you need to look at what was happening in Germany under Hindenburg (the leader prior to Hitler). What did he do that set in motion the rise of the Nazis? What economic factors were at play in Germany that Hindenburg couldn’t control? Leadership matters, and how did his impact the era?

AND…how did Hitler and the Nazis step into the vacuum? In other words, how did they rise to power? Do you think it was inevitable that they would have seized power…or do you think Hitler’s rise could have been averted? Really the question is about, “how did Hitler come to power”...but I really want you to look at the process, the leadership styles etc.


Answer 1


Hindenburg was a conservative leader who served as Germany's president from 1925 to 1934. He appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1933, which was a key factor that set in motion the rise of the Nazis. Hindenburg believed that he could control Hitler and that he would be able to use him as a tool to get the support of the masses. However, Hitler quickly consolidated his power and eliminated any opposition.

The economic factors that were at play in Germany at the time included the effects of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression. Many Germans were struggling to make ends meet and were looking for someone to blame for their problems.

Hindenburg's leadership style was cautious and conservative, and he was hesitant to take decisive action to address the economic and political issues facing Germany. This vacuum of leadership created an opportunity for Hitler and the Nazis to step in and take control.

The Nazis were able to rise to power by exploiting the economic and political chaos in Germany, promoting their aggressive nationalism and anti-Semitic beliefs, and consolidating their control over the government and military.

In hindsight, it is difficult to say whether Hitler's rise to power could have been averted. Many factors contributed to his success, including the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, the economic crisis, and the appeal of Nazi ideology to some Germans. However, it is clear that Hindenburg's decision to appoint Hitler as chancellor played a significant role in paving the way for the Nazi takeover.


Answer 2


Hindenburg became the President of Germany in 1925, and his presidency was characterized by political and economic instability. The Great Depression had a severe impact on the German economy, causing high levels of unemployment and poverty. Hindenburg’s attempts to stabilize the economy through deflationary policies worsened the economic conditions for the German people. Additionally, his leadership was marked by a series of ineffective and unstable coalition governments.

The Nazis rose to power by exploiting the widespread dissatisfaction among the German people with the economic and political situation. Hitler promised to restore order and create jobs, and his message resonated with the German people. The Nazis also used propaganda and violence to intimidate and suppress opposition, while consolidating power through the establishment of a totalitarian regime. Hitler’s leadership style was characterized by his charismatic personality, his use of propaganda, and his authoritarian tendencies.

It is difficult to say whether Hitler’s rise to power was completely avertable, but it was certainly not inevitable. There were other political parties and leaders who could have taken power, and the outcome could have been different if different decisions had been made. However, the economic and political situation in Germany at the time created a fertile ground for the rise of extremist parties like the Nazis.

Related Questions

In July of 1940, what was the only nation still at war with Nazi Germany?

Great Britain
the Soviet Union
the United States


The answer is Great Britain

Question refers to the excerpt below.

"If our great corporations would more scrupulously observe their legal limitations and duties, they would have less cause to complain of the unlawful limitations of their rights or of violent interference with their operations. The community that by concert, open or secret, among its citizens denies to a portion of its members their plain rights under the law has severed the only safe bond of social order and prosperity. Those who use unlawful methods, if moved by no higher motive than the selfishness that prompted them, may well stop and inquire what is to be the end of this."—Benjamin Harrison, from his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1889

Harrison's emphasis on the effects of corporate "selfishness" reflects the growing influence of

elitist influence as seen in the Gospel of Wealth
African American reformers like Booker T. Washington
reformist sentiments as seen in the Social Gospel
women's social groups like the WSPU


Answer: reformist sentiments as seen in the Social Gospel.

Explanation: The Social Gospel, which surfaced during the latter stages of the 19th and early stages of the 20th centuries, aimed to implement Christian beliefs and values in tackling social predicaments such as destitution, disparity, and inequity. Social Gospel proponents asserted that both individuals and institutions possessed an ethical duty to strive towards the amelioration of society. This objective could be realized through implementing social and political transformations.

The statement posited by Harrison espouses the notion that corporations ought to conduct themselves in a manner that is both ethical and responsible, given that their self-serving conduct has the potential to erode the foundations of social stability and prosperity. This reflection embodies the principles of the Social Gospel movement, which emphasized the significance of collective obligation and communal wellbeing.



