Circles around an object is

1. asteroid belt
2. atmosphere
3. orbits
4. gravity


Answer 1


atmosphere is the answer

Answer 2
Answer: orbits

Explanation: when you hear about the sun orbiting the earth it’s because it’s going around the earth; circles around the object.

Related Questions

scoria cones are composed primarily of ______.


Scoria cones are almost entirely made of tephra from ejected basaltic rocks. Although bomb-size bits and lava spatter may also be found, lapilli-sized fragments make up the majority of the tephra.

The most frequent kinds of volcanic Scoria cones are cinder cones, also known as scoria cones or pyroclastic cones. They develop as a result of lava pieces being blown into the air by ferocious eruptions, solidifying, and then falling as cinders surrounding the volcanic vent. Layers of pebble-sized or larger cinders and layers of ash make up cinder cones. bigger blocks and explosives from the volcano. The majority are composed of Scoria cones pieces that were ejected from the volcano together with gas-rich magma. Cinder cones have very little strength since they are composed almost entirely of loose particles. The majority of Scoria cones is made up of glassy pieces and might have phenocrysts. An examination of scoria discovered in Yemen revealed that it was mostly made of volcanic glass and a trace amount of zeolites (e.g. clinoptilolite). The Greek word for rust, skria, is whence the word scoria originates.

Learn more about volcano here:


Can somebody give me an example of how to add more sentences to my essay please.

Chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast for three main reasons the first reason is deforestation, the second reason is child labor, the third reason is poverty.
The first reason is deforestation. The chocolate farmers in the Ivory Coast often have to expand the cocoa Plantation by removing trees from the environment to make space for the coca plants, which removes habitats for animals living in the area which can lead to the extinction of different species in the area.
The second reason that cocoa is bad for the Ivory Coast is child labor the cocoa farmers will often not be paid enough to support their family which drives their children to help Farm Cocoa so they can provide for their family so instead of being in school or living their own life and being themselves they have to help their family on a farm to survive.
The third reason why chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast is poverty the people that farm Cocoa often do not get paid enough to buy simple food items for their family which causes them to work long hours she get paid little to nothing for the work they put in hours at a time which will cause child labor.
In conclusion chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast because of poverty deforestation the extinction of species in the areas and child labor.


An example of how to add more sentences to my essay please.

Using descriptive words, such as adverbs and adjectives, you can lengthen a phrase. Similar to this, strengthening your sentence by include adverbs or adjective clauses will help. The addition of an appositive or prepositional phrase is another approach to make your writing longer.

So you can start by telling more about what Chocolate is as well aa its link to Ivory Coast. The cause of the issue between them and the solutions to the problems.

What constitutes a sentence's components?

Any entire sentence has two fundamental structural components: a subject and a predicate. Other components that provide significance or detail can also be found in the subject or predicate. The subject complement, indirect object, and direct object are some of these components.

Therefore, we can say that when a sentence has a subject and a verb, it is complete. One can understand a complete statement on its own. Every sentence needs a topic, which often comes first in the sentence. A subject might be a pronoun or a noun (a person, place, or thing).

Learn more about Sentence writing from

What types of clouds make rain?


stratus, cumulus, and nimbus

Ekman transport associated with the doldrums creates?


Ekman transport associated with the doldrums creates tropical divergence.

Divergence occurs where the air is being removed or pushed out of an area. Since you can't have a void of air in the atmosphere, air rushes in to replace the air being removed. There is actually two types of divergence that occur in the atmosphere. The first is speed divergence (stretching).

Divergence occurs when a stronger wind moves away from a weaker wind or when air streams move in opposite directions. When divergence occurs in the upper levels of the atmosphere it leads to rising air.

Learn more about Divergence to visit this link


While the earth is revolving around the sun, less direct sunlight is reaching the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere. What season is it in the northern hemisphere?.


In winter season the less direct sun rays reaches the northern hemisphere.

The planet's axis is slightly inclined as it revolves around the sun, which causes the seasons to alter on earth.The winter solstice, also known as the shortest day  which is also the day when the northern hemisphere experiences the least amount of precipitation.

The sun seems lower in the sky during the winter because the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from it, there are less daylight hours, and the sun is hitting us at an angle. Because the sun's beams are "spread out" rather than "direct," there is less heating. (Shadows are longer as a result of the sun's lower angle).

Hemisphere in the north the day when the least amount of precipitation falls on the northern hemisphere will be the winter solstice, often known as the shortest day of the year, or this number 21 or 22 point.

