Why does the US have multiple time zones?


Answer 1

They have multiple time zones because it wouldn't make sense if its 2:00 am in America and dark out and in russia at 2:00 am (assuming no time zones) would be in daylight.

Why does the US have multiple time zones?

The concept of a time zone stems from the desire to have the local time always correspond to the amount of daylight available. Most people consider the middle of the day, or high noon, to be the time when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.

Obviously, perceptions of this state would differ across the globe, and the sun would appear to be at its highest point in Europe at a different time of day than it would appear to be front and center in the United States. Setting time zones facilitates this desire.

Time zones are set up based on an agreed-upon starting point, which is known.

To learn more about multiple time zones refer to:



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A passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verbs action. And an example of a passive voice is: "the ball was thrown by the pitcher" the ball (subject) receives the action of the verb

C) dan jumped the fence to get to the playing field.

hope this helps you☺️☺️

Read these lines from Shel Silverstein’s poem Sick.

“I cannot go to school today,”
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.

What makes these two lines a couplet instead of just two lines from a poem?
a.They are very short.
b.They have a regular rhythm.
c.They are someone’s speech.
d.Their final syllables rhyme.





Because Kay and Today ends with ay

Which quotation shows that the narrator
changed his mind?
A. Never any young adventurer's
misfortunes, I believe, began sooner, or
continued longer than mine.
B I was most inexpressibly sick in body and
terrified in mind.
C began now seriously to reflect upon
what I had done
D All the good counsels of my parents, my
father's tears and my mother's
entreaties, came now fresh into my mind


The correct answer is B- i was most inexpressibly sick in body and terrified in mind

reorder the sentence parts to state the ideas more clearly


we don’t have a chance of winning today if we don’t find some way to stand out :)





depened on howthye act, if they are you know mean, then f them, but if they are cool so be it.



They're fine.


people are people ig

15 points and Brainlist please help

The outsiders chapter 12



Here ya go!


1. B

2. B

3. Not sure about this one; Either A, B, or D

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. True

10. True

Let me know what you got!

What's the difference between a Flyer and a Pamphlet?​



Flyers are typically a single, one-sided page design that offers information on a single event or announcement. Flyers are smaller scale than pamphlets or brochures and contain fewer words. Flyers are generally a cheap way to quickly get information about an announcement to a large audience.


3. Identify the finite verb/s in the following sentence: After singing with
great enthusiasm, our team won the coveted spirit cup.
A. 'singing'
B. 'won'
C. 'coveted'
D. 'singing' and 'won'
E. 'won' and 'coveted'




The finite verbs in the sentence are:

B. "won"


Finite verbs are the ones that convey person, number, and tense. These verbs will change according to the message we wish to convey and the context. On the other hand, non-finite verbs do not show tense, number, or person. They are verbs in the infinitive form, or gerunds and participles. Having that in mind, we can choose letter B as the correct option. "Won" conveys the past tense and refers to "our team", a third-person subject.

Note: watch out for "coveted". It is a participle that is being used as an adjective. It cannot be considered a finite verb.

Which word in this passage is an intensive pronoun



D. himself


The intensive/reflexive pronouns include myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Furthermore, an intensive pronoun is defined as a pronoun that ends in “self” or “selves” and places emphasis on its antecedent.

Brainlist Pls!

Which of these is Eliza's thesis statement?
If you have ever struggled with indigestion or had an after-dinner tummy ache, it's probably no surprise to you that some foods can be significantly harder for some people to digest than others.
You can add them to your diet gradually by putting them in soups and other fluid-heavy dishes that will help you digest them.
For this reason, it is also important to limit fried food in your diet.
The only way to build up this enzyme is by—you guessed it—eating more beans!



A. If you have ever struggled with indigestion or had an after-dinner tummy ache, it's probably no surprise to you that some foods can be significantly harder for some people to digest than others.


