do you agree that a countries economy is based on and is boosted up by the abundance of minrals it consists of? support your answer by giving any two reason?​


Answer 1
Yes. Minerals create high-paying jobs and provide raw materials to every part of the economy. Mineral mining stimulates economic growth. It creates jobs for not only the mineral mining industry, but creates jobs elsewhere in the economy. By supporting thousands of jobs and providing raw materials, metals, and minerals mining is essential to our economy. Let me know if this helped

Related Questions

How do you treat friction burns?


Minor friction burns, such as first-degree burns, can be treated at home by rinsing the area with tepid water and then using an antibiotic painkilling cream or ointment. A medical expert should examine burns that have blistered.

Because friction burns are normally not severe, they will eventually heal by themselves after about a week. The majority of the time there are no scars, however severe burns, such as rug burns, can result in either temporary discoloration or permanent scarring.

The burn should cure on its own in a few days if you clean the wound each day, apply fresh ointment, and wrap it in new bandages. Till the wound has healed, stay away from using lotions or anything else that can aggravate the region. if friction caused a blister to develop.

To learn more about friction burns


________ are small vents that emit volcanic gases.


Fumaroles are vents or openings at the surface where volcanic gases .

Volcanic gases are gases given off by active (or, at times, by dormant) volcanoes. These include gases trapped in cavities (vesicles) in volcanic rocks, dissolved or dissociated gases in magma and lava, or gases emanating from lava, from volcanic craters or vents. Volcanic gases can also be emitted through groundwater heated by volcanic action.

The sources of volcanic gases on Earth include:

primordial and recycled constituents from the Earth's mantle,assimilated constituents from the Earth's crust,groundwater and the Earth's atmosphere

Learn more about Volcanic gases to visit this link


What were 3 pieces of Wegener's evidence to support continental drift?


They based their idea of continental drift on several lines of evidence: fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic features, and fossils.

Continental go with the flow is the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved over geologic time relative to each other, as a result acting to have "drifted" across the sea bed. The idea of continental go with the flow has been subsumed into the science of plate tectonics, which researches the movement of the continents as they experience on plates of the Earth's lithosphere.

The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by way of Abraham Ortelius in 1596. A pioneer of the modern-day view of mobilism turned into the Austrian geologist Otto Ampferer. The concept changed independently and extra completely developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912, but the speculation changed into rejected by using many for loss of any cause mechanism.

To learn more about Continental drift visit here:


Choose 2 reservoirs depicted in the diagram above and describe how phosphorus moves from one to the other


Phosphorus repositories are tracked down fundamentally in soil and sedimentary rocks, in light of the fact that dissimilar to different supplements that cycle through the biosphere, phosphorus can't be tracked down in that frame of mind in the vaporous state.

Phosphorus moves in a cycle through rocks, water, soil and silt, and creatures. Over the long haul, downpours and enduring reason rocks to deliver phosphate particles and different minerals. This inorganic phosphate is then appropriated in soils and water. Phosphorus can be tracked down on earth in water, soil, and dregs. Dissimilar to the mixtures of other matter cycles phosphorus can't be tracked down in the air in the vaporous state. This is on the grounds that phosphorus is typically fluid at ordinary temperatures and tensions. It is basically going through water, soil, and silt.

To learn more about sedimentary rocks here


Most earthquakes are the result of volcanic activity. QUESTION 21 3.3 point Which three statements are true regarding earthquakes?
O Most earthquakes happen along faults.
O Earthquakes are vibrations of the earth produced by the slow release of energy.
O The larger the earthquake, the more frequently they occur.
O Energy from an earthquake radiates out in all directions.
O The epicenter is located on the earth's surface directly above the focus.

QUESTION 22 3.3 points What is this map showing? Bedrock Soft mud Sand and gravel Br 10 Cypress ure


Three things are true about earthquakes: they typically occur along fault lines; they are slow releases of energy that cause earth tremors; and the stronger the earthquake, the more frequently it happens.

