Why is Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein considered a work of science fiction when it is a representative work of the gothic genre?


Answer 1


It is often considered to be the first science fiction novel because of how it combines real scientific research with some speculative elements. The novel also has elements of the horror and gothic genres.

Related Questions

__________ is a radical personality change.Ego integrityQuantum changeSocial InvestmentGenerativity


Quantum change is a radical personality change.

Quantum change is a term used to describe a sudden and profound shift in a person's beliefs, values, and behavior. It is often associated with spiritual or mystical experiences, and can result in a fundamental transformation of one's sense of self and purpose in life. This type of change is often contrasted with incremental change, which occurs gradually over time.

Quantum change is a term used to describe a sudden and profound shift in a person's beliefs, values, and behavior that can occur at any point in their life. This type of change is often unexpected, and may be triggered by a variety of experiences, such as a near-death experience, a religious or spiritual awakening, a major life event, or a psychedelic trip.

To know more about personality, click here.



Which line from the poem tells us that the "one" written about is a young person? (One Wants a Teller in a Time Like This)


The poem "One Wants a Teller in a Time Like This" by Muriel Rukeyser does not explicitly state that the "one" referred to is a young person.

The line "one is so very young" (line 3) implies that the speaker is addressing someone who is not yet fully mature or experienced. Additionally, the line "one is not enough" (line 7) could suggest a feeling of inadequacy or a sense of being overwhelmed, which could be associated with youth and inexperience.

While the poem does not provide a clear indication of the age of the "one" being addressed, these lines suggest that the speaker is addressing someone who is still in the process of growing and learning.

Learn more about Muriel Rukeyser



the word insidious in line 69 most closely means


The word "insidious" in line 69 most closely mean is deceptive or crafty.

In line 69, the term "insidious" suggests that something is harmful or hidden ingeniously or artfully. It implies that the subject being discussed has a subtle, insidious aspect that can be challenging to discover or identify, as opposed to being evident or apparent on the surface.

This could be used to describe someone or something that is full of hidden dangers that are challenging to identify and foresee. In a broader sense, it could also be used to describe pernicious factors like systemic racism or other forms of systemic oppression that are firmly ingrained in our institutions and culture.

To learn more about deceptive link is here



The complete question is:

"He was known for his insidious schemes and devious tactics."

What does the word "insidious" in line 69 most closely mean?

Read the passage.

In this excerpt, Cassius recalls an incident from Caesar's childhood when he became ill and weak.

excerpt from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

His coward lips did from their colour fly,
And that same eye whose bend doth awe the world
Did lose his lustre: I did hear him groan:
Ay, and that tongue of his that bade the Romans
Mark him and write his speeches in their books,
Alas, it cried 'Give me some drink, Titinius,'
As a sick girl. Ye gods, it doth amaze me
A man of such a feeble temper should
So get the start of the majestic world
And bear the palm alone.


What is the meaning of the line, "Ay, and that tongue of his that bade the Romans / Mark him and write his speeches in their books"?

Caesar's powerful speeches impressed the Romans, who recorded them in writing.

The words of Julius Caesar will last as long as people remember Rome.

When Caesar lost the power of speech, he lost his most effective weapon.

Caesar spoke before he thought, so his speeches got him into trouble with the people.


The meaning of the line from "Julius Caesar" provided in the prompt is option A, Caesar's powerful speeches impressed the Romans, who recorded them in writing.

Who was Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

The famous Shakespearean play "Julius Caesar" is based on the events that led up to Caesar's tragic death in the hands of those he trusted. In the passage under analysis here, the line means that Caesar was a powerful speaker. His speeches were so impressive that the Romans felt the need to record them in writing.

Therefore, option A is our answer.

Learn more about "Julius Caesar" here:



Lines 9-11 ("I don't ... alone") contain an
instance of
(A) historical allusion
(B) sly understatement
(C) refined diction
(D) formal invocation
(E) dramatic aside
(B) sly understatement


The lines 9-11 ("I don't ... alone") contain an instance of sly understatement. Option B.

The speaker is downplaying their abilities by saying they cannot solve the problem alone. This understatement is sly because it implies that the speaker is actually quite capable and does not need help, but is asking for it anyway.

By using this rhetorical device, the speaker is able to project humility while also asserting their authority and competency. Understatement is a common technique used in literature and rhetoric to create subtle irony or humor, and to downplay a situation for effect.