African American reformers like Booker T. Washington

14. Why did James Madison promise to add a bill of rights to the Constitution?
a. Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the
rights that states had granted to individuals.
b. Colonists feared that federalist politicians would use federal law to prevent militias from protecting themselves.
c. Americans feared that a strong central government might attempt to enter people's homes and collect personal information.
d. Colonists feared that federalist politicians would accuse their critics of treason and try them without a jury.



a. Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the rights that states had granted to individuals.


This question is asking about the reason why James Madison promised to add a bill of rights to the Constitution. The correct answer is (a) Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the rights that states had granted to individuals.

During the debates over the ratification of the Constitution, some Americans, including the Anti-Federalists, were concerned that the new government created by the Constitution would be too powerful and could infringe upon the rights of individuals. In order to ease these concerns and persuade the Anti-Federalists to support the Constitution, James Madison, a leading Federalist, promised to add a bill of rights to the Constitution once it was ratified. Madison believed that the bill of rights would protect individual liberties and limit the power of the federal government. The Bill of Rights, which consists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, was added in 1791, and it includes protections for freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms, among other rights.


Explanation: he made the bill of rights to make sure that they cant take away the rights that the state granted.

What continuities existed in labor systems throughout the time period 1450-1750 ce?​


Answer: while labor systems underwent significant changes between 1450-1750 CE, forced labor, labor tribute systems, agricultural labor, and gendered divisions of labor were among the continuities that persisted throughout this period.


In a confederation power is decentralized the separate regions or States hold all the power true or false


It is true that every one of the States or areas in a confederation hold all the power.

What commands greater sway within a Confederation?

The Constitutional Articles provided a description of their form of government. The majority of power was held by the individual states in this system.

Confederations are voluntary coalitions of independent states that decide to limit their autonomy and set up a common system for discussion or debate in order to further a shared goal.

The confederation is a grouping of autonomous states that govern themselves. The independent states delegate power to the federal government. To debate the needs of the group, the governors of each state assemble.

To know more about Confederations visit:


1. In at least one paragraph, describe the types of sustainable farming practices being used in this region of Vietnam. Make sure to also explain how sustainable farming has helped the local people.



In the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, sustainable farming practices are becoming increasingly popular. One such practice is Integrated Rice and Fish Farming (IRFF), which involves growing rice and raising fish in the same field. The fish waste provides natural fertilizer for the rice plants, while the rice provides shade and a habitat for the fish. This symbiotic relationship not only reduces the need for chemical fertilizers but also increases the yield of both crops.

Another sustainable farming practice in the region is agroforestry, which involves planting trees alongside crops to create a more diverse and sustainable ecosystem. This not only provides shade for the crops and helps retain moisture in the soil but also provides a source of timber and other non-timber forest products.

Sustainable farming has helped the local people in several ways. Firstly, it has reduced their reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which are costly and harmful to the environment. This has not only improved the health of the local ecosystems but also reduced the financial burden on farmers. Additionally, sustainable farming practices have helped to improve the resilience of the local communities by providing a more diverse range of crops and income streams. Finally, sustainable farming practices have helped to address the issue of food security in the region by increasing crop yields and improving the quality of the soil. Overall, sustainable farming practices have been an important step towards building a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector in the Mekong Delta region.


How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the principle of democracy?
O lt creates a republic government, which is the same as democracy.
O Most of the people can elect leaders and petition the government.
O lt creates a republic form of government run by only a few officials.
O Most of the people have no role or effect on the legislative branch


The U.S. Constitution reflect the principle of democracy:

Most of the people can elect leaders and petition the government.

Effect of the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of democracy

The U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of democracy in several ways, but perhaps the most significant is through the establishment of a representative democracy. The Constitution provides for the election of officials to represent the people in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. These officials are elected by the people, which means that most of the people have a say in who is elected to represent them.

Additionally, the Constitution includes provisions for free speech, free press, and the right to petition the government, which are essential elements of a democratic society. These provisions ensure that the people have the ability to express their opinions and influence government policy.

Learn more about principle of democracy at


What nations did France declare war on after they choose to support King Louis XIV?
a.)Britain and Austria
b.)The United States and Austria
c.)The United States and Britain
d.)Britain and Italy


Answer:France declared war on Britain and Austria after choosing to support King Louis XIV. Therefore, the correct option is a) Britain and Austria.

