A mother yelled at her son Jason for crossing the street by himself. After that, Jason stopped crossing the street alone. In this example Jason experienced:


Answer 1

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to associate two stimuli and responds in a certain way to one of them.

In this case, the mother's yelling is the unconditioned stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response of fear in Jason. The act of crossing the street alone is the neutral stimulus. After repeated pairings of the yelling with the act of crossing the street alone, Jason begins to associate the two stimuli and develops a conditioned response of fear towards crossing the street alone. Jason's behavior changed as a result of the association between the stimuli. Jason experienced classical conditioning.

Learn more about organism here



Related Questions

a federation of black women's clubs created in 1896 to build respect for black women and promote black progress. is called?


The federation of black women's clubs created in 1896 to build respect for black women and promote black progress is called the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC).

Why do terrorist organizations resort to political violence to achieve their political goals? Compare and contrast psychological and strategic approaches to understanding the reasons terrorists resort to violence.


Terrorist organizations resort to political violence to achieve their political goals because they often feel that they have no other means of achieving their objectives.

The use of violence can be seen as a way to attract attention, gain legitimacy, and create fear and chaos.

Psychological approaches to understanding terrorism focus on individual-level factors such as personal grievances, feelings of injustice or humiliation, and a desire for revenge. In contrast, strategic approaches view terrorism as a rational choice made by organizations seeking to achieve specific political objectives.

While both psychological and strategic approaches have their merits, they offer different perspectives on the causes of terrorism. A more comprehensive understanding of terrorism requires considering both individual and organizational factors that contribute to the use of political violence.

Learn more about Terrorist organizations



Why is it much easier for a bill to be defeated than to be passed?


A bill is more likely to be defeated than passed because the legislative process requires high levels of agreement and a single opposition can block passage.

The legislative process in most democratic systems is intended to be deliberative, comprehensive, and intelligent of the assorted feelings and interests of the populace. Thus, it very well may be trying to construct the essential political agreement and backing expected to pass a bill. Besides, the opposition groups can apply huge tension on officials to go against a bill, and they frequently have more noteworthy assets and impact than allies. Also, legislative rules and strategies, like delays, blackballs, and cloture votes, can furnish minority gatherings or gatherings with compelling instruments to impede the entry of bills. Consequently, while it is more straightforward to forestall a bill's entry than to get it passed, a fruitful section of a bill can fundamentally work on the existence of residents and advance the strategic objectives of the public authority.

Learn more about the legislative process:



Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? A. "Mistakes get a bad rap. People often brush them aside by saying, 'I'll do better next time.'" (Paragraph 1) B. "It is when most kids are beginning school. How well they do in school can be related to their mindset about learning and intelligence." (Paragraph 3) C. "Students who have a 'fixed' mindset tend to believe that they are born with a certain level of intelligence. They don't believe it can ever change." (Paragraph 4) D. "Children with growth mindsets were also better at bouncing back after their mistakes. 'They were more likely to get the next trial right'" (Paragraph 8)


The answer is D. "Children with growth mindsets were also better at bouncing back after their mistakes. 'They were more likely to get the next trial right'" (Paragraph 8).

This text best supports the answer to Part A.

Hence, option D. is the right choice.

What exactly does "mindset" mean?

a mental attitude that you have consistently or that you have as a characteristic and that influences how you interpret and react to things. equivalent terms: perspective, mindset, and attitude. mental attitude, attitude of the kind.

Which four mental models are there?

The four often used mindsets are: growth mentality, optimistic mindset, entrepreneurial mindset, and challenge mindset.

To know more about Mindset visit:



1. Can you practice a "religion" which supports violence against others? yes or No?



its what ever you want to believe


No, I cannot practice the "religion" which supports violence against others.

The answer to this question could vary from one person to another. The answer I am suggesting you can be wrong for other people.

Every person or religion has their own rules and regulation, if a person follows another religion then there must be different rules for that person as compared to the first one. But this doesn't mean that we should use violence against each other to make them follow the rules and regulations of our religion or culture.

Learn more about different religions on :


Which governor contributed much to the defenses of Savannah by completing the palisades around the city?


The governor who contributed much to the defenses of Savannah by completing the palisades around the city was Governor James Wright.

