Sacred Site-Jerusalam Palestine Sauria Arabia

Founder-Prophet Mohammad

Branches-Mainly Sunni and Shia

Symbols cresent with Little star


I nope this helps please Mark brainlest if you nerd Help with AP human geo I am thing it I can Help.

Triangle ABC has a side of 8, a side of 6, and a non-included angle of 40 degrees.
Triangle DEF has a side of 16, a side of 12, and a non-included angle of 40 degrees.
What statement is TRUE?
Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF.
Triangle ABC must be similar to triangle DEF.
Triangle ABC must be similar to either triangle DEF or to triangle DFE.
Triangle ABC may or may not be similar to triangle DEF


B. Triangle ABC must be similar to triangle DEF.

Since both triangles have a non-included angle of 40 degrees, they must be similar. In order for two triangles to be congruent, not only do they have to be similar, but they also have to have all sides and angles congruent. Since we only know the non-included angles of the two triangles, we cannot conclude that they are congruent.

(please mark as brainliest!)

Which of the following marks the movement of a country into Stage 2?

A slowing in the birth rate
A rising death rate
A falling death rate
A low stable birth rate
A falling birth rate





AP STATISTICS boxplot: range, mean, IQR, and 3rd quartile, see image below. Really easy for stats people !!

Kristiana collected data on the amount of time in minutes each person in a large sample of customers spent in a local sporting store. The data also included recording the gender for each customer. These data were used to generate the boxplots shown to the right.

a. the range in the amount of time in minutes males in the sample of customers spent in the store is approximately 40 minutes.

b. the mean amount of time in minutes in the sample of customers spent in the store is approximately 20 minutes.

c. the third quartile of the amount of time in minutes males in the sample of customers spent in the store is approximately 45 minutes.

d. the interquartile range of the amount of time in minutes females in the sample customers spent in the store is 15 minutes.

e. approximately half of the males in the sample of customers spent at least as much time in the store as any females in the sample of customers.


The answer is E. The middle line on a boxplot graph is the same as the median of the data, which for the males was equivalent to the highest value for females. This indicates that about half of the males spent more time in the store than any females

In 2-3 sentences, describe TWO ways in which colonists “have been driven to madness by injustice.”



Two ways in which colonists may have been driven to madness by injustice are:

The lack of representation in the British government, which led to the feeling that their interests and concerns were not being heard or addressed. This could have caused a sense of frustration and anger among colonists, potentially leading to feelings of madness.

The imposition of taxes and other economic policies by the British government without the consent of the colonists, which many colonists saw as unfair and oppressive. This could have caused feelings of resentment and injustice, potentially leading to feelings of madness.


Injustice can cause a range of negative emotions, including frustration, anger, resentment, and hopelessness. These emotions can be intense and overwhelming, and may lead a person to feel like they are losing their sanity or being driven mad. In the case of the colonists, the lack of representation in the British government and the imposition of taxes and other policies without their consent may have caused intense feelings of injustice that could have contributed to feelings of madness.

Answer the following questions:
7.How can ideological divisions within Congress create gridlock or the need for negotiation and



Ideological divisions within Congress can create gridlock or the need for negotiation and compromise in several ways. For example, if the members of Congress are divided along ideological lines, they may be unable to agree on legislation or other policy decisions. This can lead to a situation where the Congress is unable to pass any bills or take any action on important issues, resulting in gridlock. In order to break this gridlock, the members of Congress may need to negotiate and compromise on their positions in order to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides. This can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but it is necessary in order to overcome ideological divisions and move forward with the legislative process.
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