Explanation: would really apreciate brainliest and thanks! :D

E.1 What is economics? EXX
Use what you have learned to complete the text.
needs and wants consequences
Economics is about how people meet their
wants, people use
make up its
behaviors or choices.
To meet their needs and
to make goods and services. But because of
people must choose how to use resources. Those choices have
now and in the future. The choices of the people in a place or region
. Economists study the economy. They look at data to
of the economy and try to predict the consequences of


It’s to blurry I can’t see it

What was the religious Second Great Awakening?



The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States.

Which of the following identifies a way the Latin American and the Caribbean idependance movements were inspired by the American revolution


Answer: Latin American and Caribbean freedom developments were propelled by the thoughts of normal rights and opportunity from oppression, which were central to the American Transformation. The pioneers of the freedom developments in Latin America and the Caribbean saw the victory of the American Insurgency as verification that it was conceivable for a colony to realize freedom from its European colonizer.


what is the argument presented in the question


The argument presented is an application of regression analysis to predict the selling price of a car based on its mileage and age.

What is an argument ?

The question presents a scenario involving a sample of 33 Honda Accords with recorded selling prices, mileage, and age. It then provides an estimated regression equation to predict the selling price of a car based on its mileage and age. The question asks for the estimation of the selling price of a four-year-old Honda Accord with 40,000 miles, as well as the development of a 95% confidence interval and a 95% prediction interval for the selling price based on this data. The argument presented is an application of regression analysis to predict the selling price of a car based on its mileage and age.

To know more about argument, visit:


Complete question is: The argument presented is an application of regression analysis to predict the selling price of a car based on its mileage and age.

Question refers to the excerpt below.

"To the People of the State of New York:
There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.

It could never be more truly said than of the first remedy, that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency."—James Madison, The Federalist No. 10, 1787

The focus in The Federalist No. 10 shares support for which of the following with Romanticism and the Second Great Awakening?

The idea that government could solve all social problems
The ideas of self-determination and societal improvement
The idea that nature could redeem personal loss and create wealth
The ideas of individuality and spiritual unity




The ideas of self-determination and societal improvement

Final answer:

James Madison's The Federalist No. 10 reflects strong support for the notions of self-determination and societal development, concepts that were also propagated under Romanticism and the Second Great Awakening.


The ideas expressed in James Madison's The Federalist No. 10 align best with the tenets of self-determination and societal improvement, common themes found in both the Romantic movement and the Second Great Awakening. Madison's concept that fault should not be found in liberty for nurturing faction, but rather, that these factions are a necessary part of political life supports self-autonomy and societal betterment, as citizens are expected to engage in these factions to discuss, negotiate, and compromise. This involvement is a form of self-determination, an echo of the Romantics' emphasis on individual freedom, as well as the Second Great Awakening's focus on personal salvation and moral reform as methods of societal improvement.

Learn more about Self-determination and societal improvement here:


history please answer :D
Question refers to the excerpt below.

"I think we now have sufficient population in our country for us to shut the door and to breed up a pure, unadulterated American citizenship. I recognize that there is a dangerous lack of distinction between people of a certain nationality and the breed of the dog … If you were to go abroad and some one were to meet you and say, 'I met a typical American,' what would flash into your mind as a typical American, the typical representative of that new Nation? Would it be the son of an Italian immigrant, the son of a German immigrant, the son of any of the breeds from the Orient, the son of the denizens of Africa? … Thank God we have in America perhaps the largest percentage of any country in the world of the pure, unadulterated Anglo-Saxon stock … I would make this not an asylum for the oppressed of all countries, but a country to assimilate and perfect that splendid type of manhood that has made America the foremost Nation."—Ellison DuRant Smith, from an April 9, 1924 speech recorded in the Congressional Record, 68th Congress, 1st Session, Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1924, vol. 65, 5961–5962

Sentiments described in Smith's speech most directly resulted in which of the following developments in the early 20th century?

Development of migrant labor unions
Hierarchical employment programs based on immigration status
Immigration reform that focused on housing
Passage of restrictive immigration quotas


Answer: Passage of restrictive immigration quotas

Explanation: The cited passage reflects a yearning for halting immigration and fostering a homogeneous, uncontaminated American populace comprised solely of individuals who possess a pure, unadulterated Anglo-Saxon lineage. Such inclinations were ubiquitous among nativist politicians and advocates during the beginning of the 20th century, resulting in the approval of laws that curtailed immigration from certain nations, while ushering in immigrants from Western and Northern Europe. The establishment of nationality-based quotas under the Immigration Act of 1924 was a direct outcome of the pervasive patriotic and nationalist sentiments prevailing during that time.