Governor James Wright, who served as the last Royal Governor of the Province of Georgia, was known for contributing greatly to the defenses of Savannah. His notable accomplishments include completing the palisades around the city, which provided protection against attacks from both land and sea. Additionally, he established peaceful relations with neighboring Native American tribes and helped to strengthen Georgia's economy through the promotion of agriculture and trade. Despite his efforts, Governor Wright was eventually forced to flee the colony during the American Revolution, and he spent the remainder of his life in England.

learn more about defenses here



At times, the federal government places requirements on state governments without any financial support for implementation. This is known as a(n) ______.


At times, the federal government places requirements on state governments without any financial support for implementation. This is known as an unfunded mandate.

Unfunded mandates can be problematic for state governments as they are often required to carry out policies and programs without adequate funding. This can lead to budgetary constraints and competing priorities within state governments, and may result in the implementation of federal policies being delayed or poorly executed.

Unfunded mandates can also be viewed as an issue of federalism, as the federal government is exerting its authority over state governments without providing the necessary resources to carry out the required tasks. This can lead to tensions between the federal and state governments, and may result in legal challenges to unfunded mandates.

Overall, unfunded mandates can have significant impacts on state governments, and it is important for federal policymakers to consider the financial implications of their policy decisions on state governments.

For more such questions on unfunded mandate, click on:



The use of ______ is enabling governments to reach out to and engage citizens to a greater extent than ever before.


The use of digital technology is enabling governments to reach out to and engage citizens to a greater extent than ever before.

Governments are increasingly relying on digital technologies to communicate with citizens and provide better services. Governments may swiftly and easily engage with residents, give information, and receive input through social media, websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms.

This can help to improve transparency, accountability, and responsiveness, leading to increased citizen satisfaction and trust in government. However, as digital technologies continue to advance and play a larger part in governance, there are concerns about privacy, security, and equity that must be addressed.

To know more about governments, click here.



how do the loudest sounds we can tolerate compare with the faintest sounds?



The loudest sounds that humans can tolerate are many orders of magnitude (10 to 12 orders of magnitude, to be precise) more intense than the faintest sounds we can detect.

The human ear can detect sounds with a wide range of intensities, from the faintest sound that is just audible to the loudest sound that can cause pain and even permanent damage to our hearing. The faintest sound that most humans can hear has an intensity of about 0 dB, which is equivalent to the threshold of hearing.

On the other hand, the loudest sound that most humans can tolerate has an intensity of around 120-130 dB. Sounds above this level can cause physical discomfort, pain, and even permanent damage to the ear.

So the range of sounds that we can perceive is incredibly wide, spanning many orders of magnitude in intensity. Our ears have evolved to be able to detect sounds over this wide range, which is important for our survival and communication.

don't forget flanks!!!
inspect of lacs, puncture wounds, contusions, auscultate then palpate: bowel sounds? any rigidity, guarding? begin with light palpation start to palpate with side that does not hurt maybe do a fast scan?


The description is of a physical examination technique generally performed for abdominal and gastrointestinal tissues.

In general, the physical examination of the abdomen involves several steps, including inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Inspection involves visually examining the abdomen for any abnormalities such as swelling, discoloration, or scars. Puncture wounds, lacerations, and contusions may also be observed during this step.

Auscultation involves using a stethoscope to listen for bowel sounds, which can indicate normal or abnormal function of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence or absence of bowel sounds can help diagnose conditions such as bowel obstruction or ileus.

Palpation involves using the hands to feel for any abnormalities, such as tenderness, swelling, or masses. It is important to start with light palpation and gradually increase pressure to avoid causing pain or discomfort. Any rigidity or guarding of the abdominal muscles should also be noted, as this can indicate inflammation or irritation of the underlying organs.

It may be helpful to begin palpation on the side of the abdomen that is not painful, and then gradually move to the affected area. A "fast scan" or quick palpation can also be performed to identify any obvious abnormalities or tenderness.

To know more about physical examination, refer:



Sheila's team has fallen into a pattern of faulty and biased decision making. The team seems to be more concerned with agreement than with accurately assessing information. This is known as ______.


Sheila's team has fallen into a pattern of faulty and biased decision making, where they prioritize agreement over accurately assessing information. This phenomenon is known as groupthink.

