why is six scared of seven?​


Answer 1

because seven is bigger

Answer 2

Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.

Related Questions

What are the verbs in this…. Fats Waller has been called one of the greatest jazz musicians of the 20th century.




Jazz and 20th




to me, there is only one verb and it is a past tense verb

Do you think ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ is a nature poem? Explain why or why not?



According to Wendell Berry,  we consider a poem as "nature poem" if it has nature as a subject matter in the poem.

Since, the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" describes the relation between nature and man made disasters. It describes how beautifully nature recovers all of the loss that we cause to earth.  

It clearly has nature as a subject matter.

Thus, we can say that it is a nature poem.

How do I start writing a movie review and where do i start?




Begin with a catchy introduction. ...

Don't put your evaluation into cold storage. ...

Compose a brief plot summary. ...

Describe an overall impression. ...

Determine the purpose of the movie. ...

Add some details about filmmaking. ...

Look for the deep meaning. ...

Provide the examples.

Please please help me 50 points
It has to have a introduction, supporting paragraphs, quotations, a conclusion, voice and word flow, grammar and format

The Trombone
Jerry stepped off the bus at the music school, and he mentally reviewed the correct trombone slide positions as he walked to Room 10 at the end of the hall. He sat down at his chair in front of the music stand and smiled eagerly at Nadine, his teacher, who gave him a strange look.
“Where’s your trombone?” she asked.
“Oh, no!” He’d left it on the bus! “What’ll I do?” he asked, after explaining the situation to Nadine.
“You’ll have to get it back, or your parents are out nine hundred dollars.”
“Oh, no.” He clapped his hands to his face in despair.
She sent him home without a lesson. The bus ride back was pure agony. It reminded him of the previous bus, where the catastrophe had occurred. Fortunately, this driver, to whom Jerry confided his plight, advised him to call the bus company’s lost and found. But it was six o’clock; the bus company’s phone recording said that the lost and found closed at five.
The next day, Jerry’s father drove him to the bus company office, and—the trombone wasn’t there. No one had turned it in.
“I’m an idiot,” Jerry moaned, as his father drove him to the music school to meet his doom. “I never do anything right.”
“You’re not an idiot, you’re a normal kid, and you do a million things right. Now you’ll never do this kind of thing again. If the trombone doesn’t show up, we’ll work out a way for you to pay for it over time.”
Walking the corridor to Room 10 beside his father, Jerry felt like a pirate walking the plank. With a feeling of dread he opened the door. Inside stood Nadine, working the slide on a trombone but not putting the mouthpiece to her lips. Wait—the trombone had a familiar dent on the bell and a familiar little scratch on the mouthpiece. It was his!
“Someone turned it in at the desk,” Nadine smiled. “A passenger from your bus. Thank goodness for honest people, huh?”
Jerry sank into his seat with an immense sigh of relief, and vowed to himself that he would never do anything wrong again in his life.
Write a Summary
Write a summary of the story you just read.


Read da passage ——————/———————-////—————————-

Which phrase is the best explanation of indirect characterization?

describing a character as though he or she is not part of the story
describing a character in a way that confuses many readers
describing a character’s speech, actions, or thoughts
describing a character’s appearance and personality directly



I believe it's "describing a character's speech, actions, or thoughts", because indirect characterization is when the readers are able to learn about a character through what they do and how they act. While the author or narrator, out right telling who this character is and their motives, would just be direct characterization.

Hope this makes sense :)


describing a character’s speech, actions, or thoughts


Rewrite the sentence without changing their meanings:
- Her grief was so great that she almost fainted. => So.......​



she almost fainted as her grief was so great


because yes


Read the following passage from "Ban the Ban!"
[O]nce you allow the government to make choices on your behalf, it becomes a very slippery
slope. I, personally, feel that it goes against everything this country stands for-we are a country built
on freedom. That includes basic freedoms like what you are going to drink while watching a movie...
Which of the following comes closest to stating the writer's claim in this passage?
A. Our nation was built on the notion of freedom.
B. People must fight to preserve their freedom.
C. Losing one freedom will lead to losing others.
D. The beauty of the Constitution is that it protects our basic freedoms.