Earthquake, any jolting of the earth that occurs suddenly and is brought on by seismic waves moving through the planet's rocks. Seismic waves are created when a kind of energy that has been trapped in the Earth's crust for a while suddenly escapes, typically when massive rocks that are rubbing up against one another unexpectedly crack and "slide." Most earthquakes happen along geologic faults, which are confined areas where rock masses shift relative to one another. The biggest fault lines in the planet can be found on the edges of the enormous tectonic plates that make up the crust of the Earth.

Learn more about earthquake here


Ocean ridges form because ________.A. they are a broad seafloor highland formed by sea floor spreadingB. rocks bulge up in ridges along transform faults associated with the ridgeC. they are submarine collisional mountain belts, forming submarine mountains that haven't yet risen from the sea floorD. they are chains of volcanos, like the Hawaiian Islands, that form along hot spots


Ocean ridges form because(C) they are submarine collisional mountain belts, forming submarine mountains that haven't yet risen from the sea floor.

Mid-ocean ridges occur along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earth's tectonic plates spread apart. As the plates separate, molten rock rises to the seafloor, producing enormous volcanic eruptions of basalt.

This ridge system includes the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge, Carlsberg Ridge, Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, and the East Pacific Rise with its related features, including the Chile Rise, Galapagos Rift Zone, Gorda Rise, and Juan de Fuca Ridge.

Learn more about ocean ridges to visit this link


What is the relationship between the foci in an elliptical orbits?


An ellipse has 2 focus points or foci. At any point in its orbit, a planet's total distance from these 2 focus points stays the same.

What molecules are providing energy for the production of G3P?


energy from the ATP and NADPH molecules generated by the light reactions drives a chemical pathway that uses the carbon in carbon dioxide (from the atmosphere) to build a three-carbon sugar called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P).

Who Colonised Nigeria?


Lord Frederick Lugard, the governor of both parts of Nigeria, signed a document consolidating the two, thereby creating the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria.

What does Nigeria excel at?

The world's most populous black country is Nigeria. It is the center of fashion, technology, and creativity in Africa and is the second largest film industry in the world. Nigerians are renowned for their vivacious and amiable energy, which they exhibit in a variety of artistic forms.

What dialect do Nigerians use?

Although English was the official tongue, it is less frequently spoken in rural areas and by those with less education.In Nigeria, sign language is utilized in three different dialects: Hausa, Bura, and Nigerian.

To learn more about Nigeria visit:


What will happened to Earth if there will be no sun's heat and light?


Answer: Earth would become an ice-cold planet without the sun's heat and light.


Without the sun's heat photosynthesis would not take place in plants. The temperature of the Earth would drop and it would not be a liveable place for numerous plant and animal species. Humans would cease to exist. The top layers of the oceans would be frozen.

Although the frozen top layers of the oceans would insulate the deep waters below, keeping them liquid for hundreds of thousands of years, they would eventually freeze as Earth moved toward a stable average global surface temperature of about -400º F. At that point, the atmosphere would have also frozen and fallen to Earth, leaving anyone left alive exposed to the harsh cosmic radiation that travels through space.

Without the light of the sun, there would be complete darkness on the surface of the Earth.

A dry climate might impact how people live by increasing:


A dry climate might impact how people live by increasing: both the risk of drought and other water shortages and irrigation needs.

Regions lying within the dry climate group occur where precipitation is low. There are two dry climate types: arid and semiarid. Most arid climates receive 10 to 30 centimeters (four to 12 inches) of rain each year, and semiarid climates receive enough to support extensive grasslands.

Deserts in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Australia and the Southwest U.S. are all examples of the dry climate. There are two subcategories: semi-arid and arid. Semi-arid is dry with differing amounts of precipitation; this region gets between 10 to 20 inches of rain a year.

Dry climates are found throughout the globe, particularly in western North America, Australia, southern South America, central and southern Africa and much of Asia.

Learn more about Dry climates to visit this link


Electrons in atoms are best described as
O electromagnetons.
O waves.
O photons.
O protons.
O tiny planets.


Electrons in atoms are protons. A negatively charged subatomic particle known as an electron can either be free or attached to an atom.