Groupthink: Groupthink is a phenomena that happens when people come to an agreement without using critical thinking or weighing the pros and drawbacks. The foundation of groupthink is a shared desire to keep the balance of the group. The Challenger Space Shuttle catastrophe and the invasion of the Bay of Pigs are two well-known instances of groupthink in action. The space shuttle's engineers were aware of a few problematic components months before launch, but they decided to go forward with the launch nevertheless because they did not want any bad publicity.

Any group can experience groupthink, a potentially harmful phenomena, but those under time constraint are more prone to experience it. Groupthink can result in disastrous decisions.

TO know more about Groupthink:



Why were the colonists mad at John Reynolds?


The colonists were mad at John Reynolds because he was appointed by the British government as the Stamp Act distributor, which meant he was responsible for enforcing the Stamp Act and collecting taxes on printed materials.

The colonists were opposed to the Stamp Act and believed that it violated their rights as Englishmen to be taxed without their consent. They saw Reynolds as a symbol of British oppression and many protested against him, including a group of colonists who burned an effigy of him in protest.
The colonists were mad at John Reynolds primarily because of his strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts and his autocratic governing style as the first royal governor of Georgia. Reynolds' actions led to dissatisfaction among the colonists, who felt that their rights and liberties were being compromised.John Reynolds, there were two historical figures with this name. One was a loyalist during the American Revolution and the other was a colonial governor of Georgia.

Learn more about primarily here:https://brainly.com/question/30012162


Descartes discovers one absolutely undoubtable truth:


René Descartes is often credited with the discovery of one absolutely undoubtable truth: "Cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am."

This statement expresses the idea that the very act of thinking proves one's existence, as there must be a thinking entity for thoughts to exist in the first place.

Descartes arrived at this conclusion through his method of doubt, in which he attempted to systematically doubt all of his beliefs in order to find a foundation for knowledge that could not be doubted. He realized that even if he were being deceived by an evil demon, the fact that he was doubting his own existence proved that he must exist.

This discovery was a significant contribution to philosophy and epistemology, as it provided a starting point for knowledge that could not be undermined by skepticism. It also laid the groundwork for the development of rationalism, the idea that knowledge can be attained through reason and intuition, rather than solely through experience.

To learn more about René Descartes



how are mental set and functional fixedness related to each other, and how do they limit problem solving? how could insight help you to overcome these two barriers to problem solving?


Mental set and functional fixedness are both cognitive barriers that can limit problem solving. Mental set refers to the tendency to approach a problem in a particular way, based on previous experience or a set of habits. Functional fixedness, on the other hand, refers to the tendency to perceive an object or idea as having only one function or use, and to overlook alternative uses.

These two barriers can limit problem solving by restricting the individual's ability to think creatively and generate new ideas or solutions. For example, someone with a mental set for solving a problem in a certain way might overlook more efficient or effective solutions that do not fit their predetermined approach. Similarly, someone with functional fixedness might overlook alternative uses for an object that could help solve the problem at hand.

Insight can help to overcome these barriers to problem solving by providing a sudden realization or breakthrough that allows the individual to see the problem in a new way. This can be achieved through various techniques, such as brainstorming, taking breaks, or approaching the problem from a different angle. By encouraging the individual to break free from their mental set or fixedness, insight can help to promote creative thinking and generate new solutions that might otherwise have been overlooked.

In conclusion, mental set and functional fixedness are both cognitive barriers that can limit problem solving. However, by using techniques such as insight, individuals can overcome these barriers and generate more creative and effective solutions to problems.

Click the below link, to learn more about Mental set and functional fixedness :



inefficiencies created by externalities can be dealt with througha. government actions onlyb. private actions onlyc. market outcomes onlyd. either private or government actionse. neither private nor government actions


Inefficiencies created by externalities can be dealt with through either private or government actions (option d).

Externalities are the indirect effects of an economic activity on third parties, which are not accounted for in market transactions. These can be positive or negative, and can lead to market inefficiencies if not addressed properly.

Government actions may include regulations, taxes, or subsidies to influence behavior and internalize the externality. For example, a government may impose a tax on polluting industries to reduce negative externalities, or provide subsidies for renewable energy to encourage positive externalities.

Private actions can also address externalities through negotiation and contracts between parties, or through market-based approaches such as tradable permits. For instance, two firms could agree to reduce pollution levels, or businesses might trade pollution permits in a cap-and-trade system.