A because it is the most explained and most reasonable to be a thesis statement.

the answer would be A

Our ways of communicating in the future will most likely change because of:
A. a population decrease.
B. increased isolation.
C. changes in mental capabilities.
O D. technological advancements.



d. technology


technology is improving every year.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people t dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the
powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.'
These lines from the Declaration of Independence are an example of the use of





Your uncle and aunt own a shop which is busy and successful. You sometimes help in the shop during your holidays. Write a letter to your friend about the shop and your experience of working there



Letter to a friend about my work experience at my uncle's shop.


ABC Apartments

New Jersey

12 January 2016

My dear friend Sam,

It's been a while that I've written to you. I hope you are doing well. I am also doing fine.

I wanted to tell you about my summer experience working at my aunt and uncle's shop during the summer holidays. I didn't think much of it until I started working.

At first, it was just to help them out however I can and then look for a summer job for the holidays. But once I saw how the business was dealt with and the many elements of being a business owner, I was intrigued and decided that this shop would be my summertime job.

My aunt and uncle owned a supermarket, with all things available, from vegetables to toys to stationaries to other food items. And they are successful, with their shop being the only supermarket available around their neighborhood.

So, once I started working there, helping them out, I decided that it is best to learn about business and the inner workings from the ones I trust too. My uncle explained every part of the business, while my aunt helped me understand the importance of customer service. And through them, I learned a lot about the many aspects of running a business. It also gave me a new, fresh view of what business implies, and now, I have a deeper interest in the school's curriculum. I am even thinking of pursuing business courses once in college.

So, you see, the summer job wasn't just a part-time, temporary job for me. It was also a business class, an internship, and a real-time experience about entrepreneurship and owning one's own business. This summer wasn't so bad after all.

I know you might think it's boring but you'll see and understand once you come. I will make sure that we will experience that again together whenever you visit.

Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

Lots of love,


Partly as an act of rebellion and protest against God, Elie
refuses to fast on Yom Kippur.





yo no se que dises yo soy español

If you were to open up a clothing company business, how many hours would you be open ?



like per week or per day?



12 hours a day maybe from 9 to 9 if i had employees tha could work those shifts


Select the correct answer
Which statement from the excerpt expresses the author's overall claim?
A. This destruction is often performed with the thought that it is the property that holds the true value, not the structure that sits on it
B. The modern philosophy of "out with the old, in with the new" has been used and abused for years.
C. Little regard is given to the innate beauty of hand-carved woodwork and ornamentation
D. It is bad enough that developers and private citizens are blind to the beauty around them...


Answer: B , the modern philosophy of “out with the old, in with the new “ has been used and abused for years


Got it right

The statement from the excerpt that expresses the author's overall claim is, The modern philosophy of "out with the old, in with the new" has been used and abused for years.

What is claim?

Claim refers to an affirmation of something without proof.

Because the excerpt claim how everything has been modified and now all the old things are out of style, it's now the time for new things to be used and something new should come out and spread all around the United States. As new development has begun, all the historical architecture has been destroyed, and new buildings and homes are taking their place, and we are not able to save or protect that old historical architecture. And with new development, people have forgotten about their historical and artistic history and legacy. We do not realize that all old things are getting lots of new life with new developments. The statement from the excerpt that expresses the author's overall claim is, "The modern philosophy of "out with the old, in with the new" has been used and abused for years.

Hence the correct option is, B. The modern philosophy of "out with the old, in with the new" has been used and abused for years.

To know more about claim:



PLEASE Answer!!! Due!
Talking about Lord of The Flies (Book):
What are 2 inferences that can be made about the following quote from the story?
"Not them. Didn't you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They're all dead."



You could probably figure out that the boys in the story are English schoolboys, and were more than likely being evacuated from their home country to escape the possibility of atomic warfare. (Does this help?)

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Would you rather have a leave of absence than a vacation?