It allows the speaker to convey their message in a more nuanced way, and can be used to build rapport or establish a sense of humility with the audience. In this case, the understatement is a strategic move that enables the speaker to build trust with the listener, while also asserting their own competence.

Learn more about rhetorical device here:



Help you guys. I really need it. You just need one good direct quote for my research question (who were some Underground Railroad conductors) these passages. (I need just one good quote for each passage.) The first three tags are to be read first then the other ones.


Slavery is a sin when white people are subjected to the yoke, but not when African people are. This is a great direct quote on Underground Railroad guides. Except in cases when we conclude you are not a man, all men are created equal.

What quotation from the Underground Railroad mentions railroads?

"Riding the railroads is the only way to truly understand this country. As you rush by, take a look outside to see America as it really is. So from the beginning, it was a joke. For the duration of her travels, there was only and would only ever be darkness outside the windows.

Who utilised the Underground Railroad and what was it?

The Underground Railroad is the method of escaping from slavery and fleeing through the African Americans who were held in slavery attempted to get free by fleeing their bonds at the end of the Civil War.

To know more about Underground Railroad visit:



In what ways does Jem show more maturity in this chapter? Provide 2 examples.


In this chapter, Jem shows more maturity in a couple of ways. Firstly, when he and Scout are walking home in the dark and are followed, Jem tells Scout to remain calm and not to run.

He realizes that running away would only escalate the situation and put them in more danger. This shows Jem's increased level of maturity in being able to assess a situation and make a wise decision. When they find out about Tom Robinson's death, Jem becomes upset and angry, but he also recognizes the injustice of the situation. He understands that Tom was a victim of racism and prejudice and expresses his frustration with the unfairness of it all. This shows Jem's increased level of maturity in being able to recognize and grapple with complex societal issues. First, Jem shows emotional maturity by understanding and empathizing with others' feelings. Second, he displays intellectual maturity by making thoughtful decisions and reflecting on their consequences. These examples indicate that Jem is growing and maturing throughout the story.

To know more about throughout refer :



(Please keep in mind that two people need to answer before brainliest can be given. Both people will get 16 points for answering as well.)

Discussion prompt:

Equality isn't as important as recognizing and celebrating each gender's unique strengths.

What do you think? Write a paragraph supporting your opinion. Then, write a reply paragraph. You're working alone, your reply paragraph should support the opposite point of view from your own.


Equality is more important than recognizing and celebrating the unique strengths of each gender because these strengths are optimized within an egalitarian environment.

Why can we reach this conclusion?Equality does not mean that all people must be equal and have identical characteristics.Equality is about promoting equal opportunities for all people.

An egalitarian environment allows all people to have the same chances and the same resources to explore their individualities, talents, and characteristics.

In this case, in order for us to recognize and celebrate the unique strengths of each gender, we need to have an egalitarian environment, and therefore, equality is more important.

Learn more about equality:



A conversation between five freinds about junk food short dialogue


Friend 1: Hey guys, do you like eating junk food?

Friend 2: Of course, who doesn't? I love burgers and fries.

Describe conversation between five freinds about junk food short dialogue

Friend 3: I don't really eat junk food that much. I prefer to eat healthy.

Friend 4: Yeah, me too. I don't want to put all that unhealthy stuff in my body.

Friend 5: I used to eat a lot of junk food, but I've been trying to cut back lately. It's not good for my health.

Friend 1: I know what you mean, but sometimes it's hard to resist the temptation. Junk food just tastes so good!

Friend 2: Exactly, and besides, a little bit of junk food won't hurt you.

Friend 3: I disagree. Eating junk food on a regular basis can lead to health problems in the long run.

Friend 4: That's true. It's important to find a balance between eating healthy and indulging in junk food once in a while.

Friend 5: I agree. I try to eat a balanced diet and only eat junk food occasionally as a treat. It's all about moderation.

To know more about junk food visit:



Picking up a heavy bag of groceries would primarily utilize the...


Picking up a heavy bag of groceries would primarily utilize the muscular system of the human body. The muscular system is responsible for movement and generating force, allowing us to perform physical activities such as lifting, carrying, and pulling.

