Why is 10 such an important number?


Answer 1

The integer 10 represents the end of a cycle. The decimal numeral system, which is by far the most widely used to represent numbers in both verbal written language, is based on the number ten.

What does the 10 symbol mean?

Since 10 is equal to 1, 2, 3, and 4, it is the most ideal number. This quantity represented the emergence of unity from diversity. A single point equals 1, a line equals 2 (because to the fact that a line has two endpoints), a triangle equals 3, and space equals 4. Thus, the number 10 represented all conceivable spaces.

Why is 10 a magic number?

Ten is strong, capable, and responsible. Ten is attempting again after constant learning. Ten is creative, inquisitive, and highly intelligent. Ten is capable of solving problems on his own.

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Related Questions

What is another name for a contour line?


Another name for a contour line is map line. It is a function of two variables in curved shape.

In map line, a shape line (frequently called a "form") joins points of equivalent rise (level) over a given level, for example, mean ocean level. A contour map is a guide shown with shape lines, for instance a geological guide, which consequently shows valleys and slopes, and the steepness or tenderness of slopes. The form time frame form map is the distinction in height between progressive form lines.

The inclination of the capability is generally opposite to the contour lines. At the point when the lines are near one another the greatness of the inclination is enormous: the variety is steep. A level set is a speculation of a shape line for elements of quite a few factors. Contour lines are bended, straight or a combination of the two lines on a guide portraying the crossing point of a genuine or speculative surface with at least one flat planes.

To know more about contour line, visit here:



What does if I had known mean?



This expression is used when we are talking about something we did not know in the past, but we wish had known it at the time. Our action in the past would have been different if we knew that information. This sentence pattern has exactly the same meaning as "If I had known that...". Only the word order is different

Why we study ethics in your own words is it important?


One of the reasons for studying ethics is that ethics is not a skill. Learning ethics requires one to develop skills in teaching oneself what is important.

The study of ethics helps a person to look at his life negatively and evaluate his actions/choices/decisions. to get it. learning about ethics can help us think better about ethics.

Importance of study of ethics :

the study of morality or ethics can lead us to think about the ultimate questions of life. The study of ethics helps a person to look at his life negatively and evaluate his actions/choices/decisions to get it.learning about ethics can help us think better about ethics. Ethics can help us clarify our moral position when we make decisions. It improves the feeling, and makes it more emotional and better.Studying ethics can help us broaden our perspectives. It trains our minds to think logically and rationally and solve moral problems with greater clarity. Morality becomes inevitable as human nature is 'social', living in harmony with other people and with nature around. All actions, whether one is aware of it or not, somehow or other affect others.

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What is the effect of having an unreliable narrator in "Top of the Food Chain"?



Having an unreliable narrator in a story can have several effects on the narrative and the reader's experience.

In "Top of the Food Chain," an unreliable narrator may cause the reader to question the accuracy or reliability of the events and information presented in the story. This can add an element of uncertainty or unpredictability to the narrative, as the reader may not be able to fully trust the narrator's perspective or interpretation of events.

An unreliable narrator may also add depth and complexity to the story by creating a gap between what the narrator believes or portrays and what is actually true. This can challenge the reader to critically evaluate the narrator's perspective and consider alternative interpretations of the events described in the story.


A. It leads the reader to question the narrator's views.

B. It shows the reader that the narrator is an expert on the environment.

C. It helps readers take the narrator's ideas more seriously.

D. It makes readers believe the narrator will do the right thing.

What is the key to a good essay?



There is no single "key" to a good essay, as different essays may have different goals, audiences, or requirements. However, some general principles that can help make an essay effective and well-written include having a clear and concise thesis statement, using evidence and examples to support your arguments, organizing your ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and using appropriate language and style for your audience and purpose. Additionally, proofreading and editing your work carefully can help ensure that your essay is free of errors and presents your ideas effectively.


What stage of the writing process do students focus on gathering information and determining the audience?


During prewriting stage students focus on gathering information and determining the audience.

Creating a successful article is a different process for everyone. Some writers require complete silence so as not to be distracted, while others crave noise as they work. While there's no single guide that can help you figure out what situations are best for you to write, there are steps in the writing process that help promote a cleaner and better final version. The general stages are: explore\investigate, pre-write, write, revise, and edit.

Pre-writing is the period of using tools such as freehand writing, brainstorming, sketching or grouping. Before writing, no idea is too off-topic or too weird. It is these sometimes detached ideas that can lead you to a topic on paper that you never thought of. While the common perception is that nothing has been written before, if you allow yourself to think outside the box, you can find a way to see an old topic with new eyes.