Which sentence is correct?
A. The dog fascinated by the bat.
B. The bat fascinated the dog flapping wildly.
C. The bat flapping its wings wildly in the fireplace fascinated the dog.
D. The wildly flapping bat fascinated in the fireplace



the correct answer is C lol


This is the correct answer because it makes more sense. The other sentences make no sense. The first sentence should be The dog is fascinated by the bat. The second sentence and last sentence made no sense cause well how can a bad be fascinated in a fireplace. hopefully this helps u

The answer is the bat flapping its wings wildly in the fireplace fascinated the dog. C

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Answer and Explanation:

The term "screen time" refers to the time when people use electronic devices such as computers, smartphones and televisions. During the socially distant and restrictive measures that we are currently experiencing, we can consider that we became more dependent on these devices which caused our screen time to increase significantly. In my case, I usually spend more time using these devices than before, since it is not possible to do any activity outside the home. In this case, the sense of "being online" has changed for me, since before, we stayed online only when we were unoccupied. However, nowadays, we are online to work, to study, to communicate with people and for entertainment, which allows us to be online all the time and not just in a few moments.

who here does penn foster


Hiiiiiiiiii I need new friends like so bad bleh

Answer: trying to finish the high school program with Penn Foster. math is evil :P

Explanation: because i didn't finish and want to and i don't get along with math :( because math is a bully :P

Lizzie has 75 cents in her pocket. Jessica has 48 cents. How much more money does Lizzie have then Jessica



27 cents


One way to solve this problem is to use an algebraic equation. Since the question is asking for the difference use subtraction, then set up the equation like 75-48=x, where x is the difference. So the answer is 27 cents. To check you can add 27 back to 48; you should get 75, which proves 27 is the correct answer.


27 cents



6. "Fetch me this herb, and be thou here again ere the ____ can swim a league."

Out of the words changeling, livery, darkling, remenice, troth, collied, brakes, buskined, leviathan, and condole, which one is the right word to fill in the blank?




Hope this helps :)

1. Write a paragraph. This is a personal opinion.
How do changes around us reveal who you are?
(25 Points)


Changes around us cause us to act differently. Some people don't act well around changes and others do. I personally don't act well around changes. Different causes and affects can make people act different. For example moving is a change and some people will act happy and positive where as others would be sad or angry.

Changes around us reflect our true character as we navigate through life's shifting landscapes, with our reactions and adaptability revealing our attitudes, values, and capacity for growth. Whether embracing or resisting change, these shifts act as mirrors, offering glimpses into the essence of who we truly are.

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a distinct section of writing that focuses on a particular topic or idea. It is a group of related sentences that work together to express a central theme or convey information. A well-structured paragraph typically begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that provide details, examples, explanations, or evidence. The sentences within a paragraph are logically connected and contribute to the overall coherence and flow of the writing. Paragraphs help to organize and structure written text, allowing readers to easily follow the writer's thoughts and arguments.

Here in the question,

Changes around us have a unique way of revealing who we are at our core. As we navigate through the shifting landscapes of life, our reactions, choices, and adaptability reflect our true character. When faced with unexpected circumstances, some may embrace change with open arms, demonstrating resilience and a willingness to embrace new experiences. Others may resist change, holding tightly to familiarity and displaying a preference for stability. These reactions unveil our attitudes, values, and levels of flexibility. Moreover, how we engage with the evolving world showcases our capacity for growth and self-awareness. Whether we embrace change, fear it, or find ourselves somewhere in between, the shifts that surround us act as mirrors, providing glimpses into the depths of our being and illuminating the essence of who we truly are.

Therefore, As we travel through life's altering landscapes, changes around us reflect our true character, with our responses and flexibility showing our attitudes, values, and capacity for growth. Changes operate as mirrors, reflecting back to us the essence of who we really are, whether we embrace it or oppose it.

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Max Mayfield in case you're wondering, plays the harmonica.

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indicative that "Written at the
Close of Spring" was a
product of the Age of
A. Its chaotic
B. It's very structured
C. It's pastoral
D. It has a loose rhyming stucture


B. It’s very structured is the correct answer

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He didn’t gain experience

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i need more details to answer this question
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