Compare the film “Forrest Gump” to the actual historical event

Can someone please help me? Thank you!


The kind, lovely man speaks softly and sweetly, engaging the world as a young kid might. However, his focus, hysterically odd abilities, and enormous heart make him easy to love despite the fact that this makes him less "book smart" than his contemporaries.

What historical event is the subject of Forrest Gump?

The film's historical authenticity regarding the Vietnam veteran experience has also been praised by some Vietnam War veterans (through VVA). The Forrest Gump true tale touches on the difficult transition for seriously injured veterans like Forrest's friend Lieutenant Dan, even though it is not specifically about the Vietnam War.

How true to history is Forrest Gump?

Forrest is not genuine, despite the fact that the historical events in Forrest Gump are extremely real; yet, the character was directly influenced by a few real persons. The first is Sammy Lee Davis, a genuine Vietnam War soldier whose tale is unmistakably the same as Forrest's.

to know more about Forrest Gump visit:-


Question refers to the excerpt below.

"And whereas great Quantities of the like Manufactures have of late been made and are daily increasing in the Kingdom of Ireland and in the English Plantations in America and are exported from thence to Forreigne Marketts heretofore supplyed from England which will inevitably sink the Value of Lands and tend to the ruine of the Trade and the Woollen Manufactures of this Realme … Be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same:

That no Person or Persons … shall directly or indirectly export … out of or from the said Kingdom of Ireland into any Forreigne Realme States or Dominions … other than the Parts within the Kingdom of England."—Wool Act, 1699

In response to wanting to raise tax revenue on its exports and increase control over the colonies, the British Parliament

criminalized the rampant piracy in the Atlantic
enacted mercantilist practices
limited slave trade between Africa and the colonies
revised the taxation standards



Enacted Mercantilist Practices.


The act prohibited the export of wool from Ireland and the American colonies to any foreign country, including English colonies in the Caribbean.

Dowry is often used in India to make a daughter more attractive to possible husbands, while bride price is used to compensate a family for the work and children of one of their daughters. Explain how both of these payments unite families but in different ways.




Dowry and bride price are two distinct payment systems in marriage that are practiced in many societies, including India. Both of these payment systems unite families, but they do so in different ways.

Dowry is a payment made by the bride's family to the groom's family before or during the wedding ceremony. It includes gifts, money, and other valuable items. The purpose of the dowry is to make the bride more attractive to possible husbands by showing her family's wealth and status. The groom's family sees the dowry as a way of compensating them for the expenses they will incur in taking care of the bride. Dowry payments can also serve as a way for the bride's family to maintain control over their daughter's welfare in her new household. Therefore, the dowry payment system unites families by creating a bond between the bride's family and the groom's family, ensuring that the bride is taken care of after she is married, and maintaining control over the daughter's welfare.

On the other hand, bride price is a payment made by the groom's family to the bride's family to compensate them for the work and children of one of their daughters. Bride price payments often involve animals, cash, or other valuable items. The purpose of the bride price is to recognize the bride's family's contributions to the new household by compensating them for their daughter's labor and potential fertility. Therefore, the bride price payment system unites families by creating a bond between the groom's family and the bride's family, recognizing the bride's family's contributions, and establishing the groom's family's status as a provider for the bride and her family.

In both systems, the payment of money or goods creates a connection between the families of the bride and groom. However, the purpose of each payment is different. The dowry is intended to ensure the bride's welfare, while the bride price is intended to recognize the bride's family's contributions to the new household.

The following are significant events in the Native American civil rights movement. Drag them into the order
in which they occurred, with the earliest on top.

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
AIM began a cross-country protest called the "Trail of Broken Treaties."
Government forces removed the last few holdouts of the activist group after 19 months.
A group of American Indian activists occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco in order to
build a cultural center, history museum, and spiritual sanctuary.


The significant events in the Native American civil rights movement that occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s as follows:

1. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

2. A group of American Indian activists occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco in order to build a cultural center, history museum, and spiritual sanctuary.