One of the three main types of particles within an atom is an electron that is bonded to it; the other two are protons and neutrons. An atom's nucleus is made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The collection of subatomic particles known as leptons, which are thought to be fundamental or elementary particles, includes electrons in its description of particle physics. A chemical element is uniquely defined by its atoms, which are tiny pieces of substance. A negatively charged electron or electrons surround the nucleus. The positively charged, comparatively hefty protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus may be present. In the list of statements, the statement that most accurately defines an electron is that it lives in the nucleus. The protons and neutrons in an atom are balanced by the electrons, which are the subatomic particles that supply negative charge to the atom. Quarks make up protons and neutrons, but not electrons. We believe that quarks and electrons are fundamental particles that are not composed of lesser subatomic particles.

Learn more about electrons here:


The area that underlies the shallow water bordering continents is called the ________.
A) pycnocline
B) topographic shelf
C) continental shelf
D) bathymetric zone
E) surface zone


answer :

c. continental shelf.

Change in lifestyle of people in different geographic locations due to changes in
atmospheric pressure.

can someone please write a paragraph or an essay about this I don't get it


In writing an essay you must consider the structure of the essay, Hence, the structure of the essay should be considered;

The Introduction The body'The conclusion

What is lifestyle?

Generally, Atmospheric pressure, also known as barometric pressure, refers to the force exerted on the Earth's surface by the weight of the atmosphere. It is an important factor that influences the weather and climate of a particular location. Changes in atmospheric pressure can lead to changes in the lifestyle of people living in different geographic locations.

For example, areas with low atmospheric pressure, such as high altitude regions or areas near the coast, may experience frequent changes in weather patterns, including strong winds and heavy precipitation. These weather conditions can affect the way people live and work, as they may need to take extra precautions to protect themselves and their property from the elements. For example, people living in high altitude regions may need to wear warm clothing and use de-icing equipment to clear their roads and sidewalks.

Overall, the impact of atmospheric pressure on lifestyle can vary widely depending on the specific location and its weather patterns. It is important for people living in different geographic areas to be aware of these factors and to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and their property.

Read more about lifestyle


Prehistoric earthquakes may be studied by:A.digging trenches along a fault in order to map the offset of layers of sediment and soil to provide a timeline for interpreting when the fault movedB.using seismic recording stations to gather data about P-waves, S-waves, and surface waves so that earthquake magnitude can be determinedC.looking at seismograms in order to measure P-S time to determine the epicenter of the earthquakeD.using satellite data to create an interferogram and show how Earth deformed near the fault rupture


Prehistoric earthquakes may be studied by digging trenches along a fault in order to map the offset of layers of sediment and soil to provide a timeline for interpreting when the fault moved.

Earthquake, any jolting of the earth that occurs suddenly and is brought on by seismic waves moving through the planet's rocks. Seismic waves are created when a kind of energy that has been trapped in the Earth's crust for a while suddenly escapes, typically when massive rocks that are rubbing up against one another unexpectedly crack and "slide." Most earthquakes happen along geologic faults, which are confined areas where rock masses shift relative to one another. The biggest fault lines in the planet can be found on the edges of the enormous tectonic plates that make up the crust of the Earth.

Learn more about earthquake here


Explain the five kinds of erosion
River,wind, people,waves,Ice​


Answer: Water is a liquid drank by humans, animals, and plants. Wind is the movement of air, in most cases with significant force. Ice forms during periods when temperatures considerably drop, resulting in the pile-up of snow and ice. Gravity; This is the force of attraction between two objects. Waves are moving swells or ridges in a water body.

What are the 5 characteristics of volcano?



The five characteristics of a composite volcano involve their lava type, shape, composition, eruption type, and duration between eruptions.

What is a plane shape with 10 sides?


Answer: decagon

Explanation: a ten-sided polygon is called a decagon

what are the similarities and differences between the regions of the 13 colonies?


Answer: The 13 colonies have had their similarities and differences but they were not all formed the same. Since the colonies were not formed for all the same reasons, they were diverse and different from each other. Each colony had their own signature product or material which they would be known for.