I would say c because they are saying is once you allow the government to make choices on your behalf than it becomes a slippery slope and then next thing Yk they’ll want to control us with the smallest things

do you think charley is an escapist? Why?



Charley has an escapist mind. Even stamps collecting is a temporary refuge from reality. So he talks to his psychiatrist friend Sam about the third level at the Grand Central Station. ... The compulsions and realities of modern life make Charley escape into a world of fancy and romance.



Please I need help on this



i need the passage for the answer


we ageed_____ together



to work


What plan does Friar Lawrence recommend after he sees Juliet's willingness to kill herself?



He offers to fake her death so everyone thinks she’s dead, and Romeo and Juliet can be together. Although (spoiler) the message doesn’t get to Romeo and he thinks Juliet is actually dead and he kills himself and Juliet wakes up and sees that he’s dead and kills herself too. Very sad tale


The people who listen to that music (is/are) few.



mostly everyone listens to music?


Summarizing passages
In no more than 55 words write a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of mothers like David's going abroad leaving their children behind.



Mothers and fathers who leave their children are at risk of never having a relationship with their child. The child could question even wanting to see them again becuase of how they feel. These parents risk not being able to support the child and nott being able to support themselves. The advantages are how they could miss trheir child and chnage for th ebetter. These parents could have expiranced horrible things and they have reasons for why they left the child.


becuase i say so

Underline the odd one out 1. ceiling fireplace chimney fire 2. modern suburb spacious light 3. basement first floor top floor balcony 4. cottage house apartment garage 5. path floor gate patio​


1. ceiling 2. modern 3. balcony 4. garage 5. gate

1. ceiling fireplace chimney fire

2. modern suburb spacious light

3. basement first floor top floor balcony

4. cottage house apartment garage

5. path floor gate patio​

What is chimney ?

A chimney is an architectural ventilation system made of masonry, clay, or metal that keeps hot, hazardous exhaust gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace, incinerator, or fireplace away from people's homes or other places where they might be present.

The chimney's main purpose is to divert smoke away from the stove  and outside the building. The stove must also: Ensure that there is sufficient air into the stove to allow for a clean burn of the fire.

The name "chimney" originally stemmed from the Greek word "furnace," kaminos, and in 13th-century Old French it was changed to the more recognizable-looking word "fire place," cheminee. The chimney sweep, who removes soot from chimneys, became a vital person as chimney fires became a severe issue.

Thus, ceiling fireplace chimney fire.

To learn more about chimney, follow the link;



a)Grammar meets conversation. Card B
1)any sport yasterday? (you/play)
2)go last weekend?(Where/go)
3)to your friends yesterday?(you/speak)
4)to bed last night?( What time/go)
5)your house yesterday?(you/clean)
6)your relatives last weekend?(you/visit)
7) anything special last month?(you/buy)
8) in a lake last summer?(How many times/swim)
9)learning English?(Why/begin)



Did you play any sport yesterday?

Where did you go last weekend?

Did you speak to your friends yesterday?

When did you go to bed last night?

Did you clean your house yesterday?

Did you visit your relatives yesterday?

Did you buy anything special last month?

How many times did you swim in that lake last summer?

Why did you began to learn english?

i need help asap!!

i need to write my own poem on gender inequality!!
(it doesn’t have to rhyme)



What is gender?

Is gender an identity?

Certainly gender is not a choice.

But gender is shaped, molded to young new minds,

strings hang from children’s joints to dance as society tells them

No matter man or woman, we are born into roles.

The woman, the one whose mind stands and pleads on her legs, bring about equality

But whose body reacts not out of her own accordance and moves

Moves, graceful, gentle, elegant, and FEMININE.

As society tells her, she is a woman, and that is her role.

Where she wishes to stomp, she stands on her tiptoes.

Where she wishes to thrash, she glides across the floor.

A puppet bound by the hands of society, pushing, pushing

To free herself, to change what being a woman means,

what (gender) equality means.

The man, he is to castrated by the hands to be a MAN.

What does that mean? Better put, what does that mean to society?

I don’t dance.

I am the example to others, and know how to do everything

I don’t feel things, or at least show them, because that is not what I do.