To learn more about; government



_____ refers to the constant shifts that occur within an organizational system.


Organizational change refers to the constant shifts that occur within an organizational system. These changes can stem from both internal and external factors, and they impact various aspects of the organization, including its structure, culture, processes, and overall performance.

Internal factors driving organizational change may include technological advancements, new strategies, leadership transitions, or employee skill development. For example, when a company adopts a new technology, it may need to restructure teams and update processes to better utilize the innovation.

External factors influencing change could be economic shifts, changes in customer demands, competition, or regulatory updates. These factors often necessitate adjustments to an organization's strategies and operations to remain competitive and compliant within the industry.

Organizational change can be planned, in which case the organization proactively identifies areas for improvement and implements changes. Alternatively, it can be reactive, occurring in response to unforeseen circumstances, such as a sudden market disruption.

Effective organizational change management involves a structured approach, with clear communication, employee engagement, and a focus on continuous improvement. This helps ensure that the organization remains agile, adaptive, and successful in navigating the constantly changing business landscape.

For more questions on: organization



What organization is the major lobby for seniors and actively works for the adoption and enforcement of laws that prohibit age discrimination in employment and public accommodations?


The major lobby for seniors that actively works for the adoption and enforcement of laws that prohibit age discrimination in employment and public accommodations in the United States is the AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons).

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that represents the interests of older Americans and has a membership of nearly 38 million people. AARP advocates for policies and laws that promote the well-being of older adults and fights against discrimination based on age in various areas, including employment, housing, healthcare, and public accommodations. AARP also provides a wide range of services and resources for older adults, such as health and wellness programs, financial planning, and advocacy for social security and Medicare.

Learn more about United States here:



A(n) _____ culture is one in which both public and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well.
A. Diffuse
B. Neutral
C. Emotional
D. Specific


A. Diffuse. culture is one in which both public and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well

In a diffuse culture, public and private space are similar in size, and individuals tend to guard their public space carefully. This is because entry into public space may also mean entry into private space. In diffuse cultures, relationships tend to be long-term, and people prioritize building trust and establishing strong personal connections.

Therefore, boundaries between public and private space are not clearly defined, and people tend to be more open about their personal lives in public settings.

Examples of diffuse cultures include many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, where strong family ties and personal relationships are highly valued.

Learn more about Diffuse. culture



abulary Activity
5 questions
The author begins the text by sharing a conversation between Isabella
Baumfree and her mother. What feeling might this conversation most likely
make the reader feel?
A sympathy
B hope
C rejection
D guilt


John Nealey, a resident of Ulster County, New York, purchased Isabella for $100.  The reader will almost certainly feel sympathetic after hearing this exchange option a is correct.

What girl was it who freed every slave?

As a "conductor" of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, dubbed the "Moses of her people," was a slave who managed to free herself and others.

Sojourner Truth: What Did She Teach Us?

Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and feminist who advocated for equality for all people in the nineteenth century. Truth was able to escape slavery and became a leader in the struggle for equality and fair treatment for both women and African Americans despite not being able to read or write.

To know more about sympathetic  visit :-



What is the most commonly used and most heavily trafficked illicit drug in the world?


The most commonly used and most heavily trafficked illicit drug in the world is Marijuana.

Due to the hardy nature of the hashish plant, marijuana is grown all internationally and is these days the world's maximum famous unlawful drug with the very best degree of availability. Cannabis, additionally called marijuana amongst different names, is a psychoactive drug from the hashish plant. Native to Central or South Asia, the hashish plant has been used as a drug for each leisure and entheogenic functions and in diverse conventional drug treatments for centuries. THC is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana. It's what makes humans feel "high." We have kinds of cannabinoid receptors in our bodies. THC binds with receptors -- by and large withinside the brain -- that manage pain, mood, and different feelings.

To learn more about drug check the link below-



the 17th century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and that most knowledge comes through sensory experience is


The 17th-century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and that most knowledge comes through sensory experience is John Locke. Here option C is the correct answer.

Locke was one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment period and is widely regarded as the founder of modern empiricism. In his famous work "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding," Locke argued that the mind is a blank slate, or "tabula rasa," at birth and that all knowledge comes from experience.

He believed that the mind is shaped by the experiences we have and the ideas that we develop based on those experiences. He also believed that there are no innate ideas or knowledge that we are born with.

Locke's philosophy had a significant impact on the development of modern scientific and political thought. His ideas about the importance of empirical observation and experimentation influenced the scientific method, and his views on the role of government and individual rights helped shape modern democratic societies.