Even though the 13 original American colonies all belonged to England, there was much diversity between them because differences existed in the reasons formed, their bases of economies, and the role played by religions.

Explanation: Hope this was helpful

Why do geographers rely more on ethnicity than race when analyzing social and political systems?



Because it can confuse Geographers because it confuses people like ethnicity in America Middle Eastern people are technpically labed White on the census and that can confuse people and especially geopgraphers.


I nope this helps!!

Why did African slavery expand in the 17th century?


African slavery expanded in the 17th century for a number of reasons. One of the main factors was the increasing demand for labor in the New World, particularly in the Caribbean and in the colonies of North and South America. As these regions were colonized and developed, there was a need for a large, reliable source of labor to work on plantations, mines, and other forms of economic development.

At the same time, there was a declining supply of indentured servants in Europe, as conditions improved and the population grew. This meant that plantation owners and other employers in the New World were forced to look for other sources of labour. African slaves were seen as an attractive alternative, as they were believed to be stronger and more resistant to disease than European indentured servants. They were also more readily available, as the transatlantic slave trade was already well established by this time.

Another factor that contributed to the expansion of African slavery in the 17th century was the increasing demand for luxury goods, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, which were produced on plantations in the New World. The demand for these goods was fueled by the growth of European economies, particularly in England and France, which became major consumers of these products. To meet this demand, plantation owners needed to expand production, which required a larger and more reliable source of labour. African slaves were seen as an ideal source of labour, as they could be coerced and controlled more easily than European indentured servants.

Finally, the expansion of African slavery in the 17th century was also facilitated by the development of legal and institutional frameworks that supported the trade and exploitation of slaves. European powers such as Portugal, Spain, and England established laws and policies that supported the enslavement and exploitation of Africans, and they also provided economic incentives to encourage the trade. These legal and institutional frameworks helped to create a profitable and sustainable system of African slavery that persisted for many centuries.

Overall, the expansion of African slavery in the 17th century was driven by a combination of economic, demographic, and legal factors. The increasing demand for labour in the New World, the declining supply of indentured servants in Europe, the growing demand for luxury goods, and the development of legal and institutional frameworks that supported the trade and exploitation of slaves all contributed to the expansion of African slavery during this period.

learn more about african slavery:

What are the elements of this author's purpose?


The author's goal is most frequently attributed to these three things, but it can also include things like describing and explaining.

What are a few examples of the author's intention?

A writer may desire to communicate for a variety of reasons, including to instruct, persuade, inform, entertain, educate, surprise, excite, depress, enlighten, punish, or comfort.

What is the author trying to say in this passage?

The inspiration behind a writer's output is their purpose. In general, writers create content with one of the following three goals in mind: to inform, persuade, or entertain. When a writer includes facts in an article that is meant to inform, the reader's comprehension is improved.

To know more about purpose visit:-


What is a feature that all volcanoes have?



A vent


it's the opening at the surface of a volcano where eruptions occur.

why does velocity of a stream increase in the downstream direction despite the gradient decreasing in the downstream direction? group of answer choices there is much less obstruction to the flow in the headwaters region, and the channel is much smaller, allowing the water to move faster. there is less obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the smaller, more turbulent channels of the lower gradient region. there is more obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the larger, more placid-flowing channels of the lower gradient region. there is more obstruction to flow in the low-gradient areas of the channel relative to the slower-moving headwaters region of the flow.


The Correct answer is D. There is more obstruction to flow in the low-gradient areas of the channel relative to the slower-moving headwaters region of the flow.

The pace is the directional speed of an object in movement as an illustration of its fee of change in role as located from a selected frame of reference and as measured by way of a specific trend of time (e.g. 60 km/h northbound). velocity is an essential concept in kinematics, the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of our bodies.

The pace is a bodily vector amount; both importance and direction are had to define it. The scalar absolute fee (magnitude) of velocity is called velocity, being a coherent derived unit whose quantity is measured in the SI (metric device) as meters in line with 2d (m/s or m⋅s−1). To have a consistent velocity, an object has to have a steady velocity in a constant route. constant path constrains the item to move in an immediate direction as a result, a steady pace way motion in a direct line at a consistent pace.