I am powerful and MANLY,

funny that should be made into an adjective…

But, I am not one who should be played with like a puppet, much like the woman,

I do have feelings, but they cannot be expressed for society tells me I will be seen otherwise,

I don’t know everything even when I’m expected to,

I have my pride as a man, and am no one’s puppet, I too wish to change the meaning of “man”.

But strip us down, wash away our skin, we are bare, we are the same,


What makes us, us?

Is it our gender?

Is it society?

No, what makes us, what makes you, is ultimately your decision,

and thats something, not even society, can take away from you.”

Women belong in a kitchen that’s what they said until they had no one else and the woman was their to pick up the slack to clean up the mess but still the men get all the credit but behind every successful man there is a strong woman

To deliver my report on television,I​



i will be a good reporter for may goal


I used public speaking to deliver my speech.

I hope it helped

explain how to do this​



So, number 2: Boxing subject would be Bird.

Flying in the sky is the predicate.


its easy to do theanswer is number 5


Find mistake:
Fish men in Vung Ang/ haven’t made(A)/ their living by /catching (B)/fish in ocean /since(C)/ the mass of fish/ die (D)/in​



fish en vung ang/ the mass of fish

After reading the sentence, we tell that the mistake caused by subject-verb agreement is:

D. Die.

Every verb in the English language must have subject that precedes it.In the sentence we are analyzing here, the verb "die" has "the mass of fish" as its subject.However, when we analyze that subject a little closer, we notice that its main word is "mass", which is a singular word.The verb "die", therefore, is not in its appropriate form. To agree with the subject "mass", it should be "dies" (third-person singular).The correct phrase would be: "... since the mass of fish dies."

Learn more about the subject here:


Adolpho is speaking with his coworkers about the

company's business goals for the upcoming year.

Because he did not choose who his coworkers

would be, their interactions are referred to as ____.

Answer: involuntary


Not sure What This Is About since you gave yourself the answer


thanks for the answer from the getgo


Help me with ex. 9 please










list three important about the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. can you hurry, please



Hera was the Greek goddess of marriage and the queen of Olympus. ...Poseidon was god of the sea. ...Hades was the god of the underworld and king of the dead.Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, and the protector of sailors.Apollo was the god of music and healing


Zeus (Roman name: Jupiter)

The most powerful of all, Zeus was god of the sky and the king of Olympus. His temper affected the weather, and he threw thunderbolts when he was unhappy. He was married to Hera but had many other lovers. His symbols include the oak and the thunderbolt.

Hera (Roman name: Juno)

Hera was the Greek goddess of marriage and the queen of Olympus. She was Zeus's wife and sister; many myths tell of how she sought revenge when Zeus betrayed her with his lovers. Her symbols include the peacock and the cow.

Poseidon (Roman name: Neptune)

Poseidon was god of the sea. He was the most powerful god except for his brother, Zeus. He lived in a beautiful palace under the sea and caused earthquakes when he was in a temper. His symbols include the horse and the trident (a three-pronged pitchfork). The sea god features prominently in stories about the Trojan War, due to a grudge he bore against the former king Laomedon of Troy. He is the father of Polyphemus, the cyclops in the Odyssey, and of the demigod Triton.

Hades (Roman name: Pluto)

Hades was the god of the underworld and king of the dead. His name is often used interchangeably as that of the Greek underworld. He was the brother of Zeus and the husband of Persephone, Demeter's daughter, whom he kidnapped.

Aphrodite (Roman name: Venus)

Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, and the protector of sailors. She may have been the daughter of Zeus and the Titan Dione, or she may have risen from the sea on a shell. Her symbols include the myrtle tree and the dove.


Read the excerpt from P.J.A. Bert's "The Bell Rock."

Legend tells of a pirate who, for amusement, cut the bell from its mooring, only to be wrecked on the Rock himself some time later. This story has been immortalised in Robert Southey's poem "The Inchcape Rock."

Which choice best states the author's purpose of this excerpt?

A. It is to persuade the reader that Southey's poem is based on a true event.

B. It is to show the reader that at least one poem has been written about the Bell Rock.

C. It is to inform the reader about the inspiration for Southey's poem.

D. It is to describe for the reader how the pirate's ship looked as it sank.




Which synonym for the word
genial is the best fit in the
following sentence?
It was extremely genial of him to
forgive me so quickly.
A. welcoming
B. gracious
C. sociable


I would say gracious, it fits best with the sentence and it’s a synonym for genial.