To know more about seasons

What are 3 results of the Agricultural Revolution?



What are 3 Effects of the Neolithic agricultural revolution? Neolithic populations generally had poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter-gatherers.


hope this helps

What was the 3rd Agricultural Revolution Green Revolution?



What are 3 Effects of the Neolithic agricultural revolution? Neolithic populations generally had poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter-gatherers.


hope this helps

mark me brainliest

What stage of photosynthesis produces G3P?


When ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and carbon dioxide are combined during plant photosynthesis, the rubisco enzyme catalyzes the first phase of the light-independent processes, which results in the production of 2 equivalents of glycerate 3-phosphate.

The Calvin cycle, which occurs in the stroma, utilizes ATP and NADPH from light-dependent processes to fix carbon dioxide and create molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, or G3P, which contain three carbons.

Reduction. The 3-PGA molecules are changed into molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, a three-carbon sugar, in the second step by the usage of ATP and NADPH (G3P). The reason for this stage's name is that NADPH lowers or donates electrons to a three-carbon intermediate to create G3P.

To learn more about G3P


What are the effects of warming up?



1.Whole body

2.Stretching & major muscle groups

3.Activity using equipment


These are 3 components of warming up

AP Human Geography - Chapter 8 Political Geography


In political geography the condition of about equal strength between adversarial nations or nations' allies is known as the balance of power, a state that consists of various irregularly spaced-out bits of territory

Between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and World War I, the phrase "balance of power" came to be used to describe the power dynamics inside the European state system. Great Britain served as the "balancer" or "keeper of the balance" in the power dynamics of Europe.

According to the theory of the balance of power in international relations, states can ensure their survival by preventing any one state from acquiring sufficient military might to subjugate all other states.

To learn more about balance of power refer here:


write a
Paragraph explaning how Tounism might
affect The economy of a major metropolion area


Tourism can have a significant impact on the economy of a major metropolitan area. For example, tourism can create jobs in the area, as hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the tourism industry hire workers to serve the influx of tourists. This can lead to increased income and spending in the local economy, as workers in the tourism industry earn wages and spend money on goods and services in the area. Additionally, tourism can generate revenue for the local government through taxes on hotels, restaurants, and other businesses, as well as through fees for tourist attractions and activities. This revenue can be used to fund public services, such as schools, roads, and public safety, which can benefit the local community. Overall, tourism can have a positive economic impact on a major metropolitan area by creating jobs, generating income and spending, and providing revenue for the local government.

contains solid bars separated by spaces.


Solid bars in a bar chart are separated by spaces. Given that there is, in fact, a void between each of the categories, it is a useful tool for visualizing the distribution of variables recorded at the NOMINAL LEVEL and other discrete categorical variables.

Using rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values they represent, a bar chart or bar graph displays categorical data. Both a vertical and a horizontal bar plot are possible. A vertical bar chart may also be referred to as a column chart.

Comparisons among distinct categories are displayed in a bar graph. The comparison categories are shown on one axis of the chart, and a measured value is shown on the other axis. In certain bar graphs, the bars are grouped together to display the values of multiple measured variables.

To learn more about bar chart refer here :


What causes juice to mold?


Juice can mold when it is exposed to air and moisture. Mold spores are present in the air and can land on the surface of the juice, where they can grow and reproduce. If the juice is not stored properly, it can become contaminated with bacteria, which can also cause it to mold.

devolution ap human geography


Devolution is the transfer of authority from the central government to local governments within the state or the balkanization of a large state into multiple separate ones.

Devolution is the legal transfer of authority from the central government of a sovereign state to a local or regional level of government. It is a type of decentralized administration. Devolution is the process by which a national government gives local governments more authority. Decentralization or home rule are other names for it. Devolution is the transfer of authority and resources from the federal to local levels of government. It is crucial because it guarantees that decisions are made nearer to the local residents, businesses, and communities they will effect. governments accountability is another aspect of devolution. The impacted parties are now more directly involved in the decision-making process for devolved issues. The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish electorate have the power to hold the Scottish Government accountable. Scotland has benefited from devolution.

Learn more about Devolution here:


What was the 3rd Agricultural Revolution referred to as?