To learn more about John Locke



Complete question:

The 17th-century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and that most knowledge comes through sensory experience is

A) Immanuel Kant

B) René Descartes

C) John Locke

D) David Hume

The National Park Service (NPS) issues a limited number of backpacking permits at some parks. What type of policy tool is this?A. SubsidizingB. RationingC. Contracting outD. Providing market incentives


The National Park Service (NPS) issues a limited number of backpacking permits at some parks. The type of policy tool is B. Rationing.

Rationing concerned putting limits on buying positive excessive-call for items. The authorities issued a number of of “points” to every person, even babies, which needed to be became in in conjunction with cash to buy items made with restrained items. Rationing is the proscribing of products or offerings which can be in excessive call for and quick deliver. It is regularly undertaken through governments as a manner of mitigating the effect of shortage and managing monetary challenges. Rationing refers to an synthetic manipulate at the distribution of scarce resources, meals items, commercial production, etc. In banking, credit score rationing is a scenario while banks restrict the deliver of loans to consumers.

To learn more about Rationing check the link below-



When people state publicly an opinion that is at odds with their own private attitudes, they are engaging in
A. dissonance reduction. B. seeking external justifications. C.counter-attitudinal advocacy. D. justification of effort.


The correct answer is C. When people state publicly an opinion that is at odds with their own private attitudes, they are engaging in counter-attitudinal advocacy, which involves expressing a belief or opinion that goes against one's own beliefs or values.

This can occur for various reasons, such as social pressure or the desire to conform to group norms. People may engage in dissonance reduction or seek external justifications as a way to reconcile the conflict between their private attitudes and public behavior. However, these are not the primary processes at play in this scenario.

Values are enduring, dependable ideas about a person's priorities. They develop into guidelines by which individuals organize their lives and make decisions. A person's commitment to and perception of the value of a belief will mature into a value over time. A process known as "counter-attitudinal advocacy" occurs when someone publicly expresses an opinion that is in opposition to one they already hold. This can lead to the person modifying their initial belief to match the statement.

To learn more about beliefs and values, click here:



in the marvel comics universe, the daily bugle newspaper consistently reports about spider-man's actions as being menacing toward society, in an attempt to turn the public against the wall crawler. what type of media best describes the actions of the daily bugle?


The actions of the Daily Bugle in the Marvel Comics universe can be described as propaganda.

What is propaganda?

Propaganda refers to information, ideas, or opinions that are spread deliberately to influence or manipulate public opinion, often in a biased or misleading manner. It is often used in politics, advertising, and other forms of communication to shape people's beliefs and behaviors towards a particular agenda or cause. Propaganda can take many forms, including posters, advertisements, speeches, news articles, and social media content, and it often uses emotional appeals, misleading statistics, or other manipulative tactics to influence the audience.

What is manipulation?

Manipulation refers to the act of influencing or controlling others in a shrewd or unfair manner, often for personal gain. It typically involves using deceptive or dishonest tactics to sway people's thoughts, feelings, or behavior to one's advantage. Manipulation can take many forms, such as emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, and social manipulation, and can occur in various contexts, including personal relationships, business interactions, and politics. Manipulative behavior is generally considered unethical because it often involves taking advantage of others, deceiving them, or using them for one's own benefit, without regard for their rights or interests.

To know more about propaganda, visit:



the tolerable misstatement is the confidence level needed to infer population values . true or false?


False, the statement is incorrect.

Tolerable misstatement is the maximum error in the financial statements that is considered acceptable by an auditor or an organization. It represents the level of materiality that an organization or auditor is willing to accept in the financial statements before it would affect their decision-making. The tolerable misstatement is usually determined based on a percentage of a specific benchmark, such as total assets or revenue.

In contrast, confidence level refers to the level of certainty that a statistical inference or conclusion is accurate. It is a measure of how confident one can be that the observed data represents the population data accurately. Confidence level is usually expressed as a percentage, such as 95% or 99%, and it is used in statistical hypothesis testing to assess whether a sample statistic is significantly different from a population parameter.

Therefore, the two concepts, tolerable misstatement, and confidence level are unrelated to each other, and the statement ""the tolerable misstatement is the confidence level needed to infer population values"" is false.