When picking up a heavy bag of groceries, several muscles in the body work together to generate the force required to lift the weight. The primary muscles involved in this activity are the biceps and triceps muscles of the arms, the muscles of the back, and the leg muscles that help stabilize the body.

Additionally, the core muscles, which include the abdominals and lower back muscles, also play a crucial role in lifting heavy objects, as they help stabilize the spine and prevent injury.

Overall, picking up a heavy bag of groceries requires a coordinated effort from several muscles in the body, primarily those of the arms, back, and legs, as well as the core muscles.

Who do you think has come to visit Grant at the end of the chapter? What clues reveal who it is?


In the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines, it is left ambiguous as to who has come to visit Grant at the end of the chapter. However, there are some clues that suggest who it might be.

First, Grant hears a car pull up outside, and he immediately thinks that it is Vivian. He has been waiting for her to come and take him away from his small Louisiana town, where he feels trapped and hopeless.

However, as the car approaches, Grant realizes that it is not Vivian's car, but rather a large, expensive-looking vehicle. This suggests that the person who has come to visit him is someone of wealth or status, someone who would drive a car like that.

Additionally, Grant hears the sound of high heels on the wooden floor, which suggests that the person is a woman. This further narrows down the possibilities.

To know more about A Lesson Before Dying:



guilt, lack of
Alfons Heck later said that Kristallnacht
"signified the end of German innocence." Based
on this passage, what do you think he meant by


The phrase "the end of German innocence" in Alfons Heck's statement likely refers to the idea that Kristallnacht marked a turning point in Germany's history, revealing the country's complicity in the persecution of Jews and other marginalized groups.

What is the phrase "the end of German innocence"?

Alfons Heck's statement that Kristallnacht "signified the end of German innocence" suggests that he believed that up until that point, many Germans may have been unaware of or in denial about the brutal and violent actions of the Nazi regime.

The organized destruction of Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues during Kristallnacht was a clear indication of the state-sponsored violence and hatred towards Jewish people in Germany. By witnessing and participating in these violent acts, Germans could no longer ignore or deny the atrocities being committed in their country.

Heck's statement implies that Kristallnacht was a turning point in Germany's history, where the country's innocence was shattered and the true nature of the Nazi regime was laid bare.

Learn more about German innocence here:https://brainly.com/question/11331942


Which is an example of a barn-raising statement?
•Why are we doing this?
• When are we going to be done?
•No, that idea makes no sense.
• What do you think?


B) The statement "What do you think?" is an example of a barn-raising statement.

The expression" barn- raising" comes from the traditional practice of  pastoral communities coming together to  make a barn for a family in need. Everyone in the community would pitch in, each contributing their time, labor, and  coffers to the  design. The result wasn't only a new barn for the family, but also a sense of  fellowship and connection among the community members.

 In the plant, a barn- raising statement can be any statement or question that encourages collaboration and  cooperation. For  illustration," What can we do to  insure that everyone's  benefactions are valued?" or" How can we work together to ameliorate this process?" are both  exemplifications of barn- raising statements.

Learn more about barn raising at



plss help 50 pts + brainliest
Excerpt from the outside - Susan Glaspell

1Mrs. Patrick resides in an abandoned life-saving station along the beach. Allie Mayo is an employee of Mrs. Patrick. Allie lost her husband in a boating accident two decades ago. Since this time, she has spoken very little. On this day, several lifeguards discover a body in the water. Out of habit, they bring the man to the life-saving station to try to resuscitate him. After failing to revive the man, the lifeguards retreat from the house and Allie addresses her disturbed boss outside the house.

2ALLIE MAYO: I know where you're going! What you'll try to do. Over there (Pointing to the line of woods). Bury it. The life in you…But I'll tell you something! They fight too. The woods! They fight for life the way that Captain fought for life in there (Pointing to the closed door)!

3MRS. PATRICK: And lose the way he lost in there!

4ALLIE MAYO: They don't lose.

5MRS. PATRICK: I've watched the sand slip down on the vines that reach out farthest.

6ALLIE MAYO: Another vine will reach that spot (Under her breath, tenderly). Strange little things that reach out farthest!

7MRS. PATRICK: And will be buried soonest!

8ALLIE MAYO: And hold the sand for things behind them. They save a wood that guards a town.

9MRS. PATRICK: I care nothing about a wood to guard a town. This is the outside—these dunes where only beach grass grows, this outer shore where men can't live. The Outside. You who were born here and who die here have named it that.