3. AIM began a cross-country protest called the "Trail of Broken Treaties."

4. Government forces removed the last few holdouts of the activist group after 19 months.

The Native American civil rights movement was a social and political movement that aimed to end discrimination and promote equal rights for Native Americans in the United States. It emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and was driven by grassroots activism and advocacy organizations such as the American Indian Movement (AIM).

The movement sought to raise awareness about the injustices and inequalities faced by Native Americans, including broken treaties, forced relocation, poverty, and limited access to education and healthcare. It also advocated for the recognition of Native American sovereignty and self-determination, as well as the preservation of Native American cultures and traditions.

Learn more about Native American civil rights movement here:


what do you suppose the writer means by “She had not even a ‘white bone in her mouth,’ while the rest of the fleet had whole skeletons


The phrase "She had not even a ‘white bone in her mouth,’ while the rest of the fleet had whole skeletons" is likely a metaphorical expression used to describe a situation where someone or something lacks the usual signs of strength or success that others possess.

In this context, the writer may be referring to a person or entity that lacks the resources, abilities, or advantages that others in their group possess. The "white bone" is a symbol of strength and completeness, and by not having it, the subject is seen as weak or incomplete. Meanwhile, the "whole skeletons" are the other members of the group who possess this strength.

1. How does this document support the idea that even former presidents can be arrested?


Without knowing which document the question is referring to, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, in general, the idea that even former presidents can be arrested is supported by the principle of the rule of law, which holds that no one, including current or former government officials, is above the law. This principle is enshrined in many national constitutions and international laws, including the United States Constitution, which provides that "no person" shall be immune from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that even sitting presidents are not immune from criminal investigation or prosecution, which suggests that former presidents can also be subject to arrest and prosecution for criminal offenses committed while in office or after leaving office.

According to the map, which statement about control in Europe is true? Most of Western Europe was under Allied control. Most of Europe was under German control. Most of Eastern Europe remained neutral. Most of Eastern Europe was under Allied control.


B .Most of Europe was under German control. Beginning in May 1940, German troops took Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France in six weeks.

Who was in charge of Western Europe?

France denoted a truce in late June 1940, leaving Remarkable Britain as the fundamental country engaging Nazi Germany.

An Excellent Coalition between the three significant Partnered powers — Incredible England, the US, and the Soviet Association — was the way to triumph during The Second Great War. France joined Extraordinary England and the US in possessing West Germany and West Berlin at the English demand, while the Soviet Association ran East Germany and East Berlin.

To learn more about Coalition visit :


Complete question -

According to the European map of 1945, which statement about control in Europe is true?

a. Most of Western Europe was under Allied control.

b.  Most of Europe was under German control.

c. Most of Eastern Europe remained neutral.

d. Most of Eastern Europe was under Allied control.


B. Most of Europe was under German control


took it on edge



Sparta was ruled by two kings who governed until death or removal. On the other hand, Draco, Solon, Peisistratos, Cleisthenes, Pericles, and Alcibiades were some of Athens' noteworthy rulers. While Sparta was an absolute monarchy, Athens was a democracy.

What made Sparta famous?

Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected on an annual basis. Athens is recognized as the cradle of democracy since all sides of Athens' government have elected leaders. The Spartan way of life was uncomplicated.

Sparta was one of the most formidable Greek city-states, famous for its athletic and martial prowess.

Sparta rose to prominence for its military strength, and the Spartans were regarded as unstoppable combatants. Spartans were outstanding soldiers for reasons other than their fighting prowess. The most important aspect was that they had been infused with exact ideals and teaching since childhood.

Learn more about Sparta:

explain the impact that other powers (especially European) had on the shaping
Latin America. Explain how the social, economic and political avenues of emerging states were impacted by imperialism in many forms.



Imperialism in Latin America had a significant impact on the social, economic, and political avenues of emerging states. The Europeans brought with them their systems of governance, language, religion, and culture that greatly impacted the region. They also exploited Latin American resources and established systems that favored their own interests. This has resulted in widespread corruption and instability in Latin American countries, which has continued to this day.


In 1534, French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and claimed the area for France. This area became part of the colony of New France. What was the main economic activity in New France?
A. gold mining
B. the slave trade
C. tobacco farming
D. the fur trade


D. The Fur trade, was the main economic activity in New France. The Mississippi Valley in new France and Canada possessed all the animals required to satisfy the demand for fur items from Europeans.