Third Agricultural Revolution (1930s–1960s), an increase in agricultural production, especially in the developing world (also known as the Green Revolution)

Ozone molecules in the stratosphere absorb much of the harmful radiation from the sun. How many ozone molecules are present in of air under the stratospheric ozone conditions of temperature and pressure? round your answer to significant digits


Under stratospheric ozone conditions, the concentration of ozone molecules in air is about 0.3 parts per million (ppm). This means that in one million molecules of air, there would be about 300 ozone molecules.

Ozone (O3) molecules are naturally present in the stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere that lies between 10-50 km above the Earth’s surface. They are important components of the atmosphere because they absorb much of the harmful radiation from the sun. The amount of ozone present in the stratosphere depends on the temperature and pressure conditions of the air.

Under the stratospheric ozone conditions of temperature and pressure, there are approximately 5 x 10^20 ozone molecules present in every cubic meter of air. This means that for every one million molecules of air, about five million of them are ozone molecules. Ozone molecules are present in a concentration of about 2-8 parts per million (ppm) in the stratosphere.

Ozone is a highly reactive molecule that is constantly being broken down and replenished. The amount of ozone in the stratosphere can vary greatly depending on the prevailing conditions. It is estimated that concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere have decreased by about 5% since the 1970s. This is due to increased emissions of various pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which have been proven to deplete the ozone layer.

Learn more about stratosphere at :


Most dry lands lie between ________ degrees north and south of the equator. A) 40 and 50 B) 20 and 30 C) 5 and 10 D) 0 and 5



B) 20 and 30


Choose the statement about the Kyoto Protocol that is FALSE.

In 1997, many United Nations countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gases.

The agreement would only slightly lower climate change impacts but it was seen as a start.

The Kyoto Protocol has been in force in the United States since 2012.

To track progress, an emphasis was placed on improvement methods and emissions data.


Option C is right. The Kyoto Protocol has been in force in the United States since 2012 is the false statement.

The assertion It is incorrect since it simply ties and burdens developing nations. Although it was ratified on 11 December 1997, the lengthy ratification process delayed its entry into force until 16 February 2005. The first significant multinational initiative to slow climate change was the Kyoto Protocol. The pact has received support from 191 nations since 1997, but not from the United States. In reality, the Protocol was doomed from the start in 1997 since it did not include the largest and fastest-growing economies in the world, it did not include emerging nations (such as the People's Republic of China) in its binding targets, and the USA did not ratify it.

Know more about the Kyoto Protocol at:


What are 3 agricultural technology examples?


temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology.

Earth's third atmosphere (atmosphere iii) was a thick atmosphere of primarily water vapor and carbon dioxide. What occurred during the third atmosphere on earth?.


Earth's third atmosphere layer is thick and primarily of water vapour and carbon dioxide. Burning of meteors occurs in the third atmosphere layer of the Earth.

Earth's atmosphere contains five layers: stratosphere, Mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, and ionosphere. The Mesosphere is most important for the protection of Earth. It is the third layer of Earth's atmosphere.

The Mesosphere is above the stratosphere, approximately 53 miles above and 372 miles below the thermosphere. The Mesosphere is tricky to understand compared to other layers of the atmosphere.  

Mesopause is colder than the other layers of the atmosphere - 90 degrees C. Jets, satellites, balloons, and meteors burn up in this layer before they reach Earth. High clouds (polar mesospheric clouds) form at the border of the Mesosphere and thermosphere.

To know more about atmosphere

Earth's third atmospheric layer is thick and primarily of water vapour and carbon dioxide. what occurs in the third layer of the earth's atmosphere?

Does Italy maintain any traditional ways or have a traditional economy? If so, explain.​



Yes, Italy maintains traditional ways and has a formal economy. Italy is known for its traditional cuisine based on local ingredients and recipes passed down through generations. Italy also has a traditional economy based on small-scale agriculture and artisanal production.


What is the radiogenic heat?


Radiogenic heat production is a physical parameter crucial to properly estimating lithospheric temperatures and properly understanding processes related to the thermal evolution of the Earth.

Radiogenic heating The thermal energy launched due to spontaneous nuclear disintegrations. in the Earth, the primary isotopes worried nowadays are of the factors uranium, thorium, and potassium, however numerous short-lived isotopes might also have been important all through the early formation of the Earth.

The main indoor resources of warmth inside the Earth are the heat content material of the little one Earth without delay after formation because of gravitational contraction and the decay of volatile, radioactive isotopes. Radiogenic warmth production is a bodily parameter important to properly estimating lithospheric temperatures and properly information tactics related to the thermal evolution of the Earth. This radioactive decay in Earth's crust and mantle continuously provides warmth and slows the cooling of the Earth.