10ALLIE MAYO: Woods. Woods to hold the moving hills from Provincetown. Provincetown—where they turn when boats can't live at sea.

11MRS. PATRICK: The edge of life. Where life trails off to dwarfed things not worth a name (Suddenly sits down in the doorway).

12ALLIE MAYO: Not worth a name. And—meeting the Outside!

13MRS. PATRICK: (Lifting sand and letting it drift through her hand) They're what the sand will let them be. They take strange shapes like shapes of blown sand.

14ALLIE MAYO: Meeting the Outside (Moving nearer; speaking more personally). I know why you came here. To this house that had been given up; on this shore where only savers of life try to live. I know what holds you on these dunes, and draws you over there. But, other things are true beside the things you want to see.

15MRS. PATRICK: How do you know they are? Where have you been for twenty years?

16ALLIE MAYO: Outside. Twenty years. That's why I know how brave they are. You'll not find peace there again! Go back and watch them fight!

17MRS. PATRICK: (Swiftly rising) You're a cruel woman—a hard, insolent woman! I knew what I was doing! What do you know about it? About me? I didn't go to the Outside—I was left there. I'm only—trying to get along. Everything that can hurt me I want buried—buried deep. Spring is here; this morning I knew it. Spring—coming through the storm—to take me—take me to hurt me. . . . What would there be for me but the Outside? What was there for you? What did you ever find after you lost the thing you wanted?

18ALLIE MAYO: I found—what I find now I know. The edge of life—to hold life behind me—

19MRS. PATRICK: (Passionately) I have known life. You're like this cape—a line of land way out to sea—land not life.

20ALLIE MAYO: A harbor far at sea. (Raises her arm, curves it in as if around something she loves) Land that encloses and gives shelter from storm.

21MRS. PATRICK: (Facing the sea, as if affirming what will hold all else out) Outside sea. Outer shore. Dunes—land not life.

22ALLIE MAYO: Outside sea—outer shore, dark with the wood that once was ships—dunes, strange land not life—woods, town and harbor. The line! Stunted straggly line that meets the Outside face to face—and fights for what itself can never be. Lonely line. Brave growing.

23MRS. PATRICK: It loses.

24ALLIE MAYO: It wins.


D, to convey a deeper, more spiritual meaning

all of the following are goals of informative speaking except . a. to encourage the audience that they should change a behavior or opinion b. to encourage listeners to adopt a new perspective c. to help the audience encounter and understand new information d. to tie elements of your speech to a specific set of attitudes or feelings


All of the following objectives are achieved by informative speaking, with the exception of persuading the audience to alter their behavior or viewpoint. Here option A is the correct answer.

Informative speaking is a type of public speaking where the speaker's primary goal is to inform, educate, or enlighten the audience about a particular topic or subject. The main purpose of informative speaking is to provide the audience with new and useful information and insights, helping them to gain a better understanding of a topic or issue.

Out of the options given, the goal that is not typically associated with informative speaking is (a) to encourage the audience that they should change their behavior or opinion.

While informative speaking can be persuasive in nature, the primary focus is to provide accurate and objective information to the audience, rather than to influence their behavior or opinions.

To learn more about behavior



Joey pigza sallowed the key falling action


In Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, the falling action occurs when Joey is able to independently come up with a plan to encourage his depressed father to get out of bed and live his life.

The relationship between Joey and his mother improves as well. Joey is able to accept his medication and diagnosis and realize that he is not a "freak" or "broken." Additionally, he starts to accept the passing of his father. When Joey gets admitted into an arts magnet school and his future seems more promising than ever, the story of Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Joey's mother is pleased with him and supports his decision to enrol in the school since she understands how good it will be for Joey's development. Additionally, Joey starts to improve his relationship with his grandparents, who had been missing from his life since the passing of his father. Joey learns to value their assistance and gains the ability to accept their absence in the past.

To learn more about Joey Pigza link is here



The complete question is:

What was the falling action of Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key?

Phonological similarity in context tends to
facilitate word recognition.
lead to steady improvement in word recognition over time.
inhibit word recognition.
enhance semantic priming.


Phonological similarity in context tends to inhibit word recognition.

The phonological similarity effect is a phenomenon in which the similarity of the sounds of two words causes interference during language processing. When words with similar phonological features are presented together, it can lead to slower and less accurate recognition of the target word.