To learn more about Velocity visit here:


Hierarchical diffusion
Occurs when the diffusion innovation or concept spreads from a place or person of power or high susceptibility to another in a leveled pattern


Hierarchical diffusion an idea spreads, it typically starts with the people who are closest to it before moving on to other people. Consider the organizational structure of enterprises and the government.

Hierarchical dissemination because it moves from authority, people such the teams themselves, to the large base of supporters via broadcasters, commentators, and other media. Other forms of hierarchical dispersion also function in this way. Hierarchical diffusion is the dissemination of an idea through an established organization, typically from those in positions of power down to those in positions of less or no authority. dispersal in a hierarchy. occurs when a diffusion idea or notion travels evenly from one powerful location, people , or group to another. diffusion of stimuli. occurs when an inventive idea spreads from its source, yet the idea's original intent is altered by the new adopters. Diffusion in the twenty-first century frequently takes the form of hierarchical diffusion. To try to sway the opinions of entire younger traditions, businesses and organizations frequently pay popular people to use their products or wear their clothing.

Learn more about hierarchical here:


The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date that the rock was formed.

a. True
b. False


The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date that the rock was formed. This is a false statement.

The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date when the rock was formed. After the drought of the 1930s, Great Plains farmers were encouraged to plant  trees in their fields to reduce soil erosion. The relative age of a rock is its age compared to other rocks. Relative age refers to the approximate age of a given object. a layer of stone. It is determined by comparing its position with other rock layers.

The process of determining whether a rock layer or geological event is older or younger than another without giving them a specific age is called relative dating. Superimposition of rock units is a very simple and straightforward method of determining relative ages. Basically, in a series of undeformed sedimentary rocks, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest  at the top.

Learn about relative age of rock:


What happens to Earth when incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy?



When the incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy, the earth's temperature rises. This results in global heating and the entire planet feels the “heat”. 7.

What type of cloud formation occurs at the highest altitude?


The  type of cloud formation that occurs at the highest altitude is cirrus clouds.

What is the feature of cirrus cloud?

The cirrus clouds refers to a short, detached and hair-like clouds found at high altitudes. These clouds are wispy, has silky sheen or look like tufts of hair. In the daytime, they are whiter than other cloud in the sky. While Sun is setting or rising, they may take on the colours of the sunset.

The Cirrus clouds form from the ascent of dry air, making small quantity of water vapour in the air to undergo deposition into ice. They are made up completely of ice crystals which provides their white colour and form in a wide range of shapes and sizes.

Read more about Cirrus clouds


What are the foci of an ellipse orbit?


The majority of orbits have two foci and an elliptical shape. According to Kepler's first law, a planet will circle the sun in an elliptical form, with two focal points in internal locations that contribute to the ellipse's shape.

An ellipse has two foci or focal points. A planet's total distance from these 2 focus points remains constant throughout its orbit. An ellipse also contains two symmetry lines. The longest line is the principal axis.

There are two focal points on an ellipse. The plural form of "focus" is foci. Two foci, one focus. The foci are always evenly distributed on each side of the primary axis.

An object is said to be rotating in an elliptical orbit when it travels around another object on an oval-shaped path. All planets circle the sun in elliptical patterns. The Moon similarly travels in an elliptical orbit around the Earth.

To learn more about foci


A distinct feature of the cultural landscape in many towns located in Southwest Asia includes —
answer choices
sports stadiums
shopping bazaars


The shopping bazaars are a distinctive aspect of the cultural environment in many communities in Southwest Asia. As a result, choice (D) is the appropriate approach.

What do you know about Southwest Asia?

Southwest Asia is a subregion of Asia that is bordered by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf on the south and southeast and the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea on the west. The region extends northward to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Sloping plains can be found in the marginal downwarps of an ancient platform that makes up much of southwest Asia, much like much of southern Asia: the northern pieces of Gondwanaland. Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia make up its main parts.

Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are the seven countries that make up Southwest Asia.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about Southwest Asia, from:


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