To learn more about Radiogenic heat visit here:


How has the desert landscape of the Sahara influenced historical migration patterns in Africa?answer choicesThe Sahara Desert has facilitated the spread of disease in Africa.The Sahara Desert has served as a barrier to travel and migration.The Sahara Desert has attracted migrants to the area to herd cattle.The Sahara Desert has served as a highway for immigrants leaving Africa.





i just took it

How were the West African trade routs different?


Travel between sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa requires crossing the Sahara, as does trans-Saharan trade. Although trade has existed since the beginning of time, its apex occurred between the eighth and early seventeenth centuries.

The manner in which goods were exchanged, however, was different between the trade systems. Ships were used to transport luxury goods and bulk goods along a more relay-based route along the Indian Ocean. Trading caravans made up primarily of camels were used to transport luxury goods along the Trans-Saharan route. Since there weren't many cities along the Trans-Saharan, relay-style trading was never really practiced.

Learn more Trade routes;

What are the 4 strong forces?


The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature are Gravitational force, Weak Nuclear force, Electromagnetic force, and Strong Nuclear force.

In physics, pressure is a power that could trade the motion of an object. A pressure can cause an item with mass to alternate its velocity (e.g. moving from a country of relaxation), i.e., to accelerate. pressure also can be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has each significance and course, making it a vector quantity. it is measured inside the SI unit of newton (N). it's by far a trendy mechanical quantity. pressure is represented by using the symbol F (formerly P).

The unique form of Newton's 2nd regulation states that the internet force performing upon an object is equal to the fee at which its momentum modifications with time. If the mass of the item is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is without delay proportional to the internet pressure appearing on the object, is in the path of the internet pressure, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

To learn more about Force visit here:


What would happen to Earth's temperature if the energy absorbed from the Sun solar radiation was less than the emitted thermal energy leaving the Earth quizlet?


Answer: earth's temprature would decrease

Explanation:the Earth would cool down )until a new equilibrium was reached where absorbed solar energy equalled outgoing emitted energy

Label the diagram of a convergent-margin orogen. Aactive accretionary prism Bactive arc Dfold-thrust belt O: E incoming exotic terrane F suture


From left to right, point 1 indicates an incoming exotic terrane, point 2 an active accretionary prism, point 3 an active arc, point 4 a suture, point 5 a pluton, and point 6 a fold thrust belt in the image above.

How is an accretionary crystal shaped?

At a convergent plate boundary, sediments accreted onto the non-subducting tectonic plate result in the formation of an accretionary wedge or prism.

What is the best description of an accretionary prism?

Accretionary prisms are wedge-shaped piles of oceanic sediment and volcanic rock plastered over the trench slope from the top of the subducting lithosphere. Each cut of dregs is isolated via landward-plunging pushes (for example coming close to towards the channel).

To learn more about active accretionary prism here:


explain non biodegradable waste​


Waste that cannot be decompose or dissolve by natural agents.

Non biodegradable wastes are the waste materials that can not be decomposed and broken down into simpler substances by the action of microorganisms. Plastics are considered as non-biodegradable waste.

During a demographic transition, intensive agricultural practices used to feed a growing population can result in soil eroding from crop fields and running off into surface waters.
(i) Make a claim that proposes an effective, long-term solution to minimize the erosion of topsoil into surface waters.


Maintaining an effective perennial plant cover.

Mulching; establishing cover crops, such as winter rye, in food gardens. A vegetative cover can be created by using annual grasses, small grains, legumes, and other plant species that are grown for only this purpose . By beneath tilling , cover crops serve as "green manure" crops.

Using other erosion controls, like the use of geo-textiles or other methods that establish permanent cover, like hydro seeding or sodding, in densely populated areas where it is difficult to produce and sustain vegetation.

placing wood chips, crushed stone, and other similar items. all these methods work well in areas with traffic and steep hills. Contact a local landscaper or the RI Nursery and Landscape Association.

To know more about soil erosion

while spending the day relaxing on the beach, keisha notices that the sun appears to move across the sky. what is the best explanation for why this is happening?



The Sun isn't actually moving, it's the Earth! The Earth is rotating on its axis, making it hit the Sun during a certain period of time. That is why there is day and night. The Earth's motion makes it seem like the Sun is moving. However, in reality, the Earth is moving to balance the amount of sunlight it gets to regulate the temperature of the Earth so it isn't too hot with too much sunlight or too cold with too little sunlight.


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