Research has shown that the phonological similarity effect is especially pronounced when the context provides little additional information about the target word. This suggests that context alone may not be sufficient to overcome the interference caused by phonological similarity, and that additional cognitive resources may be needed to resolve the ambiguity.

To know more about Phonological , click here.



sonata v from sonatas and interludes is one of _______ sonatas in the set.


Sonata v from Sonatas and Interludes is one of sixteen sonatas in the set.

Sonatas and Interludes are short musical pieces of piano composed by the famous American musical legend John Cage. In this musical work Cage attempts to show the emotions of humans as per Indian tradition. There is a total number of sixteen sonatas broken into groups of four by an interlude.

It is marked by a percussive melody, ununiform speed and metre, and binary structure.

To know more about the sonata v click on the link given below



Sonata v from sonatas and interludes is one of sixteen sonatas in the set. The prepared piano version of Sonata V from Sonatas and Interludes features a percussive theme, erratic rhythmic motion, and binary form.

Sonata V is a composition by American composer John Cage from the Sonatas and Interludes series.The piece is played on a prepared piano, the sound of which has been altered by placing various objects between the strings.

The Sonata V's melody is percussion-based and emphasises the metallic and clanging sounds of the prepared piano. Variations in rhythmic motion, tempo, and metre can be found throughout the work. It has a binary structure as well, repeating two different sections. John Cage, a well-known American composer, is best known for his piano sonatas and interludes. Cage makes an effort to depict human feelings in this musical piece in accordance with Indian culture. There are sixteen sonatas in total, divided into groups of four by an intermission.

To know more about Sonata V visit:



What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? *Hint: A letter would be a primary source. An article about an event would be a secondary source. * 1 point A primary source comes directly from a person that saw an event while a secondary source comes from a person who was not there. A primary source is the first source you find and a secondary source is the second source you find. There is no difference


A primary source is an original source of information, whereas a secondary source is a source of information that is based on primary sources.

Primary sources, which include letters, diaries, newspaper articles, works of art, photographs, audio recordings, and video recordings, are firsthand records of an event. Primary sources, such history books, articles, or biographies, are interpreted or analyzed in secondary sources.

Primary sources offer a true and unvarnished description of a happening that was witnessed or experienced by someone who was there. Primary sources are interpreted by secondary sources according to the viewpoint or judgement of the author.

An article in a newspaper detailing the impacts of the War would be a secondary source, whereas a letter from a soldier in World War II would be a primary source. Because they provide an unvarnished and unbiased account of an event, primary sources are significant.

Because they interpret main sources and can help us understand events better, secondary sources are important. A researcher can get a deeper understanding of an event by analyzing both primary and secondary materials.

To learn more about information link is here



Eli, by contrast, is not so fortunate. His father was recently laid off from his long-time job, and until he finds a new one that offers benefits, the family is temporarily without health insurance. It is a source of great anxiety to his father. Eli works part time and does not qualify for group insurance through his employer. Eli’s father considered buying individual insurance directly. But without a special group rate the premiums came out to nearly $2,000 a month, a sum the family could not afford, especially with one person out of work. As a precaution against risking injury, Eli’s father asked that he give up playing on the football team. He reluctantly agreed. He also asked Eli just to "be extra careful" in general. Why does Eli not have insurance? Check all that apply. a. His family could not pay the premiums. b. His family did not qualify for a special rate. c. The plans he needed were not offered in his state. d. The insurance company rejected Eli and his family. e. His father’s financial situation recently had changed.


Eli does not have insurance because his family could not pay the premiums, his family did not qualify for a special rate and his father’s financial situation recently had changed. So the option a, b and e is correct.

Due to Eli's father's recent layoff, the family is having financial difficulties. As a result, they were forced to forgo health insurance since they could not afford the high premiums for individual coverage. Eli and his family are concerned about this predicament because it leaves them unprotected from unforeseen medical expenses.

Eli's father consequently requested that he stop participating in football as a precaution against the possibility of damage. He also urged Eli to exercise greater caution in general. So the option a, b and e is correct.