Click the below link, to learn more about Tolerable misstatement:



Being committed to specific policy values and goals as well as ideological and partisan agendas is known as the ______ approach to policy analysis.


Being committed to specific policy values and goals as well as ideological and partisan agendas is known as the advocacy approach to policy analysis.

In this approach, policy analysts and advocates advocate for particular policy solutions that align with their values and goals. They use evidence selectively to support their arguments, and they may downplay or ignore evidence that contradicts their position.

The advocacy approach is often associated with interest groups, think tanks, and political parties. While it can be effective in advancing specific policy goals, it can also lead to polarization and a lack of objective analysis. As such, it is important for policy analysts to be aware of their biases and to strive for balanced and evidence-based analysis.

Learn more about policy solutions



Students should begin developing their career portfolios in their first semester in college. They should begin collecting everything in a/an:


Students should begin developing their career portfolios in their first semester in college. They should begin collecting everything in a/an: Ring binder.

As soon as a person begins their professional journey, they should begin creating a career portfolio. It is never too early or too late to begin creating a portfolio that highlights your abilities, achievements, and previous work.

An individual's skills, accomplishments, and professional development over time are showcased in a career portfolio, which is a collection of documents, materials, and other artifacts. It is a visual portrayal of an individual's vocation process that incorporates tests of their work, certificates, grants, and other significant data.

To know more about career portfolio



As a result of Senator McCarthy's crusade against communist subversion in America


As a result of Senator McCarthy's crusade against communist subversion in America, several events and consequences unfolded.

1. McCarthyism: The term "McCarthyism" was coined to describe the practice of accusing someone of being a communist without proper evidence. This practice led to the violation of civil liberties and encouraged a widespread culture of fear and suspicion.
2. Blacklisting: Many individuals, especially in the entertainment industry, were blacklisted for alleged communist affiliations or sympathies. This meant they were denied employment opportunities and suffered significant professional and personal consequences.
3. HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) Investigations: The HUAC conducted a series of high-profile hearings in which individuals were interrogated about their political beliefs and associations. Many were pressured to "name names" and identify other suspected communists, leading to further blacklisting and ruined careers.
4. Loss of Civil Liberties: Due to McCarthy's aggressive tactics, many individuals were subjected to unfair trials, harassment, and intimidation. This resulted in the erosion of civil liberties and a general sense of fear and distrust in society.
5. Decline of McCarthy's Influence: Eventually, Senator McCarthy's tactics and accusations were exposed as baseless and harmful, leading to his censure by the Senate and a decline in his influence over American politics. The era of McCarthyism gradually came to an end, but its lasting impact on American society and politics remains significant.

For more such questions on America, click on:



Explain the 5 steps in the Passive Agressive cycle


The 5 steps of  Passive-Aggressive Cycle consists Trigger, Internalization, Passive-Aggressive Behavior,
Confusion, Reinforcement.

The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle explains how rational, straightforward, assertive adults can momentarily and unexpectedly depart from their typical personas and take on inappropriate, childlike, and unprofessional behaviors (Long, Long & Whitson, 2008). It describes and predicts the endless, repetitive cycles of conflict that occur when a passive aggressive individual succeeds in getting someone else to act out their anger for them. The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle (PACC) helps observers to be able to look beyond behavior and better understand what is occurring beneath the surface. Take this real-life example of a seemingly minor conflict between a teacher and child that elicited an apparent major over-reaction by the adult.

Learn more about Passive-Aggressive Cycle here:



a decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event caused by a motivating operation.


The terms you mentioned are related to the concept of habituation in learning theory. Your question can be rephrased as: "Explain the process of habituation in terms of a decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event caused by a motivating operation."

Habituation is a decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event over time due to repeated exposure or a motivating operation. This process can be broken down into the following steps:

1. Initial exposure: A stimulus, object, or event is introduced to an individual for the first time and produces a reinforcing effect (e.g., pleasure or satisfaction).

2. Repeated exposure: The individual encounters the same stimulus, object, or event repeatedly. Each exposure contributes to a motivating operation.

3. Motivating operation: As the individual experiences the stimulus, object, or event more frequently, the motivating operation causes a reduction in the reinforcing effectiveness. This can occur due to factors such as satiation (the individual has had enough of the stimulus), boredom, or familiarity.