Like the Spanish and the British, France initially had little interest in establishing colonies. Instead, they started swapping posts. The region was settled by French traders and trappers.

To send the furs back to France, the trappers started to hunt and catch these animals. To exchange native pelts for various equipment, firearms, wines, and other commodities from Europe, the traders formed deals with the Indians.

Hence, we can conclude that Fur trade was the main economic activity in New France.

Therefore, option D. is correct.

To know more about Trade visit:


What best explains the causes of the French Revolution that led to a new Constitution in 1791?
A.)Challenged the enormous power of the 3rd Estate.
B.)The lack of power of the clergy
C.)Large amount of government power for the bourgeoisie
D.)Heavy taxation and the lack of property ownership of the 3rd estate




The causes of the French Revolution that led to a new Constitution in 1791 can best be explained by option D, which is the heavy taxation and the lack of property ownership of the 3rd estate. The 3rd Estate, which comprised the common people and the lower classes, was heavily taxed and had limited political power compared to the first two estates, which consisted of the nobility and the clergy. The 3rd Estate was also burdened by the feudal system, which prevented them from owning land and advancing socially. These factors led to widespread poverty, resentment, and social unrest, which eventually led to the French Revolution and the demand for a new Constitution that would establish a more equitable and just society.

you need to find what YOU believe to be the FIVE main causes of WWII. Identify what you believe to be the cause, discuss it IN YOUR OWN WORDS, and discuss WHY it was a cause. , but what I really want you to do is look back at what was happening in Europe and how the wheels of war began to move towards the most destructive war ever. ALSO, put them in the order of most important to least importan




Germany's rising up after their economic downfall due to post-WWI punishments.

Japan's response to oil trading (Pearl Harbor)

The US's desperate need to restart the economy after post great depression.

The league of nations failure to hold peace.

The united states hesitance to stop brewing conflict.

What kind of taxes are likely to pay for universities and police?
a. local taxes
state taxes
c. federal taxes
income taxes
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The correct options are both a. local taxes and b. state taxes. The kind of taxes that are likely to pay for universities and police are primarily local taxes and state taxes.

Local taxes are the taxes collected by local governments such as cities and counties and are used to fund local services like police and fire departments, public schools, and universities. Local taxes include property taxes, sales taxes, and fees for services such as waste disposal.
State taxes, on the other hand, are collected by the state government and are used to fund a variety of services including public universities and state police departments. State taxes include income taxes, sales taxes, and corporate taxes.
Federal taxes are not typically used to directly fund local police departments and universities. However, federal grants and aid programs can provide additional funding for these services. Income taxes are also not specifically allocated for funding universities and police, but they do contribute to overall government revenue, which can be used to support these services.
Overall, local and state taxes are the primary sources of funding for universities and police, with federal funding providing additional support. The specific taxes used to fund these services can vary depending on the state and local government's policies and priorities.

for more such question on taxes


4. "Rights" for Washington D.C. are covered by Amendment:
1 23


Option (a), Congress introduced the Washington D.C. Voting Rights Amendment in 1978 to provide Washington, D.C., equivalent representation to states in the federal government.

Which Amendment safeguards the "rights" of Washington, D.C.

In order to provide Washington, D.C., equivalent representation to states in the federal government, Congress proposed the Washington D.C. Voting Rights Amendment in 1978. Despite having a higher population, D.C. now has less representation in the federal government than Wyoming and Vermont, as specified in the 23rd amendment to the Constitution. Its voters are only permitted to be represented in presidential elections to the degree of the state with the fewest residents, and D.C. has one member of Congress who is only permitted to make legislative proposals and cannot vote.

Learn more about  Voting Rights Amendment:


The complete question is:

"Rights" for Washington D.C. are covered by Amendment:


How many people didn't want to secede?


Answer: The Appropriate answer is C

Explanation: This is because c is the most appropriate in this.

What differences does Khrushchev see between Lenin’s leadership tactics and Stalin tactics?


Khrushchev saw Lenin as more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, while Stalin was rigid and dogmatic and used brutal tactics.

Khrushchev, who succeeded Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union, saw significant differences between Lenin's leadership tactics and Stalin's tactics.

He believed that Lenin was more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, willing to adjust his policies based on changing circumstances and feedback from others.

Stalin, on the other hand, was rigid and dogmatic in his thinking, adhering strictly to his own ideas and suppressing any dissenting voices.