To learn more about insurance link is here



Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Read the excerpt from paragraph 2, then complete the sentence. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. In this sentence, Henry uses allusion to develop his claim by ...
warning the colonists that retreating at the moment was not an option.
issuing a challenge to the colonists to fight for their freedom.
explaining how it is easier to remain, but it will harm the colonist in the end.
comparing the British ships off the coast to a clear warning.


d. The statement correctly assesses whether Henry uses valid reasoning to support his claim is Henry's argument is not legitimate because he employs a hasty generalisation to support his claim.

What is the definition of statement?

A statement is a sentence that asserts the obvious, such as "Pizza is delicious." Other forms of statements exist in the fields of law, banking, and government. Every statement makes a claim or makes a point. If you witness an accident, you must report it to police and detail what you witnessed. A statement is a command provided to a computer that tells it to perform something specific, such as display something on the screen or collect data. Statements comprise a computer programme.

To know more about Henry  visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

Select the correct answer.

Read the excerpt from paragraph 2.

(2) Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful

truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a

great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not. and.

having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

Which statement correctly assesses whether Henry uses valid reasoning to support his claim?

OA Henry's reasoning is not valid because he uses a bandwagon appeal to support his claim.

OB. Henry's reasoning is valid because he uses pathos to ask compelling questions.

OC. Henry's reasoning is valid because he describes a common-sense universal truth,

OD. Henry's reasoning is not valid because he uses a hasty generalization to support his claim,

What’s all this in alphabetical order










ghost saxophone














Who is the author of "I heard a Fly buzz", "Success is counted sweetest", "Hope' is the thing with feathers"?


Answer: The author of "I Heard a Fly Buzz", "Success is counted sweetest", and "Hope is the Thing with Feathers" is Emily Dickinson.

Explanation: Emily Dickinson was an American poet and was an important figure in poetry. She was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, into a prominent family with strong ties to the poetry community. She has also written "Because I could not stop for death", "I am nobody! Who are you?", and "Wild Nights" as well as other important poems.

To know more about Emily Dickinson and her poetry,


Which two lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story "Boule de Suif" show that relations between most French and German people remained friendly despite the war?


"Boule de Suif" is a short story by French writer Guy de Maupassant, first published in 1880. The story is set during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 and tells the story of a group of ten people, including a prostitute named Boule de Suif, who are travelling by carriage from Rouen to Le Havre in order to escape the advancing Prussian army.

Mention the lines in the excerpt which showed that the French and German remained friendly despite the war.

In many houses, the Prussian officer ate at the same table with the family.Out of doors, therefore, citizen and soldier did not know each other; but in the house both chatted freely, and each evening the German remained a little longer warming himself at the hospitable hearth.

The excerpt mentioned in the question is as follows:

"At the end of a short time, once the first terror had subsided, calm was again restored. In many houses the Prussian officer ate at the same table with the family. He was often well-bred, and, out of politeness, expressed sympathy with France and repugnance at being compelled to take part in the war. This sentiment was received with gratitude; besides, his protection might be needful some day or other. By the exercise of tact the number of men quartered in one's house might be reduced; and why should one provoke the hostility of a person on whom one's whole welfare depended? Such conduct would savor less of bravery than of fool- hardiness. And foolhardiness is no longer a failing of the citizens of Rouen as it was in the days when their city earned renown by its heroic defenses. Last of all-final argument based on the national politeness—the folk of Rouen said to one another that it was only right to be civil in one's own house, provided there was no public exhibition of familiarity with the foreigner. Out of doors, therefore, citizen and soldier did not know each other; but in the house both chatted freely, and each evening the German remained a little longer warming himself at the hospitable hearth."

To learn more about Guy de Maupassant, visit:



Read the following excerpt from What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge. Then, answer the question that follows. Now that she knew there was no chance of getting well at once, the days dragged dreadfully. Each seemed duller and more dismal than the day before. She lost heart about herself and took no interest in anything. Aunt Izzie brought her books, but she didn't want to read, or to sew. Nothing amused her. Clover and Cecy would come and sit with her, but hearing them tell about their plays, and the things they had been doing, made her cry so miserably, that Aunt Izzie wouldn't let them come often. Which type of conflict is most evident in the passage? Character vs. nature Character vs. self Character vs. supernatural Character vs. technology


The conflict that is most evident in the passage is C. Character vs. self

Conflict in a tale refers to a battle between opposing forces. If there is no conflict, there is no plot. Conflict is an issue that has to be fixed. The main character and the opposing powers are at odds with one another. It provides the framework for the story's plot.