To know more about Creative writing click here:



What are the 3 stages of modernism?


Three phases of modernity are distinguished here: eurocentric, westcen- tric, and polycentric modernity.

What are the many forms of modernism?

Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism, Constructivism, de Stijl, and Abstract Expressionism are among the avant-garde movements that followed.

The slogan “Make it New” is commonly used to define a crucial element of modernism, its novelty, and is widely recognized as influential and essential in the development of modernist aesthetics.

According to modernism, humans have the ability to advance through constructing or modifying the environment via the use of science, technology, and knowledge. Modernism attempted to discover upcoming progress elements and replace them with methods that might assist them achieve their intended aims. The remaining genres are all subgenres, and even subgenres have subgenres. Prose, Drama, and Poetry are the three primary genres.

To learn more about stages of modernism to refer:



What are 3 characteristics of Beowulf?


A typical Anglo-Saxon hero "had to be strong, brave, intellectual, and humble, yet he must always keep his sorrows and worries to himself." As a warrior, the hero must always project an air of stoicism and bravery.

From the first century up to the Renaissance, which started in the 14th century, the Anglo-Saxons were significant in the early Middle Ages. Around the year 450, the Anglo-Saxons entered what is now England, and they ruled until the Norman conquest in 1066. The group was made up of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, three Germanic tribes. However, there were numerous societal developments that had an impact on literature. As an illustration, the Anglo-Saxons talked in what is now known as Old English, a blend of the local British speech and the Germanic tribal vernacular they brought with them. The Anglo-Saxon invasion began with the suppression of the Britons' native religion, Christianity. However, these Germanic tribes embraced it during the coming years. Christian principles consequently gain popularity in Anglo-Saxon literature. To be a hero in Anglo-Saxon literature and culture meant to be a warrior. A hero needed to be powerful, wise, and brave. To defend their honour and the interests of their nation, warriors had to be prepared to battle to the death. The Anglo-Saxon hero managed to be all of these things while remaining modest and kind. Beowulf is arguably the best example of an Anglo-Saxon hero in literature.

To learn more about Anglo-Saxon please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8422746


How is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a reflection of realism?


He was one of the original proponents of realism, a style of writing that aimed to faithfully reflect reality.

The characters, the locale, the social issues of the day, and the common vernacular all serve as examples of Twain's use of realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of the most well-known American authors of the nineteenth century, Mark Twain, uses realism to depict the late nineteenth-century themes of race, identity, and social standing. He continues to play a key role in American realism in defining the moral world that people live in and the significant role that environment and genetics play in shaping individual choices. The literary world of Mark Twain is simultaneously grim and humorous, highlighting the basic defects in human nature that can make people both lovable and despised.

To learn more about reality click here https://brainly.com/question/29434828


How do you use context clues to find the meanings of new words?


To use context clues to find the meanings of new words, look at the sentence the word is in and try to work out what it means based on the other hints in the sentence.

Context clues are words or phrases that provide hints to the meaning of a new word. Consider the word’s part of speech, such as a noun or verb, and look for synonyms or antonyms that could give you a clue. Also, pay attention to any words that are related to the new word, as well as any descriptions or explanations that might be provided in the sentence. Additionally, try to think of other words that you already know that might have a similar meaning. Lastly, use your own knowledge and experience to make an educated guess about the word’s meaning. Context clues can provide a great starting point for understanding the meanings of new words.

Learn more about context clues here:



How can I improve my relationship with friends?


One can improve their relationship with friends by being sincere with each other, spending time together.

Especially if you've got had troubles trusting others withinside the past. It is probably even tougher if you've got suffered trauma. Bullying, abusive friendships, emotionally manipulative relationships and overstepped obstacles are all examples of factors that make it difficult and frightening a good way to allow a person in and divulge heart's contents to them.

1) Create and capitalize on time together. 2) Be sincere with every other. 3) Show them which you care. 4) Embark on new studies together. 5) Provide guide and encouragement. 6) Treasure the little things.

To learn more about friendship check the link below:



Why is it important to define key terms?


Simply said, by defining your key terms, you will make clear the principles that underlie the terms you are using in your argument, the document you are writing, or, if they are included in a custom dictionary, the particular field the dictionary covers.

What are key terms?

You must first provide rough definitions of the main concepts before defining them. The key terms from the question should always be used. You'll probably be responding to a different topic from the one set by eliminating these. These have been identified as central concepts for you.