Khrushchev also criticized Stalin for his brutal tactics, including the widespread use of terror and the purging of millions of people, which he saw as a betrayal of Lenin's ideals.

Overall, Khrushchev believed that Stalin's methods had caused significant harm to the Soviet Union and its people and needed to be reformed.

Learn more about Khrushchev here:


Other Questions
Geosynchronous satellites orbit at about four earth radii, where the earth's gravitational pull is: How many more houses have an area between 150 and 200 m 2, than between 250 and 300 m 2? Bruising over the right upper quadrant and referred pain to the right shoulder are manifestations of an injury to which organ? Suppose you are interested in studying the effect of education on wages (controlling for IQ and parental income): wage; = Bo + Bieduc + B.IQ. + B, Par Inc; +1 where weekly wages are measured in dollars, IQ is measured in points, education is measured in years, and average parental income is measured in tens of thousands of dollars. You want to test if the effect of IQ on wage is double that of schooling. 1 a) What are your null and alternative hypotheses? b) Write down the restricted model. c) Suppose that Ryr = 0.800, RR = 0.550, and n = 100. Conduct and interpret an F-test at the a = = 0.01 significance level. Hackers from a foreign country disable most corporate computing systems. This disruption continues on and off for several months. What happens to SRAS? 51. An independent auditor finds that the Simmer Corporation occupies office space, at no charge, in an office building owned by a shareholder. This finding indicates the existence of: A. Management fraud. B. Related party transactions. C. Window dressing. D. Weak internal control. The process of using existing classified information to create new material and marking the new material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information is called? (5 points) Your pizza restaurant plans to invest $20,000 in a new oven that will generates $4,000 net revenues annually beginning the end year 1 through end of year 5. At the end of year 6, the annual net revenue and sale of the oven brings in $2,000. The interest rate to use in the calculation is 6 percent. What is the net present value of the investment? A weightlifter lifts a weight of 500N from the ground over her head, a distance of 1. 8m. How much work has been done to move the weight? The function f(x)=0.75x+4.59 represents the cost of shipping packages based on a flat rate and the weight of each package, x , in pounds, where x>0 . What does 4.59 represent in the function f(x) ? what are two things that will make your crush fall in love with you :( which employee is likely to be the best employee? multiple choice high in agreeableness high in consientiousness high in neuroticism high in extraversion high in openness 100 PTSQuestion refers to the excerpt below."SEC. 101. (a) The Congress, recognizing the profound impact of man's activity on the interrelations of all components of the natural environment, particularly the profound influences of population growth, high-density urbanization, industrial expansion, resource exploitation, and new expanding technological advances and recognizing further the critical importance of restoring and maintaining environmental quality to the overall welfare and development of man, declares that it is the continuing policy of the Federal Government, in cooperation with State and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations, to use all practicable means and measures, including financial and technical assistance, in a manner calculated to foster and promote the general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans."From Title I, Declaration of National Environmental Policy, 1969 Which of the following was a significant cause of the successful passage of legislation like that in the excerpt? Adjustments to federal spending that resulted in a budget surplus Lingering effects of 1960s liberalism and popular support Significant backlash against Great Society programs High-profile meltdowns of several nuclear reactors What is the purpose of the individual mandate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act policy (Obamacare or PPACA of 2010)? [Hint: Ask which market failure is being tackled using this policy instrument: moral hazard or adverse selection] in 2018, in harris county alone, the houston chronicle documented a total of 76 contested judicial races. more than 20 contested district and county judicial races appeared on the bexar county ballots. what is the biggest effect that electing so many public officials has on voters? Fiona shoots 49 baskets in 10 minutes. The time in minutes, x , is proportional to the total number of baskets, y . Which equation represents the relationship? Rafael finished the Boston Marathon ( 26. 2 miles) in 4. 75 hours. At this pace, how long would it take him to run a 50 mile marathon in Washington D. C? Prove that ABC is a right triangle. Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. The locations where NSPs meet to exchange traffic are sometimes called ) Marie is leaving her cat, Shadow, with a pet-sitter while she's away on vacation. Mariepacks up toys, food, and a note that says Shadow eats at most 12 ounces of food each day.4) Let f represent the number of ounces of food that Shadow might eat in a day. Whichinequality models the story?f> 12f2 12f< 12f 12