Is the group of words in bold a phrase or a clause?
The National Fire Protection Agency instituted a color-coding system for fire
hydrants that provides firefighters with crucial information about the water sources.



clause phrase provides

grammar is easy, I'm going to ace this test is this a compound run on or complex sentence





there's a comma , that's usually a hint

Answer: compound


24. I am interested .............. all sorts of sports on TV. ​



it can be on as I think if you have to put preposition

2. What shifts does the narrator see in his life in his travels from India to London to Boston?
What is meant by the line "Don't expect an English cup of tea"?


The narrator sees differences in the way people behave in Boston and London.

We can arrive at this answer as follows:

The narrator shows how his life was in these two cities and how people behaved, especially when they saw that he was a foreigner.This narrator believes that in London, people are more cordial and polite.Londoners are more welcoming and relaxed.This narrator has a very different perception from people in Boston.He claims that Americans are very agitated and rushed.Americans are less educated and less welcoming than the English.

He claims that America is very different from London and that in Boston you shouldn't wait for a "cup of English tea," as everything is very different.

This question is about "The American Dream: A Man from India."

More information:


WILL GIVE 50 POINTS!! In two well-developed paragraphs, explain and analyze the interaction between individuals, events, and ideas in “Doctoral Student Played a Big Part in First Black Hole Photo”. In doing so, first describe how the text’s depiction of Katie Bouman and her accomplishments impacts the big ideas the author wants to convey. Then, examine and write about why Bouman and her achievements are relevant and important for readers to know about and understand. Be sure to use specific examples from the text to support the points in your response.



individuals, events, and ideas in “Doctoral Student Played a Big Part in First Black Hole Photo”. In doing so, first describe how the text’s depiction of Katie Bouman and her accomplishments impacts the big ideas the author wants to convey. Then, examine and write about why Bouman and her achievements are relevant and important for readers to know about and understand. Be sure to use specific examples from the text to support the points in your response.


The correct response is - "Doctoral Student Played a Big Part in First Black Hole Photo" and mentions specific people, things, and concepts. Initially, explain how the portrayal of Katie Bouman and her accomplishments in the text affects the main concepts that the author is trying to get across.

What is a Black Hole?

A black hole is an area of reality where gravity is so intense that no electromagnetic wave, not even light, has the energy to escape. According to general relativity theory, a compact enough mass can bend spacetime into a black hole.

The reason why a supermassive black hole is zipping across the cosmos at 110,000 mph (177,000 km/h) is unknown to the astronomers who discovered it. The galaxy J0437+2456, which is located around 230 million light-years away, is being traversed by a rapidly moving black hole that is roughly three million times as massive as the sun.

Then, consider and explain why Bouman and her accomplishments are pertinent and essential for readers to be aware of and comprehend. Be sure to substantiate your points in your response with concrete instances from the book.

To read more about Black Hole, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/10597324


Change the italicized group of words to an adjective clause and write the sentence below.

Mother was sitting near the window. The heavy winds shattered it.

Kim and Jane were discussing the play. They both had seen it.

The poem was good enough to print. Peg wrote it for me.


Mother was sitting near the window that was shattered by the heavy winds. 

Kim and Jane were discussing the play that they both had seen. 

The poem that Peg wrote for me was good enough to print.

Mother was sitting near the window. The heavy winds shattered it. an adjective clause is well-used.

What is adjective?

A noun or pronoun is frequently used with an adjective, which is described as a term that is employed to improve or analyte the noun or about what the subject is doing. Common adjectives include "quick," "delicious," "quickly," "nasty," etc.

Dependent clauses who provide knowledge regarding nouns called adjective clauses. They are often a part of the sentence and  are joined by the help of the connectors.

The correct form of the sentences with the use of the adjective will be:

Mom was sitting near the window. The heavy winds shattered it. 

Kim and Jane were discussing the play. They had both seen it. 

The poem was good enough to print. Peg wrote it for me.

Learn more about adjective, here:



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