Key Terms refers to the area of a Cover Page that contains the essential definitions and legal terms for this Agreement that aren't covered by the Standard Terms.


To learn more about Key Terms from the given link



Why is interaction with others important?


Interaction is good because it can help a person mentally.

What does the wall symbolize?


The poetry "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost is a well-known illustration of the use of a facade as a symbol.

What does the wall portray?

The wall, which is reported to be made of stones, serves as a physical barrier between the two men and their holdings. The wall in "Mending Wall" symbolizes a number of concepts. The divide between the two guys, their individual properties, and the disparity between their worldviews are all represented by this.The poem takes place in early spring, when the speaker and his neighbour work together to repair the wall that separates their two houses.

Complete question:In the poem "Mending Wall," what does the wall stand for?

To know more about Mending wall, refer



What are 3 features of an Anglo-Saxon House?


A primitive kind of open-plan living, these little wooden homes had a straw roof and only one room inside where the entire family slept, ate, and spent time together.

North-West European Nordid subtype similar to the Tronder but with a stronger Hallstatt Nordid component is the Anglo-Saxon phenotype. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, three ancient Germanic tribes that subdued Britain in the fifth century, were related to this kind. The Anglo-Saxons constructed their own villages because they disliked the stone homes and streets that the Romans had left behind. They searched for area with an abundance of natural resources, such as food, water, and wood to build and heat their homes, and they found everything they needed in Britain's woodlands. To keep out their foes and save cattle from wolves and foxes, they built tall fences around each hamlet. The chief lived in the largest mansion in the community, which was big enough for him, all of his men, and occasionally even the oxen! Hunting trophies and war armor hung on the walls of this huge hall, which had a stone fire in the center. There were just a few tiny windows, and smoke could escape via a hole in the roof.

To learn more about  Anglo-Saxon phenotype please click on the given link:



What does iambic mean in Shakespeare?


The term "iambic" describes the particular foot that is being employed in this instance, the iamb, which in English denotes an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

Rhythm is measured in units called "foot," which are discrete groupings of syllables. The phrase refers to the rhythm, or meter, established by the words in that line.  Iamb, often known as the iambic foot, is a literary unit that consists of an unstressed syllable and a stressed syllable (de-DUM.) The word for five in Greek is pentameter. Iambic pentameter, which has a total of ten syllables, is composed of five iambs, each of which is two syllables long.

A line like this: "The bird has flown away" is an illustration of iambic meter. Iambic pentameter, to put it simply, is a metrical speaking rhythm that is inherent to the English language. Shakespeare utilized iambic pentameter because it closely mirrors the flow of daily speech, and it's likely that he did so to emulate it in his plays. Shakespeare used iambic pentameter for the majority of "Romeo and Juliet." Iambic pentameter, used to describe the type of foot in a line of poetry, also refers to the number of feet in a line. An iamb foot consists of a syllable without an accent, followed by one with an accent.

Learn more about Shakespeare Visit: brainly.com/question/7592021


What are the 4 types of rhetorical appeals?


The characteristics of an argument that make it truly persuasive are rhetorical appeals. A writer must appeal to the reader in a number of ways in order to produce a compelling argument. Logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos are the four distinct categories of persuasion.

A description of the text, the author, the audience, the purpose(s), and the setting—the five main components of a rhetorical situation. These three appeals can be used in tweets, scholarly papers, and advertisements. An automobile commercial could use humor to entice you to purchase the vehicle while also highlighting the vehicle's safety record, brand history, and reputation (pathos).

A speaker's ethos is their claim to be an authority on the subject, their logos is their justification for their position, and their pathos is their attempt to influence the listener emotionally. By constructing logical arguments, Logos appeals to the rational side of the listener. By appealing to the speaker's status or authority, ethos increases the likelihood that the audience will believe them. In order to evoke certain feelings in the audience, such as anger or sympathy, pathos uses emotional appeals.

To learn more about rhetorical Visit : brainly.com/question/518481


What does it mean when a product claims its whole-wheat?


A product claims its whole-wheat whole wheat bread's supply will rise as a result of the major producer entering the market, while its equilibrium price will drop.

Due to the big manufacturer's entry into the whole wheat market Due to the large manufacturer's increased production of bread for sale, supply will rise. Because there will be more bread available on the market compared to consumer demand, the equilibrium price will drop.

The price will decrease since the good is now less scarce when the supply of something grows more than the demand. Here, this is the situation.Due to the big producer increasing the supply of bread, the price will drop.An increase will result from the large manufacturer entering the market.

To know more about whole-wheat visit:



Why was Daisy upset on the night before her wedding?