4. Decreased reinforcing effectiveness: As a result of the motivating operation, the individual becomes less responsive to the stimulus, object, or event. They may not find it as pleasurable or satisfying as before, and it may no longer serve as a strong reinforcer for their behavior.

In conclusion, habituation is a process where a decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event is caused by a motivating operation, often due to repeated exposure or familiarity.

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A hard-boiled egg of mass 50.0 g moves on the end of a spring with spring constant ___________ is the belief that everything is composed of matter and energy and can be explained by physical laws. A quin puede interesarle? Qu beneficios se obtendrn si se realiza?Pagina 165 del libro de espaol plis lo necesito how often do you wash rinse and sanitize the batter bowl? A subsidy: Multiple Choice reduces both the amount that buyers pay and the amount sellers receive for a good. increases both the amount that buyers pay and the amount sellers receive for a good. reduc ces the amount that buyers pay for a good. increases the amount that buyers pay for a good. Find the area.Area =6 m10 msquare meters Note: Figure is not drawn to scale. If x = 12 units, y = 4 units, and h = 7 units, find the area of the rhombus shown above using decomposition. A. 112 square units B. 28 square units C. 84 square units D. 15 square units Training in tai chi chuan can be valuable for an actor, as it serves as an excellent focused exercise for an actor's body awareness and, due to the graceful nature of the core regimen of movement, it also serves as a form of meditation to help the actor prepare. (True or False) QUESTION 2 (20 Marks) 2.1 Outline FOUR (4) differences between public goods and private goods. (8 marks) 22 Explain FOUR (4) interventions that govemment can consider to deal with the allocative ineff Chlorine may be added to water in a continuous, slug, and/or the ______ method to initially disinfect a pipeline?a.) Segmentedb.) Tabletc.) Low dosed.) Air injection A violation that does not have the potential to negatively affect a client is considered what class? ResearchLook up each of the following words and give an example of it or explain what it means in your own words. For example, for animism, which religions or cultures believed in it (or still believe)? For ancient mysteries, what is an actual cult that was around during the classical period?1. animism:2. dualism:3. initiation (look at secret societies/mysteries):4. ancient mystery cults:5. oracle:6. ritual (look up ancient Greek rituals): Let h(x) be the number of hours it takesa new factory to produce x engines. Thecompany's accountant determines thatthe number of hours it takes depends onthe time it takes to set up the machineryand the number of engines to becompleted. It takes 6.5 hours to set upthe machinery to make the engines andabout 5.25 hours to completelymanufacture one engine. Therelationship is modeled with thefunction b(x)=6.5+5.25%1. Determine the x and y-intercepts of the function.2. Is the function increasing ordecreasing? The "tragedy of the commons" refers to the situation in which individuals attempt to maximize their use of ______ without regard to their degradation or depletion. RIGHT ANSWER GETS BRAINLIEST AND 11 POINTS You are the manager of a large but privately held online retailer that currently uses 17 unskilled workers and 6 semiskilled workers at its warehouse to box and ship the products it sells online. Your company pays its unskilled workers the minimum wage but pays the semiskilled workers $12.75 per hour. Thanks to government legislation, the minimum wage in your state will increase from $10.25 per hour to $10.75 per hour on July 24, 2017. Discuss the short-run implications of this legislation on your company's optimal mix of inputs. You will not change your mix of semiskilled and unskilled workers. You will increase your hiring of unskilled workers and decrease your hiring of semiskilled workers o You will increase your hiring of semiskilled workers and decrease your hiring of unskilled workers. 1)Paul added some pure potassium nitrate crystals to a cold water in a beaker and stirred the mixture. A few of the crystals did not dissolve at room temperature. i). Give reasons why some crystals did not dissolve ii). What would be observed if the contents of the beaker were warmed? Explain. iii). What would happen if the contents of the beaker were cooled back to room temperature? "Transformational leadership is a leadership theory used in nursing practice. The nurse understands that the type of nursing practiced in this environment would be most beneficial toa. financial compensation.b. tuition reimbursement.c. personal empowerment.d. best practice." Europeans evolved from farming a single field in early medieval times to rotating crops into how many different sections or fields by the 18th century? a. oneb. twoc. threed. foure. five "There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes." -Leo Tolstoy The quote claims that humans do not give up, even in terrible circumstances. Does the evidence in these articles support the idea that the human spirit survives and prevails, even in terrible circumstances? Use evidence from both articles in your answer.