In literature, cinema, painting, etc., the use of words or images to express ideas or situations is referred to as imagery. It entails using real or metaphorical language to express symbolism and aid the reader in visualising the location of the literary work. Thus, Character vs. self conflicts are the most prominent type of conflict in the passage.

Read more about conflict on:




Character vs. self


I got it correct on my flvs quiz. enjoy

Why do Prince Hamlet's friends try to dissuade him from going with the ghost?


Prince Hamlet's friends, Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo, try to dissuade him from going with the ghost because they fear for his safety.

They believe that the ghost may be a malevolent spirit that could harm Hamlet or lead him into danger. Additionally, they are concerned about Hamlet's mental state, as he has been behaving erratically since his father's death.

They worry that the ghost may be a hallucination or a manifestation of Hamlet's grief-induced madness. Therefore, they caution Hamlet to be careful and to think before he acts, hoping to prevent any harm that may come to him.

Learn more about Prince Hamlet's



In the context of the poem, what makes a family? What might the speaker of the
poem say makes a family? How does this poem depict the role of mothers in
families? In the poem mothers


In the poem "Mothers" by Nikki Giovanni, the speaker suggests that a family is made up of love and the shared experiences that create a sense of connection and belonging. The poem emphasizes the importance of family bonds, highlighting the role that mothers play in creating and nurturing these relationships.

The speaker suggests that what makes a family is not necessarily blood relation, but rather the love and support that family members provide for one another. The speaker also suggests that a family is defined by its shared experiences and memories, and the way that these experiences shape the relationships between family members.

In terms of the role of mothers in families, the poem depicts mothers as the foundation of families, the ones who provide love, support, and guidance to their children. The speaker suggests that mothers are essential in creating and maintaining the bonds that hold families together, and that their love and care are what make families strong and resilient.

Overall, the poem "Mothers" celebrates the importance of family and the role that mothers play in creating and nurturing these relationships. The poem suggests that family is defined by love and shared experiences, and that mothers are essential in creating and maintaining these bonds.

How does law protect human rights?


The law plays a crucial role in protecting human rights. It establishes a framework for promoting and protecting human rights, and provides legal recourse for individuals whose rights have been violated. Here are some ways in which the law protects human rights:

1. Constitutional protections: Many countries have a constitution that includes a bill of rights, which outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. These constitutional protections provide a legal framework for protecting human rights and ensuring that governments do not infringe upon them.

2. International human rights treaties: Governments may also be party to international human rights treaties that establish standards for protecting human rights. These treaties provide a framework for monitoring and enforcing human rights at the international level.

3. National laws and regulations: Governments may pass laws and regulations that protect human rights in specific areas, such as labor rights, equality, and non-discrimination. These laws provide legal protections for individuals and help prevent human rights abuses.

4. Independent judiciary: An independent judiciary is essential for protecting human rights. The judiciary interprets and enforces the law, and ensures that individuals and organizations are held accountable for violations of human rights.

5. Human rights organizations: Human rights organizations play a critical role in monitoring and reporting human rights abuses, advocating for legal reforms, and providing legal assistance and support to victims of human rights violations.

In summary, the law protects human rights by establishing a legal framework for promoting and protecting human rights, providing legal recourse for victims of human rights abuses, and ensuring that governments and other actors are held accountable for violations of human rights.

State your initial point of view. Then write the other side of the story.
. What does the other side believe?


Answer: State your point of view on whatever the subject may be, and then  write the opposing view against what you have stated.


As there are 2 sides to every coin, there are usually 2 sides to an argument. This question is asking you state your side first and explain why you believe what you do, and then imagine you believe the opposite of what you just said, and explain it in the opposing view. Its all about using both perspectives.

And example could be: Climate change is real because the increase in temperature has been recorded, wildlife is being effected, the icecaps are melting, and greenhouse gases have been proven to cause increase in temperatures. (It's always best to do research and quote specifics to back up your argument).

The other side of the story would be: Climate change is a lie, during the stone age we saw a similar example when the ice age came to an end and the ice thawed out.

The difference between the narrator and the wordsmith, is that the narrator is here to tell us __________ whereas the wordsmith is here to tell us ____________.


Wordsmith= the truth

Narrator= Tehir side of the story

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