She receives a letter from Jay Gatsby that makes her uncomfortable since it reminds her that she passed up the wealthy man over the person she truly loved.

Daisy drank herself into insanity the night before her wedding after receiving a letter from Gatsby, even though she made the decision to wed Tom after he enlisted in the military. Tom hasn't been faithful to his wife throughout their marriage, but Daisy has, it seems. She binges on alcohol and tries to throw away a pricey pearl necklace Tom gave her. She's having second thoughts about carrying Tom, and she recently got a letter that really saddened her.

She drank heavily and spoke lyrical about her love for Tom. To cancel the wedding, she became inebriated and attempted to return Tom's jewellery. Daisy, according to Jordan, had consumed alcohol. Gatsby had sent her a letter while he was away fighting in the war, which explains why. This shows that she was still in love with Gatsby during her time with Tom (during their engagement and marriage).

To learn more about wedding Visit : brainly.com/question/8276398


How is the speaker during the spring in Mending Wall?


Speaker in Mending Wall gets a little cheeky (spring will do that to you). He is determined to cause a scene and refute the adage that "good fences make nice neighbours."

He hopes that he might persuade his neighbour to reconsider the wall idea in some way. The poem explains how the speaker and a neighbour get together as part of a yearly ritual in the spring to repair a stone wall between their properties. Over the course of the poem, this ritual highlights some crucial issues as the speaker muses on the significance of interpersonal boundaries and the worth of human labour. The wall's deterioration during the springtime could represent the narrator's suppressed desire for the wall to fall down and for him to be more intimate with his neighbour, while it could, on the other hand, strengthen his desire to keep the wall up since he fixes it throughout the poem Mending Wall .

To know more about Mending Wall refer the link below :



What lies does Squealer tell the animals in Chapter 6?


Squealer in chapter 6 made a round of the farm and set the animals' minds at rest. He assured them that the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed, or even suggested.

What happens in chapter 6 of Animal Farm?

In Animal Farm Chapter 6, the animals continue to work like slaves but are content with the knowledge that their sacrifice is for the benefit of the farm and themselves. Their new freedoms, however, are gradually being eroded by Napoleon. He introduces voluntary work on Sunday afternoons. Any animal that refuses to attend has its rations reduced by half. Squealed also assured the animals and told them that the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed.

It was pure imagination, probably traceable in the beginning to lies circulated by Snowball.

Learn more about chapter, here:



4. Part A: What is the best main idea of Chapters 21-23 in The Giver?

A) Jonas regrets leaving behind The Giver.
B) Jonas forgets the memories he Received.
C) Jonas goes back to his community before he and Gabriel starve to death in the woods.
D) Jonas and Gabriel escape to Elsewhere and leave memories behind for their community.

Part B: What detail below best supports Part A above?

A) “Yet he felt it: felt that Elsewhere was not far away” Page 219
B) “he had a choice . . . he had made the wrong one . . . he was starving.” Page 217
C) “The Giver would know that Jonas had said goodbye.” Page 205
D) “Dimly, from a nearly forgotten perception as burred as the substance itself, Jonas recalled what the whiteness was.” Page 220


Answer:Part1(A)   and Part 2(b)

Explanation:Took The test

Which address is punctuated correctly?

My old address was 500 Mockingbird Lane Sioux Valley CA, 61173.

My old address was 500 Mockingbird Lane, Sioux Valley CA 61173.

My old address was 500 Mockingbird Lane, Sioux Valley, CA, 61173.

My old address was 500 Mockingbird Lane, Sioux Valley, CA 61173.​





you place a coma before the state and after the street only not between the state and zip code

have a great day

Answer: D . My old address was 500 Mockingbird lane, Sioux Valley ,CA 61173


What is the figurative meaning of good fences make good neighbors?


The saying "Good fences make good neighbors" does not actually mean that fences are excellent neighbors; rather, it is a figurative way of saying that a neighbor is good if they respect their neighbors' property.

The adage "good fences make good neighbours" was first used by Robert Frost in his poem "Mending Wall" from 1914. Although the poem may have placed a lot more focus on "grass protection," it can also be used to talk about raising a home's and other property's value. A decent fence could offer security, aesthetic value, and privacy.

According to the Houzz & Home U.S. Renovation Study for 2017, more than 50% of homeowners planning renovations this year will take on an average of three outdoor projects. The greatest of these involve constructing fences, decks, and landscaping enhancements that produce a cozy, peaceful outside hideaway.

To learn more about good side of the fence link is here



What is informative speech in your own words?


An informative speech is such kind of speech that gives information and is based on facts.

In the field of English, such a type of speech that delivers authentic information and details about a particular topic is referred to as an informative speech.

An informative speech is supported by evidence-based research and facts. The knowledge of the listeners increases about the particular topic through an informative speech. An informative speech increases the knowledge of a person about the topic through the words being delivered by the speaker.

The aim of an informative speech is to raise awareness amongst the audience about a particular topic and to teach them about the topic. An informative speech provides authentic information.

To learn more about speech, click here:



Koalas, the cuddly looking animals from eastern Australia, live in eucalyptus trees. When not climbing or napping in the trees, they are eating the leaves. A mother koala carries her baby for about six months in a pouch, much as a kangaroo mother carries her young. When the infant is old enough to come out of the mother’s pouch, it hangs on to her belly or catches a ride on her back. Which detail from the text supports Kristi’s analysis that koalas are a unique kind of mammal?


The detail from the text that supports koalas are a unique kind of mammal is Koalas climb eucalyptus trees and eat the leaves.

What do you mean by Mammals?

Mammals may be defined as any member of the class of vertebrate animals in which the young are nurtured with milk from unique mammary glands.

According to the context of this question, Koalas live in eucalyptus trees. When not climbing or napping in the trees, they are eating the leaves. A mother koala carries her baby for about six months in a pouch, much as a kangaroo mother carries her young.

Therefore, the detail from the text that supports koalas is a unique kind of mammal Koalas climb eucalyptus trees and eat the leaves.

To learn more about Mammals, refer to the link:



What do the word parenthetical mean?


A word, clause, or sentence introduced into a text as an explanation or qualification is known as a parenthesis or parenthetical phrase in rhetoric.

The text would still be grammatically correct without the parenthesis. Parenthetical expressions are typically separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, dashes, or round brackets. To balance out additional information in a statement, parenthetical punctuation is employed in pairs. Commas, dashes, and parentheses are some of the punctuation symbols used for parenthetical punctuation (called "round brackets" in the UK). A parenthesis is an additional piece of information that is offset by parenthetical punctuation.

An "(s)" is added to the end of a single word to denote that the phrase may apply to one or more category members, forming a parenthetical plural. The technique leads to significant drafting issues.

To know more about parenthetical, click on the link below:



I know this is probably super easy but im having a brain fart and i cant even SEE anymore sooooooooooo please help..
Thankq in advance!! The question is:
The primary meaning of a term of expression is its___.
For more of an idea of what its asking, here are the choices:

connotative meaning
literal meaning
symbolic meaning


Answer: It would be literal meaning!

What does the black man want summary?


In What a Black Man Wants by Frederick Douglass, Douglass angrily demands the freedom to vote that every American deserved.

What A Black Man Wants By Frederick Douglass Analysis?Immediately after the Civil War, America was in ruins. There were numerous groups, each with a strong, divergent view of how things ought to be. However, the majority of groups shared the same viewpoint: minimizing the rights of African Americans. In terms of legal rights, freed slaves enjoyed very little freedom, were perceived as inferior by most people, and encountered peril wherever they went. Although the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln technically freed slaves, African Americans hardly received any more rights than paid slaves.African Americans' freedoms were severely constrained during Reconstruction. Voting, relationships, employment, the possession of firearms, and other freedoms enjoyed by white people were subject to stringent restrictions. After being freed and becoming citizens, African Americans endured years of being denied the right to vote.

To learn more about vote refer to:



According to haidri, what is her purpose in writing this essay?


The essay was written with the intention of educating readers about the fact that not all traditions we follow are beneficial.

Jackson wants people to consider the true significance of their holidays and customs and determine whether what they are doing is indeed right or wrong. With "The Lottery," Shirley Jackson aimed to portray common citizens of small-town America engaging in wicked deeds without any ulterior motives or even any motives at all. Many Americans at the time of the story's initial publication, shortly after the Second World War, thought that the crimes done by Nazi Germany could never have occurred in the USA. Jackson offers a logical explanation for how these occurrences could have happened.

The theme of the lottery is mindlessly adhering to tradition. The lottery is only taken part in by the characters out of tradition and not for any other reason. The Lottery dehumanizes the people in the story, or at least one of them by stoning her. Tessie is not treated with dignity when she is stoned; rather, she is treated like an animal that is being sacrificed. The neighboring towns have stopped taking part in this custom, and Mr. Summers is the only one who appears to understand the significance of the Lottery.

Learn more about Haidri visit: brainly.com/question/26852519


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